Ebola, now a matter of national emergency, FG declares | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 6 August 2014

Ebola, now a matter of national emergency, FG declares

The Federal government has declared the Ebola outbreak in Nigeria a matter of national Emergency, adding that everyone is now at risk of being infected.

Speaking with State House correspondence at the end of today's Federal Executive Council meeting, the Minister of Health, Prof Onyebuchi Chukwu said the Nigerian government has written to the Director of the United State Centre for Disease Control to request for the release of some of the unapproved Zmapp drug which has proven to be useful in the treatment of the Ebola disease. He said the Federal government awaits a response from the United state government and hopeful if the drugs are released, they could be used to treat the confirmed cases of the Ebola virus disease in Nigeria. Continue...

The Minister advised Nigerians to avoid handshake as much as possible, stating that the virus is both contagious and infectious. He  also said the virus could also be contacted through the sharing of bedspreads, pillow cases and towels among other personal effects with infected person. He said the disease is not airborne but at close range of a 1meter from an infected person, the disease droplets can be transmitted.

The Minister also revealed that Isolation tent for each confirmed case cost the government as much as N20million. As regards the corpse of a Nigerian brought in from Liberia last week into Anambra state which caused Ebola scare in the state, the Minister said thorough examination on the corpse showed the man did not die of the deadly disease.

As part of strategies to rise to the national emergency, Chukwu said a website, www.ebolaalert.org, has been designed to offer information on the virus.


  1. It is well......oh Lord have mercy on us____Happyprudence

    1. Hmmm this is serious.
      Our help is in the name of the Lord.

      ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    2. Hmmmm this is serious.
      Our help is in the name of the Lord.

      ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    3. Biko nu can someone contact it tru exchange of money like those dt r already infected d money they used in buyin things can someone contact it if u touch same money,omG I jst can't think abt it,Lord please hav mercy on us all

    4. Blessed Virgin Mary! Intercede for us. God have mercy on ur children.

    5. Plz always wear hand gloves o and have disinfectant and sanitizer


    7. Please is the 20millin the cost of one isolation tent? If yes then na wa ooo our Government! The govt must steal money thru any means

    8. Well well...

  2. May God save us all.

    1. Please is the 20millin the cost of one isolation tent? If yes then na wa ooo our Government! The govt must steal money thru any means

  3. Please the Zmagg should be released to Africa, and the medical communities should please confirm its safety for humans

    Your comment will be visible after approval

    1. Please is the 20millin the cost of one isolation tent? If yes then na wa ooo our Government! The govt must steal money thru any means

    2. Whether its safe 4 human or not we want it like that. After all d Ebola victims will still die.

  4. Be safe, Linda and co.

  5. Arghh.. God help us o!


  7. Nawaooo! Linda all ur update today is about Ebola. Well, I like the awareness, it's all for our good. I serve a living God, so Ebola is not the portion of me and my family, IJN, Amen!

    1. You're a monkey.

    2. @anon 11:40, Dats hw u confess negative things and u kill urself before ur time. We are Christians nd shuld confess positive things, if Jesus christ didn't huv Ebola or any other infection then who re we to huv them. The awareness is very gud. Lets do d physical aspect nd leave God to handle the spiritual side.

    3. @Anony 11:40, why calling her a monkey, she chop ur nuckling? Show ur face before calling someone names. I don't think her comment deserve calling such names. Fool at forty!

    4. Why calling her a monkey ? Please she doesn't deserve such name from you, she have faith and trust her God and then made a confidence boost of Him concerning the issue at hand. So you too can make the same confession if you know whom you are and your right in Christ Jesus.

    5. @Anonymous 11:40 PM, you sound so bitter, may be u need small share of the Ebola. And go get a life! Idiot!@Linda, mind the way u approve all this anonymous bully comment, unless u want people to stop commenting on ur blog after reading. Cos this stupid anonymous or whoever, just want to bully and not to comment. He or she shld go elsewhere and settle their beef and not attacking her here. Linda u hv to do something about this. That's why I don't show my face nor name to comment.

    6. If he is a monkey,u r Ebola

    7. Big monkey!

  8. God help your people...

  9. Everyone should scared now...really scared.

    1. Even the virus will be scared after reading your comment. #RIP English

  10. We don finally wake. No way the US will send u an experimental drug. Serious public enlightenment is the key. But how will people enter bus in Lagos?

    1. My dear, it's unthinkable

  11. Replies
    1. Yesss ooo God pls help us....... Amen

  12. Well God we are in ur hands now,

    1. Omo na to go Polo go try some rolex watches come form ebola...my pipo,my pipo

  13. This disease needs a serious and urgent attention, itz getting deadlier by the day..

  14. GOD...please help us africans,xpecially my country nigeria..

  15. May God save us in this country o

  16. BS FG!

    ~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~

  17. when u accept death as a means to entering paradise u will not be scared of death, i feel for my little baby but for me am ready for anytin. If not ebola den somtin else wil kil us all, so y the fear?

  18. Ow would pple enter buses in lag.. anyway thnnk God its nt ANAMBRA state o like dey said. Na only God dey save us for this country o

  19. hey guyz d prevention nd cure toward d ebola virus is by drinking a small quantity of crued oil.tanks all.

    1. Y will you talk nonsense in things like this?

    2. Is that suppose 2 b a joke or wt?

  20. Pls is dat d 20mill isolation tent? If yess thenn na wa ooo! The govt must steal money thru any means

  21. Father God we are in your hand

  22. Are dey just knowin its potency? Its only God we can start callin upon

  23. Deception galore in Nigeria. How on earth is it possible for a government agency in Nigeria to request a US agency to send an experimental serum that has not yet been approved officially for US citizens to Nigeria? What is the cost implications and who is going to foot d bill? Pls we need more enlightenment!

    1. The oil money of course! Better than stealing. All this has been planned since day 1.
      Biological warfare is here

  24. Chaiii... If only we can turn back the hands of time.

    1. Yes ooooo. Patrick Sawyer would have Bern turned back, from the airport.

  25. Gosh,my mum ve to resign from hospital asap,no more handshaking in church.
    And Obama keeps on giving wicked smile each time he mentions ebola.

  26. How will they send you drug not approved, so you can sue them like pfizer if something goes wrong. Its sad that these morons are our leaders, i remember Maku proudly boasting Nigeria was ready and that we had vaccines even when we all knew there was no vaccine. And people ask why we pray instead?

  27. God! Guide n protect m,ma family members,relatives n LIB fans. So help us God

  28. I pray this epidemic comes to an end ASAP. The term 'EBOLA' scares the hell out of me.
    Hi, i'm a 2yrs old girl based in the UK. I'm single and looking for a guy who is understanding, loving,respectful,caring,ambitious and Godfearing. finding a cute guy would be a massive bonus as im goodlooking myself but that isn't a priority. If you are based in the uk, that's much better If not; i can also cope with distant relationhship till we are ready to meet. Pls only guys aged between 24-32 only. florry22@hotmail.com

  29. Everytime we wld be calling God for a problem our leaders created, 20million for ISOLATION TENT hhmmmmmmmmmm....Nigeria

  30. 20Million Naira isolated tent for EACH confirmed case.....if is true....I jst tire mehnnn!.sumpple still wanna make money from this

  31. Population control NEW WORLD ORDER style....(Ebola)!! Brace yourself

  32. @ericwyss1
    Hmmm,GEB wahala dey o,we are finished!#lagos wey be say we dey share everytin#even woman# we r finished

  33. This is part of the signs of the end. Luke 21:11 says in part .............''there will be pestilences''. Despite medical advances, old and new diseases plagues mankind. So, as we pray for God's intervention, we should mend our ways so as to have a good standing with him for that is the only way we can be saved

    1. Wonder why end times happen in Africa only. Better wake up from your slumber. Smh

  34. Patrick Sawyer! ....smh.....All Nigerians curse that name by now! ......It is well.

    On 2 the Next!

  35. like seriously.........our fears shifted from Boko Haram to Ebola....nice one.......

  36. may God help us


  37. how about the army gets one of the boko haram members infect him with the ebola virus and release back to the others. certainly not after we have rescued all their captives. lol

  38. oh God have mercy on us...do not let dis disease to befall us..bokoharam don do us ooooooooooo

  39. First of all look at the disgusting hideous hospital. .won't this place have germs worse than ebola...and yes u can get it from exchanging money..once u come in contact with the person's bodily fluids.be it sweat or otherwise..u get it...Nigerians need to seek help from their diabolical and worldly ways..this just seems like a form of judgment to me from almighty God..I just don't know..plus everyone in Nina she'd stay put there so as to contain this disease ..

  40. 20 million! Imagine what would have happened if the government had acted fast when the news of this disease broke out? Imagine if they had fortified our borders, checked every plane, but no they were busy playing politics carrying out staged assassinations and trying to bring each other down. At the rate this disease is going all that might be for naught!!!

  41. Hmmm what is going on in this world?

  42. In ur secrate place oh Lord we take our shield.

  43. For those who rumored dat d evd has entered Anambra state from the man's corpse Shebi una hear am now say they examined d corpse n no ebola found, anyways I thought they said Zmapp or the zmagg is not meant for human treatment but for animal bcos they tested it on monkey n it worked

  44. its not ZMAG IT IS MZAP

  45. Nigerians can do anything to collect money.
    This government is doing everything to link Nigeria with Ebola all in the name of getting money that they will share from the UN.
    shei there is God oh
    As many people, government officials,
    anyone that wants us in Nigeria to carry the load that does,not belong to us they will use their heads to carry it.
    It is written concerning us in this nation that no pestilence shall come near our dwelling.in Jesus name.

  46. I still don't believe in dis Ebola,i think its a way of making money from govt.By d way Jonathan hasn't visited d victims yet ok

  47. If only Nigeria stopped flights from dos affected countries, all dis won't happen! How dumb is our president!


  49. You wonder what type of nation we are. All these could have been prevented. One wonders if its a course on us. Nothing is working right. God help this nation

  50. This is getting more scary! Buh why dint they discover a cure since 1976? cos it's been in existence but only periodical. Why wait for another outbreak before d research began. Peace offering in churches will have to stop fr now. God pls deliver us like u promised in ps 91 vs 3.

  51. Life without CHRIST is an empty life ***********************************The world is nearing its expiring date,because of its abuse by people. Sin has become d order of the day. People don't see anything wrong in doing evil, lot of heart of men are stony. The Gospel of JESUS CHRIST is the power of GOD to save. lib readers please u guys need to be born again. Am enjoying success in CHRIST JESUS, am reigning in life. Wow!what a glorious life I have, I can't fail in life, I have power over the circumstances of life. I have heaven inside of me,am an ambassador of God here on earth. Greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world. My dear people,U need to have a relationship with CHRIST to enjoy what am enjoying, I can't be sick,I can't fail,I can't be broke,I can't be afraid. dear lib people including linda, JESUS loves u all and HE wants to give u guys eternal life, just confess HIM as ur LORD and SAVIOUR, believe in your heart that HE died for ur sins, ask him to come into ur life and be d LORD of your life, say from to day I am born again, I have eternal life in me,I am saved. If u pray this prayer with all ur heart congratulation u are saved. Get a bible,study it daily and pray. Attend a living church and participated in the church activities. From Evangelist Dan #Christ embassy church

  52. God, uo own d key 2our life. LIB Princess! Pretex4luv@yahoo.com

  53. Shameless African leaders. What happened to all the money meant for medical research and developing our educational system? Ofcourse you all looted it. Now you are shamelessly ringing a country that does not have a single case of Ebola , yet have developed an experimental drug. Ypu should all cover your faces in shame. Your Liberian counterpart has ordered 3 days fasting and praying against Ebola, the ignorance of African leaders is sickening. None of you is fit to rule. Sick continent.

  54. Olameedey2in1@yahoo.com7 August 2014 at 05:38

    Dis matter is beyond human capability...we criozly need 2 call on God 2 cleanse our land.

  55. I don't trust this govt most of what they say on air are not true.i just hope they take ebola seriously

  56. Linda its Zmapp Not Zmag...we will Win this

  57. no wonder, the two hands in my nokia phone refused to shake hands

  58. We will surely overcum it....

  59. This a BIG problems o father my is in hands o. MayGodfobidbadtin?

  60. On a matter of national emergency as Ebola outbreak, there is no need to wait for response from the United State, FG should mount pressure on US government to secure quick release of the ZMAG drug or else, we risk loosing the entire populace of this country.

  61. The sickness of the egyptians shall not come near us. It will be happening at the right we will be at the left ,a thousand shall fall by our right and left but shall not come near our dwelling place IJN.

  62. Oohhhhh God,Is dis d payback of our sins on earth,pls av mercy d world is at war already,pls tk Dis disease away frm ur children....

    **JoHn Cena MIstress**

  63. This one Millions don enter EBOLA matter, anyone that uses this EBOLA misfortune to enrich their must surely be infected with this virus one way or the other.

    Look at our motor parks, they should be mobilising health workers to be visiting crowded areas in Lagos for sensitization IMMEDIATELY. our government is always slow to respond to critical issues Look at CHIBOK now their laziness. How on earth one sick man will infect the whole nation.... because they did not put any measures. Text every flight from west africa before the leave the airport and treat any little case as EBOLA untill proven otherwise. These measures are not put in place . The what they hell are they doing?

  64. Gladys Chinyere7 August 2014 at 08:40

    This shows d time is near.. Pls lets surrender our life to Jesus. this is end time! Pls lord take dis Egyptian sickness away frm ur children(Exo 7,8 & 9) Lord, U are our only hope..

  65. How many people go die b4 dem bring the medicine

  66. They should stop it from entering other states now and solve the solution before its too late! And declare no movement for a whole week or 2 and give emergency number for those who see d symptoms should call! For dat 2 weeks we should be able to do something! Our life's are more important please! FG should help. I am more Dan scared to death

  67. May God help us, ders ntfin impossible 4 him to do. In God I trust

    MZ G says so

  68. All dz afflictions ar as a result gay, lesbian, rituals, shedding of innocent blood dt d world is glorifying as if dey ar normal things. Let God ask 4 4giveness & 4sake all dz evil. Ao i wish d ebola starts from all dz countries dt av legalise homosxual.

    1. Some of you people on this blog are beyond stupid

  69. mkaysays: fashola needs to shut down lagos as soon as possible....to monitor and deal wiv tdis ish swiftly......it is better for lagos to loose a few billion naira now dan to b cut off fromthe international world in a few months time bcos half of naija is dead

  70. mkaysays: fashola needs to shut down lagos as soon as possible....to monitor and deal wiv tdis ish swiftly......it is better for lagos to loose a few billion naira now dan to b cut off fromthe international world in a few months time bcos half of naija is dead

  71. What is our business with the cost of the Tents?? Thieves!!! Only 20million??

  72. End time sickness.


  74. Check out our president history anything he is behind doesn't live long unless its die...pls Jonathan should be sent out of Nigeria before the country die finally. I hate the clueless man (GEJ)with gut

  75. Dis is really getting serious. God plz protect ur own.
    Ahhhh dis is d worst virus so far!
    U just contact it involuntarily.

  76. wait, fine its good to aid for help, but this serum is derived from the antibodies of a mouse, abi we no get mouse for naija, what happened to our pharmaceutical industry trying to study this ish.

  77. we dnt just have to depend on USA, nigeria like to depend depend depend, our young children are fucking smart, utilize our fucking youths and we will see the out come

  78. someone mentioned crude oil, and i put that into consideration somehow because of its contains strong organic chemicals that can destroy viruses, bacteria, and others, but it can lead to excessive dehydration, so if to be taken lots of water has to be consumed

  79. we are complaining, Obama give us or no give us , it will not affect him. It is time for Nigerian citizens to stand up, protest, and fight for our rights, but how many of us will do so. if we can not protest, forget about it, there is nothing the government will do for us.

  80. shebi oga senators, una don chop money finish,una belle don full, shebi una still one chop again, continue to chop na, dnt build your, countinue dey chop , God dey

  81. God save your children.

  82. The God I serve will protect me and my household from ebola

  83. What a shameful situation. My heart bleeds for this country. Asking and waiting for a response from America and "hopefully if the drugs are released, they could be used to treat confirmed Ebola cases." It's sad to see that even a health minister and a so called Prof for that matter does not understand anything about drugs still under-going development. There is absolutely no way a country can release unapproved drugs to another country. There are medical rules and legal rules regarding things like this. Also, a drug still under-going trial and testing cannot have been produced in a large quantity. Let us forget anything about Ebola for a second - do we even have ordinary beds or even manageable sanitary conditions in most hospitals? It's a shame the situation this country is in and those in power and in control of funds are not doing anything to change the situation. We thank God we do not even have natural disasters otherwise, this country would have been wiped off the face of the earth.

  84. Shame on Africans, they never improve on anything. Nigeria is pleading for a vaccine, don't you have Doctors and professors in this field, why can't they work to find a vaccine. Africans will forever remain slaves.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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