Woman sets self, hubby ablaze | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 1 February 2014

Woman sets self, hubby ablaze

According to a report by Sun News, a woman in Imo state set herself, her husband and their home ablaze after finding out that her husband of 12 years was planning to get rid of her because she was barren, and bring in another woman who already had two children for him and pregnant for the 3rd child. Read the full story from Sun below...
They died together - by fire. The house they both shared as man and wife is also in ruins, burnt to the ground. As at the time of writing this report, the charred body of the woman lay morbidly in the midst of the debris. Approaching the burnt building, certain eerie feeling hits with a good impact. The man, who was saved from dying with his wife inside the fire, died on the way to hospital. “You can say both of them died together,” observed a shocked, grieving neighbour.
The puzzle now is not just that the couple, Patience and Monday Chilaekezie died by fire. To the Umuodu community in Ezinihitte Local Government Area of Imo State, it is that they can hardly understand why Patience could have been so incensed and callous to the extent of setting herself and her husband on fire.
Chidinma, Monday’s younger sister’s accounts of events leading to the tragic end, indicate that Patience had carefully planned it all. According to her, Patience had been grieving that her husband of 12 years had decided to send her away. It was learnt that the couple had married for that long without children. As Chidinma said, her brother had made up his mind to bring in another woman within the community who was pregnant for him.

It was said that Patience, a petty trader, had lured her husband into their house, poured petrol on both of them and then set the house on fire. It was also said that while they and the house were burning, she held fast onto her husband to ensure that he did not escape the inferno.

Saturday Sun gathered that neighbours, who noticed the flame and heard the cry for help, were able to rescue the man who later died on his way to the hospital. Community members, who rushed to see Patience’s charred body when the fire had burnt out, was gripped by fear and horror.

Chidinma further told Saturday Sun that her brother was able to run out from the inferno alive but died 20 minutes later on the way as they were rushing him to hospital.

In tears, she recalled that on the day of the incident, being January 11, 2014, her brother, who was an automobile technician, had gone to his shop as he did every day. His wife, popularly known as Madam Oil, had also left the house for her shop at a local market. However, a few hours later, she came back to the house. She was said to have been seen with a keg that, in the instance, could be containing petrol, with which she later sprinkled round the house.

According to Chidinma: “She called my brother that there was an emergency and that he should rush back home. I was at home then, but in the next building. He was the one that told me that his wife just called that there is an emergency. While he was stepping into the house, I heard him call on his wife that he can perceive the smell of fuel all over the place. In less than one minute after he went inside the house, the house started to burn.

“I heard my brother screaming for help. I think by then he was struggling with his wife. We were able to reach them and my brother was brought out alive, while his wife was burnt beyond recognition. Shortly before he died, he told us that his wife had finally fulfilled her promise. My brother said that his wife was threatening that she would kill him and kill herself too.”

On a possible reason she could have done that, Chidinma said: “They had been married for years without any child. This has caused a lot of problem between the couple to the extent that my brother secretly married another wife. The woman gave birth to two girls and is pregnant now with the third child. When she finally discovered, she was devastated because she had severally pleaded with her husband to allow her adopt a child. The last family meeting we had, she was told to leave her husband’s house if she was not ready to accommodate another woman who had given her husband children. Since that day, she had been living a secluded life, most especially when the family made it clear that they would not accept a bastard as a child in the name of adoption. Nobody knew that she would get to this point of committing suicide.”

Another eyewitness, who is also a neighbour, claimed that he saw the deceased sprinkle fuel round the house. “Initially, I thought it was holy water because she had turned into a prayer warrior ever since she could not get pregnant. She was always depressed because her fellow women in the community jeered at her especially when they heard that she refused to allow the other woman to live in their husband’s house. We were all shocked to realise that she actually planned to kill herself and the husband.”
A woman, who later introduced herself as Mama Chima, claimed that days before the incident, Patience was selling off her wares at a give-away price. “It was more like an auction market. When I asked her what was going on, she said that she was trying to change to another line of business. She was always crying, and mumbling to herself.”
Also at the scene was the second wife who wept uncontrollably. “What kind of bad luck is this? Who is going to take care of my children and me? He promised to drive the other woman, so that we can have peace in this house. It is nobody’s fault that God did not give her a child,” the unfortunate woman lamented.
Imo State Police Command Public Relations Officer, DSP Jane Elemoko, confirmed the incident to Saturady Sun.


  1. Sooo sas sad! Buh the second woman is heartless!

    1. Hell knws no fury like a woman's scorn!

    2. I'm telling you. She even had the guts to say he promised to drive out the first wife. Useless bitch. She should be blamed for all this

    3. Who knows the kind of frustration that led her into this. Don't be so quick to call her names, however, I do condemn her act in every way possible. People be so quick to make one's life miserable. Didn't u read where people were jeering at her? People go thru stuffs and that does not permit society to mock anybody. If u are unmarried after a certain age, its a big issue. You marry and no kids, that's another issue. You marry and things don't work out well and want a divorce, u wud be so stigmatized. God help us. Aint nobody gat the 100% solution to the troubles of life, but only God.

    4. What a wicked world. The woman should have kept on praying and trusted in GOD instead of this dastardly act. This is also an advise for women to be mindful how they live their youthful life to avoid finding it difficult to conceive when they are finally married.

    5. Lesson to all the second women out there! Go and marry your own. Take care of the children by yourself, Mtchew. .If it's the man that impotent, shey the family would have allowed the wife to bring in a second husband?

    6. Lesson to all the second women out there! Go and marry your own. Take care of the children by yourself, Mtchew. .If it's the man that impotent, shey the family would have allowed the wife to bring in a second husband?

    7. @Anon 4.01,there are ladies dat got married as virgins but still cant conceive.while those ones dat hve had lots of abortions,will hv lots of kids.its just luck sometimes my dear.

    8. Am just shock reading dis rite nw.

    9. @aijay ogb. God bless u oh, pls tell elder Anon 4.01

    10. Ahhh, this life sha, God is watching. I pray none of us will face depression in our lives in Jesus name.

  2. Wickedness at its highest order! But that woman might be psychologically unbalanced

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    1. Wicked man and his family. He shld have allowed her to adopt a child. Hope his family r now satisfied. What a waste...smh.

    2. Dys happened in my place... Thrz actually more 2 d story

    3. U'll be surprised 2 know those kids aren't really his

    4. Makz, you took the words out of my mouth. Why will you let your family interfere in your family matters? Are adopted kids not children? Ladies and Men, See y you should keep families out of your marriage? The nerve of the family to say they want to drive her out of her marital home, who the heck do you think you are to think you can come and drive a woman out of her marital home, especiallyoover something she has no control over. The guy had it coming and the 2nd bitch, now she can get stigmatized for being a single mom. This story is so annoying. Poor woman was forced into this drastic decision. The victim here is the woman who died with no kids, shitty in laws, ass wipe for a husband and some silly whore with kids raining on her parade.

  3. gosh. so awkward. some people can b so heartless. pray i neva come across such people.

  4. Choii! Some women are wicked shaaa! Hian!

  5. She took her vows very seriously "Till death do us part", "Death before dishonor".

    1. Men re so deceptive,if he was d person that couldn't impregnate a woman,she won't go and get pregnant 4 anoda man and ask her husband to accept d man. Serves dem right jare,and dat 1 dat got pregnant 4 som1 else's husband,u don enter 1 chance

    2. Debbs, u'r right.
      Men seem to be really selfish in this part of the world...I have a family friend with low sperm count who has been married to his wife since 2005 with no child.
      This guy won't open up and tell his family the whole truth, instead he let's them call his wife all sorts of names and hate her for no reason. He told her to keep the truth away from his family cos he doesn't want them to see him as "not man enough" the woman has accepted her fate, she still loves and respects her husband and they live peacefully till date

      But I tell you, if the table were turned, and the woman is the one in this situation, she would have either been a senior wife or a divorcée.

    3. She's a big fool for keeping the man's secret and allowing his family to insult her without the man putting a stop to it. She should tell the man to either make his family stop or she would tell the truth. Which kind love be dat one? For a Nigeria man? Abeg. If the tables were turned, she would've been out on her ass. As for the story dat started all this, he'll hath no fury like a woman scorned. If the man had allowed her to adopt, she wld not have gone to this extent be cos she gas someone and something to live for. His mistake. Hope they find each other down there. What a waste

  6. What she did can't be justified, its murder plus sucide but why did he secretly marry another wife n pretended nt 2 mind her bareness all this years. He drove her insane. Pls in all ur acts bth men n women be mature cos minor actions could result in big reactions----C21

  7. OMG! Some women get heart sha............ They can do the unthinkable.

    SNOWYTE SAY S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡

  8. A tragic incidence

  9. See mind! People remove their heart replace am with stone.

  10. Its sad....but good 4 the man and his family

  11. Hmmmmmmmm,an end to a sad woman,men can really push women to the extreme,now he never lived to see his unborn child,men pls be careful on how u handle delicate matters like this. Rip sha

  12. Ahnn ahhnnn. People still do this shit? God have mercy

  13. Hell knows no fury like that of a woman scorned.
    Hmmmmm what a cruel act.

    ~BONARIO~says via NOKIA3310

    1. Must u write dis....after I wrote it mstcheeeewww

  14. Oh well dat was wicked of her but stil I mst say d husband got wat he dservd bcos dat was mare wickedness......havin two kids outside alrdy without his wife knwin datz jst WICKEDNESS oh well de both died....

  15. OMG! Woman with one way thinking. She has forgot that she can still give birth even after her husband may ve bringing in new wife. May God forgive her. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  16. May God console all the barren in the world. As wicked as her action might sound only those who have walked that line can tell how painful it can be and such a comment from the second wife... i almost could not pity her.

    1. Almost?e I don't pity her at all. Its dehumanizing when a woman can't give birth then to have others mock her is one thing but to think that the only person who was on her side betrayed her like that. Smh

    2. My dear anon 13:17 u have said it all. God bless u.

  17. So sad but they are all going to hell fire. Its just a comment. I feel for dem

    1. ..And u fink u're going to paradise wt dis ur profile pix, Abi??

    2. Quick to judge I pity you as if what you're wearing won't take you to hell mscheww.

    3. At both anon, that's how Nigerians are o. Hypocrites! See her picture or one she culled to put up and she has the nerve to recommend hell for someone else. Some folks, no sense at all.

  18. Na wa ooo.....

  19. what a sad story

  20. Wat ​A̶̲̅ wicked nd painful thin̲̅g to do? ♓☺w can Pple just plan such evil??? Well, nxt is judgement for her!

  21. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Patience Chilakezie, ! what a woman *sighs*

  22. Mehn dis is serious, d woman was so stupid to ve taken dat step dou d husband's attitude ws callous bt she 4 jez chill n c hw God works miracoulously. So who con loose nw mumu.

  23. Wonders will never end!!

  24. Sad story. Men be humane in your eays. Treat your wives with compassion. Women, if you want to take over another's home, be prepared for some conflict.

  25. You now have peace. Why d cry? "Drive away dis woman" I don't blame you. She has been driven away. Now go and have peace

  26. She is really unfortunate...bitch

  27. U may never knw wot is n a womans heart, our hearts can conceive evil especially wen it was hurt by d one we love.

  28. Original gobe *in yemi alade's voice*. Cari dem come make ÈŠ̝̊̅ hlp U̶̲̥̅̊ take care of dem. Ndi ala yiakwa *lng hiss*



    I Rep IT JAKES YOU ( A Book Of Inspiration By Linda Ikeji)
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  31. Pathetic and sad! What on earth will lead a woman to such a tragic end? God forbid that. She did not look beyound her circumstances otherwish she would av known that God had a better plan for her, and taking her life was the worse thing to do, jus feel for d man and the mother of his children.

  32. so sad. it z really not up to DAT

  33. so sad. as for the second wife, go and take care of the 3 children. now u see wat it feels like to break a peaceful home. u wanted her to pack out abi? wicked woman.

  34. The 2nd woman is evil. The first wife allowed the devil to take over her life. Things could have gotten better if she was just patient and let God's will be done. Who says she may not have found a better fruitful life outside of the mans house?
    Men don't understand that women are very emotionally fragile. You don't mess with a woman's emotions like that oh.

  35. It still baffles me how we women are the cause of our fellow women's problems! How will u open your eyes and decide to go for a man who is married? If u were the other woman without kids and ur husband wants to bring in another woman,how would u feel? And the foolish women jeering the barren woman,why treat her that way?it could easily have bee them.
    The useless family family calling an adopted child a bastard are simply morons too.Bottom line the main cause of this drama is lack of EDUCATION,EXPOSURE,COMPASSION & LOVE.This tragedy could have been avoided

  36. Feel sad for the dead woman. Nothing is worth taking it to this extreme. From the foregoing its evident she wasn't thinking straight as she has been subject to a lot of physical, emotional and Psychological torture both at the hands of her husband and the community. She was indeed a battered woman. What we fail to realise is that Gods purpose for marriage wasn't child bearing but companionship. Childern are just an addition. May she find peace now since humans refused her peace. I feel no pity for the other woman cos she brought this on herslf. Infact she should count herself lucky to be alive, madam home wreacker

  37. Strange but true.... Smh

  38. Very sad story may their souls RIP

  39. Lord i thank you for your grace upon my life that i was able 2 bear children. My husband would have done same. Ibo men mentality

    1. My sister no be no small thing o. My husband and his wicked sisters would have done the same to me... But my God pass them, gave me the number of children they would never have in their husbands' houses.Ndi Igbo... We are our own enemies.... Second wife ntoi inugoo.

  40. Woman u 4 chill small na n c God's miracle in ur life

  41. I understand the woman's feeling, she did it out of frustration. The second wife is stupid , husband snatcher oshi. The man is also heartless, I wonder why ppl find it difficult to fulfill marriage vows, is sending her away the best he could do? Its really a sad story sha, every1 involved is at fault.

  42. her husband drove her to the point of commiting such an act. imagin!! wtz wrong in adoption? after toiling with a man for many years he wil wake up one day and drive you out all because you cnt bear him a child. especially we the igbos .if u dnt have a male child you ar stil considered as a childless woman. may God help any woman that wil set feet in my home. i hav 7 girls after several attempt to hav a son.i hv told my husband any day he dares bring home any woman in this house,that is the day i will vist him with all the pains i have gone thru trying to hav a son. ...men can make one go mad...hiss

    1. Madam, it's good you lay the law down. Your female children are just as important as any male child.

    2. I feel your pain madam, don't worry, God will keep your home. Ko easy o. 7 girls. .... you must have gone through a lot.

    3. Why not adopt one boy 4 ur family

  43. Why won't her family accept an adopted child in this modern age from her since she's been confirmed barren? Besides, is she married to her husband's family or her husband who won't take a stand on his own.
    Now, they've gotten what they bargained for. Not a fan of her action though.

  44. Dis is so pathetic and heart corroding

    Maheeda shares More "Happy Pics" ..

  45. Na why e no good make person dey involve family in his mirriage life be dat...eeya

    1. Thank you. Ladies, men, keep your families out of your marriages.

  46. Depression

  47. Great!!!!! Well done madam!!! Now the other woman can go and look for another husband, men are wicked! R.I.P

    1. Abii o... Second wife ntoi once again, you have not started crying.

  48. Dis is a sad news but the husband n his family didn't apply wisdom to dis matter but the woman over reacted to d situation.RIP thou

  49. Fear any shot girls in ur life oooh they re very dangerous ooh pls no it 2day.

  50. The woman was cruel and a sociopath I bet the man didn't see dat coming.RIP

  51. The second woman is so cruel

  52. So sad to read this. I do hope she was born again before doing this? Don't she believe in God that can turn a virgin Mary into a Mother ni??? Lord have mercy on her soul and her husband's.

  53. Fear any shot girls in ur life oooh they re very dangerous pls no it 2day their yes is yes I think its d same wit dis person hmmm.

  54. Fear any shot girls in ur life oooh they re very dangerous pls no it 2day their yes is yes I think its d same wit dis person hmmm.

  55. Fear any shot girls in ur life oooh they re very dangerous pls no it 2day their yes is yes I think its d same wit dis person hmmm.

  56. Hidden towards the end of this story is the reference to an adopted child as a "bastard". The family all contributed to this tragedy. It's about time society accepts that adoption is a good solution to childlessness and stops stigmatising people for choosing that route.


  58. Very ironical, a Prayer warrior committing suicide, lol. Too bad for the man and her. May their sould rest in peace. On second tot, will d woman's soul rest in peace?????


  59. Igbo girls and their fatal irreversible anger! Tufiakwa that the males in my family marry one. Why not empty his bank account or destroy his material wealth but the crazy woman killed! Wicked hardened igbo hearts. No way i let any males i know get close to one

    1. My dear... Don't be so pained. Yes we are hardened, but our men made us so.... Dat is d only way we can be able to live with them o..

  60. Women, why do we ever encourage eachother? "She was always depressed because her fellow women in the community jeered at her especially when they heard that she refused to allow the other woman to live in their husband’s house." what did they expect? if they were in her shoes what would they have done. I'm sorry but i cant feel any atom of hate for this Patience lady, nor pity for the second wife. "hell def has no fury like a woman scorned". They drove her to madness! everyone of them, and this is how mad people behave. The should deal with it, they are all at fault. They all have their blood on their hands, esp the man's blood and not patience. May she RIP.

  61. Who are these fools feeling sorry for her? So she cant move on and let God judge or even have him fucked up but not killed? Men leave wives who built them from 0 to something and give them wonderful children. Men leave wives who sacrificed all for them every single day. We dint go around killing all who hurt us. She was wrong. No sympathy from me here for that woman

    1. U r very wicked. Do u know what it means to be a barren wife in our community? Do u know d kind of trauma dt our society would have put her thru? Her husband dt is supposed to give her support shows her d ultimate betrayal to marry and have children behind her back. He thot dt he could just dump her and kick her out off d house,just like dt. Its likely she went insane and had no one to go to for comfort. Pray dt u NEVER have childlessness in ur life. It is no joke, especially for women.

  62. What a tragedy, the man is heartless after marrying another woman he comes back home to make his wife's life a living hell... Y wud u marry another woman's husband? Nw you've got what u wntd, the hrtles pple dat made him marry u should take care of u nd ur children. I wonder hw pple think sometyms nd these should be a lesson to us all

  63. It is words hurtful words from in laws and others that greatly help in depressing and frustrating this lady... Let people desist from hurting others with words we have no clue what they're already passing through...

  64. D man deserved to die.
    Linda make sure u post my comment

    1. He truly got what he deserved ..... Wicked man

  65. What she did was hrtles nd wicked but well served to d man....it was til death do us part, wat d hell was he dion outside wit anoda womn nd not givin consent to his wife? Dt was s height of disrespect. Nd to d oda woman, gues god is jst punishin u for breakn someones home jst bc u wanted to b maried.he is d giver of kids nd he chose to bles whom he wants

  66. The man deserves to die jare (adultery) I feel sorry for the woman being barren isn't easy especially wif d family nd community mocking u. The second woman will definately get worse treatment cos as d family said they wouldn't accept "bastards" so anoda mans family wouldn't accept bastards too

  67. Mehnnnnn I am dumbfounded ndi igbo na nwa tufiakwa so bcos of barreness she wasted dis man

  68. Good for d man and his family y didn't dem allow her to adopt since d man has secretely married anoda woman,had it been dey allowed her she 4 no kill her self becos of d baby ,is nt bad to adopt,some do adopt after giving birth #lowmentality#

  69. Good for d man and his family y didn't dem allow her to adopt since d man has secretely married anoda woman,had it been dey allowed her she 4 no kill her self becos of d baby ,is nt bad to adopt,some do adopt after giving birth #lowmentality#

  70. So sad..maybe she was mentally unbalanced...fellow women stop jeering at other women who can procreate...it bad..and you are causing unspeakable harm to other..emotionally and otherwise...

  71. Patience is a virtue and not a weakness, men should learn to stop taking the patience of their wives for granted cos it does have its limits! You cannot fathom the inexplicable pain the heart of this woman went through that pushed her to this extreme. For better for worse pple! It is not a joke! Learn to stick with your partner through thick and thin, 12 yrs is a short time if that man truly loved his wife. Hell knows no fury like that of a woman scorned! Her heart bled and she did the unthinkable! Pain is painful!

  72. Till death do us part.....

  73. na wa o!..speechless!

  74. I do not blame dis woman at all.Her husband and his pple drove her insane.If u all knw wat barren women go thru den everyday wen u pray,u say a prayer for them.I wonder when Nigerians will open their eyes and knw dat an adopted Child isn't a bastard bt can be your own special gift.Dis myopic thinking is bad.Dat Child that u might adopt may bring u Goodluck n Fame.I feel so sorry for this woman.I feel no pity for d 2nd wife and d husband at all cos they drove this woman insane.

  75. Dr goodluck ebele jonathan1 February 2014 at 15:40

    All these people writing "your comment will be visible after approval" are the one giving nigeria problem and not GEJA

  76. D second woman is now free to av the house all to her self. What a wicked world . D people around that woman made her do what she did . Dey frustrated her

  77. I do not blame dis woman at all.Her husband and his pple drove her insane.If u all knw wat barren women go thru den everyday wen u pray,u say a prayer for them.I wonder when Nigerians will open their eyes and knw dat an adopted Child isn't a bastard bt can be your own special gift.Dis myopic thinking is bad.Dat Child that u might adopt may bring u Goodluck n Fame.I feel so sorry for this woman.I feel no pity for d 2nd wife and d husband at all cos they drove this woman insane.

  78. Wow the woman shdnt ve done al dat!she lost hope and d Man won't ve planned to drive her out!nutin stops him frm caring for d woman outside!afta dey laboured 2geda to build d home am sure she saw dt der ws nuttin left 4 her!but in ds time and age der r medical solutns and God is d Ultimate am sure she didn't ws psychologically out of her mind!wow wat a tragedy!!!

  79. I felt d woman's pain, disgrace n frustration buh it didn't hv 2 end like dis! We shld all learn dat things happen 4 reasons, maybe their separation would hv bin 4 d best. Anyway, RIP 2 both of dem

  80. I don't know why you geniuses r shocked, after all is it not naija where they burn people for merely suspecting that they stole. the story is sad sha but the mistress got the ultimate brunt of it all. don't try to break up homes, you never know the consequences. now she is unmarried with 3 kids in 9ja, goodluck. her selfishness has brought her karma back to her.

  81. case closed #gbagam#

  82. In as much as what she did was bad, the husband's actions cannot be justified. And it serves the second wife good, trying to steal someone else's husband. Go and take care of your children alone now, and let me see the man that will marry you. How can a woman be so mean to her fellow woman, trying to take her husband and be happy she is sent away from her matrimonial home. Women should learn that a man leaving his wife to be with you, especially if it's because of children which is no fault of hers, is not a good man. His sister saying his wife was wicked for burning them, his family was wicked to her too. !2 years of marriage is a long time and all of a sudden you wan to send her away? You guys brought it upon yourself pls

  83. Pls I dnt really blame to woman much bcos d man took a drastic step not minding how emotional unstable his wife is. Let try put ourselves on each odas shoes b4 judging. Girls dnt ever wish to be barren bcos u wnt understnd d torture dey go through n I pity d dead guy's sister for being inhumane forgetting she is a woman n pregnant wife u can give birth n take care of ur kids now n stay with his burnt corpse in peace,u are d one dat is heartless.

  84. May their souls rest in peace. He could have handled it in a better way. The fact that she couldn't give birth was sad enough, driving her out of the house will be embarrassing.

  85. Awww....ds so not cool,commitin suicide shouldn't hav been an option now,tho from d look of things,it seems as tho no one cared about her,she prolly dint hav no one to talk to,I bet d would hav talked her outta ds stupid decision..God hav mercy

  86. Lesson for men and families that think a woman should take shit because she is a wife.

  87. So scary... Wonder what kind of humans we have on earth now. Especially women..... Smh

  88. This is not for anyone to judge!,ok wot if the reproduction issue was from the man?,I no he will want his wife to b by his side all through all in the name of 4 better 4 worse!.his husband pulled the first trigger by betraying her trust,and also planning to send her out,both in all she went too far.

  89. Who knows if he was d reason why she can't give birth,she might av abort to d extent of damaging her womb for that reckless man...ladys be wise...Wendy005

  90. For better for worse, guess the man didn't understand that phrase. The woman on the other hand did, such a sad thing to happen. Blame must go to the husband, did he have to send the woman away? A wife of 12 years, not 12 months! That's too bad! I bet they had elders in their families!

  91. It wasn't easy for ga to bear after 12yrs .may their soul rest in peace

  92. Hell hath no fury.......................

  93. After 12years of marriage...where will she start from? Men are evil tho. Didnt even bother discussing his concerns with her. Had a new family outside marriage. A woman that will willingly sleep n have kids with u when she's fully aware ure married, she doesn't love u. As no woman wants to be second place...she only wants what u have or can do for her.But I guess commenting is easy as no one out here has Walked in the barren woman's shoe. Barreness didn't drive her into commiting sucide, it was how the community treated her, how her husband betrayed her. And how out society as a whole look looks and tags women that cannot concieve. We forget tht some people r born with defects. She's only human n she took a human action although wrong. She's not wicked, she's hurt! Pray for Gods forgivness for both of them.

  94. Lol the mother of the children only said ' who will take care of my children' she doest even sound like someone who gives 2 shit about the man. Women beware of who's home u attempt to break.

  95. After 12years of marriage...where will she start from? Men are evil tho. Didnt even bother discussing his concerns with her. Had a new family outside marriage. A woman that will willingly sleep n have kids with u when she's fully aware ure married, she doesn't love u. As no woman wants to be second place...she only wants what u have or can do for her.But I guess commenting is easy as no one out here has Walked in the barren woman's shoe. Barreness didn't drive her into commiting sucide, it was how the community treated her, how her husband betrayed her. And how out society as a whole look looks and tags women that cannot concieve. We forget tht some people r born with defects. She's only human n she took a human action although wrong. She's not wicked, she's hurt! Pray for Gods forgivness for both of them.

  96. So sad....an act of total frustration

  97. Thats a very wicked thing to do, no matter how provocked she was, however, I cant bring myself to feel pity for the man and his family.

  98. A woman's heart is full of two extremes- extreme goodness and extreme evil.


  99. A woman's heart is as deep as the ocean if not deeper. But the woman was really hurt. She pleaded for adoption and the husband refused,I am against her actions tho.u may never understand how it feels to be barren until you walk that line.and for the other woman who can sit and watch a man throw his wife out cus of you,it serves you right.imagine her lamenting " What kind of bad luck is this? Who is going to take care of my children and me? He promised to drive the other woman, so that we can have peace in this house. It is nobody’s fault that God did not give her a child,” God will punish u for that.

  100. I really have to take a deep breath, what a way to die,she must hv really been hurt badly. I think pple shd be educated on the consequences of mockery and shame being passed to women who are barren. What a pity

  101. very sad, but d man & his family are hrtless, y does he wnt 2 chase d woman away? Afta all dis yrs. Atleast he wuld hv rented an apartment 4 her or beter stil let her stay & rent an apartmnt 4 d 2nd wife outside, dats d least he can do 4 a woman dt hv bn prayin 4 him, wash his clothe cook 4 him, look afta him wen he is down & sacreified alot 4 him 4 12 gud yrs.d woman hv gone 2ru alot. They wil settle d scot in d spirit world.. (Rosezylar)

  102. I need to take in a deep breath for this. This woman was really hurt cos what in the world will make a woman set herself ablaze, what a way to die but seriously pple should stop mocking barren women oooo cos it's not in their power to hv children

  103. I really have to take a deep breath, what a way to die,she must hv really been hurt badly. I think pple shd be educated on the consequences of mockery and shame being passed to women who are barren. What a pity

  104. The woman should have set only the man ablaze and move on with her life. How dare he! How dare they!! Imagine refusing d poor woman an alternative of adoption only to go behind her back to get married nd have babies. It's just not fair! What she did may be wrong but from d comments of the man's sister nd the STUPID mistress(cos that's what she is) you can tell that they have frustrated the poor woman to the point she lost her mind. Just so sad for her, May God have mercy on them.

  105. Wickedness dey for this world oooo

  106. Na wa o d decision dat woman took was a bad 1, bt d man is a wicked man he had 2 children without his wife knowin is dat nt wickedness

  107. So so sad, but the husband was foolish....I cnt imagine vz kind of a thing stil happen....to drive a woman coz she gat no child....hmmm

  108. So unfortunate... What a waste

  109. Aunty Linda,i will tell why this happened. Our culture/traditions/religious sentiments drive our women crazy. A woman who is barren shld be allowed to adopt if she so wishes. If the family declines,she shld have risen above the societal stigma and leave the marriage. Marriage is not a do or die affair,her sanity is more important. Even our religious beliefs do not help,they shld have counseled her so she can manage the situation and join in counseling the husband to adopt instead of pushg her into more depression by telling her to pray more and more until she lost her sanity. A sane person would not do this Linda. In this society,women would rather lay down their lives and be butchered than to be called divorcee or single or barren.

  110. The second woman is just a goat. Infact,the man deserves every bit of what he got.Nonsense.

  111. Disheartened.......

  112. She musta been broken, all her self esteem destroyed and her only source of comfort betrayed her. Only God knows how to comfort and heal the broken hearted. Her thinking had no bounds. M sure she felt all alone. The Lord have mercy on all tge souls involved.

  113. Husband's people can drive one to madness o! I have one boy & they are still talking shit! I don't even know how many kids my hus has outside!God n my boy r the only balance in my life. It's so sad but no matter what I won't kill myself for a man! Tufiakwa! Chineke ekwena!

  114. I am proud to say that my family encourages adoption and we have adopted kids that are part and parcel of the family. The family ought to have encouraged her to adopt so as to find solace and why threatening to send her away knowing fully well that she has scarred emotionally.mi don't support what she did but the man's family didn't help matters by encouraging their brother. What would they have done if it were their sister that was barren?

  115. Swerve, you have said it all

  116. What ever happened to understanding between couples. The man and his family are wicked notwithstanding death is not an option. And to think it happened at my maternal home.

  117. what a sad story

  118. everybody fucked up ..what the fuck is wrong with adoption. The husband and his family drove that woman to commit suicide n homicide ..oh well, dust to dust ..ashes to ashes

  119. Where would this world be if we were all given free reign to inflict harm after someone brings sorrow into our lives? This planet would have been torched a billion times over. She should have done like many others in her shoes and moved on with her life. Murder in the name of a marriage gone sour. I can't condone it.

  120. Its the home wreckers that are feeling sorry for the second woman. She got what she deserved. Those who mock the barren will get theirs surely. The family sef are also very stupid.

  121. The second wife is an idiot by making such silly statement..she shld be blamed...pls I don't wanna get lock by our president lol #cyber crime

  122. Poor woman,
    but did she have to do what she did? me i never born pikin even at over 40 years but i know theres still hope......why should i kill myself?? life is fun and god cares.... now she missed out on heaven...the worst misfortune

  123. Vengeance belongs to God almighty. The woman is evil. Hannah in the Bible had similar challenge and she stay on God and was blessed with kids. No one has any rigth to take his or her life no matter the circumstances. The world is really becoming a horrible place. That could have seek the face of God in prayers and God will provide her with another man will give kids. It happen to a woman who eventually left the first hubby and marry another man and eventually became a mother of many children. Nobody, i repeat nobody has right to take his or her life. Unfortunately in Africa we marry for kids on like whites that marry for love. Pls we should be very careful when we comments on the internet. Thanks.....

  124. Sincerely no one has d right to take another's life deliberately. When out of self defence to save ur life because ur life is been threatened its a different issue.
    Africans major problems are rooted in our so called 'beliefs','culture' and 'tradition'.
    The belief that women are nt really valuable in themselves,but only in their attachment to men. marriage is primary for a woman to live a purposeful and happy life.
    The culture that an adopted child is no more than just a bastard and cn nt be seen as a legitimate child.
    The tradition that men see women as properties that they cn dispose when they need a change or add to the old one when they think they need more.
    If this system did not have a major influence on this woman ideology. I think she would have made a better decision.

  125. Sincerely no one has d right to take another's life deliberately. When out of self defence to save ur life because ur life is been threatened its a different issue.
    Africans major problems are rooted in our so called 'beliefs','culture' and 'tradition'.
    The belief that women are nt really valuable in themselves,but only in their attachment to men. marriage is primary for a woman to live a purposeful and happy life.
    The culture that an adopted child is no more than just a bastard and cn nt be seen as a legitimate child.
    The tradition that men see women as properties that they cn dispose when they need a change or add to the old one when they think they need more.
    If this system did not have a major influence on this woman ideology. I think she would have made a better decision.

  126. What a sad story

  127. she wuld ve waited on God ,itz soo terrible

  128. linda pls post my comment,iam crying while writing this,let d ppl in yr blog pray for me for God to bless me,i married as a virgin but up till now,i dnt hv a child am 32yrs old,doh my hubby hs been understanding,hs ppl mock us at every slightest opportunity,even hs mum.who hs been beating her chest,dat i cant have a baby in her eyes!but i hv bn trusting God,but sometyms it looks God just forgot u!i had 2 miscarriages n had an ectopic pregnancy in 2008 n since then,i hv nt seen a baby,if not for d love n support of my family,friends,esp my hubby,it wud hv been worst,so if u are blaming ths woman,blame her less,but blame d ppl dat made her to loose it,d mans family,the community n even d oda woman,who i know must hv conducted a stigma grp around that woman!childlessness is a situation,i wont wish even my worst enemy,if i hv one!

  129. May her soul rest in peace, This a lesson to us ladies no matter the provocation we must always try to act rationally. May God save us from wicked men.

  130. Serves the man and his second wife right. Although the woman took a drastic decision, she must have been sorely pained. It's even possible that the man is the cause of her inability to have children and is now callous enough to father children outside wedlock. Let him go answer before the greatest Judge.

  131. If I was der I would have slapped that second wife of a woman, imagine that kind of rubbish utterance. Tofia. Well d deceased took a wrong wrong step mehnnn. hmmm, judgement is worse than what u wer going through oh, madam. hian. Think well well before u ACT people. hell fire no funny oh, tor.

  132. That's what you get in a society where people put you under lame pressure. Is being barren the end of life? She has probably been derided by neighbors and relations thus having seeds of bitterness and hate sown within her. If a white woman is barren she and her husband adopts. Period; and we keep wondering why those societies are so advanced. She did wrong but I can tell her loved ones, neighbors and probably one lame cultural dictate have a hand in it.

  133. LOL “Initially, I thought it was holy water because she had turned into a prayer warrior ever since she could not get pregnant" - some witnesses though!!
    As for "the other woman" I guess thats what you get for being "The other woman" - sorry for you but find a man out of the millions with no baggage smh


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