AGN president Ibinabo Fiberesima finally replies Clarion Chukwura | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 12 May 2014

AGN president Ibinabo Fiberesima finally replies Clarion Chukwura

A few weeks ago, actress Clarion Chukwura, released a statement criticizing Ibinabo Fiberisima's actions as the president of Actors Guild of Nigeria. She later granted a few interviews taking a swipe at Ms Fiberesima. The AGN president has finally responded. See a statement she released this afternoon below...
My Dear Chief Clarion Chukwurah,
I bring you peace and warm felicitation from the leadership of the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN), a Guild that I would like for the purpose of emphasis to re-describe as the only umbrella body for Screen Actors in Nollywood, with a conservative estimate of over five million members spread across 35 states in Nigeria including FCT Abuja.
I bring you greetings from the leadership of a Guild that has in the last two years been repositioned as the pride of its members, Nollywood and the foremost Guild in the continent of Africa.

I was away on a short vacation when my attention was drawn to two publications (one an open letter and the other an interview) credited to your very respected self, where you cast a lot of aspersions on myself and where you resorted, because of your inordinate ambition to become President of the Guild, to feeding the general public with deceit and falsehood.

Ordinarily I would not have replied you openly, because I personally do not join issues with my colleagues- whether junior or senior on the pages of the paper or on social media. Besides, as President, I should be seen to be uniting Members of the Guild and not causing disaffection, as your unfortunate outburst set out to do.

However it is for the purposes of correcting the falsehood and erroneous impression that your very unfortunate and jaundiced views might create in the minds of members of the Guild, stakeholders and the public that I write you.

But in replying you Ma, I will restrain myself from employing foul words like you did. You are my senior in all respect, and I want to respect that fact, even though I expected that you would have, as someone who claimed in one of the publications that ‘we are close’, reached out to me if you have anything against my person or the office of President of the AGN.

Therefore, I will try and stay on the issues you raised and would gloss over some of the petty issues, like my not being qualified to be President of the AGN and I ask, what qualification it takes to be President of the AGN? You seem not to be conversant with the constitution of the Guild you aspire to lead. For your information and with all modesty, I am a graduate and have been an active, financial and card-carrying member of the Guild for a decade and half.

I rose through the rank and file in the Guild till I became the Rivers state Chairman, Senior Special Adviser to the President and by the special Grace of God the National President. Besides, I have also put in close to a decade and half as an actress and I have even funded productions in Nollywood. So, I wonder what else I need to qualify me to be elected as President of the AGN.

Having said that, if one thing has become clear about your intentions, it is that you are just being hysterical and you have decided to raise the specter of ‘politrickal’ divide to prepare the way for your next course of action- which is to assume Leadership of the Guild. And I ask, which Guild? "The same AGN that you openly declared was non-existent or the one you failed to join until a few days ago because of your intent to contest the Presidency. But you needn’t go that far Ma. I am very accessible. Members of the guild can attest to that. If you truly mean well and had all those great ideas to share, all you would have done was to avail yourself of the various platforms that we have in the Guild to call me to order or when we met face to face at the Sun Awards. Better still you would have even sent for me and those who know me, knows that I would have honoured the call knowing how much I value the contribution and support of time tested professionals like you in our quest to move the Guild to greater heights. But you didn’t do any of these. Instead you decided to engage in a macabre dance and I have sworn never to clap for you. The reason I am writing you is simply because I want to set the records straight so it doesn’t appear that my silence means consent.

Madam, I gleaned from your incoherent attacks that your grouse with me was that I didn’t ask President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan for support on issue of legislation that, quoting younow ‘’could bring all the screen actors in Nigeria under one single body so that an enabling environment could be put in place for casting agencies for jobs for actors’’. Your other grouse was that I also asked for ‘a political appointment’ (did you say ‘a political appointment’) and a National secretariat in Abuja. You were also bellyaching because you said I led a delegation that didn’t include veterans. Thankfully you commended me for succeeding, quoting you now, ‘’in a very commendable field which is accessing an appointment to see the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria at a time like this when the President is engaged in all fronts’’. I thank you for at least recognizing that we were the ones who sought audience with Mr. President and not that we went there by some arrangement, I mean like what used to obtain.

But Madam, I am not sure you listened to my address to Mr. President. You mischievously picked one aspect of the entire address that you wanted to use to score your cheap political points and left out the thrust of my address to Mr. President.
For the purpose of clarity, I don’t know whether those who reported the visit to you told you that I mentioned to Mr. President in clear terms that my ultimate objective as President of the guild is to deliver better professional and financial opportunities for my members, provide for their long-term welfare (as the acting career can be a precarious one), source support in the areas of finance, funding, provision of standard production equipment for use by our members and the corresponding training facilities and also improve the livelihoods of our actors whilst making the future of our industry more sustainable.
I don’t know whether the misguided and disgruntled elements that I suspect are fanning the embers of hate between us and who like a member of my EXCO suggested, are beating the wrong rhythms for you to dance to, mentioned to you that I told Mr. President unequivocally that we have found it difficult to make any headway as a Guild and an industry because of lack of adequate legislation, scanty public funding policies andprofessional training and the near lack of production infrastructure and distribution mechanism? Did they mention to you that I told Mr. President that piracy has prevented the industry from reaching its full economic potential and that one of the focus of the visit to Aso Villa is get Mr. President to direct the enactment of a legislation that will enable actors who play a very significant role in bringing a script to screen, derive tangible benefits from their work and enough security to envisage making a living from it?
Did you hear that I complained about the dire need of a modern and responsive legal environment that will guarantee social and intellectual property rights for members and the entire industry? Were you also told that I complained about the inadequacies of our copyright act and the insufficiency of the criminal sanctions for piracy and other copyright infringements and that I urged a comprehensive reform of our copyright system so that producers can continue to remain in business and that way we can create more jobs for our members?
Were you also informed that I asked Mr. President to direct the relevant Government agencies to negotiate and sign the countless co-production treaties that exist between Nigeria and several countries for the benefit of our members and the Nigerian motion picture industry? Maybe you didn’t know that our inability as an industry to sign co-production treaties is the invisible ceiling that has hindered and ordered the structured international development of the film industry and the subsequent loss of potential Foreign Direct Investment and its positive impact on job creation. Most of our members cannot work outside of our shores because of the lack of production treaties. Even when they work, to secure work permit is difficult.
I wonder why they also forgot to mention to you that I implored Mr. President to see to the full implementation of the revised National Film Policy (NFP) and to present the bill on the setting up of the Motion Picture Practitioners Council of Nigeria (MOPPICON) as an Executive bill that should speedily be passed into law. You talked about us asking for a legislation that will compel all actors to come under one umbrella, but wouldn’t it be appropriate to use the opportunity of that AUGUST visit to Mr. President to ask that we have a common body that will regulate the motion picture practice in the country and that way help in addressing some of the industry’s structural deficiencies? I have heard you argue
about the AGN transforming into a union. We have explored that and we are constantly reminded that we cannot become a union because of certain structural deficiencies in the industry which is why we are hoping that with MOPPICON that will be backed by law, the AGN will have a seat in council and that way we can seek to: negotiate and enforce collective bargaining agreements that establish equitable levels of compensation, benefits, and working conditions for our members. Then too, we will be able to like our counterpart in America- The Screen Actors Guild, collect compensation for exploitation of recorded performances of our members, and provide protection against unauthorized use of those performances; and preserve and expand work opportunities for its members. All that plan is in progress ma, but how would you know if all some of you want to do is to be arm chair members.
I raised all of these issues in my speech. But you didn’t even acknowledged them, instead you gave the impression that all I went to the villa to do was to ask for an office for the Guild and to ask to be given a political appointment. And I ask, what is wrong in asking for an office for the Guild in the country’s capital territory? As an affiliate of the Federation of International Actors (FIA), wouldn’t it be more prestigious to receive our international visitors in a befitting secretariat that is in the seat of Government?
I understand the point you make about my not taking ‘veterans’ on the delegation. Oh you wanted to be on the delegation, right? But how can you possibly be on the delegation when you have blatantly refused to identify with the Guild. My Exco and I and even the Board of Trustees, have tried as much we can to get those of you in the veteran class involved in the activities of the Guild. We created a veteran forum since some of you complained that you would not like to be holding meetings with those some of you consider ‘up starts’ and ‘interlopers’ but each time we call a meeting either directly or indirectly only very few people show up. But we won’t relent. We shall continue to reach out to those of you in that class and I make bold to say that some veterans were part of the delegation to the VILLA.

And to correct you ma, I didn’t ask Mr. President for ‘a political appointment’ as you have been mouthing. I thanked Mr. President for the few consideration he has made in appointing some practitioners into key Government positions and requested for more of such appointments in line with our expressed desire to have more of our creative people in government and in politics so we can be able to have people that will influence legislation that will be for the betterment of the industry. I have attended meetings where most people in Government think that all we are good for is beauty and glamour and no brain. So what is wrong in asking that our members be given an opportunity to contribute their quota to national development? What is wrong in asking that someone as experienced as you heads an agency like the Film Corporation so you can bring about the change we desire?
You also asked that I resign my appointment as President of the AGN because Mr. President graciously appointed me to serve on the Governing Board of the National Council of Arts and Culture (NCAC). Well it may interest you to note that the appointment was in my personal capacity and it is a part time appointment as we are only expected to sit four times in a year, maximum. However, It was only a coincidence that the appointment was announced days after the visit to the Villa. But I had been intimated long before the inauguration of the board that I have been nominated to serve on the board of one of the agencies in the Federal Ministry of Culture and Tourism. If the other artistes that have been appointed on merit into part time positions have not stopped acting as it were, why should I resign? AGN is governed by a constitution and by verbal pronouncements. My appointment is rather another achievement for our Industry.

You spoke too about our not being able to achieve anything as an Exco since we were elected in 2012. I doubt whether you have been around. If you have been, then you must have been shut out of developments in the industry. Indeed if any one should be accused of nothing bringing anything new to the AGN table, it should not be Ibinabo because even duly registered and committed members and the Board of Trustees can attest to the fact that I have led an EXCO that has never wavered in our attempt at repositioning the Guild for effectiveness and service delivery. I will only for the purpose of setting records straight listthe following as some of the steps that we have taken to move the Guild forward since we assumed office a little near two years ago:
1. We united and are still in the process of uniting all warring factions within the Guild
2. We built a new multimedia website,
3. We commenced for the first since the establishment of the Guild a Health Management Plan and Insurance Scheme for members.
4. We commenced the first ever veteran’s meeting series across all the six-geo political zones.
5. We have been able to change the skewed perception about the Guild to a more positive and purposeful Actors Guild both to the general public, Government and the Press.
6. We have built a more permanent and sustainable membership Database.
7. We have acquired an 18 setter bus for the Guild
8. We have Introduced an inter-ethnic cultural festival (Drama, Dance and Poetry) amongst the state chapters to unite all members.
9. We have Introduced lifestyle benefits discount for members on travel, holidays, shops on groceries, restaurants.
10. We are in the process of getting legislation to guide and protect the Actors in Nigeria.
11. We are in talks with NBC and Nigerian copyright Commission on residual payments to Actors in Nigeria.
12. We also are in talks with other Guilds and Associations in the industry on the need to unionize.
13. We successfully attended Afro-FIA Congress meeting with two member delegation in South Africa
14. We commenced the new manual revalidation across the states
15. We successfully relocated Abia Chapter to the state capital Umuahia as provided by the constitution
16. We successfully began the implementation of the Health Plan as members are now enjoying the scheme (HMO)
17. We successfully conducted electionsin State chapters that are due.
18. We paid for National Office for 2013/2015
19. We purchased a brand new HDV camera and accessories for the Guild to support productions of state chapters as well as members.
20. We hosted one of our esteemed members, Omotola Jalade Ekeinde for her achievements especially being listed as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World.
21. We attended the 70th Birthday ceremony of Fabian Adibe in Owerri with the BOT Secretary. We launched his book for the sum of N100, 000 on behalf of AGN
22. We have produced new Visa identity cards for members.
23. We commenced periodic skills improvement training across the geo political zones starting from South and North central.
24. The National President represented FIA to talk about the rights of an actor in Africa during WIPO organized, ECOWAS Ministerial conference in Abidjan, Cote’d voire
25. As a result of her presentation, the AGN President was invited to Ghana by the Hon. Minister of Culture, Tourism and Arts to help fine-tune her presentation to the Parliament.
26. ECOWAS Ministers of Culture also adopted her paper to be included the in the draft recommendation for the rights and welfare of the Actor as recommended in Beijing Treaty and to be ratified by ECOWAS member Nations.
27. We have applied for Project Nollywood training fund to build capacity in the Guild.
28. We also requested for fund for film production from the production unit of the same project.
29. I initiated Drama support funding for state chapters to the tune of 100,000 naira per chapter to encourage and build new talents
30. We have completed research on setting up of AGN resource centre and a library for members and researchers.
31. We have just drafted compressive contract and are discussing with producers on the implementation
32. Held a National Congress successfully in Minna, Niger State on 13th – 15th December 2013.
33. Visited the President and Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces, FRN to request for proper restructuring of the industry and investiture him as the Grand Patron, Actors Guild of Nigeria
In surmising, I would like to strongly advice that we keep politics aside and work towards building faith in the possibility of transforming the Guild to the foremost Guild in the world. On my part I promise to do my best and act by the oath of office I took and the allegiance I pledged to defend the constitution of the Actors Guild of Nigeria. I also pledge to continue to lead an EXCO that will work assiduously at enforcing membership revalidation and ensuring that members sign into the health plans.
My immediate plan is to introduce our new code of ethics, improve on more welfare package and also furnish the present National Secretariat to standard, launch the new motto of AGN- ‘Face of Nollywood’, with approval of the BOT, open a new National Office in the FCT, Abuja, Complete elections in all States that are due, organize more training programmes for members across state chapters and zones, continue with paying courtesy visits to Patrons and would be patrons and embark on fund raising drive for the Guild. With time permitting, we shall also launch a comprehensive pension plan for members, launch a benevolent fund and encourage more productions across zones to help members achieve their dreams

Thank you for finding time to read from me and do accept the assurances of my highest Regards

Ibinabo Fiberesima
President Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN)


  1. Hw does dat bring back our girls,go and rest jare

    1. Am I expected to read all that? that's an epistle. Abegi jare.

    2. Matured response, ßut that's way too long.

    3. Who has time for this serenren.

    Ibinabo Fiberesima
    President Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN)
    This lady is so funny,so u had time to write this epistle,but never thought it wise to issue any official statement pertaining the kidnap Chibok girls. Its quite a pity,anyway I was expecting you to do that,apologist and sycophant like you.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    1. But she mentioned it when she signed out in ash.... She may not ve written on it but she signed out in that format....

  3. Too much rubbish from ibinabo,Clarion went about this whole thing the wrong way but you failed as a leader,alot is going on in nollywood that need to be addressed but you did nothing biko put your mouth inside your pocket

  4. Oh no,this is too long joor...

  5. Wtf......wit all d stuff hapnin in dis country.fuck both of u!

  6. chaiiiiii. wat a reply....... mature mind. intelligent response........ BRINGBACKOURGIRLS

    1. Very mature! Now clarion I await ur reply.

    2. Tooo Loooong!!!!

    3. I can just imagine Clarion's face as she reads this reply. She obviously wants to be presido soooo bad.

  7. The fairer sex fall victim to the green eyed monster easily! Defamation and counter-defamation!

  8. Like we care....ain't nobody gat time for this.

    1. I sincerely care very lenghty but witty.. I took out time to read it #smartreply

  9. so long a letter, longer than my modern biology

    1. you might wanna take out more time to study your modern biology rather than being here you know...

  10. Read almost half, but, realised there's still like 10 pages to; I hail whoever typed this.
    Seriously speaking, they should stop all these their politics and find a way of moving forward, and making good movies pls. Ms Fiberesima or whatever, should step aside, m not saying for who; she can't eat from two plates; that's greed!

    * My R1.50c comment *

  11. Which kain mumu Never Ending story be this one for this hot afternoon bikonu? Make these two malees waka comot from our faces.


  12. What an epistle!!! .... Clarion look for junior trouble.

  13. well written

  14. I read to a point and then I stopped...too long abeg

    1. Abi o. Long essay

    2. Same hee...and she put the bring back our girls after the signature like seriously????? do you even care? Bitch
      *** forst to comment ***

  15. Keep tackling yourselves.....too long.

  16. Hmmm, and yes i really took ♏Ɣ time to read it. Its worth reading. An intelligent response.

  17. This is an epistle to Clarion Chukwura.....

  18. Linda which kind of punishment is dis? So you want me to read all dis Chai! Chai! there is God o.

    1. Sori 2 ask r u a graduate?ow is dis punishment? Its nt lik evry post here is long so d few times u stil can't bring ur brain to read?d kind of graduates our schools produce is appaling,how u take read 4 skul?if ur nt intrested in d whole fiasco dats ok bt som1 writes more dan 5 lines som ppls brain can't handle it.

    2. You shouldn't display your smartness or lack of it in public you know. Reading a piece written in good English is a source of education and not a punishment my dear. Anywez, it's not for kids.

    3. Anon 5.47 reading a long piece of write up doesnt really make u an intellect ,it jus means u hv a lot of time on ur hands nd depends whether its goin to serve any useful purpose to ur life

  19. Very nice reply

  20. It is only in Nigeria that an ex-convict can hold political position!! Not only as Head of a Guild but to get a Senior position as Advisor or whatever to the President. Anyway what do we expect when we have the likes of Evans Enwerem, Fayose, Ibori etc in places of power. Mscheeew! Clarion is right to challenge her. If you have now accepted to take a position in Abuja, why have you not resigned as AGN President? SMH!

    1. U don't have any atom of sense!

    2. Please shut the fuck up.. Many politicians abroad have criminal records or have been involved in criminal acts..

    3. God punish u 4 mentioning ibori's name here. Idiot

    4. kk let's assume you've never being convicted, can you lead and organize the team of rats that reside in your house how much more over 5million people? Learn to appreciate and respect leaders asshole!

    5. All u assholes criticizing banky should go n read d constitution,an ex con cant hold any political post nd no whr in a developed world dat it hapns

  21. dat reply was very matured..
    nice one IB

  22. too long abeg, oya libers who doesnt have work should read it all, but ma, were u d 1 dat spoke all these grammer? hehehehe, u tried, but how dis 1 take make asup call off dis strike now? mtchewww...yaxx

  23. What is wrong with this linda sef....u no go upload comments ni?

  24. Ibinabo Fiberesima
    President Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) I applaud all your grammar and 32 achievements.REALLY? u r speaking grammar while nollywood men and women has all turned to ashawo work because they r not well paid. I lost all respect for u when simply added d in vogue hashtag as part of your degree. Ibinabo warming d presidents bed should be enough for u. Cos that's what ur really good at.Please step down and leave d sit for CLARION cos obviously she has more action than you that has nothing but a tanker load of totology. ViVa

  25. She implied that she is a busy person yet have time to construct this big letter. Or maybe nobi she write am sef lol

  26. well articulated reply,but is too someone can shut up...linda post ma comment oo

  27. Linda criously u think I'll use my precious time to read a two fighting story...will all their talks kill shekau? No. Pls save d info for AGN...


  28. This must have taken weeks to write....damn lmao

  29. wooooow....This lady is something else...It is well

  30. Sooooo long a letter. Nice reply though..... # bringbackourgirls

  31. Plenty words...little time #yawn#

  32. Plenty words...little time #yawn#

  33. I expected you to respond in a matured way thru ur action and achieving objectives and goals of the organisation not by writing. Make sure u'll be prepared to write again since u'v succumbed to it..


  34. Too long... boring. I come to dis blog for entertainment not to read d bitching btw 2 menopausal women. Wait... there r 5 million actors in Nigeria???

  35. So na una now we wan sick, so una dey play politics too nawa ,ok its well . CHI.

  36. "Macabre dance".....forget boss Na boss..ibinabo u spoke wel to dat cow...u no want trouble...nd by d way u should also thank us for reading dis super story
    ..did u actually sit to ryt dat? Yansh no pain u ?...#nellietalkin#

  37. My headaches 😢😢 all she kept talking about is how she's the president of AGN. Make she rest.

  38. Thank God! Am finally thru with reading dis rather too long piece...

    But on a serious note, I comend u Mrs President for ur maturity. U adressed ur points carefully and respectfully, and yet, ur goal was reached in making the all-knowing Mrs Clarion realise dat her hate on ur leadership cant get her anywhere. Its crazy to bliv dat Clarion who is suposed to be a pace-setter and a role model in d industry went dat far as to sayin all she said in dat interview...

  39. Damn this lettet is long

  40. They are two mature for this #bright bravo#


  42. Ibinabo, I am so in love with you right now. I absolutely love your response. Well said.


  44. This is one long letter.
    I had to gloss over a few paragraphs before the end and yet, I love to read. Phew!

  45. Hmmmmm,insult with respect.well said

  46. Thumbs up Ibinabo. You spoke like a leader. Just remember that uneasy lies the Head that wears the crown. Keep trudging on. The Lord is your strength.

    Obi. Nwoye.

  47. Whatever all we want is our girls #bringbackourgirls

  48. shit is too long damn !!

  49. Short of wordz!

  50. I wonder y clarence peters hasnt spoke to his mum to keep shut. I respect clarion but she should just kip shut. Ibinabo owes her absolutely #NATTIN#

    1. So Clarence Peters is Clarion's son???

  51. Wats dis wiv ppl nd long letter.. lyk d words she usd.. I tink I deserve a reward for reading dis seasonal movie script. . Love uu

  52. Dear ibinabo, you need no explanation to anyone. Anyone who has attained a possition of no1 will know how it is just as GEJ is facing it now. Criticism is in all works of life but is good as you speaks out.


  53. #GBAM!


  54. Mbok dis story is too long na...... NEXTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

  55. Hmmm.....wtz al these stories for?pls sincerely I ask,ow many LiBers read dis to d̶̲̥̅̊ last?peopl shud get mature abh dis open letter fin jor....AGNPresido,,U sef U too write... Α̲̅πϑ Ow does dis Bring back Our Girls?eehnnn#Jes PassinBy#......CHY JAY.

  56. IBINABO! Haba! How Aunty Clarion go take reply this epistle? Where she go start? Chai! Chai

  57. Kudos to those that finished it, so how did she end? Hope we don't see this in another home video?

  58. You said you will not join issues nor insult her and you did insult her throughout your reply.Your choice of word betrayed your inner anger and insult.I expect far better...i hope you got the kick you were looking for.

  59. Na una sabi...

  60. No be small thing.

  61. Please who have time to read this essay.

  62. So long a letter

  63. Mmmh so long a letter! Clarion over to u!

  64. #clapping# you have spoken well....oya ma clarion come and debunk her statements.

  65. Hmmmmmmmmmm.

  66. My God!!!! What a biography.... Did I read all that?? Hell no

  67. Na wa o, this msg is too long jor

  68. Na too much money n too much book dey worry una for head mtchewww

  69. Don't like Ibinabo, but I must admit this is a comprehensive well crafted mature reply. Two thumbs up.

  70. I love Clarion adn respect what she has done for nollywood.HOWEVER Ibinabo should be commended for a job well done and this reply.

    Clarion if i is true tha you only resorted to signing up as a card carrying member of the guild a few days ago then it is a shame and you should really have done so well before now.

    Ibinabo is not perfect but in the nollywood of today whereever you look you will see explicit evidences of her hard work to date. She had been particularly vocal and supportive of the members who have lost their lives and had done more than any other president of the guild to unify people together.

    i remember all the hullaboo when the presidency of the guild was being decided, why did you not 'put your hat into the ring then'?

    Please Clarion respect yourself and do not attempt to grind Ibinabo's contribution to the ground simply because you wish to be in her office.

    Ibinabo really is a victim of her own success here as she has made the office of the guild a more watering proposition by her well meaning hard work. I say kudos to her!!


    1. U sef...we r talking of d one above that we cldnt read well enough n u r cmn to add urs....try sha. Misread#

  71. letter way too long..should have been edited many million members again in the association?? what a gross exaggeration so anyone that stands in front a camera or camcorder or cell phone video has become an actor...what a joke

  72. Will this bring back ours girls?????sobs!


  73. Senior and Junior colleague! una try.

  74. Lol @ "Thank you for finding time to read from me...".

    Its longer than a novel ma'am. Ain't nobody got time for that.

  75. Wetin she dey yarn, nollywood is rubbish, d only tin dey care about is money and fame, notin else, u aint doing nothing Ibinabo

  76. Linda, please don't waste time to post things like this on your blog because your "readers" won't be patient enough to read through and all they do is insult.. Well, I think you like the part where they insult, so keep posting.. P.S kudos to Ibinabo.

  77. Ibinabo Fiberesima obviously did not write this....... Who dash am? how? from where? abegiiiiii.
    Well who ever that writes for you is good make sure you carry the person along and pay the person well before he/she exposes you. Ashawooooo

  78. and why would i read this long script? is it my employment letter or contract with Shell?


    Asiri umu nwanyi

  79. Naija!!!! Clarion who just joined AGN few months back wants to be d president. No wonder she has been jumping from one marriage to another, chukwura, shina peters, Abiola etc how then can she manage a whole guild? 5th hand like her

  80. She said 35 states, i tot there were 36 states in Nigeria or maybe 1 state does not have actors.........flash back to Miss Nigeria 1991 and who is the vice chancellor of your university...#originalrunsgal

  81. Bia Linda, know d kind thing u dey paste for hear, who cares about d AGN?? Abeg take down dis rubbish

  82. Too lengthy too read.. Gat to pound yam jare..

  83. Tired of reading abeg is too long.

  84. Choi Aunty ibinabo.. mind ur work ooh!!! Heeeeehhh!! And as for you Aunty Clarion wetin I do you to deserve this kind punishment.. even if na Cambridge I dey.. Oh boy see letter!!! How I wan take study eem eem i mean read this journal? Chai, chai!! There is God oooh!!

  85. I respect Ibinabo

  86. Nice response

  87. Buh some pple sabi write letter ooooo! Kai! I dint evn bother to read beyond d 3rd or 4th paragraph...

  88. Holy Mary! Who got time to read this Epistle?

  89. Stupid anon telling her she's warming the president's bed. Clarion I no its u, bt be matured. She beats u dw n u no it. Ds wat d both of u would AV discussed in private n mk ur intentions known 2 her DAT u want 2 tk over 4Rm her. Age na number.

    Mrs Davido

  90. Too long for me to read, anyways I read part of it and concluded that I am not interested.

  91. You this murderer, so e pain you as Clarion say make them remove you abi? you are now mentioning rubbish achievement that only you knows. so do you also want Bala of censors board and Daduu of NFC to list their achievements?? the whole of this Linda blog no go contain am. what you saw is what you reap

  92. That was a matured reply to some extend, but y d long letter,

  93. clarion, Ibinabo, AGN and big, big grammar, chaii, chaii, chaii, dia riz god oooo.

  94. I hate it when people use big words and gangartum idioms to fabRicate "intelligence",90percent of Nigerians(Excluding bankyw) need to go baCk to school and major on "letter writing"... Ibi is a nice woman and it is common to see women trying the pull her down syndrome on a succesful woman, the oxymoRon there was that I never pegged Clarion Abiola as that type of a lady....From Clari's intervw and open letter that I read,all I could see was a "destructive criticism" and from my jouRnal of experience- jealousy hatches destructive critics....!,#cheezyJayne

  95. Scrolled down and saw how long it was...can't be bothered. Nollywood has gone to the gutters anyway. They need to improve like the nigerian music industry did. So fighting is not helping.

  96. What an Epistle, i no fit read am abeg he too long.

  97. Sledge hammer response to an ant stimulus. Very classless response - why respond with this long epistle like an alatika fishwife??? Best would have been a one-paged brief letter deflecting any baseless statements. But what do we expect from drama queens?

  98. very loooooong tin!but i'll choose clarion over ibinabo 1000x and over!see those luscious lips!wait is it d ibinabo dat killed somebody wit a car?

  99. What is wrong with the young people of today. I am glad that most of you are not the kind of people I associated with growing up. Very lazy minds; everything is too long to read. No wonder the universities keep churning out idiots as graduates and you wonder why generation after generation nothing changes. It is the Same lazy attitude your parents have that you are all portraying. I pity you, yes you that takes delight in pointing out how everything is too long to read. Let me stop so that your lazy minds can be patient enough to get to the point where I say go Fuck yourselves.

    1. ure done wit reading dz essay, y not go and buy jamb form n ansa u blind no see as d tin dey too long....mtcheew... Mizzmac#

  100. What kind of stupid ryt up is dis??..dos she expect me to sit down and actully read all dis crap&as a mata of fact who knows she abeg "Na only Her waka come"mtscheew wen I av 3unit course papers to ryt*rubbish!

  101. So long a letter. Couldn't finish reading it but the little I read makes sense. Matured reply but it's too long Madam.

  102. I can only say that I am highly impressed by Ibinabo's professional and assertive response. for those saying the letter is too long, I doubt if you had any pressing issues you needed to attend to at the time of reading apart from continuing your browsing to less important gossips.

    Didnt even know the actor's guild was this organised. Thanks Ibinabo for the insight.

  103. Wow, I mean wow, what a reply, Damn too much.

  104. Is Ibinabo Fiberesima such a constructive writer? well composed article @-@

  105. See the way I was reading assive there's money set aside to pay me after reading. Anyways, this is a better approach to taclke the issue. One fact is that, there is always a hidden motive. Kudos for the much you've done so far.

  106. Ibinabo nollywood has become worse in the last few years, all u are good at is having children for different men here and there. Abeg dtep down

  107. Is Ibinabo Fiberesima such a constructive writer? well composed article @-@

  108. hrm paul ojeih12 May 2014 at 17:23

    well said a constructive reply madam clarion take several seats behind na jealousy dey worry u
    wen ibinabo tenure expires u can vie for the office and i assure u no one will vote for u if she ask gej for appointment na ur mouth she take ask am abeg opportunity comes but once ibi baybay if dey give u appointment abeg accept am no mind this yeah yeah clarion old mama way surpose to dey advise the younger ones

  109. Ibinabo responded well, so mature. This Clarion should go sit. NEXT

  110. I love ur reply. Wt plenty maturity. I wish I am a fan to nolly but cos of ur active words I now switch to nolly entertainment. Clarion d vex cos GEJ no call her put for villa bed. Poor her

  111. I have never written a comment on LIB.. but i just had to write this one. Please what is this?? are u soo jobless to type this book of response?..since u seem to be soo english driven, couldnt you articulate your response in 3 sentences.. After killing someone u shudnt even show your face in public, let alone be president of AGN..Please i loveeeee CLarion..her acting is alos excellent!

  112. A well articulated letter.

  113. The new AGN code should include no runs girl action, no sexual porn movies, no producers & actors taking care of new cast members, no '2nd hand husband' marriages, no stupid movies et al...

  114. Who has time to read all these nonsense.

  115. Its too long...if u were innocent nd no truth in woteva she said about u,u wuld av been Brief...dis is a novel Girl..too much....T

  116. Ok naw Madam Clarion over to you. Let's have your action where your mouth is. Waiting for the part three of this whole drammer...Lol

  117. We are the floor members of AGN, so we know were the shoe hurts the most. Ibinabo is busy advertsing herself. You are a huge disappointment as AGN president for bringing this matter to a social media. To hell with what ever Clara said. But as for you, you have no excuse.

  118. Too long and irrelevant! Y'all should sought yourselves. Unto the next one.

  119. Miss president we hear you ma! Ain't nobody gat time to read your "google/lawyer assisted" story.. Oh well we all started but more than half didn't complete it, know what that means? You failed Eng 101 and your summary class. We know all about producers "robbing peter to pay Paul" thingy or Alas Scratch my back, while I do yours. Oh you even resigned? My friend shut up and go take the position you slept your way to. You earned it. #Goddontlikeugly

  120. What kind of long rubbish talk is this? Who's got time to read all? Can they put this amount of effort on a nollywood script? Mscheew

  121. Drunkard and killer visiting a drunkard!

  122. Great job our Dear President!!! Please ignore that woman..


  124. Too long pls. Didn't border.

  125. I don't understand why you put up this encyclopedia just to make your point clear, ain't nobody gat time for for the drama and shenanigans that goes on with you folks cos it's clear even to the blind. Your movie directors and producers "robbing Peter to Pay Paul" system and "scratch my back while I do yours" stlye. More than half of readers did not complete what they started, u know why? U failed Eng 101 and your undergrad summary class. You can keep your google/lawyer assited letter for your excos..pple are missing somewhere in Nigeria. Oh u even resigned? Welldone Miss President, you can go resume your new duty, you earned it.

  126. Abeg all I want is our girls

  127. Who will summarize this for me please.

  128. Well thought out reply..but too long and boring....clarion go rest abeg...ibinabo reply should have u hitting ur head on the wall.

  129. all this long story for one person? mtsheew nxt chapter pls

  130. A responsible Citizen12 May 2014 at 20:34

    Matured response Ibinabo.

    Welldone. However why are the Veteran so proud to have meeting with the "start up" as stated in the letter. Calm down Veterans. When you all started if people didnt support you all. You wont get to where u are. So why feel too big to sit down in meetings. Once you die, thats it. I sense Pride within the Nigeria Veterans.

    Secondly, I guess Ibinabo shouldnt have commended the president for political positions given to Actors. In Hollywood you would never see an actor fighting for political position (only in Nigeria). They need to focus more on their carer and get paid well. I suggest she should have foicused more on increase in salary for actors. (Its my opinion).

    Thirdly, this open letter of a thing is now common within Celebriies and Govt officials. You all need to grow up please and be matured. You would never see Obama writting an open letter. Clairion you should have be matured by addressing this issue (to be honest) because it looks childish to me. Ibinabo insulted you in a matured way which should have be avoided if you never posted things to the public.

    Anyway, Im out of here. my points are all stated above.


  131. SO 3% of the Nigerian population are registered as Actors. You see why Nigeria is a stage?

  132. Well spoken madam President,u will live long and u will definatly come back for second tenure.Long live AGN,Long live my President.U hav done very well in addressing this issue.Rhoda From AGN Abuja.

  133. Well spoken madam President.Gd speech.

  134. This is a very matured reply and this is exactly how you respond to haters! Lol

  135. I have bn a card carrying member of AGN since 2003 and i have have not sn what any President hav done like wat she has achieved.Iam a woman and iam proud to say dat Ibinabo has done well.If mama Clarion want to come into AGN politics, she shd wait and buy de phone to contest de next election and let her tell us what she has eva done for de guild.Jealous old hag.

  136. Ibinabo, can an Ethopian change the colour of his skin or a leopard take away it's spots? You can never change. The way you answered Clarion shows your anger. I thought you were born again and past all this. What's with all the 'MA' and 'Madam'? I'm really disappointed. Why did you reply to Clarion? I thought you of all people should have been sharper than this and should know when people are setting a trap for you. You were being taunted and goaded for a response and you have only stirred the hornets nest! Grow up, you have three children wwho look up to you. Stop all this prancing around and earn peoples' respect by staying true to the rpinciples of the salvation you chose. Don't let the devil make you lose sight of the path. I'm really disappointed that you replied Clarion because now I know that she has touched a sore point and what she has said rings true. Did you go to warm some beds during your visit to ASO ROCK? How much 'Financial aid' were you given? You no dey tire? Na only you waka come? Grow up!!!

    by SOLA

  137. Good response Ibinabo. Mama Clarion sit down!

  138. i commend madam ibinabo for her matured response.

  139. Nollywood and clarion 2 release d season 2 of dis Beef #FG BringBackOurGirls

  140. ibinabo did u say u are a graduate? from which university? u never graduated from university of ibadan so u still dey lie abi? i remember when u used to borrow charity's NYSC uniform to pose abeg take several seats liar liar pants on fire remember there is God ooooh

  141. Baby Ibinabo icouldnt read all. It was too loooooooooong. Tell ur Lawyer to make it shorter next time OK

  142. Thumbs up ibinabo mature reply! Enemies every corner. Na wooh!

  143. I can't even finish the whole story... Abeg linda liv this people with ther politics. BASILIANO I rep igbo.

  144. Nigerians like mixing things up. Just because the tone of her write up is matured doesn't make it articulate.

    In this time and age, write ups are more concise and precise. It shows logic and critical thinking skills. All what she said could have been summarized and put across nicely in four paragraphs.

    Who has the time to read an epistle that doesn't add value to anyone? What is our business with irrelevant issues like this? Who cares about the operations of the Actors board?

    Clarion's write-up has more substance(brief and to the point)

  145. Charles Novia wrote this not ibinabo.

  146. Haba!!!! The coffee wey I dey drink just commot for my nose as I dey read this.

  147. Na wah oo tot u said at d beginning of this article u didn't want 2 reply so if u actually wanted 2 reply her na full textbook u for do all d same u gave ur own version we'll wait for mummy clarion's reaction soon

  148. That's true. Ibinabo you never graduated from U.I so stop telling lies.

    Ibikunle Olusola B

  149. @Mimi, pls u can read it all and briefly explain to me and others on this blog. Moreover that I mention modern biology doesn't mean that am still in secondary school, pls go back to school and learn the use of words. thank you

  150. @anonymous 3:28
    My thoughts exactly....5million actors...I only know like 12 if I add this chic and the Clarion woman...lmaooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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