Is it wrong for children to attend church camps? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 5 April 2014

Is it wrong for children to attend church camps?

A member of RCCG thinks it's wrong and explains why. Read what he wrote below...
I am a member of RCCG but am against children under 16years of age attending the Camp due to security and safety reasons. Last night on my way home we came across 3 danfo buses, 2 had adults only and one had children, all going o the camp. The one carrying children had a banner saying "RCCG Jesus arena parish P36". It was heartbreaking to see, I observed the following; continue...

1) The bus carrying adults was locked and secured, the children bus was not, the booth & door were opened, which is dangerous.
2) The adult bus had the adequate numbers of passengers, children bus was overfilled, children lapping each other, at least 20+ plus children, children stuffed in the booth, seating on the hot engine.
3) No adult supervision or chaperone with them. They had an infant on her lap in the booth with the door opened

4)Imagine if another car hit them from behind?

5) Why are they going to the camp? They are not matured enough to attend such events, I can understand if they were traveling with their parents in a secured car & their parents will watch over them.

If there was an accident, people would blame RCCG and the devil, this is human beings not using their common sense. If Pastor Adeboye had seen it, he would have turned them back and sacked the pastor in charge. Unfortunately I couldn't get more pictures. God help us all.

What do you guys think?


  1. There is no clear cut answer to this. Kids need to be properly supervised

    1. We wey grow up as kpako children don pass don pass tru
      all dis na- e no mean anytin abeg.we dey even enjoy am
      self den.its training-atlist it has made me to b able to cope anywhr i find my self

      [+18 Photos] Maheeda What Is Going On Here?

    2. What kind of stupid training?! See how ur life panned out... Cos u went thru such doesn't make it ok neither is it a reason for other children to experience it nor have their lives toyed with. Besides most of em will be going thr to slp so wots the point?

    3. My own is dat dey should knw how to do deir camping to avoid all dis heavy traffic it causes...also d children tin... its nt bad 4 children to join but a good protectiv measure should be put in place..

  2. I agree I think its wrong kids under 16 in such a congregation.

    1. @Linda, try to correct some of these words before posting. The correct word is BOOT, not BOOTH. You can also call it a TRUNK.

  3. He shd send this to Daddy GO and not the public

  4. I completely agree with the writer

  5. Is bad #bright bravo#

  6. Dear Lord! Wat carelessness. God 4bid 4 anytin bad shud happen 2 dese children.

  7. He has no good reason-he is complaining bcos he has acess to d internet

    1. And many bad bad thiings dey happen for there, happened to me, children no fit go any camp

    2. U obviously ain't a reasonable person! Of all the writer said which absolutely makes sense see wot u made of it? I do not know the writer but he or she is obviously a responsible person.

  8. that's really bad then.the parents shud have taken their children themselves,cos as this person observed if an accident shud occur,no adults to take care of the situation immediately and is well oooooo in this country,why wud they put children in a bus that the door cannot be locked and left the boot open,chai

    1. @ Bimi, many of these parents send their kids there, not for the spiritual brushing but to be free of their (the kids) troubles at least for a while. They're so desperate to send them off that they don't bother how they go. And you know kids, they like anything freedom so they don't even know when they take the risks. For me, children's camp... NO! Family camp... MAYBE

  9. Fr God mata,abeg I no put mouth,d man is correct coz of security bt d parents dat sent dia kids nko?

  10. We wey grow up as kpako children don pass don pass tru all dis na- e no mean anytin abeg.we dey even enjoy am self den.its training-atlist it has made me to b able to cope anywhr i find my self

  11. I saw some kids practically being forced to attend d vigil cos on my way yesterday from Sagamu, kids were stretching when they got down from vehicles, some were yawning already at past 7pm, pls tell me if such kid will hear when G.O climbs the podium at 12am? It's just mere punishment, if they are to go in comfort of their parents vehicles, that's fine but public transport is a No No for me abeg. Their parents can stand in gap for them now.

    1. Very well spoken!! They can also stay home and watch it LIVE on ltv if dey must be part of it

    2. Very well spoken!! They can also stay home and watch it LIVE on ltv if dey must be part of it

    3. When one of them kills their parents now shebi its another religious torture story we will hear.

  12. He's right to some extent,dey should just provide adequate security 4 dem kids

  13. I agree with the poster afterall they get to the camp nd end up sleeping, y nt leave the child to sleep peacefully at home, thats for those who have someone to watch over them at home, n to.those parents who dont mother stay at home nd tune to LTV 8 nd watch the program LIVE!! its all by faith u stepping on the camp does nt mean u must be healed, u cn as well get ur miracle AT HOME jus discipline ur self nt too doze off, #Datzall

  14. well, she's got a point. But if they don't start going to camp now, when would they have the time? Read Hot Stories Here

  15. How is safety of cars related to children going to camp? What's the relevance of the 2 issues? Kids should go to camp at whatever age it is that simple. RCCG have to try not to be complacent about safety.

    1. What are u saying...Read your write up and see if it makes any sense...choi

  16. Some teenage gals get pregnant in d camp
    Deeper life members especially,
    So obsessed wid camp.
    Is wrong , dre leave d prying eyes of dia parent to unknown place 4camping, no one to check wat dre do wid dia excess freedom, which dre do not have @home'
    Tank God sum1 is speaking out!


    1. Yea u are right. I remember a friend invited me to a programme in their church would u believe that just by the entrance to the church I saw a teenage boy and girl kissing and caressing. It was a night vigil. Parents should be careful that u tell them to go to church doesn't mean it's automatically HOLY.They need to be supervised.

  17. Religion in Nigeria is absolutely rubbish. Zealots who have no idea what true religion means. Wicked people who praise God with their mouths only while their hearts are far from him. People who maltreat those they perceive bigger than them children, house maids, conductors, drivers, gardeners, poor, widows, orphans etc.have no place in heaven.

    God has forsaken Nigeria and Nigerians


    1. Who ever u are, may God have mercy on u and ur unbridled tongue. If God has fosaken Nigeria, think l be alive 2 type dis ur tongue so u dnt speak condemnation upon urself

    2. @ anonymous Tola...were you there wen God made the decision about forgetting Nigeria and Nigerians...tht is an idiotic statement from a nobody. The writer made a valid point which I am sure will be addressed. If you dont have any tangible thing to write about...pls shut up and dont waste the space.

    3. Tola u must be sniffing salt or somn

  18. i agree if they cant go under the supervision of there parents they shld stay at home, and again we all know 80 percent of this kids in camp are just playing and sleeping in camps

  19. I totally agree with the writer, I mean, these kids are being transported in a very gruesome and dangerous manner! For crying out loud, dey av Sunday Schools, Parents, and all of that stuff to help dem grow in d way of The Lord, not by carrying dem discomfortingly(lol) to events and programs like such... Let's nt even add to d fact that these kinds go to such places and end up sleeping under d cold and exposed to mosquitoes and all dt and d parents, dey wud nt even enjoy d program as dey wud b up and down attending to the needs of thses kids... I totally agree with this RCCG member jaray!!!

  20. WHat do we think? If it was a mans sexy body, you will be telling us how you feel and now on a child issue bordered along religion - you are asking us "what do you think". I am disappointed in you,this is something you should voice your opinion seek for this to reach the leadership and probably policy makers- This is how to use your followership for change. You don't have a voice and you don't stand for anything except things that don't matter. Oprah always stands for something- Let us know what your voice will be for! This is wrong on all levels-

    1. If u like let my comment not be visble after approval. Nonsense. Learn to voice ur opinion. Meka look for this comment, u hear,waa gba!

  21. Like seriously, it doesnt make any sense bringing the children to any form of gathering that require the packing of cloths and other essentials bcos yu will end no gaining nothing bcos of distractions frm ur children.... I hope they take the necessery advice and stop the act...

  22. Its not wrong 4 children to attend church camps..April 4th program was 4 children in d RCCG camp guess dt ws y a bus ws with children only though it ws wrong 4 dem 2 av left d doors opend..There is no way a chaperone wodnt av been inside d bus with dem mind u d complainer only saw dem from behind..

  23. The writer is right! Linda don't ask me why

  24. Nothing even concern the children all they knw be say make the motor dey move abeg.....

  25. I am against it !!!!


  26. it not wrong.when i was like 8 to 10 i attend alot it fun..buh it depend on d ministry providing good transportation.cause dis pics u post linda na child abuse oo no be camp

  27. Then They Should Sit Up Das All.

  28. Yesterday's congress was meant for children only.God help Us

  29. The facts brought out by the person are very reasonable but church camps are not generally like that so .I wld say occurences lyk dt shld b checked.

  30. U dnt expect d church parish to do evry tin 4 d local churches na.If d local church dnt av prominent members whr do u expect dem to get money 4 d coaster bus u want dem to use?


  32. No, I don't agree! Even if they are with their parents, only God watches over us.

  33. My dear noting is wrong if a child less dan 16yrs goes 4 camp programes.its nutureing in d wel help dem to learn hw to be concious of tins dt involves God.

  34. Well....It's not wrong for parents to allow their children to attend camp services if and only if their well being is well monitored.. We can't use one mistake to judge all other once. Hence, we will be committing a FALLACY OF HASTY GENERALIZATION. If that particular RCCG doesn't cater for the safety of their children going to camp doesn't imply that this is being done ELSE where or other Churches. I think this issue is a RELATIVE one and should be solved relatively. I don't agree totally with this PIECE of WRITING and writer you are a lil bit PESSIMISTIC on this.

  35. I think the writer has done well by this post. In my church am sure they look at me like what is she feeling like. Actually am concerned about my child's safety so she sits with me in adult church I don't care what you say. This is bad, in an open booth? No now, mbanu.
    Mrs A

  36. Wat she said mks sense + dey always announce missing children or sm1 is lookin 4 one child or d oda in camp,If children r cmin 4 such programs dey shld b properly taken care ofm

  37. This is so wrong! May God help us...

  38. Errr the means of transportation has nothing to do with camp itself. Some children go there with range Rovers as well. So you can talk about how they're transported there but not about being there. The choice laid solely with the people that took them there. Thank me later

  39. Going for camping is anoda good way of training d children to be concious of evangelism.It makes dem to be aware dt as dey grow dey need to travel far outside their region to share d gospel

  40. Safety of young people or children is imperative regardless. Would it be okay if they were being transported to school in that manner? The issue here is safaguarding and has nothing to do with RCCG Camp.

  41. She is not a member of RCCG, If she is she'd know that April camp is always dedicated to Children and those praying for fruit of the womb, she should have sent her complaints to RCCG HQ not Linda for what is obvious that she does not know anything about...

  42. Nobody should tell me redeemed is rich and jets. The only people that should complain are those that donated for this journey and care about kids. The country is poor and the parents of those kids are most likely in that category and don't care about their welfare to afford proper transport.The money u expect to give them good buses will come from someone. Did u donate? Nigeria is lawless on issues like this that's why this can happen.

  43. I don't see any thing wrong wit children going to church camp provided a good transportation and accomodation are provided for them.

  44. Linda!! I don't feel anything is wrong for children to attend Camps. But what is wrong, according to what the writer pointed out is the poor safety measures of the vehicles conveying those children. Yesterday was, and every month of April is always the Special Holy Ghost Service for children. No wonder there was mass influx of children to the Redemption Camp. I feel proper safety measures shouldn't be jeopardised. The lives of children are very important.

  45. Pastor Adebayo wldnt turn anyone back. As long as it is putting money in his pocket.

  46. This christians with thier or die doctrins,which has no relevant on thier children out there.they are the same children dressing like devil himself.Linda if you like don't post my comment!

    1. And covering ur body go take u reach heaven abi onuafia,barawa,shege,wen u reach dats place e go do u like film trick say even Muhammad is nt recognised nonsense.

  47. People think through their nose in Nigeria.

  48. Hmmmmm.... We all hv our reason

  49. Linda to.start.with ite wrong to.stuck children in an open bus BUT it is not.wrong.for.children to go to the presence of God please we should all learn to do things the right.way RCCG had a special Holy Ghost.service.for.children last night.and it.happens only once.a.year the chuch did not instruct ground in a tank please.

  50. there is nothing wrong with taking ur children to the camp but if u have to do that there should be proper plans. Every parent should travel with their child in the same vehicle with them, that way u can monitor ur children. A lot of people don't have people at home that they can leave their kids with but pls let be cautious and know our roles as parents

  51. You do realise last night was the 'Children's anointing ' right? So why shouldn't they have gone when it wasn't for a bad reason? As far as I'm concerned, no child is too young to go to camp. The issue here is just security. And I choose to believe that's the duty of their parents or their parish when it comes to taking the children to camp.

  52. Very true....

  53. ibafo resident5 April 2014 at 14:53

    I think the whole camp idea is a complete waste of time. Those guys make life hell for us on their camp days, I spent over 2hrs from magboro to ibafo yesterday, a journey which normally takes about 5mins give or take.
    Redeem has camp on every first friday of the month while mfm has theirs on every first saturday. Coming home on every first friday is hell, going out on every first saturday is equally hell.

    1. Only in Nigeria will people be complaining about these for years and nothing has been done. How can you be making life unbearable for everyone in the name if religion, so unfair. Nigerians why do we forget so easily, nothing will be done until next camp day and people start to moan again. It's just too sad! The government can't even of jack about it!

  54. In every organization including the church, there are some set rules and standards. Everything in Nigeria lacks leadership. With This church in every corner, I'm sure the leaders can't even account for who is who in terms of their pastor. It's sad to see this picture but if I had a church as huge as this, I will care for my congregation. Everyone in this naija churches should be reach if the churches should spread their wealth. Sad thing is it's only goes to a few pockets just like every other organization in Nigeria from presidency to a common bank manager.

  55. I totally agree with him.. Christianity is highly over-rated in this country. There are church programmes that don't necessarily need kids. They are not that mature to even go camping

  56. Well, that's not enough reason to say they should not attend church camps. Its just a matter of putting safety first, esp where children are involved. I learnt yesterday was a special day for children to go receive blessings, hence the mammoth crowd n heavy traffic yest.

  57. Its so so wrong. I was meant to attend camps that i never learnt anything from. All i remember about the camps was "Extreme Discomfort".

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  58. I totally agree with u sir.I hav a 15 year old daughter and I hav never agreed to her going to camp meetings.Yes even night vigils.I trust my daughter bt I don't want to give chance for anything.Anyone she will go to, I must be there to supervise her.

  59. This children they go to camp once in year, 4 anointing service, am sure is poor arrangement,

  60. Supported! Quite reasonable to bring up such a matter. Campings are for adults. Peraventure children gets involved, it should be under adults supervision. Parents should stop being careless about their children.

  61. The observations regarding safety are credible. However, remember that this has nothing to do with going to a religious camp... It could be a school field trip, a holiday camp, a family trip, or whatever. The only point there is please ensure, whether children or adults, that safety is strongly considered when traveling. Particularly with children, ensure adult supervision, and car seats or seat belts are used where appropriate. And to the blogger, search deeper in your heart. You go to RCCg but may have some more deep seated issue or discontent with the church maybe?

  62. I am generally against children going to vigils be it camps or on a Friday night because they have no idea why they are there. But that opinion is seen as foolish and evil when discussed because parents feel the need to protect their children from unseen forces.

  63. The observations regarding safety are credible. However, remember that this has nothing to do with going to a religious camp... It could be a school field trip, a holiday camp, a family trip, or whatever. The only point there is please ensure, whether children or adults, that safety is strongly considered when traveling. Particularly with children, ensure adult supervision, and car seats or seat belts are used where appropriate. And to the blogger, search deeper in your heart. You go to RCCg but may have some more deep seated issue or discontent with the church maybe?

  64. linda,there is nothing wrong with it,i went throughout my teenage years,they learn alot,teach about sex,pregnancy,etc, am no longer in the country, i live in a country where the moral level is low,what i learnt is helping me today,let them pay the sacrifice now,it helps in the future

  65. There's nothing wrong with children attending the church camp. Its just a matter of poor organisation, that's all.

  66. Wat's dis camp thing all abt? Cnt dey pray in der church. I remember whn I was in d children department, my dear! I saw so many things there,boys 4rm other churches dating my girls 4rm other church,at night dey pretend 2 go and fetch water,and make luv der,na dem knw wetin dem dey go do der,bad youth.

  67. I have been a member of RCCG since 1990. That Camp is not the only place where God resides. He lives in our hearts so if it's not convenient to take you entire family to Cqmp, please don't. Wisdom is the principal thing.

  68. Very true talk. People tend to forget their common sense when it comes to church activities.

  69. NO it is not wrong for children to attend church camps. But however it is wrong for ANYBODY to be stuffed into a car under such conditions.

  70. I don't think anything joor.....nxt plzzzzzz

  71. I was at the camp last night and the service was wonderful. There is nothing wrong with kids going to Camp... You are never too young to know God or have an encounter with him. The problem with the bus issue lies within the people that organised it for the kids and they should be blamed for sure but that doesn't stop children from going to Camp. Maybe if you have put it in one of the suggestion boxes in camp it would have made more sense than coming on here wanting your own news to hit the blog.

  72. Its so so wrong linda pls post ma comment oo am tired of jst readin nd nt commentin

  73. agree with this poster. The way most Nigerians do things! They parked those children as if they were animals. I BLAME THE PARENTS.

  74. Ye Linda the person is on point. He's right

  75. Madam wt u shld say is dt there shld b better arrangements,fascility n supervision. Talking as some1 who attended many xtian camps wen young, it ws mighty helpful. Infact d first one i attended ws in pry 6 where we stayed 4 3days n i hd a feel of if i wantd to b a border or nt...
    If there r summer camps in schools 4rm 8yrs ,y nt in sunday school.dnt throw d baby with d wash water.
    Its partly s parents fault sef, wldnt u investigate/ observe measures pt in place 4 ur kid?

  76. The pictures are not clear thou, it wrong, I even always feel sorry for little children that come for all night even with dere parent supervision, it's well..for food recipe bbm channel C00219980

  77. It wrong Ƒσя children τ̅☺ attend church camp A̶̲̥̅♏ against it even M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ church the children want τ̅☺ go camp I I̶̲̥̅̊ℓℓ not allow them τ̅☺ go M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ spirit did not accpte that Ƒσя adult is gud Ƒσя them τ̅☺ go

  78. This is nigeria, people like religious activities. It may be difficult to stop it from going to camp but I suggest the pastor in charge °ƒ the parish should be inform °ƒ the condition and proper security and most importantly a guardian should be attach to them the next time the teens are traveling.

  79. I think he is right..

  80. Y can't they enter the same car with their parents?

  81. I think it's wrong for children to go to the camp. It's very stressful for adults as it is not to talk of children. We serve a God that is not deaf and merciful to his people but we need to apply wisdom in all we do

  82. I think it's wrong for children to go to the camp. It's very stressful for adults as it is not to talk of children. We serve a God that is not deaf and merciful to his people but we need to apply wisdom in all we do.

  83. se no commitment from pple ni bcos is redeem or is linda dt is fittering post.

  84. Stop using God's name. He wnt help in a situation you are supposed to use your head. Must everybody be in camp? Wots wrong with technology? Cant they stay in dia various churches en watch it live.

  85. True post oooo....................

  86. Children sitting in d open booth of a moving bus !!!!! This is totally inappropriate and the height of negligence.

  87. The writer is correct. This is crazzzzy!

  88. there is nothing wrong with childern going to the camp, afterall it was a special programme for children. Except the Lord watches over the city the watchmen are watching in vain. If the children start at the early age to know and fear God they would be blessed by the good Lord and would be great in life.
    Make no mistake, Jesus is the Lord; believe it or leave it but had i know comes at last.

  89. Ode ure RCCG member and u don't knw dis month friday holy ghost service was meant for blessing of children,jt children okk though wht happen was wrong bt d program was for children okk so stop judging what u don't knw

  90. There is nothing wrong with children going to camp,yesterdays programme was specially for children,the problem lies with those that organised the bus for the children,they didn't do the right thing.

  91. See mama pikin for engine..orisirisi.

  92. Ofcos is wrng wat re dey goin 2 do dere

  93. I think parents with under age kids should stay home more often and look after them. Church activities dat involves camping should be left 4 those who ave finished training theirs. Wat does it profit a man to live all his life in churches and loose his kids to outside influence. And pls leave these innocent children to ave enough sleep. U can always stay at home and pray. God will always hear u. My life is a living testimony.

  94. It is well in Jesus name! I remebered last year holy Ghost congress, wen I got to d camp, my sista inquirey dat I brought my 1st son, bt I told her I can only do dat if we had a car, I'll knw he'll be in d comfort, meanwhile I was heavily pregnant of my 2 kid (almost 9months due)! So my husby had to stay @ home wit my boy watching d prog on air, he put on d genreation till d prog ended! And wit our faith connected 2geda, dat which we ask God was given even beyond our expectation! So I'm nt in support of taking kids to camp in discomfort, infact wen I saw d pix dat had d kids sitting on a hot boot, I screamed! May God help us in dis country o! Amen! Linda, ave been observing u dis days o! U barely post my comments o! Hmmmm! I'll nt say anything o!

  95. It is well in Jesus name! I remebered last year holy Ghost congress, wen I got to d camp, my sista inquirey dat I brought my 1st son, bt I told her I can only do dat if we had a car, I'll knw he'll be in d comfort, meanwhile I was heavily pregnant of my 2 kid (almost 9months due)! So my husby had to stay @ home wit my boy watching d prog on air, he put on d genreation till d prog ended! And wit our faith connected 2geda, dat which we ask God was given even beyond our expectation! So I'm nt in support of taking kids to camp in discomfort, infact wen I saw d pix dat had d kids sitting on a hot boot, I screamed! May God help us in dis country o! Amen! Linda, ave been observing u dis days o! U barely post my comments o! Hmmmm! I'll nt say anything o!

  96. no its not ....they just need strict supervision and God's protection

  97. no its not ....they just need strict supervision and God's protection

  98. Dats dangerous where are dere parents ahhh (dats d height)

  99. well, rightly said but there should be other solutions

  100. Very valid point I must say.

  101. I think the pastor if the parish should be suspended and the officer who arranged the transportation to the camp sacked immediately.
    Pastor Adeboye has to see this

  102. Its very risky travell with children to camp in a public transport,but this month is for our children that was why u saw a lot of them.may God bless them all.Bless.

  103. I agree.. you see most of them are even there to get away from their parents for a while. u see them sleeping or snugging each other.

  104. ive always been saying dis thing..i just even told adeola elegbede about children are not going for any camp ish. never!!! until they are 18..half of the children dont know what dey r der for, dey just go coz dey wer forced to..and dey dint even learn anytin coz dey r not mature enough to do so.

  105. I agree completely. Except on special programme where the G.O request they come for prayer and in that case children should go in the company of their parents. Kids just make noise and cause distractions for parents and adult in camp. They neither pray or worship. Don't even know what to pray about since they have all their needs meet by their parents.

  106. He is right. Children have absolutely no business there...

  107. Keep them home with other family members. It is way past their bedtime and they don't even know what is going on. Too much for kids but child rights no dey naija.

  108. This is rubish kai, how on earth can a mother allow his or her child be packed like this. Baba Adebuye must not see this o. Kilo sonu ti won n wa kakiri. This is FOOLISHNESS

  109. This is rubish kai, how on earth can a mother allow his or her child be packed like this. Baba Adeboye must not see this o. Kilo sonu ti won n wa kakiri. This is FOOLISHNESS

  110. The title is quite misleading, he is not saying it is wrong for children to attend the camp he is just saying it is wrong for them to attend in such terrible conditions

  111. Dat was a special service particularly for the kids and its jos once a year, d parents of dose kids were careless and shd b held responsible

  112. Is a lie jare. There's no correlation between going to church camp and road safety. If u are against goinf to church camp then u should be against children going on vacation or excursion. You pple are just fast to criticise anything Church.

  113. It is sad that in the quest for religion people actually loss their souls. This just show case the sad fact that children living in poor and deprived neighbourhoods are the first casualties of low mentality . For some of these people children have no immediate economic value and therefore they are the first casualties of ignorance. How I wish that people could have a quest for education that mirrors their quest for religion. At the end of the day one needs education to fully understand and utilise the great knowledge in the bible. I wonder if those people transporting those kids like cattle, fully understand the implication of their choices and how it perpetuates the vicious cycle of ignorance and poverty. People point the finger at Satan for all their wrong choices . I totally agree with this writer

    1. Onome I love ur comment.Infact I am tired of this holy holy mentality of nigerians.when these children ask for money for books in school,some get the beating of their lives.but let one GO ask for money for camp and all what not,you see money coming out from a hole they dug.
      Smh for some people.

  114. My dear, I have a friend whose younger bro (when they were younger) became homosexual in camp.
    I'm not very conversant with the story- wether he was before he got there and experimented with some other boys (who, of course, will never be the same again) or wether he got there and was influenced.
    Whichever way, camps, all boys boarding schools- NEVER!

  115. So, what's your point? Going to Church camp is bad or the mode of transportation? Your attack should be on the handling of the kids and not going for church camps. People should learn to put their words right. You are RCCG member by attendance that I don't even know if you are born again. If you don't have anything to say, just shot up and don't discourage kids going for church camp.

  116. Yestaday's camp was a special programme n was particularly 4 d children,it holds jos once a year, so y won't children attend,

  117. its not wrong for children to go to camp. what is wrong is their going there unsupervised. children under the age of 15yrs should only go to camp like the rccg holy ghost camp with their parents and not sent by some church parish. even with their parents, they should be watched at all times and not allowed to wander alone

  118. Yep there is notting wrong in bringing your kids to Christ. There is something cruel and depraved in the way Nigerians DRAG their children to church. What sort of self esteem values are you installing in these kids packing them like slaves in a ship. Those children will grow up associating the church with low self esteem. Stupid parents. Bring your children tenderly and lovingly into the presence of Christ. Such is his love for them. Children are a blessing. In a civilised world the driver of that death trap and who ever organised this transportation would both serve time in church to help them reflect on their stupid, dangerous actions.

  119. Taking ur kids to church camp is a personal decision. The Bible says;train up a child in d way he shd go n wen he grows he will nt depart frm it. So,its nt under conportion dt u take ur kids for prayer. The option is left for u. However,why will someone leave his/her responsibilities for another person? Can't u take ur kids to d camp n safe guide dem urself? Is dt d fault of d person who called for prayers dt some kids r nt properly taken care of? U need to tink well b4 u make some comments or suggestion a time. It is well

  120. God will not come down be ur brother's keeper and everything will be fine all this pastor are not tell us the way to go, all becos dey want to collect our small small money

  121. Leave ur child at home n nt protect frm d witchy witchy of d world u hear. What if the write is a witch that has not been able to have powers over kids because they go to RCCG? Because I do not understand how the means of transport affect the children being in camp. Its understandable this is risky but what does it have to do with children going to seek God is it club they should go? We forget early teaching of children about God minimises waywardness and protection from the evil of the world

    1. I am sorry but ur comment reeks of ignorance.when u finally have ur children,put them for back of danfo with the boot open u hear?pack them like sandine!seriously??!so because u are scared of witches in d comfort of ur own home you are ready to put ur kids in this situation all in the name of annointing service?
      I can't allow my child to ride her bike without her helmet on her first.Please change that your mentality of witches.cos in this instance na u dey winchy urself biko.

      Mrs E

    2. Madam E , reread my comment ! I already said this means is risky but it does not automatically rule out children not attending the camp. Even if they were not attending camp should kids be put in the boot? Please next time read between the lines before replying people because in the end we are all using our motheŕs instinct to protect the children. Cos all i have said in my epistle is children shouldnt be stop from going to the house of God because of this instead a better means of transport advised

  122. It is so sad, what christianity turned in Nigeria. do you know that a child got lost at the RCCg Camp and Adeboye didnot want that it comes to the public, so what is when the next child got lost there, will Adeboye still want to put silence on this, all Adeboye want is to be is, the Person with the biggest church in the wold, his hart is from a stone because the parents who lose their child in the RCCG camp didnot get one word from him, he didnot tell them he will pray that this Child come back to his parents all he want is money money money in the name of God, he love his empire more than his folloers and he has lost the feeling what it means to be a real christin, he is only a business man and no so called great Man of God, he is a thief, but I know the time will come when the followers will see this and read their bible and see what this so called new churches make with nigeria.
    Adeboye is also a big problem for nigeria to get better.

  123. @onome thank you for your comment. I feel exactly the same. If you are Born Again as most claim and sooooo few are then your born again mind will tell you that children are a gift from God and All efforts should be made to Protect them. Am very sure u would not leave a bag of money on the road becos you have prayed over it. Your common sense would tell you to take the money to a safe place. It is unchristian to neglect the well being of your children packing them off to church to hear the word is no guarantee of protection. You have to be proactive. In fact if you guide your children the way most of you hypocrites guide your money, they will turn out better than most of you have. You can hide behind the bible all you like but the stench of a devil exposes it.

  124. You are a big fool. Seems most of you just loose your senses when it involves church. So parents can't stand in gap for their children again? Can't they watch it live from home? Except with all una church you don't have faith! God's hand isn't short he can meet you anywhere! Let's call a spade, a spade. Am sure your folks forced you to go to church and you aren't better than those whose parent didn't. Witchy witchy ko, wizard wizard nii. Oponu

    1. It is amazing how people cannot drive in their points without insulting other people. Oga o

  125. Nigerians and their holy holy.I read some comments about kids annointing service.So its only camp that they get annointed abi?e good for una o!some weeks ago,all the kids in my church were invited by the arch bishop for a party at the cathedral.we were given indemnity forms to sign if we were going to allow our kids or not.and on top of that,their sunday sch teachers were to accompany them.when I went to drop my daughter,I found the teachers already there.other parishes had their kids and sunday sch teachers there also.
    Abeg make una nr dey use children make money is it for free?didn't the parents pay for this to happen?yet no adequate developed countries,children come first but in naija,they are at the bottom of the ladder.too bad!

  126. I think if its a close distance and one can manage going with the kids to camp...fine. But if its far n one doesn't not av the means to manage the kids,either if it is conveying them down to the camp or having to keep an a eye on them in the camp there,pls I think it is wise to leave the kids at home. God answers prayers no matter where you are.

  127. I think if its a close distance and one can manage going with the kids to camp...fine. But if its far n one doesn't not av the means to manage the kids,either if it is conveying them down to the camp or having to keep an a eye on them in the camp there,pls I think it is wise to leave the kids at home. God answers prayers no matter where you are.

  128. Linda stop asking what people think and speak your mind.This is child abuse biko.Use this medium to make your voice heard.A child got lost in this so called camp.that is not news worthy abi?Nigerians and their quest for religion.

  129. I agree I mean the children can do sunday school and plenty other church involved activitis but depriving under 16's of sleep and proper accomodation is bad they dont even understand what they are doing there. Please leave them at home to sleep with a nanny or someone

  130. This last Rccg service was meant for children. The bible encourages us to teach children in d way of d Lord bt we should Take care of our children regardless of other responsibilities. I feel bad When I see d way adult treat children. Pray that God Will help all parents to train their children alright.

  131. i believe that chaperone should be placed along with the kids in their journey even in the

  132. All kids need is to feel loved and wanted and secure. That's all. What will be beneficial would be parenting classes for people to understand how to bring up their children. No child is born bad, a child is a reflection of its up bringing. I do not believe in unsupervised camps, or boarding schools, ran by questionable individuals. I have heard about nannies that abuse children. Why would you take something so precious and devalue it. It is the parents of these poor children that need an intervention. As for the comment on witch craft. If your child is a witchy witchy it's becos they have learnt how to be one from Their parents. Witch don't fly in the night anymore o! They put children's life at risk by packing them into the booth of dangerous cars. Imagin the carbon monoxide poisoning .

  133. Hmmmm...i think children should still have time to camp...cos if their school organizes a camp, they will still attend.

    the people that packed up those children that way should be reprimanded...thats wickedness..that is what should be watched...not camp, and not church...

    @the people talking about preganancy in church....pipo get pregnant everywhere, besides, its ur choice to have sex or not(even after u have heard that its a sin, or ur parents have sex-educated u).

  134. Amanda Austins7 April 2014 at 09:12

    I have always championed the opinion that children have no business in night-vigil , tarry night or camp prayer sessions.

    Some parents whisk these young ones away to such all-night events even when they have to be in school the next day.

    Tell me how such a pupil will cope in class.

  135. Kids should attend church camps; otherwise when they become adults they cannot do what they re not used to doing. however adequate logistics should be put in place to ensure their safety to & while at camps else the objective of going will be defected

  136. In Nigeria we like crowds and they still remain crowds of ignoramus. proper supervision should be given if you want to organise such programmmes for children and then limit to children only not the regular show and children added to it. Security at the these times should not taken for granted.

  137. this writer is stupid and obviously not a member of redeem.....if its an annointing programme for children you want the kids to stay at home? kids must be present in the house of God to hear the word...the issue is not them coming the issue is how u handle them.....this picture is obviously of people who have no sense of responsibility to their kids if not they will know this is dangerous......children are not too young to go to camp but they must be properly monitored, if u cannot guarantee that then keep them at home....

  138. Anoint ur children with education. So that they can teach you to read and understand the bible FREE of charge. Stop anointing your generation with poverty, superstitious nonsense and ignorance. The anointing we all naturally have is common sense but I can see people trading that in for stupidity. Yes place your hands on your children and bless them stop cursing them with stupidity. Stupid heathens !!!


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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