'I'll never understand how he could not find it in his heart to stay' Robin Williams children release touching statements | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 13 August 2014

'I'll never understand how he could not find it in his heart to stay' Robin Williams children release touching statements

Robin William's three children Zak Williams, 31, Zelda Williams, 25 and Cody Williams, 23, have all written their own deeply touching and emotional tributes to their father, who was found hanged in his bedroom on Monday in California after battling with severe depression.
"While I’ll never, ever understand how he could be loved so deeply and not find it in his heart to stay, there’s minor comfort in knowing our grief and loss, in some small way, is shared with millions." - His daughter Zelda wrote
Williams hanged himself while his wife slept in the next room. So sad! See the tributes after the cut...

Zelda Williams Tribute
'My family has always been private about our time spent together. It was our way of keeping one thing that was ours, with a man we shared with an entire world. But now that’s gone, and I feel stripped bare.

'My last day with him was his birthday, and I will be forever grateful that my brothers and I got to spend that time alone with him, sharing gifts and laughter. He was always warm, even in his darkest moments.

'While I’ll never, ever understand how he could be loved so deeply and not find it in his heart to stay, there’s minor comfort in knowing our grief and loss, in some small way, is shared with millions.
'It doesn’t help the pain, but at least it’s a burden countless others now know we carry, and so many have offered to help lighten the load. Thank you for that.
'To those he touched who are sending kind words, know that one of his favorite things in the world was to make you all laugh. As for those who are sending negativity, know that some small, giggling part of him is sending a flock of pigeons to your house to poop on your car. Right after you’ve had it washed. After all, he loved to laugh too…

'Dad was, is and always will be one of the kindest, most generous, gentlest souls I’ve ever known, and while there are few things I know for certain right now, one of them is that not just my world, but the entire world is forever a little darker, less colorful and less full of laughter in his absence. We’ll just have to work twice as hard to fill it back up again.'


'Yesterday, I lost my father and a best friend and the world got a little grayer. I will carry his heart with me every day.
'I would ask those that loved him to remember him by being as gentle, kind, and generous as he would be. Seek to bring joy to the world as he sought.'


'There are no words strong enough to describe the love and respect I have for my father. The world will never be the same without him.
'I will miss him and take him with me everywhere I go for the rest of my life, and will look forward, forever, to the moment when I get to see him again.'


  1. Hmmmm.. May his soul rest in peace

  2. Awww, RIP.....don't ever compare your life with someone elses's cus you sure don't know what they're battling.

  3. Sad........touching..........he just couldn't manage to "stay"

  4. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    This is one bad news no doubt and may his soul R.I.P......

  5. @anonymous. The next time you come out here and make false declarations all in soiling my name, I will place a curse on you! Tell the house how I wanted to defraud you..show some proof before raising false alarms! Forget the fact that you are appearing as anonymous, don't dare me pls! Buh for now remain blessed Acts 17:30-31

    Kindly post this linda, thanks and God bless

    1. Bishop dooooh. No vex e no go doam again *whew

    2. Inasmuch as I have nothing against your 'Ministry' here, i'll however implore you to use a different medium. Though your intentions seem good, but the medium is inappropriate.This is a Secular Blog where posts & topics require related feedback, not unnecessary digressions from the subject of discussion. It's bad enough that LIB is now packed full with illogical, irrational & unenlightened non-entities. I'd hate to think you lack the wisdom to examine your soil before you lay thine seeds...

      Do what's right...only in the way that seems right.


    3. Bishop continue to do that which Christ has asked. The world will try to stop the Word but the Word must go on. My brother / sister, it's a secular blog yes; but where else should the gospel be preached. Remember, the healthy have no need for doctors. The wisdom of God is foolishness to the world. Well, just my 2 cents.. Stay ever blessed sir/ma

    4. Fake bishop

    5. i totally agree with Dr Will

  6. May God give them the fortitude to bear the loss. R.I.P. I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***

  7. May the good lord console the children.. What a pity..RIP Sir RW! Nahum 1:7. BishopDammy#

  8. Lindiway many stuffs can prompt depression. Depression is not only caused by difficult situations,poverty or inability to achieve set goals.
    Accomplished individuals also suffer from depression. Some people have seen it all, had the best vacations,parties and the good stuffs this life can offer and they feel there's nothing left to be desired. When individual feels the world can no longer offer new fun other than the one he already had such instance could trigger depression.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    1. Well said. Fulfilment is the question?was he?

    2. Well said. Fulfilment is the question?was he?

      »_»_• \0/ ^FORTUNEDEXC£L@REDIFFMAIL.COM^ »_»_• \0/

    3. Bro, I concur with ur statement above. Some weeks back I was so depressed to the extent I always thought about driving off kado bridge in Abuja. But for the intervention of God I always hav something to think about and end up distracting that evil thought. People are suffering silently from depression and if u av the chance to help, please do. And that laugh at people passing through such stage in life, it never was their intention at first but circumstances (which could also happen to anybody) forced such decisions on them. We always need the grace of God in our lives to move on.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. May his soul continue to rest in peace

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  11. In life, its not all about ourselves, its also about those that loves us, even when we don't have any reason to continue living, we should remember there are people that loves us, and we will hurt if we take any negative action, so we should stay for them and also God loves us, so we have no right to end it

    Your comment will be visible after approval

  12. I still don't understand why he had to it,he has everything a man would dream of.rip

  13. The Whites for you. He should be regretting his action now at the other side.

  14. was found hanged in his bedroom on Monday in California after battling with severe depression?

    See Pretty Ghanaian Girl And B.F Exposed Online After Private Video Got Leaked On Facebook

  15. May your gentle soul RIP Robin..i mss u nd I wil always love you

  16. What he did is so not cool but selfish, dere is no problem that God can't take care of. He didn't think about the children and d wife he just married 4years old. But who am I to judge, Will miss you sha, #may God have mercy on your soul.

  17. What he did is so not cool but selfish, dere is no problem that God can't take care of. He didn't think about the children and d wife he just married 4years old. But who am I to judge, Will miss you sha, #may God have mercy on your soul.

    1. Guess you don't understand what depression really is.

  18. nice tributes from the children, may God comforts them.

  19. May his soul RIP.... It's only God dat can console the beautiful family he left behind.
    He was a great Comedian and he made people laugh and forgot their sorrow!
    Post my comment pls

  20. Awww.. Sleep on Pa Williams.

    *My R1.50c comment*

  21. really sad,i find it appalling that the funny guys are usually the saddest ADMISSION!!!! ADMISSION!!! ADMISSION!!!!
    Get admission to study any Business Administrative course and also any course of your choice in Ghana. No jamb required. For more information just contact this number and email to get more information. +233547590330, sydneyokafor19@gmail.com or bbm me on 7E1E14EE.............Why waste time waiting and rewriting jamb when you could be in level 100.

  22. Crying..... May is soul rest in peace

  23. AprokoManagerApril13 August 2014 at 19:41

    As for those who are sending negativity, know that some small, giggling part of him is sending a flock of pigeons to your house to poop on your car. Right after you’ve had it washed. After all, he loved to laugh too…#lol#
    I have lost people close to me and i understand.I pray God grants u the fortitude to bear this huge loss.

  24. AprokoManagerApril13 August 2014 at 19:41

    As for those who are sending negativity, know that some small, giggling part of him is sending a flock of pigeons to your house to poop on your car. Right after you’ve had it washed. After all, he loved to laugh too…#lol#
    I have lost people close to me and i understand.I pray God grants u the fortitude to bear this huge loss.

  25. Awwwww may his soul rest in peace

  26. I Can only imagine...the pain this family is going through!! God help them!

  27. I still can't put the puzzle together myself, so I don't understand how they will get that closure. I don't .

  28. I still can't put the puzzle together myself, so I don't understand how they will get that closure. I don't .

  29. Why in God's name would he kill himself??? Am so speechless. My gosh!!!!

    I grew up watching him act Mrs Doubtfire and a ton of other movies. He will be missed.

  30. Only God knows. Rip Robin!

  31. This is one of the reasons why i don't like couples sleeping separately. If the wife had been beside him, it may not have happened.

  32. Ehya... Its a pity. Why culdnt he make up his mind to stay? At least for his children

  33. Oh no so sad, (Linda sugar boy. )

  34. May his soul rest in peace,Amen.

  35. But why dis baba do dis kain thing? We shall never know? We don't know how he felt. Make God nor let person reach dat level of considering suicide o. See Bishop Dammy o, e wan place a curse.... Abeg nor be me first write dat dupe matter o, I just see say you wan place curse, sir.

  36. I really don't understand why he couldn't stay, according to the report he was VERY desperate to die! Forgetting he had family and fans to mourn him! That was just selfish!

  37. wow...so touching..may his soul continue to rest in perfect peace Amen.

  38. Having gone through depression for 2 years I know how he may have felt. I tell u no shrink or anti depression drug can help. It took only God's touch to pull me out.

    But I don't know why but I seem to feel Robin was murdered. (just a thought sha)
    God grant his family the strength and comfort needed cos I know their emotions are everywhere now.. anger, loss, love, hate, sad and anger

  39. So touching. Continue to RIP Rob

  40. Sleep well Mr Williams.

  41. I personally find that story hard to believe. I dont trust the American authority. its never the whole story with them.

  42. Those words tho...are so touching...May his soul RIP

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