Woman whose children died in Iyabo Obasanjo's car writes her an open letter | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 12 February 2014

Woman whose children died in Iyabo Obasanjo's car writes her an open letter

Dr Bisola Clark, wife of Chief E. K Clarke whose two children, Adeife(10) and AKinola (14) were killed in Iyabo Obasanjo's convoy on the 20th of April 2003 has sent an open letter addressed to the Obasanjos expressing her distaste in the manner they handled the death of her children.
Mrs Clarke, who wasn't married to the elder-statesman when the incident happened, said she saw the need to speak up after Iyabo said in her open letter to her dad that the death of the children was what spurred her to pursue political appointments. 
In the open letter, Mrs Clarke said none of the Obasanjo's have been there for her emotionally since the sad day she lost her two children in assassination attempt on Iyabo Obasanjo's life.

Iyabo has since responded to her former friend's letter. See excerpts from the letter sent to Vanguard and Iyabo's response after the cut...

"Her actions and in-actions since then would seem to indicate that she never truly appreciated the gravity of what happened that day. Iyabo in the said letter made copious references to an incident which has remained etched in my memory over this period of 10 years since my two children, one aged 10 (Adeife) and the other aged 14 (Akinola) were brutally murdered by gun men in Iyabo Obasanjo’s car as we drove from their ancestral village, Igbogun, several kilometres before Ifo in Ogun State.
At some point in the journey Ms Iyabo Obasanjo had suggested that my children should join her car with her police orderly and an elderly member of Iyabo’s family who was traveling with her on that day and her driver, while Iyabo and I drove in the car of my friend who voluntarily came to pick me up to go to Igbogun, because my driver failed to show up on that day. I had kept quiet about this incident for all these years but when I read Iyabo’s letter to her father, in which she alluded to the incident, I felt that the time had come for me to break my silence for the sake of posterity.
Up till now, justice is yet to be served, ten years after the incident. At the inauguration of the foundation which I established in memory of the children, I recall that no single member of President Obasanjo’s family, not even Iyabo, in whose place my children died, attended the launch of the foundation.
In the end, Gen. Obasanjo sent his then Minister of State for Women’s Affairs (Miss Funke Adedoyin). I also vividly recall my mother sorrowfully remarking that the Obasanjos had reduced the death of her grandchildren to a ‘women’s affair’ issue. The theme of setting up the foundation was to immortalize the names of Adeife and Akinola but painfully Gen. Obasanjo and Iyabo never got involved. Quite sadly, they never did anything in this regard and never took part in any of the various activities we organized at that point in time or since then." she said.
Iyabo Obasanjo response
There is no way to compensate Mrs Bisola Clark for the death of her two children. It is impossible to compensate for the loss of a child albeit two. As often alluded to, the loss of a child is the worst emotional pain we as humans can have. I don’t aim to undermine her loss but how does any society help someone deal with the loss of a child. I participated as a member of the board of the foundation for the children when it started and contributed funds at the start-up. I was not invited to the formal launch of the foundation and I was not in the country when it occurred.
The impression I was given was that it was for huge donors to give money and I didn’t have that kind of money to give. The foundation was a family foundation and my interference in its handling was not appreciated which I understood. I referred to the incident in my letter because I was and is still a very traumatic incident for me. I am not trying to belittle her pain, which I can not even claim to be able to fully understand. No one has ever told me the motive of the killers but of course I am well aware that if I was in my car that day I will not be alive today. In the history of our country so many senseless deaths have occurred.
I do believe we need, as a country, to consider this in our actions in trying to make these kinds of loss of life a thing of the past. The death of those two wonderful children was one of the reasons I accepted the job to come back to Nigeria and serve in some capacity first in the cabinet of Gbenga Daniel for four years, then as Senator. I was living in the US without any plans of moving back to Nigeria when the incidence occurred. My belief was and is that the only way to make this right is to make sure we create a country where such random acts of violence don’t occur and that we work to develop the country.
I failed in my attempt at that but I am still hopeful that at some point, the insecurity of life of the average Nigerian as it is today will be a thing of the past and we will create a country with adequate education and training for the youth to prevent them falling into mischief and a fair and just criminal justice system that punishes offenders, to deter. Dr. Clark and I were not even friends and who knows if we could have been without the incidence. It is now a mute point, that I went on with my life and she went with hers is not strange. We could not force a friendship where there was none.
Whether the gunmen intended to kill me or were just after the car as some have alluded to (this would be a strange way to steal a car, by putting 50 bullet holes in it) I have resolved will never be known. I don’t know what Mrs Clark will want me to do for her. If there is a way to not have those children or anyone else in the car that day, I would go back through time and do it or just even sit in my own car. I was happy to see a picture of her getting married recently on the internet and I wish her the best married life can offer.”


  1. Replies
    1. so sad, i remember the shooting clearly when it happened, Letter galore

    2. I love iyabo response to this letter!! It may sound a bit cold but it. Oozes straight forwardnes!! Mrs Clarke sounds so much like she is trying to make a penny or two off her children's death wich is very wrong! God giveth and taketh it's hard to forget a lost love but at the same time do not wallow in self pity! Iyabo can't bring this kids back to life a foundation wount bring them back to life either but if u insist on foundations don't force it on anyone's laps if anyone donates or not it's btwn themselves and their God btw we have realy seen much work 4rm the so called foundation!

    3. Na waooo tot dey said Iyabo never wrote any letter to his Dad, so wer is all dis coming from.... Hummm letter tins I just feel for those kids

  2. Open letter is now trendy this days #openletter

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  3. Open letter is trendy this days #openletter

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  4. Poor woman!!!so sad...as for ıyabo ı expected somethıng better than thıs from her..but as they says the apple never falls far from the tree...*shıooor!

  5. She should take things easy #bright bravo#

  6. painful to loose someone, talk lessof two, and they ur kids.....but even an attendance of the foundation from iyabo without giving any money or an anonymous contribution would ve been wise. its called emotional support. money isn't everything

  7. Those beautiful children, continue to rest in God's bossom

    1. I rememba d incident vividly (I was a kid wen it hapnd tho),my mum cried in pity sef,der ws a candle nyt held in their sch for dem. May their souls RIP! And the Obasanjo family,u can do beta cos dey dies in place of your daughter. *sad*

    2. They "dies" abi? Am sad enough, pls don't add to it biko.......

    3. They dies? Ok o

    4. It was a mistake jor. s is beside d

  8. I feel the woman's pain however there's nothing Iyabo can do to ever bring back those children. May their souls rest in peace

    1. I agree with you

    2. It costs nothing to be humble! Her presence is what Mrs clerk prefers for emotional purpose, invited or not, money is for material purpose , so it can't cover up for d two. Iyabo's response is so arrogant, it would've been better if she did not respond than these, no emotion at all.

    3. So sad. May none of us or our kids be used as sacrificial lambs to appease the gods of these dirty blood sucking cabals cum politicians. It is do very sad indeed. Iyabo should just stay off politics forever. Her drama and that if her father's is just enough abeg.

  9. sorry madam...may god give you the fortitude to bear your loss

  10. The evil that men do no longer lives after them,but now with them.
    One letter leading to many letters,too much drama for an elder statesman.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

  11. They are still writing open letters?! Na wa oh! I have tire to read abeg.

  12. Mrs Clark should go to hell. She and her children did not just follow Iyabo around for nothing. They were following her for patronage fron sit of power then. Every step taken in life by any individual carry some hazard. So it is unfortunate those innocent children were killed but Mrs Clark should hold herself responsible because she had a choice of not following politicians around with her kids.

    1. So you can't be in someone else 's car?Are u blaming her for being a friend to iyabo? May God forgive you sha.

    2. You are very heartless, may God heal your wicked mind! I pray you never encounter such misfortune, only then would u comprehend the kind of pain and agony this woman must have gone through.

    3. What drug are u taking or what medication are u on iyabo was not a politician den moron

    4. Who is this goat with the name olaopa abiodun?? Yes! A goat is who u are! With that ur big mouth what do u think u know?? Ehnn?? Don't worry this will happen to u someday then u will look for whom to run to! I guess u are so unfortunate to be surviving from the crumps from the obasanjos table that's why u feel u can just come and open that ur smelling big for nothing mouth and defend the wonam who's table u lick when u don't know shit! Housegirl shut up!

    5. Who is this goat with the name olaopa abiodun?? Yes! A goat is who u are! With that ur big mouth what do u think u know?? Ehnn?? Don't worry this will happen to u someday then u will look for whom to run to! I guess u are so unfortunate to be surviving from the crumps from the obasanjos table that's why u feel u can just come and open that ur smelling big for nothing mouth and defend the wonam who's table u lick when u don't know shit! Housegirl shut up!

  13. I lost 3 really close frnds witin 1yr n d pain was unbearable! i understand whr both of dem r coming frm... especially iyabo,cos no matter wat u do d bereaved mother will stil fil iyabo ddnt do enuff... bisola clark shud muv on.... its hard but mov on

  14. iyabos response is arrogant

    1. Read again. She explained herself to some extent. I understand both iyabond mrs clark. Its so unfortunate those kids died

  15. Wow....I can't believe she is still trying to justify her lack of empathy/sympathy... 2 kids......not 1 but 2 kids from the same mum died in her place on the same day. Fine it could have been a coincidence I.e. The killers were not specifically out for her. But these poor kids still died in her place. May their soul rest in peace and I pray that Clarks receive divine healing both spiritually and physically. Getting over such event can take a life time but with God...All things are possible.

    1. Nigerians can be dumb sha. Our problem is reading and understanding. Mrs Iyabo has explained herself. She feels very bad about what happened and has explained her absence at said event. What more do you want? Her blood?!!

  16. I can deduce that Iyabo actually wrote that vanguard letter to her father. Why was she denying it. Breeze don blow.

  17. Ohhh my God dis is truly painful but i pray god comfort dis woman cos he alone can heal her of such pains.

  18. I can imagine hw d woman is feeling. May God continue to comfort her. Biko 4give Iyabo..

  19. Chai! I remember the story,still sad. Iyabo's response is shameful,heartless and mentioning money made it worse. Someone lost two children in one day! God forgive me but I wish iyabo died instead

    1. My dear u have done nothing wrong oh! Seriously I wish that arrogant disrespectful iyabo actually died instead. she and that her dad are of no good to this country! Can u just imagine her response?? Talking money masef! If its not that she is a thief like her dad does she really think she has money?? I really pray the devil visits her with much pain that she will run mad! Mstchewwww

    2. Yes, may God forgive you... Wishing death on another human being

  20. Ommo see beef,we dey wait for obasanjo,s own reply bcos dis is beyond jus iyabo.mrs Clarke said d obasanjos.she must b very close to d family for ha to use d abansajos.

    1. Mumu, that was all you deduced from that letter? I say "the Osbornes" all the time, Ozzy, Sharon, Kelly or Jack don't know who the heck I am! The way people reason sometimes amaze me.....

  21. What has happened has happened madam, just leave everything for God and move on with ur life. May their soul rest in peace. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  22. May their soul rest in peace, Madam Clark is only God that can compensate U. Look up to him alone.

  23. I do not think the comment from Dr Clark is making inferences to any financial patronage. What I understand is that she feels (and rightly so) that Iyabo Obasanjo and family should have shown some concern over the gruesome death of the 2 kids. Sometimes the little things really matter.

    1. I bet if she'd put an obituary in the dailies,a gesture as little as that's have been appreciated.Iyabo,u goofed big time.

  24. That's a very honest and straight forward reply.The death must be left to rest.What did the clarks want from Obasanjo?....sphinx

  25. Hmmm Dunno what to say in this matter as it stands...Lovelyn

  26. Dear Mrs Clark,as painful as it is,I suggest you bury the hatchet and nurse your wound.Open letters can't bring your children back,u should know it by now.Just live your life and keep honouring their memory with or without the contribution of the Obasanjo's.

  27. I have lost a child so I can totally relate to Mrs clark's pain, may their gentle soul rest in peace

  28. hmmmmmmm is all I can say

  29. hmmmmmmm is all I can say

  30. wit regards to d comment from both of diz women, my own view on dis issue is dat, its either doz gunmen whr after doz children or Iyabo has somtin to do wit d murder of doz children coz she asked d children to use her car whole she joined their moda in her own car.....

    Nigeria wit its wonderful stories that touches...
    moderator u hardly add my comments on diz blog dnt leave diz one bhind ejor

    1. I agree with you fully. I'm of the opinion that Iyabo knew there was danger ahead and she knowingly sacrificed those kids. I'm sorry but that's what I feel. No one knows what goes on in these times. Only God knows the full truth.

    2. God bless you! You echoed my exact thoughts. Why did Iyabo not ride in her own car with her friend while the kids ride in the other car. I suspect the killers were already assigned to the exact same car with strong warnings and specifications. Trust no one! I'm sure Mrs Clark is reasoning same hence the malice. Iyabo seem like she's suffering from guilty conscience syndrome. May God fight for those poor kids and may the wicked have no rest. I too have kept this theory in my head since I heard about it, and it's not gonna change.

    3. If she had know a hit was on d car what stops her from saying the driver should drive am empty car?or where d shooters blind to see no adults was in d car juss kids.. plz dis whole thing does not add up someone knows a hit was on her car why not leave d car behind..*food for tots

  31. That incident was a very unfortunate one, very very unfortunate. In as much Dr. Clarke is in pains there is nothing really Iyabo can do to turn back the hands of time. She should rest the matter in the hands of God and allow God to heal her. Enough of feeling bad and expecting anything from the Obasanjos, for at the end of the day they are just humans

  32. I think this response is inappropriate. There really is nothing you can do to console her but how about picking up your phone once in a while or sending a message to find out how she's doing. Even now get across to her and not sending a response through the media. Moron

  33. These days I don't know whether we are heading back to the days of letter writing. It seems the new ways to express once grievances this day is to pick up pen and paper and start writing letter. OBJ, I will say initiated this new trending culture of letter writing. If OBJ is not writing to GEJ, someone else will be writing to his daughter. and the funniest is that sometimes the letters are so long and unending. well I will soon start writing my own letters too, but I will be writing it to Lindyway
    HTC teaming up with Google for Nexus 10 device

  34. someone else will be writing to his daughter. and the funniest is that sometimes the letters are so long and unending. well I will soon start writing my own letters too, but I will be writing it to Lindyway
    HTC teaming up with Google for Nexus 10 device

  35. The deed hav been done already,since Iyabo have apologised,the woman should 4give her and move on with lyf.

  36. Iyabo, there was no need for dis long letter, d woman is pained. How can u say there was no need to remain friends with her? Someone dat lost her children cos of u. If I were u, I would get close to her and show her love and care. Ur explanation isn't needed pls

  37. matured response from Iyabo. all the same i feel Mrs Clark pains.i wish her the strength to bear the loss.God is her strength

  38. dat is human being for u.

  39. Mrs. Clarke, I know it's difficult but u have to move on. Trust me, I've been there. We(Moms) remember vividly each detail dt happens when we lose our lil ones. Just pray for the souls of d departed & pray u never witness such occurrence ever again. It is well.

  40. Iyabo, even your response shows u are insensitive!haba!!those children died instead of you. Even if u were not friends before the incident,this should have made you best friends.u are obviously cold hearted.jeez!!


  42. Madam Clark sry for the loss of your beautiful kids but foundation Will not bring back those kids. I guess it was just a way of getting money.

    1. May God forgive your heartless soul.

    2. Haba! Badoo, how can you stupidly utters such useless words from that gutter of yours you call Mouth, May God 4give your stupidity and insensitivity.

  43. so she finally accepted she wrote the open letter to her father hmmm so interesting....

  44. You could have given them some of the 10billion you got from that contract you used a fictitious name to execute.

  45. We are getting tired of all this stupid open letter syndrome, if una no get work abeg make una come wash my clothes hisssssssssssss. On to d next pls

  46. I think I understand both women to some extent. Loosing a child is never easy let alone two. I lost my son as an infant in Nov 2013 and a moment doesn't pass without his thought in my mind which I know would be forever. There's no amount of what Iyabo can do to help the mother of those children as she rightly said. I just pray God continue to strengthen Mrs.Clark. Its so unfortunate she lost those kids.

  47. Ds Iyabo ug sha!! Iyabo u ve spoken well, but @d same time u still have some measure of faults in ds matter. Wether u were invited to the formal launch of d foundation or not u shld have attended, wether d launch was 4 big donors or not, u shld have still attended to show how deeply hurt n sad u were about d death of those kids. Anyways one can never understand d pains of a mother who lost 2 children @once. I dnt understand n can never understand cos I have not been down that lane before n will never be in Jesus Name......Amen. D woman is still not happy about d death of her kids, try n reach out 2 her, there shouldn't be any single iota of pride from ur side madam Iyabo, she is still deeply hurt. May God heal Mrs Clark IJN Amen.

  48. IYABO: ''No one has ever told me the motive of the killers but of course I am well aware that if I was in my car that day I will not be alive today.'' SO Y DID U SWITCH SEATS OR CARS AT SOME POINT IN D JOURNEY IF U WERE NT INFORMED ABT WAT WL HAPPEN?
    DR BISOLA: ''At some point in the journey Ms Iyabo Obasanjo had suggested that my children should join her car with her police orderly and an elderly member of Iyabo’s family who was traveling with her on that day and her driver, while Iyabo and I drove in the car of my friend who voluntarily came to pick me up to go to Igbogun''. AND IYABO STL SAYS SHE WASNT INFORMED MID WAY TO SWITCH CARS?
    IYABO: '' Dr. Clark and I were not even friends and who knows if we could have been without the incidence. We could not force a friendship where there was none''. THERE WZ NO FRIENDSHIP,SO Y DID U RIDE IN HER CAR,IS IT NT 2 CHAT AND FLOW WIT A LADY LIK U? Y DID U ASKED HER KIDS 2 USE UR CAR WHILE U RODE WITH D MOTHER? AND U SAID THERE WSZNT A FRIENDSHIP? U SHD VE STAYED IN UR CAR ALL THRU D TRIP,COS ITS STRANGE TO JS SWITCH CARS MID WAY AND U SAID U KNEW NTH ABT IT? IT IS WELL WITH PPL IN THIS LIFE.STL HAVING D HRT TO SAY THINGS LIK ''I don’t know what Mrs Clark will want me to do for her'' TAKE HRT,DR CLARKE.GOD DEY.

    1. Hmmmm it is well ooo

    2. U are very observant my dear,its either u are very intelligent or u are a lawyer.Some unexplained things actually have an explanation.This letter just goes to show how insensitive Iyabo is,she would have simply said she's sorry and it still makes her feel very bad instead of this nonsense

  49. Iyabo should go and have several sits, I wish she looses her kids too so she feel her pains oloshe!

  50. "I don’t know what Mrs Clark will want me to do for her."
    How insensitive can Iyabo be.

    "Dr. Clark and I were not even friends and who knows if we could have been without the incidence. It is now a mute point, that I went on with my life and she went with hers is not strange. We could not force a friendship where there was none."
    And as for Mrs. Clark, how could you have allowed your children be in the car of someone you're not even friends with while you ride in another car with that someone. Really?

  51. all this are all proper gander by iyabor how will she filled if she was the one in this woman shoe and she was even d one dat even order those children to move to his car only god will George her

  52. all this are all proper gander by iyabor how will she filled if she was the one in this woman shoe and she was even d one dat even order those children to move to his car only god will George her

    1. Wtf is proper gander? Don't tell me it's propaganda you were trying to write ooo? Kai English na bad thing ooo. Choiii 'only God can George her' George? Is that supposed to substitute for judge? Chiiimmmmooooo!! I haf die,hehehehehe.

  53. Okay wht does d foundation she opened becos of d children do? Madam RIP 2 ur kids, but trust me there's nothing she'll do or say dats gonna replace where dey left. And I so much understand Mrs.Obj's it not her fault dey were killed. Blame it on politics

  54. all this are all proper gander by iyabor how will she filled if she was the one in this woman shoe and she was even d one DAT even order those children to move to his car only god will George her

  55. Open letter everywia.its well

  56. Hmmm nawaooooo 2 children just go lye dat hmmm. Mrs iyabo u should also try 2 see her becos is nt easy 2 lose 2 lovely children just lye dat hmmmm

  57. open letter is the order of the day, i go write close letter aswll. mrs clake sorry about ur children's death

  58. Mrs Clark, I don't think there's any blame on Iyabo here and she definitely responded well to your complains. That is how its destined that those children will end their journey in this world (they should continue to rest in peace). For their mother now Mrs Clark its your own worldly gain and ambition that cut short the life of those two children of yours, even upon their death you still not stop you still continue to look for favor from the people you believe they caused the death of your two child. YES! its very obvious in your letter. YOU BETTER REPENT AND FOLLOW THE WAY OF GOD, BECAUSE THE BLOOD OF THOSE TWO CHILDREN WILL ASK YOU.

  59. Judge is the right word people, not George.

  60. Anon 3:13pm, Thank you so much for that comment, you said all I needed to say...Iyabo' s response is so cold and insensitive, doesn't seem like its coming from a woman@ all let alone a mother. . How about she just gave a sincere apology in her response for not being there for the mother of the kids when she was supposed to, and just totally leave money out of it? She made it sound like if she' d given Mrs Clark a lot of money during the foundation Launching then there wouldn't be an issue (and ofcourse, in her words, she didn't have that KIND of money).... we know for a fact doing that wouldn't bring those kids back but it would've definitely made this woman feel a lot better....DR Clark, God will continue to strengthen you and may your two kids continue to RIP


  61. Dnt even get the story..why did Iyabo leave her car again? + her response is rilly insensitive!

  62. OBJ jazz. They sacrificed those kids instead of Iyabo.

  63. Dear Mrs Clark i wondered then and wonder still... why in heavens name did you leave your children alone to ride in a car with strangers while you rode with Iyabo? Death was the worst thing to happen but imagine they were alive and something bad happened. Take learning's from that sad and irreparable incident and find a way to heal.

  64. I have noticed that naijas typically do not put themselves in the shoes of others that's why this bastard iyabo can spew the nonsense she just did. She lost 2 dear lives! 2 young children that could have brought made her and others proud! A little empathy and sympathy would go a long way. Ugly witch. Dr Clark u really tried sef. Still looking good like this after loosing children!

  65. That is very sad. Iyabo , you are supposed to always keep in touch with this woman. I also know she was not following Iyabo for nothing. Nigerians and power.

  66. Guess you guys cannot see the hand of her new husband, Edwin Clark! I am a mother and i do feel your pain. But its time to move on. You went to seek Iyabo out. Perhaps for business? Which mother would put her kids in the car to go to Abeokuta? How come you didn't leave them with their father or better still their grandma? Did you ever answer your ex husband on where his kids were? Common Bisola, don't stir up unnecessary issues...Your kids are resting with the Lord. Let him do the fighting. Dont allow anyone use you to score cheap political points. Your kids are more precious than that.

    1. God bless you greatly. Her husband is the silent voice behind this open letter. What do you stand to gain as a mother with this open letter madam. Why are you just voicing out your greviance now, leave judgement to the supreme God. God is the ultimate judge n He will definately reward our deeds

  67. but its painful o....the mrs clarke went ahead to marry her grandfathers mate in the name of money

  68. Rosie Said.......I have always known that rich kids are very selfish but i didn't know that Iyabo is also a Moron.How could you write mrs Clark an open letter even if she wrote first? Don't you have common sense? Don't you have human sympathy? This is a woman who lost two children under your watch.You came back to Nigeria to serve in Gbenga Daniel's government and be a senator because of those kids.......very laughable. When you were a senator did you ever mention those kids names at the floor of the senate?Did you ever raise the issue of extra-judicial killings?Did you ever try to investigate who was behind it,what efforts did you make? You saved your own life but want another woman's children's death to be in vain? Shame on you. You don't know what Mrs Clark will want you to do for her? Stupid statement.......How about phone calls,how about visitations,how about just plain old begin nice and sympathatic? And for those of you quick to tell Mrs Clark to move on with her life,you can all see that she has moved on,but my prayer to you all is...... may you never be in her position on day.

  69. Like Iyawo said, she was not invited and was not around when the foundation was launched, if not she would have been there! No one knew it would happen, but it did happen. She has apologized, made donations and done the best she could. Like she asked, how do you console someone who lost a kid? Not to talk less of 2 kids?

  70. Anon feb 12. 3:24pm, I fear ur grammar o!!!!

    1. You are a good observant had to go back and read the comment. Terrible grammar. Lol...

  71. Me sef will write letter

  72. Those who are blaming Iyabo for not attending the launch of the foundation are impatient readers. She made it clear that she wasn't invited! Pls read again. Be that as it may, Mrs Clark should've remained silent or approach Iyabo with her complaints before going public. After going public, what is the benefit apart from attracting some negative comments on Iyabo? The opportunity for a decent reunion and recovery has been closed perhaps finally!

  73. May their souls rest in peace. Poor and innocent children

  74. What a senseless and insensitive reply from ugly Iyabo OBJ. Is she this stupid? Her best bait would have been to shut her disgusting mouth.

    Two kids died in ur place and all u could say is their foundation was meant to raise money and u had no such? Are u mad?

  75. i'm a lawyer i read in between the line...This is all interesting...I thought Iyabo said she didn't write the Open Letter to her father that time.
    Her "society friend'-Dr Clark has just confirmed to the world that she did and she did not even deny..Lolzz.
    Naija and all the drama!

  76. We are now in the era of open letter.lol.

  77. Oh please! Is that her husband or her Father??

  78. Buh i tot Iyabo denied ever writin dat letter n ao com shez defendin hersef on whats written in it? Wc means she did write it! Confusion settled

  79. Anonymous 3:24 PM. ''Proper gander''. 'god will George her'. You amaze me.
    It is 'Propaganda' And 'God will judge her'.

  80. @Lara and Anonymous 10:45 PM. Iyabo NEVER denied she wrote the Open Letter to her father.

  81. Why would Iyabo refer to Mrs Clark's marriage like the marriage will console her for the loss of her kids.She is a big fool and insensitive woman who only has one child.Can she ever imagine something happening to her only child? Ugly idiot.

  82. I don't think Iyabo is to blame ! Bisola has always wanted power and she got it now, marrying her papa .Ask her what she wanted from Iyabo? She was soliciting appointment but why didn't she keep the poor children home or made arrangement to take them home but rather she took them on her quest. I feel for the father of the kids not her. They were beautiful and Brillant kids that attended greensprings school then. Please you may be their mother by chance but please let them continue to rest in the bosom of The Lord . Money can't bring the back. God bless.

  83. @ Zara, i really pity you and your future. people that have this kind of mouth, dont go far in life. my dear you have a lot of work to do.i pray GOD HEAL YOU.

  84. Haba! Iyabo, that was insensitive of you. That open reply was totally unnecessary considering the loss.

    There are so many ways you can show empathy.

    You can send flowers to their grave sides every memorial.

    You can put up their memorial in the dailies.

    You can seek arrest and prosecution of those assassins.

    You can call their mother continually.

    You can visit her once in a while when you come home.

    Even though you were alerted which explained why you switched cars, remembering that incident should send shivers down you spine unless you are equally ugly inside like your dad. And why send those innocent kids to that car if I may ask?

    And for those of you who think Mrs. Clark joined them for her "selfish gains"..,Which of you is not guilty of that? Let him/her raise his/her hand before casting aspersions on her.

  85. so is she expecting iyabo to kill herself cos her children died? sadly no....am disappointing she should even be writing an open letter like this......what was she doing with iyabo and her kids then? immature actions honestly.....grieve over your children and stop seeking unneccesary sympathy....no body can ever feel the loss of your child like the parent, not even the sibling so please move on with your life and stop this childish drama

  86. yoruba and their and their wahala. it is this same spirit of pele that has caused this. the woman is expecting pele for the rest of her life and most of this peles are just hypocrisy. abeg carry on with your life, the thing that made you to be froliking with politicians na you sabi. why would you even take your kids to a gathering that is not meant for them??? abi you no fit afford house help or nanny?? sorry all the same, these ones are gone may God bless you with others with Clark.

  87. Let's face this reality without sentiment, I don't really think there is anything Iyabo could do for this woman. It is indeed sorrowful that those kids lost their life brutally but maybe that's how it was actually meant to be.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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