Graphic: Mysterious death at Lagoon Restaurant: Keyamo petitions IG of Police | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 1 August 2014

Graphic: Mysterious death at Lagoon Restaurant: Keyamo petitions IG of Police

Below is a petition to the Inspector General of Police from Festus Keyamo chambers about a staff of Lagoon Restaurant in VI who drowned while on duty. Read below...
Suspicious death of Mr. Chris Onaghise: A case of culpable homicide against the management of Lagoon Restaurant, Lagos
We are solicitors to Mr. Orobosa Onaghise (hereinafter referred to as ‘our Client’) on whose instructions we write to you.
Our Client briefed us as follows: That the Late Mr. Chris Onaghise (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Deceased’) is his son and until his demise, a staff of Lagoon Restaurant, Victoria Island, Lagos. Our client further informed us that on Monday 16th June, 2014, he received a telephone call from a lady (who did not want to be identified) informing him that something tragic had happened to the deceased at his workplace. Our client consequently rushed to the Lagoon Restaurant but despite his best efforts could only arrive there after two (2) hours. Upon arriving at the Lagoon Restaurant, our client was informed that the deceased fell into the lagoon while on duty at about 10:00am that morning and was still in the lagoon.
Now listen, the pics after the cut are really graphic. It was sent to me so I figure they want people to see what happened to this young man so I will share it...but be warned it's really graphic. Continue..

Our client demanded to know why no immediate rescue efforts were made to rescue the deceased and one Mr. Rami, the Managing Director of the Lagoon Restaurant informed our client that the Restaurant had no life jackets, divers or indeed safety apparatus. Upon our client’s persistence, the Managing Director invited a lady vide a telephone conversation who identified herself as a Police Officer from Bar Beach Police Station in charge of the investigations .

On enquiry as to the extent of investigations, our client was bluntly informed by the Police Offices that investigations had been concluded and that she believed that the deceased slipped, fell into the lagoon and consequently lost his life. Our client was curious as to how the investigations could have been concluded when the body of the deceased was still in the Lagoon and none of the eye-witnesses or the management of the Lagoon Restaurant had been questioned. Our client’s concerns were ignored by the Police Officer and the deceased was abandoned in the Lagoon despite the agitations of our client till 10:00pm.
Our client further informed us that the next day (17th June, 2014), he visited the Bar beach Police Station where he met with the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) and enquired about the recovery of the body of the deceased and further investigation, to our client’s utter bewilderment, the DPO denied knowledge of the existence of the case and the allegedly concluded investigations. The DPO subsequently ordered an investigation and an invitation of all the eye witnesses including the Managing Director of the Lagoon Restaurant.
The DPO subsequently directed a recovery of the body of the deceased. At about 10:00pm on Tuesday, 17th June, 2014, the body of the deceased was allegedly recovered from the same spot in which he was said to have slipped. A cursory look at the body of the deceased disclosed bruises and blood stains all over the face suggestive of a physical confrontation before the alleged drowning. To further confirm the foregoing suspicions, the deceased body did not show any signs of bowel enlargement consistent with drowning. Do find attached images of the body of the deceased to buttress the foregoing.

The question begging to be answered arising from these facts are as follows:

1.   Why is the obvious physical state of the body of the deceased inconsistent with the management’s narration of events leading to the death?
2.   In the unlikely event that the management of Lagoon Restaurant’s account of events is accurate, what are the safety measures put in place by the management of the Lagoon Restaurant to prevent such occurrence, since it carries on business in a high risk environment?
3.   Why was the staff that called to inform our client of the incident sacked immediately?
4.   Why did the management of the Lagoon Restaurant break into the deceased personal locker while the key to the said locker was found on the deceased’s body?

We are consequently constrained to write this petition to your exalted office as our client has become increasingly frustrated with the nonchalant attitude with which the Bar Beach Police Station is handling the investigations and the desperate efforts of Mr. Rami, the Managing Director of the Lagoon Restaurant (a Lebanese national) to conceal and destroy evidence that will aid the authorities to resolve all the queries raised by the foregoing facts.

We therefore urge you to use your good offices to order a full investigation and Coroner’s Inquest for the purpose of resolving the foregoing questions and consequently prefer criminal charges against all those found culpable.

We anticipate your urgent intervention in this matter.


  1. Jesus...wats to d depated soul

    Pls visit my shoe blog

  2. Too bad #bright bravo#

    1. They are hiding something.. imagine a Lebanese nationale perpetrating evil in our country

    2. More Dan hiding * ds boi found out something n was killed 4 dat reason* his locker was broken 2 se if he as written anything concerning wat he found out. Hope dey re not selling human parts.

  3. Nawao I pray justice is done as soon as possible.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    1. Idle soul! BONARio,I thought u are a lawyer??? Y don't u wanna defend him???

      Better go and get a job!
      Upon every every
      Linda didn't give u 25K...


    2. Lebanese people are wicked and i hope something is done about this if they will continue to place themselves where they don't belong

    3. Idiot. Is it not a lawyer that wrote the petition in the first place?

    4. His soul deserves justice. Rip poor boy

  4. God av mercy

  5. Nawaho...may his soul rest in peace.

  6. jesus christ..linda biko remove d pics oo..let d police arrest evri body in dat hotel..they knw wat happened to dis young man.................................#KingOfKings

  7. He was murdered! #throwsphoneinwater

  8. i smell a BIG RAT!

  9. Gosh! We Human Beıngs are nothıng... OMG! RIP BRO! IT İŞ WELL

  10. OMG!This is serious,there is no two ways about it,they just killed that guy see a young promising guy.RIP

  11. OMG *sad* may His Soul RIP

  12. damn! our police force in this damned country are so inept and unprofessional. the state of the body itself shows that the guy had a physical altercation or else it is in an advanced stage of decomposure, in which case I might be wrong.

  13. Blood of Jesus... people are wicked!

  14. Death everywhere,,everyday death

  15. This guy was tortured.the Lebanese and most foreign nationals especially the big wigs get away with so much in this country.
    Mr keyamo,I believe you Will not relent.if the least you can get is a financial settlement for the family,please make sure it's a huge sum cos I doubt very much if our corrupt judicial system will convict and sentence the management.

  16. I reject untimely death in Jesus name. Amen. This is really bad, I pray that God help the family to get the right justice and also console them. It is well

  17. My goodness! Pray they find out the truth! That calm looking young man!

  18. These Lebannese Men it is getting too much of them

  19. lINDA let the truth be told; this boy was first bont with hot water before he was killed and throne into the ocean, the way at which these so called white are treating and killing our Nigerians is unbecoming please let every one with his/her usefull office put every necessary effort to save the lifes of innocent Nigerians. and our Nigerian Police stop the cover up, how much are there paying you, to cover for an innocent life, it could be Chris Onaghise today; but remember tomorrow it'll be your own child or someone very close to your heart: REMEMEBER.

    1. True talk idaresit because na so so police children frm bar beach police station dey work as cleaners n oda menial jobs in hotels and offices in VI and Ikoyi... May the soul of the departed rest in peace

  20. OMG! I can't even take a second look @ the pics,the staff and manager should be questioned hard.linda I heard that bitter kola can cure ebola pls find out if its true

    1. So linda is nw a chemist or lab scientist, olodo. Dog urine cn cure ebola!

    2. You sound like an idiot,so to ask linda a question is now a crime,okpo

  21. Dis is serious... May his soul rest in peace

  22. Jeeeeezzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. That's a degrading our conscience and personality have become. A Lebanese coming to Nigeria to make us slaves...The Nigerians in that company will keep mute I guess because of job security...We are just a case study....""So Sad"

  24. Foreign Nationals working the country have over the years constitute impunity! They flout laws and disregard authority! Imagine the attendant lies in keep this guy death as suspicious as it looks under cover!

  25. so

  26. Jesus christ.....horrible death....RIP

  27. This is a gory sight. people are cruel. Liars! that body luks lyk hot oil was poured on him, it doesn't correlate with the body of a mere-drowned corpse. God have mercy. justice must take its full course here.

  28. first to comment.lib

  29. O what a wasted life!!!!!!!

  30. OMG!this is more then what they are claiming

  31. Very pathetic. I suggest they carry out serious forensic investigation and autopsy to first determine the cause of death before the case can be continued. May his soul RIP.

  32. Well i am very knowledgeable on this kinda of thing and i can tell you something. The height from which he fell and the availability of rocks where he slipped and fell should be checked. So if he fell and hit the rocks then his head can be bruised. Also if there are not rocks, the COD(Cause Of Death) can be reviled with an autopsy like presence of water in his lungs signifies that he actually drowned. They should allow me handle this case, i watch so much detective movies and stuff.

    1. Lol...


      Lol...such a way to begin, and conclude.

      You may be right, but lol...

      •○•○•○•○•Support Entertainment•○•○•○•○•

  33. No way, i think someone killed the guy.

  34. Lord Jesus!!!!!….He was killed!!!

  35. This is real definition of horror....
    God forbid....

  36. This is not fair, the management should be investigated and charged.

  37. What else do you expect in a country as corrupt and lawless as Nigeria, be that as it may, what sort of rubbish are these lebanese perpetuating in this country, they were poor in their country, came to Nigeria and became rich as a result of the enabling environment they met but rather than appreciate the people of the land became hostile to them. This has got to stop, I support all actions against these evil people.... If our government can't fight for us then let's fight cos palestine is now suffering as a result of allowing Isreal to treat them the way they like.

  38. What else do you expect in a country as corrupt and lawless as Nigeria, be that as it may, what sort of rubbish are these lebanese perpetuating in this country, they were poor in their country, came to Nigeria and became rich as a result of the enabling environment they met but rather than appreciate the people of the land became hostile to them. This has got to stop, I support all actions against these evil people.... If our government can't fight for us then let's fight cos palestine is now suffering as a result of allowing Isreal to treat them the way they like.


  40. Damn!! No matter what, no human being deserves dis Dead or Alive. It shud be investigated properly. RIPP. #sad #GoryPhoto

  41. Lord Jesus, this is horrible, man inhumanity to man, what could he have done to deserve this unholy treatment, this is really unfair!thorough investigation should be conducted immediately and all the culprit involved in his death should be brought to book.Madam Ajibade says so

  42. Lord Jesus, this is horrible, man inhumanity to man, what could he have done to deserve this unholy treatment, this is really unfair!thorough investigation should be conducted immediately and all the culprit involved in his death should be brought to book.Madam Ajibade says so

  43. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    May his soul R.I.P.....

  44. Only in Nigeria... I hope this case is treated well and justice prevails; if not i hope his spirit will hunt all those concerned till they confess!!!

    His body looks like hot substance was poured on it (hot oil? hot water?). I will blame this on our careless system that even allowed them to have a business by the lagoon without necessary facilities available (You have a restaurant by the lagoon and you dont have emergency services available?)Which means you dont even care about the safety of your workers and your customers.

  45. Whoever killed this young man would die before his time. He would reap his reward in this life and the life to come. Except he genuinely repents and makes restitution. Otherwise he would die a violent death.

  46. I hope investigation is commenced ASAP. Cos this is strange.
    May his soul rest in peace..amen

  47. neva commented on this blog despite visitin t everyday, chris ws a very clos frnd, calm n gentle who wudn't hurt anyone nomata d extent of provocation, d struggle 4 survival tuk his gentle hrt away,ur demise z nt all lost, tnk God I gain a frnd lyk you, to an african child, charmin n loving frnd, d memories of our gud old tyms wud 4eva remain a treasure in my hrt, Rest in d gr8 bossom of d lord... adieu chris aka Golddust

  48. I can totally relate to this murder story, if you have worked in a Lebanese owned coy like me in Nigeria you will understand how brutal they are to Nigerians and how shameless NPF get paid peanuts by them and cover them up. I hope Mr. Kelamo can bring them to justice, I trust him though.

  49. Eyah! His face certainly looks bruised. May his soul rest in peace!

  50. Authorities shld check his call logs to see if he has bn havin issues at work wit his boss. Such a boss is culpable. D case shld be transferred to force hdqtrs in abuja asap! Lagoon restaurant shld be closed forthwith to start a thorough investigation and lots of staffers shld be under interrogation by now. Lastly and my fear- dese lebanese hv a way of infiltratin d govt and always havin it their way. If d case is becomin too hot for dem, dey may bring forward a nigerian sacrificial lamb who wil admit to fightin wit d deceased dat mornin b4 his death. Its a nation dat gives justice to d highest bidder. RIP to d deceased

  51. i dont trust that MD......dont trust those KORAS

  52. The guy was murdered, the lebanese man should be arrested without further delay. May his soul rest in peace.

  53. from the picture viewed this young man was murdered and thrown into the lagoon,if he drowned as claimed his body wouldnt have been in one place since the last time he fell.he would have been washed off by wave.there is more to this story.See bruises all over his face,indicates he was beaten and tortured.

  54. This is so terrible Linda. Poor guy. May his soul find solace in eternal glory.

  55. Jesus. This is too bad. Rip.

  56. Bar Beach Police Station is a disgrace. They are very, very corrupt. It should be shut down and overhauled. All the staffs should be replace.

    The Lagoon Restaurant should be shut down and never allowed to reopen.

    Mr. Rami, the Lebanese murderer, should be arrested and detained immediately. After prosecution, he must be hanged and his body dumped in the lagoon.

    Heavy handedness on expatriates by the Nigerian authorities is the only thing that will deter expatriates in Nigeria from maltreating their Nigerian employees. They must not be allowed to keep lording over Nigerians.

    1. I support u,we need a faithful justice.

  57. Rip. This is bad

  58. This young man was brutally murdered. I hope his family sues the lagoon restaurant management for all it's worth . Thats unacceptable. Hopefully , justice will be served and someone or some people will be charged with murder.

  59. This young man was brutally murdered. I hope his family sues the lagoon restaurant management for all it's worth . Thats unacceptable. Hopefully , justice will be served and someone or some people will be charged with murder.

  60. This young man was brutally murdered. I hope his family sues the lagoon restaurant management for all it's worth . Thats unacceptable. Hopefully , justice will be served and someone or some people will be charged with murder.

  61. Why the brutality in the land? Something is definitely wrong Spiritually to the land. Lord, deliver us from all evil.

  62. This Guy Was Murdered Ni Joor. (Linda's Man)

  63. franklimzy@gmail.com1 August 2014 at 15:43

    but guese is high time dis lebanese liv our country cos dey re causing more harm to nigerians..jst feeling for d poor family

  64. From the look of this body, this poor boy was tortured, killed and then dumped in the water. The fact that the management of that restaurant is witholding information is proof enough that foul play is involved. Then the police, the rotten, blasted police force we have in this country is trying to hastily close the case... Perhaps because the man involved is a Lebanese and he has bribed them heftily. Those disgusting pieces of white trash come to this country and treat their workers like mere objects. The other time, a lebanese bastard beat a pregnant woman working for him till she miscarried. How did that end? No matter what he did, he sure didn't deserve such a death. My heart is heavy and I pray that whoever did this to this boy never finds peace till he/she dies in a more painful manner!

  65. Let justice be maintained. So horrible to behold. LIB Princess!

  66. its rada appalling how comfortably expatriates take advantage of dia Nigerian employees, despite d fact dey r being paid stipends.

  67. Dear GOD, first of all, I will never visit that lagoon restaurant again,if they had any thing to do with death of this poor guy, I ask that every Nigerian should stop going to that restaurant.Murder's restaurant this should be their new name. The poor boy probably discovered some evil things done in the restaurant,such as poor food hygiene, passing dog meat for beef etc or an embezzlement by a staff. This a way of keeping him silence.

  68. rest in peace chris. my jss 1 & 2 classmate. saw u last 2010/11. hmm this life!!

  69. Fucking lebanese and their stuck in trade, fraud, bribery, cover ups, murders etc. Our police have got to get to the roots of the matter and bring these godforsaken asshole lebanese to book.

  70. The only solution I will proffer on this occasion is an eye for an eye that's d only way d family will get closure and justice . Rip to their child .

  71. More Dan hiding * ds boi found out something n was killed 4 dat reason* his locker was broken 2 se if he as written anything concerning wat he found out. Hope dey re not selling human parts.

  72. We are in a very corrupt country but God is not sleeping

  73. Most definitely this guy was brutally murdered. Like he was beaten, bruised, doused with some form of hot liquid and drowned.


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