Nigerian Military denies allegation of genocide in Borno | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 22 May 2014

Nigerian Military denies allegation of genocide in Borno

The Defence Headquarters has released a statement denying a claim today by a Kaduna-based cleric, Dr. Ahmad Gumi, that there is genocide going on in Borno where security forces/vigilante groups round up young men and kill them in a field for allegedly being Boko Haram members. (Read here).
The Defence Headquarters (DHQ) has found the latest allegation of genocide against the Nigerian military by a Kaduna based cleric as not only diversionary but unfortunate.
"The DHQ wishes to unequivocally dissociate the Nigerian military from any involvement in the alleged genocide as depicted in the graphic pictures which appeared in the front page of Blueprint newspapers of 22 May 2014 edition entitled, “Alleged Killing field in Borno”. Continue...
While the military will continue to respect freedom of expression of Nigerians, it will not submit to desperate blackmail and propaganda aimed at diverting attention and pitching public opinion against the armed forces. Although the real motive of the report and presentation with the apparent intention to impute military complicity in the event depicted in the pictures is yet to unfold, the DHQ sees this allegation as the manifestation of yet another grand design to tarnish and denigrate the image of Nigerian Armed Forces.The Nigerian military remains a professional force whose operations is guided by high standard of professional ethics and will not be party to such dastardly act. At no time or event in the course of the counter-insurgency operation have the troops embarked on the extra-judicial killing of civilians as exhibited in the gory pictures.

The location and occasion where the events captured in the pictures were taken is unknown and has no bearing whatsoever as insinuated in the report by the Blueprint newspaper. The individual holding stick which the paper mischievously described as “a soldier stand(ing) guard…” is certainly not a Nigerian soldier neither is any of those captured in the pictures.

The media are once again advised not to make themselves available to those who are desperate to tarnish the good name of the Nigerian Armed Forces"

Major General
Director Defence Information


  1. Thank The Lord...

    1. Linda issay lie! I dunno if dey still do it now but 3yrs ago? I am fully aware of dis. D rule amongst "dem" then ws if u catch jst kill....coz if u send dem to Capital city, "dey" will free dem (BH). N it's true, all those(BH) dat were handed over were freed somhw. It's unfortunate though dat innocent ppl also fell victim of "catch n kill instantly"
      Govt cn lie sha....but of course dey cnt admit dis....jst as dey cnt admit dat dey r negotiating wiv BH nw for d release of those girls....if nt all hell will break loose!

  2. denying nd condemning... there best english

    1. I see you that knows book. Idiot..

    2. You pple are busy running your mouths while boko haram kill innocent nigerians, yet when they are killed,you all start shoutng genocide. Smh

    3. This is only a picture of a man with a stick standing with a couple of young men. The man is not even armed, this picture cannot prove anything. Am afraid of these northern elders they can do anything to bring GEJ's government down all in a bid to high-jack power because they believe the north is born to rule. The north ruled this country 9 times and they could not improve their region (the poorest and the least educated region of Nigeria) yet they want to keep ruling. If we all believe in the theory of " one Nigeria" then a minority ethic group should rule because they have never ruled this country before. Dr.Ahmed Gumi or whoever you call yourself, have you ever told your youths ( boko haram) to stop the blood shed?

  3. So the nigerian armed forces are denying,they have never committed genocide before. Nonsense

  4. I knew that Mr Ahmed was lying

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  5. As I said, nigerian soldiers understand only 3 words, COME GO SHOOT.

  6. Really, who are you people deceiving, you harass and victimise the nigerian public on a daily.

  7. Sharrraaappp there nigerian armed forces, I have seen you people whipped a civilian in broad day light. Liars oshi.

  8. I don't know who is scarier, nigerian armed forces or boko haram.

  9. SHEIK GUMI is A very wicked man for postin such LIES..his aim is to cause CHAOS..all nations wt problem today are ISLAMIC..

  10. Stupid nigerians will still not believe

  11. Better u deny! Coz it must not b d truth
    Wasting such innocent lives..uhn uhn too badt


  12. I hope they could do more than denying it. Coz this is really serious.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  13. God knows what no man know, he better not be true

  14. Mumu DHQ. You can bambooze Goodluck Jonathan but not me, or the entire world! JTF is on the truck fucking moron. Oh I get, you either know nothing about it or it was stolen.

  15. Their @ zenki thank me later. Linda please be careful so you don't become a tool. These are trying times for Nigeria and we may not know who to trust. Verify before you report.

  16. Nawa 4 una ooooo

  17. Instead of condemning the BEASTS called boko harram they are busy condemning the military.. Mtcheeew.

  18. God knows best.

    Truthfulness pays!

  19. This is not the first such a claim has been made against the Army. Amnesty Int'l said so, it was denied and never investigated. Recently samething was said by the US govt spokesperson. A professional force will actually investigate first. Sheikh Gumi can be asked to provide the location, etc and proofs to back his claims up and if he cant charge him to court. The Army should not jst come out to deny things and claim a 'ghost' is trying to soil the 'glory' of the Nigerian Army. Exact dumb thing even the presidency does all the time. Have we all gone mad in this Country? These are unharmed people who were summarily executed who maybe innocent cos of suspicion

  20. A whole of tins de put on media are lies,these northern leaders ur plans to ruin GEJ govt wnt work

  21. No one can be critized in Nigeria, they always think the enemies are at work. How can they learn from past mistakes and make improvements when they think they are already PERFECT? I once saw a video of a similar execution of unarmed villagers who were shot dead by the Nig Soldiers and one took a cap frm one of the victims as a souvenir. Nigerian Armed Forces also denied it ever happened. When are we going to stop lying to ourselves? God wont come down to help us cos he's given us all we could ever need to do so.

  22. Now na morning. Let the God you serve save you.

  23. I should have said I knw nigerian military isn't like that when I heard the news I was shocked

  24. We are gettin to the root and soon the deeds will b exposed. Gumi should not be in a haste to create distractions. Even if those pictures are real , should any right thinking nigerian with no interest in the heinous machination of BH be thinking of blackmail. Well that tells us what to expect when real insurgency battle begins.

  25. Meeeeehhhhhnnnnn. Just kill them sha nor ni.

  26. There is a lot of questions that need to be answered in the pictures, the people that were lined up didn't show any fear in them, the other picture showing people that are facing the ground look like acting to me why all in the same position as if they were sleeping. The Nigeria military should investigate this and found out the culprit behind this story.

  27. is this Al Jazeera video fake?

    is this fake too?

    let's nt be blinded by tribe and religion, let's not argue blindly. Today, it is these innocent souls, who will it be tomorrow?

    1. Let's not be blinded by tribe and religion huh? But the Biafran Genocide should be blinded by tribe and religion innit! Una never see anything! Until the slain,brutally murdered and chopped off Biafrans get justice,then will peace return to this country other than that karma will continue to play its role! Bloody hypocrites! Who have taken responsibility for the 1967-70 genocide against the igbos? Is it even been mentioned! If you say a word about it they shut you down and bring sentiments! Well we dont want uprising as the country is porous so I think is also safe not to discuss the so called purpoted borno genocide as it will stir up things like discussing biafra genocide would too!

  28. Dat cleric shuld be thoroghly questiond... hw did he get such inside pics of d killings???

  29. Hmmmmm. Medai make una no dey spoil things for dis country na

  30. That was a big lie from another top nigerian govt official. Proper look at the signage on the pickup truck reads *...N JTF*(Civilian JTF). I can't help but shiver to the gory sights of seeing those guys alive in a pic, the thoughts on their mind before they were killed and finally seeing them dead and dumped in amass grave in the last picture. Nigeria is rapidly turning to Somalia, Sudan, Mexico etc. That was a genocide, GOD please come to our aid, save us from the filthy hands of our clueless opportunist president. He's too weak, dumd and surrounded by selfish psycophants, our borders and waterways are porous, too many wrongs happening under the nose of our president, we need to act fast to curb all the wrongs happening in our great country. People, please take a closer look at the signage on the white pickup truck.

  31. Those were nigerian army guys supervising the mass burial in the last pic. Look at the 2nd truck(thats definitely a nigerian army truck).

  32. Yes. There was nothing in those pictures to indicate it was nigeria.

  33. Denying is not enough, investigation should be carried out immediately and the public should be informed of the outcome.Also this cleric should be watched.

  34. If u fail den go call you olodo, if u win den Sey na ojoro, which one we go fellow? ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  35. I've been watching videos for over 2 yrs now, on Youtube, of Nigerian soldiers executing civilians in the North East in the name of fighting Boko. Those ones na lie too?

  36. Dis Olukolade guy talks too much! Was he not the one who first denied military involvement in illegal arms deal with boko haram? But today, it's being confirmed! Never has our military gone dis bad and decadent in Nigerian history

  37. Zenki na u sabi english pass, weldone prof.

  38. This kind of Ahmad Gumi message is what they want to unleash to Nigerians with the northern elders, if President Jonathan go with full force to rescue the girls. Even if the boko haram men is being killed, the nothern elders will tell us that he is killing innocent civilians. This is why politic is a dirty game. Government work with intelligent reports, not with what is on the pages of newspaper.

  39. In this hard times when international and national forces are trying to quell a national threat, an idiot is stoking the fire! Even if he had evidence of a genocide is the blueprint; obviously a Northern newspaper the right channel to use to pursue said wrong? Just wanting to cause unrest in the country, that's all.

  40. Look @ this. Are we safe in this Country? Extra-Judicial killing from both the government and the insurgents. Who is fooling who?

  41. I wish the military would truly round up and kill more northerners since Boko haram is all about them , Infact the whole birth should be bombarded relentlessly and non stop for several weeks . Don't blame me it's the only way to deal with insurgents and bring peace and stability to NIGERIA

  42. That's a relieve, ßut then the pictures, Pics don't lie.

  43. @ zenki, u are an ignorant idiot

  44. In as much as we would all like all members of bokoharam to be dealt with mercilessly this certainly isn't the way. The Nigerian constitution clearly stipulates punishment for every crime, What is a country with the rule of LAW n JUSTICE? If this is true then the Government isn't any better than the evil Boko Haram, let's not Forget this is how it all started with the murder of its former Leader Mohammed Yusuf which further radicalised the group. May God almighty save us all and expose those behind these attrocities in our Land

  45. The Cleric is a Boko Haram, he should also be checked!

  46. Linda,heard 3 oau students were shot by soldiers during their protest yesterday at Ife roundabout..pls confirm

  47. the best form of attack is defense. is only a dead man that cannot defend himself. God knows the truth. i wonder what people get from propaganda.

    via official intercom

  48. That cleric shd be jailed and flogged severely what rubbish I knew this story wasn't true pls dear media stop promoting al these false stories.linda try and verify b4 u put up,such news.its has been a trend with al social media.

  49. Vivian matthew23 May 2014 at 09:21

    It's a shame that these northern elders and elites would go to extremes in order to discredit the federal government as well as justify the action and elicit sympathy for boko haram. I went through those photographs and on careful observation it seemed like these boys were not scared or perturbed. They didn't look like they were being forced to line up. The second pix showed them lying face downwards. The boys in that pix didn't look dead to me. Besides there were injuries or blood stains on them. They seemed to be acting out a script. The third picture showing bodies being deposited in a mass grave, I believe is from an entirely different scene probably one of the numerous mass funerals of boko haram victims. We know your tricks you desperate eastwards. Go ahead, destroy your region simply because you wish to frustrate the present government due to your born to rule mentality. You all will lose eventually.

  50. That cleric shd be jailed and flogged severely what rubbish I knew this story wasn't true pls dear media stop promoting al these false stories.linda try and verify b4 u put up,such news.its has been a trend with al social media.

  51. Go to the last photo in the blueprint, we are so blind and cannot see the JTF written on the vehicle, or was it photoshopped? They are certainly not Nigerian Soldiers indeed, clap for the the military.

  52. His Excellency23 May 2014 at 10:16

    Gumi is lying. He is trying to promote resentment against the army and promote sympaty for boko haram. Gumi is a liar and allah will send his misrable soul to eternal damnation.

  53. During a War u either use Media propaganda to win or win the war by ur military strategy, however we are already in war in Nigeria despite d fact that most folks don't seems to see it that a nut shell, the source of the said pictures should be investigated before we all jump into conclusion. .I am 4rm d North and my people are d biggest hypocrite on the face of this earth as this could be a mare propaganda pix from one of previous numerous african genocidal pictures. We are very close to Judgement Day.

  54. Unfortunately Photo proof cannot ovverride denial

  55. Thank God Yorubas are not in the military. We never were except for one time when we learned that some militias were on their way to Lagos. So we joined the military. Then they blamed us; but you cannot blame us for this mess.


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