Everyone is crazy in Lagos' - Etcetera writes | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 26 July 2014

Everyone is crazy in Lagos' - Etcetera writes

Another article from singer turned writer, Etcetera. See below...
Few weeks ago, I got a call from a friend asking me out for a drink, but I was already at the Lagos airport. “I’m not going to be around for the next few days,” I told him. “I’m going to Abuja.” His immediate reaction was – “Why? What’s wrong? Do you want to bore yourself to death?” That’s the typical response I get whenever I tell someone I am travelling to Abuja. Abuja is a beautiful city with a terrible reputation for boredom. I have heard people in other cities speak of Lagos as a noisy, dirty and dangerous city filled with crazy people. In truth, everyone in Lagos is crazy. What else do you expect in a state crammed with 22 million people?

It must be a hell of a job for the governor and his officials keeping everyone under law and order daily. Lagos has a peculiar vibe that can’t be found anywhere in the world, so much that “Lagos Hustle” is a commonly used phrase among Nigerians. I would rather go crazy living in Lagos than be bored to death in Abuja, Ibadan or Enugu. Abuja leaves you chewing your finger nails out of boredom. If you doubt me, whenever you have a visitor from Abuja, check his/her finger nails. They are always short and well chewed. Even the Hausa local nail trimmers have all migrated elsewhere due to the nail scarcity. It is said that people in Lagos argue for at least two hours daily. It is true; we love to generate arguments out of everything. 

We argue everywhere, in buses and even during church services. Now Telemundo has become a cause for more argument among the girls here. So why are they surprised that we are crazy in this city? How many people can stay sane for long with the screams of Telemundo girls and the wailing sirens of police and government officials constantly beating their eardrums? Even the supposedly rugged Lagos rats can’t bear it too, that’s why they are always scampering from one gutter to another. If only we can understand what those rats would be saying to themselves about the cars with wailing sirens and flashing blue lights which have now become the city’s official ride for big boys. Don’t they know that it is by far the easiest way to advertise their arrivals to all the criminals in the city? Let’s add all the roaring vehicle engines, blaring horns, the arguments of the association of free newspaper readers at every bus stop, the street preachers with megaphones every morning, the open trucks filled with dancing skimpy dressed models selling almost expired products, or the rickety tortoise cars with dead PA system selling gbogbonise and the CD/DVD sellers blasting latest naija vibes. 

Anybody expecting to find a sane person in Lagos must be crazy indeed. It is like looking for a virgin in Nollywood. It is a city with an official soundtrack emanating from millions of generators rumbling constantly all through the day and night. But as crazy as it is in Lagos, I love it. I love the fact that it is like the city is divided in two halves, for non smokers and smokers. Or how can anyone explain to me why Apapa is always covered in thick smoke? Call it trailer exhaust fumes or smoke from burning tyres, what I know is that whenever I am passing through Apapa, it is as If I have suddenly walked into the smokers section of a night club.

I love the fact that this city doesn’t discriminate. And that all the money of the rich offers no protection from the most trying aspect of life here. Aggression is imperative and timidity on the road is seized upon by everyone even pedestrians.

When driving, you are caught up, over-taken and honked at all at once. All drivers seem to be afflicted with honk sickness. You get in a taxi late at night when there isn’t a single other car on the road, and the driver is still blasting his horn at five seconds intervals for the entire journey. It is even worse when the traffic is gridlocked. Ask the millions who experience this bottleneck from the mainland to the commercial districts on the Island daily.

A guy dropped his friend at Lagos airport to catch a flight to South Africa. When he received his text message saying he had landed safely at Joburg airport, he was still in traffic on the way back to Victoria Island.

We don’t have much of a tourist industry in Lagos at the moment but thank God for Makoko, an extraordinary floating slum, where everyone travels round in boats. It is our own version of Venice. Thanks to the governor, the dividends of democracy can now be felt in some places in the city. Let’s take the Ojota dump site for example, it has become symbolic of everything that past governments have tried to achieve. What used to look at first sight a rough, lawless, dangerous place has become a well-organised place where good money is earned by local street boys who now prefer a life of grime to a life of crime. Some of them are university graduates.

Lagos is a shining example of democracy. Even the area boys and those scavengers on the streets for things to re-sell have their own democratically elected chairmen, who sort out any arguments or disagreements.

Don’t you love the look of today’s Oshodi, especially when you are standing on the bridge feeding your eyes with the wonderful mosaic of human beings like a colourful artwork? The traders are constantly feeding energy into the atmosphere with their hilarious but innovative marketing methods, giving visitors from various parts of the world a first hand view of how lucrative and conducive this city is for their businesses. But it is imperative to have lots of patience and a good sense of humour to survive here.

Planning is crucial if you want to get things done. You must make contingencies because most of the time things don’t go according to plan, whether you are caught in argument or in traffic. For tourists, it is important to note that there are no up-to-date visitors’ guide on sale anywhere. And the few guidebooks available do not pretend to over-sell the city’s destinations. But one thing you won’t need guidebook to notice are the mechanic workshops littered all over the city. The good thing about this is that whenever you go hungry, just walk into the nearest one and you are sure to find a mama-put (restaurant).

Lagos is noisy, polluted, corrupt, lawless and ungovernable, but beneath these stereotypes are some of the most hardworking, passionate and big thinkers on earth. Thousands of people make their living by selling all kinds of stuff in traffic jams: household provisions, mobile phones, electrical appliances, wrist watches, books, clothes, popcorn, machetes, soup ingredients, wheel chairs, rat poison, CDs, DVDs, pets, you can even buy a brand new car in traffic. It is quite innovative and convenient because most Lagos residents prefer to do their shopping on the go.

I love Lagos because this is the only city in the world where you can leave home for work stark naked and be sure to buy everything you want to wear in traffic. They’ve got ironing boards too in case you want your clothes starched and properly ironed. Eko o ni baje oo.


  1. Replies
    1. Gosh. Why is this dude always thinking one way. This treatise would have been better with a different title. This is sickening of him.

      David (dave_gino)

    2. Nothing is sickening, how else wld yu hv preferred he addressed it? On point @E.T.C

    3. The title got ur attention didn't it. Dats how a writer should write his a gud writer. Lasgidi chick las las gidi chick.

    4. Nancy,
      You certainly do not know what it takes to be a good writer. This article really would have been better titled rather than this slurring titular... I write too. Okay?!
      Fine, the title got my attention, but at the end I see it quite obnoxious.
      Check out my friend's blog www.ofilispeaks.com . He wrote something on "THIS".

    5. Abuja is cool, there's fun here ooooo.D writer u are wrong joor

    6. Dauda or whatever, just shup already, if you were asked to pinpoint what he said wrong, would u be able to? Writer, my foot. Good work ETC

    7. Who's this damn dumb dull dafter Eka girl?! What do you do with your head? Did you even read the article and my comment before spreading your firth on me? Huh?! I never said anything is wrong with the article (even when there is), I only disparage the title.

      David (dave_gino)

  2. But tha's the nature of lag na

    1. Funny and beautiful write up. He's got a good dense of humour.

  3. Loolz @ If you doubt me, whenever you have a visitor from Abuja, check his/her finger nails. They are always short and well chewed. Even the Hausa local nail trimmers have all migrated elsewhere due to the nail scarcity"
    Et cetera has finished us, but Abuja is not that boring, its just for you to be find the right spots and right friends.
    I'll rather die in Abuja boredom than go crazy in Lagos madness.
    When my friend visited from Lagos she said she hated Abuja for being too orderly. Unlike Abuja,Lagos is always in a rush, but here in Abuja patience is a virtue.
    Whenever I visit Lagos,the question I constantly I ask myself,don't these people get to sleep. Even while in your hotel room,you could still hear footsteps and noise till the next day.
    But that not disputing the fact that Lagos remains the content capital of Nigeria,while Abuja is capital in mere structure.
    I thank God everyday for a city like Lagos, where all the crazy people are kept in one location. With the advent of the Ebola Virus,I pray Lagosians remain in Lagos.
    Abuja Rocks.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    1. Ur last paragraph tho.. very funny. . No b small ebola ooo.. dey shld al remain in lag

    2. You are one hilarious yet smart dude. Lol @ Ebola and Lagosians.

    3. You are one hilarious yet smart dude. Lol @ Ebola and Lagosians.

    4. Lol Bonario...... They should remain in their Abuja. As a newly relocated abuja resident who didn't want to live here. I have started enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. Bonario better organize an LIB meetup in Abuja city. Should be fun to meet up...cheers

    5. Lmao @ bonario @ With the advent of the Ebola Virus,I pray Lagosians remain in Lagos.

    6. This is a good, interesting and downright lively piece written by Etcetera. I love it and it's so true!
      I'm based in Abj but I love the hustle n bustle and 'craziness' of Lasgidi!!!
      Seriously, eko o ni baje ooooo!!!!!


    7. But with all d Bh bombings, you've still remaned in Abj, so yes we will remain here

    8. But with all d Bh bombings, you've still remaned in Abj, so yes we will remain here

  4. Na so lag be na. No. 1 Hustling place in 9ja.

  5. Nt so dear. Anuty yorii yorii, mrng. I will be cool if people start calling me 'LIB Princess' pretex4luv@yahoo.com

  6. LOOOOOOL the first nice thing this guy has written

  7. Now i understand y BONARIO is always on LIB nd uses Vaseline always .... Boredom things...

    1. Bored Housewife!!!26 July 2014 at 16:00

      OMG!!! You just got me cracking now!!! Thats so true!!!!
      However, the same could be said bout you too!!! Lmao!!!

    2. U have just joined his team....funny people

  8. he is right,Lagos na wa!!.soon it will be possible to cook while in traffic too.Ijaycrazy

  9. Beautiful piece, I must say...even freeze will be trilled...


  11. Mr man you talks too much go and sleep jorrrr


    1. "...You talks to much" what school did u attend?

    2. Keep quiet,hope you even read the writeup cos is C̣ool b4 you started vomiting Ūя̲̅ hatred.

    3. I tire 4 d dude oh. 'U talks 2 much ke* u beta go back 2 ur foundation nd ask God 4 4giveness so u can speak good english

  12. Nice write up..I really love it..so on point

  13. This is the only city in the
    world where you can leave home for work stark
    naked and be sure to buy everything you want to
    wear in traffic. They’ve got ironing boards too in
    case you want your clothes starched and properly

  14. Another post frm a model turned blogger (datz 4 u linda)..... naw back to u etc..... everything u said abt Lagos was true..... especially the driver's part...... u forgot to add d agbero's part... nice one

  15. good write up..well done etcetera

  16. A better piece dan dose silly articles u usually publish. I'm not ur fan tho but dis one's a good write up etcetera.

  17. Now this is one article from him that I find interesting

  18. Oh my!!!
    I reside in Lagos and I'm offended by the 'crazy word' but I can't lie, he sure has a point.
    I grew up in Lagos, even if I stay in a quiet street, when I step out, its noisy, the hustling I see is just wow.
    I'm schooling in a different state and yes its the opposite of Lagos.
    Anyways, if you live in Lagos, you can adapt anywhere.
    Same way I'm adapting in the current state I'm in..
    And № I don't miss Lagos, Lagos aint my kind of place.
    I don't know how to jump inside a moving bus, neither can I fight to enter a bus at a bus stop filled with a lot of people wanting to do the same thing...

    1. Move to abuja

    2. Heey Jaybay if u cannot or u don't how to jumb into a moving but then u surely did miss out on the fun side of Lagos (laughs ) (9ijaborn yankeebased)

  19. Eko o ni bajee oo!! I love this write up. Lagos is a placed of mixed feelings. But then again Eccetra has said it all.!

  20. Love this article..... And the part that say u can leave home naked and get dressed up in traffic is so fucking true lol eko o ni baje o

  21. Eko o ni baje oo!! Lagos I hail thee! Luv dis writeup

  22. Lol. Linda listened to that liber that said she shd post a different pic of etcetera next time.
    Linda how monday giveaway go be na?
    Hope its 16persons oh at 25k?
    Thanks in advance.

  23. O baje ti... Nice write up

  24. Lmao! Dis dude's crazy! Bt, he made sum sense sha. I always luk 4ward 2 his writings.

  25. He is in Lagos too abi? So that includes him.

    1. Don't take life too seriously so you don't die before your time. The guy knows it includes him.

  26. Writing fits him more, well arranged write up,nice!

  27. Nice Piece. Lool @ "like finding a virgin in Nollywood". This guy is funny. Nice piece tho.

  28. Me likey dis piece, especially u get everything in traffic.

  29. Love d last quote,wat a piece

  30. This nigger has come again

  31. This is quite a long...

  32. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    This dude is a talented writer no doubt....

    1. I wonder what he was doing in d music industry all this time...when he should have probably been in guardian and vanguard newspaper

  33. Great article, real experience its a piece you read and it takes you into the scenes. Nice one lady Linda, i was crazy for the last 3 months i was in Lagos and i loved it. But i want ABUJA MORE now.

  34. Lols we all know na even me self mad linda too and the writer of the article him self. Jopeyemi@gmail.com BBM 32F0BEFB

  35. I really love this,hilarious,true and not so controversial but for the part where he mentioned 'virgins in Nollywood',I guess.

    1. How's dat controversial, can u find a virgin in nollywood.

    2. How's dat controversial, can u find a virgin in nollywood.

  36. orishirishi,, as his name implies. E no get sense. Okoye2437@gmail.com

  37. dia is freedom of writing...nkemdirimeverista111@gmail.com

  38. This really cracked my funny bones.Buying a brand new car in traffic, leaving home naked and getting all dressed up for work in traffic.
    Bravo! Humorously Absorbing I must say.

    1. They actually sell generator in traffic at Abraham Adesanya near Ajah.

  39. This guy is good. Well written. Well thought. He will do well better than those who call him failed singer. He has a talent n it reflects his intelligence. Keep it up ETC! U have a fan already...n I am.

  40. Anybody expecting to find a sane person in Lagos must be crazy indeed. It is like looking for a virgin in Nollywood. #Well Written

  41. Abuja is boring and U still give us dis piece of boring shit to read?.. Damn homie.

    Goodluck Jay

  42. Abuja is boring and U still give us dis piece of boring shit to read?.. Damn homie.

    Goodluck Jay

  43. Abuja is boring and U still give us dis piece of boring shit to read?.. Damn homie.

    Goodluck Jay

  44. This guy play play don dey author write ups oh.

  45. Wow, guy can write, very engaging, love ya.

  46. But as crazy as it is in lagos, i love it. I love the fact that its like the city is divided in two halves. For non-smokers and smokers or how can any1 explain to me why Apapa is olways covered in thick smoke. Lol, man man!

  47. Excetera is really on point with this one. The hustle and bustle is what makes it Lagos, That's why we call it Lagos for show. #Lagosian for life, # Lagos the centre of excellence # Eko o ni baje ooo.

  48. Loool @anybody looking for a sane person in Lagos is like looking for a virgin in nollywood. #word!

  49. omg, I love this write up

  50. I love this write up. Nice one....

  51. Lol... Linda singer turned writer....

  52. Thank God u're crazy as well. I'm glad i'm not in Lagos though.

  53. Lol. This was a great read. Nice job. He should submit it to the New York Times for painting a most vivid picture of the city. Abujans, show us your nails. Hehe.

  54. Hahahaha.......this guy sef, he's really mouthed!


    M.oye B

  56. Lagos all the way. And its true that Abuja is a boring city.

  57. He couldn't av done a better job in describing our beloved Lagos but d truth still remains...u just gat 2 luv it. Luv n miss Lasgidi...can't wait 2 b back.

  58. I like that he buttresses his points with good humour. That last paragraph threw me off balance! I can easily relate 'cause I lived in Lagos for 3months+. But c'mon! Abuja isn't as boring as portrayed here. Except well, your definition of boredom is a less noisy environment. Personally, I think his calling is writing, regardless of the controversies that usually trail his articles (which I feel make a good writer). MB.C. DORIS

  59. I love this guy I swear. U just said it all.

  60. The earlier u realise dat u ar d only crazy person in Lagos, d beta for evry1...

  61. Ridiculous bt true we're all crazy in dis city...if u want a free comedy shw take d bus evry morning

  62. Nice one Etc..beginning to like dis dude..........................................#KingOfKings

  63. Lol! Etc wont kill me ooooooooo! Finding a virgin in nollywood! Lwkmd! Eh! I stay in Abj but I wud rather die of boredom in there than of Craze in Lag! The thought of Lag freaks me out!!!! Am d indoor kind of person nd even d idea of getting stuck in traffic 4 hrs gives me a fright! All d hustling nd bustling makes me wanna disappear or choke! Y wont dey all b crazy! Lol! Fyi etc, I stay in Abj nd I have long nails 4 a guy! Lol!

    #GozManuel Says#
    Abj 4 life!!!!!!!!!

    1. If u see the way even we girls shout at conductors and bus drivers or hustle for buses and taxi ehn, you'd know one way or another that we are all crazy

    2. If u see the way even we girls shout at conductors and bus drivers or hustle for buses and taxi ehn, you'd know one way or another that we are all crazy

  64. *smile*
    If these could be the definition of "crazy", for peeps living in Lagos, then i'll go with it. It really is funny, but clearly describes the everyday-life of an average resident.

    1. Lasgidi!!! Land of hustling.......fun evrywhere. Lagos is really crazy.

  65. I laughed! I always read your articles even the controversial ones and I always find them intriguing. Your opinion is most people's opinion even those hypocrites criticizing you. At the end of the day it's your view and it's one thing no-one can take away from you. Perhaps you should start your own blog, and be rest assured you have a big fan in me. Thanks for painting the picture of Lagos to me again, I miss Lasgidi.

  66. Nice article. Kept me smiling all true. In fact I love this guy #nohomo

  67. laughs...this guy is killing me! I just luv dis,i read it again and again.....i like him too

  68. Lwkmd! This is sooo true, remembered wen i was little and my Aunties came to visit us in Ibadan, they were surprised dt the Buses actually stopped for them to enter, they said they always av to run after Molue in Lagos. Anytime i visit Lag, its always crazy, Mad traffick, Loud pple, its lyk everyone is high on adrenaline. I'm the "Quiet, Chill at home nd read good novels or watch movies" type, i can't cope with d craziness of living in Lag! Lord pls don't gimme a Lagosian husband o, he Must relocate by fire by force, cos Lagos life is so not for me.

  69. First time this guy makes sense!!! I love Lagos! Born, bred and will born and breed in Lagos #gbam. Even though I've been out of the country for a while, I can wait to go back. I sincerely love Lagos madness!

  70. love the write up.... etc..for me, you are on point. my husband is even suggesting we move permanently to akure in ondo state. his reason? no one can last long with lagos traffic. lol. kenitola

  71. Very interesting,he said it all,smtImes wen am goin out in lag,I dnt feel 2 api,cos if you dnt av little madness in you,lag is a no place 4 uj,I remebered wen I was travellin 2 lag frm imo state,I gt 2 lag around 4pm,can. Imagine I gt 2 my residence around 12midnyt,wit load nd my baby,dat day was terrible my son almost gave up dat nyt cos of traffiC...ewwwwwwwwh....Lagos d city of hustlers.....
    **John Cena Mistress**

  72. he has found his calling, I cant stop laughing and painting the picture in my mind why reading it.. the write up was so on point, that I was transform into every scenario he talk about.. Am out of Lagos and Nigeria for months now, but he just gave me a nostalgic feeling

  73. Looking for a sane person in Lagos is as hard as looking for a virgin in nollywood 😄😄😄 cant stop laughing 🔫

    1. Yes na, cos even we so called babes scream at drivers and conductors, isn't that a definition of crazy

  74. Looool@it's like finding a virgin in Nollywood. I never know man o.

  75. Abuja is boring, yet everyone in the world wants to buy a plot of land in Abuja, every 'returnee' wants to owns a house, a plot, whatever... In Abuja.
    Lagosians rush in there and refuse to leave. Most of them end up in overcrowded outskirts towns and refuse to leave, just to be near Abuja.
    Book haram has been throwing bombs yet more people are struggling to get in, and those there are still not leaving..
    Lagos is exciting, lively, bla blah.... But pls pls give me Abuja anyday, anytime, and kindly keep all d lovely lagos people in Lagos . -under lock and key..lol lol....

  76. i really love his write up. nice one. wish to write someday. pls guyz kindly visit my blog www.maxwellfinesse.blogspot.com

  77. Hahahaha etcetera have killed me ooo, i laughed loud and fell down still laughing NYPD new york police came to ask me "what's wrong are u aright"? i said yess still laughing and pointing at my phone. U make me miss Lagos badly,the unique city of my birth,i am born and breed grew up and started my working life in Lagos but when i grew up made some cash and was staying on my own i would travel to abuja get a good guest house just to relax and i loved the calmness of Abuja and the fact that a cab can take me to where i wanted to go without serious hold-ups;i definitely did enjoy the life of both worlds, Etcetera u are the best,always bringing life into ur write-ups, U made my day, pls i will lov to subscribe to ur write ups and send them to my mail box « ruxty2014@mail.com »,i have never laughed from the begining to the end of a write-up. Make this and other of ur write ups into a booklet so i can give it to my Jamaican, Trinidad,Haitian, st.Vincent, Dominican,st.Kent,Puerto rican and American friends so to can have an interesting read b4 they travel down to see Africa and lagos the beautiful city of my birth. (9ijaborn yankeebased)


  79. ok..patoswife@gmail.com

  80. I must give it to excetra on this one. What a luvly write up. Buh I disagree dt abuja is boring. Hes not been there yet. Really if abuja bores you u are as crazy as d guy looking for sane persn in lagos..

  81. Linda, you fall my hand... how can you totally miss this killer line 'Anybody expecting to find a sane person in Lagos must be crazy indeed. It is like looking for a virgin in Nollywood'

  82. well,lagos is crazy with the beggers,traffic,shantty houses and all that.let me tell him Abuja is not dry or boring,you have mad clubs and hang out spot.the only reason Abuja is boring as at today is because of thr security issue.so Mr E.T.C take your time

  83. Seriously, Every1 In Lagos Is Crazy. (Linda's Man)

  84. Nice And hilarious this guy is really starting to get my attention thumbs up and he's right btw cos I've lived in Lagos all my life

  85. this guy really writes great articles, started reading his articles since the last about Nigerian pastors.

  86. Wow, I love this article by Etc.
    He's very articulate and organized in his choice of words. He's on point and this piece is educative for many who have not been to Lagos before. Moreover I might say this single story of Lagos should not deter your chances of visiting the city to explore its host of potentials. Single stories are never complete for whatever they represent. When you visit the city you might come up with a different embracing story that is much soft and interesting. Be aware of dangers of single stories......*6tus*

  87. Beautiful piece..the analogies are brilliant. This deserves recognition. Well done dude.

  88. wow, this sis a beautiful write-up. i enjoyed it. quite entertaining

  89. Anybody expecting to find a sane person in Lagos must be crazy indeed. It is like looking for a virgin in Nollywood........ That did it for me

  90. I read all your articles and must say regardless of the controversies it's usually 95% true. This however is a brilliant piece, gives you a vivid image of an everyday life in Lagos. I also loved the comic undertone. The last paragraph was #Classic! I think you should stick to writing. You make a better writer in my opinion. You're right about Abuja though as I've stayed there for a weekend. I was so bored i almost fell sick. When people ask me why I love Lagos so much I tend to come up with a lot of reasons still don't know the real reason. Perhaps because I was born in Lagos and most of my very fond memories were made there too. Kudos.

  91. NICE WRITE-UP.Good observation and well balanced.

  92. I loved the article!!! Very true and very hilarious and beautifully written! I think he would seriously do well as a writer or journalist.. Etc change your profession.... I resonate with all u have written. Give us one on madam president'!!!!!!!!!!


  94. wow,9ce write up dude. U made me rememba where i came 4rm,really missed lasgidi cnt wait 2 go bk

  95. ol boy eh I don laff tire....check this out peeps..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3TZwhxbWk4

  96. When in Nigeria lagos is the only city i stay i LOVE the MADNESS. Lol

  97. Ride on bro... Always looking forward to read ur article.... Betty

  98. Etcetera I give u 20 gbosa. You are damn right about Lagos. I love Lagos with a passion. Since I relocated I miss Lagos dearly. Ko si bi to dabi Eko. Eko oni baje.

  99. This guy has got a mouthful but he is sure a good writer. Nice piece.

  100. Lagos I hate.... Not my kind of place

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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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