Solange attacked Jay Z because he wanted to go to an after-party without Beyonce? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 14 May 2014

Solange attacked Jay Z because he wanted to go to an after-party without Beyonce?

The only people who know why Solange attacked Jay Z on Monday night is Solange, Jay Z, Julius the bodyguard and Beyonce. Others who claim to be insiders can assume what they want, but until the parties involved speak or we get the audio to what was said in that elevator, we will never know.

NY Daily news is claiming the reason real reason Solange attacked Jay Z is because he planned to go to Rihanna's Met Gala after party without Beyonce. (makes no sense to me). Report below ..

The dispute that prompted Beyoncé’s sister to attack Jay Z at a Manhattan hotel centered on the rapper’s wish to keep the party going at a shindig hosted by RiRi, the Daily News has learned.
Tensions were already running high when Jay Z — while walking to the now-infamous Standard Hotel elevator — said he was going to the Rihanna bash rather than heading home with Beyoncé.
“Why can’t you go home?” a drunken Solange Knowles said to her brother-in-law as they left the swanky May 5 Met Gala after-party, a source told The News.
Then the 27-year-old singer turned to her 32-year-old big sis Beyoncé.

“Why does your husband need to go to the club right now?” Solange asked, according to the source.
An incensed Jay Z took offense to Solange getting involved in his business.
You’re one to talk,” he shot back at Solange, the source said.
  Jay Z’s sharp reply sent Solange into a violent rage. She attacked Jay Z with a series of furious kicks and punches in a three-minute outburst that was caught on surveillance video and leaked Monday.
The bad vibes between Jay Z and Solange started 15 minutes earlier when a group of Solange’s nonfamous friends from Brooklyn showed up uninvited at the star-studded soiree, a source told The News.

“Two of her friends, who were not dressed for the Met ball, showed up at the Standard and caused a scene downstairs,” the source said.
“They wouldn’t leave and kept name-dropping Jay Z. They were pretending they were guests of his and not hers. Management went to Julius (Beyoncé’s bodyguard) and said there’s a problem.”
A source said Jay Z got wind of it and snapped at Solange — saying “don’t use my name.”

Solange said she wanted to leave the party. Jay Z agreed to go but said he was going to head to Up & Down on W. 14th St., where Rihanna was holding her own post-Met Gala bash, a second source said.
Jay’s camp had called ahead of time to say he would be coming alone and “didn’t need extra security” because Beyoncé wouldn’t be attending, the source said.

That apparently didn’t sit well with Solange, who “appeared drunk and irritated” and flipped out on Jay Z as soon as the elevator doors closed, a source said.

Jay Z — who didn’t raise a hand to Solange as she fired off punches and kicks before getting restrained by a bodyguard — ultimately decided against heading to the Rihanna party.

Reps for Beyoncé, Jay Z and Solange did not return requests for comment.


  1. Not a gud enough reason 2 go physical... dey havent actually said wat the real issue is.

    1. Abeg dis is not d real story joh. Because of a party? Abeg wot happened is more serious than that. Pple shldnt believe dis trash.

    2. Liesssssss

  2. Does it make sense to anyone,,, y will I just start fighting like a mad market woman because my brother in-law is going for a party without my sister,,,people will just be assuming and making up stories... She's either crazy or she's back on drugs again, because even if he offended her or her sister, she acted like an animal and make a complete fool of herself!! He's old enough to be her father and he doesn't deserve such embarrasement! Silly girl.....she has embarrased her self ans she dragged her family members down with her when they've done nothing but support her DEAD career!

    1. Shut up please. Gullible LIBERS are the only people on earth who'l blive this story. So she only acts drunk in the elevator but is calm when she steps out of it. I know Linda Ikeji really wants this story 2 be true. It'll make her feel better about showing how she will fight her sisters over a man. :D Dear media, please come up with better stories.

    2. Please just shut up. JayZ isn't old enough to be anyone's father and not solange. If anything happened then she had a solid reason for that. The fact Bey didn't do anything is enough reason for you to get it into your thick head that there is more to this.

    3. My dear, Jay Z is 50 and yes he is old enough to father a 27 yr old solange.

  3. What rubbish! So beyonce that is directly involved did not attack, its she that is attacking, taking paracetamol on someone else headache

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    1. The 'Some one else' is her SISTER.. Have sense you FUCKING MORON!

    2. Stalker 5:39!!!!!! Very bad ur a nobody. So stop ranting.

  4. Trash... Conspiracy theory as usual... Dumb

    1. The only truth here is that solange was drunk. The rest of it...Lies

  5. She's just dumb.... Respect to beyonce and jayZ for keeping their cool, I don't understand y people were xpectin bey to jump in and start fighting her sis e.g linda #rachet and #trifling... I'm so she was high on drugs again

    1. You are the dumb one since you believe this crap!

    2. It's not even that she did not jump in and fight, it's that she didn't even seem shocked. Very calm. Eg she agreed with what solange was doing. That was not about a party unless bey herself was on some pills that make her a zombie. At least she would've moved when solange started and been seen to be screaming at her.

  6. Linda Ikeji,
    abeg which one be this new cursor way dey appear for my computer? i mean this close up tooth paste abi na my eye need washing

  7. Where are all those idiots saying he must have cheated or she was defending Bey, everyone that knows anything about solange knows she Flys off the handle fit the slightest reasons, she will even be the 1st to admit it.i knew she must have been over reacting to something he said, and Bey's reaction to me was more like here we go again, because that probably wasn't the 1st time.

  8. To be frank this is a wack statement and is obvious there is no sense in it.... Thank God jayz nor beyonce have never said anything....

  9. Jay's face in dat 2nd pix tho...

  10. D source dis news came from is playing mind dat Solange will b forced 2 say wat actually went wrong in there. Drunk? Dis will mak her want 2 defend herself. Dis ppl...smh

  11. reason not good enough......

  12. That's american way of living...

  13. Dis is not a gud reason for her to misbehave.
    Na dem kuku sabi.

  14. Hmmmm different gist fr different blogger, which one I go believe

  15. They don't even know how to lie.
    Not a weighty argument atall

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  16. That's what led to the violent attack by Solange? I don't believe it. There is more to this story.

  17. If this was what actually happened, then that bitch Solange was lucky Jay Z chose the gentle man style else she would be at the hospital now....

    ---Via Iphone in Apple(R) Store (Window shopping)--- England.

  18. So she is trying to be her sisters keeper? Keep it up.and why did she delete her sisters picture from her instagram Page.I don't believe this whole story,maybe jay z told her something that got her mad..solange pls knw that diaries is God oooo!!

  19. Lies!!! Lies!!! Lies!!!

  20. Dat does not give her d right to go all wong-tai-mo on d one who made her family name known

  21. Not enough Reason 4 her 2 Fight Jay

  22. Lol I feel sorry for anyone who believes this. Don't you understand that anything that will affect the image of Bey and Jayz will not be released?
    I can bet that Bey and Jay are not going to say anything to defend themselves or blame Solange in anyway, because if they do Solange is going to literally rip the closet of secrets.

  23. Cld be Rihanna n Rita Ora coz he allegedly cheated on bey with em and dey were both at d met n they both had after parties. Just saying...

  24. It's nobodies business pls let them be, we all have someone in our families that act-up. No family is perfect. Some people sleep with their sisters husband and they still settle. Some of us have brother in-laws that we wish we could beat up becos of their attitude. Pls let's learn not to be too judgemental. Peace out.

  25. This story doesn't add up

  26. Linda, have u seen that bey has been posting pics of she and solange together on IG, and then one of she and riri

  27. There must be good reason why beyonce didnt get involved in the fight maybe her sister is fighting for good reason and beyouce is happy with it,it's family affair!

  28. Mayb jay z has some past issues with bey ova gals dats y solange actd dat way.. al guys ar dsame..

    1. Anyone that beleives this, can believe anything !!

    2. Doby Doby "All Guys are the-same" right? That's probably one of the reasons you're still single and mentally frustrated!!! Dumb Mentality.

  29. Beyonce is being abused POINT BLANK AND SIMPLE. It may not be physical but that camel face mutherfcker is abusing her one way or the other.

    Her confidence level has dipped a notch since she gave birth to Blue and thats why she is pusshing the envelope a lil much especially watch that Grammy performance in Feb 2014. That performance saids a lot to me.

    Then she fired her long time manager and now Jay Camel Face Satanistt Z is now managing her career 100%, in the history of music that has never worked well. Look at Anna Mae (Ike and Tina).

    And she just finished almost a 100 city worldwide tour and now Jay is making he go on anothe tour. When does she find time to spend with Blue Ivy, i mean what is she super woman.? That man is abusing her oooooooooh, and #ThereIsAGod O - God is watching.

    I am sticking to my theory, Beyonce is being abused by JayZ point blank and simple.

    His punk ass knows Bee is the celebrity, not him, anywhere he gets invited to is cos of BEE and not him. Bee is the one that gets all the attention, and for an african american man who did not grow up with a father in the household with no great moral values that will hurt is pride and ego whether he admits it or not so what does he do, he becomes a Narcissist as they always are and the only way the feel powerful is if the abuse the most adored and loved woman in the world which happens to be their wife

    ONE DAY IN HER 50S SHE WILL WRITE HER BOOK AND TELL THE WHOLE TRUTH (that is if she is not sacrificed by that camel)

    Bella abeg put up a poll for us, who believes Beyonce is being abused by JayZ hands up. It doesnt have to be physical, Emotional abuse is the worse kind for a woman with no friend but her sister cos with her status you cant trust anyone to be your friend.

    if Halle Berry the most gorgeous woman and Lady Diana were all abused and cheated on what makes you doubt this is happening to Bee too? That negro from Bedstuy is cheating and abusing her – Next step is sacrifice.

    1. Shut up; u dont know shit, they have been together for 12 years

    2. OMG!. I am in awe of u hun, you just picked my brain entirely.... I just had this conversation with a friend... That ugly bastard is definitely Abusing bey...he knows better than to do a ''Chris Brown'' on her its definitely a case of severe talk down emotional Abuse..... Its sad!

    3. Stop saying shit u know nothing about! Poll ni rod does what u and d other shit heads think affect the truth(which u don't know) abeg face ur own life n problems. Focus ur theories on the missing girls and tell us where they are
      are. Since u are the clairvoyant Internet troll.sotay u no know say na LIB u dey. This ain't Bella Naija!!!

    4. @anon 4.22.....dont be coming to conclusions that you obviously dislike jayZ.....

      What me thinks sha is that...JayZ did or said something bad to Bey...and Solange was outraged and stood up/fought for her sister......that explains the "Beyonce standing aside and looking"...... and also the two sisters entering the same car and leaving JayZ alone.....

      From psychological Analysis Beyonce was a bit in support of Solange treating JayZs fuckup!

      Now as to how JayZ fucked up....we cant know unless one of the 4 of them in the elevator talk.

      I give young hova Cred tho.....He dint touch her back! ....Real niccurs keep thier calm when women Act up!

      #my two cents#

      On 2 the Next!

    5. That Beyonce is being abused, can't be further from the truth. Check the body language lately.

  30. damage control...horribly so

  31. Linda, Solange wasn't drunk. That girl didn't look tipsy when she was walking out of that elevator. I don't support Solange's violence but Jay-Z had to have done something really wrong for her to rile up like that.

  32. Solange is meddling into jay n bey's affair i fink its really appalling

  33. Whateva. Its their life. I've mine too to live.

  34. So now they released this as the reason for the whole drama and you guys have believed sharp sharp and started raining curses on solange. not stopping to think if its actually the truth or not. we really need to use our senses and be sincere with ourselves even if we are not seen when commenting.

    1. Ermmm.for.the.record...wasn't jay n Bey that released this news.k?

  35. Who cares!!!gosh

  36. I don't believe any of dis until bey or jay Z camp speaks its all hearsay

  37. Is she freaking kidding me??? She attackd her bro-in-law cus of dat? I dnt bliv it. Pls Linda, help me get d real news abt dis saga

  38. Makes no sense at all. To little an issue to go haywire and why did she delete all bey's pix but one from her instagram page? To get Jay Z to go to the next after party with bey? Next...

  39. Fake story......the real story is still loading...........

  40. LOL Please!
    This doesn't even explain why she attacked JayZ's former intern inside the party they came from.... this news needs to go away though its enough we all have lives to live!

  41. They can tell that to fools...that's their problem..everyone has their own issues but don't take us for fools.

  42. Fat lies... U ar talking 2 kids?

  43. The real reason was that Jay told solange that the music playing inside the Elevator is better than all the music solange ever recorded ....

    1. This is even a beta lie , jay z will pay u for this kind of lie , o boy u get talent for lies

    2. Lmao try! .for real though ur explanation make brain pass this one we heard......

      On 2 the Next!

  44. How is that her business? I don't believe that story.

  45. Tales by moonlight...

  46. Abeegii...make we hear word....fake story

    For makeup for all occasions add 7ae6798f

  47. I donot believe this at all.....

  48. proper benin girl14 May 2014 at 19:37

    Would have agreed totally with anon 4:22, u spoke my mind but not totally. Beyonce is d mother of all pretenders, she likes to make herself look like one super goddess and I am so sorry for anyone that looks up to her cos u'll all be entraped in her world of narcassism. She wants to always look perfect whereas no human being is perfect. She and jay-z have lots and lots of skeletons in their cupboard and they both know how to fake it whenever they step out of their house. Anyway, I trust stalkerazzi and most d media in US. They'll always help us find out what's happening. It might not be today, might be some years tym but the truth will always come out. It might even be beyonce that'd expose d secret herself or even solange. Just can't wait, i'm crossing my legs that day shall come very soon. The so called power couple will be exposed. They r too sneaky.

  49. You need to know the genesis or exodus of the story. You are just cooking up story to fill your blog. You are talking trash.


  51. Linda pay the bodyguard more than what TMZ paid for the video and u'll get the true story.

  52. She didn't look that drunk to me. Linda, buy the audio please. The traffic will be worth it.

  53. Err are they trying to tell us that solange is a crazy person....?cause shit don't add up...

  54. This story is so fake + who cares

  55. She is not supposed to go physical on a man that is old enough to be her father, AGREED but she is trying to protect her sister's marriage. Every Tom, Dick and Harry knows that Rihanna has a strong hold on Jay-Z and the former love Riri too. Why wld he go to after party of Riri without Bey. This explains Bey's body language when the sister was attacking Jay-Z. Solange wasn't drunk and Lindo, I'm surprised U said her reason for the attack makes no sense. You more than anyone else should understand better. UJ

  56. All reports since d Jay Z & solange saga has been pointing negative fingers 2wards solange. WHY?? She is drunk, She ha mental issues etc...

    Dere's is more 2 all dese........

  57. i thought it was just jayz beyonce solange and julius.who come source?abi source na human being name?

  58. Cant we ve a better discussion here?oya you all go to bed or go think abt life.leave dem alone,stop worrying ur blessed brain over irrelevant matters,u and ur oga.Sis Linda of God.


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