"When I Die" By Charly Boy | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 30 March 2014

"When I Die" By Charly Boy

Article written by Charles Oputa. Enjoy
I was born in 1950’s.
Before I was born, the universe came into existence with a big bang about some 4.6 billion years ago, our solar system formed. Life arose and lots of animals evolved. Somewhere on the continent of Africa, modern man arose, and spread across the other continents. Civilization blossomed, along with the domestication of animals, tools, technology, and information; I was oblivious to all of these events.
I didn’t exist yet, but everything that ever happened in the universe, happened – and it went by in an instant.  That “instant” spanned about 13 billion years.  It could have been even longer, it doesn’t matter, because to you and I, it was still an instant.  We have the luxury of science and history to tell us of our universal past, but without that, the only recollection we could possibly have of anything is what we actually lived through.

What’s the point?
The point is that when you die, it’s likely the same thing. The only difference is that there is no “instant” at the other end for you to suddenly become conscious, like birth.  Instead, time and events like the ones listed above will happen on their own, without you, just like they did before you were born.   Time will go on until the end of the Universe, if there is, but you won’t be able to know it
Should we be afraid of death?
I will freely admit that death itself does not scare me.  The physical act of dying terrifies me.  I don’t want it to be painful, and I don’t want it to be drawn out.  I want peace and tranquility, like any other normal person would want. Though I am not afraid of death, the thought of it saddens me.  I love life so much that it crushes me to think that I wouldn’t be able to spend time with family and friends.  Of course, losing a loved one is equally painful for the same reasons. It also saddens me that I wouldn’t witness the next great advances in technology.  Imagine the people of the 1800’s; they could never have imagined BlackBerry, IPad, Facebook, Skype, Email etc. I’m in my 60's now; can you imagine what kind of technology the human race will discover in the next century?

Now to the Koko of this matter, this is not to rattle your belief in Heaven or Hell and life after death, but just to make you think. After all what do I know, even as I write this I maybe so high, but it is my opinion and not yours.

It would be reassuring to know that there was some sort of life after death, but simply put, there is no real evidence for this, no matter which religion is scrutinized.  In fact, it seems that people’s life after death experience is biological in nature.  After all, they can be simulated with drugs and put in a lab.  It also seems very anthropocentric to believe that we are so special that we deserve an afterlife.  There are all sorts of problems with life after death – based on religious views and different versions of “heaven” and “hell”;  the concept of the soul; the age of the person (for example: do one day old infants get life after death?); animals (do they get to experience it too?)

Some people would be asking by now, which one be all this grammar sef?
We have got one life to live on this planet, just one.  You should do everything in your power to enjoy it to the fullest, no slacking my guy and to make sure that everyone and everything around you has the same opportunity. So, what happens when you die? - I think the answer is mundane and simple, Nothing!


  1. Replies
    1. Wow eny one need my nude pix hit my name

    2. Keep taking shots inside a coffin Mr. Charly

  2. I good question i cnt even answer...where will go sef...am i going to heaven or hell...i think all i need do is to enjoy ma life and pray to God that is keeping me alive..after death nothing else again than to wait for the judgement day....i pray me and ma family enter paradise sha

    OMG see what these uniben female students are doing in their hostel, shaking their bakassi

    Woman beat friend for sleeping with her boyfriend

    See How this Ashawo embarrassed her customer after he refuse to pay

    See what this oyinbo man is doing to a naija girl

  3. I saw my dads ded body nd i cudnt breath,i was sooo shocked, d same man i lived wit for over 15yrs,e ENJOYED life to d fullest, he had everything e wanted but e still ended up in death... Nothing dey dis life,all d money, fame,party, drinks,sex,fights etc aint worth it...

    1. Sorry for your loss n tnks for your age declaration'15' now I see why you act Τ̲̅ђe way you do kid..

    2. One of the few times you really make sense! Stick to this and speak/live right. Much love...

    3. Where have u been?

    4. I was in delta 4 my pops burial.. No network dere(airtel) and how many times do i av to tell y'all am 18?August 12,1995,do d maths....

    5. Ok, wev heard u onyx. Its cool

    6. Onyx u are a leo...hi5. I am a leo too but i am 5 years ur senior.

    7. Nice piece of work Mr. Charly, u remind me of Isaac Newton's saying "...he who does not ask where he came from, why he is here and where he is going is not merely unhappy but hardly fits for living" those words of urs r thought-procoking, but u need to do more research and I wish we could meet to reason together. There r many evidences that proves that life was not evolved and that there is life after death.

    8. emmmm, u are 18,shouldnt u be reading ur books or something??

  4. Beautifully n truthfully said but there's still more to life at the beyond. SWEET ANONYMOUS.

    1. Yea yea, Boring article. We shld all b ready to die at anytime wen called by God buh not untimely. Posing inside a coffin has spiritual implications, am sure no 1 told him dis. Continue ooh, we re watching..

  5. Philosophical piece........When i die will i meet the Mesiah or will I end up going down in the fire? Hell lord! The devil is a liar. No one is ever afraid of death we all hate injuries. Some will pray they never wanna die in their sleep. I ask which other way is the best way to die rather than die in your sleep with no injury. Good artice mr charly. Its obvios you are an idealist.

    1. He's an Atheist, its just an Atheist that'd believe in the Big Bang theory, personally i'm Agnostic, so i share most part of his philosophical belief.... Thers no such thg thing as hell, heaven, devil, angels, souls, the God the bible made us believe......etc

    2. Agnostic are the most confused people alive, it's even better 2 be an Atheist, as an Agnostic, u re neither here no there, u re neither hot nor cold. That's are very funny n an unreasonable way to exist, I hate such theory.

  6. Am speechless cuz, I was once in coma for 5minutes but couldn't know where I was till I start breathing again
    I ask people around me, what happen?

    Without God Life is meaningless
    Live to Love and praise him
    In death there is no praise ~onahboy

  7. Una sure say em time neva reach! Unto triangle tins na. Am nt surprised thou, they all knw their time.

  8. I don't really like you because I have an unapologetic homophobic attitude towards people of your kind but what you just typed made sense. Grandpa Oputa, nice article, sir. I, particularly 'feel' this statement "After all what do I
    know, even as I write this I maybe so high" Lol. Bless!

  9. Hmm good for him as for me i dont even want to think of death. nor think of it happening to a love coz only d thought of it will get me crying.

    Wild Entertainment blog

  10. Any living being shld always think of death. what will happen when u finally lv ds world. God help me to lv a life dat will bring glory to u at d end. Amen

  11. Pure vanity I swear,live right to make heaven!period!

  12. There is Life after death, and there is a God who created the heavens and the earth and all that we see. The imperfections we see in this world are as a result of the fall of man and the consequences of that fall. God created a perfect world and is will is to have a perfect world.... This will happen when the king of kings come to judge the world, on that day the dead shall rise again. This is the life after death and to live eternally in paradise, the new world, we need to believe in the Son of God and the grace that he's given, this is faith and also to do that which he commanded us to do, which is to love. May God help us to see, to understand and to believe, amen!!!

  13. I saw ma mum in d coffin n I wondered wat dis world is al abt,d dedicated long suffering woman I used to know,never had tym 4 d gud tinz of life,yet she ended up in d coffin,buried deep down,6ft.wat is dis world all abt,rest in peace mum,luv u till I die

  14. All the same,the bible tells us to enjoy life to the fullest,to some life's not worth living,to some life so precious,i will just life my life the way i think i shud till the very end.

  15. When someone write articles like this then prob they see their time coming

  16. Charly Boy, it's obvious you're not a Christian. You believe in the Theory of Evolution, you are entitled to your beliefs.

    We Christians are not product of Evolution as postulated by Charles Darwin.

    God Almighty, created the Universe, and He created man.
    Genesis 2:7-The LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils, the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

    And when we die, SOMETHING happens.
    Ecclesiastes 12:7. From then the dust will return to the earth, and the Spirit will return to God who gave it'.

    1. What you believe (for which there's not evidence whatsoever) does not change or dent the facts out there what we now know about how man came about. Watch the Cosmos series showing on DSTV ch 181 on Sundays 181...you may learn a thing or two

  17. "I am not afraid of death but d physical act of dying terrifies me".d fact dt I won't see my luved ones is scary nd painful.

  18. Exactly! SOMETHING happens. Luke 16:19-31 - the parable of the rich man and Lazarus ...'The time came when the beggar died and the ANGELS carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried. In HADES, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side'...
    Read Revelation 20:11-13...'Then I saw a great white throne and HIM who was seated on it. the earth and heavens fled from his presence and there was no place for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened...'

  19. Linda y bring this man's stupid opinion 2ur blog I thought he claimed he was a staunch catholic ad 2 my best of knowledge d catholic church preaches life after death so y is he contradicting himself with scientific theories like big bang theory and nothing hapens after death? Confused being

  20. Just live your life in a way that would please God while you are enjoying it....What would it profit a man when he enjoys the world and looses his soul..Not matter how long you live on earth,you will be dead longer

  21. Mr Charlly you won die now?

  22. It stands to reason.biko how many pple wan enter this heaven?what of still births and doz babies flushed out for abortion sake? Them get life after death.wat of my ancestors...when u did u die period. «. Kekvin childs..

  23. Wow, i had no idea he was an Atheist, well, i'm an Agnostic, so i get his point so well, life after death is just an assuring feeling to actually living, the raw truth is, ones ure dead you'd have absolutely memory of life, just as u didn't knw shit bout life b4 u were born, religion will only convince u otherwise.

  24. Agadi ekwen ka! Papa uwa,

  25. For those always saying End Time, End Time... Una no feel say the End time don come pass, God don take the righteous ppl go heaven, leave us here... Think am o.

  26. Talk talk.

  27. Hmmmmmm.It was OBJ that authored the book tittled......."This animal called Man"though am yet to read d book and now this one by u Son of Oputa.Seriously u got me thinking..........after all these hates,laws,wealth,fame,drugs,sex,wisdom etc,we are faced with much bigger picture that we absolutely have knowledge of.All of those degrees,vision and experience becomes useless.........friends gone,those we share same ideology,school of thought all disappears leaving us alone in a total strange world.Why d chaos,d hate,d rancour?Infact,I choose today to love everyone irrespective of Race,tribe,ethnicity,Orientation,class,religion and political affiliation for after my concious world here on earth,what remains is just my carcass and I want whomever that sees it to say .............here is d remains of a Man that Loved equally.

  28. Yea yea, ur article got me thinking, what more can I say. Its really a mysterious world

  29. Onyx, u've just won urself a friend/birthday mate. I was born on Aug 12th as well. Sorry for ur loss.

  30. the Bible is complete...it had already been written 'the fool shall in his own heart that there is no God'

    just ask yourself the question:
    so, what if the there is God?
    cos really, isnt it better to live aright than to be evil and then find out that something happens AFTER you pass?

    May the Spirit speak into your heart...

  31. the theory by Charles Darwin is so ridiculous that it's actually quite unreal to see that people really believe it....

    but then again, people believe all sorts in this world...just so that they dont have to believe God's word

  32. The problem with such people as Chaely Boy and his ilk is that at some point they begin to believe their own hype.
    I have followed his public persona for at least two decades and I must say this is one of the most unfortunate things he has written.
    When you die you go to ome of two places. That he thinks we will just disappear into thin air after all the experiences, good and bad, we've had is utter crap. everything we know tells us about cause and effect. If Charly Boy with all his intellect and erudition can't figure this out, its just a pity.
    and this is symptomatic of the Nigerian condition. They swallow every garbage thrown at us by the west with no thought for their own God-given ideas. A real pity.

  33. Elin, dey are talking about hell here bt u are buzy talking about nude pic! Where wil u end ur journey if u die 2day? Daz a gud question! I only pray dat God wil grant me d opportunity to be at his right side wen i die amen. Lolo1

  34. Lets pray for this man please this one has past be careful. Mummy Ada

  35. I av neva comentd here b4, buh I find it necesry 2 do so now!! It it's obvious dat chrls is an atheist, now ordinarily it's abnormal for d living 2 delbratly lie in a coffin, unless d spirit of death is around such a person, cos as a man thinketh in his heart so he is, probably he has been thinking death n get ready weda peaceful or brutal death u wld get it, cos if u take a tin 2 ur heart get read 2 take dem 2 ur hands. Now concerng "LIFE n MAN" Life is a journey for humans, dia laid down commandment n rules 2 live n rewards for those who live rightly n made an impact. Humanbeing is made up of Spirit soul n body, God d supernatural man is responsible for dis creation n nobody else, col 1:16 say u wia created by God n God alone: until u knw dis Life wld make no sense 2 u. Charles talk dis way bcos u av no rest of mind no peace of mind despite ur wealth, dat's y it bothers u dat u wld die someday. A. True Christian who knws his creator, who has made Christ d Lord of his Life doesn't bother abt death or fear a death scene bcos @ d end he or she is going 2 be rewarded for his kindness, Now on earth nothing goes for noting, evrytin u do here has a reward n punishment for it, so it it's in d Kingdom of God, d saint will be rewarded n d wiked ones wld b e condemnd 2 death, d 2ruth is Heaven n hell is real, d life style u leave wld be used against u or wld stand for u wen u die, God is real, God exist, he made man in his image, 2 dorminate dis world, buh d devil is not happy with dat bcosman's authority was bigger dan d one for d angels, d devil used deception 2 decve man, n dat's hw man lost dia glory, n now d devil bcome d god of dis world, am not supprise @ chrls write up, d devil is still working up and down, looking for more followers, evryplan God av for us are good n d best for us, God has d right 2 wipe away d earth n start all over again buh he honours his word more dan himself, he has alrdy given Adam d power n Autority 2 rule he wld not colect it bak frm dem, buh d devil did by ddecvn dem, n now Our Father send Christ 2 redeem us frm d bonds of d devil n also dat we may av Life in abundant , n dat we wld knw d truth n d truth wld make us free, charles has lost it, d word of God is truth n life buh d tradditions of man n ur believe has made d word of no effect I dia life, look @ d prophecies given abt Nation rising against Nation, pple killing demslve dat jesus talks abt, he said wen u begin 2 see all dis no dat d time of my secong coming is near, look @ gay marriagen leisbeans evrywherer, pple posting nudes, sudden bokoharamsMay God av mercy on us, u can't find peace on earth buh in Christ only d mediator between God n man. Be wise evrybody, let d word of God be ur standard, be careful of d frnds u chose d lifestyle u're living. U dnt av all d time on earth, If u die 2mrw do u av d Boldness 2 stand d judgment n wrath of God, Run 2 Christ now cos only him can save, Tnx 2 all.

  36. I av neva comentd here b4, buh I find it necesry 2 do so now!! It it's obvious dat chrls is an atheist, now ordinarily it's abnormal for d living 2 delbratly lie in a coffin, unless d spirit of death is around such a person, cos as a man thinketh in his heart so he is, probably he has been thinking death n get ready weda peaceful or brutal death u wld get it, cos if u take a tin 2 ur heart get read 2 take dem 2 ur hands. Now concerng "LIFE n MAN" Life is a journey for humans, dia laid down commandment n rules 2 live n rewards for those who live rightly n made an impact. Humanbeing is made up of Spirit soul n body, God d supernatural man is responsible for dis creation n nobody else, col 1:16 say u wia created by God n God alone: until u knw dis Life wld make no sense 2 u. Charles talk dis way bcos u av no rest of mind no peace of mind despite ur wealth, dat's y it bothers u dat u wld die someday. A. True Christian who knws his creator, who has made Christ d Lord of his Life doesn't bother abt death or fear a death scene bcos @ d end he or she is going 2 be rewarded for his kindness, Now on earth nothing goes for noting, evrytin u do here has a reward n punishment for it, so it it's in d Kingdom of God, d saint will be rewarded n d wiked ones wld b e condemnd 2 death, d 2ruth is Heaven n hell is real, d life style u leave wld be used against u or wld stand for u wen u die, God is real, God exist, he made man in his image, 2 dorminate dis world, buh d devil is not happy with dat bcosman's authority was bigger dan d one for d angels, d devil used deception 2 decve man, n dat's hw man lost dia glory, n now d devil bcome d god of dis world, am not supprise @ chrls write up, d devil is still working up and down, looking for more followers, evryplan God av for us are good n d best for us, God has d right 2 wipe away d earth n start all over again buh he honours his word more dan himself, he has alrdy given Adam d power n Autority 2 rule he wld not colect it bak frm dem, buh d devil did by ddecvn dem, n now Our Father send Christ 2 redeem us frm d bonds of d devil n also dat we may av Life in abundant , n dat we wld knw d truth n d truth wld make us free, charles has lost it, d word of God is truth n life buh d tradditions of man n ur believe has made d word of no effect I dia life, look @ d prophecies given abt Nation rising against Nation, pple killing demslve dat jesus talks abt, he said wen u begin 2 see all dis no dat d time of my secong coming is near, look @ gay marriagen leisbeans evrywherer, pple posting nudes, sudden bokoharamsMay God av mercy on us, u can't find peace on earth buh in Christ only d mediator between God n man. Be wise evrybody, let d word of God be ur standard, be careful of d frnds u chose d lifestyle u're living. U dnt av all d time on earth, If u die 2mrw do u av d Boldness 2 stand d judgment n wrath of God, Run 2 Christ now cos only him can save, Tnx 2 all.

  37. Its ok to believe in what you want but imagine how sad and angry you will be to die and discover that heaven and earth do exist.Imagine the regret and disbelief and had I known!
    Imagine the millions of philosophers, atheists and jehovah witnesses who died and discovered that they didn't know what they thought they knew!
    Imagine That moment!
    By the grace of God,that will not by portion or any of my loved ones!

  38. Where is my comment Linda,seems I will stop reading ur articles,u never publish our comments only same people every day,making ur blog boring.

  39. Nice write up,I don't see anything wrong with this write up,we re just scared of been reminded of death,that's why you see people committing all manner of atrocities thinking this world is a permanent home, death is real weda u believe in life after death or not,and wen we put it at d back of our mind that it can happen anyday anywhere anytime den I tell u,this world will be a better place. In conclusion I personally believe in life after death,when Christ shall appear I will also appear with hin in HIs glory cos my life is hidden in Him.

  40. We shud spare limited time in thinking about death and focus on our most important time of existence being now..Charlyboy is a gud example of living life to d fullest.

  41. I don't fink this Bro is ☺KƔ OOº°˚˚o

  42. Mad man limited! Ooo..we done hear


  44. what happens when you die?

    HELL or HEAVEN (a compulsory final Bus-Stop) so choose one Charly Boy and stop being an Anti-Christ...

  45. Charlie Boy NOTHING is a wrong answer.

    The correct answer of what happens is HEAVEN or HELL (d final itinery,train or bus stop for every being).

    You must go to one whether u like it or not. Even the West who dont believe in God after confirming his existnce will surely go to one.

    Please kindly stop being an Anti-Christ BUT rather re-examine ur life. The truth is, U kan still enjoy ur life in Christ. Anything outside that is straight to HELL FIRE!!!
    I pray it will not be late for any of us including u Charlie Boy...

    Make hay while the sun shines.

  46. How come nobody is bothered about the pic on this write up...can't u guys see he's is lying in a casket? hehehe ohw! i forgot, the topic is too scary nobody noticed he's relaxing in casket...SMH, if this pic dint come with this reality check of a write up...i'm very certain u guys would have being raining heavy curses on this brave soul...the truth is a lot of us have some silent aspect of our existence we would so love to share with the society...but way too scared disclose it. if everybody is allowed to live to their through purpose of existence...a lot of us would have being happier. i envy this happy man...he is constantly in harmony with his true purpose of existence.


  48. As usual, many people have not mastered the art of making out points from an article. Charley's last statement about NOTHING happening after death doesnt mean that what he believes. If is only a closing to his opening notion where he insinuated that just like how life went on before we were born, so will life go on after we die. And Iit will all be an instant and history for those that will come after us.

    Charles Arinze, I love the line you are thinking in. Life would be better if we al thought that way.

    Always ponder about death perhaps, we might change our evil ways cos there shall be no second chances after bdeath


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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