Parental abuse: Freeze Coolfm shares his experience and views on the issue | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 11 July 2014

Parental abuse: Freeze Coolfm shares his experience and views on the issue

Comedian Wale Gates made a case for the Redeemer University student who reportedly killed his father during an argument in their home last week. (Read here). Now popular OAP Freeze Coolfm has written an article sharing a bit of his own experience with his own father growing up and also sheds some light on why some parents are too hard on their children. Read his article below...
I read with much respect and admiration Wale Gates tweets about the student who killed his father at the redeemed camp, and I must say he has greatly earned my respect. He chose to speak out instead of condemning and threw some light on the enormity of an issue we most often take for granted.
However, I must point out that even though we both sympathize with the boy’s predicament as truly many times parents turn beating, which indeed is a good form of punishment into abuse, standing up to ones parents is a sin as great in proportion to, or even greater than adultery, murder and stealing. Continue...

Honour your father and your mother is the 5th commandment (Exodus chapter 20 verse 1 to 17) while thou shall not kill and thou shall not steal are the 6th and 7th commandment respectively. The 1st till the 4th commandments talk about GOD the very next commandment deals with our parents, clearly signifying that after GOD our parents come next, even before priests, pastors etc. According to islamic teachings parents must always be respected 

 "And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as] 'uff' [i.e., an expression of irritation or disapproval] and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word. And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say: 'My Lord! Have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small.'"(Quran 17:23-24)
Also a lot of us do not know that the bible actually states that if a ‘SON’ is rebellious and a drunkard his parents have the right to take him outside the gates of his city and stone him to death.

18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: 19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; 20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, this our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. 21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear. (Deuteronomy 21:18-21King James Version (KJV)

Most will argue that this was taken from the old testament before JESUS preached forgiveness, however it will nonetheless throw the much needed light on how important honoring your parents is in the sight of GOD. The bible also encourages parents to use the rod on their children. Do not hold back discipline from the child, Although you strike him with the rod, he will not die.  (Proverbs23 verse13) But at what point do we draw the line between discipline and abuse? Personally I believe that if a father bites, brings a coke bottle or a knife to a ‘fight’ with his own children it has become abuse. But no matter what a parent does to you as a child you still have no right to strike back or kill your parent! Like wale Gates I also have a very religious and strict father. While growing up with him I was often punished for offenses I considered trivial and many times I wished he died or that my mum left him so I could be free from his “tyranny”. I hated him so much and there were times we didn’t speak for years. Fast forward ten years and I am beginning to understand some of the reasons why he was so strict. Today, he has earned my respect in many ways and because I am very much like him we never really got along. Here is a list of reasons why I believe our parents were so hard.

1.      The age/generational gap; Many parents are set in their ways and believe very strongly in the methods that operated in their era and try to enforce these methods down our throats often leading to rebellion.
2.      Over parenting: In this part of the world parents don’t realize that they can disrespect their children, and this leads to many parents becoming too nosy, thereby interfering where not needed, giving rise to avoidable problems.
3.      Fear of the future: because parents “want the best” for their children they often tend to push them towards “safe” career and relationship choices that most often aren’t in the best interest of the children, limiting them from maximizing their potentials.
4.      Religion; Although “religion” serves as a system used to transfer moral uprightness from one generation to another and to bring children closer to GOD it has oftentimes proven counterproductive since some parents force their beliefs upon their children instead of allowing their children to receive their “calling” and experience a personal walk with GOD.
5.      Outdated cultural values; Some cultures/belief systems are very limiting  e.g. placing more emphasis on male education/empowerment over female etc. When parents strictly enforce these belief systems they tend to draw back or limit some of their children’s potentials leading to many instances of rebellion.

I chose to write this piece to share my views on the above, imploring parents to listen to their children more instead of employing  the “template” used in their own personal upbringing, applied uniformly to all their children without being sensitive to their peculiar needs.

And to the children honour your father and your mother so you may live long in the land the Lord your GOD is giving you.

My dad Dr. A.G Olarinde and I have long since become best of friends and I value his counsel, leadership, teaching and friendship tremendously. I have a 12 year old son and trust me father-son relationships are not easy at any age or level and I can only pray for GOD's guidiance.
~Daddy Freeze.


  1. Everything you say is true> parents and children have a responsibility towards one another in God's eyes. Its just so unfortunate what happened..

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  2. So This Man Sabi Quote Bible Λπϑ Quran Like This? After All Said Λπϑ Don, Can I Go To Bed Now? †Æ•ÇŽÆžÆ™s . (Linda's Man)

  3. So on whose side are u now freeze? D fact still remains dat d man is dead and no amount of all dis write up will bring him bak.....d boy went far so make una go sleep and if it so concerns u dis much, u n gates I mean. Go save d boy or take whatever punishment he'll get 4 killing his father 4 him. Almost every grown up now experienced such while growing if not worse! But did any kill his his or her parent? Mtcheeww!

    1. Moses thro most of ur responses here...I deduce dt ur either not intelligent and able to assimiliate information(dts ur just daft)or u dnt tek time to read cos if either of dis 2 were incorrect u will knw dt Freeze is not on any1's side but d side of morals.lemme break it down 4 u,inasmuch as he admires gates courage in speaking out.he still condemns d boys action bcos biblically n quranically,it's has been forbidden.go bck to schl and leave social media.u cnt even write a gd comprehension

    2. Wilhelmina Moses you are a stack illiterate. a complete moron! Girl, go back to school! matter of fact you need help. some of the things you say are completely immature and stupid. makes you look bad!

  4. nice one.

  5. Nicely written

  6. I'm surprised at freezes writing skills

  7. I really enjoyed this

  8. I suffered abuse frm my dad,i hated him(still do) i remember dancing and celebrating wen he fell sick year 2009, i was sooo happy dat my lil ones will not experience wat i experienced! I vented all my anger on my mom for allowing him treat me sooooo badly, dere was a time he beat me sooo bad,i was bleeding all over my body, my mom was Jst staring cos e will surely hit her if she dare talk!! I still hate him up till now,I'll never forgive him, my elder one's also hate him,dere was a time he beat my elder sister(she was 25yrs den) he called police men,stripped her nd beat her for wat she ddnt do,... Let's cut crap bout respecting parents!! So i shud kip on respectin u wen u want to kill me alive abi? Wen i got d call dat my dad died last December, i laughed,my prayer sinx i was a kid finally was answered,... My dad pushed me to d point whr i no longer gave a fuck!! Nd i swore NOBODY WILL EVER TREAT ME LIKE SHIT AGAIN!! NEVER! USELESS MAN!

    1. OMG!!!! You are so evil

    2. This is wow

    3. Awww Onyx, I feel your pain, my father though didn't beat or abuse me verbally, but he did worst to my psyche, he was just a sperm donor. All through my primary and secondary school days, i never set eyes on him, he abandoned my mum and siblings for many years, mum sold all her wrappers and gold jewelries so as to clothe, house, feed and pay our fees, while also running her small shop, we really suffered and he was wealthy o, living with a 2nd wife, some days it was by the grace of God we saw food to eat sef. Got in contact with him during the early part of my university days and he just surported a little. Now I'm married and living with my hubby in the UK, he's getting closer now and wants fatherly reward, he wants to reap where he did not sow. He will never benefit anything from me. If he dies or lives, I'll feel indifferent.

    4. No. The father was evil!!!

    5. Onyx...I'm sure you will get a lot of beef from other BVs about your post. I also I'm not endorsing hating ones parents so deeply. But I will say, I do commend you for sharing something so difficult and I'll never understand what you and your siblings went through physically and emotionally. Hence, I cannot judge. I do ask that you try and release the hate and try not to let it affect your future. I don't post often but I read comments and yours though sometimes a little juvenile (lol), tend to be a lot more intelligent and "eloquent" than most. Keep your head up lil bruv and don't let what others say about you affect you, because if there is anything I have learned, it's that someone will always have something to say. Stay focused and tap into your potential. God bless. *hugs*

    6. It's a pity you had to go through all that with your father and developed the mindset you have now. You are a man and you have seen where it hurts, remember you will be a father one day if you are not one already. Try not to pass on to your children what you saw and experienced in your dad. God be with you.

  9. What a beautiful write up!!

  10. I actually enjoyed this

  11. Thank God someone has finally written some good because no one can ask the dead father for his own side of the story


  12. Your comment will be visible after approval

  13. i tank God I'm emotionally strong, otherwise i wud have committed suicide since cos of dat useless man dat called himself my dad...d emotional/physical pains dis man caused me sha!! tufiKwa! killing a child all in d name of discipline!! i hate him! e will rot in hell!! he even hit my mom wen she Jst gave birth to my kid sister den! i remember crying dat day,can u imagin e was even laughing at me crying den? wat about d numerous slaps,insults, beatings??? I'm expected to respect such man? i wud hav killed him if i had d chance sef

    1. U are a very stupid boy I pray your son will do and pray same for u,ugly bastard,if he did not bring u to the world,u won't be hear commenting on Linda blog

    2. At anonymous 12:36, u sound stupid, I am not sure u understand what Onyx is writing. So bringing someone into the world is grounds for destroying them. It is u whose children should be very afraid. Onyx, when u let go of the pain n find a way to forgive, that's when u would really heal

    3. May you guys are bastards! Have you ever asked your mother who your real father is? Some women do carry other men's pregnancy to their husbands. Most times, husbands do discover. Some people can't forgive you know. May be that's why he whacked you guys so badly. Ask your mother, she'll tell you more.

    4. Anon12:36. What is the point of bringing a child into the world if that child will not be shown love and affection. Discipline is necessary but to a limit. I understand how onyx feels. You are NOT doing a child any favors by bringing that child into the world. It takes a lot more to be a parent.

    5. @ anon 12:36....eeaaasssyyy on the lad. That is a very huge mistake some parents make...Parents are simply just custodians of children given to them by God. But that very mentality of "Na me bring you here." is what makes some parents feel like/think they are gods. Unfortunate.....

  14. Its quite unfortunate the man is not here to narrate his own side of the story, his own son has silenced him and that's the bottom line.
    If we all decided to treat everyone that has pushed us to the wall in such manner, I wonder how many people would be left alive by now.
    Many people have spoken out of emotion and personal experience. It will be fair for the purpose of this argument to separate the case of the guy that killed his dad from other cases, coz none of them ended up killing their parent.
    He hated his son by changing him from OAU to Redeemers University.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    1. May God bless u Bonario, I beliv i'll meet u one day, I tell u I wrote this. This exactly is my point! It seem to me like pple are justifying nonsense!

  15. omor i no fit read wati??

  16. Very educating

  17. smh... i hope to write a book on parental abuse,let diz pple knw dey cos more harm dan good,many emotionally unstable pple cos of physical and emotional abuse... i did everything 4 my dad to like me? i came top in all my classes, it seemed d more i tried,d more he hated me!! goodness!! freeze shut d helll up!! u wunt b talking trash if u experienced wat me nd others experienced!!

    1. U this ugly pig u are still here commenting may ur son kill u and may he cause u pain

    2. I am sure ur father was trying to keep u on the straight n narrow path. Can see he didn't succeed. I can imagine how you were as a kid. Boy u need to be prayed for.

    3. But you didn't kill your dad like this dude did & it didn't seem like he went through half of what you did. So can you please quit the ranting? Its irritating.

  18. Very very deep.

  19. Well researched

  20. Very insightful write up

  21. i love this write-up from this guy

  22. dis linda sef. post my comment na?

  23. Naija celebs and follow follow, I know say d moment wey the lady from SA shared her is an open trend for naija celebs to follow...


  24. pastor coolfm we don hear. wetin be dat ur name again?

  25. I read it upto quarter line and I got pissed,Nigerians are fond of lifting Biblical line for their selfish justification....... Religion is truly the opium of mass.....Some African parents are of the view that since they brought you into the world, they are the only one that is entitled to take you out from the world... I have seen some parents discipline their childrn like cows all because they are fulfilling the Biblical responsiblty- like the issue of Nigerian father beating his daughter to death because she stole meats from the pot..... Any parent that is spanking a full blown adult Is pouring a gasoline into the fire bcox @ d age of 22, his hormones are kinda too edgy...So what if the guy was a recreational stoner?hian ds matter dy gv me headache..#cheEzyjayne

  26. Seems etctera inspired this guy to start writing

  27. Freeze is right... What kind of person even dares to stand up to, and take the life of their parent? Or anyone's life for that matter? The guy in question would definitely kill his girlfriend/wife if he considered her a burden, rather than walk out of the relationship!

    If all abused children start taking their parents' lives, would anyone be left on this planet?? I'm sure he couldn't tolerate from his child a fraction of what his father has endured with him. People should stop making excuses for this demon, he has to pay the price of his evil. ParentalAbuseMyFoot!

  28. Buriful post/article/writeup...whatever.............Its ur shirt i lyk Daddy Freeze.....Seize d Day + Colour!

  29. Freeze is right... What kind of person even dares to stand up to, and take the life of their parent? Or anyone's life for that matter? The guy in question would definitely kill his girlfriend/wife if he considered her a burden, rather than walk out of the relationship!

    If all abused children start taking their parents' lives, would anyone be left on this planet?? I'm sure he couldn't tolerate from his child a fraction of what his father has endured with him. People should stop making excuses for this demon, he has to pay the price of his evil. ParentalAbuseMyFoot!

  30. Daddy freeze kor...daddy freeze ni. Please dont feel like a wise man ur level of vanity does not match with the "daddy" so yank it off...Freeze cool fm is fine. #well said tho.

  31. Wonder what trash you wrote is meant for,truth be told young tolani must have been suffering from traumatic abuses from over religious parents,who probably have no time for him.He took to drug probably to get away from the pain.We all can seat here and judge him like he is one physco but we all refuse to check is mental health as at the time.I suffer from schizophrenia, I know how easy it is for the mind to be induced to kill at the slightest provocation.It is by the mercy of God that I am not in Tolani shoe or even commit worst crime than his.I wish him love from the heart and pray his mum recover from the shock and put up a fight to save her dear son.

  32. How I wish mine is alive ** sobs**

  33. True, is he a muslim or christian, cos he seems well versed at both scriptures.

  34. Now I know why I love this guy! Daddy Freeze "in mummy Joke Silver's voice" WELL DONE.

    Richard branch for here

  35. OMG! Did Freeze just make sense?! And not a word about a wrist watch? I must need a drink!

  36. Long talk,should have shortened it coz anything freeze annoys me diz daiz,nyways there's alot of bad parenting going on dis daiz,parents plz easy on us.

  37. Why can't Christians clearly differentiate between Christianity and Judaism? Freeze spent a bulk of his time quoting scriptures that are at best unchristian to support his views. Christ said love your enemy and pray for them. Judaism says an eye for an eye. Yes the Bible contains these Judaic doctrines but Christ reworked them. So Deut 21:18-21 is not a Christians thing. Christianity doesn't support STONING. He acknowledged that anyway. All the same its a good effort from Freeze. Please if you are provoked by your parent and you hit your threshold, WALK away, do not stand up to your parents because what goes around comes around. I do not support violence of any form even as a form of punishment. Hitting a child is 90% bad parenting or a result of frustration at not knowing what else to do and our impatience takes a greater part of us. It takes a frustrated Suarez or dad to bite someone else let alone your son.

  38. Does anyone else see that these proper and successful people are the products of strict parenting?? Their existence is testimony to it but abuse is a no, no.

  39. This one too want to turn to a writer???

  40. 9ice long EPISTLE of Daddy Freeze

  41. I got bored...he's not making sense at all..wale did not quote the bible verses...freeze is a lazy man who couldn't make his point without a he is senseless..please allow people with good sense of reasoning like wale to talk..and you go face your fake accent biz and stop trying to patronise us..u are not a saint and u don't know nothing about the bible..shut up..what's going on?

    1. I hate it when plp abuse or disrespect other plps view. Even if he is not a saint at least these days one can study or ask google. So my dear nxt time write ur own thoughts & not abuses. Thank u.

    2. If he really is good with the bible, why didnt he talk about parents not provoking their children. Nigga we got to be realistic

  42. Nice and long write up. I feel socialization begins at home with the family. This is a case that is so sad because it can happen to anyone. Might not necessarily be a family member. #sad mood activated

    jenny says

  43. I people should stop covering the stupid boy's story with child abuse...were you there when it happened? did you know if the guy made it up the abuse story because his father is dead and he uses it to cover up his evil mind...i have no single sympathy for a guy who killed his father and mutilated his body and dump it somewhere. Rubbish, people will commit crime and when caught, they made cock and bull story to cover up.

  44. I only pray that your child will slaughter you one day over a lttle argument. And that day you will remember this thing you wrote. AnnoyingMoss

  45. I completely agree with everything he stated, no matter wat ur parents might do 2 u, running away is way better than killing, #Murder, may we not b a victim of dat word IJN..,,

  46. nice one daddy freeze, I so much respect your intelligence & God bless you for speaking exactly what's on my mind

  47. this guy is handsome and sense making in what he just said

  48. He writes well.

  49. Evryone is speakn out on dis issue. RCCG student has really create an avenue.

  50. elpachinto madriga12 July 2014 at 02:28

    And he dare insults a writer(etcetera).............warridis na.......dis guy is such a phony......dis RCCG ish will soon b a fad dat all wannabe celebs n OAPs will wanna use 2 gain attention.....albino halfcaste #NoticeMeOrIDie#

    1. Anyway plp with low self esteem will see nothing good in others no matter what. Pls nxt time give intelligent views & not abuses.

  51. Tryin to be relevant. I think u should stick to your fake accent on the radio and let etcetera do the article. And mind you, i didnt bother reading your dumb ass article cos i know z meangingless and misleading. U can thank me later for my advice

  52. This is common in naija but do not kill your parent. Parental discipline should not be catagorized as cruelty for every parent I know means well for their children.

  53. yes we can all say whatever we want. pass comments however we want, in the end this dude killed his father. its not sometin anybody ever imagines they would do but there is more to it than meets the eyes. Any sane person would not do that like never ever, its not sometin he can ever live with knowing he killed his fada on purpose not by accident. Really i empathize with the boy and his family especially his mom. he can't live with it and his mom can't live with the tot of him. I pray God gives his family that courage to forgive him and also the courage to forgive himself if he doesn't commit survive. Like I cant imagine seeing my parents at their old age pass on naturally not to talk of picturing someone kill deir own parent, its bizarre. Well its the world we live it. We gat to keep it moving

  54. yes we can all say whatever we want. pass comments however we want, in the end this dude killed his father. its not sometin anybody ever imagines they would do but there is more to it than meets the eyes. Any sane person would not do that like never ever, its not sometin he can ever live with knowing he killed his fada on purpose not by accident. Really i empathize with the boy and his family especially his mom. he can't live with it and his mom can't live with the tot of him. I pray God gives his family that courage to forgive him and also the courage to forgive himself if he doesn't commit survive. Like I cant imagine seeing my parents at their old age pass on naturally not to talk of picturing someone kill deir own parent, its bizarre. Well its the world we live it. We gat to keep it moving

  55. There is a part of the bible that no one ever wants to talk about. Ephesians 6:4 Parents do not provoke your children to anger.
    In as much as we are parents, we have to try to respect our children, they are individuals too. Because not only will your child face God for disrespecting you, you will also answer to Him as to provoking your kids.

    1. God bless u big time. Just as they do not talk about husbands love ur wife. Always ranting about saying wives be submissive to ur husbands...

  56. Hmmm, wat a story. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  57. You have spoken well

  58. You have nailed it freeze and also earned my respect! This issue has gone way beyond the intended and garnering support in unusual ways. Truth be told; honour is due to parents even if they are (were) devious! There is a reward attached to it. A supposed 'lady from South Africa' (I know the writer of that article and its a man) said 'her' mum was so terrible 'she' had to send her packing!!!!! Who does that if not a mannerless person who has lost all sense of respect and fear 'for' God and HIS precepts? How can you justify such an abominable act and claim abuse as a reason for such candour? Why not tell us what you did to warrant such as I believe no mother can EVER DELIBERATELY harm/hurt her kid! Women are wired to be so loving! Except the mother is devious and diabolical. Are you a saint and a perfect person yourself? Have you dealt with your own demons? Time for you to 'Man up' and face your deep issues and stop passing the buck to your poor defenseless mother! God knows if she was the vessel HE chose to make you who God intended you to be!

    1. Best comment eva! Only a bastard will send his own mother packin. If he/she is not careful, d so called "success" of his will b a tin of d past. D only command wit a promise is to honour ur father and mother.

  59. make sense
    i can see diff point


  60. Hmmmm dis guy sef,any way,u tried.goat na goat if u like carry am cross border na still goat

    #############GOD bless################Naija

  61. In my own case, it was my own mother who was the abuser and still is the abuser. She's so set in her ways and treats her children as slaves. With my mum, you can never do anything right. I grew up wt a lot of resentment for her and inferiority complex. I was scared of people and when I got into uni, started abusing alcohol jst for me to feel a sense of confidence. I feared women and felt safe wt men only until in my 20s but still av some phobia. I wished either of us would drop dead to end the suffering dat I attempted suicide once. The part that bites me is how cleverly she hid all these from our dad even tho we lived under one roof, meaning she was aware of wat she was doing. We couldnt speak cos we were petrified and whenever my dad noticed anything, she was always there to shout us down and tell so much lies to our cover her evil. Another reason she got away wt so much is cos my dad had other wives and spent time 'everywhere'. Now that we're all gorwn up, we stand up for ourselves but dat still doesnt stop her from being verbally abusive and she most times feel threatened when we achieve anything but ofcourse, she would always brag about us to people outside but will always belittle us to our face. My mum is the most selfish and greedy person I've ever known and cos of her I dont knw how a woman should be. Im scarred for life. My mum is just pure evil, am I stil to obey such a woman???

    1. I feel you bro I was in your shoe, my mom is just too wicked for my liking, I can't stand her , I live abroad now now but I will never think of bringing her over for holiday nor take my kids to visit her even though I still give her the monthly stipend anyway just do what I do for my mom pray for her because I think the whole thing is more spiritual

    2. My dear situations differ. Mine was my mum but I still love her.

  62. But your dad also flogged your mum and asked her to kneel down , those days in UI. Does this make him normal or otherwise ?

    1. Lmfao...this is hilarious

  63. very fantastic. pls keep it up

  64. thank God...


  65. Thanks Freezy ...nice one! At least you are not here showing us your watches this time #tongueout

  66. Hello Freeze, inasmuch as you have highlighted the above given points. I didn't think you addressed the issue of abuse.

    Next time when writing an article, try to focus on the kernel of the discourse.

  67. U respect him 4 killing his fada, dnt wori u r nxt in ur son's list. Nelo pink

  68. Freeze just earned my respect for such a wonderful piece...

    CLearly stated Honor their father and mother... The boy for just run..killing your parents is Alu/ tabooo

  69. Linda e be like sey this Freeze be your boyfriend, u just wan use the power of your blog to make this guy a star.

    Me noo feel the guy at all, his age its truly a number

  70. Some people just dey force them self online like they are super star. Lolzz.

  71. You hav earned a teeny weeny bit of my respect for this but pls go bck to dt same Bible or Quran and get a grip of d words Humility(what it can do 4 u)and Pride(what it can do to you).when ur done,u will stop flaunting what u hav and insulting ppl.den u will earn d remaining part.but 4 dis,u hav spoken well

  72. Very insightful. Nicely written.

  73. Interesting, Brilliant and courteous... Nuffsaid Daddy freeze.

  74. See stories, murafucker always wants to be seen on dis blog. Freeze, go f^ck urself

  75. very well said I need GOD guidance too to say the is not easy

  76. Kids can be very stubborn and it drives parents crazy. Everyone should just do what is right.

  77. God bless you freeze... I think iv always known these but I think I needed to hear/read it again! :) nice write up! God bless u!

  78. "I can only listen but will reason with you at 18+. At -18 i will by Gods divine Grace instill those values that conform with my belief in you hoping it will help you make the best of life choices from 18+.
    I will use every means that will produce the desired result to instill the good morals of my belief when you are -18 but at 18+, the style changes. Remember two captains cannot be in a ship - if my rules are too harsh and difficult to keep, its time for you to leave my ship peacefully- build your own ship, make your rules and live good with them. If i check and still pay your bills, then you have no choice than to stick to my rules until you can pay your bills."

    1. U really are a big fool, u know that right? Fucking backward idiot

  79. Until Ecertera speaks on dis issue am not interested in wht any other person is saying...

  80. Freeze, u jst earned my respect! Dis is d wisest and most reasonable and matured article I ve read on dis topic. May God bless u indeed!

  81. Freeze, u jst earned my respect! Dis is d wisest and most reasonable and matured article I ve read on dis topic. May God bless u indeed!

  82. Freeze, u jst earned my respect! Dis is d wisest and most reasonable and matured article I ve read on dis topic. May God bless u indeed!

  83. Freeze, you just earned my respect. Thanks for shedding light on both perspectives; from the parents and from the children

  84. I'm sure all these pple making speeches up and down didn't kill their own parents! We av all had bad stories, bad aunts, uncles, guardian, teachers, etc and even very bad parent! Pls I can undastnd if all thes speeches are coming from pple who were dis close to killing or actually killed deir parents..."my dad was bad, my mum was dis!!" I question, dis u kill him? did u kill her? Or better still, how many of these speech writers wld allow dis Ajayi bastard come and live in their houses after all these. Attention seeking has overode sense in a lot of us! We just use the Internet to display foolly! Even pple who had abusive parents (I mean whose parents were aving sexual intercourse with them) didn't kill their parents! Please in God's name, pple should stop dis stupid gist! I'm just tayad! Please Linda, kindly ask for pple who'ld be willing to have him come live with them after all these! May we be well guided!

  85. A very good opinion and counsel from. Daddy freeze. He has been able to elaborate from both ends of the line.

  86. Parent to children relationship, a very delicate issue in our society. Insightful article. Linda pls post my comment.

  87. You are correct. 100 likes

  88. Well spoken sir! God bless u

  89. We have seen you. Thank you.

  90. on point. Parents need to take correction and listen to their children, children obey your parents.
    It's just a simple rule.


  91. Since when did u start writing ....kk oo

  92. I really enjoyed this!

  93. Omo this freeze dey write die

  94. I can't imagine some foolish people are still writing hate messages after this article

  95. Well done sir

  96. freez you are an idiot , a big idiot for that matter. you are a senseless man thats why you bought a wrist watch with over 25 million naira meanwhile you are still living in a rented apartment

    1. U r such a frustrated idiot!!! Is it anyone's fault dat u can't afford such? I m sure u haven't even had breakfast sef! Poverty stricken fellow like u!

  97. Pointless...........

  98. You are right sir.

  99. Enjoyable read

  100. Very insightful article, respectful criticism unlike that imbecile etcetera

  101. Etcetera can you see how a proper article is written?

  102. Now I know etcetera is dumb seer well researched article

  103. I am falling in love with freeze

  104. Daddy freeze thank you! Glad you made up with ur dad

  105. This article is so well written

  106. Freeze writes much better than etcetera

  107. Etcetera read this and learn

  108. We all stand here n condamn the young man that has unfortunately killed his dad. Have we askd our selves what if his father had killed him in that same situation, I guess all of u write ups against d boy would change to his father and all of you would axept what @onyx n wale gates talked about the reality of parental abuse! Some of us chidren had the grace n hope not to kill ours but not every kid has that grace we all had coz God created every1 diffrently and u can neva tell what happens when a human being is totaly pushed to the last limit of his endurance elasticity cz every1 of us also has our elastic limits that we can handle a bad situation! So when we wana judge this boy we should b truely fair coz so many of us here had come close to killling our own maltreating parents but probably God intervened! I am not an xception coz I hated my dad n stil probably have my resentment towards him as I write this! That boy just fell victim to parental abuse and that's the truth... Parents can avoid this by not takin punishment to far n not when the kid is above 18... How do u xpect a 21 year old man stand n watch u keep slapping n tossing n turning him to the positions you wana beat him up all coz u r his father and u expect him not to retaliate like his bosy is made of iron and not skin/flesh? You guys should think deep please and stop giving shallow judgements all coz we are not in the boy's shoes right now! Big ups@onyx and @wale gates! They had the true spoken words for this situation that we should all learn from for our own future children sakes.

    1. God bless you for your honesty. I pray one day that more Nigerians learn to use their brains and hearts for good instead of evil... i can't believe how many people are on here justifying child abuse. So sad.

  109. Daddy Freeze is so handsome chai

  110. Well said daddy freeze every word is true

  111. This is the best researched and the most creatively put together article I have read on this blog, etcetera learn something please your articles are utter rubbish

  112. Daddy Freeze has managed to write a lot about absolutely nothing. He uses lines from the bible and quran to draw sentiments and then praises the previous writer before completely contradicting his opinion. What side is he really on? Not only are these book morally relative to a different time when it was unclean to sit next to a woman on her period. Anyways, this should serve as a lesson to abusive parents. This idea idea of victim blaming is bad. This is just the child version of battered woman syndrome. No one complains when a woman strikes back from constant abuse. But God help a child if they do this.

  113. Freeze is sooo sexy dayum

  114. Etcetera needs to learn from freeze and stop writing silly articles

  115. all I can say is dat freeze was raised in a very conducive environment by very loving upper class parents his dad is d general overseer of thriving church in Ibadan and owns the 2 high schools the kings colleges at oyo state while the mum is the only female professor of law at univ .of ibadan till date a white woman who taught me breifly


  117. Freeze is so on point. Wise elder

  118. I enjoyed this article, freeze is right

  119. its a shame that all you guys dnt know Freeze, he beat his LOVELY wife all the TIME. Everybody should know that his WIFE BEATER, HE SLEEPS WITH HIS FRIENDS WIFE AND ANYTHING THAT HAS HOLES. AN IDIOT

  120. Which wife does he beat? That violent village woman that he rescued from poverty? Please stop talking rubbish and it's punish not purnish, were you sent here by etcetera to spread rumors because your grammar and writing style is just like his

  121. Lovely article daddy freeze, I enjoyed ever minute of praise ham this morning with you and dj mordu

  122. I think I know freeze's wife and she has a very nasty, rude and stubborn attitude. I had an encounter with her in a supermarket once. I don't think freeze is the problem that woman needs help.

  123. Can't people enjoy an article without writing bollocks. Freeze nice one jare

  124. Daddy freeze no mind them Jare. U too much

  125. daddy freeze is right, this man has many personalities, i like this one though. etcetera should learn something from him

  126. nice article i enjoyed reading it

  127. Wow nice article.....

  128. Thank God for an honest article that deals unbiased with this issue. May the man rest in peace and may our children learn wisdom. Thank you freeze

  129. I enjoyed this article


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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