Pics: NNPC shuts down clinic in Lagos over suspected patient with Ebola virus | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 8 August 2014

Pics: NNPC shuts down clinic in Lagos over suspected patient with Ebola virus

There was panic in Victoria Island today after a suspected Ebola patient was found to be admitted at the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC clinic on Muri Okunola.

The patient was said to have first been admitted at First Consultant Medical Centre around the same time Liberian Patrick Sawyer was being treated at the clinic. Men suited in white safety clothing and an ambulance were seen at the hospital around one 1pm today.

Though there's no definite confirmation that the patient is infected with Ebola, the Management of NNPC Clinic this evening announced the indefinite shutdown of the clinic.

The management said its a pre-emptive step and also said they have reported the issue to the Federal Ministry of Health as well as officials of the Lagos State Ministry of Health. More pics after the cut

The Management of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, on Friday announced the indefinite shutdown of its clinic in the Muri Okunola area of Victoria Island, Lagos, following a suspected case of Ebola virus on admission at the clinic.
It was discovered that the patient visited the First Consultant Medical Centre during the period the first Ebola case was reported at that clinic.
The Corporation in a statement by Mr. Ohi Alegbe, its Group General Manager, Group Public affairs Division, explained that the pre-emptive step was taken after the case was duly reported to the Federal Ministry of Health as well as officials of the Lagos State Ministry of Health.
He noted that, “in the meantime, all contacts with this case are being traced and adequate precautionary measures instituted to contain the possible spread of the disease.”
“The medical team has assured that the patient is in stable condition,” he assured.
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  1. This is just a glimpse of things to come!

    1. My opinion is that Nigerians should try to help Nigeria. If you find yourself sick with Ebola symptoms, and you know there are chances you have contracted the disease, why don't you give urself up for quarantine at least for the sake of people you truly love...but no Nigerians do not have the mindset of patroitism and love. A dying man would be too selfish to think of the safety of others.

  2. Patrick Sawyer rot in hell for knowingly infecting Nigerians.

  3. I don't mean to be heartless...
    But truth be told, since there is № known cure for Ebola..
    What's the need of going to the hospital??
    I feel these ppl don't wanna die alone that's why they go to hospitals..
    You don't have to agree with it..

    1. Stupid opinion!!!kp it 2 ur equally senseless & stupid self!!!DUMMY

    2. So they should stay at home and spread d disease to their families and neighbours abi. Incase u dont know some people actually survive the disease with proper medical care. Rubbish...msw!

    3. Though death rate is high who knows if one is the 1% survival chance hence hospital and to protect your love ones to stay quarantined!! And yes you are heartless isn't there comfort in knowing at least you tried ???

  4. Na waoo just tired of hearing dis men

  5. My God what is all this? Ooooh my Sweet home Nigeria, may God see us through. Amen

  6. Nawa oh, this ebola somtin is really getting out of hand.

  7. God help my country

  8. Wow... Only God can save us... Vivian. E.

  9. Eeyah na wa o God ll pls ask for your intervention

  10. Ebola ebola ebola,,still in action in


  12. kai, dis world don spoil finish, God, pls rewind us back to d 80's pls

  13. God help us #bright bravo#

  14. So in Nigeria Patrick Stewart is patient Zero?

  15. It is well.. Psalm 46:1. BishopDammy#

  16. It is well.. Psalm 46:1. BishopDammy#

  17. See a whole nigeria been afriad of Ebola, begging for zmapp up nd down, may God help us, politicians are there disturbing us wt there political ambition Instead of looking at d serious matter we have at hand in dis country. Let me see who will come out and vote for dem, 2015 is just 5 months time

  18. Life without CHRIST is an empty life ***********************************The world is nearing its expiring date,because of its abuse by people. Sin has become d order of the day. People don't see anything wrong in doing evil, lot of heart of men are stony. The Gospel of JESUS CHRIST is the power of GOD to save. lib readers please u guys need to be born again. Am enjoying success in CHRIST JESUS, am reigning in life. Wow!what a glorious life I have, I can't fail in life, I have power over the circumstances of life. I have heaven inside of me,am an ambassador of God here on earth. Greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world. My dear people,U need to have a relationship with CHRIST to enjoy what am enjoying, I can't be sick,I can't fail,I can't be broke,I can't be afraid. dear lib people including linda, JESUS loves u all and HE wants to give u guys eternal life, just confess HIM as ur LORD and SAVIOUR, believe in your heart that HE died for ur sins, ask him to come into ur life and be d LORD of your life, say from to day I am born again, I have eternal life in me,I am saved. If u pray this prayer with all ur heart congratulation u are saved. Get a bible,study it daily and pray. Attend a living church and participated in the church activities. From Evangelist Dan #Christ embassy church

    1. We get ur msg bt being born again may not necessarily save u from Ebola..even pastors die from oder ailments & natural causes!!!May God deliver Nigeria from dis horrible disease...

    2. Those pastors die because they don't have faith. As for me, no sickness in this world can kill me. Sorry to make u feel like ur not a Christian, but that's the truth.

  19. Rumor has it that he's dead. And I hear on strong authority that it was ebola

  20. See fear, dat means patients wit EVD shuld nt near any hospital. God pls help us. LIB Princess!

  21. If the patient has Ebola and is still alive that means he has really struggled to live o. Since that time.

  22. Panik, is an understatement Linda. Come See as people take off ooh

  23. Let it remain closed....

  24. Nawah ooo so doctors too don dey fear dis ebola of a thing cos dis one wey dey dey close down now.

  25. Na wa ohh.. lord take control

  26. Confirm story

  27. This matter serious oooo. Im supposed to be in lagos but fear no gree me..

  28. Dear Ebola, we will not leave Nigeria for u oooo!! Just bear that in mind because Nigeria is the apple of God's eyes.

  29. Dear Ebola, we will not leave Nigeria for u oooo!! Just bear that in mind because Nigeria is the apple of God's eyes.

  30. They did the right thing and i hope they are able to help save his life. He probably does not have it but they just want to take extra precautions since he was at that same hospital.

    Check out my new post on how to wash your hands properly on

  31. Wow, so basically from all the comments not many people know the facts. And we should. In brief, if you contract ebola you don't show symptoms until about a week to 10 days later. During that time you will likely be running a high temperature. You are NOT contagious until you start showing the following symptoms: vomitting, diarrhoea, bleeding etc. At this stage you are highly contagious and thats when you need to be isolated because those around you are at risk. It is past through contact mostly, through sweat, body contact etc. So it is important if you have any concerns that you have been around someone who had such symptoms and now you are not well, contact the ministry of health, or the WHO. Maybe linda can post some of this kind of useful contact information. Hope this was useful.

  32. It's been confirmed. She had her baby at First Consultant Hospital before Sawyer was admitted but had to take her baby back because of a fever while sawyer was in chronic conditions. She went to another hospital when the facility was shut down by the govt after saeyer's death. When she came to NNPC Clinic few days ago with 41 degrees fever, she lied about being anywhere near First Consultant Hospital after delivery until a nurse on routine visit saw her and confirmed that she was there while sawyer was there too. This nursing mother had 3 other children and just like other patients discharged from First Consultant Hospital when it was shut, she's had interactions with several other patients and health officials without being checked or screened first, especially interactions with doctors and patients alike at NNPC Clinic. This means the primary and secondary contacts of these people and also their primary and secondary contacts are potentially susceptible to this virus. And NNPC Clinic has closed down and sent all its patients and personnel away without testing/screening them first. I'm just resting on the hope that contacts were made while the virus wasn't yet contagious. We need help, we need screening centers and laboratories where Nigerians can check their status. We also need sensible directives from organizational heads to try screening potential carriers instead of sending them on their ways to further interact with the uninfected populace. We need help to halt the spread of this virus fast! Lord please help my motherland!!

  33. God!!!I wander wr n wat Patrick sawyer wil b doing right nw in heaven... JUST PASSING

  34. Linda I learnt we should not eat or drink garri again ooooooooooo

  35. It Takes a Greater ARMY to defeat an ARMY, i know OUR God in heaven is not asleep, he will assist us NIGERIA but he needs you and i to know him and get closer to him..

  36. Her husband works wif nnpc she was actually der to give birth to her baby during d same tym sawyer was der same doctor attended to dem both .... God save us

  37. if the same doctor saw both Sawyer and this woman, does that imply that nigerian doctors do not observe simple infection control measures? if this Ebola can only be contacted via body fluids it means our doctors and nursed don't was their hands before and after contacts with patients, that is where it should begin, it is shameful . I quite agree with the person who says they shouldn't come to hospital, emergency makeshift hospitals should be set up at strategic points in Lagos sine that's where the battle is as at present, anyone with such symptoms should call special emergency service and he or she be picked up by a special ambulance and taken to the special centre. the private sector should help the govt at this point to create awareness.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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