Give Me Oduduwa Or Let Me Die - By Femi Fani-Kayode | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 18 May 2014

Give Me Oduduwa Or Let Me Die - By Femi Fani-Kayode

In this very deep and expressive piece, former Minister of Aviation, Femi Fani Kayode writes about Nigeria and her current state and says its time we stop pretending and face the facts of an impending break up. Read below...
"If they ever tell my story let them say I walked with giants. Men rise and fall like the Winter wheat but these names will never die... let them say I lived in the time of Hector, tamer of horses...let them say I lived in the time of Achilles”- the Iliad, Homer.
The words of Odysseus in Homer's epic and ancient poem titled ''The Iliyad'' have always moved me. Those words are deep and profound: they stir my soul and rekindle my spirit. Continue...
They speak of and reflect the essence of Ancient Greece with it's rich and exciting history, it's extraordinary heroes and heroines and it's all-powerful and all-knowing gods, titans and immortals. How I wish that I could conjure up such great and powerful words about the history of my nation Nigeria and her heroes past. How I wish that the Nigerian people had their own Odysseus' , Achilles', Agamemnons and Hectors.

How I wish they had their own ancient poets and great thinkers like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and Homer who could remind generations to come about our past exploits with their inspiring, compelling and historic prose.

Yet I look at the Nigeria of today and I am not encouraged or inspired. As a matter of fact I am deeply saddened. I see no heroes on the horizon but only questionable pretenders and fallen caricatures that have sold their heritage and destiny for a mess of pottage and that couldn't give a fig about what history or posterity will say about them or their country. Many have asked why I should say such things. Permit me to answer that pertinent question by posing a few of my own.

I start by asking: is this the Nigeria of Murtala Mohammed and Theophilius Danjuma? Is this the nation that helped to liberate Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa?
Is this the nation that restored sanity and stability to Sierra Leonne, that brought an end to a civil war in Liberia, that fought so gallantly in Burma and Somalia and that quelled a military coup in Sao Tome and Principe?

Is this the nation whose wealth once knew no bounds and whose middle class once owned the finest cars and properties in London, Paris and New York? Is this the nation whose beautiful people once graced the streets of Belgravia, Chelsea, Hampstead and Knitsbridge?

Is this the country that once nationalized BP and that gave Margaret Thatcher sleepless nights over apartheid South Africa ? Is this the nation that once stood up to the mighty Boers and whose ancestors studied at Oxford and Cambridge as far back as the 1800's?

Is this the nation whose inhabitants and various ethnic nationalities once ruled vast empires and whose progenitors contributed so much to the traditions, religion and culture of Ancient Egypt?
Is this the country that once fought a bitter and brutal civil war, yet declared ''no victor, no vanquished'' and, in the spirit of love, came back as one? Is this the country which has been through thick and thin and yet whose people remained ever so resilient and always put a smile on their faces?
Is this the country where giants once held court and where the greats of old once presided? Where did we go wrong? What has happened to our people and what has afflicted our country? When did our leaders become spineless cowards and deceivers? When did the green white green of our nation's flag become soiled with human faeces and when was it torn to shreds?

When did we shy away from fighting our own battles and prosecuting our own wars? When did we start bowing our heads in shame as events unfold in our country? When did we start sitting down silently as international newscasters speak about our nation in painful, disdainful, hushed and condescending tones?

What has happened to the ever courageous, ever smiling, ever confident and ever dependable Nigerian who shook the world with his arrogance and confidence and who spoke of his nation with pride and joy?

What has happened to our great army that was once the pride of Africa and that once made us so proud? What has happened to our great intellectuals and our men and women of courage and vision who once, like a collosus, bestrode the world?

What has happened to the stubborn and proud yet warm, friendly and profoundly good people that Nigerians once were? What has happened to the people that were once regarded as the hope of Africa and the pride of every black man on the planet?

Where and when did we go astray? How and when did it all go wrong? When did we lose our strength, our wealth, our honour and our power? When did we lose our excellence, our confidence, our dignity and our self-respect? When did we become so weak and so helpless? When did we turn into killers, savages and barbarians?

When did we become so pitiful that the whole world mocks us and heaps insults on us so easily? When did they start saying that we have ''no serious government'', that we have ''lost control of large portions of our nation'' and that we can't even protect our own children? When did we become incapable of defending our borders and protecting our people?

When did we turn into a laughing stock and a reference point for incompetence, stupidity, cowardice, ignorance, evil, cluelessness and all that is bad to the rest of the world?
When did other nations start giving us lessons on how to fight insurgency and how to prosecute our wars? When did our people start clamouring for foreign armies to enter our land, violate our sovereignty and march on our sacred soil?

When did we start having to ask others to come and solve our local problems? O Nigeria, how are the mighty fallen. Truly ours is a nation afflicted. She is finished and there is little hope of any form of redemption or resurrection.

The honeymoon is over and the glory has departed. One hundred years of a forced and failed marriage has ended in a bitter yet undeniable divorce. We have lost it all and there is no going back. Those that wish to break up our nation for sport and bring our people to their knees have had their way.

Those that wish to watch us slaughter one another in an orgy of mindless violence and that wish to establish their AFRICOM in our shores will soon be here and we shall be occupied forever.
O Nigeria, how are the mighty fallen. I loved Nigeria but now I have stopped believing in her. She is saddled with many different sub- nations that were simply incompatible right from the start.

She is plagued and cursed with one particular sub-nation whose ruling elite are dangerous and unyielding, whose guile and deceit is second to none, who treat their own people with contempt and derision, who believe that they were born to rule, who think that power belongs to them, who suppress the religious and ethnic minorities within their ranks and who were taught from an early age that there was none besides them. Those people have killed Nigeria. They and those who have consistently bowed and trembled before them and who have always allowed them to have their way.
Our nation has become a cruel joke- she is a maliciously contrived contraption that has shattered many dreams and frustrated many ambitions and aspirations. This was a country that was created for the benefit of just a few at the cost of the misery and pain of so many.

I will never accept the idea of living in a nation side by side with religious extreemists who slit the throats of children, who habitually slaughter the innocents and who abduct and fornicate with small girls. Animals have no place in the homes of men.

It is time for us to stop pretending: let the terrorists and their friends in high places break away and establish their own country where they can marry as many young girls as they please and chop off as many limbs as they want. Let them form a nation where they can stone adulterers and turn women into chattels that are not even worthy of life.

Let those of us from the west establish Oduduwa and let us celebrate and enjoy our freedom from the bondage and ineptitude of a cruel failed state that has no soul and that lacks humanity and compassion.

Let us be liberated from the deceit that is known as Nigeria: a nation that once was but that is no more. Let us be free of Nigeria: a nation where injustice, evil, persecution, insensitivity, impunity, terror, graft and wickedness reign supreme.

Let us be rid of Nigeria: a country where those of us that had the misfortune of being born on the ''wrong'' side of the regional divide or who are adherents of the ''wrong'' religious faith are butchered for our heritage and can never be treated as equals. Give us Oduduwa or let us die.
Yet we will eventually take our freedom by force if it is not freely given to us. We shall take it by fire: by the shedding of blood and by our own bleeding if necessary. We will take it by fire and by sacrificing our lives if that is what we are forced to do.

What we will never do is continue to live in perpetual slavery in a nation called Nigeria that is afflicted with feeble rulers and peopled by religious bigots, sexual deviants and bloodthirsty terrorists.

We shall not allow ourselves to be consumed by the weakness and ineptitude of our present-day rulers and the sheer incompetence of those that do not have the courage or the moral authority to crush the beasts that have abducted and enslaved our girls.

I have had enough. I say goodbye Nigeria: give us Oduduwa or let us die".


  1. Nice! Well Written in crinkum crankum

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    1. Lolz @ in crinkum crankum

    2. Mr crimkum crakum������ u just made my day ����������

    3. I never believed in one nigeria, am touched but not moved...

    4. Femi-Fani Kayode..
      I think you are just trying to get attention..
      pls I will like to know your contribution towards the development of Nigeria during your reign as Minister...of whatever portfolio. ..Its easy to throw stones atoothers

    5. The problem with we Nigerians Misty time is short term memory and denisl... This would have been such a beautiful piece was it not covered with guilt of that which it accuses the nation of "tribalism" there if goes, again the elephant in the room. .. so large so obvious yet no one wants to mention it. In your essay sir, you feel to mention a few things and a few people. Remember Biafra? Well my people the ghost of Biafra is hunting us and this time try as we may, we cannot ignore it. The amalgamation is over is time for every group to move on. Instead of each of us lying to ourselves prolonging the inevitable, we must face it had on. Problem is now no one wants to fight because those that fought lost in Biafra war are still picking up their pieces; how can we fought again when or neighbors turned their back on us when we first tried or hands at freedom? If you want freedom site you will have to first acknowledge what we The Igbo's lost. ..

    6. Nkechi ooo u r so brilliant and u speak d truth. Will u marry me? Ffk where was Oduduwa when the Igbo's started d war for freedom? U guy did what u do best snitch! Now we r here and u want to act as d redeemer, Omo Ko Jo rara. How's any1 supposed to bliv u guys now? Y'all sold out d first time so r d Igbo's suppose to trust u now? Men let's come together and mk Nigeria whole and better again and stop giving us false battle crys, when we know u wud go behind and tell d enemies again. F**k ffk, we know better now 1 Naija Gba.

    7. GangerFarmer/Magician19 May 2014 at 14:20

      Madam Nkechi no mind dem..."No Victor no vanquished" my left bum bum....u got it right! d ibo's lost and R yet to recover...

    8. Imagine these fools, after all they did and the impact still felt in Igbo land today, these people want to act like Biafra never happen, like are you serious? Where was all this talk of Oduduwa when they joined the North to fight us; or are we suppose to pretend like that never happened? You want one Nigeria. .. Well you got Nigeria just don't bank on the one part of it. .. And like I said before sir, if you want Oduduwa, you better strap on your battle boots cause you will have to fight for this one yourselves!

  2. Oduduwa ke... I just dey use one eye dey observe that man..
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  3. This man be speaking in riddles, how will our first lady understand this article?

    1. Lolllllllll, lmaooooooo

    2. Lmaooooooo, omo you bad ooooo
      Damn!!!! I can't stop laughing

    3. U̶̲̥̅̊ Ά̲̣̣̣̥r̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ such an idiot by insulting our first lady,did U̶̲̥̅̊r embecile mother attended any class?since U̶̲̥̅̊ hav d right t̶̲̥̅̊Æ¡̣̣̣̇̇̇ insult SM1s mother.Æ“♡D forgive ♏ε̲̣̣̣̥ shaaa.

    4. Ur silly for writin dis. . Im soo sure ur mum didn't see d four walls of a school.. Mtchew

    5. Oh onyeka onwenu and co don still thi ks our first lady wouldn't av read past the first paragraph......doby doby who bears dat kinda name? Sounds like dobo dobo to me though.......

  4. Such a long piece. I salute anyone who has the patience to read everything.

    1. It's not fashion or soccer, how will u be able 2 read it? It's pple like u who are unable 2 read that are the problem, really...

    2. Ignorance and illiteracy. ...if its relationship issues, you'll glue your eyes to the phone. .Rubbish. .

  5. .....Dis Man is an intelligent being!!I concur wit take Nigeria and gv us Oduduwa!"Lobatan"

  6. Replies
    1. I CONCUR. Its either Nigeria disintergrates or we plead to be recolonised. Becos as FFK said "She is finished and there is little hope of any form of redemption or resurrection." We can never get rid of all our corrupt leaders, Nigerians of modern times seem to weak to fight back or even stand up for their nation. Its either we break-up or get recolonised. We lost our sovereignty as a nation long ago, we practise a feigned form of democracy and we've lost all credibility and respect. So let's all humbly break-up or cryy out to be recolonised. Thank God its 2014, we're more human now than monkeys to white people.

    2. What Oduduwa, you people must like lying to yourselves? Biafra might have been years ago but it was so bad that those who fought and lost have not yet fully recovered and you speak of Oduduwa??? My friend go and read up on your history. When Igbo's wanted freedom what did You Uba's do again. .. Is a little to late to swallow your vomit. If you want Oduduwa, you will have to fight for it alone. I say it again, Nigeria the ghost of Biafra its time to address the elephant in the room.

  7. Long piece. 26378DEC

    1. We asked for Biafra and Oduduwa jointly denied us of her and now they want Oduduwa. Na one Nigeria o! Chai!!

  8. Such a long piece. I salute anyone who has the patience to read everything.

    1. Pls my dear go back and read everything.hmmmm Nigeria my country where did we go wrong? i just feel like crying.

  9. I don't believe we are one in Nigeria. Those that believe that are FOOLING themselves.

  10. I feel like crying for Nigeria right now.Truely, where did we go wrong?

  11. My dear all dis write ups n unanswerable questions will nt solve a thang cus many have cum written and questioned yet natin. So pls if ur so concerned, dnt waste ur pretty time and ours and go get them gals. Okwu agwu! Otutu okwu adighi na uka mgbede!

    1. everyone has the right of expression. you also should not waste time sitting idle and get the girls since you cant offer meaningful contributions.

  12. The best statement that ever came out Femi....

    1. Idijuwon omo-Ibadan19 May 2014 at 08:41

      Even if u say so urself delusional femi with all ur copy n paste write-ups,trying desperately to sound slightly intelligent

  13. Should we expect a 'Movement for the Emancipation of the South West' led by Kayode soon? Oga Kayode, changes sides yet again. Which one you dey? If the flip flopping no dey tire you, e dey tire us abeg. Pitch your damn tent in one location and sit in it!

  14. There are 3 diseases plaguing this nation.BH,Corruption & FFK.I was enjoying his freakish display of greek mythology & history until the fanatic in him surfaced.(He year 1993 was the year Nigeria murdered sleep & until all the regions in Nigeria unite,we can never wage war against the mountains of problems before us.Throwing tantrums and threats from ecery quarter will not solve the problem & disintegration of Nigeria will be the beginning our gigantic woes.FFK take note!

  15. Mhm. Dangerous write up.

  16. He is backing out, typical of his trait. He cannot be trusted. Challenges n trials are part of existence, today Nigeria is at crossroad, but she is coming out stronger. FFK is again displaying his biased and cowardly disposition. On One Nigeria We stand.

  17. Hmmmm this is so deep! "It is time for us to stop pretending: let the terrorists and their friends in high places break away and establish their own country where they can marry as many young girls as they please and chop off as many limbs as they want. Let them form a nation where they can stone adulterers and turn women into chattels that are not even worthy of life." This man sure make sense with this article let us break out from the Yerima and co this is too much. Let them continue killing themselves and turning their young girls to sex slave. Animals!!!

    1. And that was the deep part for you? **scratcheshead**

  18. Am I supposed to read all this??

    1. Question.....ignorance kills

  19. Sir, once again, u have spoken well. We Igbos have also always wanted out, but it's not our fault that the geography (location) and natural resource( oil) is d problem here. Had we Igbos ( 5 states), our own corner or border, it well may have been easier, but we are stuck with the southerners, who also don't want us. My question is this : What did the Igbos do to y'all right from time? Cos let's face facts here, we're the most hated. Well, reality is, until that natural resource 'can be moved' up and we Igbos left to stay at the bottom on our own, there may be no peace.

    1. No mind him. I can't believe this guy have the nerve to talk about tribalism and at the same time refuse to acknowledge the part they played in this whole mess? Pls help me ask Mr FFK where were Yoruba's during Biafra war, why are they seeking Oduduwa now after they joined hands with Hausa's to fight us when ask we wanted was autonomous, or freedom. .. Now you have the nerve to speak of freedom. Guess you never thought the dead weights will one day turn on you; well they have and even though the amalgamation is over, Yoruba's have to fight this battle this time around because we Igbo's are still recovering from the mess they made!

  20. I agree we lost it when we all see evil being perpetrated and we say or do nothing, when our leaders steal and loot and we dont take to the streets or down tools at work, we lost it when our consciences got seared with everyday killings, we lost it when we all became non challant about our childrens future, well I quite agree with u that we should break up but I prefer Gods will to happen, this Nigerian union has made a lot of people extremely poor while some are extremely rich, we neglected the north so much they now live in abject poverty, no education, no hope for the youth, Nigeria will only work and get better if those stealing and looting can just stop and allow all those funds be used for development. God help us

  21. Hmmmmmmmm...

  22. Die already sir...
    By the way, found this interesting memo to Asari Dokubo over his claim that there are no missing girls.
    Stumbled on it on
    Dude can sure write!

    It was such a shame seeing a Nigerian who shares the same region with our president, whom has never stopped 'moaning' about how the Northerners are making it difficult for his Government to flourish, smiling at the various cameras portraying him as a stupid man that he is, along with some selfish people telling the whole world that no girls are missing. Shame on you Asari Dokubo!

    I watched with disgust when I see a man who calls himself a Nigerian, feeds his family at the expense of tax payers money squeezed out the parents of the missing girls, stand and say no girls are missing. Once a militant, Asari, always a militant.

    Is Mr. Asari trying to tell the whole world, including the countries that have offered to help in finding these innocent missing school girls that they are all stupid and he (Asari) is the wise one? You need to think again Dokubo.

    Is the militant from the south-South telling Shekarau, the coward behind the mask, that the children he has been showing to the world as the abducted girls are figment of his (Shekarau) imagination? Asari must be a clown!

    Why is this shameless man trying to divide the country at such a time when we are all united in bringing these girls back safely? Or is Asari now feeling inferior since he ( Asari) has stopped being a 'trend'? Is he trying to compete for attention with the terrorist? Only Mr. Asari Dokubo knows his intention for staging an anti-bring back our girls protest but it will do Mr. President no harm in calling his 'infidel' brother from the South-South to order as Mr. Shekarau called everybody who is against Islam in his recently released video.

    This is not the time to seek undue attention Mr. Dokubo, so we would all appreciate it if you keep your mouth shut and let us all unite in bringing these children back safely to their mothers after all, nobody took you away from your own mother.

    Mean mofo.

    1. You are a fool,,,,,,,I think u are d clown here. Must u show everybody that u are an idiot??? U are wrting rubish about Asari under a different topic all 2geda........I think u ar mentally ill.......Go get a life,,,,,Idiot

    2. U r very stupid to say Mr president should call his brother to order has the northerns call sharku or whatever he is called to order norterners shoul just take the blame they know where the girls are all this bring back our girls are jokes and they know it the monster the bleed is now giant and has turned against them so sweet. FFK ur cry is late the igbos saw this coiming and wanted out yet your fathers betrayed them Awolowo said there is no bad in war now that civil war was a rehasal. You people killed over 3million igbos for having the gut to say they don't want to be part of Nigeria now they should kill FFK for saying the same thing. Ada Agulu said so. They just deceving themselves one Nigeria Noooo is one oil.

  23. I love this article.This man have said it all we keep deceiving ourselves.Where is nigeria heading?Let us all seperate.Long live fani kayode

  24. Give us Odududuwa....Nigeria must split by fire by force...@blissful_jay

    1. By fire by force abi..after u killed a million biafrans for this same course in the 60s

  25. And the capital city of Odududwa Republic will be IBADAN...#Nigeriaisnot1...@blissful_jay

    1. Mine would have been Enugu if not for your awolowo

    2. Idiot, then the capital of Biafra will be Lagos abi ?

      - ShyGirl

  26. I don't like this guy, but i agree with him. Recently i have been arguing with my friends that the best thing is to let every one have their peace, the igbos have been asking for their Biafra, lets give it to them, me as a yoruba i will take oduduwa, even though i think we don't have any resources, i will rather work my ass off and pay taxes to the government to sustain oduduwa than be scared of raising a family in Nigeria. I can't even imagine myself going to the north again in my life i will rather die in lagos than to step foot there. Nigeria will not work, the US is also a joint country but they came together with one vision and goal which was to make the place a better country. But Nigeria, muslims trying to impose law on the christians, Christians trying to paint the muslims black, Tribalism everywhere, corruption has become a game of which tribe fit steal government money pass. It's so Crazy, let the muslims have their own country for all i care they can be the richest nations after that GOOD for them, i want to live in peace and i do not want bomb in LAGOS.....

    1. Femi "fab" nwokem!

      You spoke well biko. Make everyone waka him own way and slug it out. We in the east with our erosion and not-too-fertile land; we'll survive. Every region will survive. The problem is the billionaire elite from all regions. They are scared of their oil and other investments scattered around Nigeria. They will pool resources together to form a cartel and fight tooth and nail to make sure their selfish interests are not compromised by Nigeria splitting.

    2. And what will you do with the millions of Muslims that have peacefully co- existed with the Christians and others in Lagos and other parts of south west. Please tell me if you don't have any muslim(s) in your family. Seriously, I don't expect someone from Lagos to think this way, but it's quite unfortunate. I'm almost forty, and all my life, the percentage of both religions in my family has always been 50/50, and we have never had any religious problems within or outside of our family.

    3. We have resources,we need to utilise our resources e.g cocoa,coal .moreover oil ve been found in one of d western states either ondo or ekiti

  27. Finally, someone who sees reality, I always thought Nigeria was bound to fail eventually, the difference between her ethnic major ethnic groups are just too much with one onstantly being a problem, let us divide an accept our fate, but will they allow us, knowing what the rest of Nigeria has to offer to satisfy their greed, they wish to enslave us and and yet drain from us our minerals, they say Nigeria should stay as one, because they know they can't survive on their own, but by the time everything is gone, they'll be the first to try to break up and leave. It is better to accept now that this country is a failed state than to continue to go down even below rock bottom.

  28. So this man is actually trying to divide Nigeria...hmmm

    1. No he's trying to seperate d apes frm humans.....starting frm u "gorilla, sorry baboon.

  29. Good morning Fani, it seems u just wake up. What people saw in the 60s, you are just getting to know. Good luck.

    1. how old was Ffk in 1960 ?

  30. This is amazing ,ultimate food for thought

  31. *Linda. How is Nigeria today different from when he was a minister. He is part of Nigerian problems.

  32. Yes ooooo.let's divide Nigeria that's the only way peace be restore to this country.

  33. i just hope he spoke fron the bottom of his heart' not the Eyes

  34. Femi Fani-Kayode started well but ended like a coward who has given up without any battle. He also started threading on tribal lines and that's not fair especially coming from a "leader".
    Nigeria is our country and we must defend and protect her by any means necessary with our own hands,thoughts and actions and not depending on stupid foreigners.

    You can't claim to love your country if you only want to be associated with it when times are good and then when times are hard you dissociate yourself.
    Nigeria has a lot of potential that we don't even see but a lot of external enemies see this and by covert means,they plan to bring Nigeria down because a black world power would spell doom for them. Nigeria has the largest black population, Nigeria has the biggest economy in Africa, Nigeria has the most resilience in Africa, Nigeria has the most influence in Africa, Nigeria has the biggest entertainment in Africa (and this subtly makes other African brothers pay listen to us), Nigeria has one of the strongest military forces in Africa, Nigeria has a track-record of army victories in a lot of operations that western countries failed at.

    Look, however you want to see it, Nigeria is a big threat to western countries in the near future and they don't want to see that because it would spell doom for them economically.

    These enemies of Nigeria(whoever they are) have capitalized on the fact that our president, Mr. Jonathan is a coward and cannot think as a leader to command authority amongst his citizens so they're gradually tearing our country down. However, we cannot and should not give up. Every nation goes through trying periods and that's where leaders show themselves. We must be brave and we must protect our nation and fight off any invading foreigners. They don't care about us to"help" us genuinely but only care about what they can gain freely or cheaply from us.

    Nigeria may have a lot of problems, but we have also made a lot of successes and we must guard those successes while we fix other wrongs rather than tear the whole thing down.

    This is the period for us to show ourselves as the people of our nation. Can we rise up to protect our nation? Our president has failed us woefully and is gradually letting this country sink into a pit of bloodshed and he is still so clueless and gutless. Nigeria must stand,Nigeria must live and we owe our nation the best we can ever offer. We don't need or want any foreigners coming to clean our home for us. Thanks for the "help" and concern, but we are capable of handling our own business. We had better woke up and start getting ready to save our nation.

    Next year by God's Grace, Mr. Jonathan must be kicked out of Aso Rock since he doesn't seem to have any idea what being president is/entails.
    Long live the federal republic of Nigeria.
    God Bless Nigeria. Amen.

  35. Good morning FFK, Oduduwa helped in fighting the people of Biafra. The southerners sabotaged the people of Biafra. Now all of a sudden you all are agitating for break up.

  36. Fani, what's the ballyhoo all about? U are part of Nigerian problems.If you had dissipated the kind of dexterity u have in writing to the aviation ministry when u held sway Nigeria wud've been constructing aeroplanes by now...but we still dey renovate airports. What backwardness!

  37. I'm in total surport of disintegration...just give us SOUTH SOUTH REPUBLIC and we'll never ask for more. LONGLIVE SOUTH SOUTH REPUBLIC, LONGLIVE AKWA IBOM state!

  38. Let Nigerians march out and demonstrate its evil. Nigerians claims to be wise but act cowardice. You think you are OK when you are actually at your point of death. Unless you demonstrate this your government won't sit up. #standupforyourright Nigeria

  39. What a joke. How great were you when you were once a leader. You contributed to the rot. Anyway Niger delta will also want to break away and want the oil to themselves. So what would happen to middle belt and all the Christians in the north where the north is their home land. What about Muslims in oduduwa land. Breaking away will be a mess. Igbos tried it and it resulted in war which the odududwas wanted. All,of a sudden you want to break away. After all my people were killed in Biafra, now I no gree we must all stay united.

  40. I'm gradually loosing the respect I have for Chief FFK. A life taken even in Ghana should be of concern to any right thinking person in Nigeria how much more people that have been in the same country with you for so long. Are you trying to say everybody from the north-east is a killer? You talk about leaders rising up, aren't you supposed to be one? What strategy have you brought up to help fight the insurgency? Sometimes I begin to think you have been paid to help break up Nigeria. You condemn people for shedding blood and at the same time you talk of dividing the country even if it means shedding blood. Do you think Nigeria will break-up into just 2,3 or 4 nations? Even different ethnic groups within a state have clashes not to talk of giving everybody a reason to fight..the effect will be devastating and destabilize at least the whole of west Africa. Please stand up as a leader, encourage the president and our military and help come up with solutions that will bring this ugly situation in our beloved country to an end. Please promote peace and love!

  41. I can't wait for the breakaway. Oduduwas will then start infighting of which should be the capital. lagos, no Ibadan and the little factions will start. No the president came from Abeokuta region , why should president be from there every time. Must be from Ibadan this time and then the infighting and rigging starts.

  42. Well done well spoken na wa o

  43. Mr.Kayode,I don't understand you,your write up is a complete deception.From today,declare yourself an agitator of Oduduwa Republic,stop hiding,don't do what those before you did I.e being so capricious and deceptive.

  44. I have been saying this for long,maybe war is bad but what other war is worse than what is going on,LET US DIVIDE but this time each to his own.Ojukwu is gone but Uwazurike where at thou?

  45. So many questions in your article but then your conclusion is better and surprisingly this is what the EAST have being clamoring for all over the years and your part of the country closed eyed to it. A war was even fought to get to were you are now headed and regrettably your part of the country contributed to its failure. Well, I expect your next article to Marshall out how we can divide without bloodshed and after that I will give you my honest opinion.

  46. Why didn't you write this when you were in government as a minister or when your father was,why is the witness to your corruption charges changing his statement after your visit to the aso villa!

  47. Yes ooo I support dis man oo abeg dis muslim ppl wan finish u,I wonder y some1 will b forcing his religion down anoda person's throat its not donee let dem go on their own abeg

  48. Okay Barrister Fani Kayode. Read, seen and understood. However, I will like to stress further that the genesis of our problem is basically nothing but language. English is just too difficult for 90% Nigerians(take it or leave it)
    You were educated in Cambridge so good for you.
    Solution: let us introduce and endorse pidgin as our official language. This may sound funny but it will help rather than keep deceiving ourselves in the name of grammar and the loudest and most articulate grammarian is seen as the wisest.
    Of a truth I am saying this and putting it to all concerned Nigerians, the best way out is for us to start speaking pidgin as our official language and there would be real freedom in the land. No one would be afraid of raising an alarm when you see a bomb suspect.

  49. Femi supposed to ask himself all the questions first. The vultures he claimed that are aiming at dividing Nigeria today were the same people who put Obasanjo his boss in power (from prison) to restore peaceful democracy to Nigeria. But as the minister all ffk did was to embezzled all the fund and he is here today talking from the comfort of his stolen property agitating for Oduduwa. If he is a man for real, he should come out to the public place to ask for this not from the comfort of his stolen property.

    I believe the time has come for the vultures who have been eating us dry and have brought us to where we are today as the most vulnerable country in the world to see. It is so painful to allow ourselves to return this low.

    If there is anybody to be blame is ffk and His boss because democracy was returned to their hands but Obasanjo and His associates ( such as ffk) messed it and the goat is here today demanding for breakup. He has to return his stolen fortune first.

    This is what result of a great nation when there is a comprise. That is, when the citizenry believe is base of sentiment not collective interest. Why on earth should we allow weak person like Goodluck to return a robust country like nigeria?

  50. I think,,,he is right,,,,,,,,but I can smell anoda civil war,,,,,,,one that may not end till Christ comes. But the truth remains,,,,,,Nigeria has neva bn One,,,,,,,,nd is not one Nd ll neva be one... How could some fools make it loook as if they are d only people fit 2 lead ds country. They shud go kill them selves. Babarians,,,,,Rubish

  51. Ojukwu saw this back in the 60's but Oduduwa and Awolowo helped in destroying that dream, now you want Oduduwa hmmmm...we are watching ride on Sir!

    Give us Biafra now or we taketh it by fire by force!

    All hail Biafra!
    All jail Ojukwu!!
    All hail Freedom!!!

  52. To long to read...

  53. Goodluck Jonathan is a failure n a pretender. God 4bid! FFK well written. God bless u.

  54. Oh oh so now you want out!?

  55. Hmmn.......! Deep, thoughtful nd nice words but its coming from d "wrongest" person/time! I rilli dont know wat he is trying to incite but he shud take several seats nd DIE ALREADY! Our politicians are d worst hypocrites ever! Once they are not included in d govt of d moment they turn into radical opposition(E.g. Elrufai)! Igbos didn't get Biafra nd I ain't sure u guys will get it even after a 10yrs war! FFK d traitor! Y didn't ask 4 Oduduwa while a Minister!

    #GozManuel Says#

  56. Oh is that so? Your backstabbing awolowo is the reason 1.5milion igbos were killed for this course and u are telling me u want out now? Look bro this has been predestined for Nigeria.we saw this back in the 60s and the Yorubas betrayed that course,all Igbo families lost a relative to that war(I lost 3)

  57. This man be claiming hero u wil never b one bcos u helped destroyed us as a nation also oduduwa ko

  58. Very strong words, the truth laid out in electronic ink. I know how Nigeria hates to hear the truth but this is what has to happen, it is either we wait while more people are killed or we do it now. This has to happen and I am happy that it was just a nobody who said this, the dream of a Nigeria is dead. I sure hope all these sleeping rulers won't ask for FFK's head, cos they can only fight the weak.

  59. You can go & die, we will not give you Oduduwa

    This attention seeker FFK is at it again with his piece. If he really wants Oduduwa, he can lead his people to a war of secession or go and die. We are in this boat called Nigeria together and no ethnic nationality will be let out of the boat. We, as united indivisible 'nation' will fight with our last blood to bring back any saboteur of our 'great' nation. Remember Biafra and how it was suppressed by some folks that wanted a united Nigeria. Now you want it out of the union. Let us Go-on-with-one- Nigeria (GOWON). FFK you can try secession and see its repercussion

  60. You can go & die, we will not give you Oduduwa

    This attention seeker FFK is at it again with his piece. If he really wants Oduduwa, he can lead his people to a war of secession or go and die. We are in this boat called Nigeria together and no ethnic nationality will be let out of the boat. We, as united indivisible 'nation' will fight with our last blood to bring back any saboteur of our 'great' nation. Remember Biafra and how it was suppressed by some folks that wanted a united Nigeria. Now you want it out of the union. Let us Go-on-with-one- Nigeria (GOWON). FFK you can try secession and see its repercussion

  61. At last! FFK, well spoken. I have tried to shoot down this article, but cannot in truth, fault anything you have written.
    I am sure your sentiments echo very loudly amongst the majority of tribes in Southern Nigeria.
    Truth be told, Enough, should really be Enough!!
    This so called Geographical expression, known as Nigeria, does not work!!
    We must as a matter of urgency, sit down quietly, without sentiment,and do the needful.
    Once again, FFK, very well written. I can assure you that most of what you espouse is already ruminating in the minds of a lot of the tribes in Southern Nigeria.

  62. At last! FFK, well spoken. I have tried to shoot down this article, but cannot in truth, fault anything you have written.
    I am sure your sentiments echo very loudly amongst the majority of tribes in Southern Nigeria.
    Truth be told, Enough, should really be Enough!!
    This so called Geographical expression, known as Nigeria, does not work!!
    We must as a matter of urgency, sit down quietly, without sentiment,and do the needful.
    Once again, FFK, very well written. I can assure you that most of what you espouse is already ruminating in the minds of a lot of the tribes in Southern Nigeria.

  63. sebi Ojukwu saw this in 1967 and u oduduwa people because of your greed sabotaged the igbo's now u want oduduwa. noooo. all of us will be in this nation . RUBBISSHH.

  64. Finally! Na today? When Ojukwu said this marriage called Nigeria will never work nobody listened to him and people wished him dead. Well, o si taa di nma... Fani you have spoken well. we need another campaign. #DivideNigeria

  65. Yet I look at the Nigeria of today and I am not encouraged or inspired. As a matter of fact I am deeply saddened. I see no heroes on the horizon but only questionable pretenders and fallen caricatures that have sold their heritage and destiny for a mess of pottage and that couldn't give a fig about what history or posterity will say about them or their country. Many have asked why I should say such things. Permit me to answer that pertinent question by posing a few of my own. Kayode, you are a replica of this.

  66. I actually read the whole piece. .. for the first tym ffk said it all. My question is how do we go abt it.???

  67. If the Soviet Union can break up why not Nigeria?the United Nations allows self determination so if Jonathan continues desecrating Nigeria we will opt out of this Federation.

  68. I support U̶̲̥̅ sir, this is. Kind of delaration of independence which needs to be signed by strong people of Oduduwa which I'm one of them.LOL.
    When in the cause of human event it becomes necessary for one people to DISSOLVE the political band which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the seperate and equal station to the law of God and of Nature's God entitle them, a descent respect to the opinion of mankind requires dat they should declare the causes which impels them to the seperation. We hold these truths to be self-evidence that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit for happiness. That to secure these rights government are instituted among men deriving their just power from the conscent of the governed, tht whenever any form of government is being destructive of these ends, it's the right of the people to altar or abolish it and inststute new government laying its foundation on such principle and organising its power in such form.

    God Bless Republic of Oduduwa

  69. Yea I support him.. they shld divide d country let d northerners rule nd kill demselves. . Tho its nt easy. . It might lead to war

  70. Nice well written and beautiful!!

    But FFK didn't u also sell ur birthright for a bowl of pottage, in order that your court case with the EFCC might be let off with PDP??

    I am only asking! But you may continue to be a valiant warrior, and sin no more!!

  71. Its nt worth it.... Philosophers of d past also said "together we stand-divided we fall" der iz strenght in number.... Hav it ur way, each of d Parts might end up been under dictatorship govt.. Datz a vry bad fin, bt den no goin back... Best iz setting out goals n building evry institutions

  72. FFK should first of all ask himself how much he as a person has contributed to the present rot of this great Nation. When he has owned up to his own share of the blame he can then ask himself what he can positively bring to the development of Nigeria and start from there. Little drops of water they say make an ocean! All this long story cannot change anything.

  73. Its nt worth it.... Philosophers of d past also said "together we stand-divided we fall" der iz strenght in number.... Hav it ur way, each of d Parts might end up been under dictatorship govt.. Datz a vry bad fin, bt den no goin back... Best iz setting out goals n building evry institutions

  74. So will Niger delta state have their own country...cos we'd be so rich....we'd employ the yoruba and igbo's to work for us while we enjoy our oil money alone....hahahahahaha

  75. Ntooo! When Ojukwu said it in the 60's all of una ganged against the Igbo's and killed my auntie's, uncle's. Today Nigerians as a whole are just crying for hundreds to 20,000 thounsand that are killed within just four years in this 20's, just imagin about 4millions of Igbo that was killed as of 60's within just 3years. now all of una don wake from sleep, God punish una Ony'Ochi


  77. It would have been the only reasonable write up ever put up by ffk If not for his senseless political reservation.
    Anyway, we want balkanisation.
    Barr. A. G. Okhiku.

  78. You really think you can fool us with your LETTERS?? but you can sleep on your Water Bed at home, go out for LUNCH or to UK on a VACATION?? IF you really wanna help then Just EMPOWER we YOUTH and see what happens. We want to fight for our FREEDOM. Igbo's has theirs so do Hausa's. What about us?? We need help from those so call LEADERS. We need ACTIONS not LETTERS (Grammar). If you are READY to fight for OUR LAND then lets start.

  79. @Fani. You really think you can fool us with your LETTERS?? but you can sleep on your Water Bed at home, go out for LUNCH or to UK on a VACATION?? IF you really wanna help then Just EMPOWER we YOUTH and see what happens. We want to fight for our FREEDOM. Igbo's has theirs so do Hausa's. What about us?? We need help from those so call LEADERS. We need ACTIONS not LETTERS (Grammar). If you are READY to fight for OUR LAND then lets start.

  80. What my dad and odumegwu saw in 67 it took the only Yoruba man 44 years to realise or see it. The lies being peddle around by Yoruba media deceived people upto date, and quest for domination by her evil allies Hausa Fulani cattle boko haram men. Now you know is better to live in peace than to live with people who's tradition or DNA is inclined with violent upon violent, when I was growing up I was told every Hausa man is allowed to carry daga but igbos are not allowed. They are licenced to kill and have monopoly over violent and importation of sugar while others don't, now Yoruba people know Yoruba man can die too, thanks to Creation we call him chukwu okike when 3.5 million igbos was killed when whole igbo race was 6.5 million and whole Biafra was 15 million Yoruba elders and people said is to keep the contraption Nigeria one. And I ask what does it profit a man to be called a slave and beaten like animal when he can be free? Why answer a Nigeria when your not animal why live with animals called Hausa Fulani boko haram ? Is time you tell your self the truth, can you sacrifice your family to keep the zoo Nigeria one ? My family was killed and is time we separate from this evil. Those of you who wishes to be called Nigeria stay with Islamic boko haram ideology as for me and my family safety before anything Biafra is ours

  81. FFK,my man! U have won my admiration yet again..Good talk,i salute ur courage Sir!! I think it gradually becoming clear to every tom,dick and harry that Nigeria is dangerously becoming more difficult to hold together than to break up, is time this 'ostrich approach' to our 'failed marriage' is addressed,,and clear cut modalities for the division set out,the better for us all..Hector from Kubwa.

  82. idiot,you children are living n studying are instigating vulnerable youths to take to arms.u are part of the problem.can u shed ur blood for nigeria?

  83. Well he made point i must say, but what about the good muslims among them, the average joe's who grew up in these lands, are they suppose to just vacate their lands without a fight. femi you have made your point, but seriously its just like any presidential aspirants speech.

  84. idiot,your children are living n studying are instigating vulnerable youths to take to arms.u are part of the problem.can u shed ur blood for nigeria?

  85. Nigeria Oh my Nigeria,
    the land of the giants,
    great and mighty men.
    The lion of Africa,
    I use to love my Nigeria b4 now.
    how are the mighty fallen,
    the braved are now tagged cowards, the joyful now saddened,
    children now brides,
    education now a crime,
    democracy now autocracy
    and freedom now captive
    Nigeria oh my Nigeria.

    via official intercom

  86. I don't use to agree with this man but he keep impressing me more and more now. Ride on ffk, there is nothing like truth. "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free".

  87. I will gladly take oduduwa. Give us oduduwa pls.

  88. Fani indeed you are one of the things wrong with Nigeria,you are a dancer,where do u stand?will u be ready to fight?or u are beating the drum beat of war for those whom the likes of u deceive to do ur dirty jobs.War & division is not the solution,among the Yorubas or the lbos,are u united?Mr Fani take or leave it,the Glory of Nigeria shl be restored in Jesus Name!Amen!

  89. Fani indeed you are one of the things wrong with Nigeria,you are a dancer,where do u stand?will u be ready to fight?or u are beating the drum beat of war for those whom the likes of u deceive to do ur dirty jobs.War & division is not the solution,among the Yorubas or the lbos,are u united?Mr Fani take or leave it,the Glory of Nigeria shl be restored in Jesus Name!Amen!

  90. He got us with sentiments, just very few people will overlook the out pour of emotions and see the inner truth in this 'fake' piece.. 'The honey moon is over, the glory has departed.. We have lost it and there is no going back'' He has clearly lost faith in this country. If his child goes astray will give up on him or give fighting and praying for him? Just like every other selfish politician, Kayode is trying to win the heart of Nigerians with the disappearance of the chibok girls.. SOMY

  91. Fani indeed you are one of the things wrong with Nigeria,you are a dancer,where do u stand?will u be ready to fight?or u are beating the drum beat of war for those whom the likes of u deceive to do ur dirty jobs.War & division is not the solution,among the Yorubas or the lbos,are u united?Mr Fani take or leave it,the Glory of Nigeria shl be restored in Jesus Name!Amen!

  92. Argumentum ad hominem(abusive)...

  93. I've said it times without number. Nigeria can never be good.

  94. FFK should know better than insighting treason!

    For you young men agreeing with him, its fine to agree as long as you don't do anything stupid because I can assure you that all FFK will do is write (in typical cowardly Yoruba fashion). He will not lift a finger and is likely to be on the next flight out in the event of any violent revolution.

    Bottomline- TREASON IS PUNISHABLE BY DEATH!!! So tread softly.

  95. Wow Mr Fani Kayode,we saw what you're seeing now in the 1960's .The Igbos saw that there was no point for us to stay together but your people said no.we have accepted our fate so let us all sit back and enjoy the ride.but if you wanna lead ur people into a war of secession be my guest.

  96. Oduduwa or not I don port from that country! Time to get my willing relatives outta there.

  97. werey femi,o tun ti de si e lara abi?
    oloshi omo buruku.

  98. Who is talking of Oduduwa when we have not seen Biafra. please if this man dont know what to say let him start choping some chowing stick to keep his mouth busy

  99. Who is Femi Fani-Kayode" thesame idiot that talks about Bianca Ojukwu, that man is one of the BOKO HARAM

  100. Hian dis is too long abeg!!!...

  101. True talk!!!mtchewwww

  102. I only agree with d question he asked, WHAT WENT WRONG? WHERE DID NIGERIA GO WRONG? The break up ideal nd d rest write ups is rubbish.God help Us by His Grece we il come out of this Problems facing our their Cuntry Nigeria soon.God Bless my Country Nigeria...Stil A great Nation.


  104. Well Written.

    But there are many approaches to it: Legally, Financially, Millitarily and Politically.

    I will choose the Financial option and men, I tell you, the revolution has already started.

    Those children playing in the North will wake up to find themselves as slaves when the world has turned.

  105. Since you have been made redundant you have been busy cleaning your library and suddenly realised these old books do really make sense . Mate its too late to die, such great men are dead long and would push you back to mother earth jamming the door because you died late.

  106. I wonder why Linda still post comments made by fools like alloy chikezie.I do not think he understands what femi was saying but want to be by force say you must comment if you read Linda story.

  107. am truly baffled how most of u here could be saying how 'deep' ffk's write up is n how 'well he said it' rily???!!! i dnt get it, dnt u guys realise dis bigot's clamouring 4a bloody civil war??? I mean, as a Nation we are obviously troubled and all but is this the best dude can come up with? Ironically, his sayin all these at a tym d country has had d guts to hold a long overdue confab presumably to iron out all them grey areas(not sayin it will solve all our problems but its a step....a lil optimism wudnt hurt much...maybe). If dude was a minister in dis govt even with all d failings in tow I swear he would never have tot about, let alone write a piece like dis(in his defence sha, its hard to find tym to think/write wen ur busy stealing tax payers money) says a lot bout this 'freedom fighter/writer extraordinae. Am abit younger than d biafran struggle so I may not no all d facts but if the rily rily rily had to exist a country outta nigeria wudnt it rather b biafra or at least a country with a name that paid homage to the forebears who died fighting 'for the cause'. As far as names go, oduduwa sounds sexy and all buh I can't help but envision a country, jus like nigeria, only way smaller, were the 'big yoruba lords' will greatly lord over the 'very inferior minorities'. People dnt just become selfless overnight, ffk is not a selfless person, he isn't writing this for the betterment of the masses, its for his own selfish interest. It always has been.

  108. You ask why?? Why all of the why?? The Why is because of people like you that paint an entire region with the stupid horrific acts of a chosen few. Do you think there are no horrific acts in igbo land or in the land of omo oduduwa? Do you think it is right that ALL NIGERIANS should be branded terrorists or 419 artists? Should you, Fani, be detained on the streets of Knightsbridge, Chelsea or NY just because you carry the same passport as a thief, a murderer or a child molester? And to all you commenters saying this is a brilliant piece, ask yourself if it is fair to visit anyone else's sins on you just because you share a common ethnicity, background, last name or passport.....

  109. FFK should go n sleep!! When u were given opportunity 2 lead n be an example u spoilt it with ur greed. Now u r forming saint. So now u guys want 2 divide Nigeria. When late Ojukwu was clamouring 4 a divided Nigeria and biafra u guys called 4 his head, then d genocide. We MUST live 2geda as 1 Nigeria!!! #SEE

  110. Great write up. All you people saying long piece. Be glad it was brought to you. Youngsters need to familiar themselves with whats going on on tbeir environment. Instead of making comnents like long piece or first to comment.....

  111. I hace said it all along that Nigeria needed to split 2years ago. People used to say tge country need to stick together. Together for uneducated illiterates to continue to force their principles on others or is it to alter destinies by stealing the country's wealth for themselves. People are leaving the country ofplenty to foreign lands because they are just fedup. How these so called politicians can look themselves in the mirror beggars belief. I regretted the day i carried a placard for jonathan, when Yar'dua was ruling by proxy. I expressed my views that the north had no autonomy to power. I didnt know how inexperienced and unprepared, defensive jonathan is.

  112. Not all the regions want the oil anymore. We just want to develop at our own pace and have peace of mind. Keep the oil. Even the current national conference is not for the nations interest. Apparantly its to elongate the tenure of jonathan for another 18mths after his current term expires. That was the proposal being passed around last 2weeks. Power corrupts absolutely. I see why Turai Yar dua too was saying her Yardua was still alive ay the time.

  113. Well, well spoken and written; but my question is to this man. Was he not part of the failed government and corrupt leaders? When they come out of government, they deceived us and paint the incumbent ineffective.. God is watching you all! Vengeance is of the Lord..

  114. This man is part of the problem. Shame to him.He is coming here to blow grammar..God will judge you all!

  115. In his last essay, he said that BH's sponsors are known and go unprosecuted. Aren't these financiers Nigeria's greatest problems? Kill them, maim them and confiscate their money to rebuild what they destroy. Shatter into tiny pieces today and you'll keep bulkanizing forever. Sickos with terroristic tendencies will keep bombing the innocent into submission.

  116. How on earth can you say yorubas have nothing shame on you for dat we have everything one can imagine ondo state is rich in oil coacoa bitumen and name it we sure have d capacity to stand as a nation up oduduwa

  117. FEMI FANI KAYODE is a BIG FOOL! He is one those that av stolen from this nation. Now is writing crap about the same nation he stole from. Shame on u FFK


  119. Added a comment and never got approved. Guess the Blog is just a mere JOKE. Corruption everywhere..

  120. It so sad that most of us forget so easily,how dare this thief come out in the open to say ill things about this nation.You mislead us during obj's regime n u stole as a minister,jst go a sleep,pray the revolution doesn't consume u.

  121. angry civilian19 May 2014 at 12:20

    Anon 2.36am God bless u and ur entire generation , his part of our problems too so he jus chill first bfor quoting ancient Greek history .the only reasonable thing that picks my interest in all he said is make "Nigerian divide" so pesin fit close two eyes sleep .me I don tire for all dis bullshit mak Dem allow igbos to go and manged demsefs as well as the yorubas too .sometimes I wish some1 wil hv the courage to bomb senate and Houx of reps when they re having this uneffective sitting that adds Notting to the country .I want this old fools dead so young Nigerian can hv the courage to contest and win election. Am tired of this old bunch wicked ppl callin themselves honourables. Trust me when they are wipe out Nigeria will be better for good as it is now the re not doing anytin for good at all.they re betta off dead than alive ##bringbackourgalsandtakethepoliticians#

  122. Very deep n direct,NIGERIA who stole ur peace,confidence,actions,love?

  123. Eureka! suddenly we are awake.
    Brother FFk, start by apologising to the Igbos on behalf of our spineless Past Leaders.
    Pa Ojukwu saw this eons ago.
    Name the time and the place. Enough is enough.
    Let us take Oduduwa now, by force if need be.

  124. Uncle FFK

    Maybe I should add that you were part of the problem.
    Did you stand up to be counted during your years of service in the corridors of power ??
    Nay, Say I.
    What legacies did you leave behind then that people can point to ? Mind you, That people can point to. Not the ones you need to refresh our memories.
    It's better to die in battle like Archilles and be remembered forever than enjoy the sweet nectar that grows from Nigerian suffering for a little while only to perish and be remembered no more

  125. I dont know why we keep clamouring for state creation.state creation is not the solution to our problem.if nigerian can vote in credible leaders who have the interest of nigeria and nigerians at heart will solve our problem. So FFF perish your desire for state creation and work toward a better nigeria that who all hope for.

  126. yorubas are sabotours,if you had suspported the default biafra by now there would have been peace,,FFK is a criminal,he wrecked the aviation sector during his administration do not be deceived by him,he is not a freedom fighter like the great Dim ojukwu despite he lost the war.

  127. #singing *dont cry for me Argentina* sorry in this case Nigeria #sad

  128. I think Femi is a coward. Sadly, he honestly believes he is not from the 'spineless' leaders he says we have but he is not. He clothes the weakness of his heart and his lack of vision with grandiose words. Any student of literature can ask a thousand questions with sweet words but ONLY a true Nigerian can believe and see the vision called Nigeria. The truth is believe is the key ingredient any soul aiming to make a change must have.
    Is he not a leader. Is his family not a politically prominent and powerful one. Is his father, grand father and great-father not among those who schooled in the UK. Has he not been at the elm of affairs in this country for an ample amount of time to make a difference? He seems to forget all these in his arrogance of calling for "Oduduwa or dying". I dare say if this man cannot die for Nigeria, he can't die for Oduduwa.

    His attitude exposes the real problem Nigerian leaders have - no believe.
    Let's not be swayed by his sweet words or his persuasive questions. A leader - which he's obviously not, should provide answers and not more questions.

    I am a youth of 26 years from Delta and I love my country. I am first a Nigerian, then second a Deltan.

    I believe in the future and reality of this great country!

  129. I think Femi is a coward. Sadly, he honestly believes he is not from the 'spineless' leaders he says we have but he is not. He clothes the weakness of his heart and his lack of vision with grandiose words. Any student of literature can ask a thousand questions with sweet words but ONLY a true Nigerian can believe and see the vision called Nigeria. The truth is believe is the key ingredient any soul aiming to make a change must have.
    Is he not a leader. Is his family not a politically prominent and powerful one. Is his father, grand father and great-father not among those who schooled in the UK. Has he not been at the elm of affairs in this country for an ample amount of time to make a difference? He seems to forget all these in his arrogance of calling for "Oduduwa or dying". I dare say if this man cannot die for Nigeria, he can't die for Oduduwa.

    His attitude exposes the real problem Nigerian leaders have - no believe.
    Let's not be swayed by his sweet words or his persuasive questions. A leader - which he's obviously not, should provide answers and not more questions.

    I am a youth of 26 years from Delta and I love my country. I am first a Nigerian, then second a Deltan.

    I believe in the future and reality of this great country!

  130. I am absolutely in sync with FFK in this one...
    Death to Nigeria!
    To your tents O! Israel!
    Now I recall what the gracious Lord showed me in a dream on the 17th of February 1997...
    Nigeria will not work...
    Nigeria will never work...
    Her's is a marriage that sears the heart of God....
    Woe betide those striving to keep Nigeria one!

  131. If Mr. Fani gets to see this, I have just one question for you. What has been your own contribution to Nigeria as a country when you were in power? I would say nothing. Now you're here trying to decieve the people of our great country. As a man of wisdom would you always run away from your troubles or stay and solve them? Or are you just being cynical?. Why not try to solve the problem at hand instead of creating more since you're eager for fame.

  132. Respect to you sir, I think you knw what went wrong and Nigeria they knw nothing, you Nigeria slaughtered oVer 3million souls in biafra you knw nothing, you enslaved our people to neighboring countries. You don't knw what went wrong even up till now you are still hiding the truth there's this adage ( aka ekpuchi owa) until Nigeria accept their wrongs and apologize to biafran let me be frank wit you Nigeria will know no peace. And stop lying to yourself

  133. Dear Nigeria,

    I took my time to read FFK and most of the post. Somehow, I was tourched emotionally by most of the post because I am a Nigerian- a yoruba man born in the north and married from Owerri.I have hausa cousins, friends and family.

    A lot of conspiracy theory has surface in recent time on the BH issue. I hold strongly the view that the ENEMIES of ONE NIGERIA is at work to break our dear country. What Nigeria dearly need NOW is a national leader that is ready to take RESPONSIBILITY for the duty of the President.

    Our president need to be in charge of the nation and defend our integrity, if not let him quit like a MAN.


  134. in my humble words..., i;ll just say lets allow God will be done. If Gods will be done, there will be no regrets watsoever!!!

  135. Uncle FFK pls stop fooling us with this silly articles nd poems u've been writing of late. The truth is u re jst like evryoda politician in this country so stp justifying urself cos u were nt offered political appointment, cos I'm sure if u were a part of jonathan's cabinet u'll offer nothin to make tins beta. U were once a minister and u were jst as wasteful and silly as the others

  136. Our leaders actually failed us as a people,including the so called writer. We need a total rebranding in order to survive as a nation. If we as individuals can change and learn to do the right thing,actualising purpose will not be far fetched. God bless Nigeria.

  137. Hes so scared of calling out the hausas, yet he could insult and name another ethnic group has done no evil to Nigeria. Well done

  138. For the first time, I've finished one of FFK's articles and nodded - only its coming to late! Why waste all that blood between 1966 t0 1970? For those who still harbour some hope for Nigeria, let me disappoint them - Nigeria will never work. Reason? No nation with a large population of fundamentalist Islam and large Christian population has ever survived. Example? India and Pakistan, etc.The forebears of Femi should have known this. It was their greed and hatred of their arch-rivals - Igbos that made them to lose that lifetime opportunity to opt out of this cursed contraption called Nigeria. Biafra even declared a Republic of Benin for the Deltans! What an opportunity.

  139. @Nnodim. The Igboman's capacity to rewrite history is truly unending. When Nigerians were seeking for independence from the colonial master it was important that they be united. Ahmad Bello was initially not interested. He eventually agreed on condition that the North would produce the Prime Minister. Awolowo disagreed and told Azikiwe that they should walk away - that the South did not need the north. As is the wont of the Igbo, Zik went into partnership with Ahmadu Bello in the belief that they (the Igbos) would dominate the 'abokis'. The odd man out was Awo who was left to return and concentrate on the development of his Western region. The Igbos formed an alliance with the north and easily produced the government at the centre with Tarawa Balewa as the PM and Zik as the president. And as Anne Robinson would say ' Awo left with nothing'! So you people out there, you and your greed to dominate are responsible for what we are now facing today. It was when the whole thing went horribly wrong - the 'abokis' were not so easy to dominate after all! - instead they turned on their 'partners' and killed them in their thousands. That was when we started hearing of Biafra. They dreamed of a Biafra based on the oil of the minorities in the east. The minorities instead of Igbo domination opted to go with Nigeria and the selfish dream that was Biafra ended. SO YOU GUYS SHOULD SPARE US YOUR JAUNDICED HISTORY LESSONS!!

    1. Are you sorely going to go with that story? But then again I can see you've told yourself that story so much I don't think it makes any sense pointing out some obvious that you conveniently left out. But before I leave you to your delusion, can you tell me who joined forces with that aboki to kill half of a tribe... Let me guess in your fictitious world where Saint Awo was trying to save we Igbo's the abokis did all that by themselves? Believe whatever you wish but know that until you people stay trekking yourselves the truth aboki will kill you and I. We have already fought our battle and thanks to ya ' ll, we lost. .. You went Oduduwa, no problem strap on your battle boots and get to work as for us we've accepted our fate, let us all sink with the sinking ship call Nigeria! Rubbish

  140. What happens to Yorubas in Kwara and Kogi States

  141. Im so pissed with this useless writeup by this greedy violence instigator.he did not know that Nigeria was not one when he was minister of the federal republic?Look we are in it and there is no going back.for all those congratulating Femi for this bullshit writeup, I pity you and now I see where our problem as a country comes think it would end when we divide? you think the ijebus would not wage war against the egbas?or the mbaises against the nkweres or any other ehnic group, against the other in the same region?, you think it would be all over when the country is all over?well then a shocker awaits us.Nigeria's problem is not the various ethnic groups we have it is the various ethnic brains we have and we ve refused to move on!im sure when this idiotic femi gets his imaginative oduduwa he will run for president and embezzle money again and the cycle will begin.Look people Biafra did not succeed for a reason and this would not work.It is either we all swim to shore collectively or drown collectively, nobody is leaving anyone behind so Femi die with your bullshit Odduduwa, you should even be incarcerated for treason.just because you are not minister anymore you are looking for another outlet to be on top, good thinking skills though,corrupt fool like you!FYI Nigeria is one whether we like it or yes!oduduwa ko biafra ni, dont worry lekki would soon decide to be a country on its own.BULLSHIT!

  142. m toched but not moved,,,femi fani kayode remember what you did when you are aviation minister,,,nigerians are not fools,,you are one one of the bad eggs of this country,,,,,,,,,i rep my name

  143. Well said. Liberty is when one can decide and take responsibilities for his/her action. I support Odua nation.


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