Former Abia state Gov Uzor Kalu writes about his successor, Theodore Orji, calls him a chameleon | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 16 August 2014

Former Abia state Gov Uzor Kalu writes about his successor, Theodore Orji, calls him a chameleon

In a piece titled "The Chameleon in Theodore Orji", former Abia state Governor, Orji Uzor Kalu bared his thoughts about his successor and one time friend, Theodore Orji, calling him a chameleon. In the no-holds-barred piece, Uzor Kalu spoke about how he made Theodore Orji a governor and how his former friend turned his back on him after he became governor. Find the piece he posted on his Facebook below...
"The first thing that would strike any person meeting Theodore Ahamefule Orji for the first time – 16 years ago – was his humble personality. I doubt if he still carries himself with the same simplicity and can­dour, for which I have known him, now he has tested power as governor. I say so, because power has a way of intoxicating some people, especially those who never dreamed of getting it. I must openly sub­mit that I was taken in by his facial ap­pearance, not knowing that deep inside he was a different person all together – a chameleon. Subsequent events have since proved me right." Continue...

Up till this moment, I still do not believe that it was the same Theodore Orji, whom I met at Chief Mark Uka Ogwo’s house, that is hauling abuses at me on a daily basis and walk­ing the corridors of power like a colossus. He calls me all kinds of names and uses every available medium to castigate my person.

His speech at every public or private event begins and ends with my name, as if he has no other business in governance other than to abuse Orji Kalu. Not only that: he goes about telling all kinds of naked lies in order to soil my reputation. He also goes to gossip to the President and his wife about me, telling them unprintable things, just to disfavour me. He tells anybody he encoun­ters – businessmen and women, politicians, the clergy, traders, farmers, drivers, carpen­ters, bricklayers, the high and mighty, lowly people, and just anybody – that I am his sworn enemy. He also takes his campaign of hate against me to the Diaspora. The situ­ation is really getting out of hand.
The funny part of it is that some of the people he tells lies about me still come back to find out what exactly I had done to the man to make him hate me so much. When I ask them what reason or reasons he gave them for hating me so much, they would say, none. So, what then have I done to Theodore Orji?

I am certain by now the President and others he had lied to against me would have known the truth – that the man is a patho­logical liar and a usurper. No God-fearing person would go to the level he has gone in seeking vengeance, if indeed I had done any wrong against him.

I had kept quiet all this while in the hope that commonsense would prevail some­where along the line. Instead of the man minding his constitutional business of gov­ernance and thinking about how to better the lives of our traumatised people, whom he has abandoned chasing shadows, he has spent scarce resources fighting me and eve­rybody related to me. There is no single day that passes that he does not use the state government-owned radio and television to pour invectives on me and my relations. Not only that, he has as well been going about concocting all sorts of tales in order to destroy my reputation and create conflict between me and others. To show how heart­less the man is, he has even leveled some grievous allegations against me in order to get at me for no justifiable reason.

Is it not sheer wickedness and the height of meanness for him to station his boys at the gates to my houses in Abuja, Lagos and the village to write names of people who visit me and report back to him? He in turn punishes those people. Is that how govern­ance is done? This is a democracy where people have some freedoms, including free­dom of association and movement.

Since May 2010, when he chose to part ways with me and others (so it seems), he has never ceased insulting me and doing things that are unimaginable and repulsive – all in a futile attempt to paint me black. Unfortunately, all his gimmicks are not working. Instead he has succeeded in mak­ing a mockery of himself and exposing how callous and vindictive he can be.

Indeed, I have been forced some times to do an introspection, trying to find out what exactly I had done against him to warrant such hatred and malice. But after each exercise, I could not lay my hands on anything. The only sin I know I committed against him was that God used me and the good people of Abia State, who believed in me, to make him governor while he was in prison, contrary to the opposition of some close aides, family relations and confidants against his choice. As I wrote last week, there was no sign at all that he would do any of the wicked things he does these days against my person, because he pre­tended to be a good man when in essence he was a chameleon. He hid many things about himself from me and put up a very pretentious and false personality for the 8 years he served as my Chief of Staff. How he managed to do it without being detected is something only him can tell. All I know is that I trusted him and treated him like an elder brother and confidant.
For the 8 years he worked as my Chief of Staff, I never used a foul language on him or berated him. Rather I treated him with utmost respect and love, even where he had visibly wronged me. I left virtually every­thing pertaining to the administration of the Government House under his care and di­rection. He was in charge of almost every­thing in Government House – from security vote to routine administration. I, working with one of my closest aides then, Victor Oye, and the commissioners, concentrated on policy formulation, key-decision-mak­ing and supervision of the ministries. There were no-go areas for him. In fact, he had uninhibited access to my bedroom, my of­fice and every place. Each time he travelled abroad he stayed at my private residences.

I recall with deep pain (because he stabbed me in the back) the day he came to the Governor’s Lodge to see me. I was in the bathroom. Time was 6.30 in the morn­ing. He had come with a letter for my sig­nature. The letter was urgent as the Attor­ney-General was to travel to Abuja with it first thing in the morning of that fateful day. When my personal aide drew my attention to his presence I asked him to bring him up into my bedroom. When he knocked, I asked him to come straight on to the bath­room, because of the urgency of the letter, not minding that I was naked. I used a dry towel to hold the pen he brought for me to sign the said letter. Before I signed the let­ter I told him that now that he had seen my nakedness there was nothing else I could keep away from him. I also told him that if he chose in future to betray me there would be nothing else to talk about. He was jolted by my comment and stood fixated for some minutes, barely controlling his shock. I am sure he recalls that statement each moment he goes out of his way to malign me. That is if his conscience pricks him.

There was nothing good I did not do for this man. I gave him his first executive car in life and money to build a befitting house, encouraged him to send his children to good schools, entrusted him with the administra­tion of Government House, including the management of financial resources due to the governor and the Government House. He also rose to the enviable position of di­rector, and later permanent secretary within the same period. I cannot list everything here, because the list is long.
I capped my goodness to him by mak­ing him governor (by the grace of God and the unflinching support of our people), while he was in detention at the Kirikiri Minimum Prison, Lagos. As I indicated earlier in this article, many people openly opposed his candidature for the position of governor for many reasons. Somebody – a very close confidant of the governor now – approached me then and warned against making him governor. He gave a very grave reason I should never make him governor. Even the then President Olusegun Obasanjo told me pointblank not to make him gov­ernor. He struck a deal with my mother to instead choose one of my younger brothers to succeed me as governor in place of Theo­dore Orji.

To all the advice, I said no. I told who­ever cared to listen then that Chief Theo­dore Orji would succeed me. The reason I settled for him was simple: I thought I had groomed him sufficiently enough to step into my shoes and continue the good works we had started. If I had wanted somebody that would do my biddings blindly, defi­nitely it would not have been Chief Orji. I would have settled for one of the more doc­ile aspirants. I saw in Chief Orji humane­ness, humility, simplicity, resilience and hard work, not the haughty, stiff-necked, abusive and cruel personality he currently showcases.
For those who did not know: we went through hell (figuratively speaking) to make him governor. Imagine somebody in detention, without spending a dime or casting his own vote for himself, becoming governor in a hotly-contested governorship election in a state like Abia! Recall we had to contend with the enormous might of the Federal Government, which had earlier thrown its support behind another candi­date. Again, the Progressive Peoples’ Al­liance (PPA) – the political platform that was used to deliver him as governor – was formed barely four months to the governor­ship election. So, you can see, he got power on a platter; probably that accounts for the levity with which he holds the office today.

Certainly, if he had spent his personal resources and energy to become governor he would have appreciated the sacrifices we made to make him governor. Today the same party (PPA) and the people who deliv­ered him as governor are his arch enemies. He has done many atrocious things to de­stroy all of us, but God has been merciful to us.

I have challenged him on a number of occasions to tell the world what really I did to him to warrant such detestable behaviour and enmity towards me. And if in the end I am guilty, I will apologise. I repeat the chal­lenge through this column. Let him go to any national television and tell the whole world what I did to him to make him hate me with such venom. I have wondered why he has suddenly realised that I am such a bad person. Why did he not resign as my Chief of Staff if he knew I was a bad person as he would want Nigerians to believe?

What many people might not have known about the relationship between Gov­ernor Theodore Ahamefule Orji of Abia State and me until now was how I came to know him. The meeting between us was per chance. Truly, I met him just once at Chief Mark Uka Ogwo’s House. For clarity sake, Chief Ogwo was my kinsman and a former Head of Service of Abia State. He is now late. It was Chief Ogwo who recommended him to me after all entreaties for him (Chief Ogwo) to be my Chief of Staff failed. He turned down the offer because, according to him, he was getting old. He suggested, instead, that I appoint Theodore Orji in his place. True to my promise, I appointed Chief Orji Chief of Staff.
I remember all the promises he made in the presence of Chief Ogwo: how faithful he would be and how ready he was to stand by me, no matter the circumstances. What has happened at last? He has jettisoned eve­rything good he stood for and now wears the garb of wickedness and hatred. How I wish Chief Ogwo were still alive to testify to all this. I know wherever he is he would be full of regrets for recommending such a chameleonic and deceitful person to me.

Did I do anything wrong by telling him to buckle up and deliver the dividends of democracy to our people? This is the grouse he holds about him. But I do not have any regrets whatsoever for telling him the truth. Any meticulous follower of events in Abia State would agree with me that the man has not performed. To show how mischievous he can be he has gone ahead to label some of the projects executed by our administra­tion between 1999 and 2007 as having been done by his own administration. Abians know who did what. He cannot pull the wool over their eyes.

All the evil machinations he has de­signed against me have continued to fall through. When I told him not to go for a second term, having not performed in his first, he went to town with the story that I held him hostage. He claimed that I was the person responsible for his inability to per­form. Between May 2010 and now (since he claimed to have been liberated) what has he done to prove that I was the one that held him hostage? It is still the same story of non-performance. Let us face the facts: let him tell Abians what he has done for them to justify the huge amount he has collected from the federation account. What he runs in Abia is a government of deceit, using in­timidation and vendetta to cow people into submission. That was why I drew the atten­tion of the law enforcement agencies to the seething anger of our people who have con­doned his excesses for too long.

There is no question that the people’s anger would have boiled over if we had not persuaded them to remain calm. But there is a limit to how much a people can bear. For me, I have nothing to lose by his constant insults on my person. But our people have everything to lose if we all kept silent and allowed the governor to do as he likes. We are honourable people, which was why we had kept quiet all these years believing that one day soon he would change. However, from all indications, there is no sign that he is ready to come down from his high horse. Instead he has continued to acquire new tricks as day breaks.

Right now there is total confusion and frustration in our state. People walk about hopelessly, not knowing what the future holds for them. As if to add insult to injury the governor has polarised the state by gang­ing up with some PDP members to zone the governorship of our party to Abia South. That negates the principle of equity. What has always been the sentiment of recent is that the governorship position should go to the old Aba Zone (which they now call Uk­wa-Ngwa) in 2015. Ukwa-Ngwa comprises 9 local government areas: Isiala-Ngwa North and South, Aba North and South, Osisioma, Obingwa, Ugwunagbo, Ukwa East and West. In real sense, there has never been zoning of the governorship slot in Abia State. By zoning the governorship to Abia South he has succeeded in weed­ing out the heartland of Ukwa-Ngwaland. How could any reasonable person talk of a governor of Ukwa-Ngwa extraction in Abia State without Isiala-Ngwa North and South and Osisioma? This again shows how my­opic and selfish the man can be.


  1. Hmmmm
    Are u sure Mr ex governor
    Or u are jes being lyk dis cos he has refused to give in to ur wishes

  2. When Chief Mark Uko Ogwo was ill, he made several attempts to reach T.A Orji, but he didn't respond. He died and T.A Orji didn't give him anything. Today, all his children are graduates and non of them is gainfully employed. Yet their father assisted T.A Orji to become a governor.

  3. Loolz sorry sir,you have yourself to blame.
    When EFCC were on his troll,you went all the way to Lagos to swear him in,so he could evade EFCC hammer under the cover of immunity.
    Somedays are like that,just like OBJ feels when he's told he can't see GEJ,while GEJ is at Aso villa discussing with Alamesigha he jailed due to corruption.
    Deal with it sir Theodore is your Frankenstein.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  4. I'm from Abia state but I haven't been there in a long while. However my aunt who's lived there all her life reports that since Theodore became governor things have moved from manageable to bad. She's a civil servant and sometimes she complains about the delay in payment of salaries that are nothing to write home about. I'm talking months without being paid...She also says that the healthcare isn't quite affordable for low income earners. Don't even think about the roads, they'll give the world's best driver in a great automobile a hard time...I hope that they can become unselfish and salvage what's left of Abia state.

  5. Orji why not turn to a novelist? Who are u complaining to? When u were on seat, did u remember us? Theodore himself I dnt even know wat he's doing as a governor. Everywhere in Abia state very filthy n dirty! Biko kwakoronu gaba! Ogbasarom! Ndoooshi!

  6. There are no permanent friend or enemy in politics, but permanent interest, they will reconcile tomorrow

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  7. Orji Uzor raped Abia State and wanted Gov T.A to fail but God wanted him to succeed. Why didn't OUK mention one thing that he built in Abia State?

  8. OUK take heart. Nothing hurts like
    the betrayal of a close friend. It has happened to me once and I know how hurt it can be. And for Theodore Orji, nothing last forever, 2015 is almost round the corner and you will leave the Government house. Like my late Iconic musician lucky dube said, remember the people on your way up the ladder cause you will meet them on your way down...that's the way it is

    #God answers all prayers#
    Happy moments - Praise God, Difficult moments-Seek God,
    Quiet moments -Worship God, Painful moments-Trust God,
    Every moment - Thank God.

  9. Elders behavin like children# dey shud cum n sitdown on d floor let me tell them both a story of a good leader

  10. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Thats there fucking problem......

  11. Elders behavin like children# dey shud cum n sitdown on d floor let me tell them both a story of a good leader

  12. OUK and his mother instituted the Government for Governor T.A Orji during his first tenure and the loyalty was for OUK instead of the Governor. OUK and his mother also appointedChairman for the 17 LGA who owed their respective local govt workers. The reason for OUK attack on T.A Orji is because OUK stopped receiving from Abia pause. He is no more relevant in Abia politics.

  13. Good #bright bravo#

  14. OUK should beg Abians for forgiveness and his mother should also return the whole loot from Abia State

  15. OUK, you that brought shame to Abia. Nothing to be remembered for, for 8years

  16. Dog eat Dog economy! U installed him while he was in prison held for whose crime? I am not his fan though but park well. So Hw was the best among all the docile contestants? I see how sharp u are.

  17. Hmmmmmmm... Orji Uzor Kalu you owe Abians an apology for this man,u made sure succeeded you. He wasn't elected u selected him & everyone is paying dearly for it.

  18. The mouth on this guy! LMAO

    1. Hi sweetie, how I always look out for your comments. Lol. Ur humble secrete admirer.

  19. Orji Uzo kalu is so right, after his first tenure he came out and said he could not do anythg bcos of Former Governor and his mother, so the people of Abia gave him another chance, now this 2nd tenure is the worst. Nobody dares challenge him and his son Chinedu, unless u want to die. He's not doing anythg in Abia, and is planning to go for Senate.

  20. Hoe-K. Waiting for Orji's reply. *Sips loya milk*

  21. From all indication, it appears that Orji Uzor Kalu is such a bitter person. Gov. TA. Orji refused to give in to any form of manipulation by his predecessor. OUK should please go and rest and stop whining.

  22. Lamentations Chapter 1 from verse 1 to End! Clap for yourself OUK. It appears you have nothing else to do than talk about TAO at every slightest opportunity, even after 7yrs plus. Power changed hands over 7 years ago and you ought to have realised that and moved on. You and your mother used the state the way you liked for 8 years, without anyone challenging you. You underdeveloped the sate and imposed your aide on Abians. Don't you think you owe Abians apology for TAOs Failure? The way you and your boys rant everywhere will make one think your tenure as Governor of Abia state was a glorious one.

  23. OUK is a green snake in a green grass, while Abians were asleep he was busy siphoning our funds away for his personal use. All he claimed he had before becoming governor where lies, nothing. Abia state suffered under his administration. Thank God for TAO who came and liberated us and had set Abia on a platform to greatness.

    1. Set abians on a platform to greatness u say.. even if he is ur uncle, why lie like this. Go to your mirrow and take off your cloths then u will ses why Nigeria is not getting any better. Ugly human being

    2. Akudo sharrap, u know nothing about Abia state guess u re fucking T.A Orjis sons. T.A is d worst thing that happened to Abia state his tenure can never be compared to that of OUK.

  24. That is politics, no friend, no foe but by the way why did he come out butt naked out of the bathroom to meet him??Thats gay

    1. Lolzz.....gbam!! I thought as much. Dat naked part though.

  25. Orji Uzor don't you think that is already late for all this regrets of your, you slaughtered, destroy, neglect, and heartlessly jeoparadise our happiness and future as abians

  26. This T. A. Orji was even the one telling Orji Uzo Kalu the bad thgs to do when he was the Governor.he's now his sworn enemy after evrything he has done for him. Tufiakwa!

  27. why are u complaining? This is simply your legacy. God watches all man from high heavens. We must account for all our deeds wheather we like it or not. A day of accountability must come for all mortals. The point of ZERO . It is an equalizatiion point for all, even if your are ochiriozuo, warrior, umbrella, igwe or Ala, or Hitler, Pope, Osama bi laden, Queen, Hamas or Boko Haram. You are warned. The word of God cannot fail. If you like amase all the wealth and embezzle public funds and buy all luxuries of life, a day is appointed for man to give account. Be ready to answer for yourself before the real master JESUS CHRIST. You cannot run away from it. All of US.

  28. This Orji Kalu is a diabolical man and it shows in his statements... what is "now that you've seen my nakedness...blah blah blah"? Why would you invite another grown man to your bathroom? what can be that urgent? I'm sure T.A orji was rooted to the spot at your show of shamelessness. Spare us all these your long posts please!

  29. I read through this post and immediately started laughing. All these politicians and their gimmicks. Orji Uzor Kalu is so angry because he lost the grip he had on the state. A state which together with his mum, looted it's treasury.

  30. OUK, pls stop this stupid noise!
    You are a pathological thief, detector, and liar who deserved to hanged.

  31. What was OUK achievement in Abia state

  32. I wonder why Ouk is confessing..after keeping abia in a shamble for so many years, please he should go and leave our governor alone, he wants to come in again and continued from / where he stopped..please we dont need ebola virus in Abia again, thank God that TA Orji, the liberator of Abians, the Icon of democracy..we are solidly behind you.


  34. Lmao! See painment. Orji Uzor Kalu is so pained! My nigga get a life!

  35. Chai Linda of life! So we should take this serial embezzler's tirade seriously? I'm used to reading better things here now. Abeg no dey fall my hand joor

  36. Ouk please mind your business and leave Abia alone, that Tao is our Governor is Gods making and not human being please, so mind your comment and post.

  37. Even the attack on T A by your followers is evil. You don't call a man evil and expect him to treat you well. We need change in Abia State, the youths must respect their leaders. I weep when I read young people supporting you here cursing the Governor and no one has called them to order. Constructive criticism is better than the high level of hate being expressed by those from Igbere against the Governor.

  38. During his stay in the government house, it did not occur to OUK that the property was situated on a leased piece of land. Today, T. A. Orji has constructed a brand new government house totally owned by government. What about the state secretariat which has been completed? Has it not occurred to OUK that the relocation of these very important government institutions from rented apartments to government owned edifices will reduce the running cost of rents usually paid on those properties? Those monies will now be channelled to productive ventures for the state. Please OUK, is this not moving the state forward?

    It is obvious that OUK is envious of Governor Orji. He still finds it difficult to accept the fact that Governor Orji has risen to the responsibilities of his mandate and allegiance to the country and Abia people; a man whom he thought would be his stooge. Hence his barefaced disregard for institutions of state. What else can you expect from a man who wanted to be a godfather?

    Permit us therefore, to take OUK through a list of projects executed by the present-day government in Abia; projects which he could not comprehend while in office.

    1. T.A only works in Umuahia! Is Aba not part of Abia state? He's just a wicked man

  39. Even the attack on T A by your followers is evil. You don't call a man evil and expect him to treat you well. We need change in Abia State, the youths must respect their leaders. I weep when I read young people supporting you here cursing the Governor and no one has called them to order. Constructive criticism is better than the high level of hate being expressed by those from Igbere against the Governor.

  40. begin with infrastructure. Governor Orji has laid the foundation of a modern state of Abia with the construction and completion of a befitting state secretariat which was lacking in the 23 years of our existence as a state. History will always remember T. A. Orji as the man who made it happen. We wonder what history will remember OUK for. Before now, government offices were scattered all over, workers were not properly coordinated, and their morale was low as a result of that. But with the new edifice, they have been properly motivated. His Excellency has also constructed an ultramodern International Conference Centre with state of the art facilities. The relevance of this particular project cannot be overemphasized as it will attract conferences to the state which will result in increased revenue for not only the government but also the residents of the state as improved patronage for their goods and services will occur. It is also pertinent to mention the on-going International Airport and Seaport projects. These monumental projects have positioned Abia on the global map and given her a pride of place in the committee of states. The Judiciary has also not been left out in this infrastructural drive as a new High Court complex has been built in Umuahia. Aba now has a new Magistrate Court, and the Ministry of Justice has a new complex.

    Urban renewal has been the focus of contemporary administrations in third world countries. If Africa must meet the global pace of development, urban renewal must be accorded top priority. T. A. Orji knows this. His urban renewal efforts in Umuahia capital city have climaxed in the relocation of two historic markets, one to Ibeku and the other one to new Umuahia industrial layout and new Umuahia market. We challenge OUK to drive through Okpara square and see the monumental development for himself. After going through these projects, if he still posits that Abia is backward then probably he has a problem his definition of development.

    1. Calm down Ezenwa u re among those chopping Abia state money, what has T.A done in Aba? Just name one thing.

  41. Even the attack on T A by your followers is evil. You don't call a man evil and expect him to treat you well. We need change in Abia State, the youths must respect their leaders. I weep when I read young people supporting you here cursing the Governor and no one has called them to order. Constructive criticism is better than the high level of hate being expressed by those from Igbere against the Governor.

  42. Orji Uzor an im be the real ogwumagala. Abi how do u explain his wakaing everywhere from APC state to PDP endorsing every Governor that would give him small Money? This is still while he's begging PDP to take him back. Does he have any Integrity? Biko forget this pathological liar who will go to any length to be in the limelight.

  43. Who could believe that ORJI UZOR KALU still have the face to cook up lies after his fruitless 8 years in the office.Shmaless man.T.A Orji has been an outstanding performer that has proved you wrong.So go get a life OUK.

  44. Person go just wake up, wan sell paper, especially go begin write rubbish. Mtcheeew

  45. Governor Orji has introduced a leadership style that was hitherto alien to this clime. We hereby urge Abians to discountenance the efforts of OUK and his likes to spread bad blood and tarnish the image of this administration. We Abians remain patriotic and committed to our cause, which is to seek the development of our dear state.

  46. all this is commentary after the news.Democracy should be about the people's votes and their choice to pick whom they have rightly voted. In order words, you should be arrested and charged with tampering with the elections because all this bull crap you are writing is evidence against you. You succeeded in making a convict a governor even when he did not campaign or have the people's vote. Now you are telling the whole world that your sins came back to bite you in the ass? Theodore is the worst governor in the history of Abia state and all thanks to you for not allowing the masses votes, rule over your choice of making someone else a governor? does anyone have the right to make someone else a governor regardless of the true meaning of election and the right to casting your votes prevailing as a citizen? Who gave you the right to make someone else a governor. Idiot be talking shit like the governorship is an inheritance where you decide who succeeds you. Biko go and sit down with all these nonsense you are penning down. you have sown corruption and now you are reaping the evil you have sown. Sit down and enjoy it. Nonsense.

  47. Have u ever heard this clown Speak? Do u think he can come up with an article like This? Hatchet tins Don start

  48. I may remind our dear former Governor, Mr. Orji Uzor Kalu of an African proverb which says that it is he who likes playing with the dogs that usually gets his cloth torn. A word is enough for the wise. Please respect yourself.

  49. Abeg, abeg, abeg, Orji should zip it.
    He's crying foul because Theodore was wise enough to cut out of his and his mother's (Orji's) controlling, devilish and manipulative grip.
    His mum gets anyone who he approves as a successor to peel egusi on a stool in her kitchen as a sign of bondage and loyalty - what they hadn't known was that Theo himself was a wizard operating in the sky.
    Him never see anything.

  50. T.A Orji is the devil incarnate. All he does is tax people up and down with nothing to show for it. All the roads in aba are bad,civil servants are never paid and so on. On the other hand, when Orji Kalu was in power, him and his mother ran the state like their personal estate and killed anyone who stood in their way. I pray God will give us a good person come 2015 cos Abians have suffered enough.

  51. OUK must leave Abia alone and allow us peace. He is a loser and should account for all the money he stole from Abia

  52. This is soooo petty.

  53. Orji so what make's you better than him? Please shut up already.

  54. I can really see that Orji Uzor Kalu has dedicated his time to writing about Gov. TA. Orji. And to think OUK claims TA Orji constantly insults him, that's a lie,it's you OUK who constantly sees every opportunity as an avenue to rubbish TAO.

  55. ORJI UZOR KALU HAS NO SHAME. Governor T.A gait and mien cast him as one man who has nothing to worry about and has therefore developed thick skin to the opposition’s endless tantrums as his trumpet is being blown on his behalf by the visible transformation in the state.T.A still reman the best governor ABIA has ever had

  56. Theo learned from the best- Orji. He stayed docile for years learning all his ways and saw first hand how Orji wielded his demonic powers- Orji never dreamed the person he supposedly groomed would be more powerful (and I don't mean that in terms of "political power" but spiritual powers) than he.

  57. As we all know that ORJI UZOR KALU has always lived a fraudlent life right from his youth which made it difficult for him to know when he is going astray during his 8yeRs in office.

    We ABIANS have waited long enough and prayed to God and today our humble prayers are answered with Chief T.A Orji coming on board to turn things around for good.

    They (OUK AGENT OF DESTRUCTION) taught it was going to be business as usual when they believed they have appointed their servant to be their successor but God in his Infinite mercy made name for himself by changing the mind set they taught they succeed in planting in TAO but the reverse was the case for them.

    Today we can be bold enough to tell a new story of the rebirth of ABIA STATE for the betterment of coming generation.

  58. Governor T.A ORJI's name will never get lost even if his opponents close their eyes to his developmental efforts in the state and fail to acknowledge same, Governor Orji’s name will never be forgotten in the minds of the people who are direct beneficiaries of his socio –economic and infrastructural transformation of Abia state.So we know OUK very well ,he can keep making hs tantrums and his madness is over well know by ABIANS.

  59. It should be recalled that in Orji Uzor kalu overmastering desires to subjugate the Abia political elite , he cultivated a horrendous intolerance of any form of dissent between 1999 t0 2007 . This was a period that no well informed Abia is in a hurry to forget.
    It was a period when governance equated to prodigality and ostentation, while vagueness and ambiguity was the norm in virtually every official transaction. Memories of history do not fade away quickly. It is strange as it is amusing t read the former governor of Abia state in his ‘good governance ‘in Abia during his 8 years rule. I can only grief for the reading public who might not have the facts to effectively situate the two regimes and personalities. For the avoidance of doubt these are two extremes with a marked difference in perception, emphasis, objectives, values and priority.

  60. I am, to say the least, very stunned to note that Orji Uzor has the effrontery to accuse the present Governor Non performance in the administration and management of the state resources. In one of his diatribes he accused the Governor and his children of amassing so much wealth and even dared to query his source of wealth’.
    The question is what does Governor T.A Orji and his children have that a governor can’t legitimately afford. The former governor , within his 8 years of governorship floated an airline , a bank in Gambia , acquired hotels and two oceans liners , a larger than life property in Potomac, Maryland, united state , etcetera.

  61. For 8 solid years Abia state remained under the struggle hold of despotism and demagoguery. It was a regime that smacked of inconsistencies in word and action. People like ‘yours faithfully’ were hunted down for daring to speak out against official malfeasance and unbridled profligate life style at the expense of the public till. There was deliberate policy of state terrorism endorsed with the executive red pen thuggery was legitimized and it formed an inseparable arm of government.’Yours faithfully’ and few others who braved the situation to speak out had all the paraphernalia of executive incumbency unleashed against us. Communities like Idima Abam were almost destroyed on false information to the police in an attempt to arraign ‘disloyal’ on trumped up charges.

  62. OUK! Please go and hide yourself in a cave. Onye ara!

  63. Let him go and find out from his neighboring state Akwaibom on how to rule a state well, Abia state is a very big mess. No road, nothing, nothing, yet he bought the whole street off Azikiwe road in Umuahia, built houses for his families and friends. Now I realize that pretended for Orji Uzor Kalu to let him succeed him, I've been wondering why he'll allow such man to become Governor all the way from prison. And I believe he'll go back straight to that prison he came from, after his tenure............Gracious Grace aka Nwa-Aba!


  65. I refuse to believe Orji Uzor Kalu would be so naive as to write an article like this! Does he have amnesia? Does he think we've forgotten so soon how we suffered under his governance? Gov. T.A Orji has done far more for Abia state than Kalu ever dreamed of doing.

  66. It insults the sensibilities of Abians to read Orji Uzor trying unsuccessfully to inflict dent on the character and integrity of Governor T.A Orji, perhaps in vexed protest to the expose of his moral ills as then governor, by the sterling qualities of his successor.
    It is not the fault of Governor T.A Orji that Orji Uzor chose to fritter away 8 solid years on the altar of prodigality and ostentation an embraced actions that were visibly inimical to the objectives and logic of collective development . The spoilsport propensities in which the Abiaexecutive arm thrived under his regime left much to be desired and riled many of us whom he hunted down with all the war chest available to him as governor. The bestial reign of Orji Uzor’sregime was anchored on vile propaganda and cruelty that surpassed those of the roman emperors.

    Contrariwise, the conscientious, considerate spirit with which Governor T.A Orji has marked his dealing with people has earned him the respect and admiration of people like me and we are in the greater majority of the Abia populace. He has, by consistent moral uprightness, struck a note on the imperatives of selfless service of Abians , considering public good greater than his personal convenience –a clear departure from what it was under Orji Uzor Kalu .

  67. Abians have been librated and we have no apologies to anybody. we rather have vowed to remain grateful to God for his infinite wisdom and mercy that saw to the emergence to Governor T.A Orji , who came in the caste of Moses-serving in the court of pharaohs’ to receive the requisite training for the arduous task of liberation . it is history replayed in Abia . Just as Moses endured the stench of injustice against all odds, to fit the man God required for the job. He has never failed to inform all who cares to hear, that he did not perform this feat by sheer strength or sophistication of his own, but by the Devine mandate entrusted on him by God.

  68. For me, it is the freedom of speech and after the speech, the restoration of the dignity of all Abia politicians to operate without fear that makes all the difference. The provision of infrastructure by T.A Orji’s administration, which is verifiably littered all over the state, becomes secondary.The Arab spring is a testimony that freedom is a basic need of all humans, Irrespective of creed or race. If all these are acknowledged, I would need to know what else makes Orji Kalu’sdefinition of good governance – and let all who love justice and freedom say Amen.


  70. Chief T .A Orji is a man of principle and has the fear of God ,which led to the turn around he made which the devils incarnate (Orji UZOR KALU) is tagging as being thickish and acts like a camel on.
    One thing we all know which is constant in life is CHANGE, so I wish to tell all ABIANS that Chief T.A Orji changed for good and has made an agreement with his God not to disappoint ABIANS in his administRation and promised to give more .
    I want those who think ORJI UZOR KALU. Is better to ask the best friend were his wife was when he was the Governor for 8 years and the role his mother played through out his tenure.

  71. Chief T .A Orji is a man of principle and has the fear of God ,which led to the turn around he made which the devils incarnate (Orji UZOR KALU) is tagging as being thickish and acts like a camel on.
    One thing we all know which is constant in life is CHANGE, so I wish to tell all ABIANS that Chief T.A Orji changed for good and has made an agreement with his God not to disappoint ABIANS in his administRation and promised to give more .
    I want those who think ORJI UZOR KALU. Is better to ask the best friend were his wife was when he was the Governor for 8 years and the role his mother played through out his tenure.

  72. I dont why Mr. ex governor is lamenting and crying. What you were not able to do. Gov. TA did for us. He gave our lives a meaning. Abians had never had it this good. OUK is evil. He made so many people blind in Abia during his tenure. Thank God for giving us a God fearing man as governor, in the person of T.A Orji. He's the best for now

  73. I carefully studied this article, to be candid, its αℓℓ true! TA Orji ιƨ a hypocrite! A man who enjoys worship from people yet despise the ones who gave him the opportunity to shine. The WORST governor ever! Every where in the state its him again for senate(abia central) what ιƨ he really going there to do? Just to protect his stolen/ill gotten wealth. He has become GEJ's pally. Just a little time, air go blow and we go see foul yarnsh. Others vote for LGA chairmanship ßut Ta will choose to appoint. His money chopping team call him indomitable governor. ßut i call him a useless and blind man. The curses people have rendered on you must surely come to pass Amen! Try and visit Aba again. This time, they will knack you fufu. Olodo governor.

  74. Orji UZOR KALU is a thief that is why he has not been accepted into any leading political party in Nigeria even his own party PPA are rejecting him, what ashame to a man who thinks he is God.

  75. Person wey dey sleep wit im mama get Sense?

    1. Gbam he sleeps with his mother. Demonic son and mother

  76. T.A Orji's Imprints Glaring For All To See
    By Chidiebere Onyemaizu
    Less than 12 months to the end of his eight year reign in Abia, Governor Theodore Orji’s aggressive transformation of the state resonates
    The saying that if one fails to blow his own trumpet, no one will do it for him or her is not applicable to the Abia state governor, Theodore Ahamefule Orji. Though the governor’s elegant infrastructural development imprints are readily visible through numerous people oriented projects, ongoing and completed, which his administration has undertaken across the state in the last seven years, these giant strides do not exist as far as some Abia politicians opposed to him are concerned.

  77. Person wey dey sleep wit im mama get Sense?

  78. OUK never show any love for Ndi Abia during his tenure, Abia State was left with no development during OUK. TA Orji has built many things that OUK couldnt build

  79. This man they OUK is funny oo. Do you know that during his time as governor, he was sharing wheel barrows and cutlass for Abians, all in the name of empowering them. Chai! Ndi Abia make una wake up ooooo. Support and thank Ochendo Abia for coming to our aide. He has really touched so may lives with over 3,600 cars shared free of charge to Abia youths. A record-breaking venture that will be hard to surpass. Now the Federal Govt want to copy the ABia model in Youth Empowerment, which is a welcome idea, indicating the Abia is a success story

  80. When I knew that this T. A. Orji was heartless, was when we went to protest at Umuahia with black atire all through for our school(ABSU) fees increament, he came and spoke with us at Government house Umuahia, that smthg will be done about it, that we shld not panic. But on our way back to school, we never knew that he had ordered the Police men to throw tear gas at us, shuting gun on the air and arrested some of us. It was later that we found out that he was actually the one who directed them to torture us. He's really a Chameleon. But not our God in Abia state. 2015 is not far again, thank God for GEJ, there's free and fair election now..... Pascal Jones.

  81. Chief T.A Orji will remain in the heart of ll ABIANS in generations to come for his magnanimity towards the uplift meant of the youths
    Of ABIA.

    We the youths of Abia are proud of our own Governor who has brought happiness to each family in Abia State.
    Some people are not happy with Chief T.A Orji today because he has set a high standard that will be difficult for people to come up with or meet up but we say bravo to him for his foresight and ambitious life style of transforming ABIA to be number one in Nigeria.

  82. Let him go and find out from his neighboring state Akwaibom on how to rule a state well, Abia state is a very big mess. No road, nothing, nothing, yet he bought the whole street off Azikiwe road in Umuahia, built houses for his families and friends. Now I realize that pretended for Orji Uzor Kalu to let him succeed him, I've been wondering why he'll allow such man to become Governor all the way from prison. And I believe he'll go back straight to that prison he came from, after his tenure............Gracious Grace aka Nwa-Aba!

  83. Ihuaku close that gutter in ur face! They should let him keep a degree he fraudulently Got? We Don dey see ya mumu face for data ya useless post. Anumanu!

  84. Ochendo is not your problem, Abians are all against you. You killed some people and their blood are against you.

  85. OUK is nothing but a gullible fellow who do not have shame and has lost its integrity of being a reasonable human being.

  86. Chief T.A Orji is far more better than OUK in all ramifications not to even talk about administrative wise.
    OUK is completely a nicompu who do not have any vision for his state ABIA rather he believes in acquiring everything for himself and his family.
    Thank God for some body like Chief T.A Orji who came on board and turned things around for the state.


  88. Akuko Uwa! Ogele Abia State! Hahahahaa! I no fit laff! These politicians won't kill me. So the non-performance, the horrific dirtiness of Abia State and the constant backwardness of the State since your reign till now did not move you to lament, but this personal loss of grip over a nobody, an ignorant and an unexposed man whom you imposed on your people is now causing you sleepless nights? Karma is real Sir Orji Kalu, pelee!

  89. OUK used Abia money to open slok airline. i dont kw why EFCC is not after that guy

  90. Orji Uzor Kalu enjoying the riches earned from the collective treasury of Abia State

  91. Anon 3:26 u be BIG FOOL!!! No TA dey tax u Abi? Same TA addressed this same issue because of his love for his people. He actually sanctioned the perpetrators. Why can people not just tell the truth bikokwanu?

  92. Orji Uzor Kalu’s coming to the scene in Abia state saw mischief of the doorsteps of every decent citizen of the beloved state in his 8 years as governor of the state he sought it unnecessary to develop certain aspects of what to build or develop a befitting state capital. Rather he sought to parade himself as an empty netted vessel around the hallow praises of chartered journalists and yeoman.

  93. OUK’s 8years as the governor of Abia State, he collected a little over N500billion from the federated state accounts as state allocations. With the said amount, he was able to achieve many fete. He was able to erect a greed-ridden mansion at his home country village of Igbere – of the type never witnessed in Abia State. He was able to revamp his Sun Newspaper into one of the leading national dailies in Nigeria. He was able to kit up his mother from an ordinary mother to the Queen Mother of all Abians. He was able to purchase priced properties across the nation and across the world.
    Adding muster to the already fermenting soup, OUK’s residence in Abuja is located across the street from the Presidential complex at the Aso Villa. He was able to use the N500billion t rebuild his ailing Sluk Airlines – to operate as a national carrier of a central African country. He was able to name the Abia State liaison office in Abuja – after himself. He egotistically named it the Orji Uzor Kalu’s house. A simple exhibition of carnal hatred for the people of his State.

  94. The story of OUK and his mother EUNICE ODIUKO will never be forgotten by ABIANS in a short time because somany of our brothers and sisters lost their lives during the reign of EVIL GENIUS & his Mother who made that each politician breaks egwusi before any appointment is given.

  95. What do you call a man like Orji Uzor Kalu who was a govornorof Abia sate for 8 years, who has nothingto show for it, i don't expect less from him that what he is doing now trying to use his media junks to deceive those that will listen to him. i call OUK a falure.

  96. I know OUK is a fool. pls who knows d best isi ewu joint in aba make I go flex?

  97. OUK has lost the battle which he has always made noise of winning .

    He is losing grounds so fast that I can't imagine him staying in the state he ones sent some people away from staying in but to day is his turn.
    The Evil that men do lives with them.

  98. OUK has lost the battle which he has always made noise of winning .

    He is losing grounds so fast that I can't imagine him staying in the state he ones sent some people away from staying in but to day is his turn.
    The Evil that men do lives with them.

  99. Hmmmm... when i man who love his people stands out to serve and to transform the life of his people then thief's will come to talk, OUK WE ALL KNOW YOU AS A CRIMINAL.. JUST ACCEPT IT THAT YOU FAILED IN GOVERNANCE.

  100. TA Orji, has really destroyed Abia state. Nothing ιƨ working in Abia. Money ιƨ only circulating among his worshippers. A dormant governor living in one of the most exquisite house. TA abians have cried enough. We will Just sit and watch Æ“♡D fight you.

  101. God really intervened in taking Abia out of the shackles of the evil one. OUK forgot that Abia is truly God's own state, no evil against it will prosper. God has blessed Abia through T.A Orji

  102. I carefully studied this article, to be candid, its αℓℓ true! TA Orji ιƨ a hypocrite! A man who enjoys worship from people yet despise the ones who gave him the opportunity to shine. The WORST governor ever! Every where in the state its him again for senate(abia central) what ιƨ he really going there to do? Just to protect his stolen/ill gotten wealth. He has become GEJ's pally. Just a little time, air go blow and we go see foul yarnsh. Others vote for LGA chairmanship ßut Ta will choose to appoint. His money chopping team call him indomitable governor. ßut i call him a useless and blind man. The curses people have rendered on you must surely come to pass Amen! Try and visit Aba again. This time, they will knack you fufu. Olodo governor.

  103. God bless Governor T.A Orji for us at least for liberating Abians from Orji. Kalu, Mum and brothers. God help us

  104. Cosmosoluchukwu@yahoo.com16 August 2014 at 16:17

    ORJI UZOR KALU may have had his hands on pens
    and papers lately ,but to the greatest
    bewilderment I do not see him going to length to
    make a piece of this kind of writ.Because I know
    he must have had some one to do his writing for
    him like as at the time when he had to pay
    someone to write his WAEC exams for him,unless
    he has improved over time, which is impossible
    for such a block head like him...I think it is safe
    to say that having read all the contents of this
    bogus message ,it's obvious and comprehensible
    to observe that every letter if this sham piece if
    writing by OUK is designed for malignity
    sake ,which is targeted on the person of executive
    governor of Abia State.To say that Abia citizens
    are harassed by governor T.A,his wife and son is
    an overhyped pack of lies aimed at misleading
    great minds.Orji Uzor Kalu can not use his
    conundrum writ of propaganda to infest the good
    minds of the citizens of Abia state ,because the
    truth is nobody is been harassed or threaten or
    intimidated by the governor and his family,and
    Abians have coexisted peacefully. But I can not
    forget that fir the eight years Orji Uzor Kalu spent
    from 1999-2007,it was totally an era of Taliban as
    it's seen in the Arabian nations,citizens are been
    threatened ,harassed,bullied,all these seen in the
    era of Orji Kalu.People had no freedom to speak
    thief minds,tugs were his aides,tugs were his
    advisors,tugs were his councils,he orchestrated
    governance with tuggers,people got kidnapped ,if
    any ordinary man speaks of his views and it
    happened to be against OUK's administration ,he
    was tortured.A lot of things happened,and I think
    such dictatorship way of administration was
    smothered by OUK.Now we have new
    government,in the person of T.A who is not only
    governor but a father who has his people at
    heart,he did not forget his background and has
    been out and out to reaching out the people of
    Abia state in every possible way to make sure
    there is a total dispensation of democratic
    dividends in all four corners of this state.That is
    what democracy stands for in the right se

  105. We all know that the government of OUK was a diabolic government where you have to bill Egusi before are made a commissioner.. Thanks be to God for delivering Abia state from the hand of people work and serve the state freely..OUK EVIL MAN

  106. Reliable information gathered so far by some team of Lagos Journalists revealed that the late Ms Chinwe Masi's mum was is making frantic efforts to ensure that the former Governor of Abia State, kalu is re arrested over the suspected murder of her Daughter at Kalu's United States Residence. The Mother who appeared physically to be a shadow of herself described kalu as a serial killer whose reign as a Governor of Abia State was characterized by several killings of innocent and political enemies.

    The woman also wondered why other victims especially the family of the two Ubakala brothers that were killed and burnt by OUK Bakkasi boys at Azikiwe street in Umuahia over WAEC examination purported written by a young man for Kalu. According to her, kalu who is yet to come into the USA for fear of arrest, will be hunted by Masi's ghost for life. Profusely, as she wept, she lamented that she has petitioned the new IG on the case as did with the previous ones. When contacted kalu admitted that Masi died in his house in the USA but refused to go into details.

  107. If you want to discuss the leadership of the past and present administration of ABIA STATE we should also put in cognizance the activities of the First Ladies .

    We could in a short time tell the story or the achievement of the past administration but that of the present administration can not be narrated for a short period of time rather it might take years to tell because the more you narrate them the more he keep doing new things for his people.

    Chief T.A Orji is destined to take ABIA to an enviable height which only him(God) has the final say to it.

  108. To OUK all you have to do now is to thank God for T.A who God has used to clean up the mess you kept Abia in for 8 years..

  109. I don't know what OUK is up to but I know that in his time as governor ,he made no tangible contribution to better the lives of citizens of Abia state,now let us look at some achievements of T.A Orji: The impressive state High Court buildings erected by the Orji administration have become an edifice of pride to the people. Like the BCA’s new structure, the new High Court buildings were erected in less than one year and they replaced the old dilapidated buildings inherited by the Orji administration. Apart from the new state High Court complexes, the administration also erected 12 new Court buildings in different parts or the state.
    The new Umuahia modern market which is already functional, even though finishing touches are currently being put to it is located few kilometers from the city centre. Eze explained that the need to decongest the capital was the reason for locating the market outside Umuahia.
    The beauty of the new market and where it is cited is that an entirely new city is equally being created within its vicinity. It comes complete with a Housing Estate, a school, Bank, security posts, net work of roads among other facilities. The idea is to provide accommodation to traders and shop owners close to the market. The cite of the old market in the centre of the city has since been cleared and ear-marked for the construction of Abia Event Centre.
    The Amachara General Hospital is where the Orji administration made a bold statement about his passion for healthcare delivery in the state. What used to be Amachara General Hospital were a collection of old, dilapidated colonial bungalows bereft of any form of modernity. However, the new Amachara General Hospital was built from the scratch by Governor Orji. The hospital is a world class health facility equiped with state-of -the art health facilities.
    Within the hospital is a school of Nursing and Midwifery also built by Governor Orji administration. Doctor’s quarters are ready and already occupied by resident Doctors. The Information Commissioner describes the Amachara General Hospital as one of the “legacy projects of a legacy governor.” Eze told the Magazine that 2014 is “a year of legacy consolidation.”

  110. The question people keep asking is, ‘How did OUK make it to such a revered position?’ The truth remains that he would not have gone this far without the gullibility of Abians in particular and Nigerians in general.

    He was historically elected the Governor of God’s Own State Abia and spent eight years in a quizzical rigmarole. What did he not indulge in? He, rather than feed Abians, long thirsty for good leadership, fed them with cataclysmic falsehood. This is a classical example of a father giving stones in place of bread to a famished child. He knows Abia’s penchant for veracity but went to the complete opposite, busy publishing audited accounts and fabricated documents to fool Abians and Nigerians of his honesty and stewardship.

    It could be recalled that Orji spent the first few years of his first tenure defending a certificate scandal. Soon after, he added MON to his name making people believe that he was actually awarded the Member Order of the Niger. When the searchlight was turned on him, he hastily changed to “Madu Oha Nile, a ruse title which means ‘man of the people’ in Igbo Language. His doctorate degree and university education in Maidugiri opened another can of worms. As a cover-up, he shamelessly registered as an undergraduate at Abia State University- explaining to those who cared to listen that he was showing example to Abia drop-outs to go back to school- drop out indeed. Only God knows if his admission went through Jamb and if he graduated. Do we talk about the fake currencies he donated in an occasion in Adamawa some years gone? He claims to be so rich yet he plundered Abia treasury like a vandal, a case he is yet to be off the EFCC’s hook.

  111. In his tenure as Governor, there was a quick succession of commissioners, some actually lasting a few months like Omri in the Bible, including the ones he recruited from USA. Possibly because of the joker in him, everything was a joke. Revered statesmen were insulted at will with all ease. Abia was in endless controversies from oracular Anini to ageless Obasanjo. Most times when he said yes, his close aids knew he meant no. Most of them fondly called him Gamji Man. Only God knows what they mean. Government is continuity but our man had his definitions. Most times we saw him adapting the Idi Amin personality. ‘Amin knows how to appoint them and remove them.’ The Executive council was vacant for months, a strategy that allowed people to fall over each other, lobbying for appointments, kowtowing for recognition, genuflecting and dropping gifts, money and all to the one called Odi Uko for the spoils of office. Check his passport, you will realize that he was at best a globe trotter, somewhat beating Ajala’s record as he jumped in and out of USA and Europe, forgetting that he had a mandate from Abia people.

  112. "His speech at every public or private event begins and ends with my name.." Woow dats a big fat lie...why are u making yourself look like a saint ???? Plss abeg ur just thirsty for attention

  113. OUK is not just a criminal but also a diabolic master who put people that work under him to spiritual condition of slavery...just for a political position, we Abians thank God for delivering this state from OUK's devilish hand.

  114. If OUK think he is innocent, why should he appoint his brother MASCOUT to be the Chief of Staff during TAO first tenure just to monitor the incumbent Governor no just course which became unbearable for the Governor and he decided to leave the party for good.

  115. He has an unmatched flair for different jobs when he hardly completes any. Could he be the Jack of all trades that masters none? He loves journalism and once interviewed a South Africa leader. In his religious classification, he is known as a Christian but you will be shocked when you see him dressed as a Muslim and pretends to mime the Koran. He dabbles into issues he knows little about. The column he runs in the Sun newspaper is alleged to be a well syndicated piece. It was in a national daily once where he apologized to the Northerners for the Biafran War. What does Kalu know about the war to render apologies on behalf of the Igbos he has serially deceived? He has a big dream of being in the hearts of the people but no genuine efforts thereto. For instance, during his tenure, he labeled buildings, the Abia Stadium, Ehimiri Housing Estate and Abia House in Abuja after himself. His overnight Igbo irredentism did not tell him to name one of these after any Igbo monument. All these have been reverted. What did Orji Leave as a legacy for Abia? Is it in roads, estates or mere buildings? The tragedy of OUk’s political gamble is that he knows the right thing to do, but he irredeemably and constantly embarks on the opposite.
    He has now taken on a big one of negotiating with Boko Haram for the Federal Government. Let us watch, he may be part of them as he is known to run with the hares and hunt with the hounds.

    Saying much on OUK may be mistaken as a sign that we are taking him seriously but no, there is need to guide the people so that we are not fooled all over again.
    His Local Government the Bende Local Government in a Caucus meeting of the PDP has shut the door on him, and the totality of Abia PDP marched to WADATA house a few weeks ago to protest his entry into PDP. What a persona non grata?

    According to Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of United States of America, ‘you can fool some of the people all the time; you can fool all the people some of the time but you can’t fool all the people all the time.’
    Kalu should tell us another story as we watch out for his next bag of tricks.

  116. When you were there as governor. . .what did you do to better the lives of the people. Aba where you grew up as a businessman remains d worst and dirtiest town litering everywhere and roads with dustbins. During ur reign as governor,the roads of aba and environs remained dilapidated. If not for Sam onunaku mbakwe d former imo state governor an honest man,a legend per excellence ,abia state would have been submerged. . . . .during ur reign,abia govt house had extension or branch office at Eziama umungasi,Aba from where allegedly ur mother dictates d tune of abia songs. . . .your piece is mischievous. Why do people cry wolves when they are wolves themselve. . .why? . You handed over power to him. As ur former errand boy,u owe abia d duty.of advising d governor. . . .if you feel he is doings wrongs. . .go and advise him or leave him alone. . .our sins one day will find us out. What we sow is hat we reap. Ouk,You sowed T.O Orji in abia govt house,today you are reaping same T.O Orji. . .so why are you crying wolves when none exist. . . stop complaining ouk


  118. OUK concentrated in insulting our Elders and using Okija and Bakassi Boys to drive people away from the State.

  119. During your time as Governor of Abia state, Hon Nkem Ike was killed. Thats was political killing!! What can you now say?



  122. Attention seeking bastard

  123. Their are no two ways about it, Chief T.A Orji is number one in all and has the best vision for the state now.

    OUK is a loser and has to go back to drawing board to learn about good leadership from Chief T.A Orji and look for any slightest opportunity to amend his past before it's too late.

  124. OUK is good that you told us that people's vote make no sense to you that you choose a man in a prison and made him governor simply because he was doing eye service for you. Am so sorry for your state is just so painful that these politicians will not alow us to vote and elect the leaders we want instead they choose for us for their own selfish reasons.

  125. OUK is reaping the fruit of his labour.

  126. "His speech at every public or private event begins and ends with my name, as if he has no other business in governance than to abuse orji kalu"..first of all , this is a big fat lie , your just making yourself look a saint and painting Theodore orji black so pole can hate him..plsss get a life sir and stop writing stupid articles

  127. Reliable information gathered so far by some team of Lagos Journalists revealed that the late Ms Chinwe Masi's mum was is making frantic efforts to ensure that the former Governor of Abia State, kalu is re arrested over the suspected murder of her Daughter at Kalu's United States Residence.

    The Mother who appeared physically to be a shadow of herself described kalu as a serial killer whose reign as a Governor of Abia State was characterized by several killings of innocent and political enemies. The woman also wondered why other victims especially the family of the two Ubakala brothers that were killed and burnt by OUK Bakkasi boys at Azikiwe street in Umuahia over WAEC examination purported written by a young man for Kalu.

    According to her, kalu who is yet to come into the USA for fear of arrest, will be hunted by Masi's ghost for life. Profusely, as she wept, she lamented that she has petitioned the new IG on the case as did with the previous ones.

    When contacted kalu admitted that Masi died in his house in the USA but refused to go into details.

  128. Ouk you know what? U are just a definition of a big fool get lost weird human is so shameful you still speak after messing Abia up putting the state in this weird situations after we trusted and voted for you get lost and go drown in the lagoon!!

  129. OUK has been disappointed because the present governor refused his God fatherism and motherism from eunice OUK'S MOTHER. So he turn against him.

  130. I wonder what this man called OUK left in the govt house that made him to always complain?

  131. See reasons why OUK is an evil man...Reliable information gathered so far by some team of Lagos Journalists revealed that the late Ms Chinwe Masi's mum was is making frantic efforts to ensure that the former Governor of Abia State, kalu is re arrested over the suspected murder of her Daughter at Kalu's United States Residence.

    The Mother who appeared physically to be a shadow of herself described kalu as a serial killer whose reign as a Governor of Abia State was characterized by several killings of innocent and political enemies. The woman also wondered why other victims especially the family of the two Ubakala brothers that were killed and burnt by OUK Bakkasi boys at Azikiwe street in Umuahia over WAEC examination purported written by a young man for Kalu.

    According to her, kalu who is yet to come into the USA for fear of arrest, will be hunted by Masi's ghost for life. Profusely, as she wept, she lamented that she has petitioned the new IG on the case as did with the previous ones.

    When contacted kalu admitted that Masi died in his house in the USA but refused to go into details.

  132. Orji kalu your just thirsty for attention dats all I can say

  133. God sent T.A to deliver Aba from where OUK kept the state.

  134. OUK killed and buried PDP in Abia state and chased away all the political elder statesmen in Abia,forcing them into exile but Chief T.A Orji(Ochendo) came,exhumed PDP in Abia which had literally gone into extinction,brought back all those in PDP that OUK chased away and they are now one united and indivisible body.Abia today,is a complete PDP state with Ochendo steering the ship.

  135. Am supplies that ORJI UZOR KALU can allow any body to write post with his name and post on the social media regarding his mess which can not be wiped way nw until Agod gives him a second chance which repentance is not in his dictionary.
    As for his Mother,it's only God that will judge her for her Evil in the past against the daughter in-law who not for once enjoyed the office of Her Excellency till she was flown out of the country for treatment.

  136. It is obvious that Ochendo's administration is the best Abia has ever had,OUK should hide his face in shame and leave our amiable Ochendo alone.

  137. Orji kalu your just thirsty for attention dats all I can say

  138. Orji kalu your just thirsty for attention! Dats all I can say

  139. This is childish I mean very childish *sigh pls orji kalu think like a man and stop writing boring articles

  140. Biko OUK, you're just some sore loser! TA Orji has refused to keep paying the usual "tithe" and now you're crying foul! Nkita lacha gi ike! You're the devil himself, OUK should have his own hell by now. How's your mum doing these days? Is she still cooking all them evil concoctions for you? They are no longer potent! Ntor!

  141. OUK should go and appologise to those he has killed their caree and they lost their wife's due to his forceful commitment that to them to their untimely grave.

  142. See reasons why OUK is an evil man...Reliable information gathered so far by some team of Lagos Journalists revealed that the late Ms Chinwe Masi's mum was is making frantic efforts to ensure that the former Governor of Abia State, kalu is re arrested over the suspected murder of her Daughter at Kalu's United States Residence.

    The Mother who appeared physically to be a shadow of herself described kalu as a serial killer whose reign as a Governor of Abia State was characterized by several killings of innocent and political enemies. The woman also wondered why other victims especially the family of the two Ubakala brothers that were killed and burnt by OUK Bakkasi boys at Azikiwe street in Umuahia over WAEC examination purported written by a young man for Kalu.

    According to her, kalu who is yet to come into the USA for fear of arrest, will be hunted by Masi's ghost for life. Profusely, as she wept, she lamented that she has petitioned the new IG on the case as did with the previous ones.

    When contacted kalu admitted that Masi died in his house in the USA but refused to go into details.

  143. We thank God for the coming of T.A, because OUK nearly drain this state... not only with his criminal mind both his diabolic life.. what a man!

  144. OUK is a wicked governor

  145. Everyone for their own interest,thats naija politics for u

  146. OUK you and your mother brought shame and disgrace to Igbo people

  147. Women protest over the killing of Orji Uzor Kalu's Mistress, Ms Chinwe Masi at OUK's USA home

    This is not the best of times for the former Governor of Abia State, Orji Uzor Kalu (OUK) as Igbere women in their thousands protested against their own son for what they termed " SAY NO TO KALU’s KILLER SQUAD AGAINST WOMEN”. The women who were half nude and in their 30s and 40s marched round the camp Neya home of Kalu at Igbere on Saturday 22nd 2014 singing sober songs that tell the world how Uzor Kalu who is their son has brought shame and disgrace to their community having killed his mistress Chinwe Ogbonna on the 19th of Aug 2010 at his Potomac mansion in USA.

    The women who said that OUK who through his occultist powers made his wife Ifeoma mad, should not be allowed to go scot free on this matter. In one of their placards the women praised the US Govt for declaring OUK wanted and urged Kalu to come out of hiding and face the music. The women who placed a curse on Kalu for killing the girl said they are embarking on fasting and prayers on the issue and other forbidden issues being perpetuated by the Kalu’s.

    The women reactions came as a result of the large number of women from late Chinwe’s Village who were in Igbere to lodge complain. And at the same time, made threat to place curse on Igbere land even as the matter is being pursued legally.

    A traditional ruler in Igbere who pleaded anonymity for fears of attack by kalus killer machine said that OUK has committed a lot of atrocities ranging from de filing young girls and boys, using them for rituals to eliminating perceived enemies. He applauded Igbere women for their bold step in expressing their anger against Kalu whom he described as an agent of Satan on earth. He said that the death of the 47-year-old Chinwe whose family lives in Rivers State is an eye opener to ladies who fall for men whom they don't know their background simply because of money.

  148. When you were there as governor. . .what did you do to better the lives of the people. Aba where you grew up as a businessman remains d worst and dirtiest town litering everywhere and roads with dustbins. During ur reign as governor,the roads of aba and environs remained dilapidated. If not for Sam onunaku mbakwe d former imo state governor an honest man,a legend per excellence ,abia state would have been submerged. . . . .during ur reign,abia govt house had extension or branch office at Eziama umungasi,Aba from where allegedly ur mother dictates d tune of abia songs. . . .your piece is mischievous. Why do people cry wolves when they are wolves themselve. . .why? . You handed over power to him. As ur former errand boy,u owe abia d duty.of advising d governor. . . .if you feel he is doings wrongs. . .go and advise him or leave him alone. . .our sins one day will find us out. What we sow is hat we reap. Ouk,You sowed T.O Orji in abia govt house,today you are reaping same T.O Orji. . .so why are you crying wolves when none exist. . . stop complaining ouk

  149. I'll like to take this one by one. You said (and I quote) 'I have never pretended to be a perfect man after all, im human'. Well, I can assure you no one thinks you're a goat. You never abused or mistreated people? Okay o. So, what's a commissioner thinking when peeling egusi at your mums. Thanking you for the privilege of sharpening his/her cooking skills? Lying is like trying to make a monkey out of us because we all know Mother Excellency ran the show when you held sway. You tried your best when you were there but TA is better and if anyone is In doubt, let him/her please point out OUKs achievements. Look, I can go on and on but the truth is we all know where I'm heading. Between you and T.A, the difference is like night and day. My opinion.

  150. I refuse to comment on this one.

  151. The story of my life. Good essay writing.

  152. OUK is reaping the fruit of his labour.

  153. A Robber calling a fellow robber chameleon. How does an individual single-handedly make someone a governor in a democratic society without being a criminal?

  154. The whining of a defeated and attention starved punk

  155. I'll pray that the Peace of God will return to Abia. OUK, I don't know why making peace with TA becomes so difficult. I remembered how you battled OBJ to stand still even with all State Apparatus he freely applied. Some Govs and persons then were attacked until you came up to say that you know the killer and that nobody has the monopoly of killing. Everything concerning the case finally ended in one Oba's palace but the assasinations stoped. What of the CAF politics you touched that earned Enyimba a back to back for that elusive trophy,etc.TA can never forget the drama from the Courts to Government House. When I reflect on all this I tend to believe something fundamental went wrong. You said you have never visited him at Government House and you think he will be happy. You should remember that once quarrel sets in nobody praises ones percived enemy. You alone can fix this urgly situation. I know the moment he sights you at Government House he will want to wrestle you down with warm and hearty embrace.

  156. I see he's done sharing pictures of him grooving his ill gotten wealth from Abia treasury. Now he's ranting

  157. yes i know OUK those day back in Aba as a criminal popularly know as 419, am so surprised to see that he is till in that business. OUK can he ever change?

  158. OUK concentrated in insulting our Elders and using Okija and Bakassi Boys to drive people away from the State.

  159. Things are really bad. Our God own state does not in any way look like where God has passed through, how much more been where he owns. But all d same OUK you are to be blamed of all that has befall d Abians

  160. Dey dia dey yarn dust. Posterity is already judging you and will continue to judge you

  161. Abia state is still rising from the fall of OUK. Tenure

  162. I don't know what OUK is up to but I know that in his time as governor ,he made no tangible contribution to better the lives of citizens of Abia state,now let us look at some achievements of T.A Orji: The impressive state High Court buildings erected by the Orji administration have become an edifice of pride to the people. Like the BCA’s new structure, the new High Court buildings were erected in less than one year and they replaced the old dilapidated buildings inherited by the Orji administration. Apart from the new state High Court complexes, the administration also erected 12 new Court buildings in different parts or the state.
    The new Umuahia modern market which is already functional, even though finishing touches are currently being put to it is located few kilometers from the city centre. Eze explained that the need to decongest the capital was the reason for locating the market outside Umuahia.
    The beauty of the new market and where it is cited is that an entirely new city is equally being created within its vicinity. It comes complete with a Housing Estate, a school, Bank, security posts, net work of roads among other facilities. The idea is to provide accommodation to traders and shop owners close to the market. The cite of the old market in the centre of the city has since been cleared and ear-marked for the construction of Abia Event Centre.
    The Amachara General Hospital is where the Orji administration made a bold statement about his passion for healthcare delivery in the state. What used to be Amachara General Hospital were a collection of old, dilapidated colonial bungalows bereft of any form of modernity. However, the new Amachara General Hospital was built from the scratch by Governor Orji. The hospital is a world class health facility equiped with state-of -the art health facilities.
    Within the hospital is a school of Nursing and Midwifery also built by Governor Orji administration. Doctor’s quarters are ready and already occupied by resident Doctors. The Information Commissioner describes the Amachara General Hospital as one of the “legacy projects of a legacy governor.” Eze told the Magazine that 2014 is “a year of legacy consolidation.”

  163. He helped him to become Governor does it mean that. Our Voting does not count? Hehe! Ynash opening no be small tin

  164. Just last week i heard that OUK is still facing a murder charge in US for the killing of his mistress who he kill to rekindle his diabolic charms..ORJI KALU are you a human or a devil? you and charms self...

  165. OUK, why would you write an article like this? You really think people have amnesia to facts abi? You and that your mum really put Abians through torture. Your reward awaits you.

  166. Hmmm...for what OUK did to Abia naa only God good judge him...

  167. Gimme a break Uzor,like you're a goddamn saint. Fuck you!!!...its a wheel and deal enterprisse call politics. I don't give a shit about this babbling. Its your call....and to Mr goatmoney Theodore orji thanks for taking Abia to the bottom,continue. I know say bad people dey tey wella for earth, God dey.

    »_»_• \0/ ^FORTUNEDEXC£L@REDIFFMAIL.COM^ »_»_• \0/

  168. OUK is a fool, why is he angry? T. A Orji just refuse his Gods fatherism.

  169. Look at him asking for NFF job.. Nawaa ooo did he think that there is juju in football... I will call OUK dibia...Onye ogwuu..

  170. Some time ago a friend told me that their the charm between him and his mother is that he sleeps with his mother.. oooolllooo ARU.. na'igbere..

  171. OUK i can remember between 2004 and 2005 that his ceremonial wife went crazy and was flow to UK for treatment.. OUK na waaa your life is full of Evil

  172. I hate to discuss OUK..I hate hime so much.

  173. I don't know what OUK is up to but I know that in his time as governor ,he made no tangible contribution to better the lives of citizens of Abia state,now let us look at some achievements of T.A Orji: The impressive state High Court buildings erected by the Orji administration have become an edifice of pride to the people. Like the BCA’s new structure, the new High Court buildings were erected in less than one year and they replaced the old dilapidated buildings inherited by the Orji administration. Apart from the new state High Court complexes, the administration also erected 12 new Court buildings in different parts or the state.
    The new Umuahia modern market which is already functional, even though finishing touches are currently being put to it is located few kilometers from the city centre. Eze explained that the need to decongest the capital was the reason for locating the market outside Umuahia.
    The beauty of the new market and where it is cited is that an entirely new city is equally being created within its vicinity. It comes complete with a Housing Estate, a school, Bank, security posts, net work of roads among other facilities. The idea is to provide accommodation to traders and shop owners close to the market. The cite of the old market in the centre of the city has since been cleared and ear-marked for the construction of Abia Event Centre.
    The Amachara General Hospital is where the Orji administration made a bold statement about his passion for healthcare delivery in the state. What used to be Amachara General Hospital were a collection of old, dilapidated colonial bungalows bereft of any form of modernity. However, the new Amachara General Hospital was built from the scratch by Governor Orji. The hospital is a world class health facility equiped with state-of -the art health facilities.
    Within the hospital is a school of Nursing and Midwifery also built by Governor Orji administration. Doctor’s quarters are ready and already occupied by resident Doctors. The Information Commissioner describes the Amachara General Hospital as one of the “legacy projects of a legacy governor.” Eze told the Magazine that 2014 is “a year of legacy consolidation.”

  174. OUK..if u can kill your own deputy Chima Nwafor it your girlfriend you will not kill, i heard that story too

  175. OUK is a criminal

  176. OUK has so much messed up the name of my village Igbere... Evil MAN

  177. If not for T.A Orji who delivered the abians from the hands of OUK

  178. OUK and his mother ruled abia state with there evil intentions

  179. what a long complaint! how can you wait all these years and decide to speak out now. when the Gov tenure is almost over. what is your aim? all these wont change a thing. and by the way; it is only someone with an hidden agenda that will ridicule himself in public the way you have just did.

  180. OUK shame on you and your evil aids .

  181. I have never seen somebody useless and heartless as OUK

  182. why cry over spilt milk? and u can talk sha! I just kept on reading and reading. mscheew. talking about Nakedness?? lmao. He is also a man like you. he has wat u have. pls cut d crap. I thought they said politicians dont trust. I guess u have failed in that part. Now you are talking negatively against the Gov. hian!

  183. OUK is so foolish. What do you mean by "I made him governor? Are you the people? Just cause you helped someone get somewhere doesn't mean they should kiss your ass and agree with your ways. Get it together.

  184. OUK shame on you and your evil aids .

  185. from all indication OUK needs attention and i think he has gain such but my advice to him is that he should not criticize the better person just for him to attain his self fish desire.the man T A said he dont need his god fatherism.


  186. 1. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CENTER, almost completed
    2. UMUAHIA HIGH COURT, Completed.
    5. HIGH COURT ABA completed
    7. OLD MAGISTRATE COURT, Reconstructed
    11. Abia State eye centre completed
    14. DIALYSIS CENTER Health.
    16. THE NEW WORKERS SECRETARIAT, completed the first wing and second almost completed
    18. NEW BCA SECRETARIAT completed.
    20. AMAOKWE HOUSING ESTATE Umuahia completed
    21. UMUAHIA INDUSTRIAL MARKET Completed and occupied by the users
    26. Ohafia Army Barracks...Abia Govt supported the Federal Ministry to make the Ohafia Barracks habitable after decades of abandonment.
    28. It's also pertinent to include about 56 roads embarked upon by this administration after May 29 2011. Some of these roads are completed while some are ongoing
    30 Ohiya Mechanic village and Motor Spare parts market Umuahia
    31. Ohiya Luxury Bus terminal Umuahia etc
    32. New Government House Umuahia ongoing
    33 Emeka Omerua Government lodge Umuahia completed
    34. The new dialysis centre Umuahia completed
    35. The New Eye centre Umuahia
    36. The new e-library Umuahia almost completed
    37. Empowerment of Abia youths with over 600 free vehicles, training of over 1000 Abia youths on various skills with start up capitals and equipment.
    38. Construction of lecture halls and hostels at ABsuth Aba
    39. Housing estate at the old timber market in Umuahia ongoing
    40. Construction of low cost housing estate at Isieke Umuahia
    Ekeakpara road in Osisioma, Geometric Power Plant access road, Georges street, Milverton Avenue, SAMEK road, Dan Fodio road, Ukaegbu road, Azikiwe road, Ukwu Mango by Ariaria road, Express road, Aba-Owerri road, etc.
    Outside the Aba inner city roads, we have Ogbor Hill-Omoba,

    T.A Orji thank you


  187. 1. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CENTER, almost completed
    2. UMUAHIA HIGH COURT, Completed.
    5. HIGH COURT ABA completed
    7. OLD MAGISTRATE COURT, Reconstructed
    11. Abia State eye centre completed
    14. DIALYSIS CENTER Health.
    16. THE NEW WORKERS SECRETARIAT, completed the first wing and second almost completed
    18. NEW BCA SECRETARIAT completed.
    20. AMAOKWE HOUSING ESTATE Umuahia completed
    21. UMUAHIA INDUSTRIAL MARKET Completed and occupied by the users
    26. Ohafia Army Barracks...Abia Govt supported the Federal Ministry to make the Ohafia Barracks habitable after decades of abandonment.
    28. It's also pertinent to include about 56 roads embarked upon by this administration after May 29 2011. Some of these roads are completed while some are ongoing
    30 Ohiya Mechanic village and Motor Spare parts market Umuahia
    31. Ohiya Luxury Bus terminal Umuahia etc
    32. New Government House Umuahia ongoing
    33 Emeka Omerua Government lodge Umuahia completed
    34. The new dialysis centre Umuahia completed
    35. The New Eye centre Umuahia
    36. The new e-library Umuahia almost completed
    37. Empowerment of Abia youths with over 600 free vehicles, training of over 1000 Abia youths on various skills with start up capitals and equipment.
    38. Construction of lecture halls and hostels at ABsuth Aba
    39. Housing estate at the old timber market in Umuahia ongoing
    40. Construction of low cost housing estate at Isieke Umuahia
    Ekeakpara road in Osisioma, Geometric Power Plant access road, Georges street, Milverton Avenue, SAMEK road, Dan Fodio road, Ukaegbu road, Azikiwe road, Ukwu Mango by Ariaria road, Express road, Aba-Owerri road, etc.
    Outside the Aba inner city roads, we have Ogbor Hill-Omoba,


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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