Dear LIB readers: Should I accept his proposal? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 15 August 2014

Dear LIB readers: Should I accept his proposal?

From a female LIB readers
I met this guy in June this year, never knew his genotype until last week when he proposed to me. He opened up to me that he is SS. I am so confused, don't know if I should accept his proposal or not. I love him so much but I'm scared because of the crisis, although he told me the crisis comes once in two years. Most people advised that I should not accept his proposal because it's risky. I'm AA. Please I need urgent advice because he wants to wed me by November. Thanks, as I await your honest advice...


  1. he is ss and u are aa. Abeg get married and stop talking like an illiterate. Hav u not an ss that married an as

  2. Go c a doctor n seek advice if is possible

  3. Pls 4 d sake of ur unborn children,don't accept his proposal.

  4. My dear if You love him please go ahead but make sure you do your home to check his background. All the best.

  5. Is risky coz if u marry him,none of ur children will be AA.they will be AS and is not enough 2 stay married,it involves a lot. *** CROWD * PULLER * PLEASER***#

  6. Since you are AA, and you love him, i wil just say should go ahead.......
    Remember if yu were SS too, you won't say bcs of yur health you won't marry

  7. Let love take the lead. U r AA, wats ur excuse since u love him. U can still marry AA and lose him so why all the sentiments?

  8. Linda u r not bein fair why don't I eva c my comments on dis blog,

  9. If u truly love him go ahead and accept his proposal,

  10. Marry him, who is to say how long you will have to wait before another person comes by?

  11. This is a difficult one to handle.
    I'll advise you to marry him if you truly love him and if both of you agree to survive this together .
    Its your choice to make;you know him better.
    Afterall he'll still marry someone.
    Pray to God to direct and give you the strength to love him with this challenge.
    I won't tell you not to marry him because life is unpredictable...only God knows everything. Some SS people live longer than you think they would.

    P.S: I'm believing that this is your only challenge in this relationship .

  12. Linda is anything wrong?You dey confususe dis days 4 ur English o

  13. Why the rush??? heading to work need to get that money.

  14. Something must kill a man. Marry him first.,have ur kids.when he he sick nurse him.when he dies bury him such is life

  15. Since ur AA u can still marry him

  16. well my dear, d ball is in ur court. since u are AA, u can go ahead but at d same tym i pray d guy doesnt die an untimely death. so think twice, if u dont marry him, sumbody else will. so its ur choice babe

  17. june this year are ur so sure u love him? tell him ur AS not AA and see how much he loves you back. Love may not justify his own desperation and you might end up regretting accepting his proposal. if he loves you he would give you time to make a decision and not rush you by proposing after 2months..that actually trending now...your the 4th person this month iv heard got a proposal within 3months.

  18. Kiss him on the forehead, thank him for his love & walk away.

  19. dear i advise u to go ahead with the weding becos since ur genotype is aa ut wont affect your children

  20. In my opinion, if he can survive for that long and u don't have the same genotype with him then it's totally safe. All u have to do is read all abt the do's and don'ts of SS pple and enjoy your marriage

  21. since u ar AA,ur children wil b is safe my dear.....kindly accept him.......

  22. He's a grown man meaning there's a huge chance he won't die from the crisis anymore. You're AA meaning you guys will most probably give birth to AS children and no SS. We sacrifice for love so if u love him enough to put up with it,by all means go ahead.

  23. Well it depends on u if are u are ready 2 take d risk den so b it....but ask GOD abt it sha...boluleeeee

  24. Since you're AA, it would be nice you go ahead and get married to him as that would bring him so much joy. But if you say NO to his proposal,that might just lead him to depression and possibly xxxx. Please say YES...


  26. since u luv him, y not? and thank God u r AA not AS... wld u rather af him marry an SS lyk him or maybe AS? if u marry an AA lyk u, wahs d assurance dt he is gonna luv u lyk d SS? wht abt his behaviour? or whts evn d assurance dt he is gonna live long? just pray to God and dance to d alter.?


  27. Yes the devil u know is better than the angel u don't know I would have advice u marry him for love sake

  28. wat if he's AA and just contracted Ebola? dear thank God forvwat yu av..
    lot of yur mates are fasting on the mountain just to see a man..any tell them "WILL YU MARRY ME".

  29. *lips sealed*Over to the lib elders.

  30. Hehehe.....met in june....proposed in august.....hmmm, all I can say z best of luck dear!!!

  31. Well if he's SS and u're sure u're AA, u have nothing to worry about. And if u truly love him, you would stay by his side when he gets sick (in sickness and in health?). Besides, in most cases of sickle cell, the crisis gets less with age. And with more research and technology, things are getting easier for them.

  32. Keep Love aside Madam, do you want your kids to suffer out of LOVE? There's a possibility of giving birth to an SS, get proper advise from a medical practitioner on this case, Love is not selfish.
    - CHQ

  33. Hmmm, I had a similar challenge in 2011, d man I loved so much took me 2 his father for introduction and I was so happy bcus I really wanted 2 spend d rest of my life wit him, but later got 2 kmow dat our genotype was AS and AS, I was devastated, I felt like dieing, but I still had 2 move on. Dear poster, wit ma little knowledge I tink an AA can marry an SS not like mine, so pls I will suggest u marry him.

  34. My sister, the issue of genotype isn't negotiable at all. Even God expects us after knowing the truth of the dangers it poses in future to take the right decision. I would strongly advice you to make up your mind because u alone can do that no matter what advice you get here. There are two things involved, either u accept him and get ready to face the crises in future with him and also probably your children or you forget about him and move on another man will come by God's special grace. It's your choice at the end of the day.

  35. Why dwell on something you already have a second thought about? If you can't stand the heat, don't even go in.

  36. How would u feel if u were in his shoes n no one wants u? Ss is not a death sentence. It depends on u. Do u ve de patience n love to be strong in de crisis times? Ask ur self.

  37. He might be testing u.And AA can even mary SS

  38. My dear make u no marry him oooo. Reverse d diagnosis & see if d man no go runnnnnn, !!!!!!!!

  39. Dear,

    Am sure you just want to help him through to cross one or two hurdles in his life....

    think about this..
    what if he does not love me?
    had he been AA, would he 'think' propose to me?

    the fact is you don't just love someone to help them, love them cos you love them..

    you both are not in love yet... wait more, june to end of next year is too short to even talk of marriage...

    its advisable to love and marry someone, but not because you want to help his siyuation and just that you are a last resort.

    just #candidhere

  40. Just ignore him for d sake of ur future kids.

  41. My dear,,u dnt have 2 be scared,,issues wt SS is that d older dey re, d better their chances of survival,who do u want him 2 marry if not AA,,crises once in 2yrs is OK,with ur care n support it might not come in 5yrs,n even if it comes, it ll be a mild form,,pls take him 2 erradicate SS in his lineage,,

  42. Love has nothing to do with sickness
    Speaking in Ibu voice

  43. Look over the emotions although it's hard. Love is not enough to sustain marriage. Put your future kids in mind too. I don't think you should go into that marriage. Might be a bit discriminatory but it's the truth. Stay clear ma'am.

  44. It is two ways, it is not risky and as well risky. Not risky if u are thinking about having children cos they will all end up being an AS, but to u as a couple it is risky. Cos his day are numbered. But with God things are possible. Just follow your instinct and pray.


  45. One of ur child might b SS, anyway go talk 2 a doctor.

  46. U can accept him since u are AA, God can still turn things around if u have d faith.


  47. Just pray for God's guidance. So far God has helped the guy so far. You will not likely give birth to an SS since you are AA. You would give back to AA AS. Sure. Though you should be very careful of this very short courtship. I guess the guy want to may you faster than normal before you get to know the major issues of his life. I will suggest you take more time to prolong your courtship a little bit, like say one year.

  48. As far as, u are AA genotype there is know way u guys will produce SS ,but he may die at any point in time .if u don't want to be a widow at the early stage of ur marriage don't accept,but if u love him so much , that u can't stay without him accept ,that is ur fate .

  49. pls go ahead and marry him,u re an AA,so u got no so doing u re helping him and giving hope to other SS out there..if u AA dont marry him who will

  50. Marry him since it's once in two years and keep praying he's gonna last you.

  51. Patience is the true test of a man' character and personality. In my opinion, June till date is too short to know who your lover is and why is he in a hurry to marry you. Pls wait for his crisis period to oCcur for atleast three times and see if you can stand it and help him cheerfully during ds period.. Its a fact, true love is unconditional, but be sure you have grace and inner strenght to stand the for better for worse clause. Its better you wait than be sorry later.

  52. My dear what matter most is love. If his a good man pls accept what if u marry a complete man and ur life is miserable in d marriage. Good and honest man are very hard to find ooo don't b deceived.

  53. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Babe run for ur life.....

  54. I am a lady and i am SS too. If u love him, accept his proposal. besides wtz the guarantee that getting married to a non SS would be better for you.

    Do not reject his proposal because of his genotype.

  55. Would he do same if he was u? Think hard and give urself honest answer

  56. girl it wount afect ur babies since u are AA u just acept nd advice d guy to always hv his inhaler against d crisis

  57. I dnt rili knw wat to say to you... Cus d fact dat a person's genotype is SS shuldnt deprive him from having a family of his own (A wife and children). But I cant advice u to continue if u knw u dnt av breeding for stress

  58. As I said, better be late than sorry. Don't have to marry someone to be avalable to help them in their times of nEed. He may want to marry you quickly to have a child before something grievous go wrong. Take your time and reallly look inward if you really want to overcome your hesitation and marry. Your doubt may be your saviour.

  59. Dats is a serz sumtin..

  60. If you truly love him and can cope with the crisis,you can go ahead since your genotype is is well!

  61. Go for it if you really love him, he's ss doesn't mean he's dying already,even if u marry an AA something might happen tomorrow,u never can tell maybe an accident or a deadly sickness.all you have to do is pray hard that God should preserve him.
    Face of lib

  62. I know with your AA genotype your children are safe but the question is can you handle the crisis? But if you check am well, somebody has to marry him#okbye

  63. Patience is the true test of a man' character and personality. In my opinion, June till date is too short to know who your lover is and why is he in a hurry to marry you. Pls wait for his crisis period to oCcur for atleast three times and see if you can stand it and help him cheerfully during ds period.. Its a fact, true love is unconditional, but be sure you have grace and inner strenght to stand the for better for worse clause. Its better you wait than be sorry later.

  64. well it depends on you, honestly i will say u should seek spiritual advice cos u may end up being a widow.

  65. well it depends on you, honestly i will say u should seek spiritual advice cos u may end up being a widow.

  66. Go ahead and marry him,u got no problem since u re an AA,by so doing u re helping him and giving hope to other SS out u AA dont marry him who will

  67. You want my honest advice eh kwa, don't marry him. A stitch in time saves nine. A word is enough for an aged. ######OTUoCHA

  68. Go ahead and marry him,u got no problem since u re an AA,by so doing u re helping him and giving hope to other SS out u AA dont marry him who will

  69. Go ahead and marry him,u got no problem since u re an AA,by so doing u re helping him and giving hope to other SS out u AA dont marry him who will

  70. Go ahead and marry him,u got no problem since u re an AA,by so doing u re helping him and giving hope to other SS out u AA dont marry him who will

  71. whaleayodot@yahoo.com15 August 2014 at 07:33

    well it depends on you but you have to seek a spiritual advice so that you know the mind of God on this matter.

  72. Since your ur own gynotype is AA go ahead my dear, the Lord is ur strength.
    ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  73. My dear d choice is urs but for him to have propose to u withing 2month of dating and u also luv him dearly, well I would say why not but u still have d decision to make bcos only u will be in d marriage not with anybody else, Luv is all dat matters. God bless

  74. ss and aa... the risk isn't on the kids, it's on you and the stark reality is you may not be his wife for very long but you say you love him sooooo.
    P.S. 5months and a wedding is a wow!

  75. Hello friend,in my own opinion,I will advise you to marry him,if u really luv the guy,cause if u reject him,who else will marry him,though I knw is risky due to his genotype,but luv is sacrifice,nd dis is wat u hv to sacrifice for.jst think abt it.

  76. Nawa ooo u meet peraon june dis year nd nw una dey reason marriage.1tin I knw is wenbu rush into sumtyn na d same way u go rush my dear minus d SS matter dnt u tink its 2early 2b reasonin such wen u jst met d dude u neva knw am well.ltr nw u go write 2 linda dey tlk say u don tire 4d marriage.sum women r funny sha

  77. I would have dropped a link for u bt I am using my phone n d wahala go plenty. Please go to google type Dr craig bella naija sickle cell. You will read d most insightful writing I've ever seen from on topic that will help with your options.goodluck

  78. If u really love him I advice u date him for a longer time. Nne u r going to leave with him for ever. See how his crisis comes. Me thinks he wants to rush it so u do not see him when he is in that situation. Also ask urself, r u the type of person to care for a sick man. U need more than love in marriage

  79. U can accept bcoz AA can marry SS and u ppl will have only AS in the family.

  80. The key word that you stated is that you love him. If that is the case then no need to worry about crisis. I have to remind though that it will be difficult seeing him go thru that experience. The love you both have 4 each other will mask the pain. The wedding vow.....sickness and in health -touches on that. If it is something that you can't handle tell him the truth n also tell urself the truth. As for ur future kids with him, they all gonna be ok per AS

  81. Go ahead wit d wedding since u're AA and u luv him so much. SS people live long wit good medication (I mean just fruits, vegetables, Bcomplex drugs and folic acid) wch are very cheap. They live like evry normal persons, some of dem are strong and u may hardly notice. I hv dem in my family and they are quite old, living happily wit children. Just show him a little luv dats all. The crisis may not even come evn afta 2yrs as long as they eat enough fruits and vegetables to help them maintain a good PCV (blood level). They make good spouse trust me and rememba God can do wat man thinks is impossible. Congrats on ur proposal!

  82. You just said you loved him. I will rather marry an SS that i love that an AA im barely enduring. I also heard at certain age the syndrome cant kill them again. Kindly confirm if he has passed the age so that you wont become a pretty widow

  83. Go ahead wit d wedding since u're AA and u luv him so much. SS people live long wit good medication (I mean just fruits, vegetables, Bcomplex drugs and folic acid) wch are very cheap. They live like evry normal persons, some of dem are strong and u may hardly notice. I hv dem in my family and they are quite old, living happily wit children. Just show him a little luv dats all. The crisis may not even come evn afta 2yrs as long as they eat enough fruits and vegetables to help them maintain a good PCV (blood level). They make good spouse trust me and rememba God can do wat man thinks is impossible. Congrats on ur proposal!

  84. Pray ova it,nothing God can't do.he will direct u on wat to do.Takia

  85. U re AA my dear, no cause for alarm! Accept his proposal.

  86. Follow ur mind let God lead u.

  87. Sweet@ pls marry him! Thank God ur AA.....we sure dunt expect him 2 marry some1 with his blood type. Let love lead, above all pray bou it.

  88. yu wan be widow?
    nah unless dt buh God cn do evrytin n evry bad moment cn change to history through GOD n him alone....
    I suggest yu pray n fast abt it n yu ll see d vision.

  89. SS and AA can marry if u truely love him

  90. Pls Pls Pls!!! You av said it all. You are AA and he is SS, what else do u want again? Abeg go marry or park well.

  91. Somethn feels wrong t me. U meet a guy in June n he proposes in August only for u to discover he's SS n now he wants to get married in Nov. Common girl,use ur tongue t count ur teeth. (Sue)

  92. Why is it difficult for you to marry him if you really love him as you are professingg?he is human besides you and your children won't be at risk,as long as he has gotten to this age means he is careful and takes care of his health.

  93. Honey, Pls accept. Since he is an adult, wt proper hydration the likelihood of having d crisis becomes slim. You're lucky u both love each other. Good thing is none of ur kids would present wt SS. So I think u should say Yes

  94. i suggest u should marry him since you love him,and ur genotype is a match one,so go ahead n marry him if u love him.

  95. Aunt prayer change things

  96. That's a tough one. Can u withstand "d crisis"? know what d crisis actually is, find out frm his family or medics to really confirm b4 u can accept (dats if u really luv him) his proposal. Good luck

  97. You need to seek God's approval before marrying.

  98. He is SS and you are AA your children can only end up as AA or AS and that is a good news! As for the crisis, if you truly love him as you said, you will marry him and help him overcome it.

    Love answereth all things Period!!!

  99. My dear sis u can accept his proposal since u're AA. N b grateful dat u have a fiancée dat is trustworthy! Unlike some people who will not disclose dia genotype. Accept it n support ur self wit prayers. Its well IJN!

  100. Please dö not marry hım so you won't end up Beıng a wıdow at the long run... #Myadvıce# IT İŞ WELL

  101. That's hectic hey.
    Well, if you can bear it, go ahead.
    Some ppl are stronger than others; I can't.

    *My R1.50c comment*

  102. hmmmn, june this year and he proposed to u already? why the rush? do you think you know him well enough in two moths or less? have you seen him in a crisis before to know that u can cope with it? i had a friend whose crisis used to take up to a month before he eventually passed (may his soul rest in piece) my advice, take more time to know him and think of all the possibilities before you leap into marriage.

  103. TheAnonymousChic15 August 2014 at 07:56

    Do not marry that man!
    I do not say that because of his genotype, but any man who witholds that kind of critical information until AFTER proposing to you is not a good man... period!

  104. Because you have come to Linda to ask that means that you are scared and not ready to accept the heavy load of SS. My dear none of your advisers will live with you if you accept to marry him. The decision is all yours. Ada Uche

  105. madam pls dont do it..dont accept..................................#KingOfKings

  106. Well according science your 1,2,3 phylia generation will be SS. Dats if u don't want to hv too many kids as d case may be. But nothing is imposible with God.

  107. You love him, can you deal with the crises? Are you likely going to get tired of his issues? It takes inner strength to deal with it. If you have not seen a HbSS person in his/her crisis, it's difficult to conclude you can cope but search yourself.

  108. You already have doubts in your mind so don't accept it. You don't want to be widowed when your life is just meant to be beginning.

  109. My dear ooo, I can ONLY imagine how u feel to know he is SS, since u shared this it means u r open to opinions n I'll say NO ooo, if he gave u the ring before telling u this, he played 419 on ur emotions. At this point it's NOT ONLY ABOUT U but ur beloved CHILDREN u haven't seen yet, if u can stand them suffering, hmmm, then go ahead, but if not tell him NO, that u r sorry n he should have told u this a long time ago, but his one that u guys met 2 months or so ago me I tire, that proposal was sharp sharp n u c u didnt even have enough time to know him that's y u r posting this. If u r convinced by love n u still want to go ahead pray that u have a job that pays millions cus it's not easy. I had a family friend that was SS, this girl suffered no b small, my pops is a doc so she was always travelling from her place to ours for treatments n checkups, she was so skinny from her childhood to her teens, n she even had to b using crutches cus I think her bones were weak, can't really remember the full stuff was quite young then n it was play that was in my head then. Apart from that God can work wonders if it's God's will, cus a woman or a man has to marry a person that is SS, they weren't born to b reverend Father's n Sisters n they diffinitely can't marry SS too if not all their children would die right before them, so my dear miracles happen, I've heard of stories how SS married AS had 4 kids n had AS n no SS, but I'm not saying it might b same in your own case, BUT PLEASE BE WISE, THAT SHARP PROPOSAL DEY FEAR ME SEF N U ACCEPTED

  110. In a situation like this you must really be sure you love him ad if you do then marry him with the understanding dat you children can never be SS but all would be AS and it is ur duty to absolutely devote ur care and understanding to him. Basically you need to give him all the love and peace of mind you can. Please the hundred % sure you love him and can be patient with him before you agree to marry him.

  111. my dear, there is nothing wrong with that. A family is SS but she is okay now, she has 3 beautiful children and they are so okay. Go ahead if God has said he is your husband. God wont disappoint you.

  112. If u love him n u are willin to take care of him, i heard moringa helps ss alot. ~AUCHI GIRL~

  113. Trust me dis is really dicey especially when love & health issues come to play. Dose who hv gone tru dat path hvnt still recovered till date.
    If u think ur faith can carry u on, but no health practitioner wld advice u 2go ahead, but at d same time, does it mean SS patients wld never get married?????

    Long & short of it, Personally I wldnt marry some1 who is SS neither wld I advice u 2do likewise.
    D ball is in ur court. Trust me u hv so many 2 contend with, Ur family, Church, Ur future etc.

  114. You both can never have children with ss. If he had survive till this extent, then nothing will go wrong. You be happy he told you the truth. You said you love so much, and to what extent? I cant never tell someone marry him or not. You know what you want. Follow your heart but let it be guilded by divine wisdom.

  115. Ur stupid for this kind of question in this modern age. Your going into hardship $ puting your future children into trauma. We don't even know yourselves very well just may $ ur marrying him in November later you'll start craying u didn't know. Pls answer ur questions yourself.

  116. Marry him,God can deliver him through you or perhaps he is testing to see your reaction cos no ss patient has crisis once in two yrs.

  117. U r a FOOL! Is LIB a hospital? Linda what kinda stupid post is dis? Go to a fcuking hospital to knw if u can marry him or not! Its 2014 and nigerians have refused to grow up! Gosh

  118. My dear.....i ld advice u to follow ur heart....its God dah chooses d genotype of unborn babies....dere is a 25% chance dah u ave 1ss as a child.....buh u have higher probability of having AS as d genotype of all ur kids.....u shld pray abt it

  119. Love conquers all,they say. Stay with him but am just worried about your unborn kids... at the end of d day,whatever advise we give u here won't count as u will still follow ur heart and make your decision yourself! All the best.

  120. Love conquers all,they say. Stay with him but am just worried about your unborn kids... at the end of d day,whatever advise we give u here won't count as u will still follow ur heart and make your decision yourself! All the best.......

  121. Mtcheeew... He is not only SS, he is ASP and u are not Only AA... na rescue. common girl, which century are u in? A guy met u in June and u want to accept proposal after two months, can't you see the red light? My advice is that u we'd him in November and live with crisis all through your marriage. Mtcheew.

  122. My dear,what you need is a professional advice,see a doctor and think about your future children,don't let them go through pain all in the name of love.



  124. Hello dearie...true love is unconditional. if you love him its all for better for be prayerful and make yourself happy.

  125. Marry him! SS aint ebola! If he has been handlin it alone, u guys can handle it together. Besides u are AA and AS children are secured and can find their way

  126. I have seen testimonies of SS turn 2 AA so if u have done all ur checking spiritually and he is ur hubby pls go ahead bt if he isn't don't venture into it else u will regret it

    Breezy_p via MTN finest

  127. If you want to marry him or not is a choice and a decision only u can make. I will advise u pray abt it and let God direct u. But y d rush,what is he afraid of? I think u should spend more tym gettin 2kw him. And experience how bad his crisis can be. Don't jump in2 marriage.

  128. My dear you dnt need nobody's advice in issues like this! Just seek the face of God, go to him in prayer and fasting asking for direction, I am sure you ll hear his voice!

  129. Pray 2 God let God open ur eye nd i think u guys r save bn d fact dat u r AA.

  130. Certainly ur children won't b SS since u are AA but I'm sure u dnt wanna b a widow...SAY NO

  131. He doesn't love you. If he does, he wouldn't hold back on such a vital information. Secondly, you guys met in June and you love him so much by August!!!! I go love oooo

  132. pls dont reject him,he said the crisis only comeuo once in 2yrs,am sure u can manage that if u luv him...Ni'ima.

  133. My darln babe pls o accept him,u are AA, u don't need to be afraid,none of ur kids will be SS.and he has also outgrown the serious trauma carry go,congrats. Linda am d first my comment sharperly

  134. pls do not start a tin dat would be difficult to finish. abeg bail out dearie guys still dey wella wey go marry u.. *dats d honest Me

  135. Dear SS and AA are still a better match but dear flow ur hearth

  136. Odikwa Risky O!, but then if someone like you don't marry the guy, who would? So pls consider him and with faith God will make the union trouble free.

  137. Dearie its not easy to make such decision. If u love him, then accept him.But for me, its scary.I don't think I can go thru dat.Besides, u guys just met.its a short time to make such decision.Bcos its a lifetime commitment.Please luk b4 u leap.

  138. just 2months ago.....hmm...i comment my reserve!

  139. Haaaaaaa.... I hope he is rich ooo.. so when he peme, u can hold on...... loool...

  140. Its safe,AA+SS can get married.

  141. there is a probability of u given birth to ss n for him i cant say mayb u go for him or nt bt jst try n met ur doctor in order for u to gain more experience before its too late. Make ur decision wisely

  142. you jus have to follow ur heart dear

  143. Come on girl!!! You Aa and he is Ss u guys are cool, ur offspring's will be A's.Accept his proposal if u truly love him.

  144. Awwwwww! Ya go on since u r AA u can only giv birth 2 AS AS all. Gudluk dear since u love him. Can't wait 2 do Ashabi ooooooo JUST PASSING.

  145. @ Linda,
    My honest advice to you dearest LIB reader is that U follow Ur heart & go down on Ur knees for spiritual guidiance.
    What are Ur parameters as per The Man U want to spend the rest of Ur life with?
    May I guide U if I were in Ur shoes:
    Is he God fearing?
    Am I on the same radar or wavelength with him concerning our perception, outlook & expectations in life?
    What's his family/background like? Is it at par with mine or better?
    Am I going to be a better person should I be married to him?
    Is he my best friend & companion that I want to be with always? Does he love me like I love him or more? More is better from him in this case.
    Are we going to bear and raise good fruits from this union? That is kids in this case.
    Hmmm, I could go on & on my dear but my candid opinion is that his health should not be a determinant here. Yes, U should be concerned but at the same time what if U eventually get someone whose genotype is AA but is a beast, serial cheat or whose lifespan is even shorter than this SS guy? What would then be Ur fate? Do U know that U guys relocate abroad because of his genotype do U know that he'd be close to cured as the tech here would rid him of this SS blood in him? Discuss with him a possible relocation in future. SS is peculiar to Africans and Asians too, U know?
    There are no guarantees or manuals as to what life is.
    Better to experience true & deep love than never to, Honey!
    I pray that God helps U make the best decision!
    I wish U well but I'd leave U with this Yoruba adage: "Okunkun o kii kun, k'oni nu maa m'onu." Meaning "No matter how dark it gets, every one knows deeply what's in their hearts!"

  146. Your parents are the best to confide on this kinda situation.

  147. Would u wait till u find a man who is AA nd doesn't love u as much? Or a man u don't love as much? Most important thing is ur children, nd ur nt gonna get ss kids! So that's one. Secondly, u should think it thru urself. This ppl tellin u to leave him. Do they have a man for u? If u luv him u wont look at it that way. U wud just want to be there for him more than ever now that u know. Anyway. Tell him to prospond the proposal, nd marriage. Give him anothr reason. If u can live with him for a while. Do so! Y? Atleast 3 to 4months! So u can know if it's true that it isn't so often or if it's a lie. Cuz truthfully he myt just say the two year crap to make u feel lighter. Above all! Love! Love! Nd just love can keep this! This is just a test of time!

  148. If Only u are AA, den u can, if u are AS better not try it, because blood will be on ur hand, all ur children are going to die, God forbid, be careful (Linda sugar boy)

  149. If Only u are AA, den u can, if u are AS better not try it, because blood will be on ur hand, all ur children are going to die, God forbid, be careful (Linda sugar boy)

  150. It cud be bitter to accept pls dnt listen to anymore here bcus they ar nt doctors buh regular pple mkin dere voice heard# as a son of a professional doctor I wud say pls dnt accept ,jus decline amicably.

  151. Reli in my candid opinion,its somhw meetin a guy in june nd he proposes 2 months afta.I'm nt sure u no much bout him yet or I wd rada say u guys re goin 2 fast nd on d oda issue@hand,uve 2 ask urslf questions lik wen d sickness comes up,Do I luv him enuf 2 come wit d sickness wen it comes?I jus feel somtin fishy bout al dz wich mit b more dan I've stated.but most importantly,u jus ve 2 take it 2 God in prayer,he has solution 4 every problem

  152. He has already past thru d worst phase of sickle cell.. There is no harm in getting married to him, Since none of ur children will be affected by it. Even if d crisis should come, it wont be that bad.. that's not an issue at all..

  153. i want to believe you love him that is why you are so confused on what to do.

    Just follw your heart, becasue being SS or not.. he is humna and he surely deserves every good thing we all deserve.

    and as long as you are AA, then you shouldn't be scared of the children you guys will raise together.

    NB: Please note that it might be a SCAM to test your love for him.... confirm he is truly SS before you take any further decision!

  154. My dear I understand how u feel...I was once in ur shoe but God helped me though mine was AS we both. We separated knowing d implications, God gives life & he may decide to bless him through u. I know many people that are into dis....d husbands are still alive while some are dead. Its a two ways thing. I pray God will direct u. Pls dont forget to pray about it. Thanks!

  155. there is nothing wrong with him being a SS. I don't think you should not marry a person because they are SS. I would advise you not to marry him not because he is a SS but because you barely know the guy for up to a year.. Girl what's wrong with you!!

  156. Pray about it.Let God decide!

  157. if u luv him; go 4 it. Luv conquers all.

  158. Marry him jor....msccchew! so SS pple won't marry too?

  159. You met him this year's June and you're already in love? Nawa oo

  160. June,SS and November too fast abeg,marriage is for life take it slow and know each other well....everything lead back to SS,if u know each other well genotype will not bother

  161. confirm ur genotype,If U sincerely love him and u re AA accept his proposal.The good thing is ur kids won't be SS but only av traits i.e. AS
    He can live a crisis free life ,there are medication that helps to reduce frequency and if he doesn't stay in a malaria endemic region he ll do fine .Think about that!!!!

  162. All i remember with this post is Juwa!
    He is clearly desperate to want to marry less than 6months after meeting you...U sound desperate too!
    My Advice is take a sheet of paper,write down d pros and cons then mak your decision.
    One of the Pros may be "he's d only one that will ever love and cherish you this much" and the con can be" u will be a young widow"
    All these is just speaking hypothethically of course...

  163. Since u are AA u can marry him u guys can never give birth to SS

  164. Luv is all dt matters..if u truly luv him, dn u shld go for medical advice

  165. My dear marry him,nofin will happen 2 him n u wunt give birth 2 SS cos u are AA.....

  166. The genotype doesn't matter as much as you both love one each other. If you don't? then who will ?

  167. Accept him u ar AA is cool if u dnt who wil? Is gud u love him and I tink he does 2 pray 4 God's grace ~ call Me ice .

  168. If u truly luv him marry him and keeps praying for him, i known ofsome one whose husband is ss but he is living okay.i think good food and friut keeps to keep them well.God will see u through

  169. Errr, what's the rush?!

  170. My dear if u lov him go ahead nd I guess it worth all D trouble u may get, AA vs SS nt BAD 4 a result.

  171. First u need 2 consider d children u will have in d long run. There is a 100% chance that ur children all will be AS. Also d cost nd time 2 take care of
    these children who would sometimes have crises. I advice u talk to a doctor
    or a therapist for d pros nd cons.

  172. First u need 2 consider d children u will have in d long run. There is a 100% chance that ur children all will be AS. Also d cost nd time 2 take care of
    these children who would sometimes have crises. I advice u talk to a doctor
    or a therapist for d pros nd cons.

  173. Oma sheee ooo, but follow ur heart sha

  174. Marry him na, if u love him besides it doesnt hv any effect on ur children.....

  175. pray 4 Gods direction, its al dat counts.

  176. my dear, since u love him so much go ahead and marry him thank God that u are AA so u can't give birth to SS is not possible.

  177. if u love him y not. ur AA do d crossbreeding.

  178. Yes you can go ahead and accept the man's proposal, there is no harm if you guys marry.. My pops is SS and my mum AA

  179. This is marriage and not boyfriend girlfriend relationship pls don't marry him and also don't put the life of those unborn kids in danger

  180. Seek God's face to know if he is the right one for you. Being SS does not mean the person cannot marry, it's good that you are even AA so no possibility of having sickly children. It is well with you sis

  181. Pls let go for ur own good but be very sure if he's SS bcos we guys this days play pranks this days to really know if she's for love or material things,pls do u findings b4 u let go.

  182. if u love him y not. ur 'AA' do d crossbreeding. ur kids will be 'AS'


  183. If love is blind, Marriage will open your eyes. Since you know that every genuine marriage is for better for worse. Cast your cost and see if you will be able to withstand the challenges it brings in the future. I still believe God can heal him if you guys are truly sincere to God and to yourselves. Shalom!

  184. Marry him if you can live with the crisis.
    Love covers a multitude of sin.

  185. for luv sake u should.

  186. Accept the proposal

  187. Don't put the lives of ur unborn children in jopady because of love do the right tin dat is leave him for somone else.

  188. I personally feel you can marry this man that is SS since you are AA. It has been biologically proven that the genotype of a child if formed by taking one gene from the mother and the other from the father. so if your fear is giving birth to an SS child, its not possible, the child will end up being AS. But if you are worried cos this man cal fall sick anytime, and you dont want a stressed life of always taking him to the hospital, that might be a good reason to say NO. But sincerely, if its true love and you commit ur marriage to God, It will be crisis free. Follow ur heart.

  189. Bein ss is not dat bahd. .iv got dem as siblings...making dem happy countz...hrtbrk killz dem say you love dis guy why do you need pple to tell you wat you shld do..yes der survival is indefinite...but shldnt you be intrested in making d best of d tym you hav wiv him?shldnt you want to be wiv d man daht you love not wivstanding hiz circumstances?..lastly,if you wer d one in hiz shoes how will you feel if you wre rejected bcos ur somting ur didnt mk urself to be? really dnt need anyone's really dnt hv anything to think carriers are human...dey need to be loved nd cared for...dey need to friendz nd loved ones. ..dey need ud rather be wiv an aa prson nd be unhappy dan wiv d ss dat makz life worth it?..ehyaaaa...(xoxo)

  190. My advice is this accept him since he told u before marriage and both of u are compatible there will be no problem in d genotype of ur kids since u r AA besides the crisis is once in two years it ok unlike others. If u love him pls do accept him. LIB readers follow this link and make cool money.

  191. You met the guy in June and he has already proposed to you?....(we're only mid August)....whats the rush?
    you "love him so much'....already????
    or you love the idea that somebody wants to marry you?
    you are "so confused"....
    so he has now told you when he wants to marry you by?
    sorry, but you sound desperate!
    forget the genotype issue!...but you sound as though he is doing you a favour so therefore you need to decide quickly!
    he is not doing you a favour! 6 weeks is not enough for you to decide if you want to spend the rest of your life with him (most especially if you take the genotype into consideration).
    so if we give you advice listen...things go will now say "LIB readers told me to do this".
    I suggest you find yourself and understand what true meaning of love. love does not confuse!


  193. Ride 0n if you love him,he's grown mature enough to know and handle crisis.You are AA so better for u guys.

  194. is sickle cell ebola or hiv??? it shouldnt scare you "AS" people are healthy and thats what your kids will be... or are you just scared of taking care of him?! keep him stress free and everything will be alright...for better or worse REMEMBER???!

  195. You asked for an honest answer, I'll tel you what I'd do if I were in your shoes though it might sound selfish. I wouldn't marry someone with the SS genotype. It's a psychology- zapping situation. The hospital will be your second home. Don't ever allow love to becloud your judgement, think of the future. Marrying him means all your kids would be AS. Sorry if I'm being blunt, but you asked for an honest opinion. Lastly I'd fight my sister if she wanted to marry an SS carrier.

  196. Grab the offer. You guys will only give birth to AS. So no issue here since you are AA..

  197. being an SS is not as crazy as it used to can be managed well these days, and your children wont be at a risk since you are AA, if you love him and you are ready to walk the long journey with patience, den go ahead... buh truth be told.... a guy holds out on u with such 'Interesting Information' that is sneaky... i wont marry such a man. Pray about it...

  198. You love this man you say? Then stand by him. You are AA. When you marry someone it in sickness and in health. Imagine you married someone else who wasn't SS but later in the marriage realised he had Lupus which has its own flares and "crisis" would you not stand by him?
    I believe you should be seeking Gods face in this and not that of friends or LIB readers.
    You act like this man just told you he's HIV positive or has ebola.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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