Children raped, forced to eat faeces in Indian school - police | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 30 May 2014

Children raped, forced to eat faeces in Indian school - police

The owner and manager of a children's boarding school in Maharashtra have been arrested after five minors said they were raped, forced to watch pornographic films and act them out with one another, police and charity workers said.

The children were made to eat faeces as a punishment if they did not comply.

The 52-year-old owner of the Chandraprabha Charitable Trust and his 30-year-old female manager were arrested on Monday after a police raid on the school in Karjat city. Continue...

"We received a police complaint from the Childline charity saying that one child had gone home for the holidays and confessed to his mother that abuses were happening," Karjat's Police Inspector R.R. Patil told the Thomson Reuters Foundation late on Thursday.

"Five children in total have now come forward and we have booked the two suspects under various offences," he said, adding that these included unnatural sex (sodomy), wrongful confinement and sexual assault.

The school accommodated 28 underprivileged children, aged between 4 and 14, for 10 months of the year, said Patil, but most were on holiday at home at the time of the raid.

Police were trying to find out whether other children were abused and if there were any other suspects.

Anuradha Sahasrabudhe of Childline, a charity supported by the government, said the children had spoken about all kinds of sexual and physical abuse.

"It's a horrific case. The children have been telling us about the sexual abuse going on there. There has been oral sex, there has been forced sex... These things have been photographed," Saharasabudhe told the NDTV news channel.

"Children have been punished by making them eat dog excreta and when they vomited, they were made to eat vomit," she added.

Police say the residential school had been running since 2002, but was not registered and had therefore escaped government inspections by child welfare officials.

Source: Reuters


  1. Disgusting, cruelty at its highest order
    a reflection of who rules this wicked world

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    1. You a JW? Been observing you.

    2. If u ask me where the devil is at the moment I will say India. What is wrong with their men for God's? Rape everywhere. Nija better pass this country I tell u. Stupid set of pple

  2. What the heck????


  3. Shame on India..this is so inhuman..wickedness at its peak...

    ~MR EDDY~says so via

  4. India has got to have the worst cases of child abuse.

  5. Sometimes i wonder how a fellow human can be as wicked and callous as this. They should be tortured to death.

    CoolDiva speaks!

  6. Sometimes i wonder how a fellow human can be as wicked and callous as this. They should be tortured to death.

    CoolDiva speaks!

  7. Linda ikeji, why must u always post tragic, gory news stories.

    1. Thank you for this comment. I don't unsderstand linda ways at all! Must your news always be tragic? There are still good things happpening.

    2. imbecile,if she doesnt post tragic stories lyk dis,hw wil u knw dat barbaric tins lyk dis is thr a make u knw dat unimaginable tin happen

  8. This is nigeria for u.

    1. Olodo read d story well b4 u will start calling Nigeria. #gobacktoschool#

    2. Can you imagine? Even with the heading. Real!

    3. Olodo,please go sell ur crayfish,customer is waiting.

    4. Jeez! Anonymous 4.35 please sue ur english teacher for failing to teach you comprehension.

    5. Onye ara! Now say this slowly, "I am a goat".

  9. Jeez! Unashamedness at its peak! Utterly ignominious! What's this world turning into? It seems hell has been relocated to Earth.

  10. This is horrible and satanic.

  11. This is horrible and satanic.

  12. OMG I don't know where this world is headed. The evil people do these days surprises even the devil.
    The sanctity of the human life is being rubbished daily. The perpetrators must be severely punished.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    1. Omg! I'm so short of words,why would sm1 force a girl to have sex with him and if u refuse u'd be forced to eat dog excreta. I'm so not myself seeing this..God plss protect me and my family from perverts.

    2. Your grammar is not as dope as Prince Charming's. Go and die#in Gov Oshiomole's voice#

  13. Disgusting! It seems with each passing day,evil seems to get so many faces.That bastard should be locked up & be given bullshit & cowdung & poultry droppings as meal everyday.mtcheew

  14. They should plug the eye of those idiots and throw them in the lions den for gud....

  15. Perverts! Nobody's fault dat d population of men in india is more than the women but dats nt enuf reason 4 dem to be raping children. Tufia!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Rape in india again? Na wa o tinz are rili happening. #Cherry#

  18. Wicked nonsense stupid foolish school, and der owners.

  19. Wicked woman #bright bravo#

  20. What's with these fucking Indians and rape

  21. this is an obvious sign of the end. Repent so you shall nor be caught unawares. There is no meaning to life anymore.

  22. So Indians are that SICK???..Wao!

  23. May an unimaginable punishment befall them all......Despicable animals....

  24. what a wrld we fine our selves. lord ve mercy.#THAT AKWA.IBOM BOY#

  25. Why are Indians so wicked. They've been in the news lately for bad things. Work with an Indian man in an office,u'll understand me better.

  26. Hmmm this is seriouse. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  27. oooooooooooh my God! this is the first news of rape cases that really brought me to tears..... i feel so bad for those children... this rape issue has to stop!!!!!!!!! This what the government should deal with and forget any homosexuality issue....

  28. May God Almighty never foregive this wicked People.Dog Kaka the World is inded a wicked Place.

  29. Indians!! *spit* that's why I turn down all there rubbish FB requests.....

  30. am sure man could not have been this wicked if it were mere evolution!! i am strongly convinced too that different people for different level of hell fire purnishment!! mankind is doomed!!!

  31. This is disturbing and sickening...

  32. When you think your sensibilities have been deadened by the kind of news one hears these days another one emerges to shock the hell and fear of God out of you. Haba!!!What is the meaning of this? This India of a country is becoming too notorious for this kind of thing. Was it not the same country where two children were raped and hanged not less than 4 days ago? At least in Nigeria they rape and spare them[Not supporting rape in any way at all mind you....I am a father of a little girl and anybody that tries it with my daughter will bring out a murderer from within me] India they rape and kill them. There is this brutality dimension they bring to this raping business that makes one believe that India is becoming the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. Oh God have mercy on us and may I and my family be rapturable when Jesus comes.....cos the world is surely coming to an end!!!

  33. So bad!!!what a disgusting nonsense.

  34. AVID BLOG READERS30 May 2014 at 17:43

    I just tire. So sad!

  35. I thought this barbaric acts exist only in Africa......

  36. Too Bad••God Help Us All#BluntGrownDiva#281d27a4

  37. The rate and manner of wickedness humans exhibits ds days causes chills in my marrows.cases lyk ds I wish God will jus put his (God of consuming fire)into action.ds is so inhumane

  38. I told you before and I would say it again. India is a fucked up country# thatsharpNCAAboy

  39. India again!!!! All these news are so shocking and unbelievable, the heart of man is truely desperately wicked, some folks are really trying to overtake the devil in evil deeds. God will continue to expose them.

  40. What is wrong with these Indians??? How come good stories no longer make headlines??? It's either pedophiles are after innocent kids or marrying underaged girls is being signed as law or people are being kidnapped for all sorts of reasons or stories of bombings, rape, drug peddling etc. The list just goes on and on. God are you just watching (I know U are a very patient God) or will there truly be a day of reckoning for perpetrators of these unimaginable acts? Help us Holy Spirit.....

  41. These Indians are animals.

  42. na whaoo! the world and her people dis world is really coming to an end but for those nonetities, nitwits and hard-hearted poverty stricken Indian monkies dat raped those innocent children I pray that they should be brought to book, sorrow will be their companion and all the days of their lives they will swim in troubled water.

  43. Unimaginable

  44. Omg!!! Perverts everywhere u go. They deserve to rot in jail

  45. Blood of jesus cover me,this is dispeakable!!!

  46. Why are we destroying d sensibility and future of these children? Why are we turning them into beasts that will grow up with so much hate, bitterness and resentment in them? How will they love, appreciate en respect us en d Society as they grow? What kind of moral values are we teaching them by molesting them? I am sad!

  47. What a shame I thought that this barbaric act have stop oh God ps save us

  48. God have mercy on us.

  49. India is another wicked place that have no value for women, that is why people kill their baby girls at birth rather than allow them to grow up and pass through this

  50. D world is truly comin too an end. Those pple responsible for dis abominable act should be purnished

  51. Indians, just like Zimbabweans, are some of the most wicked creatures created by God.

  52. Strange and unimaginable things keeps happening.... Lord help us, let me reign with u in d end

  53. Wickedness! What sort of cruelty is this? Shame to the perpetrator of this evil.

  54. Indians and rape, i cant understand
    2 days ago rape happen, this is another one...not funny
    lord have mercy


  55. India again??smh... Naija is a better place,swear down!!!

  56. Awful Guys ; Indian Police,DSS should fully investigate & fish-out the pepertrators of this inhuman crime


  57. Hmmmmn Indian is now the devil house

  58. Yeye indians, which dick them take they rape self? Wicked pple

  59. Signs of the Last days.It can only get worse...

  60. To be honest Indians have sexual issues! The ladies turn lesbian because their men are not physically endowed to satisfy them and the men turn to rapists because they crave sexual affection because the women either deny them sex or do it routinely therefore young children and unwilling participants are abused- may the Lord save the world smh

  61. To be honest Indians have sexual issues! The ladies turn lesbian because their men are not physically endowed to satisfy them and the men turn to rapists because they crave sexual affection because the women either deny them sex or do it routinely therefore young children and unwilling participants are abused- may the Lord save the world smh

  62. Every country with their peculiar issues.... God please sanitize this earth.


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