Ebonyi Assembly orders probe of collapsed centenary tower | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 7 May 2014

Ebonyi Assembly orders probe of collapsed centenary tower

Ebonyi State House of Assembly, yesterday ordered an investigation into the remote and immediate causes of the collapse, over the weekend, of the centenary tower under construction.

The house described the collapse of the N60m edifice as a huge embarrassment to the government and people of the state.

The house took the decision following a motion brought by the member representing Onicha East Constituency, Obasi Odefa. Continue...

The lawmaker in his motion regretted that the state has lost huge amount of money to the collapse of the building.

He, therefore, called on the house to mandate its committee on works to launch an investigation into the remote and immediate causes of the collapse.

All those involved in the construction especially the contractor and the State Ministry of Works, he said should be summoned to make presentations on the matter.

Other speakers who spoke also supported the call by Odefa.

The motion was put to a voice vote and the whole house voted in the affirmative.

Speaker Chukwuma Nwazunku directed the Works Committe to immediately commence investigations on the collapse with a view to finding out the remote and immediate causes of the collapse.

The Committee, which is headed by Mabel Aleke representing Ohaukwu South, has two weeks to conclude its report and brief the house accordingly.

The Centenary Tower being built by the State Government at the entrance of Ochudo secretariate in Abakaliki, collapsed at the weekend.

The tower was being built at the cost of N60million to commemorate the amalgamation of the Southern and Northern protectorate of the country in 1914 by the British government.

The tower has two parts,the concrete two story base and an iron tower on top.

It was the iron tower that fell obviously due to a strong gust of windstorm that was experienced in the city on Saturday night.

The concrete two story base was not affected. No injuries or lives were lost in the incident.

Commissioner for Works, Chukwuma Nwandiugo said he will brief the media on the incident  after he has  briefed governor Martin Elechi.

He noted that the project was initiated, awarded and is being supervised by the works sub-committee of the State's Centenary Committee and not his ministry.

He, however, maintained that the incident was caused by a natural disaster and not as a result of poor quality of work.

When our reporter visited the scene of the incident, some workers were seen dismantling the destroyed tower even as heaps of the coverings were seen lying beside the tower.

Chairman of the Centenary Committee and former Deputy Governor of the state, Prof Chigozie Ogbu could not be reached for comment.

He did not answer calls placed to his phone was yet to reply SMS messages sent to him.

From Ogochukwu Anioke, Abakaliki


  1. The collapse of the centenary building, is a miasma of a deprecable apothesis of an hemorrhaging plutocracy

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    1. Alloy, did u swap your brain with prince charming?

    2. ALLOY...................EH EH

    3. Baba shut up jare... attention seeker oshi

  2. Bad #bright bravo#

  3. Why waste funds trying to find out when the cause is so clearly obvious? The use of substandard materials!!! Presumably the contract was doled out to one of their friends!!!!

  4. They collected money and used sub standard materials to build. Prompting the collapse. #corruption

  5. They collected money and used sub standard materials to build. Prompting the collapse. #corruption

  6. Shame oh shame .

  7. na AYe jare....btw linda this closeup cursor na gehngehn o!...niyinugar says so...

  8. 60M...issorai.

  9. ThankGod its not already in use, poor planning and constructions. The contractor need answer sum questions

  10. A state with highest number of poor masses doing all sorts of menial work hard labour is building 60m tower

  11. Corruption for naija nobi here i swear....

  12. Funny Ebonyians. I endured four years of hell in that backward state. Clowns.

  13. Maybe if they'd use material of good quality, it will still be standing. Lol

  14. No building in Nigeria is up to that of American standard. Nigeria government, do u guys go to SA at all.. from Sandton to Pretoria to Joburg muaaah beautiful and up to standards. Shameless set of government

  15. No building in Nigeria is up to that of American standard. Nigeria government, do u guys go to SA at all.. from Sandton to Pretoria to Joburg muaaah beautiful and up to standards. Shameless set of government

  16. What is the rationale behind building a Centenary tower in a state as poor as Ebonyi state? This stealing ( Uncle Jona says its not corruption) is ............am at a loss for worst. The only thing the old man who calls himself a governor there is good at us organizing parties. The days of these thiefs are numbered. Meanwhile pls the house of assembly should not just waste their time. They should continue sharing the moni until payback time comes wch is very soon.

  17. Loss for words.

  18. Why should they in the first place errect a building to mark an amalgation of nigeria that happened in 1914??? Isn't that pure, undiluted madness??? Which other state in nigeria has such in place???

    Why wasn't the funds used on other infrastructure that would benefit the residents of the state?

    It seems they've run out of ideas on what they can use to launder and steal money hence the idea of constructing this ridiculous "tower".

  19. That crap for 60 million, I will better my life that thing didn't cost up to 10 million

  20. 60 million naira for this crappy building. I would bet a million naira, it didn't cost them over my bet to build this. 50 something million has ended in some deep pockets. What a shame. Things fall apart in total view for all to see.

  21. Linda, I hope that is not the tower in the picture o!! Who build this gada?? comes to mind!!

  22. God is just exposing all their dirty linen. Change is around the corner

  23. 10million my ass, u mean 1million?

  24. 60 million for dis crap...am jus short of words am tired of cursing dis politians coz is nt workin...deir time is comin anyway

  25. Papa elechi,why always negative stories from your ends?your state one of the poorest in naija

  26. corrupt state . GOD have mercy ... why not look 4 the company that build micheal opara square tower ....because u ppl want to share the money .. GOD is watching you all

  27. You haven't finished building roads, schools you're building a stupid metal tower.

    Stupid people, if you want to chop, chop and stop making us look stupid!

    Why couldn't you build centenary avenue, centenary school or centenary park??

    Change is coming, beware. We know who you are

  28. God punish that useless obasi odefa member, whistle blower oshi!!!!! what have you done for people in your constituency? all you do is take your ugly wife abroad when so many things are broken in your constituency. There is God o

  29. no need to wast funds trying to find the cause. the simple answer is Corruption!!!! mcheeew

    #Via Smile 4G network

  30. God punish that useless obasi odefa member, whistle blower oshi!!!!! what have you done for people in your constituency? all you do is take your ugly wife and kids abroad when so many things are broken in your constituency. There is God o

  31. these things keep happening. chimaroke built a culvert and called it a tunnel. elechi is building a scalfold and is calling it tower...centenary or whatever catches his fancy.there is god oooh!.

  32. 60 million , how can this country ever get better, even in lekki this would cost 20M Maximum minus cost of land, I would assume this land belongs to the government


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