Man arrested for blackmailing women with their nude videos | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 16 May 2014

Man arrested for blackmailing women with their nude videos

32 year old Iweka Nnamdi who claims to be a graduate of Nnamdi Azikiwe University has been arrested by the Lagos Police command for allegedly blackmailing and forcefully extortiing money from unsuspecting female victims, Vanguard reports.

Nnamdi used multiple Facebook profiles, where he impersonates notable persons in the society such as the Secretary to the State Government Senator Anyim Pius Anyim, House of Rep Speaker Aminu Tambuwal, Michael Adenuga, actor Van Vicker and a host of others, to deceive unsuspecting victims.
Through the fake profiles, the suspect would announce contract advertisement as well as job vacancies to his followers and then invite only the female applicants for a supposed interview at a hotel location where he would pose as the Personal Assistant to the Prominent Nigerian who owns the job or contract. Continue...
Nnamdi in the course of the supposed interview would then demand for sex from these ladies, some of whom may be married. Unknown to those who would agree to his demands, Nnamdi would have setup a camcoder where he would record all their sexual activities and nudity. He would afterwards use the clips from the recorded video to torment his victims, threatening that he would post the video and nude photos on the internet if they don't meet his financial demands.
Luck however ran out on him when he posted the nude pictures of an Enugu state born lady who refused to give him the N20,000 he demanded.

A policeman from Area J in Ajah Lagos, explained;
"The suspect met a female banker (names withheld)on facebook where he posed as one of the big shots in Nigeria. After chatting with her for sometime, he invited her to a hotel in Ajah on March 14, 2014, where he slept with her . Unknown to the lady, a camp coder was placed in a corner of the hotel room, where all that transpired was recorded. He later abandoned the lady while she was sleeping. Next day, the lady called him on the phone, saying she was no longer interested in the relationship. But Iweka would not agree. Rather, he sent her his GTB account details asking her to pay in some money which she refused. But to her chagrin, Iweka posted her nude picture on internet , on April 15, 2014,which prompted her to report the case to the Police. We used the lady as a bait to get him by asking her to call him on the phone and book for an appointment with him in a hotel at Ikota in order to settle the case. And when he came we apprehended him. During investigation, we discovered he is not in any way related to any of these persons he claimed to represent. When we conducted a search in an apartment at Road 34, Ikota villa estate in Ajah, where he squats with his elder sister’s husband, we found the laptop he uses for these atrocities. Stored in, were video of several women in their nude, including that of the banker. We also found black berry phones with same pictures stored in. During interrogation, he said he only used such means to get beautiful ladies and also make some money. His victims included bankers, students in the different universities and married women. For the married women, he tells them to bid for contracts. From our acount, he has destroyed about fourteen marriages, by posting pictures of the women who turned down his blackmail, on the internet”
Iweaka has been charged to court on an eight- count charge ranging from impersonation, publication of provocative pictures, threat to life, conduct likely to cause the breach of peace, obtaining under false pretense and threat with intent to extort. The first hearing for his case was heard on April 28th where he pleaded not guilty. He was granted bail of N200,000 with two sureties.The case comes up for hearing again May 26th.


  1. Replies
    1. They think if they post ur nude pic online. Ull be miserable 4 the rest of ur life or ull kill urslf...mtcheww. Thnk God this lady had guts 2 report him. Illiteracy is high in Naija. Sme dudes are just useless

  2. Stupid man and we ladies should be careful.

    1. As in just wonder why some ladies will let themselves down by allowing this ape to go down on them,i pray you rot in jail

  3. What?! Thank God he was caught. Wicked man. I just pray some disease or the other has not been spread amidst his victims. Desperation is a terrible thing.

  4. Gud for him... dat serves him right

  5. Iweka ure wicked. u av sooo watch nollywood u started practicing it. May God av mercyon ur soul......... go get a beta job, Mr squater

  6. Hehehehe. . Dis guy is smart oo. . Pple nd bad ways of making money. His sins av finally caught up with him..

  7. Naija Yankee Boy16 May 2014 at 22:01

    Death sentence please.

  8. D judge is a fool 2 let go off ds man. Deris God o.

    Mrs Davido

  9. Naija, wonders shall never end. That's what these female bankers deserve. They sell their body in exchange for money. Women are so greedy and gullible when it comes to money.

    1. Who told u it was 4 money. Don't judge my dear cos u wernt there. Pipo can b so wicked 4 nahtin----C21

  10. For Naija!!! We dey hustle

  11. What is this country turning to this days.A young graduate sleeping and duping people.Na wa ooo.I don't just know some people problem.Can't they find a job to feed themself.he should be punish for what he did.Stupid man.

    Guy caught her girlfriend doing it with another guy in the sitting room

    See how these Cotonou girls are dancing with boys at a night party

    This is is Exactly How Male Boss Molests their Female Secretary in their Office.

    Hidden camera caught Doctor Abusing a female patient.

  12. I'm happy the woman had the guts to report to the police. People should understand nothing is for free. No such thing as free contracts. Ladies should please stop meeting random men at hotels. Talkless of following them to their hotel rooms.

  13. D dude is one hell of a criminal!WAT!!

  14. Nigeria Woman are mostly decieved they should be careful because those blackmailers are everywhere in town. That guys needs to be jailed for 15years

  15. Powerful lone_ranger! No acomplice whatsoever. Plans & executes alone. Yahoo extension!
    Devil incanate. Should b castrated.

  16. linda abeg now this close up cursor don taya pple.....we know say u must chop but we have all seen the add now......#osasdeywakapass#

    1. My dear d cursor is really frustrating, to even click on a post na wahala

  17. This guy is very wicked. When will our ladies learn. Don't be too desperate for sugar coated offers.

  18. Desperados

  19. Hmmm...igbo kwenu!

  20. na waoo, this dude can't be a product of UNIZIK

  21. @ least he didn't kill 2 make money like d yoruba peeps

    1. U must b a big fool! He didn't kill bt has destroyed so many marriages; do u know hw many must ve died at knowing dey were being used? Tribal fool like u. *DEdoGal*

    2. You this $$k@y$$, may God eradicate tribalistic fool like you for our great nation to move forward. One Nigeria, one nation.

  22. Useless man....e no go better 4 u...oloshi

  23. Useless man....e no go better 4 u...oloshi ....*Amarachi*

  24. Igbo kwenu! My Nna brothers,I hail.d hustle odi real

    1. Tibalistic fools like you.

  25. What a wise fool... Gues he has had enuf of d cake. Now is d time to face d music

  26. And its always igbo, must it always b dem wen it coms to blackmail, internet scam, etc... It is well sha

  27. shameless fool..ur mates are hustling in d streets you are looking for women to blackmail..disgrace..and btw linda anyim pius anyim is secretary to the government of the federation(SGF). just saying

  28. Glad the law has caught up with him
    but 14 marriages? Hian! for crying out loud Were in the WWW does he post those pictures and videos?

    1. Ve u seen love & relationship zone? Search for dem on line, u ll see d various videos nd photos dey post den u ll know where ds fool sends his videos

  29. Ok, did he rape the women?. They agreed to have sex with a stranger abi? Stupid ashawo women, clever wicked crook. Women keep your knickers on, respect yourselves. This should also serve as a warning to all those wannabes who give free thank you don't mention sex to men and then give them take away nude picture. Cheap ashawo. Camcorder is watching you in 3D.

  30. Good for a movie release.....true life story

  31. GoD has started punishing u! WhY are people dis evil?!

  32. His an idiot n he his end has come,lazy lousy petti tiff*Ewu igbo

  33. Desperado.....ekwensu atu go gi mbo na ike.

  34. Bad and sharp guy. U must be seriously punished. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  35. Wicked generation

  36. Every is for d thief, one day is 4 d owner. oyo is ur case.

  37. Ur such a wicked dog after havin dz ladies u still ve d animal boldness 2 black mail,hell is 4u & 2 think uve destroyed 14 homes/marriages congrats I hail u here's a toast coz I know ur on ur way 2 hell #bastard *fashionista LeOnOrA*

  38. Like seriously?? Babes and their daft brains. You have an interview with Mike Adenga and you ended up sleeping with his P.A. Might probably give Adenuga is share when he now demands. Sleeping to the top. Not supporting the guy's action, but some chicks should actually be flogged


  40. Cheap Skate

  41. Dis guy shld b Castrated,d situation of unemployment is dis country is causing a lot of chaos
    Buh d guy enjoy o but e for no com post their nude pics 4 internet na,@lst u don enjoy d puna

  42. Hmmm, it must be igbo... Igbo guys though, notin they can't do bcos of money... Smh

  43. In All he didn't rape any of them. But distroying 14 marriages, I think they should force him to marry all The Ladies he slept with. And for Ladies Pls #Self-Respect#

  44. This ungreatful man should face the judgement

  45. Camp coder though?! Lol! You can't blame autocorrect for this one! People are so desperate for money these days they'll do just about anything to get it! At least he has been apprehended! Let's hope justice is served! The women who slept with him should be ashamed of themselves! SMH!

  46. The guy is really terrible

  47. Chai !!! DarisGod o. Anniie.

  48. Not so clever. But what's wrong with our women that don't respect their yansh?

  49. Pls this kind of person dose not deserve bail.How can he go about extortiing money,destroying marriages,and wost of all impersonating some big shorts,and still work on the street.This is why some people are now doing jungle justice.I feel very sad he is not rotting in jail

  50. Iweka is a bastard... Born throw away! .mugu .... If 2 say i no dey against jungle justice .. I would preferred police 2 leave so that mob will stone u 2 death.... Linda abeg tell police 2 put him in cell where his own prison mate will disvirgin ike nsi ya.....

  51. What women will do for easy money

  52. It's only stupid weak men as this does such a could you oga?oya face the wrath of the law which you've invited by yourself idiot.

  53. and dis is wat happens in my beloved Nigeria??

    # spoken my mind via HP630....

  54. Hian! ...all these long process because of money! poverty is a disease. such a desperate idiot.

  55. Porn made actor #fake agent

  56. ok na, no wahala... just listening to davido aye

  57. Hmmmmn people do a lot of things to make money, Facebook lovers make Una open Una eye well o

  58. No, they destroyed their marriages when they slept with him in the first place however that being said the rat should be punished shameless man

  59. All d greedy women. Na God catch them

  60. Good for those women.!

  61. Poverty in naija. Instead of him to use that creative mind of his for something positive, look what he did! Its Too bad!

  62. The guy is guilty, fine! But why married women fell into his trap is because they were promiscious. Women beware!!!

  63. Oboi, see hustler, but i like your skills ooo, maybe if you come out of prison you will teach me sum of them

  64. Dirty game ever. Why? Honestly what he did is just the same thing as Boko Haram. Someone nakedness is like her salvation, her life and Ever. By exposing it, it means you can destroy and kill.

  65. Married women? Now that's the only place I can fault him and them. As for others anything goes !!

  66. What kind of women agrees to sleep with a guy for a job? See how desperate the economic situation is making people act.

  67. Everyday na for thief, one day na for the owner of the house..

  68. Good he has been caught. The Bail fee to me is actually too small. Come to think of it, i think he does it more for the pleasure than the money. I mean, he got busted cos of 20,000?. It's Crazy.

  69. Wicked soul .this guy does not deserve to live amongst human

  70. If this is true some Nigerian women wowo. To the extent that this plebeian got women bankers and married women to sleep with him for promise of material gains which they are not even sure will come (even if they are sure) shows how gullible, greedy and worthless the society has decayed.

    1. So much for trusting your wife. If so many of these women mariages failed due to infidelity, I wonder how many other women get away with it. Women complain about all men being philanderers, the women are no better.

  71. Wonder sha never end in this life.

  72. Greed,selfish desire,unholy act nd pain coz al ds.hw can any human fink of hurtin anoda?as fine as e his,wich gal won't b happi 2 date em?wen u snd dose pic onlinw,wat joy dd e get?dey shuld put em in jail fr 40yrz. Rubbish Men

  73. Abeg show the videos b4 we believe lmao

  74. This foolish man just ruined my appetite! And now he will think to ask God's forgiveness after entrapping and destroying unsuspecting women? Not fair at all!!!

  75. Bloody wretched bastard dat will rot in jail.....wicked soul!!!

  76. Everyday for thief ! No sin shall go unpurnished.The evil that men do follows them,it doesn't live after them any more.You have succeeded in breaking marriages,you have also failed to continue living a normal from this moment nemesis caught up with you,you are finished go and rot in jail that is your home.Women you are always deceived mostly when you see a glittering object,you will completely lose your senses.You have never heard of wolves in sheep's clothing ?

  77. A room awaits u at kirikiri...

  78. What a wicked way to make money,this dude is heartless.

  79. Hmmmmmm, d rate @ which people do evil just to make it fast, na wa o. And wen wil people eva learn dia lessons? God protect ur children o, 4 d days are evil.

  80. This guy deserves to be in prison. Women sha.............Even the married ones fell to is evil acts. What kind of interview is being carried out in a hotel room? Women! Women!! Women!!! Sometimes the way you people think sha baffles me. Imagine those fourteen out of their matrimonial homes because of this evil guy. Aside the fact that they wanted a job perhaps desperately, those women wanted to cheat.

  81. Karma is a Big Black Bitch with a Bloated Behind

  82. Jeez!! 14marriages destroyed,who says he'll know peace?? He is a criminal.

  83. Iweka, u will never get out of it. Wicked animal in human skin. Nonetheless, people that allow greed to lures them to circumstances like this, should learn.

  84. In d voice of HIV campaign, wen wil they ever learn? Wen wil they eva learn?

  85. 1ce greedy
    always a 419 victim

  86. My God!!!!!!!!

  87. Why should such a person be granted bill? Things have really gone bad in dis country.

    1. Na bail, no be bill. Some people grammar self, na wa.

  88. Hahaha this is real ESU with costay Bra !! What on earth ? Why did they grant him bail in the first place ? Someone like him don't care to run away and leave the people standing for him trouble . This is so ridiculous !! Nigeria which one o !!!! Evil mind every where !! Ha ! I tire oooo

  89. 200,000k bail..? For what this fool have done to destroy women life's and dignity he deserves be to in prison.. but I blame some women too coz all this na longer throat de course am

  90. Honestly, our Ladies need to learn that thier bodies re not meant for exchange of favours......we need to STOP jumping @ every opportunity that present itself as material gain @ the detriment of our self worth.....if u don't dicipline yourself as a Young and single Lady u will fall into that trap even as a married woman......Please let's not sell ourself short for whatever reason, in as much as we all understand d Hardship in Nigeria today....we need to always think of the most dignifying way of making money and living that LIFE we want four ourselves
    .......goes for the MEN too......,

    wonder why a Banker falls for these Crap? i was a Banker for 7 years and it Pays ur Bills and gives u excess, if are Yet to understand why she fell for that

    The Guy should rot in JAIL!

  91. GOOD! BUT THERE ARE MORE "IWEKAS" STILL OUT THERE. Ladies beware; you are the target.

  92. God catch you.....

  93. This HOES aint loyal...

  94. Very sharp and smart mind for him to have got all those ladies into bed, if not for the crimes he has inflicted I feel he should be recruited into our SSS to head a department there to track online scammers since thats his area of expertise

  95. This is crazy! But why would anyone agree to sleep with some1 u are not dating or better still married to? Married women too?? Gosh! God help us all to keep our sanity & never have to be that desperate. Amen. Mo-1

  96. Bastard oshi!!!!!

  97. Useless and jobless men everywhere in lagos. Trying every means to extort money from innocent ladies. Awon oloshi oloriburuku mashanfani gbogbo.

    1. What is so innocent about these ladies? They broke the marriage convenant they entered into with their husbands and therefore, they deserve what they reap. Would you want to be married to any of these Jezebels?

  98. I always get msgs inviting me for interviews for jobs I never applied na so them for do me?

  99. How on earth could a young guy be this heartless? They should deal with him & put him in prison for a reasonable period of his life.

  100. Serves him.right and this serves as a lesson to ladies who are so desperate.

  101. Dat is really really bad, guy get a real job, imagine many homes u might have destroyed

  102. This guy is s wicked.I can't imagine how somebody could cook up a vile and criminal act such as these.May hour rot in jail but I'm also surprised to actually find ladies falling for shenanigans such as these.It point to the level of desperacy if some women.To even think that married women could sleep with this bastard is highly absurd.It is so unfortunate.

  103. Ur cup don full man....

  104. Lazy and wicked man.

  105. The women who tought it wise to have sex with a new acquaintance because of contract nko?..its prostitution

  106. I just wonder why some ladies find it very easy and simple to open their legs.

  107. Wonders shall never cease... Don't b surprised Dis man maybe d one who posted d nude pix of former miss unizik Priscilla who is now in Ghana coz of d shame and may also know d guy blackmailing my frnd who sent nude pixs to a senator who is now blackmailing her... Girls pls b wise don't go about sending nudes not even to ur bf... Wicked souls

  108. Funny gist!


  110. Instead of doing something meaningful, he is blackmailing ppl and destroying marriages, someone will also destroy his own marriage and blackmail him and the married women are loose

  111. They shud send him to Jail ASAP the guy is an Idiot with his chicken head brain omg née Kwanu ndi mmadu oh very wicked human being infact he needs to be in jail for 15yrs anuofia anu mpama na only u wan make for lagos ndi igbo na ego tufiakwa

  112. A colleague of mine told me about this story just last week and I was so surprise,he even showed me his pix, almost didn't believe it. I can only hope the sentence deserved is given to him at the end of the trial.

  113. gud 4 lady & married women who re greed bcos notin gud come's 4rm hotel work

  114. I am a woman but i still marvel at how stupid some women can be. why sleep with any man just to get a job? A donkey would not be ashamed to fall an old man who is not ashamed to climb it.

  115. Wicked guy.....

  116. Hmmm. I thought this only happens in movies. So it's happening in real life?? hmmmm.

  117. Hmmmmmmm luck has ran out from him this time I wonder wat this useless he-goats gain from posting nude pix of females they hv had escapades with wateva happened 2 concience rot in jail man

  118. Hope he dies by firing squard,I hate men dat do dis,can't they get a gud life n job 4 themselves ni

  119. Just imagine!! How gullible can people in thus modern day, upon scores of examples to learn from. Maybe the guy was using jazz on them. Too bad. To think that the son-of-a-bitch has caused even marriages to pack up, kaii. Thhey better throw the law aside and deal with the guy mercilessly.

  120. The world has turned into something else. Abeg make d man send me d videos joor!!

  121. Chaii, d man enjoyd o. I call him d great sampler. Imagine, destroyd 14 marriages of stupid useless women.

  122. This is serious! Ladies are so gullible n lack values these days. Whatever

  123. He should be given 25yrs in prison.stupid man.But sum women sha!!!

  124. Ladies before u sleep with a man esp a new guy check d room n most importantly never allow lights on dat way u can detect any small light of a camera n lastly social media is a no no no for u to meet someone u never knew before I beg u oh don't even reply to their msgs not to talk of meeting d person anywhere abeg u, once u send me any stupid msg I don't reply rather I will go straight to ur wall delete n block u, end of story never ever give room for any discussion with these beasts in form of humans, a word is enough f d wise

  125. wow...this would make a cool movie if acted by Oyinbos

  126. who is to be blamed? the guy or the woman (especially the so called Married one). d dude may an offered they accepted. y didn't they walk out, go home and tell their husbands. the dude would have been arrested long ago. the truth is that our women are fast loosing values and morals of feminity. I feel the guy should be freed and the remaining women should learn from this.

  127. All of you blaming the man are very very stupid. The idiotic women that went of their own freewill to prostitute themselves deserve to be exposed. Hungry fools

    Young miss B

  128. Broken 14 marriage and still working alive? Does this guy know what it takes to marry a woman? Oh God, this is heartless.

  129. May d guy rot in jail. This is a warning for all doz silly boyfriends who do ds to deir poor gfs. This is daft! Kudos to d ladies who say No to ds barbaric behavior!

  130. young miss B may u never find your self in this situation what will u gain destroying people's marriages for God's sake? ok what about the ones not married does it occur to you dat they have families? how can u do that to ur fellow human publishing their nude pics without their consent? it is punishable and he should be punished severely.

  131. At anonymous 3.47pm , you must have slept with a lot of men for money and whatever else. Who destroyed their marriages?!?! Did the guy force them? MAY THEY BE EXPOSED and may shame kill them!!! I repeat hungry fools. Ps stupid, I WILL NEVER FIND MYSELF in that situation cos I'm not a starving, shameless prostitute

    Young miss B

  132. the ladies dat patronises him sexually nko,all because f job.

  133. Good the lady reported, he would have turned her to his ATM machine.. Same thing happen to my friend last year,her ex boy friend that works in a bank in Abuja threatened her that he would release her nude pictures because the girl( very pretty) brook up with him. She had to report to the police too

  134. Ladies don't keep quiet oooo. I know a guy that did same thing last year just because his ex Gurl friend brook up with him but he won't let the girl be even after he got married. He keep spreading lies about the girl and threaten her.

  135. His initial is Korede B.. He is a criminal.. Pple run away when you see him

  136. nigerian girls are useless,gullible and cheap.they can do anything for money,and any girl insulting this guy has probably done the same,i mean,how stupid can you get?a married woman sleeping with another man and still having the guts to say someone destroyed your marraige,IF I HEAR

  137. Chai, chai,chai. There is Godooooo.

  138. If a devil gives you a loan and you wilfully take it and next day he ask you for a 1000% interest. Would you start to shout and call him a devil. Obviously he is a devil you are the fool for accepting a gift from the for the women , you slept with a strange man you no get decency radar? Married women nko?. To say this man destroyed marriages is just stupid. Instead he has outed these women for the cheap prostitutes that they are. What about the husbands they the wives have been deceiving. Am sure this will not be the first time they indulge in this sort of indecent behaviour. What about the diseases they might have been spreading to their other halves by their adultery. Please sympathisers take several seats . If you have indulged in this kind of nonsense be ready for your outing, . This should be a lesson to women, respect yourselves!!!!

  139. And nobody blames the desperados who throw their legs wide open to get a job.Any ways if you ask me I'll say it serves them right for being way-wards and the guy was really using them. #wisdomforWomen, your bodies are not for trading,they are temple for the Holy Spirit.Shikena...!

  140. Ladies pls close ur gadamms lags, u guys so much love money now than any other thing. than for the stupid guy he should sleep for sometime in the cage......

  141. Please what of the cheap and stupid women that decided to sleep with a man for something that is not even a certainty.

  142. Thats what that motherfucker deserves..hope he gets raped in prison


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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