£20k cash withdrawn from accounts of 4 passengers on missing Malaysian plane | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 15 August 2014

£20k cash withdrawn from accounts of 4 passengers on missing Malaysian plane

According to new reports, approximately £20,916 has been withdrawn from the accounts of four passengers aboard the missing Malaysian plane which disappeared on March 8th while on its way to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

A bank in Kuala Lumpur, claim that they noticed the discrepancies in their accounts on July 18 and lodged a complaint to the police. The management of the bank said money from the accounts of three passengers was transferred to the account of a fourth passenger before the money was removed.

Assistant Commissioner to the crime investigation department, Izany Abdul Ghany, confirmed getting a report from the bank.
"We are investigating the case as unauthorised access with intent to commit an offence. We are getting CCTV footage from the bank to identify the suspects involved,' Izany said, according to the Mirror.
'We believe the suspect withdrew the money through the fourth victim's account via several automated teller machines (ATMs) in the Klang Valley.'
Flight 370 disappeared mysteriously five months ago with 239 people on board after diverging from its planned route.


  1. Nawao what a world, people trying to cash on another's misfortune. I pray the perpetrators are caught and made to face the law.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    1. Bonario u are not thinking like an SSS. That withdrawal is far more than the eye can see. I will withhold my comment pending when d identities of the owners of the account is disclosed.

    2. @Uchenna, I am with u on this. Its more than the eyes can see. How come the money was moved from three different passengers account to one other passenger's acct which was later witdrawn via ATM. it seems the passengers are actually not dead. Maybe they are held hostage somewhere and forced to transfer their funds to the hijackers account who inturn witdraws the cash. Let us wait and see d end of this

  2. The earlier the better. The suspects need to be apprehended. This may in one way or the other lead to the discovery of the missing plane. U never can tell. I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***

  3. This is so strange,so I wait to hear the end of it.

  4. Mysterious!...thought we were done with the Malaysian plane ish.......the work of miscreants! That's the only viable explanation

  5. This people could be holed up somewhere by terrorists...

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  6. This is really heartbreaking. Is there something we don't know?

  7. Hmmm so what do this mean now. Chiderairebisi@yahoo.com

  8. The evil men carry in their hearts! No matter how long..the truth would always prevail..enjoy this moment but watchout..a message for all Gen 6:5. BishopDammy#

  9. Wicked people scamming dead folks. No conscience whatsoever. I pray they are caught.

  10. The question should be, how did yamakunda get access to the victims account. If that is not the case, then otorovapa is to be blamed cos he saw kanga 2 days ago. Omo it's time to kill my drug dealer. That guy has been mixing shit in my weed. What's the meaning of this shit I typed?

  11. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    They should start arresting some airport official bcos they must be involve in this....

  12. Hmm… An inside job.

  13. Na wa oohh. Wonders shall never end.

  14. Does it mean those people are still alive? Does it mean de plane was hijacked?? Many questions requiring answers. Well, all I hope is that they should get to the root of this.

  15. Jesus wept! This is mysterious, could it be that the plane was hyjacked?

  16. Bad and sharp guy at work.
    ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  17. the mystery continues to deepen

  18. So in Malaysia you can withdraw that much from ATMs? That doesn't make sense, even in the US, the maximum is $1k

  19. Hope a Nigerian is not involved

  20. All this malay boys don start work. Internet hacking. Hmmmmmmmm. Our boys weys dey deir no dey dulll oh. Na wah. But that's very bad of them

  21. This could only mean that they were kidnapped. The perps got info about the people boarding the flight that day. Nuff said about that.

  22. S/O to d wire lords!!! dem dne dey wire d moni chap chap... 9jaboiz.. SMH


  23. All I can see here is d movie called #Lost! Plus Ebola is 28days later. U all shuld see diz movies. Savageluv

  24. WhaAt??? Something is fishy. we await the suspect name. Or can ghosts use ATM?

  25. I think the passengers are not dead. Only a signatory to an account can transfer money to another account and it involved 3 accounts. Malaysia! Explain the conspiracy behind the missing plane cause the world is too advanced for a large object to just get missing. #Bermuda triangle ko, missing plane ni


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