Lagos doctor confirmed to have Ebola as nurse who escaped from quarantine is returned back to Lagos | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 14 August 2014

Lagos doctor confirmed to have Ebola as nurse who escaped from quarantine is returned back to Lagos

A doctor who attended to late Patrick Sawyer at the First Consultant Hospital has been confirmed positive with the Ebola virus. Speaking at a news conference today, the Nigerian Minister of Health, Professor Onyebuchi Chukwu said the doctor is currently undergoing treatment at the quarantine centre in Lagos.

Prof Onyebuchi revealed  that some of the 169 secondary contacts of Sawyer were no longer under surveillance and had been released, having completed the 21 days of incubation period. 
The Minister also said the nurse who had escaped the quarantine center in Lagos and traveled to Enugu state has been returned back to Lagos with her husband in a special traveling ambulance.

'In Enugu yesterday, there were 21 secondary contacts with the nurse. But after investigations, there are only 6 secondary contacts now. The nurse who is newly wedded had no symptoms of the disease when she traveled to Enugu. She was transported back to Lagos in a special ambulance with her husband. Her husband is under quarantine now” the minister said


  1. That nurse no try at all

    1. Pls d govt should take cogent measure to avoid dis doctor been loosed to EBOLA .

    2. I get his concern, but also none of us are in their shoes. Let's bear that in mine. I Don't think anyone wants to lay in the quarantine center alone knowing they might die without seeing their family or friends. It's a sad situation all through. Really is. As it's not their fault they gt this. They gave up their lives to help one stupid man. SERIOUSLY, LIBERIA HAS TO PAY. They can pick a scape goat if they want. But young Nigerian lives are at stake here. Too unfair.

    3. May God help us,

    4. Devil's agent!!!

  2. Another victim....the cruel "wings" of Ebola keeps fluttering on !...God help us...

    1. That thing wey make her d find her husband, thank God say goverment don give her free of charge. Smh! Guess she's now happy

  3. I wonder what d husband was thinking when he helped his wife escape. He's now quarantined too. He shld have convinced his wife to wait d mandatory 21 days smh.

  4. It is well..with all ebola new! 80% of the day's new is about this deadly thing! God is in charge. Psalm 46:1. BishopDammy#

  5. Very stupid woman! Nyenum koboko ka mpiaruo ya aru! Why wud she leave in d 1st place?

  6. And what of those she got in contact with on her way to &/ at Enugu?.. Smh

    *My R1.50c comment*

    1. Hian! Can't u read ni? To think that the answer to ur question is right under your nose (as in, in the article). Let me quote that part for u, '...the nurse who is newly wedded had no symptoms of the disease when she traveled to Enugu...'. In case u don't understand this, it means that the virus was in a stage where it wasn't contagious when she left for Enugu. Smh for some people who just rush to comment on a post without reading or comprehending the article fully.

    2. R u sure u can read???

  7. Thank God now I can chop the chicken I bought from kfc 3days ago

    1. Lol!! Better wait for 21 days

  8. Jesus! All this report about Ebola is scaring the living daylight out of me


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  9. What? 169 secondary contacts of Sawyer were no longer under surveillance and had been released, having completed?

    See Owerri Girls Go Crazy Dancing At A Swimming Pool Party![pic/video]

    1. Those who have completed 21days which is the maximum incubation period for ebola disease ought to hav been released

    2. U r trying 2 hard retard!!!

  10. These people are really doing a good work here... For once, i see a sense of responsibility from our government. Kudos!!!

    1. I agree with you!

    2. Ebola will clean up Nigeria, men n women ll become faithful , people ll become better behaved, no more pushing n shoving at parks

    3. If d govt do not have a sense of responsibility on dis ebola virus don't you think its their loss... Cos who will come out to vote come 2015.. Or won't dey be affected too.. I pray dis thing go back to d abyss where it came from as soon as possible for the betterment of us all

    4. Because the ebola is no respected of persons or status. If they don't act,they will as well be infected. I guess that's why they are taking it very serious

  11. But why did she even think leaving in d first place. Na wao!

  12. Watin carry her go enugu sef? ☹

  13. That nurse is a fool,she has endangered the life of her husband.
    Face of lib

  14. GOVERNMENT PLEASE IMPROVE THE QUALITY of the CENTERS. SEPARATE patients as well as suspects distinctively

    1. True! I hope they are not keeping the confirmed cases in the same place as suspected cases??

    2. Dummy. Isolation ward (positive Ebola Victims) is different from the quarantined ward (mandatory 21 days incubation watch)

    3. Even confirmed cases should be seperated, like aren't there levels to this shit?

  15. If this is how the whole thing is really going on...Nigerian is handling this thing very well then! No outside cases except for people that had contact with sawyer!

  16. We must commend d efforts of our government in respect to their response to the impending epidermic. If they respond to other issues like this, we'll have a better nigeria. How many docs n nurses even attended to dis demon patrick. They were too many na!

  17. # I HATE PATRICK SAWYER…Dear all, if your love one is infected don't help them escape please.

  18. Lindodo...Alu meee! Chai! Why did she leave in the first place? Now Only God will save us from this dangerous virus...

  19. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Thunder destroy patrick stupid sawyer, if not for him this man will be free frm this disease nw..... I hope he is been treated and they should lock that quarantine doors for gud to avoid anyone escaping again.....

  20. OFCOURSE SHE WAS RUNNING TO HER FAMILY. Common sense couldn't dictate that? Bloody Africans . Can't wait for some of you here to be in her shoes. All you people do is judge judge judge. No empathy whatsoever . Animals

  21. Still killing and infecting people

  22. That woman should be chained to her bed. Betty

  23. omo! this gets scarier each day. In the line of duty doesn't sound like fun anymore!

  24. linda I just checked this blog and u were celeb fashion icon for the day check out the blog the pictures of u there are great.

  25. The truth remains the d world is coming 2 an end, I believe that this is how God wants to end this generation.. I pray that nurse will finally test negative.. Is nt gud 2 be selfish no mata the condition u find ur sef in.

  26. How did she get to Enugu? Didn't she enter a garage and take public transport? A lot of unsuspecting travellers don't even know they're now at risk.
    This is what happens when we refuse to behave responsibly.

  27. Our news agency are not helping out,have seen on CNN reporters well suited up, then go in to the quarantine area to interview patient, if will have this in Nigeria, I Belive The patients would be treated well and we would not have cases of patients escaping

  28. Does it mean dat no test canbe done to ascertain if a person it's positive or not dat dere ve to jus stay out 21 days an if no symptoms released? Also can someone tell me how long or if dis virus survives outside d body?

  29. What exactly did this Patrick Sawyer do to the doctors and nurses who cared for him? Because they took precaution yet all of them are still infected. He must have been really out to infect everyone. They should stop portraying him as a good person because it takes a special kind of heartlessness to do what he did.

  30. SOME, not all 169 people. Relax guys.

  31. GOD help us all. Hope they become okay

  32. Chei
    Dis is scary
    May be d nurse wants to die wit d hubby

  33. Aunty nurse why na! there si God oooooooooo

  34. The woman needs to chop koboko as she is entering Lagos.
    Now she has managed to Koba her husband too. I just hope they both test negative.


  35. People should read about and get to know all about Ebola, expecially here in 9ja. The nurse was not sick so except she slept with her hus, he doesn't have it. Yes she's not right to have escaped from quarantine but we all know it's not that simple to stay away from your loved ones. Let's not crucify her for that, blame it on the security. The good news is she's back n all I advice 9ja is: be more enlightened about Ebola than be afraid.

  36. The headline of this story does not have any meaning at all. Linda kindly proofread before posting. Nice job though

    1. I tot I was d only one dt noticed. Y merge both stories together?

  37. Ehya... I feel so much for all dis medical practisionals. They ar d ones bin exposed directly to dis virus. May God alwys protect dem

  38. Na new wife na, she dey miss her hubby..


  39. why did she mean by escaping.


  41. she just want to kill her husband wicked woman

  42. Gud to know that the nurse is back. Praying for quick recovery fot the doctor. Oh Lord our eyez on U. Be our Zmapp

  43. God have mercy. Thumbs up to the federal govt though.

  44. It is possible the nurse traveled by personal or private transport. So no fear

  45. No wonder GOD HATES AFRICA. Indeed we have no heart, no empathy, no feelings, no love for our neighbour, we are worse than animals, no body want to die, but all believe heaven is guaranteed for them.
    It is not their fault they caught Ebola, they are health workers who were tending to the sick during a strike and caught the virus, it was no fault of theirs. Now they have become fugitives.

    Guys think for a minute, if this was you, is this how you wud like to be treated? Gosh I weep for every vile mouthed commenter on this post. SMH

  46. I don't support her decision but i can understand it was a difficult time for her, all we need now is for God to intervene bcos clearly apportioning blames would not end this epidemic.

  47. Ther were 21 secondary contact with the nurse; after investigation they are now 6.. HOW COME NOW Oga Minister less than d required 21 days?

  48. Look, i believe that it was a deliberate intention to infect Nigerians with Ebola Virus. I have been watching CNN for many years and have not hard of Ebola until it came to Nigeria, How come? Why is no one asking Question? Why did the so called Liberia man flew into Nigeria Knowing he had the Virus, Do you Think the doctors and Nurses who treated him will? if they Knew what Ebola is and how Deadly it is? Fuck Liberians and Fuck Nigeria Governments.

  49. August 14, 2014 at 3:07 PM my exact reasoning

  50. Aunty nurse u no try at all, now ur husband is a suspect, guess u r happy.. I pray for the doctor o jare..

  51. Mumu nurse you want to kill us that are down here

  52. Any Nigerian that gets to heaven first should please locate Patrick Sawyer, drag him out from the cue and give him two dirty slaps before reporting him to the nearest angel!

  53. That nurse is very wicked.. How could she be this wicked by spread the disease in Enugu. 32D66B72

  54. Kudos to the Ministry of Health. You guys are trying under the prevailing circumstances. Let pray and support their efforts

  55. I believe Ebola will soon become History like SARS,Avian/Birdflu and co. in Nigeria... Relax God is in control peepz! #Proff

  56. Eyaaaa sad one for the doctor,i pray a solution is proffered. As for the nurse,ts good she is back,am sure she was scared,ts not so good a situation to be.

  57. I have a question pls. Supposing a person has sex with his/her spouse who is an ebola carrier (but haven't started showing symptoms) can the spouse contract the disease?


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