Handsome actor Michael Ealy says his wife isn't his type | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 7 February 2014

Handsome actor Michael Ealy says his wife isn't his type

Handsome Hollywood actor Michael Ealy, 40, married Khatira Rafiqzada, 32 (pictured above with him) in October 2012 after dating her for four years. But now he says she's not his type..

When asked to advise other men looking to settle down, Michael told Rolling Out magazine...
While, I don’t consider myself a person that should write a book, or give advice on relationships, what I will share is my personal perspective.
What helped me along the way was I had two personal friends of mine whose fiancés died. And I went through a personal struggle where my father got really sick, and I spent a week with him and it just dawned on me that we don’t have as much time as we think. And when you’re done playing games, and you find someone who has qualities that are much more practical as opposed to romanticized ideals, then you've got to hold on to them.
People think that you’re supposed to marry your type … well, I didn’t marry my type. It’s much more practical, and based in a day-to-day existence. So when you have that, and you’re happy, and you love her, don’t waste time. Because time — and I’ve learned that at this point in my life — time is my most precious commodity. Nothing is more precious than time. Because when it runs out … that’s it.
Who agrees with him? Shouldn't you marry your type?


  1. Life is short. When love finds you don't waste time

    1. Abeg, he should go and sit down! After sucking all the nature endowed juice in her, his just realizing she's not his type, biko shut up! Ewu Sokoto.

    2. You may actually have a type, but guess what, love doesnt consider type! It just happens and it's beyond anyone's 'type control' and Linda, what he said isnt how you put it.

    3. SEE FINISH comes when u marry ur type...#CharlyBoy

    4. Lin lin dtz not what he meant o

    5. I agree with him,am engaged to a guy dat is nt my type bt I love him so much dat I can't evn believe dat am going to marry someone am taller than bt agn love conquers all

    6. It's true that whole notion of 'type' is for casual dating and sex. When you wanna settle it should me the one you are in love with, the one that makes you happy and the one you are comfortable with.

    7. Madam stephanie okereke...try to read again,before U call him ewu sokoto,& see maybe u need brain glasses.

    8. Lol @ steph..he dint mean he is tired all he his saying is dt he feels yu shudnt marry sm1 with same character as urs..

    9. @omobola u are as dumb as stephanie

  2. Hmm that's a dicey one der lin, he has a point to an extent but there's also a *BUT*

  3. He didn't say dnt marry ur type really. He just saying its no big deal type or not. I lv this mans eyes. Huge turn on every time I see em. Pls stay married----C21

    1. Am a guy and I agree with u totally...his eyes my really gets my blood flowing down there 2...haters can suck my big dick!

    2. anon2:15 stop lying ur dick is the size of my thumb(at full erection)

    3. At anon 2.15am..u def gay..hw will a guys eyes turn u one..u need cleansing


    1. Try harder dumb aSs. Wonder y u kids carried dis madness from nairaland down 2 dis place.

    2. So do I! Sometimes what we crave is not what is good for us. In choosing a life time partner you have to be practical sometimes.

  5. Point taken!

    #That happy sister!

  6. a wise man once said"dont spend your whole life waiting for the right one,rather be the right one for somebody"

  7. Very true!! Someone like you is not very practical for day to day living

  8. ('-_-) Impression7 February 2014 at 22:30

    I agree with him. You don't have to marry your type as long as you have enough maturity to respect each other's differences

  9. Opposites attracts. It's more perfect when u meet someone that flunks ur list of what u need in a partner not with someone he meets it. It's more fun and challenging and an adventure with each passing day.

  10. (Dats is opinion) Its beta U marry Ur type. Things works easier dat way.

  11. AGREED! Practical better than Romanticized stuffs

  12. Hmm I kinda understand what hes saying because sometimes you just have to go outside of your comfort zone and try something that you wouldnt normally do. Sometimes what you think is your "type" isnt really the right "type" or person for you.

  13. (Now dis is about dat seun's post) And who's Mimi?? *confuse face* trust me u won't luv to go down dat lane with me, english teacher plz u can like to tutor me since ur father is an English man...#YouWillTellMeIfYouDon'tMakeMistakes Ode pls don't let me insult u o

    #That happy sister!

  14. Used and dumped! Khatira fine nah! Well,u need to marry ur type!

  15. Marriage is not about similarities (type). Its more about compatibility (being able to work together without conflict). Not that there won't be problems, but they will be able to resolve it amicably.
    TheOjukwu - Just Saying.

  16. He's right, I'm not dating my type of guy but I love him, and we understand each other.

    1. Hoe!!! Shot da Fuck up, u no get were to go' u just dey fuck prick up n down ashawo lik u, u go suffer at d end of ur life .

  17. I agree,love hav ntin to do wit ur type... dats lyk sayin cos egusi is my favourite food i shudnt taste oda food lyk amala,fufu especially wen am hungry... dz type tin is d main reason most women in dier 3os aint married yet,i mean,if ur types aint lovin u,shudnt u try sumtin else ??cos David Beckham is my type doesnt mean i cant love kanye west

  18. Agreed cos it will leave room for Ūя̲̅ kids welfare

  19. Do i agree??? I don't know.

  20. He might be strong headed and the wife calm so long as he's okey with his wife not being his type, if that will keep the marriage why not

  21. na so hin go talk, so na other women dey expect vacancy ?

    Justin bieber was a bad influence on......

  22. I totally agree wit him. First of all u myt hardly see ur type sef so its about being practical. Chose from d one u can live wit from d ones dat are within ur reach...u mytgrow old while wwaiting to meet ur type

  23. In life, there's no hard and fast rules wen love and romance re concerned. I think we shud all follow our hrts cos wats works for one person might not work for the other

  24. I do.. Udeze likes..

  25. Dunno y pple can't jux stay married nowadays, plus they end up using civilization and gender equality as excuse for divorce, God help us

  26. I don't agree with him.

  27. From every spoken words there must be a rit thing. U are correct bro. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  28. that's not the basic words in his statement ..for instance some guys are passionate about beautiful model type of ladies and they wasted many years searching for this kinda ladies but they end up with someone who's not their preference,that doesnt mean hes nt in love with his wife ...

  29. i agree with him. i'm married and my wife is not my type. but we have a practical relationship that works for us. doesn't mean we don't genuinely love each other for who we are.

  30. His opinion tho

  31. From ma understanding of what he is saying, 'one's type' is usually romanticised, if u check it, u will find out that it got to do more with physical attributes which of course aint 'practical' in his context, ie may not stand the test of time in marriage...it takes more,much much more to b happily married...so yea..I agree with him. She may not be all he wanted in a woman but has got much more qualities to sustain their union..B.

  32. Its called 'settling'Wetin u want big nyansh & boobi wit plenty wahala? or small nyansh & boobi wit no wahala?

  33. He's said it all ......but Linda bia ,why do u Like to give headings that carry a negative vibe only fr us to read the info undr it n realise it doesn't carry d same meaning as opposed to what we think whn we see the heading????? Linda Linda!

  34. He is right, u should marry ur opposite and not ur type.

  35. I completely agree with him. A lot of people particularly women have this romanticised outlook about relationships that they fail to see the bigger picture. I wish life was such that everyone could find their prince/princess but relationships are not like fairy-tale books. Relationships actually take a lot of hard work, commitment, understanding and hard work to get it right and few people out there care about these things. We can all choose to look at the world through rose tinted glasses or we can face reality,sooner or later,we all face reality anyway. Life is short and in the world we live in, it is getting very hard to find the kind of person who sticks by another through the hard part of a relationship. But its quite easy to find someone who sticks around for the easy part like sex and romance.


  36. Na Me Talk Am!!!7 February 2014 at 23:00

    She's not my type? What does that even mean? #confusedmuch#

  37. Linda Kumbi the designer of Toke's wedding dress was on 'Momments with Mo' and said it was not a suprise and that Toke herself called her. Could you please read the post Toke gave to BN on the "surprise engagement and wedding" and do a blog on it. Thanks.

  38. Yes oh I can not go nd marry who is sinion dan me or richer dan me or wiser dan me.

  39. Well I don't agree with him.If ur supposed to spend the rest of ur life in marriage,then u shld definitely try to marry Ur type plus if he/she fits into ur 'romanticized' personality,then that's an added advantage.

  40. That ques. Is for Don jazzy he should marry Riri cos she aint his type! ♍ƺ i'll always follow my heart, Linda Ɣ☺u nko? Ɣ☺u must ansa my question º°˚˚°ºoo !

  41. I tink he's got a point

    Linda's fiance

  42. I so agree with him because I understand every word he said.

  43. Ofcourse it depends on the type he is. If you are an iresponsible type that lives a wayward life, would you like to marry anyone like that?

  44. I agree with him. You aren't suppose to marry someone who only excites your romantic desires but someone who you can go through rough time with n not just be cut up with sex...then what? if who you fall in love with n get married to is your type then it's a bonus! But it shouldn't be the criteria to choosing your spouse...shikena!

  45. I agree with him. You aren't suppose to marry someone who only excites your romantic desires but someone who you can go through rough time with n not just be cut up with sex...then what? if who you fall in love with n get married to is your type then it's a bonus! But it shouldn't be the criteria to choosing your spouse...shikena!

  46. Marrying ur type means marrying the 'perfect' partner... So I agree with him cuz If u continue waiting 4 ur type u'll be senile b4 a wink of an eye.... Anyway, the dude didn't say he didn't love his wife or anything


  47. I agree with him. Because my husband is my exact opposite. But our differences is what pulled us together.

  48. Linda please i need your email. Got something i need to share

  49. Wow, ds micheal is in a movie, "The Good wife". Anyway, he sed ds in hs opinion.

  50. Linda!!!!.....your title is so misleading....haba!!!...and yes the guy's perspective is right to a certain extend. Practical marriage is like a contract, why marry someone like u...it becomes boring in a short while, u make same mistakes, u dnt become a better person cus he/she is just like u, no checks and balances cus u both reason d same way...now dis shld not mean ur spouse shld be ur exact opposite because that will affect your compatibility and there will be a lot of friction...but u both shld have as much differences as the similarities u share...its a personal decision..if u are an extrovert, its only smart of u to marry an introverted personality, u will be courting marital trouble if u marry an hermit crab...but introverts are not always social but can be as mood permits....it will help check n balance ur social life...if u are a shopaholic like me, just marry an Ijebu accountant like my hubby...God bless that dude, i probably would have filed for bankruptcy by now....

  51. U don turn d mata d oda way round

  52. He has a point though...People keep chasing butterflies...lol

  53. I didn't even know he was married... nice couple though, what matters is that he loves her.... @bladadash


  55. I agree with him 100%, I got married last year on my birthday, and my husband isn't my type, this is not an insult, but the fact! I believe that "your type" is an ideal that has been forced on us, by hollywood and nollywood movies, that ideal, "the romantic ideal really doesn't exist", and that is why a lot of men and women waste their time waiting, instead of seizing the moment!!! I am deeply in love with my husband and he is deeply in love with me too, he isn't my type, but he is in fact "My Salvation and My King", and there isn't anything(sacrifice) that I would not do for him and vice versa,so in my opinion Micheal Ealy is right, life is too short to wait or waste, live in the moment-Cocobutter.

  56. Well he is rite opposites do attract what d big deal about types anyway

  57. Ok.. Let me educate you Linda and co, what I understand from what he said is, a lot of people wait for their type. I'm sure you understand what that means! He is saying, the one you marry doesn't necessarily have to be your type. If you find love then you have to make it work.
    An instance, I like tall huge men. I have never dated any small guy before. (They are not my type) but there's this guy I'm developing feelings for. He's quite petite so I keep reminding myself that he's not my type and I'm staying away. He's done everything to show me he cares about me but I just can't get over his small size....Does this help you understand better?

  58. Give credits to necole bitchie when u steal her stories. Fucked up bitch.

  59. Yeah but it sucks at times trying to get ur partner to meet up wit ur standards. Marry ur type. Its less stressful. My fiance is nt my type n trust me it can be frustrating.

    Jannygurl says so
    Bonario are u there.?

  60. Most times Linda what we call our type is usually based on wrong emotions and sex driven sentiments which never makes marriage work thus the high rates of divorce and broken relationship. Sound Character cannot be compromise

  61. Linda that is not the core of his message! He is just saying go for substance not surface. If your type has both, lucky u

  62. I totally agree wit him, so many things can go wrong, u say Slim gurls re ur type, but wat will happen after she drops one child nd blow up? Will u abandon her den, or u Luv Big woman nd somewhere along d line she became slim so what den? U luv guys with Six packs den after marriage nd too much "Regular Homemade wifey food" he develops a paunch in his belly, so will u leave him? Marry someone who makes u feel good, someone who inspires, Motivate u, someone with good personality, coz, Looks Fade, people change, but d heart will always remain d same.

    By the Way that Man is 40 nd he Luks lyk dat? Dammmnnnn! Love me some Michael, can't wait for his new movie "All about Last Night"....Countdown to Feb 14.....

  63. I totally agree wit him, so many things can go wrong, u say Slim gurls re ur type, but wat will happen after she drops one child nd blow up? Will u abandon her den, or u Luv Big woman nd somewhere along d line she became slim so what den? U luv guys with Six packs den after marriage nd too much "Regular Homemade wifey food" he develops a paunch in his belly, so will u leave him? Marry someone who makes u feel good, someone who inspires, Motivate u, someone with good personality, coz, Looks Fade, people change, but d heart will always remain d same.

    By the Way that Man is 40 nd he Luks lyk dat? Dammmnnnn! Love me some Michael, can't wait for his new movie "All about Last Night"....Countdown to Feb 14.....

  64. Linda, if marriage is what you desire now, I think you should go for it and stop overt thinking. That too could be bad. The numerous advice you have received on this blog is enough for you to write a marriage book. Pls stop over analysing issues n find a decent man to marry. God bless. My two cent.

  65. what he really means by type are the little things men/women fixate on, that are not really relevant for a lasting, enjoyable relationship

    e.g my husband must be tall or my wife must be from Nnewi.
    Can you eat his height or u fit chop her village.

    Focus on kindness, love, faith, generosity, faithfulness, laughter, peace etc instead

  66. He's damn so correct.wat matters is love and understanding.dats y most Hollywood couples break up in no time.thumps up to the likes of JAYONCE tho!

  67. He is rite be d ryt one 4 sumone dats not ur type.

  68. You made it seem as if he had left his wife because she's not his type. She may not have fit into the image of the kind of girls he used to like but she stole his heart. He loves her because she's practical. That's a compliment.

  69. dating your type is not healthy for both of you.marrying some1 that has diff view but can still understand or tolerate you.is a good idea

  70. Abegi. Type also has to do with the so-called compatibility.If you guys are compatible,she's indeed your 'TYPE' in terms of compatibility. Oga don tire,he's laying it off,simple.

  71. I totally agree with him. Marriage is not abt ur type, its deeper than that. We all need compatibility wit our partners and also we need sumone who complements us. Becos ur type might not just be right for you for marriage....

  72. I totally agree with him.... I live u Michael and ure so my type :)

  73. Olodo Linda..na why u never marry. Dey there they look for ur type. You go old.

  74. slow news day I guess cause you practically didnt understand what you asked.OR you didnt understand what he meant.

  75. anyway for me, i will sey he is right... remember most players dont always marry the most beautiful ones that com to look for them. cos those ones are always carried away by their beauty and they dont have manners.... they only ment for men that leave abroad while there wife is here,,,, with that he will not notice if the wife knows how to cook or have good manners..

  76. What kind of question is this ? U mean u don't know this already ?

  77. For those of you out there still waiting for your 'type'.... You go wait till ur skeleton dry on top wheelchair
    *that Bayelsa mama*

  78. Yep..u know when people expect you to be with a certain type of person, even you urself wrote a list etc...but, u just know deep down in your spirit.. Na, not him... I buy this theory... U don't really av to be with ur type.. Life is easier..

  79. Aww my micheal elay, afr chris brown its you ooh lol.. Well time wasnt on yur syd so i undrstnd watcu mean as long as ur happy n can stay in such marriage.. I cant marry a man who isnt my type cuz i wont be in love wiv him neithr will it last.. Well Am datin my type and am so in love wiv him :).. Love is sweet oh lol

  80. He couldn't have said it any better, it takes someone who is very intelligent to understand his point of views, so I agree 100%

  81. Linda do the story on Kunbi saying that Toke herself called her 3 days before her wedding to make the dress. Toke told BN it was a surprise engagement and wedding, that she did not know. This was the quote from the article, "Only Toke's nearest and dearest were privy to groom Maje's plan to propose and wed the same day" Please do a that story because some of us were call all kinds of names and insulted for asking how that could have been a surprise.

  82. He couldn't have said it any better, it takes someone who is very intelligent to understand his point of views, so I agree 100%

  83. Spot on! I totally agree. The key is love, she doesn't necessarily have to have the body of a goddess or a complexion dat's killing, but one u both understand, love and respect each other, dat's the value of a true relationship.

  84. Yes Linda, you don't marry your type but the one that will make you his/her type

  85. True to an extent,but nt marrying ur type won't work for everyone

  86. I agree with him. My fiance is not my type but he has proven to have all the qualities I wanted in a man.

  87. ... hey, guys.... first question shld be, WHAT DOES HE MEAN BY "TYPE". You cant agree or disagree based on what ur idea of " YOUR TYPE" is. In the nigerian context, do u mean, same language or same education or same hight.... etc. But generally speaking, I think pple marry pple that 'complement' them or like others say... that 'complete them' and not pple that copy or replicate them.

  88. The only thing I don't wanna hear is dat u crashed ur marriage whether u marry ur type or not, but in the beginning when u dey go out with the babe u ddnt realize she isn't ur type so dat u ll go n find ur type Story story story

  89. When he said "type", he meant physically. Of course hw many pipo rily marry their type? Jst pray he/she is D̶̲̥̅̊ one for you. Else, type no go matter o!

  90. He married the woman he loves. She doesn't look like many of his exes, but he loves her more than all of them.

  91. Let's see if it lasts.

  92. This is a wise guy....I hope u guys are hearing mehn, time is short live, love and learn... Love is more than type or class or whatever, find someone who makes u happy and brings out the best in you and you'll live a fulfilled and peaceful life

  93. U people just say what u like all in d name of blogging,u would have added d reason why he said dat. Is not his type could mean so many things as u put it. My husband is not dat good in bed but i love him,cos he is a caring & loving husband & a father.

  94. He's absolutely right. I'm not married to my "type" either and I've never been happier. I have total bliss.

    Basically, God has a bigger plan, what u think is good for you , may not necessarily be.

  95. If u be the party type that clubs wella and you meet your type in a woman,I mean babe wey sabi club too,you fit marry am?all of una wey dey yan say dem go marry their type....ALI IS HERE

  96. Understanding and compatibility is the key to a successful union b4 love, sefini

  97. I dnt tink we shud marry our type...for instance if u r dull and marry smeone dat its still dull na dullard una wan born...dats y most quiet men marry gbagbati women...d marriage will b boring bcos u hv seen all dose xter in ursef...dnt tink he's correct is correct sha after four years of dating her and he's saying dis trash...he nids to go to d hospital or go to d zoo to find his type...Ram!!!

  98. This is uncalled for...he doesn't have a cogent reason @ all! #type issue? Dhurrrrrrrrrrrrr

  99. Linda u can make us think sumfin else ehn... "He said wen u find sum1 more practical as opposed to romanticized ideals, then u've got to hold unto them" which totally makes sense, Men want a Genevieve or a Kim or a Beyonce, Buh U av a Solange or a Selena Gomez or Christina Milan.. Which might not be ur type or ideal kinda girl, Buh shez real, Loves u and shows it! Wife the damn Bitch! Bey/kim/genevieve r soOooo Taken and besides alotta men want dem, so b4 dey get 2 u? U might av fallen off d radar! (Common Sense not common @all) #fab

  100. I agree i always had a type and my boyfriend turned out to be the exact opposite in every way and i love him to pieces

  101. I have a big crush on dis guy, love his role in act like a lady, think like a man to pieces, very cute guy.

  102. Well he's right somehow, but first of all, I want my 'type' physically

  103. Linda, i think you quoted this guy out of context. What he said is very true and practical. Marriage isn't always your type because your type mightn't even be good for you. Most times, it's the person you least expected that you end up marrying. For you that is still single and other singles out there, please always ask God to give you your spouse and NOT your type. May the will of God be always be done in our lives.

  104. Well this is certainly true ! Where is it wriTten that a celebrity should marry a celebrity .. Most of em end up divorcing.. When u find true love hold on to it ..

  105. TRUE....DIDNT MARRY MY TYPE TOO, cos we would hv both freaked each other out...am very calculating and analytical & cunning.....having a wife like me.. would ruin everything...i d'd spend half of my energy trying to figure her out, energy which would hv been used to grow the relationship......

    in some areas she is my type...in other areas she aint, no partner can hv it all..its always a trade off btw beauty/brains/good behaviour/wealth/physique/home making skills/education etc.....

    damn!..life as a human is hard..cant wait to port outside this realm :)

    also no one can be your type in everything

  106. Lol... This guy is a clown. How did she become his wife in the first place?

  107. I don't fink its better to marry ur type cos it will be doubl u,which remains half u,marry some one nat ur type completes u,cos he or she is everyfin u're nat and becomes a whole wif u 2 put togeda.

  108. aqreed!


  109. Yes! By 'type' he means your ideal; what typifies that unconscious list we make in our minds; that which is a fantasy. And the important thing is not to blame or castigate your spouse who can never meet up to those pedestal heights. Hence, he talks about practicalities of day to day life. Wise man, I must say.

  110. KINDA TRUE..
    in body types..i like big boobs size d or c+, but hv seen so many saggy d, boobs, so decided against marrying that type..married a size b or c-, relatively happy...but still wish i married a double d chic....lol

    ok to more serious stuff, had a chic who was my type like 80%...but she had awful home keeping skills, n taste in music..and a big propnent of marriage equality......unlike my wife who understands her role as the wife, has superb home making skills..but is like 55% my match!.....sometimes i wonder what if......

  111. Hmmmmmm ..... Just tinking ( type ) ok ooo

  112. Very thoughtful of him. Marrying your type is one of the reasons we have single men/ladies (but mostly ladies) out there; cause they waiting endlessly to match their type for marriage but just like he said: "...well, I didn’t marry my type. It’s much more practical, and based in a day-to-day existence!" It is much more practical to do peeps. One love!

  113. What is a type really, if not a set of haves and have nots we set up for ourselves. Sometimes you find yourselves attracted to somebody who doesn't have let's say boobs but she loves you; unconditionally and you do her too. What do you do? Leave cos she is not your type? That's why we have a lot of spinsters and bachelors out there, because everybody has a type! Hehehehehe na so!!! Like he said while you are having a type, time is busy taking its toll on you.

  114. Most ladies are still single today because they are busy looking for their type, forgeting the fact that time waits for no body. Marriage if not about type, its about commitment and love. So he is on point.

  115. Am nt dating my type of Guy bt I love him! My prob wt him is we r a lot diff! We dnt undastd each oda! He mks a big deal out of nottin... Plz am searchin n I nid 2 be wt my type of Guy.cuz only my type can really undastd me

  116. Hw can u be compactiable wt some1 who doesn't undastd u... Ur type shld be 1 who tinks n undastd u.... Thus u both can be compactable.. Bt if u marry some1 dat isn't ur type he/she won't even undastd u... Am talkin frm experince... My guy tho loves me bt he doesn't get me 1 bit... He twist tins a lot n nag me.... Am tired of explaning n fighting ova nottin.... I tink am jst gna get out

  117. Obviously,there is another woman behind the scene who is "his type". Liar! Liar!

  118. Many pple dnt marry dia types bt God hlp me 2 marry ma type coz I cnt imagine marryin a nigerian....shikena

  119. na u sabi...my own be say..watching two goodlooking guys make out,lick each others body,blow their cocks gives me a swollen boxer ah dnt knw why.,

  120. i kind of agree.opposite attracts nd happiness counts.

  121. He is right cos the people u consider ur type atimes don't behave well but when u look beyond that u just find happiness else where

  122. Most people are under the illusion of being with "the perfect one"there's no such thing as that.life is what u make of it and so is relationships.for me its about personality n intellect.these two things I can compromise on.physical looks can never be permanent.wht matters is someone that can make me laugh till am 90 years.

  123. To an extent he sure has a point. I think it varies from person to person and relationships to relationships. Like he said, he acted on what he went thru and saw the need not to waste time.

  124. The issue is dat some men dis days get married 4 d wrong reasons, fine body, nice boobs, she is pretty, and so on, my dear I believe wen a girl meets atleast 60 to 70 percent of d quality u want in a woman. Its better u settle down, cos there is no perfect mam or woman out there. U make the imperfect one perfect for u. Queen sheba

  125. Men dis days look 4 the wrong reasons 2 get in a woman they love 2 get married 2, wen u meet a woman or man dat is up 2 60 or 70 person of the quality u want in ur spouse, its better u settle down. Cos no perfect man or woman anywhere. If he or ahe is not ur type, mold him or her 2 what u want them 2 be. Omowunmi

  126. The guy is close to perfect, is nt abt ur type, is abt marrying a person u can live with happily. Wit or without ur type in marriage 'problems,issues, challenges r inevitable, they r bound. All dat matters is 'maturity' just open ur heart, ur mind & accept him/her & everything will definitely fall into place. Be considerate ie, knw dat u guys r two different individuals wit "likes & dislikes" nt d same, & then be accommodating, & above all be tolerant always knw dat dat ur partner is human therefore make mistake, always hv dat forgiven spirit & everything will just be fine. I may be wrong though! Bt ma opinion... @SHoK

  127. Ave not seen my type is d silly excuse people use dis days not 2 get married. If he or she is not ur type, make d person ur type by working on them. No perfect man or woman anywhere

  128. I agree nd i don't @ the same time,sometimes i believe we can find the imperfect person nd make them perfact

  129. He is right. I would say my "type" is light,slim fit baby looking dudes.

    But I married a dark not slim baby looking dude because he is awesome and I am blessed.

    So stick with facts not fiction.

  130. Omg ! Lindodo wia į̸̸̨§ •̸ϞƔ post since yester nite #sad face#

  131. Ya all should 4get abt dis marrying ur type thing nd see d fact here! They dated 4 4yrs nd could not stay married 4 jst 2yrs... Don't u think som1 doesn't realy wnt a lifetime commitment? Its either him or her. If its him, when he finds his type as he claims, he won't be able 2 be d right man 4 her, he wil as well run away frm being tied down! Pls do look beyond d interestingly sweet words...


  132. Di√a₢ΰiƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇ε8 February 2014 at 09:48

    Next pls

  133. I agree wit him...big booty banging were my type...guess what? Am in love wit a shortie now.

  134. Yea,he is right!
    Big booty banging used to be my thing...but guess what? Am in love wit a shortie...cutely portable.

  135. What he meant by your "type" is someone that people will see and say... matches you perfectly.. You know the fine girl, successful business woman or career lady, smart, tall, likes to go out and shares all your interests etc...

    However, marriage needs more, and most times you will see it in the person that isn't glamorous enough... Someone that will create the platform, for what you need..

  136. U guys should'nt just compare their love life with ours over here....marry your bestfrd that way things will b eazier..u shouldnt let let some1 tell u d kind person2marry

  137. Omg! My crush is married*crying* his eyes though*phew! Linda your caption is misleading, in the context he meant it I totally agree with him....and yes delay is dangerous. ..And this is for the guys esp this val season, when you meet that special girl that makes you blush just thinking about her, and you know you give her butterflies in the stomach,don't waste time, wife her up already before someone else does :)


  138. Your type or not dose not really matter, tolerance matters. ..

  139. Marriage is all about complementing one another. If I am an extrovert, I need an introvert, if I am a free spender, I need someone dat can curtail me, if I am hot tempered, I need a cool person to tone me down, imagine a home where d husband and wife are hot tempered, dey will just burn d house down. Really marriage is all about making up and balancing for each others weaknesses n strenght. So for me, I will prefer to get hooked with someone whose strenght are my weakness and whose weakness is my strenght.


  140. When I met my husband 10 years ago, he was not my type, what I loved about him was the way he cared about me. We are now married, have three children and I am happier than ever. He turned out to be my type.

  141. I agree with him...

  142. Wise man, wise words, just the same way i see life. Its unfortunate that many men and women wait untill there time is running out b4 they start living a pratical life n drop the artificial and fake life. Dont make things complicated,for ur self.

  143. He's right... I luv his eyes

  144. Linda, he is so right. I connect so much with what he said because i am going through a very awkward stage in life now, where i have to leave the one i love because i know long term will not be practicable. I think generally in life, the happiest of people when it comes to marriage did not really marry the one they 'loved', the one they had those beautiful fantasies with, because at the end, it is day to day existence that will count....go for the more practicable rather than the more romantic.

  145. I totally agree

  146. How many times have I heard that ..still will end up divorced .its all about the guidance of the Lord not ur intellence to forsee or know

  147. marriage is not about your type but about that one person that makes you feel different and loved.
    i concur with him.
    But linda you made the heading seem somehow.

  148. "you shouldn't marry your type" is very ambiguous. Your "type" of what?
    I mean, sometimes opposites attract but what exactly does he mean?

  149. Linds come on. dont toy with your integrity.

  150. marrying you type depend on what you want but i believe marriage is not about you type but about who is ready to make you the best you want to be

  151. Hahahaha were u forced? Pls u better re council with ur wife

  152. Linda, I think wat he was to say is that most ppl have a preconceived idea of wat they want in a spouse which is most times impractical and unrealistic. He was simply trying to say that instead of living in fools paradise, he took the practical approach and married someone who's imperfections he's willing to accept and one who's willing to accept his.

  153. hONESTLY, HE'S RIGHT.....you think you want someone who's all ambitious, romantic, blah blah blah...but when it come s down to it you realize, its the simple things that count; he's 95% rite....its not about love as much as it is about reality...some things don';t matter when you get into marriage,boyfriend and girlfriend is afar cry from being married.Type or not...married is an institution you never graduate from.....no big deal about one's 'type'

  154. My Wife, is not my type either but I won't swap her for my type even if she came knocking on my door. our Judgement are screwed when it comes to love, majority of us have a picture in our head as to who we want to end up with and 90% of the time that is the wrong person for us. Being Practical as he mention is about give and take not just about giving or taking.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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