Funmi Iyanda talks about the time her T.B Joshua interview tape disappeared | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 20 September 2014

Funmi Iyanda talks about the time her T.B Joshua interview tape disappeared

Award-winning broadcaster Funmi Iyanda took to twitter this afternoon to share her weird encounter with T.B Joshua many years back and also talks about how the tape that recorded her two-hour interview with him mysteriously disappeared at her office. See more tweets after the cut...


  1. Replies
    1. Save yourself first, then God will complement.

  2. Yeah, sister Funmi is dam rit. That's 9ja for u my sister.
    ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  3. stories about pastor TB are yet to come out. why would one steal an interview tape???? nawa oooo

  4. And she decided to share this 7 years later and right after a building in d church collapsed. Wonderful

  5. Is only almighty God that knows his true worshipers.

  6. U hav state ur point here, *confused*

  7. If a man would not find God himself, and listen to hear the voice speaking in his own heart, he will be degraded and humiliated in his search for God through other men.

  8. What exactly is her point here, is she for or against TB joshua? And why wud someone steal the tape what exactly is the content of the tape that what we want to hear.#simple#

  9. One thing I do know for show is that Nigerians take religion to the extreme, we are too religious and our hearts are so wicked.

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  10. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Soooo is she trying to say that..... *lip sealed*......

  11. enough of this "prophet" already..

  12. I agree with Funmi Iyanda.....most of them build mansions instead of people....God is exposing them....first Chris Oyakhilome and now T.B. Joshua....God is at work

  13. comment na onli you waka come.

  14. Crawl on their knees! God have mercy

  15. U hav nt state ur point here

  16. Carcass of broken lives.....

  17. Funmi, wat was weird about d interview u had wit T.B joshua?pls tell us.

  18. And what exactly is Funmi trying to say here? Who exactly is confused about the lost tape?

  19. Have always thought T.B to be a strange pastor,God forgive me if am wrong! I get negative vibes wen I c him.

  20. But his entire ministry has been majorly about charity work? So where is all this coming from?

  21. That church is more than the eyes can see. a lot of evil going on there. there is a very strong power in the church once u enter it takes the grace of God to get out. I won't be surprised if the collapse building that kill people is for some kind of sacrifice.

  22. Will u stop writing nonsense about good man of God n take k of ur tiny self... u pple are tired of blaspheming to close down synagogue instead d church is growing stronger now is now physical attack on him and members but God will expose all of you and continue to glorify himself through TBJ. So keep ur useless n false write up to ur self.

  23. @2006 she was 25, does dt mean she is "33" now?? All I knw is dt pastor chrs oyakilome wud be delighted dt d blog light switched from hs divorce drama to synagogue predicaments.... Sides how many pastors hv sent out a consoling msg to synagogue?NONE!! Buh dy r all acting lyk God's appointed judges... If you wana slander/air some facts about someone, do it with proof..... Not basing your judgMnts on ur stuPid instincts, hunch,hearsay,etc..... This isn't 1990 anymore..#cheEzyjayne

  24. Everybody is using dix TB. Joshua predicament to get some words put out in d media
    Plz ppl,dnt bank On another's predicament as a means of getting attention or airing ur opinion
    Why didn't she say sumtin abt d missing tape since until now


  25. Why would he conduct an interview with you in the first place if his intention was for it not to be released and have it stolen? Are u someone he would try to please? And for what purpose?

  26. Funmi very true. That man T.B Joshua is EVIL.

  27. TB Joshua and his henchmen stole the tape.They are all criminals in that church.

  28. bitch please why did you wait till the building collapsed hate people that try to spill dirt when people are low and hanging FDB

  29. Very correct! Pple r now brain washed to worshipping pastors not God.. it's sad

  30. That church is more than the eyes can see. a lot of evil going on there. there is a very strong power in the church once u enter it takes the grace of God to get out. I won't be surprised if the collapse building that kill people is for some kind of sacrifice.

  31. Amen Funmi and may He grant the lost the wisdom to find the path back to sanity.

  32. I wish I gave a damn about her rants, buh why shd I take d words of a woman who has "helped" pple and still hasn't found herself, seriously? Plsss

  33. TB Joshua and his henchmen stole the tape.They are all criminals in that church.

  34. Hmmmmmm. Its gud to know d God u'r serving.

  35. Good day funmi,
    Don't make popularity out of what the man of God is going through,you know this all while cant you say it.

  36. It is pleasing to see that there are still sane people among the populace who can think logically. Thank you Funmi Iyanda for not holding back these comments. Quite disheartening to see many Nigerians be led like sacrificial lambs by these so called religious institutions.

  37. Na U sabi....only God judges...wateva we re doing in secret is widely opened to God...and nobody knw who's who until dat last while we re still on dis earth,he hasn't given us d authority to judge anyone#iroko#

  38. I don't believe in whatever comes out from that man's mouth. With time the truth will unfold

  39. Hhmmn... Bitter Truth!

  40. I know this man is up to something
    Just few pastor are real & genuine in Nigeria


  41. Well spoken Funmi...

  42. Oh Funmi I wish I could hug you right now. My sentiments exactly. These guys prey on people's weaknesses,
    Vulnerability, insecurities and personal problems. Gosh, the way Christianity is in Nigeria is now like a war/fight. It gets you tired. People forget and lose sight, focus and faith. They no longer have faith in God and rather chase after these pastors. If you have faith in God and pray and you believe, then God will answer. You do not need any man.

  43. Funmi, you may not like the person and manner of Prophet T. B. Joshua. That is normal. We are all different. But stop being biased towards him. You are just cooking up assumptions. How would you feel if some other person cooked up similar assumptions about your life and work?

  44. Hummmm

  45. Well said.... GOD save us all.

  46. So wat d hell re u trying to prove madam,abeg take several seat joor

    ######### LIB my bad habit########

  47. So what's she trying to say now
    Yappy first comment

  48. May God punish them all, I don't blame the smart pastors I blame the MORONS who follow them...

  49. Wasn't getting her point until d last tweet.. Yes,and its going to take years for Nigerians to get over this religion madness. I'm not saying u shudnt serve who u wanna,but when its obsessive and taken over our logical reasoning? Something is definitely wrong

  50. My thoughts exactly!!!

  51. Funmi o.God bless you.Linda an audio has emerged o where TB Joshua was heard bribing journalists with 50k concerning the collapsaed building.Pls confirm abeg

  52. We are on the same thought exactly about all this pastors. am a christain,the way things are going in all this various churches makes me wanna question these pastors credibility.May God help us all

  53. you just said the truth. let them keep worshipping their pastors. nonsense

  54. OK nowww.I HV always said dis,DAT all dis men of God are out dia to make money n not to serve God.I will sit back n watch da drama unfold

  55. i reserved my feelings toward pst TB & the church,#GODCANNOTBEMOCKED#THAT AKWA IBOM BOY#

  56. I totally agree with Aunty Funmi iyanda.

  57. What a story...GOD dey

  58. A few "miracles" here a few prophecies there and you have people worshiping you. Shows how spiritually naïve people still are. People do not want God but what He can give they end up with the counterfeit

  59. Lives are broken here.You remain in UK where lives are unbroken,come back home and mend lives.

  60. And to those who wud attack her,. She spoke of her personal experience and her mind!.. #onlyGodknwhispeople!.. #teamchris

  61. Funmi shut up ure nt 33yrs old

  62. All I can say dem sabi o. #####QUEENMAYA#####

  63. On the last tweet there are religous cults all over the world that use mind control on there congregations. People have to be thought to be strong to resist or be delivered from it

  64. Thank you very much funmi. I pray for God's protection toward you because he will start to witch hunt you. May God Almighty deliver our people from evil manipulators like tb Joshua and all his likes deceiving nigerians and african

  65. That is to show how careless u are idiot

  66. janolala19yahoocom20 September 2014 at 16:20

    That is to show how careless u are idiot

  67. Linda next please ... by


  69. How many people does she want TB Joshua to build. Is it students in world acclaimed universities or job creation to people of diverse religion or distribution of millions of food items to all Nigerian regardless of tribes or feeding of the elderly people across the world. She should shot up and sort out her life

  70. Within these few couple of weeks, the wind of exposure has been blowing around the country and the tide has been against the so called Thin gods called "great pastors and prophets". It started with Pastor Chris, next prophet t. b, Joshua, and this one that always look like IFA chief priest in his dressings "Oritsejafor". Like the bible says judgement shall start in the household of God. Time for deep reflection has come.

  71. 1.The warning against false teachers

    Christ then said, "Beware of false prophets" (Matthew 7:15). For every true prophet calling people to the narrow way, are a multiplicity of false prophets calling people to the broad way that leads to destruction. Christ’s warning [about false teachers] was not new. Deuteronomy 13:1-5 documents the presence of false teaching during the days of Moses. In Isaiah 30:9-14 chronicles its existence in the kingdom of Judah. There are many warnings about false teachers in Scripture.1. 2 John 7–John said, "Many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ cometh in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist."

    2. Romans 16:17-18–Paul said, "I beseech you, brethren, mark them who cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own body, and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the innocent." They are dangerous because they claim to be from God and to speak God’s Word.

    3. Jeremiah 5:31–God said, “The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means, and my people love to have it so."

    4. Jeremiah 14:14–God said, "The prophets prophesy lies in my name. I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spoke unto them; they prophesy unto you a false vision."

    2. The description of false teachers

    False teachers are dangerous because their deception is damning. And it comes from that most damning deceiver of all, Satan, who disguises himself as an angel of light and his servants as ministers of righteousness (2 Cor. 11:13-15). Some false teachers are heretics–those who openly reject the Word of God and teach contrary to it. Others are apostates–those who once followed the faith but have since turned away. Then there are deceivers who pretend to still believe the truth. They want to look like orthodox fundamental evangelical Christians, but they are liars.

    3. The revelation of false teachers

    In Matthew 7:16 Jesus says, “Ye shall know them by their fruits.” It’s not what they say but what you see in their lives that matters. A false teacher cannot produce good fruit because evil cannot produce good (v. 17).

    False teachers will produce evil fruit, but they will try to cloak it. Inevitably they hide their bad fruit under ecclesiastical garb or isolate it from accountability. People can’t get near enough to them to see the reality of their lives. Some of them hide their evil fruit under a holy vocabulary or an association with fruitful Christians. Some of them cover their evil fruit with biblical knowledge. But they can’t hide it from everyone all the time. If you closely examine a false teacher, you will see his evil fruit.

  72. Media hmmm, i guess you died since the encounter, lost of tape and just resurrected now that he is going pain. @amfestus

  73. "How can we be alert to the infiltration of false teachers? Ask yourself these questions about the Bible teachers you encounter.

    A. How Is the Teacher Using Scripture?

    Is there error in his understanding of Scripture? Is his interpretation sound? Is it biblical? Is it legitimate? Don’t look at his personality. Don’t look at the religious trappings. Don’t only look only at his associations, although that will tell you something if those associations are negative. Listen to what he says. Do what 1 John 4:1 says: test him to see if he’s from God. What is his approach to Scripture? Is he teaching things that go beyond Scripture? Is he saying things that sound good but you can’t find verses to support it?

    B. What Is the Teacher’s Goal?

    Does he have a spiritual goal? Is his primary desire in life to produce people who consummately love God? Or is he characterized by self-love, self-aggrandizement, possessiveness, and materialism? What is his objective? Is it love for God and for everyone else? Is his objective holiness, a pure heart, a good conscience, and faith without hypocrisy?

    C. What Is the Teacher’s Motive?

    Does he demonstrate a selfless motive? Can you see humility, meekness, and selflessness in his life? Or does it appear that while he’s helping others he is also becoming quite wealthy? Is he self-indulgent at the expense of the people he is supposed to be ministering to?

    D. What Is the Teacher’s Effect?

    Does his followers clearly understand the gospel of Jesus Christ? Do they understand the proper use of the law?

    Check his doctrine, check his goal, check his motive, and check his followers. As you do, you’ll sense the need for urgency in dealing with false teachers."

  74. true talk.....jinsenin's

  75. Stupid broadcaster..

  76. Taofeek Joshua shld just know God is not mocked. Same with oyakhilome. What both of these ministers use to spellbound their flocks is exactly what hit them hard in the face to show they are flesh and very human/normal like u and me. Nuff said

  77. So why are u telling us now,no one is crawling on the floor to anybody and if u were really there,i don't think he will take notice of you,he has more shit to deal with.stop procrastinating and try winning souls yourself if u think it's that easy.did u even pray this morning.piece of shit.irritating set of people.

  78. BIG BOSS ( AKA BIG MONEY BAG)20 September 2014 at 16:42

    Funmi, thanks a billion. It is so frustrating and irritating how people practically worship religious leaders instead of God.

    Millions of Nigerians wake up and head straight to church, they won't leave till 12noon, only to return back there at 6pm. They only go back home at 8pm. Do you k now what they are looking for? MIRACLE!

    The time they are meant to use submitting their CV or looking for clients, they will be lazily looking for Miracles that don't exist.

    One criminal glutton will seat and be brain washing his sheep's (congregation) that once they pay their tithe and give offering, the gate of Heaven will automatically open and wealth will flow down on the dump sheep's.


  79. Na only God go judge T.B Joshua......Dear Libers My name is Juliet pls I need job I can do any house work and more pls help me. Linda abeg Abeg I sent you a mail.pls help me... My number is number is 08027634424

  80. what is she insinuating..Tb joshua is a humanitarian,he help a lot of people..he have only one church building,no other branch..the structure in his church worth it..what is she even trying to say..

  81. meaning what wat is ms iyanda saying dat tb disappeared the tape after all he gave her permission to do the recording wen bad things happen people start talkign thrash ms iyanda shut the hell up if u aint got nothing to say ur a seasoned media personality u of all people dont believe in such hoax

  82. When you like someone you are blind to his faults.i like TB so funmi I no de follow you

  83. Sometimes I wonder if all these pastors or so called church leaders as an individual truely believe in God, heaven & hell

  84. I know bible said "don't judge" but Up till date am not seeing the synagogue church of christ and TB joshua as a real man of God.. #mytots#Heaven knows...... QUEENET

  85. thanks for the review. I agree that nation building is not about the construction/physical structure of a church or house. it is the capacity to build right minds.

  86. The combination of ignorance and desperation can be very dangerous. #Bring Back Our Honour#

  87. Our God is Ǧ☺☺ϑ he's not asleep that's all I know Ƒσя now. RIP Dead Bodies

  88. Shut up old fool,why not go and tell adeboye nd oyedepo to start building people,retards like u re jst looking for an opportunity to say balderdash,I dunno wat dis man has done to u guys to deserve all ds criticism almost all his wealth is given bak to d society,who can decide to start building expensive universities like odas,its so obvious d collapse was an attack..nonsense!

  89. Every dick and harry now talk nonsense. Image this useless girl comment. Tbj does not only build life he save life and deliver people all around the world. He is a philanthropist. Stop been jealous small girl.

  90. Wow funmi, you could not have summarised it better! Thanks for speaking for some of us!

  91. Evri tom dick and harry trying so hard to pull dis man down..keep trying fools..............................#KingOfKings

  92. TB Joshua- d definition of fake

  93. Funmi u r correct. '..carcass of pples broken lives...' very sad situation. Ça va?

  94. so what her message? attention seeking old thing.,

  95. The last tweet is just so so correct

  96. This is cheap by funmi iyanda standard, this is nothing But hitting below d belt. If you about evidence of this man's "evilness " , kindly avail us with same.

  97. This devil is just attacking TB Joshua left right and center.

    Meanwhile, crawling on knees to talk to him? Even Jesus didn't require such kissing of ass. The Nigerian poor and pious don't know their own worth.


  98. LMAO illuminati pastor....DaJaX

  99. So meni pipo re blind n lost all in d name of miracle...May GOd elp us all,amen.


  101. May GOD truly save us all o! My spirit neva liked him till now,my anuty whnt der and fell ill whn she came bck till now she's still on bed she cnt walk well. Itswell

  102. Funmi speaks the truth, Nigerians are religious fanatics to their own detriment.

  103. I have been really trying to avoid any ish dat consens him and his church here sinc o. But LINDA no won make d tori die

  104. I have never believed that this man was real. He's only a GOOD scammer!

  105. She should explain more. I know this is a trying period for a pastor who experienced such even if it is not Joshua ppl will still talk. The professionaprofessionals involved in erecting that building should've held responsible and hv 70% of the blames apportion to them. I am not their member but jjust my view

  106. Well said Madame Iyanda. Nigerians are so gullible with their pastors it is sad.

  107. na God go judge TB Joshua

  108. You for don talk am since jare. I understand sha.

    Blood sucking vampires hiding under the umbrella of 'Pastors'
    God will expose you all...this is just the beginning.


  109. Their is something secret and weird about this man. Why would people kneel and crawl to meet and speak to him. Is he God? His end is surely near.

  110. Amen my dear! God save us all ooO!!

  111. So finally this man is fake ooooo
    Nothing has shocked me as much as this news...

    Tb joshua you will never go unpirnished, god has a way of doing his things sha...

    And for those of u who worship men rather dan god, serves ya'all ryt

  112. Crazy tweet from Funmi Iyanda why didn't she come out to say this before the church building collapse.She mention building people....I put this question to you Funmi Iyanda how many people have you build yourself? People that are suppose to be talking about building people someone like Ali Baba he will forever be bless.

  113. People looking lost in search of light. People crawling from the door to meet T.B Joshua to speak to him. Is he God? Is this not madness? T.B Joshua is a murderer. He deserves to die.

  114. Na really wah,don't no wot to believe.

  115. I thought christians are not to criticize their leaders and when we talked they called us boko haram. I guess the truth is coming to light, what is a man of God doing with so much money? What do they need it for? What is a man of God doing with a private jet? As a muslim with firm believe in the principles and teaching of Jesus, its hard to believe that dis pastor actually preach about Jesus to their followers. The collapse of the building was an act of God of which T.B joshua himself has no control over, I think they should be more careful next time when erecting a building, make sure right materials were used and its complys with lay down rules and regulations.

  116. God bless u funmi for this fact.

  117. God forgive you Funmi.

  118. Well spoken. Her last comment. Couldn't have said it better myself

  119. From time past I have always been a huge fan of funmi iyanda. That is one lady who knows her onion. Who never misses when she hits the nail on the head,

  120. God wil judge u idoit, na 2 day u remember say u being interview TB.

  121. Hmmmm na wa oooooo, only Baba God na him sabi everything!!

  122. Seriously.....olorun kuu suru.

  123. Y must she talk abt it now, y ddnt she say it since,abeg she shud go n sleep

  124. If u dont know what to say,why not keep your mouth shut,and stop saying what u dont know,because i have been there severally,and crawling to great is yoruba culture or were u not trained in yoruba land??

  125. Nawa ooooo dia is God

  126. What is this homo saying? Where is religion regulated? Your spirit is not strong, he's just trying to be nice, better you stare clear of people like religious leaders, their servants are ready to do anything to anyone who insult them.

  127. This lady is insane

  128. Pls stop blabbing about things you don't understand cos they are higher than you, the reason y dey are der in the first place is cos dey are lost n dey are der to discover who they are in christ n for ur information its not instant but takes consistent feeding on the word!!!!!! Faith comes by hearing n hearing by the word of God.

  129. Yes. That time you were young and foolish. You should have made a second copy of the interview before leaving it at the office.
    If the building had not collapsed you will not have mentioned it?

  130. Fumi pls go and sleep stop judging man of God,u that is supporting gay in Nigeria are u better off

  131. Fumi pls go $ sleep,stop judging man of God,u Dats supporting gay in Nigeria are u better off

  132. Your statement on religion can be simply put as an 'opium of the masses' This was propounded long ago by Karl Max. Due to the impoverished dictates of our daily existence we seek succor from charlatans who prey on our naivety which had also been encouraged by the government failure to put the basic things right for all.

  133. Very true, d devil has crept into our life tru religion

  134. May God bless your soul Funmi..... A million hugs

  135. Since 1997... why is she just voicing out? was she under some spell or did she take an oath not to spill till 2014? God have mercy on all, Amen.

  136. Nonsense lady, talking nonsense.
    Tbj not only build human capacity he also save life, deliver, love and a cheerful giver. He is a philanthropist and a prophet of God.
    stop showing hate small girl.

  137. Story for the gods. We didn't hear of then, why now?

  138. May GOD forgives us all.

  139. Liar Oshi!! Linda why dont u go nd see for urself..? Pple dont crawl on their knees to get in!!! Ha!!, seeing is believing... Nd stop this once and for all

  140. it looks like T.B.Joshua is not a saint afterall .I never liked him from day one, how can tree and waterfall be inside a church ? very strange....... ##doropretty

  141. U have said it all my sister

  142. Hope dis lady knows wot she is saying ohhhhh. Coz som of dem may jus want to talk in oda to be back on spotlight.

  143. Iyanda, you are absolutely correct..... This is man is falsehood man of God....

  144. That is why everyone should have a ' personal' relationship with God. However churches cannot be ruled out because we are commanded not to forsake the 'gathering together' of saints.

  145. I wonder why the person felt the need to steal the interview tape. After all, he granted that interview. As for the last tweet, I agree 100%. Religion here feeds FAT on broken lives. I even commend TB Joshua for his charities. Many of our pastors do not know the meaning of that word CHARITY. They believe everything should come to them and the church and they don't believe in giving back to the needy from their purse.

  146. I have said it before and I ll say it again. Our problem in nigeria is that most xtians worships their pastors and not God,they see and hear God through the eyes of their pastors which is wrong. A xtian should study to show himself approved,you must know the scriptures and be ables to know and hear from God when you are been taught heresy. Walk with the holy spirit,and your spirit will always minister to you when you re in the wrong congregation.

    Mercy and Grace

  147. Thank you, Funmi. You've said it all. Nigerians...playing the religious fools since year 1AD.

    I'm happy to have escaped from that trap.

  148. Thank God for people like you Funmi, you are not blind to religious not to say your mind, or what people will say about you. They use religion to divide us, to their advantage. And the supposed men of God have seen our weaknesses, they now explore it and direct us the way they want. If I can contribute to an association, but when I need the association, I am on my own and I will need deliverance or it is that time the association will know that I am being followed by my family or someone somewhere did not want me to make it in life . I ask, why didn't they see all of that when I was contributing? Food for thought my people, religious jingoism will not move us forward. The whites and the Arabs that introduce these religions are living their normal live, while we wallow in the soul of our 'men of God'. God bless us all.

  149. TB Joshua is just a sorcerer with friends in high places

  150. u must be lost urself...why ruine others in order to sell urslf off. attention seeker.

  151. TBJ na Jazz man! Him way no pure AT ALL!

  152. Hmmmmm these are the fulfillment of the scriptures!!

    Rev.23 and matt 24
    Let us all becareful abt whr we worship

    Breezy_p loves MTN

  153. And so what! are you blaming him for your carelessness. why is the news coming up now... cheap to promotion! ish!!

  154. And so what! are you blaming him for your carelessness. why is the news coming up now... cheap to promotion! ish!!

  155. Hmmm different stories re out cos of collapsed building...T.B joshua who re u?

  156. Haba!!!!! I dnt really care way anyone says after I post this .......
    I am dissapointed wt Funmi.....! †̥̥Ơ̴̴̴͡ be honest , I have personally seen Prophet TB Joshua one on one and had many encounters wt him...its unfortunate that wen sometin bad or terrible (like in d case of pastor chris) , people are 2quick †̥̥Ơ̴̴̴͡ condem or just speak wtout reasoning! ....
    In as much as I am not his dauta or even anyone close †̥̥Ơ̴̴̴͡ him, I can categorically state here that no one kneels down †̥̥Ơ̴̴̴͡ see him.... If anyone does that, its from his or her own free will maybe " out of respect " for for Gods sake, capitalizing on the unfortunate incidence †̥̥Ơ̴̴̴͡ join other people †̥̥Ơ̴̴̴͡ say al dis is so disheartening Funmi.....
    Again, may God judge us all..whether anyone of us on earth does good or evil whether be a pastor or a layman , let's leave the judgement for God alone cos he alone knows best instead of Castigating! ...
    Its well!

  157. Am not a T.B Joshua member but but all dis celebrity wanna be should just keep quiet.Funmi why u never get husband or settle down.All you do is to fuck small boys.Abeg pac well.Go back to NTA CHANNEL 10 LAGOS

  158. Wat is ur point woman? Y do pple wait for things to happen before saying their minds out to that person? Funmi go slip jor in between I feel dis woman is gay

  159. Who stole those tapes, maybe ur office was mirrored during the Late night Mirror Session. God protect His People

  160. so y is she just saying dis?

  161. very well said..i totaly concur

  162. HMMMMM!!!the things God will judge no be small o

  163. Yes o! God save us all from evil men

  164. go and rest....confused fellow...careless u don't blame him on Ur loss modafucker

  165. If I were on Twitter, I would have probably retweeted the last Tweet. Very true.

  166. Hmmmmmmmm! A Lot of untold stories *yawns* #onelovefromSnow#

  167. God wil save us all..amen..d rate @which Nigerians run frm 1 church to another is reali alarming..pray @ur comfort zone wif a pure heart n God will alwyz listen..dnt go running to ur pastor lik he is a God.nigerians shld alwyz pray n nat seeking sm1 to pray 4dem..shekina

  168. Fumi is very correct. I ve seen it happen several times even to close family members it's very unfortunate that plp capitalize on other plps broken lives. It's really sad

  169. it's totally true. A lot of "men of God/pastors" prey on the innocent all in the name if God

  170. I agree with her... religious leaders amassing wealth here and there congregation altogether can afford 3square meal...has it been sed diaris God


  171. Why has Funmi refused to share this view all these years? Must she speak out now that TB Joshua is embattled? Very unfortunate that she has joned the league of destroyers...

    1. Another brainwashed pastor-worshipping Nigerian.

    2. Truth is constant whether revealed yesterday or today. Shine your eyes

    3. Truth will remain constant whether revealed yesterday or in future. Shine your eyes, remember the end time.

  172. Thanks for speaking your truth, Funmi Inyanda. God bless you for this! Nigerians are so f*cking brainwashed! Its funny and sad to see how these mofos here keep defending their 'so-called" prophet each time someone is brave enough to speak out on their encounter with him, you will see and hear all these sheep with their follow-follow mentality starts attacking the person. And yet, these same mumu are praying for a change when they are too gullible, stupid, brainwashed to face fact. To see change, you have to be willing to face the truth and deal with it!

  173. Funmi Iyanda is a disappointment. She should have mentioned this many years ago. With the strong spirit she claims he spoke about, you of all people Ms. Iyanda, never saw a more appropriate time to spill till now in 2014?
    Shame. Shame. Shame on you for ranting so cheaply Funmi. A total disgrâce you are even if your claims be true.

  174. Award winning Journalist cannot spell compliment? ? GOD help us all.


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