Female celebs prefer second-hand husbands - singer Etcetera writes | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 3 May 2014

Female celebs prefer second-hand husbands - singer Etcetera writes

Article published today May 3rd in Saturday Punch, page 31. Apparently the singer is now a columnist for Punch. Today, he writes about Nigerian female celebs and their preference for second hand husband. (whatever that means). Read below...
Some days ago I was at a friend's place and was asked by his sisters if I was traveling abroad for the wedding of a colleague that is still being talked about on blogs and on all social networking sites in nigeria and I said no I wasn't. But what struck me as odd was when one of them asked me "is she getting married to a brand new husband or a 2nd hand husband"? I stared at her in shock and confusion because up until that moment, I had never heard of a phrase as "brand new or 2nd hand husband. It became a heated debate amongst people in the house that day. 'wow', I never thought a phrase like 2nd hand can be attributed to a human being. I know it is only applicable to objects. 

At first I was angry. How could they have said such. But as crazy and odd as it may have sounded, they drew my attention to their observations that it is a trend currently popular amongst female celebrities in nigeria. The guys in the house even tweaked it into a joke. Adding that it is a normal thing in nigeria that when you can't afford a brand new car you go for a 2nd hand one. I couldn't help but laugh at that one. But on my way home, I thought about it for a minute and asked myself if truly a 2nd hand or brand new theory can be a determinant in finding a husband? It got me staring at every car passing by, trying to understand the rational behind the argument of a 2nd hand husband and a brand new one. How do you determine if a husband is a 2nd hand? I asked myself. I was later told that a man becomes a 2nd hand if he was previously married or is still married to another woman before taking a new wife. And that a 2nd hand husband just like a 2nd hand car comes in two types. Nigerian used and Tokunbo. Meaning the husband who was previously married and living here in nigeria is the "nigerian used", while the one shipped in from abroad is the Tokunbo version. Shocking isn't it? Ok, let us analyse this for a minute. It is a known fact that in nigeria, when you want to buy a 2nd hand car you are strongly advised to take a mechanic with you. So can you also do the same with a 2nd hand husband? Should it also be recommended that when going for a 2nd hand husband you should make sure to take a medical doctor to administer all the necessary check ups to be sure you are not getting damaged goods?

Because in the true sense of it, a 2nd hand is a 2nd hand whether car or husband.
And If the carburetor of a 2nd hand car can easily pack up on 3rd mainland bridge, it means a 2nd hand husband can also pack up on the way to the alter. As these thoughts were spinning in my head, I began asking myself the same questions they asked me. Why do nigerian female celebrities prefer 2nd hand husbands. Or Why would anyone prefer a 2nd hand husband? But come to think of it, Is it that our female celebrities can no longer afford the luxury of waiting for the brand new ones to come along? Or have the brand new ones refused to be fooled by the razzmatazz or flashy make ups, thick foundations, artificial nails, Brazilian hair and Peruvian eye lashes? Can it be attributed to a thing of choice? They said a 2nd hand husband is often an Alhaji or an Otunba with pot belle and deep pocket. Is it because of the  money or societal status of the men? As long as he is fully loaded she really does not care. Some went further to say that a 2nd hand husband is already tested and trusted with a confirmed rate of performance and durability? So figure a female celebrity asking her colleague, "What is the mileage of your 2nd hand husband? And she replies "Ahhh I nor know say hin former wives don finish am oo.. Na shaft I marry ooo, My sista nor be small thing ooo, even my doctor sef say him liver go soon park up. And na for hospital I dey sleep for the past 3 weeks. Just like 2nd hand car owner dey sleep for mechanic workshop everyday. As my Curiosity got the better of me, I asked them for names of female celebrities with 2nd hand husbands. I was shocked beyond recognition that the list they gave me was as long as the distance from mile 2 to Badagry. According to the list, almost all married female celebrity in nigeria has a 2nd hand husband and even some of the female celebrities themselves are 2nd hand. And some of the male celebrities also have 2nd hand wives or they themselves are 2nd hand. Well, if you don't believe me, make a list of your own and be amazed as I am right now.

My conclusion is that the issue of 2nd hand husband is not peculiar to entertainers. It is a general societal disease and it is as a result of too many failed marriages we have in the society at large. While nobody should be blamed for falling in love or getting married to whoever he or she chooses, it is also important that we position our lives to inspire the children and future entertainers who see us as role models in the society. You may argue that it is not the society's business what you do with your affairs. Which is very true but also remember that being a celebrity makes your life a public affair. So go ahead girls, take home the 2nd hand husbands, it is your choice and it does not matter even if he looks like an "accidented" car with scary mileage. If you love him that much and he has some money to spend, you can take him to the highly skilled american body mechanic called Dr. 90210 to panel-beat and mask all his dents. And if you are fortunate to find one whose mileage is manageable, you can take him to Ladipo market, buy the missing body parts and get a local panel-beater to fix him. And if you are a handy-woman, You can even do the servicing yourself by getting a complete first aid kit with bandages, Ampiclox and mentholatum and massage his joints every night before sleeping.

ETCETERA LIVE is a column on SATURDAY PUNCH newspaper and on TOP RADIO 90.9 FM every Thursday from 7pm to 9pm.


  1. Charlie Boy has got a rival.Well your write only expresses your opinion and not for all.

    1. Talking like a woman. Mtcheew

      this post is very funny LMAO

    2. Nigerians r cowards.. Chow the attcked nuella but cheered Tiwa savage for marring anada man's wife.. And linda is an instigator too... My opinion sha!!!

    3. As far as u re not a Virgin then u re a tokunbo or second hand. Shikena

    4. Kenea Maete Udoh is the name of Tee Billz ex-wife. She is extremely pretty. I wonder why he will leave her for Mama Tiwa #sad

    5. This is a serious matter about our female celebs...

    6. As e no get invitation to d wedin,wetin u expect.....HATER

    7. Buahhhahahahahaha me sha like them second hand.. first hand hardly get something offer.. true

    8. See what tiwa and tbillz don cause, funny I didnt readthis ectera's write up before but since tiwa and teebillz decided to reply him, I decided to come back to read it, dey shud ve just let it go, making this guy column page now popular

    9. Just checked her out on fb...Kenea Maete Udoh is her name.. teebills baby mama... in fact d pikin pics and name na bisi... God dey o in mama patience voice

  2. OOOH I see is that why celebs like Mercy Johnson, Tiwa Savage, Toke, Ini Edo and so many others settle for Second/Third class Snatched hubby's...
    Thats too awful.

    1. U r d most annoying tin on dis blog. Na only u sabi call names abi? Mtshewww. Get a life girl, mbeke feeln funky

    2. Wow are you really that angry she voiced her opinion? Calm down is not that serious and besides she hasn't said anything thing that's not true!
      Learn to disagree with little less anger to a total stranger

    3. How is Toke's husband 2nd hand? Get ur facts right abeg.
      What Is Your Relationship Or Marriage Deal Breaker? Click my name to read more.

    4. Tnk u nkechi J, dis gloria of a gal doesn't know wen to attack.....yeye!

    5. Tnk u nkechi J, dis gloria of a gal doesn't know wen to attack.....yeye!

    6. Onyinye, are you a second hand wife?

  3. This guy is pissing me off....Y are you posting his views?? you are giving him the unnecessary attention that he is screaming for...next thing, he would release album...just watch....mshew
    I have never heard of him before I saw him on this blog, some blog posts ago

    1. As in d attention dey r givin him is unnecessary. We all knw he's talkin abt Tiwa. Be a man and call her name. He failed as a musician hope it doesn't happen 2 him again as a columnist o. Cos dis boy sounds bitter.

    2. Haters gon hate!
      Potatoes gon potate!
      Stfu and stop hating!
      Hez fuckin RIGHT!
      Y are nigerians so damn bitter!
      Yall can't stand to see sm1 succeed! Low life bitches!
      Way to go etcetera! Well done bruh!
      What a smart talented dude!
      Tell me oda nigerian artists that have sense and can write or think apart frm releasin stupid shitty songs evry minuite!
      Yall bitches shud plz take several seats! Niggaaa

    3. This article is 4 tiwa and he's so damn right! She's a husband snatcher! Na so dem go de snatch u tee billz de go! Shameless man! Even if u be purse full of muni!

  4. Lol at second hand, story too long sef

  5. Loolz as funny as it sounds,its true and examples abound to buttress this argument.
    They go for 2nd hand for different reasons.
    Some can't afford to live with a brand new who is still struggling to stand on his feet.
    Some need men who are already nearing their 13th O'clock so that once he packsup his inheritance becomes theirs.
    Some of them found themselves in that situation after snatching another person's wife from him.
    The brand new guys feel it will be unfair to marry a celeb lady they've been seeing with different old men.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  6. Ectera is talking tooo much dis days... Charles novia went thru dis path nd it didn't help him,soo u going thru dis path wunt help u either... Never break golden rule "never bad mouth a fellow celeb"...

    1. bloody fargot

    2. Anon 11 44 hello Charles Novia,the frog eyes

  7. u jst refering to ..... nd evryonekows. get a life nd allow pple enjoy theirs........

    1. This Etcetera is really trying so hard to be in the news. Well, He said the Truth that everyone already knows.

  8. Linda pls, what your deal with this guy? He should stop disturbing people abeg and tell us about his career + what he has cooking for his fans.
    give us better gist.
    btw, u all should visit this blog: www.elsieisy.com i liked it, u will

  9. Lips sealed

    Your comment will be visible after approval

  10. meet Faith Ojo3 May 2014 at 10:38

    Remember if u marry sombody's ex wife/husband yu are commiting adultery with him if yu dnt repent and put him/her away hell fire is waiting for yu remember ppl die evryday yu dnt want to die and wake up in hell

    1. You shut up...we Nigerians talk like fools at times...did etcetera is just a fool

  11. This nigga is just looking for trouble.


  12. And is true #bright bravo#

  13. Haha, what is your own 'mileage'

  14. Bad belle. Who d fuck is he by the way?

  15. Who asked you if u were going to dubai?that person must be a joker,how u wan get IV?even linda bestie didn't get invitn.stop dreaming

    1. Lool..U just bursted my brain there

  16. He made a lot of sense. 2nd hand husband ιƨ really trending for this girls. Its quite sad that marriages are no longer safe with this 2nd hand minded husband girls in the picture. Lord have mercy!

  17. This is one thing am with yu man....

  18. This guy again...always looking for attention.

  19. He is right now,n u Linda wat do u mean by whatever that means as if u don't knw he is refering to ur friend tiwa n d likes?if u like marry second hand too it's ya headache

    1. Don't mind Linda with her unnecessary feministic and Biased stand on every issue.

    2. Linda na partiality full her body!

  20. mr failed musician pls take several seats back. who will invite u 4 d weddin in d 1st place? and u r stupid 4 askin us 2 make our own list of celebs dat married 2nd hand. u tink evry 1 is as jobless as u abi. pretty anonymous

    1. Anony are you one of them? The thing come pain you pass. Hate the game not the player. He was on point with the truth. But like typical Naijas we just hate hearing the truth. Check yourself.

  21. Very stupid,judgemental, shallow-minded, ignorant, silly as hell, annoying article!!! So its you bitter soul that is first-hand abi? I pity any girl unfortunate enough to end up with you. ..dude needs to get a life! Onyeara! Oniranu!

  22. Very stupid,judgemental, shallow-minded, ignorant, silly as hell, annoying article!!! So its you bitter soul that is first-hand abi? I pity any girl unfortunate enough to end up with you. ..dude needs to get a life! Onyeara! Oniranu!

  23. Wetin come ur biz na? 2nd hand or 3rd hand man na man as far as he can perform on bed and he has d money spend. As I dey so I'm tired of waiting for for a single man I'm goi for a married man

    1. I pray you get married to Ʊя sister's husband.

    2. Eeya Dicke no wonder u re already married to ur sister's husband. 14yrs is nt a joke. Faggot oshi

  24. now i knw u r a jobless big fool. if ur neibor buys a 2nd hand car and sleeps at d mechanic evry day , na u dey suffer? hw dis matter take b ur business now? linda pls stop postin anytin dis retard writes abeg

  25. Hahahahahahaha "second hand husband" jes dat some men aren't husband material, dey be forming 'Gangsta ever liveth' Lmao..

  26. proper benin girl3 May 2014 at 11:09

    Rotfl, mrr ecetera u see this one talk ooo. Truth be told I don't have a good feeling bout tiwa and teebillz wedding. He is second hand, another woman's ex husband and with the look of things they weren't properly divorced b4 their wedding. But no one cares bcos it is our lovely tiwa, if it is dencia now una go don curse d poor girl finish.

    1. Your comments shows why you will remain a common proper Benin girl...

    2. And why are you attacking the poor girl from d deep bitterness of your heart for saying the truth? Abi the write up touch you ni?

  27. Jesus! Godforbid I b'come second hand or marry second hand IJN

  28. Why am I finding it dificult to mak myslf to like dis dude... Gues I wsnt meant to do

  29. We've heard. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with 2nd hand husbands, as long as ure not snatching him away from another woman. Anyway, its only a foolish man that can be snatched away

    1. meet Faith Ojo3 May 2014 at 12:06

      HeLl fire is waiting for yu all that wud refuse to heed the commandments of God! It wiill only be a pity to wake up in hell after death hell is a place of no return

  30. Et cetera is not judging anybody in this his article now. Never heard of him until this post so I am not his defender. He is only expressing his opinion on a trend that is becoming increasingly popular. People now get divorced because 'she is always pressing the toothpaste from the middle' or 'he chews with his mouth open'. Tolerance abeg.

  31. Truth is very bitter. Naija I hail ooo. Every one who didn't see any meaning from this write up is only mentally and psychologically unstable.

    1. True talk, they hate to hear the truth. They are all husband snatchers.

  32. those that married second hand husband are mercy Johnson, ini edo, monalisa chinda, tiwa savage, funke akindele,etc. And those that re second hand themselves re chika ike, oge okoye, Stephanie linus, eucharia anunobi, clarion chukwurah, ngozi ezeonu, ayo adesanya,etc.

    1. Oge okoye is not 2nd hand ooo her hubby na brandnew

    2. Lmao dis ur comment cracked me up now see de list lol

    3. You forgot Nuella Njuigbo, Sophia Tchikere, Tchidi Tchikere, and almost all the yoruba nollywood actresses!

    4. Stella damasus na baba

  33. Nigerians and their narrow timid minds!! So humans are now being classified?! Who is really 1st hand so called brand new anyway? I think that can only refer to a new born baby or maybe a Virgin. As long as you have been disvirgined by someone else before marriage then you are already a used 2nd, 3rd or million hand depending on how many have gone through that garden of Eden before you get settled and get married.which ye ye brand new? After fucking all the girls or guys including all the dents and broken hearts before your first marriage u still have mouth to say u are brand new?! Abeg go siddon!

    1. Na lie u talk, cars after manufactured are tested, that does not make it not to be new until someone buys it

    2. Na lie u talk, cars after manufactured are tested, that does not make it not to be new until someone buys it

  34. Na soo jare true talk

  35. Whoever wrote this, is d most stupid of all. d bible says thy shall not judge or be judged, with this God can regard ur prayers as second hand. Don't tempt. God

    1. Thou shall not judge do not mean if u see the truth u should not talk.

    2. Tell that to a judge

  36. I sense everyone against this article must have been or in it. The truth is bitter but has to be told. God is definitely watching with 3D. Do unto others what you want others do unto you. Whatsoever a man sow he will reap in double fold whichever way, might not get it back in the same way ooo but definitely will because judgement starts from earth. You can't continue in sin and let grace abound. Let ye that has ears let ye hear. Mercy is what we need God!

  37. Looool..., As Tiwa carry TBills enter Ladipo Market go pimp him :D :D :D :D :D :D :D.
    That guy go finish that girl money very soon.

  38. So Linda do you like a 2nd hand husband or a brand new husband? But is a husband brand new if he is not a virgin?

  39. Its so obvious from the comments above the we have a lot of sad and bitter people in our society, rather than face realities around them, they attack anyone bold enough to say the truth as it is. If the guy lie, write your own writ-up to debunk whatever he wrote. If his write-up touch you. Bone and accept the truth. Stop bringing your evil venom here biko.

  40. First of all, he could not be more obvious (which is rather bad). On the bright side, I'm happy my Genevieve and Omotola aren't listed here. I love Tiwa Savage by the way and my closing sentence is "Let him who thinks he standeth, take heed lest he fall" Gbam!

  41. It's simple. Unmarried women over the age of 25 have it hard finding a man without baggage. Well known Nigerian female entertainers have the same problem. And it shows.

  42. funny but true. in summary, the divorce rate is high even with the single state of ladies which makes it impossible for them to refuse 2nd hand men. except when love and God is on your side.

    ola lib

  43. Abegggii he said notin buh d truth, a lot of pple r angry wit his opinion bcos dey r so guilty or intending 2 b guilty #lolllllllll

  44. He no li na,d likes of Caroline danjuma,ini Edo,mercy Johnson,funke akindele,tiwa savage,Nuella njuigbo,etc and d 2nd hands are chika ike,Stephanie okereke,monalisa Chinda,funke akindele doubles lol etc etc...d bobo no lie abeg.

    1. Do yall even tink @all bfr u post? What he said may be true or false but neither him nor yall have d right 2judge... For those of u who said Tee billz was previously married, y dint yall talk wen he proposed or during d trad?y wait until now? A whole lotta u here r still gonna commit d 'sin' yall are accusing dese celebs of,Plus cins u pple knw work pass linda and bellanaija, pls help us with teebillz 'former wedding' photos or dat of d 'ex-wife'..P.S. mind your business

  45. Brethren, we need to learn to read and understand. When you do that you will put out comments that are based on the topic.

  46. linda take it from me...your fans are hypocrites n i keep saying it..only a few are exceptional...nobody in nigeria needs a soothsayer to tell him or her dat d write up is d truth...but of course bitter as usuall...some pple are quick to discredit d write up,,,n its bcos u assumed it was tiwa wed he talked about.n u like tiwa, so most pple cant bear it..d list is endless...snatchers evry where,,calling demslves celebs....

  47. And apparently needs attention...who knows, he might just write somtin on Nigeria's government...

  48. Sally p said ist hand,2nd hand......6th hand.....so long as he is a wonderful husband and an amazing father ........he is good to go....besides" NA DIA CHIOCE Oooooo,NA DIA CHIOCE OooOooo"

  49. I like this guy. Hin dey talk truth. Na second hand me and my hubby dey when we marry self. Nothing do us, we dey go with our bad self! Lol

  50. He is ryt.. its nt gud to break sm1 else's home.. we al knw men lyk diff soups

  51. So many children commenting here; by their comments u shall know them. Truth is: divorce rate among naija celebs is high. Like it or not d guy is on point!

  52. Omg! First of all, u didn't attend Tiwa's wedding cos, U WEREN'T INVITED fool! No one knows u. Secondly, dis guy's self righteous, holier dan thou attitude is really beginning to bring bile close to my lips! Wat's his problem??? Must u bring other ppl down to be relevant? Haba! Grow up and look for anoda way to draw attention to ur stupid, flea-infested self! Ekpa! And, dat means "fool" in urhobo language, incase u're readin dis comment! DacDuchess!

  53. Hahahaha...etcetera my guy ur last single titled "No Virgins in Lagos" has not stopped causing problems in my area now u don come with anoda one....well my take is dat u re talented as a writer but ur choice of topic fit cause fight o

  54. Very true. My thoughts too.

  55. There is a problem in our Society that was not mentioned in the 'Etcetera write-up'. Young men and women of marriageable age are becoming (alarmingly) powerless, economically. From outright Joblessness to Contract jobs, that are more readily available these days, than permanent ones. The few young men that break through eeconomically, either through Music, Acting of professional Football, come under so much pressure from the womenfolk, that they end up having children out of wedlock, thereby turning so many young ladies into what is now called 'BABY-MAMAS' Some later settle down with one of their Baby-Mamas (like 2-Face & P-Square did). Some remain unmarried while some marry another 1st Hand or 2nd Hand wife. Only Virgins can truly qualify to be addressed as 1st Hand, let us call a spade, a spade. Our Female Celebrities are not expected to wait forever for 1st Hand Husbands. They settle for what they can easily get before time runs out on them. It is sad. It is more of a Societal problem than an Individual thing. May God help us.

  56. I don't understand some people sha... what do you mean by he's trying to be in the news! He's a columnist for Punch Newspapers morons. To the views he expressed, are they not true? Make a list as he advised. And if your brains takes forever to rev, maybe I should help you... Tiwa Savage, Funke Akindele, Laide Bakare, Ini Edo, Toke Makinwa, Mercy Johnson, Foluke Daramola, Stella Damasus, Caroline Ekanem, Annie Idibia, Monalisa Chinda... make I go on?! Aunty Linda, marry me so your name doesn't make list in future.

  57. Second hand or nt second hand, marriage na marriage. you must sure u find a reasonable anser why he left his first wife. you may be d next cos all men lyks good soups eat dz one today, 2moro u eat andor bt all na wash.

    ~CYNTHIA~ commenting from my TOYOTA CRICKET

  58. You have to live the length of life given to you, and in that life you will have many experiences, one of which may be a failed relationship or two. People should not go kill themself, or crawl into a dark corner and remove themself from society because they are a divorcee. Let them marry if there is someone who will have them.

    I have nothing against a celebrity marrying a divorcee, but I cannot handle the ones who get into marriages with pure drama surrounding them. Some are even marrying already married men as second, or third wife. I cannot believe that such prominent women cannot find a man to love them who doesn't have such baggage..anyways, their cross to bear.

  59. Na wah o, you are very correct. Na money palava, most of these 2HH are loaded. It wouldn't work without money. As long as the 2HH is loaded damn all consequences.

  60. I know the reason why this post exists here - in order to make the ever so sheepish followers insult this man who purpots to speak the truth and expose relationships. Do not insult a man bold enough to speak the truth when you are much cowardice to believe a lie and not find out.
    -don't hate the player hate the game and I rest my case

  61. It is distasteful when women are labelled all sorts of bad stuff as if they got there without the help of the men. Maybe the so called first hand men are consumed with pride, ego or inferiority complex. Anyway how is some other person's choice of partner ur headache?

  62. He's kinna right but once u de flower or disvirgin urself u don become 2nd hand be that whether na man or na woman

  63. Haters're gonna hate. People who remain in marriages of convenience hate to see others do what they've told themselves they can't: leave a failing relationship to try with someone else.

  64. D guy said notin but d truth, some fools on dis page can neva accept d truth, wot joy wil ppl like mercy johnson hav after breakin a home? Wel only stupid men can b snatched

  65. Exactly what is happening

  66. BONARIO said it all via his Nokia LUMIA

  67. Whether tear rubber or 2nd hand, na dem know.

  68. Etcetera's views are too grudgingly given.

    1. I agree with u... it carries so much pain and hate.

  69. I do have to agree with this guy. I just had the same conversation with m friend a couple of days ago. I don't understand why these so called female celebs are so happy with a 2nd hand man.

    They break people's home, kids are left without a father to take care of them and these females don't seems to care. The spend so much money planning wedding, hopefully they will last, because they are playing with the wrath of God. you can't steal and break a home and expect God to bless yours

  70. Haters will always hate make Una leave my TIWA alone joor

  71. Abeg! Make one white man come marry Genny oh! No Igbo man with their rigid ways go fit marry her.

  72. every celebrity use plastic surgery for beauty ...looking handsome..

  73. Truth be told...this dude nailed it.....I av always wondered thesame...am gladbsomeone has d guts to speak up...abeg I need a s3cond hand celeb wife..in case someones looking for.....linda biko nu..... u wont regret it.

  74. So I read this article a number of times and this is what I've got to say. If it was a comedian that said this at a show, y'all would agree we would see the funny side to it. But I'm utterly disgusted that this guy feels he's in a position to write an article tagging humans as second hand. Even pets aren't categorised that day. Fine, it might be a trend and as he said anyone is allowed to marry who they like...but the fact that he's really trying hard to be funny is disgusting...talking about Ladipo market. Anyway, y'all should stop acting like you don't like the gossip. And finally Mr Etcetera, you're probably in the wrong profession. You might just be appreciated as a clown! Thank you. Mr. Crudel.

  75. Looool. This is probably the most drawn-out metaphor I've seen. I believe we are all writers and storytellers, but not in Punch bruh...not in Punch.

  76. There is no sense in what this dude etcetera comma fullstop or whatever he calls himself has just written, his mouth is full of words and seeking for attention. If u see second hand u no go take? Human being!!! Always putting on a fake appearance in public... I wanna be , mk dem hear say I talk.... My guy there are other things happening in this country to write abt not poking into ppl's life.... Get another hubby or park well!!!

  77. I guess u r single, why not focus on urs and let's c how it ends. Judgement is of the Lord. As long as u r not a virgin, then u r a second hand man or woman.

  78. hehehehehe aproko man 2nd hand na highest jor.me like dem experience so they wouldnt wanna make the mistakes they made in d past

  79. etc na wa Ohhhh.why u refer to tiwa indirectly it made your article less proffessional.for you to liken a human being to characteristics of a car is absolutely insesitive.

  80. I dnt see anything wrong wv ds article! Hian! Na wa 4 ppl o...m evn tiwa and her husband kari am 4 head. mtcheeewww... ds dude said d truth, love it or hate it! d way our celebs marry and re-marry wv impunity!

  81. All we hear abt our celebrities are from d news media.. hav u ever tried to confirm dem. Dyu knw if dey r true or mere fallacy. Etcetera guy may or may nt b talkin abt tiwa and teebillz buh it looks like he is.... @least reading from d 1st paragraph of his column. Whatever d truth still remains our bloggers can help aggravate unnecessary fight...

  82. this article is just to make people laugh jor....you people should stop hating....laugh and move on already. nawa for Nigerians!!!!!

  83. Didn't know he was talking about tie a savage and her husband.... Hmmn assumptions lead to war! remember he said not just celebrities but society at large. He did not mention anybody's name... is this guilty conscience @ tiwa and tbillz?

  84. This article or news piece is dumb! And it reflects the stupidity of the writer as well. Linda please make sure you send this to jim

  85. Haters go to hell.....,any husby they choose to get married to is nt of ur business.tiwa nd tbillz,I love yhu guys. Yhu rock💋

  86. I absolutely love Nigeria....I need to come to this country everything is just entertaining.linda hook a sister up and make my dreams come true of visting nigeria.

  87. This person is surely looking 4 a 1 minute fame, nd im sure he's gloating at the increasing comments, be very careful, because you've developed so many haters already and you don't need that esp wen you've not even reached a quarter of the Peak of your career, best advise is to write an apology article.

  88. did you add that you were not going to attend because you were NOT INVITED? I mean...hu knows u? bros.... i think you shld get your CV out and go job hunting. it seems like you have too much time on your hands. this is not the first time I'm hearing that you are criticizing nigerian celebs. stop trying to be relevant by using other people's success. thats cheap fame. u c...this is what is wrong with nigeria.... U R WAT IS WRONG WITH NIGERIA. why did you not write on pressing issues nd criticize the FGN....u r dere dwelling on unimportant things. even if they marry second hand and so??? like i dont get the point of this rubbish you wrote. its boring, not funny. i could not even read it all. if u cant find happiness, b happy 4 others and if u cant, Im sorry not sorry but u shld jump off a bridge because u r pathetic. dEY r happy, i dnt know how it is pinching you. y dont u bring ur tear rubber and show us na...u urself r u tear rubber? hu even wants to b waking up to ur scary face every morning till dey die? take several seats bros....

  89. OMG, you all are missing the point. All his emphasizing on is the rate of divorces going on in our country now. Why can't marriages last for years like that of our parents? Why can't both parties suck up pride compromise and sacrifice to make it work? Do we want our children growing up to the fact that a divorce is the new norm? A lot of things that are wrong are becoming the new norm in our society. We all have to act together and make the world a better place. If your happy with a divorcee a widow, or a widower good for you.

  90. What he wrote is true....but please leave tiwa out of this....u can talk about the others like nuella ,mercy,Stella,Stephanie and co .TIWA is on another level abeg.....

  91. Is you commentators that always causes some problems in society, did excetera mentioned anybody name?

  92. Hilarious! I like the analysis sha... Stop hating guys, I'm sure you probably have said that about some chick. It's a joke + it's your choice.
    NB: At least you have things to look out for now...mileage, chasis...Etcetera

  93. Etcetera, Comma, abi Fullstop should take several seats. What's his business. He didn't call names but his first paragraph already suggests he is writing about my darling Tiwa. I just wonder what he is trying to achieve by that write up. Please concentrate on your career and stop trying so hard to come to limelight by bringing down people who have worked their butts off to attain the height they've attained.

  94. ok, ant even finish d very boring write up

  95. He has a point and isn't mentioning names so no body should throw stones at him.

  96. the idiot that asked that question is she a brand new woman or how many men have ravaged her? and et cetera could not connect his brain and mouth together. until u marry a virgin, you are 10th hand sef. mtchw

  97. Etcetera..... u see dis ur write up na true... but d most annoying part is dat when Nuella got married to Tchidi, almost evrybody abused er.... naw tiwa got married to the father of two kids, u all praised er.... i was kind of surprised doug cos i expected pple to talk.... anywayz Anuty Tiwa, i understand u.... na old age cos am... i still love u sha

  98. oh my God!! lmao... are we pointing fingers here??

  99. Hmmmmmm ! The truth is always bitter !He had made a valuable point, the rate of broken homes in the lives of Nigeria celebrities are so worrisome. I hope the upcoming single celebrities will take a clue from the article !

  100. Crap...As if you'll refuse a proposal with a deep pocketed lady.

  101. Why are Nigerians so ignorant and quick to insult. Every writer has his freedom of speech. Secondly Tiwa and Bills, be dint say you guys are, he said it was been discussed and even himself no sabi Wetin dem mean until he analysed it so Na guilty conscience dey worry una.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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