Video: Gay rights activist Bisi Alimi speaks to CNN's Amanpour | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 17 January 2014

Video: Gay rights activist Bisi Alimi speaks to CNN's Amanpour

CNN's Christiane Amanpour speaks with Nigerian gay rights activist Bisi Alimi about the recently passed Nigerian anti-gay law. Watch the video...


  1. I support you Bisi....Nigerians love gay, they are just hypocrates

    1. I may choose to be gay.I may choose to be bi, I may choose to have threesome with two girls. I may choose to walk or dress like a girl. Please, allow me cos its my life. My life is the only thing that belongs to me. I am the ceo of my life. GOD gave it to me and He did not tell Nigeria govt or some morons in nigeria to tell me how to live it. The car I'm driving might not be mine, the house I'm living might not belongs to me but this life belongs to me for crying out loud. Leave these gay ppl alone. They have their lives to live. They are not minor, you can't tell them what to do with their lives. Gosh! This is crazy. Like you gonna tell me what to do with my life? Like really? Really? Where is the law against child marrage, where is the law against corruption. Bunch of hypocrates. You liber dogs you can start barking at me but trust me you can't bite me. Damn!

    2. Badoo of toronto that can't write good english. Gay olodo yahoo boy. Shior!

    3. Plus, when HIV kills this Bisi, I'm sure CNN will not cover that then. Shior!!!

    4. Go to hell. We don't love men who tear men's yansh. I don't support homosexuality. Otherwise we should also allow peadophiles enjoy themselves. After all they were born that way. Nonsense

    5. All you people quoting the bible about,the bible also say inDeutronomy 22:28-29,if a woman gets raped she should marry her rapist.let's obey that now.

    6. Uganda used to be the most hated country in the africa,now it will be nigeria.south africa doesn't kill gays are they not flourishing,did God send fire and brimstone to them.

    7. OUR STORY Europeans (aka white ) Mentality: First, they came to Africa as missionaries, gave us the Bible and found that Africans married more than one wife. They said it was wrong on the ground that God made them one man one wife. After a lot of bastardization and abuse we Africans swallowed that pill and opted for one man one wife marriage. Then, when they started having marriage problems, they shifted the argument to now be that you can seek divorce if the marriage doesn't work. Africans cried blue murder on the grounds that marriage oath says 'till death do us part' in their bible. They said no way. Gradually, African bought that too. They now moved it up again and said single parenthood is best form that there is no need for a man and woman to seek a marriage union. The gave reasons and called it feminism; right assertion etc. Africans battled it and after a while, single parenthood which used to be a taboo, became norm for most women. Now that they have destroyed the institution of marriage in their clime and found no need to live with a woman or with a man as husband and wife, they have now moved over to tell us that marriage is not exclusively about man and woman but about two persons who love themselves. Yet, they still have the same copy of the bible they brought to us Sodom and Gomorrah . Most of the states in the US say NO and are seen as backward. The progressive states have opted to say yes, marriage can be between male/male or female/female. They call it love. They call it freedom. They eulogize anyone who identifies himself as such as being courageous. And not satisfied with that in their lands, they are pushing it down to us in Africa. And they are threatening economic and commercial issues to it. Their media agencies like CNN forces it down your ears. For them, you are cool if you accept it. Meanwhile, the chief campaigner, Obama, lives with his wife. Very soon, they will no longer find any attraction in homosexuality again. Then, they will go back to their Supreme Court to seek an interpretation of the Marriage Act to ensure it does not exclude marriage to Cats, Dogs, Donkeys, Pythons, Monkeys, Baboons, Chimpanzees and even Rats... Free yourselves from slaves mentality. ^ Freedom From Mental Slavery The white man is very clever. He came quietly and peaceably with his religion. We were amused at his foolishness and allowed him to stay. Now he has won our brothers, and our clan can no longer act like one. He has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart. We keep falling apart and we will be no more as a people because many of our children can't speak our language.

    8. I hate it when people say its only in humans homosexual behaviour exist. Penguins,birds,even bugs have shown homosexual behaviour,google have internet educate yourselves,instead of sending naked pics of you ex girlfriend to everyone on BBM.

    9. GEJ keeps making stupid decision quickly. Stella oduah who was caught RED handed,the matter was postponed. Nigerians love corruption that should be our slogan

    10. @anonymys 8:52om. Why are you so retard. Your are just a bitch. Why hiding under anonymous and calling someone names. I guess you were brought up ny your neighbor cos your useless and wayward mother did not have time to train you. I see no reason you should yab this guy cos he's against the anti gay law. You need to get a life. You coward

    11. Badoo of Toronto, u re d biggest barking dog on LIB. Ur comments never hold water, as a matter of fact, I ve never seen an intelligent comment from u on LIB. Ur comments are always backed up with utmost stupidity, pls 4 ur own good go back 2 school.

    12. Badoo of Toronto I only have one word for you "SICK". You are very sick and you need to be hospitalised in a mental institution in emergency ward. Presently u are already a threat to the society

    13. Badoo of Toronto I only have one word for you "SICK". You are very sick and you need to be hospitalized in a mental institution in emergency ward. Presently you are already a threat to the society

    14. Anon 9:34...God bless u...well said..I don't knw why we re so blind to see dat gay is evil...STOP GAY!!!!

    15. @anonymus 10:10pm and 10:42. Two of you are lifeless. Cant someone share his opinion on anti gay law? Do you have to talk shit. Must you reply to his comment. You retard local breeds. Odion

    16. Wow, see sensible comment from people. Every good hearted men and women should say a A BIG NO to homo... kai, I can't even stand to write it finished.

      Check my blog out for more gists at Nigerian entertainment news

    17. Call GEJ stupid, or wise, the bottom line is he has made his choice and if truly we elected him as our president democratically then we should let him do his job. Good or bad decisions, what is worst is not deciding at all.

    18. Anon 1:06am, u re so mad n an extreme fool, what point did badoo of Toronto make? U re such an idiot.

    19. The problem is that most Nigerians have very low IQs and religious sheepishness has only made it worse. Gays say that they're born that way, but we can't prove otherwise because we're not gay. We just have to respect their opinions and human rights to do whatever they want with THEIR BODIES. Personally i find it disgusting but that's me. As long as they're not trying to turn me gay, it's their business. Govt may choose not to recognize gay marriage but don't harass and jail them.

      What Nigerians need is a prosperous country where the nation's resources are put to good use and everybody lives a meaningful and dignified life. Nigerians should channel all these anti-gay energies towards that. $10b is missing in NNPC but all that my countrymen and women care about is anti-gay bill.

      By the way, is it coincident that Jonathan signed this bill just at the time his party is in shambles and members are defecting in droves? Does he need to shore up his approval ratings? Think about that!

    20. Oh shut up. Have u heard of 'gay rape' very soon that will be the order of the day. God Bess GEJ. I hate gays.

  2. all this gay talk is becoming boring . please I need a bill that will get me a job. #watchingtelemudo#

    1. And also power supply

    2. Hahaha I like ur comment. we r on d same page on dat.

    3. We will kill all you gays if we catch you. Bastards. Linda seems you are one of them bcuz of the nonesense publicity you are giving them. If you like don't post this comment, that's ur bloody business

    4. I tire 4 her oo ontop she never marry she dey here dey support gay...if men marry men where will u see husband to marry abi u too go marry woman?LINDA

  3. This topic is trending worldwide bruh. I'm tired.

    ~~Success Has No Limitation~~

  4. Linda I don't understand u and this anti gay law.

  5. Anyone supporting gay marriage must belong to at least one of the following categories:

    He or she is:

    A. A homosexual or bisexual (does it with man and woman)

    B. A beneficiary of gay political support or does business to gay people or has a gay benefactor.

    C. In a situation where his or her mind has been confused and deluded..

    Therefore before we listen to anyone sympathetic to that absurdity they should first declare their interest as listed above..

    ¤¤MR Comment Waiting For Approval¤¤

    1. Stalor,

      Here's my take on your theory- dumb as fuck. I belong to neither category. I am strictly dickly... never had any mixed thoughts on that. I am very educated and I reason on my own. I support that the gay cocommunity be allowed to be themselves. Gayness is not an issue in Nigeria. Bad roads, college grad with no job-unemployment, electricity issue and the lack thereof, oh hear this one that drives me crazy, rich old men (money stolen from others) fucking young girls in exchange for money, rape in Nigeria- remember the destitute woman that had a baby on the street?- remember she was raped and the touts are running freely, where's that $10.8B sanusi complained about?, why is stella oduah still on the job? Why hasnt Nigerian Custom Agency not been able to meets its yearly quota of funds to the government. I dont live in Nigeria and I know these things are serious issues & some life threatening. So why the hell are you focusing on GAY issues that has no consequence to national security, much less your daily income. Dont you think you're distracted? Deluded? Confused? Ignorant but yet arrogant to notice your ignorance? Hypocritical? Im sure within this week, you bribed a cop. Tell me when to stop showing the absurdity in your reasoning.

    2. @stalor you're a fool. So beyonce or nelson Mandela is one of the above talk like a fool. Even the pope said who I'm I to judge people who are gay. Many nigerians where not raised well.

    3. How does it concern you what two people do in their room. Are yoy are pervert.

    4. Saying kills gays it like saying any girl who gives oral-sex(blow job) should be stoned to death.cause putting the sex organ in the mouth is animalistic. Only animals do it.which is foolish. You are in the privacy of your own home,you're are two consenting adults,do what you like to each other.Gays abegi enjoy yourselves.

    5. Light no dey for 2 weeks now and na gay matter they worry nigerians.this is to show you the IQ level of nigerians. We are finished

    6. Anno 9 30 shot d f****k

    7. Yes we agree there are lots of problems in Nigeria! But being gay is also a problem! U accept it or not being gay is a problem, its a normal thing! Even if the govt decides to legalise being gay today it wont still reduce or stop the other problems we have in this country! For goodness sakes even is it every way of life started by the whites that we must accept??? Is there no limit to what we can accept and reject, we have enough problems already, must we add gay to the problems?? If u want to be gay, pls get ur Visa and travel out, nobody will stop u! All these talk is getting tiring! Abeg, its not compulsory that nigerians must accept it.

    8. Stalor Elvis, u took ds right outta my mouth, I second ur comment.

    9. The law has been made and should remain there.Yes we have lots of problems in Nigeria and this gay shit is one of was not really a topic and issue, until the Westerners and those who swallow every rubbish from them wanna force it down our throat. You can leave dis country and nationalise anywhere just becos u wanna be freely gay or u can hide inside ur cupboard to do wt u wanna do, all we knw is dt we dnt wanna sEe men and men and women and women freely practising mpu on our streets and churches, no freedom 4 u down here...Weda it was permitted or not, it can't change or stop all other problems overnight. It has been tackled now, let's face other issues. For those saying that's the only thing Nigeria is talking about, Go watch NTA and AIT 9.00pm nd 8.00pm news respectively and confirm if that's the only thing that's been read b4 u talk anyhow...

    10. Re u saying the whites started u know they re other animals that practise homosexuality

    11. Sorry, not whites, na animals, and u r proud to copy from animals.

    12. Anon 8:08 exactly you said it, your own words "animals". Are you an animal? Are we animals? God gave us superior brains for a reason! He didn't make a mistake! So why should we start acting like animals! I believe the white dudes came up with the list of homosexual animals just to let us feel that there's nothing wrong with the act! Don't always accept what the white dude says!
      Even bestiality is fast becoming a way of life for them (you think all that animal rights crap, doesn't have an underlying story? You watch and see). The more we accept what they force down our throats, the more we loose our identity and become less of who we are! If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!

    13. LOL! As typical a Nigerian would say. "My brothers and sisters". Well...thos issue I know is a sensitive one. And ya'll should try and be open minded about this. Let me ask you pple a simple question... do you think these pple need help or they're just outrightly evil? Well I think I knw what ur reasoned answer would be. While at that...I for one..before taking any serious decision I think to myself... what will Jesus do? And in this case...I feel alot of you all coming from the religious point of Christianity you do your religion; my religion,our religion alot of evil. The Jesus I know wouldn't. ..sorry will not preach so much hate... condemn the act yes he will. But he will not throw them to prison or ask for their heads as alot of ya'LL are doing right now. Adultery during Jesus' period on earth was equal if not more a crime than homosexuality. But Jesus didn't condemn the woman to sin...mind u I said ..more a crime I didn't say more a sin... well Jesus reminded us that love heals all. Not 1 person stood up for that poor woman-Mary but him. He said "LET HE WHO HAS NO SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE". And same thing he will say today....pls dnt cripple ur chances of making evil by supporting hate and judging others. Try and stay out of dis discussion if u can neither help these pple to chng or support their course. I will speak my mind always. And as for those propagating culture...readbur history well and u will see that the british culture is far older than ours. Not cuz their's look more advance and maybe new due to technology means that its no more a culture. I can't speak for the muslims...cuz I'm not one. I REST MY CASE. GOD BLESS US ALL. GOD BLESS NIGERIA.

  6. The law should be amended...but the ban on gay marriage should stand,if they wanna fuck ass and suck boobs and clitoris,its their sorry ass business,but they should never be allowed to get married either in their gay church or in a court of law in nigeria,never.

    1. You really don't have sense. The law has come to stay and will never be amended. We know they a spending money on media to try to paint evil to be good but it will never work for them. You are so gullible that you are already considering having the law amended. You are a compound fool.

    2. My dear,thanks for this comment...The Nigerian govt shld allow them do whatever they wanna do but shouldn't get married...its their lives for God sakes.

    3. Gbam...tblaze ur father should hv jerked off the batch of sperm that made u....bigot!

  7. The western countries have now become a threat to our national security . This pressure on the President is distracting. No wonder Putin banned gay propaganda in Russia. I have a feeling that America and UK will now be shopping for a gay-friendly Nigerian to smuggle back into power. They will certainly do anything humanly possible to force this gay madness on Nigerians.

  8. That 1 concern her make she cum try am here she will rot in jail fool

    1. OUR STORY Europeans (aka white ) Mentality: First, they came to Africa as missionaries, gave us the Bible and found that Africans married more than one wife. They said it was wrong on the ground that God made them one man one wife. After a lot of bastardization and abuse we Africans swallowed that pill and opted for one man one wife marriage. Then, when they started having marriage problems, they shifted the argument to now be that you can seek divorce if the marriage doesn't work. Africans cried blue murder on the grounds that marriage oath says 'till death do us part' in their bible. They said no way. Gradually, African bought that too. They now moved it up again and said single parenthood is best form that there is no need for a man and woman to seek a marriage union. The gave reasons and called it feminism; right assertion etc. Africans battled it and after a while, single parenthood which used to be a taboo, became norm for most women. Now that they have destroyed the institution of marriage in their clime and found no need to live with a woman or with a man as husband and wife, they have now moved over to tell us that marriage is not exclusively about man and woman but about two persons who love themselves. Yet, they still have the same copy of the bible they brought to us Sodom and Gomorrah . Most of the states in the US say NO and are seen as backward. The progressive states have opted to say yes, marriage can be between male/male or female/female. They call it love. They call it freedom. They eulogize anyone who identifies himself as such as being courageous. And not satisfied with that in their lands, they are pushing it down to us in Africa. And they are threatening economic and commercial issues to it. Their media agencies like CNN forces it down your ears. For them, you are cool if you accept it. Meanwhile, the chief campaigner, Obama, lives with his wife. Very soon, they will no longer find any attraction in homosexuality again. Then, they will go back to their Supreme Court to seek an interpretation of the Marriage Act to ensure it does not exclude marriage to Cats, Dogs, Donkeys, Pythons, Monkeys, Baboons, Chimpanzees and even Rats... Free yourselves from slaves mentality. ^ Freedom From Mental Slavery The white man is very clever. He came quietly and peaceably with his religion. We were amused at his foolishness and allowed him to stay. Now he has won our brothers, and our clan can no longer act like one. He has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart. We keep falling apart and we will be no more as a people because many of our children can't speak our language.

  9. Linda plz alwayz put a download link coz ut youtube de finish ma moni.....Gay tuk don de gv me FEVER

  10. Nigerians(d hungry n uncivilised ones) are just a bunch of stupid pple... Be shouting "arrest d gays" witout using ur brain to think... I'm sure many of u have children, brothers or sisters in single sex schools n ur here making noise! Wat do u tink happens in dose skools or how do u think children grow up to become gay? Except we are saying dat d police shud also be invited into dese same sex schools n arrest children who practice d act , dat makes more sense if d govt is really keen on eradicating homosexuality for d country. MONKEYS!

    1. Well u dumb baboon, if u r caught in same sex schools involved in this activities there's a high tendency of you being expelled, so don't act like the schools allow it to happen, one thing u need to understand is dat allow same sex marriages will b sending wrong messages to kid in same sex schools, am not for imprisonment of people gay people but if u can allow gay marriages I think marijuana shud b legalized first at least if people should be allowed to do what the want with their lives then why arrest a heroine taker or cocaine sniffers? How wud u like it if u come out of ur gate in d morning and a bunch of hard looking men sharing and smoking crystal meth by your gate when your taking your children to school, it's dier life isn't it. Listen homosexuals shud do what ever dey want in their house and stop try to show PDA. If every1 is a homosexual we would have to start begging for sperm donations or buy sperm and a womb to mk babies? That's messed up. Y'all need to think abt dis ish properly and stop making unnecessary noise. Pls some1 should give me 1 solid advantage of being gay. Pls any1 at least der shud b a few gay people hiding under d anonymous name here pls.

    2. May God bless you and your generations anon 9.47pm for making such a sensible comment

    3. Anon 8:39pm u just mentioned your name after your comment, no wonder u made dt senseless comment. Go home, do ur homework on your child, give him/her the right training.of course foolishness is bound in the heart of children, but when that foolishness continues to adulthood then there's a problem. A child grows to be a pervert when something was missed during his or her upbringing.take time to watch ur kids closely and give dem quality upbringing, don't just donate sperm every where or be a ready oven to bake kids and bring them to dis world without giving them close attention and right values.. Correct and chastise the child when wrong is done and train dem prayerfully..when dt child gets to full age and still practices any wrong, he or she will then face the consequences..the kids are no issue here if they practice that its foolishness in kids and are bound to correction, unless u have a new business of making sure homosexuality stays in Nigeria, then I want to advise u to start with ur kid first.

  11. am damn tired of these bullshit about gay or whatever.

  12. This end is end time run to jesus now

  13. Linda are u in support of this thing? Stop acing like a coward and speak out if u are in support or against it. Why do u keep Giving this topic so much audience! Na wah o! Hope ure not a lesbian?

    1. My dear I totally support u, linda keeps posting dese gay iiisshh I think she's a lebian.we tired aweady. #yawns

    2. Your just a fool seyi...a topic that is trending world wide your just exposing ur stupidty n u even read d news or lib is ur only source of information...nigerians are just stupid plane n simple...I blame religion...the same white man that brought it to us now knows better n interprete it logically but we nigerians r just dull...stupid idiot

  14. America and satan are trying so hard to make us gay

    1. Fullstop....thats what this is. People are just blinded. God help us humans sha...the flesh is obviously so weak.

    2. @anonymous I know your flesh is strong,but when you fall ill don't take medicine the western people have made. Compound fool

    3. But why are you so abusive. If you are this abusive what will you teach your kids to be. You can state your point without getting so abusive you know. May Peace be with you biko. Anonymous

  15. Tired of dx gay talk,its bin signed already ,nt rantin,causing or anytin can change it 4 nw... jst wondering if denrele,charly boy n prince uzoegwu will b jailed..

    1. And you too will be arrested bcuz we know u are gay and still supports them aswell.

  16. This boy is just yarning like most of the half-cooked Nigerians out there.. President Jonathan is like every Nigerian, he doesn't want homosexuality to enter the mainstream..

    And why is his own version of the constitutional review about issues like rape in marriage and child marriage, when we all know that the only reason we will have a constitutional review is to argue federalism vs confederalism and the revenue derivation formula

  17. I am not religious but I still do not understand gay. All these gay propagandist should do more to explaining this seemingly unnatural phenomenon rather than hating on religion as the cause of Nigerian homophobic.

    1. Thank you, Oya Homo's xplain.......

  18. Whoever talks in favour of gays αηδ lesbians in nigeria shall see d wrath of ǤÕ̳͡D̶̲̥̅̊ !! Don't some people have d fear of Baba ǤÕ̳͡D̶̲̥̅̊'s nii?.There are better things to talk about that will have positive effect on Nigerians plzzz!

  19. Why should people support gay?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. There is no reason for one to be gay.Even if u call been gay an anomaly,I think someone has to correct it.Train ur children in d way he should grow anD when he is old he will not depart from it.We cannot turn our country to sodom and gomorah. Simply bcos of some stupid ill feeling of been gay and call it human right.

    1. Exactly! Its a force that attacks the mind to think that sum1was born gay. Train the child and condition the childs mind according to right principles...he will never depart from it. Everyone seems to be ignorant of the real problem. It goes back to parenting...the home.if u leave ur children to the mercy of uncontrolled viewing of media or uncontrolled association or absence of parents disciplining. get a child who claims they were born gay. Shikena

    2. Exactly, its bad parenting and I don't care attitude towards children that has caused them to grow to perverts and they have corrupted the ones with good morals. At least with this law every parent will sit up to make sure this evil does not grow in their children. Homosexualism is the product of Bad parenting and neglected childhood...point blank...

  22. My dear. I wonder wat gvt is becomin. Let gayz be. Every1 has rite 2 his sexual life. Am biseXual nd I lik it. Weda 14yrs or no 14yrs. I go de run my pakages codedly. I even had sex 2day. Deal wit dat

    1. U think u re safe wt anon. Some computer guru will fish u out. Asshole licking gay. One day u goh chop shit.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Abegi mek dem allow us joor. D president don sign am mek dem vex die.

  25. Our being anti-gay is not just about religion is also about our culture. The white man has no culture so he are free to practice any form of sodomy he bloody choose to practice, but as Africans over our dead bodies will this come to be.

    1. What is dis 1 saying? Who says france or England or spain and the others don't have culture? Pls you have brain and I hope you're intelligent; please use your internet...bcuz they have technology and it makes it look new doesn't mean they don't have culture.....moreover what do you even understand as culture or custom or tradition. ? Do you think its something that's archaic that is culture?.....well to correct you...culture is contemporary amd for the law....I tink pple shuld be allowed their own life....those of u preaching hate...ur also sinning.....jesus wouldn't have hated these pple...maybe condemn...but not hate and cast them to jail.....adultery was a very terrible sin then...even equals gay or more then...but he didn't cast the woman to death...lest ya'll 4get. Let he that as no sin cast the 1st stone. I refuse to be part of this hate....I refuse...and I'm proud to be Nigerian...but its times like dis I'm ashamed for my country...~ THE SAD NIGERIAN.

  26. Nigerians don't care about the poor masses, I just fear for the future of the citizens cos their is no longer civil right

    1. You are a big fool you and ur stupid right of fucking someone else's asshole. Nonensense guy

    2. Ure bigger fool. 1,Is it ur ass? 2 who told u that every gay guy take it in the ass? And 3 do lesbians burst eachothers ass? Ode!

  27. some one called us monkeys. I went to a single Boarding school. I still have strong obsession on opposite sex. Just control your sense of sexuality. I pity that Bisi, they have finished his Anus. Pile don kill am. Pele run away demon. I wish you Boko Haram; Alcaida and forms of terrorist group even the one in Russia. They will soon get into net. You better repent. Linda post.

  28. Any body who says end times may thunder fire you.if you're tired of living go jump off a bridge. Rubbish nigerians.

  29. All you people quoting the bible, The bible also says you should marry your rapist deutronomy 22:28-29.

  30. Honestly tot I'm d only 1 dat is kinda tired of linda and her gay gay topics, if u ar trying to force pple to fight d govt, u can't succeed, pls let d US and UK legalize polygamy, let them accept Amadioha, Songo and so on as dia gods den we can accept dia useless gay right. (Quest4life)

    1. Its comon sense. Possible conflict, etc. Now u can can marry more than one wife. But only one can be legitimate.

    2. Its comon sense. Possible conflict, etc. Now u can can marry more than one wife. But only one can be legitimate.

    3. Hmmmmmm! Very intelligent comment..They wanna force down their useless dirty practices on us and yet won't and can't buy our culture..GEJ just proved to them that its not every rubblish we will take..Obama has legalised homosexualism but will try everything possible to make sure he train his kids not be such perverts...My fellow Nigerians, let's use our tongue to count our teeth. We have to stand our ground no matter what these westerners wanna force on us. When they achieve this one of same sex marriage, d next will be marriage to animals and all other perverse practices..Let's be wise..

  31. 99 percent of nigerians are just angry cause they've never had an orgasm in their live .why would you kill someone cause they are gay

    1. So true some girls have neva achieved and orgasm in all there straightness. But just one encounter with my lips they are cumin for africa...straight sex is pleasing to mostly d men...allow us have our orgasm!!! Linda post this thing o...

    2. Goat what has organism got to do with this? So na gay people dey get organsim pass now abi bloody metal slaved africans letting the whites brain rape us all the time wake up

    3. Just see the calliber of nigerians against this the word is ORGASM... fool

    4. She's right, haha. Nigerian men aren't getting any. Most of them aren't even great in bed. Na jus to jump on n hop off. Lesboos rock!

    5. She's right, haha. Nigerian men aren't getting any. Most of them aren't even great in bed. Na jus to jump on n hop off. Lesboos rock!

  32. useless gay people.... if you support gay or you are an homosexual.... pls leave Nigeria, so that God doesn't repeat what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah in Nigeria

    1. So u think nigeria is not already worse than sodom and are a joker please read some headlines u will see that nigeria is hell already. ..

  33. All you people insulting western countries,shut the hell if not for them would you know what JESUS christ is.if not for them you will still be worshipping sango.

  34. This Bisi alim must be stupid. If he likes being gay he should relocate to Saudi arabi or even Dubai . And he should start sleeping with their men . Let's even put religion aside, being gay is not part of our culture. Even the babalawo's don't is anti gay. So, if the gays are not happy they can't relocate to America or America should even given them free citizenship because they are gay.
    This same people supporting gay are the same people that go and warm our benches in church.
    Nobody is holy but the bottom lime is we should know wat is a sin and wat is not.
    People fornicate and commit adultery. But they seek forgiveness when they realise their wrong . This gay people need to realise that being gay is wrong. We need to stop copying the west in this barbaric ways.
    It's the same reasons the people on the Middle East are after Americas. America needs to stop spread its doom gospel.
    Linda I suspect ur are a lesbian. My Thots

  35. If God should have mercy on some countries and people, He will have to apologies to Sodom and Gomorrah

  36. If you're gay pls listen to lady gaga's song born this way. God made you yourself and live an authentic life.

  37. Why are nigerians worried that the gays would go to hell.worry about your own soul,u steal,u cheat and you murder people in the name of religion

  38. Boring talk, let talk about out to ameliorate the sufferings to the masses abeg..............
    HIGHLY BOOTILICIOUS Serena Williams Shows Off----

  39. dear linda

    i am not a GAY. will you marry me?


  40. if you're parents where gay would you be alive today,RICKY MARTIN is gay and he has two twin biological boys so shut the fuck up.he didn't marry or put his penis inside a. Woman's virginia. Ignorant nigerians

    1. But he went to adopt a product that is made from a man putting his penis inside a woman's Vagina abi, that's the anomaly in homosexualism, it is unnatural and pervese. He should have made his gay partner pregnant and given birth through his anus...

  41. this guy is a terrible liar

  42. Can this shit rest!!!

  43. oya gay boy start posting names of governors, senators, and all the law maker who have paid you sex gay sex.

  44. Afterall that has been said and done d bottomline is that we nigerianss as a pple hv taken a stand patterning homosexuality and fags r not welcmd in nigeria PERIOD! Any fag and their backers that doiesnt lik dis law shuld pack their bagsnd move their disease infected bodies to. Europe

  45. this man is living with HIV, as a result of high transmission amongst homosexuals, we don't need to be exposed to such in Nigeria biko!

  46. Gays have a say in the way they live their lives. It's by choice. Unfortunately for the girl bride, under aged girls having babies and those turned to gay by priests molesting them, where is the law protecting them. Meanwhile, most of these guys, politicians, upper class are on the down low. Only the poor and uneducated will be prosecuted in a society like ours. My motto is, live and let live. Not everyone will have babies. But I draw the line at gays raising kids. That is not the ideal family structure. So, let them calm down and achieve little steps at a time. My two cents.and those who want to go the religious route, even the so called men of God are committing so many atrocities.

  47. I don't think we should arrest anyone for being gay on the basis of religion. If not all fornicators and adulterers should be jailed too. All y'all who practice premarital sex and cheat on ur spouses where u at?

  48. I see where this is heading to, maybe exactly what the Ugandan President is trying to avoid... Well we don enter am already, no going back

  49. Nigeria should face the main problems it has like no light, dirty roads, crime rate, rape , child marriage,thieves disguised as leaders and stop concerning themselves with what individuals do with their private parts! we are not God and it is not our place to judge anyone! this topic is now boring its a shame its whats trending in Nigeria!

  50. For fuck sakes no gay Nigerian has ever sold asoebi talk less of inviting one for a gay wedding , Nigerian gay men don't want to marry each other ... This bill is going to bring about victimization ,GEJ signed that bill to score cheap political points ..

    I don't know why and how it worries anybody what two consenting adults do behind closed doors .. Do yourselves a favour and mind your business!!!

    Even your dad may be gay!

    1. I understand your point but agree with me that if this law has not been made, very soon they will marry themselves and force us all to accept it and even try to convert people with good morals just as is done in the western world..GEJ will not mind his business cos he's d president and mind you, that topic was not just brought up, these westerners brought it to us and we just took our stand on it. That's all..

    2. I understand your point but agree with me that if this law has not been made, very soon they will marry themselves and force us all to accept it and even try to convert people with good morals just as is done in the western world..GEJ will not mind his business cos he's d president and mind you, that topic was not just brought up, these westerners brought it to us and we just took our stand on it. That's all..

  51. pls stop dis gay stuff,is becoming boring.

  52. @baddoo of Toronto well said well said!

  53. Bisi I think what you should concern yourself with is how to live a healthy life with the HIV/AIDS you have and not fighting for gay rights up and down. I applaud that you did not hide your illness but I believe your point of focus should be to live a somewhat healthy life.

  54. D law has been passed it has been passed, badoo of mugu land even if u kill urself dat bill will remain, it democracy and majority carries d vote, we out numbered d so called gay pple, so deal wit it or relocate if u have nt already done so! Yes we have more important tins 2 worry abt and dis gay tin was 1 of it and thank God dat is out of 1 of our many worries, thank God! I might just vote 4 GEJ nxt year 4 dis, gave up on him b4! Sooo happy, luv 9ja 4 life!

  55. U certainly don't have sense in that ur brain. What nonensense right are you talking about?? Don't let us catch you doing gay because ur name will be sorry.

  56. This gay bill cum law na better hama for Nigerians now because that go solid ground to begin seek asylum for western countries o!! - I beg 2nd base jare'

  57. OUR STORY Europeans (aka white ) Mentality: First, they came to Africa as missionaries, gave us the Bible and found that Africans married more than one wife. They said it was wrong on the ground that God made them one man one wife. After a lot of bastardization and abuse we Africans swallowed that pill and opted for one man one wife marriage. Then, when they started having marriage problems, they shifted the argument to now be that you can seek divorce if the marriage doesn't work. Africans cried blue murder on the grounds that marriage oath says 'till death do us part' in their bible. They said no way. Gradually, African bought that too. They now moved it up again and said single parenthood is best form that there is no need for a man and woman to seek a marriage union. The gave reasons and called it feminism; right assertion etc. Africans battled it and after a while, single parenthood which used to be a taboo, became norm for most women. Now that they have destroyed the institution of marriage in their clime and found no need to live with a woman or with a man as husband and wife, they have now moved over to tell us that marriage is not exclusively about man and woman but about two persons who love themselves. Yet, they still have the same copy of the bible they brought to us Sodom and Gomorrah . Most of the states in the US say NO and are seen as backward. The progressive states have opted to say yes, marriage can be between male/male or female/female. They call it love. They call it freedom. They eulogize anyone who identifies himself as such as being courageous. And not satisfied with that in their lands, they are pushing it down to us in Africa. And they are threatening economic and commercial issues to it. Their media agencies like CNN forces it down your ears. For them, you are cool if you accept it. Meanwhile, the chief campaigner, Obama, lives with his wife. Very soon, they will no longer find any attraction in homosexuality again. Then, they will go back to their Supreme Court to seek an interpretation of the Marriage Act to ensure it does not exclude marriage to Cats, Dogs, Donkeys, Pythons, Monkeys, Baboons, Chimpanzees and even Rats... Free yourselves from slaves mentality. ^ Freedom From Mental Slavery The white man is very clever. He came quietly and peaceably with his religion. We were amused at his foolishness and allowed him to stay. Now he has won our brothers, and our clan can no longer act like one. He has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart. We keep falling apart and we will be no more as a people because many of our children can't speak our language.

  58. Nigerianindiaspora17 January 2014 at 22:00

    You have a neighbour, family member or frienemy you wanna get rid of? You live in Nigeria? Just accuse them of being gay and it's game over for them.
    I can see this type of witch hunting becoming the norm in Nigeria soon just like the witchcraft cases in East Africa. These politicians have made gays the enemy and the main target for hate in Nigeria and the Nigerian population have fallen yet again for the oldest trick in politics; divide and rule. So while you ignorant gullible folks are wasting your time worrying about somebody else's sex life because you are probably jobless and as a result filled with hate & envy, spare a thought for Jonathan & his friends & their bulging offshore accounts. And oh the fact that if any of them are gay, they can easily catch a flight to London, Paris or New York and satisfy their cravings.

  59. Dis is absurd! Hw can a normal human being wakes up 1 day and say "i'm gay" i'm in luv wit a lady like me? It is devilish. I think they need to be delivered 4rm dis demonic act. Pls God 4giv us our sin

  60. The original name of this gayish act used to be Sodomy. Why is that name not popular anymore? Because it has to be made fashionable. Is Europe denouncing the bible they brought us? Soon we will be forced to accept incest and all other forms of hedonism.

  61. Anyone speaking in favour of ammending or erradicating the law is GAY, and should declare that first. Well-meaning Nigerians will not sit and watch Bisi Alimi and his(her)associates distabilise the country. I can hear Amanpour or whatever she is called state that Nigerians do not know the implication of signing the bill into act, I tell you nothing will happen to Nigeria. We have the money from our rich resources, and don't depend on whatever aids you give to other countries. It'll only mean less shopping by Nigerians in your country. They are all empty threat. Finally, this are my words to you Homos in Nigeria: We will catch you, and you will be prosecuted. You will bear the wrought of your abnormal and irresponsible act.


    1. Dont mind Amanpour that wishes and prays her son meets that Pakistani girl Malala, from her statements, she doesn't have any right over her son's sexuality and shouldn't even wish 4 dt not to talk of making the comment...Poor people with no knowledge..Nothing will happen to Nigeria, the bill has been signed period....soufzai

    2. Dont mind Amanpour that wishes and prays her son meets that Pakistani girl Malala, from her statements, she doesn't have any right over her son's sexuality and shouldn't even wish 4 dt not to talk of making the comment...Poor people with no knowledge..Nothing will happen to Nigeria, the bill has been signed period....soufzai

  62. Though i do understand Bisi's point of view , however i totally disagree with his fact that the decision to sign the Anti-gay law stemmed or was premeditated by the religous organizations or groups. My inference is that it is 100% politically motivated. this is a period where the all arms of the government and its subsidiaries are losing face with the Nigerian citizenry. This law was simply to score a political goal and i think we are yet to understand its ripple effects to the polity.

  63. I'm gay and I luv myself this way I hav been told dt anal cancer and hiv are curses fr.m god,however I have found a way to live past these things, god is on my side. gPls call. 08089600134 if u wish to hook up

  64. Hypocrite Nigerians!!! They hate gays but rush out and buy Dencia's bleaching cream until it sold out

  65. @ BADOO OF TORONTO. You make sense. Nigerians are mostly ignorant and hateful people and just won't get it. Hypocrites of the highest order too.

  66. I am #Yoruba I do not support the oppression or oppression of others. #NotInMyName it is against my culture.

    Yorubas, speak up, don't get dragged into this mess. We are a peaceful people, we welcome people with open arms, don't let haters of peace and progress destroy our legacy in the name of fake Nigerian culture or borrowed religions.

    Declare #Yoruba for #Peace. #NotInMyName

  67. The annoying thing in this issue is that they keep talking about 'HUMAN RIGHT', they already have it for God's sake, everyone does! It becomes a problem when some group of people form an unnatural thing and begin to ask for right again, really? Where will that one come from? Really? If we ban nudity tomorrow, Maheeda will lead her own campaign and say 'its my body, give me my right, we love sexuality' Drug dealers and addicts will ask for their rights too, 'its my money and my LIFE, I need my right' Prostitutes will even say ' its what we love doing, we are adults give us our rights' No one is thinking of the harm its causing! This country is a religious one, (Christianity, Islam and African traditional religion) and this religions don't accept this practice, they should all live with it... America may accept it, we are not Americans! We are NIGERIANS! Our fore fathers married our great grand mothers, and not the other way round! Its time we had a mind of our own.. Every new policy has issues in the beginning, things will soon normalize,and we will get used to it... There is no going back on this law, its as good as that.. Chocolaty, good night..SOMY

    1. You are just on point...People like you will go places, if no one supports you, I support you.

  68. If U̶̲̥̅̊ are a gay in my neighbourhood, then ur name È‹̝̊̅§ SORRY. Coz if I catch U̶̲̥̅̊, I will beat craze commot ur head b4 handin U̶̲̥̅̊ over to the police. Gbom gbo cla

  69. The bible says we shld flee from all forms of immorality,being GAY is an immoral act so flee.I believe that one thing that God has never made and will never make is a mistake,so if God has made u a male and u tell me that u feel like a female something is fundamentally wrong with u,cos my God does not make mistakes.So dear lesbians,homosexuals,transgenders,bisexuals FLEE from the devils deceit he is a liar

  70. Badoo of Toronto I only have one word for you "SICK". You are very sick and you need to be hospitalized in a mental institution in emergency ward. Presently you are already a threat to the society

  71. Gays right = HIV right. Too many diseases in the gay communities nd damn they can't be faithful.

    1. A man and a woman don't need public acceptance to get married to each other, why then should a man and a man or a woman and a woman need public acceptance to get married to each other?
    2. Why should GEJ and National Assemly members waste funds and time on homophobic laws when corruption is now a living homo sapien in Nigeria?
    3. Can you show to us Bisi Alimi's gay partner, so that we could decipher if he is actually gay or just claiming to be gay to get papers in the UK?

  73. Fools una wan f**k ass dis tym around na dog ass dey available heheeheheh ndi ara

  74. Anuti lili I dnt want to look 4 dat comment, like serious

  75. Fools una wan f**k ass dis tym around na dog ass dey available heheeheheh ndi ara

  76. All thus useless Gay peeps commenting on this blog, holy ghost fire will burn u all..Bastards... u r proud to burst another man's yansh, u have ur own special hell..idiots

    1. Dude relax, this is a blog. Holy ghost fire lol havnt heard that since jss2. Lesbians nko? Cuz I don't see u sending the same 'fire' @ them.

    2. Dude relax, this is a blog. Holy ghost fire lol havnt heard that since jss2. Lesbians nko? Cuz I don't see u sending the same 'fire' @ them.

  77. I really wasn’t going to say anything but I’m compelled to do so after watching and digesting the illiteracy, hypocrisy and judgemental attitudes of SOME narrow minded Nigerians, I have to vent once again (I feel sorry for my future husband with all this venting lol). Why do the government feel that it’s mandatory to enforce the anti-gay bill???? Like really??? The government priorities are all in the wrong place. Why haven’t the government proactively enforced measures to make sure that corruption is stifled and eradicated? Why haven’t the government made it their priority and mission, that the people of Nigeria are not compelled to live in absolute poverty, living on less than one dollar a day? Especially as Nigeria is one of the richest countries in the world, TRUST ME NIGERIA IS BALLING!!!!!! Why are the government allowing these old and decrepitated men to marry aka enslave girls as young as 11??? What about safe good roads, electricity, clean water, free education and health services which are the fundamental basic entitlement that everyone deserves. Nigeria I love you but at the same time I just don’t understand your methods of analytical thinking *shrugs shoulders*. What is it the government businesses of what two consensual adults do behind closed doors? Wetin dey worry you sef?? So are you God abi? As a Christian I always live with the notion of what would Jesus do? If some Nigerians are saying that being gay is a sin, what about fornications (everyone’s favourite lol), lying, stealing (government love chopping money oooo), adultery, killing, jealous etc, etc. Aren’t these all sins as well? The point I’m trying to make is NO ONE is perfect, so how dare we JUDGE or CONDEM another human being. Matthew 7;3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?? Government of Nigeria once you start incorporating positive changes and providing BASIC NESCESSITES then that is when I will take you guys more serious, but as for now you all need to take several seats kmt *rolls my eyes, flips my hair and goes back to work my BREAK IS OFFICIAL OVER*.

  78. Biko, this guy funny self. Gay ko,guy ni. Ehch hi vy "HIV" is real o....

  79. Rapists will soon be asking for rights too, since perversion is being legalised. Crazy world we live in.

    1. Why would rapist ask for rights? Who wants to be raped? U. Don't even make sense.

    2. Why would rapist ask for rights? Who wants to be raped? U. Don't even make sense.

  80. Bisi Alimi or what ever your name is, God will punish u here on earth n you are going to he'll if u don't repent

  81. You cannot call an abnormality an alternative orientation. It could be that the Western societies, on account of random breeding, have generated many abnormal people in the word of President of Uganda...hello1

  82. Linda ikeji cant comment on this issue either..

  83. If uk and America says "free visas for gay Nigerians", all you bastards will start claiming to be gay! Leave them! Let he who has no sin cast the biggest stone! Solve your damn personal problems and stop being ignorant and judging people! What is it?! -tiny

  84. I really wasn’t going to say anything but I’m compelled to do so after watching and digesting the illiteracy, hypocrisy and judgemental attitudes of SOME narrow minded Nigerians, I have to vent once again (I feel sorry for my future husband with all this venting lol). Why do the government feel that it’s mandatory to enforce the anti-gay bill???? Like really??? The government priorities are all in the wrong place. Why haven’t the government proactively enforced measures to make sure that corruption is stifled and eradicated? Why haven’t the government made it their priority and mission, that the people of Nigeria are not compelled to live in absolute poverty, living on less than one dollar a day? Especially as Nigeria is one of the richest countries in the world, TRUST ME NIGERIA IS BALLING!!!!!! Why are the government allowing these old and decrepitated men to marry aka enslave girls as young as 11??? What about safe good roads, electricity, clean water, free education and health services which are the fundamental basic entitlement that everyone deserves. Nigeria I love you but at the same time I just don’t understand your methods of analytical thinking *shrugs shoulders*. Why is it the government business of what two consensual adults do behind closed doors? Wetin dey worry you sef?? Are you God abi? As a Christian I always live with the notion of what would Jesus do? If some Nigerians are saying that being gay is a sin, what about fornications (everyone’s favourite lol), lying, stealing (government love chopping money oooo), adultery, killing, jealous etc, etc. Aren’t these all sins as well? The point I’m trying to make is NO ONE is perfect, so how dare we JUDGE or CONDEM another human being. Matthew 7;3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?? Government of Nigeria once you start incorporating positive changes and providing BASIC NESCESSITES then that is when I will take you guys more serious, but as for now you all need to take several seats kmt *rolls my eyes, flips my hair and goes back to work my BREAK IS OFFICIAL OVER*.

  85. Report reaching us states. that south African embassy is filled with Nigeria young men, Seeking for visa to enable them relocate to south Africa. This is a serious issues. its just the beginning

  86. U re an idiot by sayin we should google u nw compare ursef to birds...Nigerians Ndo nu!!!

  87. The us and the did not know what the call human right if not do why will the put in there law not to marry more than one wife

  88. When Biafra existed there was no Nigeria. Biafra is original, Nigeria is not. The ancient map of Africa has Biafra, where is Nigeria in it? But I can see Biafra. The zoo called Nigeria is an artificial creation and should die

  89. Nija and their way. Dio abbia pietà

  90. Hmmmmmn Nigerian's with shallow thinking...It's really very sad most of us don't think outside the box. just an advice for you ladies to think twice before making your comments. Yes!!! Most of you really look forward to marrying the man of your dream, the one who will love you for who and what you are..but have u thought of it for a second that there's 99.9% possibility of you marrying one of these guys you are critisizing? Just to please the society, he married you and can't satisfy your sexual urge, yet goes out there in secret to sleep with his amorous gay lover. To make matters worse, he contacts sexual transmitted disease and can't get proper treatment as he cannot explain to the doctor how or where he contacts the virus. Lucky you!!!! You get the virus FOC... May be then, just then we will realise what mistake most of us are making. A word they say is enough for the wise....Think twice!!! Chikenna...

  91. Badoo, you love Hippocrates o.

  92. Western countries should mind their collapse economies.we will never never bow to their myopic power to subject black people into their man made altitude of being a gay..All the atrocities happening here in western world which are hiding from Africans should not be exported to my country Nigeria.

  93. The law has been signed. Bad roads o, good ones o...GEJ , if you try to rescind, I'll sanction your country. Bisi, enjoy your stay in the U.S. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Religion? Homosexuality stinks, religion aside.

  94. For your mind o, Badoo, you don Canadanize finish o. Your pattern of language, that of a G boy. If you break any law with that your life ehn, jail o!

  95. All of una wen dey pretend to support gay, If na una brother now, una don hate am unto not on speaking terms for life. Anoda man head na garawa.

  96. If them Wan Homo make them Homo, If them Lesby make them Lesby but, Make them know say very soon them go reap what they sow,Likely they are blaming God for making them who they are But, any 1 wey cross my way Na fire go burn am straight.
    See dis idiot wey dey talk for here upon say he base for UK Slim like HIV Patient, Check it out, they are the once that introduce all this Sickness so called HIV Aids.
    Abeg, Make them go grind their selfs

  97. Forget religion, homosexuality is disgusting. Forget culture, homosexuality makes no sense. Human rights activists may have something to say. Do not worry, these things only take time and they will become normal in almost everyone's eyes. I hope against hope it never happens in this case. Yamayama. U go dey sunshè fellow man or woman.

  98. Leave Linda alone. She doesn't like the thing. Have you not been reading her blog? As a blogger, this is a sensitive issue and the madam has to appear neutral, especially since things have been heated up. E clear well na.

  99. biko i cldnt play it

  100. @Badoo of Toronto. Whether the car and house you mentioned are yours or not, who LICENSES cars? Who SET the LAWS, REGULATIONS and STANDARDS for driving or building in the country you live in? YOU? I doubt! You claim your life belongs to you? And that you can live how you please? That's a big lie! WHO GAVE YOU LIFE? Who gave you the permit to live? Who set the RULES for LIFE? You? If you cannot drive or build any how in CANADA, what makes you think you can live anyhow in GOD'S EARTH with your GOD given life? This shouldn't be too difficult for you to understand. Heaven is real. Jesus loves you. Accept Him today. #the voice#

  101. First of All, I can't reason homosexuality, Gays should know that as long as they have their right to air their views, those who are not gay also have theirs, therefore there will always be conflicting interests, reports and belief.
    If the Federal government has put a ban on Gay marriages and association, you have the right to protest and give reasons behind you dissatisfaction, whether they listen or not...but please bear in mind that every society has their own customary and cultural values don't forget that customary law is one of the laws through which the Nig erian constitution is based on, customs in different countries will always differ and that's why this Gay issue is a world debate.
    I see no reason why the global community should throw economic threats behind Gay law in Nigeria, if we are minors in the world economy, let us be able to grow ourselves in our own way. This issue is so pathetic that we refuse to read between the lines, sexuality, emotions, religion and all these vague issues can define a society easily, it can make or break it, am not saying corruption, lack of values, political instability doesn't break societies, but my point is; every country has its own culture, sentiments, beliefs and Norms, If Nigeria has chosen not to support Gay marriage and association, so be it. Afterall Nigeria didn't support any bloc during the world wars, when we had the Biafran war, some countries supported Nigeria, while some supported Biafra, the logic is simple; let countries choose their belief.
    To the Gay people in the society, am sorry you have been deprived of what you love to do, but please bear in mind that when there is an organised society, there are rules, and what you love is unfortunately not part of what is considered normal in the society, same way I'll have loved to drive without drivers license, stay at home and earn big, but am sorry the society does not permit that, it has to be organised. If you are claiming fundamental human rights, what happened to National rights too?
    To my Gay people, apologies, if the societal rules don't work for you, you can leave and seek goodness in other societies, just like we have people who flee Nigeria for greener pastures. You can't change the orientation of we that so much believe in our customs and tradition. Please respect the majority view, respect the law of the land. God bless Nigeria.

  102. Wow dnt knw why d bill was passed in d 1st place! No gay peeps were getn married or flaunting is in public! It ws known to be condemned in Nigeria so no 1 in it's rite mind wld evn flaunt it.ds law nw is goin to be misinterpreted I hate d idea of gay but I hate it more if pple r put in jail cos of it.cos sin na sin. And we ve committed worse sins in najia.let God judge dem but thr r nt free to express demselves publicly wat dey do behind close doors is non of our biz.we ve peeps raping lil gurls and adult evriday nt seen any goin to jail even for lesser years.

  103. Bros, you better stay back there, cos if you dare to come back here with your gay rights nonsense na inside jail you go rot.

  104. I agree with the fact that a law should be passed against child marriage but is this guy for real he is practicing SODOMY and thinks he has hit jackpot. SMH. If his parent's where gay would he be here to talk crap. Bloody waste of space!! I getting sick and tired of these gay nonsense thrown in our faces more than 95% of the world population are NOT gay and some people in the minority want to hold us to ransome. Abeg!! Jonah! Nice 1 joor...

  105. all this gay talk is becoming boring .

  106. Someone's right to any form of sexuality is such person's f**cking biz. but dat shouldnt be to the detriment of our society. Homosexuality is not natural and it's not African. Our society is a conglomerate of our individual families. If individual members of our families are homosexuals, how will our larger society look like. Homosexuality is a menace. It's good we tackle it now before it causes us to go on extinction. The international community can threaten all they want. That decision has been made and its sealed. Let us preserve some morality for our unborn children.

  107. @Anonymous 9:30 PM.
    Some Muslims claim that the following passage from the Holy Bible condones rape:
    ''If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledge to be married and rapes her, and they are discovered, he shall pay the girl;s father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated(anah)her. He can never divorce her as he lives ''.-Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NIV.

    ''There are two parts to note here. First, even though the verse may seen to be instructing the rapist to marry the victim, the passage nowhere sanctions, condones or even approves rape. This is simply a gross misreading of the text. The injunction is intended to instruct the Israelite on how to deal with and address a rape situation if and when it occurs.
    Secondly, by talking a careful look at the context and consulting the original languages of the Scriptures, a strong case can be made that this citation isn't even addressing a rape case at all. We must remember that the Holy Bible was not written in English. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew, with parts of it being written in Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Koine or common Greek. This means that if we want to know whether an English translation has faithfully and accurately translated the inspired authors meaning , we must turn to the original language of the sacred test. Once this is done, it will become quite apparent that the Holy Bible does not sanction that a rapist marry his victim''.


  108. My Objective and Unbiased thought below. it is not majorly based on any personal belief;

    Homosexuality is an act condemned by both God and Man. This act is forbidden and condemned by most Men, Tradition and Religion because it is an anomaly and deviation from our creator (God) design for human existence. Even If I was gay, there are things that are generally accepted to be morally right and wrong no matters ones religious beliefs.
    As the world gets older and evolution progresses, Humans have become much bolder to express their imaginations and psychological beliefs although these anomalies may be due to genetic reason like Hermaphrodite and Hormones. These actions are all wrong and must be discouraged by outright condemnation (with good interests and love) and proper guidance from relatives, friends and immediate community. Harsh condemnations will do little positively and only make them tougher not to see the ills of their action. Solution also includes spiritual deliverance as It is difficult to totally eradicate religious thoughts because the reason most people indulge in this sexual acts for majorly for the thrill.
    The act must not be encouraged societal because of the moral negative severity associated with it. The acceptance of this act by society will disrupt the normal family functional system of the world. I am still waiting for the results of what the psychology behaviour of adult offspring from gay unions would be. Would they be stable or confused with life? For now, the gay union is still young and so are their adopted or surrogated children.
    Though being gay is wrong like other Sexual actions of paedophiles, incest, prostitution, three some e.t.c doesn't mean that those who willingly indulge in these acts are to be legally punished because their action do not directly cause any physical harm to third party (The people around them). If it does cause physical harm, it is in the case of especially the gay man who may get his anal destroyed as a result of their type of sexual intercourse and maybe the transmission of HIV especially in the case of Bisexuality. They are solely responsible for their injury.
    Acts of murder, barbarism, witch craft, wickedness, armed robbery, embezzlement e.t.c should be the ones given legal punishments and major focus/attention. The Nigerian government and the government of the rest of the world should concentrate on them.

  109. some say y ar we focusing more on gay law when we have more pressing issue in Nigeria.My point is that Nigerian government didnt bring the issue up,it is a world order and it is being forced down on every nation.The super power of this world and the evil controling them wants to know the position of every nation,are u wt or against them.For those against them,they have to face the music.Remember lately Nigerians were no longer eligible for us visaloterry and again we were being charged for some crazy fee just to get visa into Uk.I think more sanction is coming on us.All of these are signs of end time evil is being legalised and they say they are reformer.People with homosexual behaviour should be cured from their desease and never allow them self to be used by THE DEVIL!!

  110. Ogochukwu Jennifer Umezinwa, bad parenting does not make people gay. If that was the case 99% of the world would be gay because in my life time I am yet to meet anyone that is a 100% perfect parent. One thing I am sure of is bad parenting does make make people ignorant, intolerant and angry... you are a classic example. PS you dislike western invasion of African culture yet look at how you are dressed. If you love Africa so much you should be in native wear and have your hair braided, not straightened you hypocrite.

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  112. @kolawole oshundiya, @ogochukwu Jennifer and @ anon 9:59am 18 jan 2014 well done guys u guys has spoken my mind don't mind these fucking gays n lesbos here making unnecessary n cheap noise here, omg see ppl with their childish brains, if ur mother or ur dad was gay would be up here talking trash n jargons here, if u dnt like dis law then fuck off from Nigeria who cares n nobody will miss u guys foools olodo

  113. badoo of toronto, i am fully in support of u. yes i am the ceo of my body. one thing with naija, we know how to comot sand for another persons garri. why dont we mind our bizness? i am not a gay and if any gay approach me, i will teach her a lesson that she can never finish in her life. but i don need oga joe to assist me in my battle. law or no law cant stop my 3some as in 2 guyz cuz am the ceo of my life.

  114. Am a Nigerian. Christian, happily married heterosexual. i do not agree with this law. Personally, i see it as an infringement on basic human rights.What two consenting adults agree to do to each other is their business.Just as i would not like to know what happens in other peoples bedrooms, and believe me as a sexual health practitioner i have heard and seen a lot.
    Religion has been used to commit a lot of atrocities, like slavery,racism. The mark of Cain has been used by racist to support their views on blacks been substandard. But with the gift of common sense lead by empathy, people have realised that God never intended to marginalise his children. Common sense is a given, it is a curse not to have any.YOU cannot read for it or find it in any religious text.

  115. anon @0955 17/01/14. The west dont care were you stick your dick, if the continent is wiped out by malaria or HIV, or by some genetically programmed idiot in leadership. use ur common sense. You are the product of colonial mentality, which is an inability to reason within, without been directed or influenced by a popular view in this case a bastardized religious ideology. the colonialist made the mould you came out of. a bit like a mad dog running after its own tail. you and others are what Nigeria is all about, chaos, confusion, educated illiterates, running after your own tails while the west sneak in and take your oil. its like taking candy from a baby.This law is an infringement on your basic human rights , its the principal that counts. THINK FOR YOURSELF.You are no use to the west intelligent and able to reason. they want you as dumb as fuck. read your history the slavers never wanted the slave to read or write. infact such a slave was killed. THIS IS NOT ABOUT HOMOS, THERE IS A BIGGER PICTURE.

  116. why shouldn't they support gay or lesbians...why is Nigerians supporting thieves?

  117. What is your own with other people's private parts eh!. Why can't you have a good through examination of your own genitals., eh! And find out what that dirty discharge is and why it smells fishy. Busy body. Meter manager of the collective genitals of Nigerians PIG!!!. Go and apply for prick and toto minister. Ewu!. Anuofia

  118. This is not a joke @ all, this happened on the days of Noa, he called people to come and enter the ark but they were wining and dining and making jest of Noa, at end of it all water came and swept all of them except those that believed in Noa's story. Please let's be awake this is the end time. Just like a thief in the night Jesus Christ will come. Rapture is near. Please Repent!!!

  119. What is Gay: (a) Government Against Youth
    (b)Guy After Ynash(c)All of the bove

  120. May God bless president Goodluck Jonathan, uk can't mess up with All mighty God with impunity and get away with eith# weather change n flood etc. God bless Nigeria!

  121. Oyiiboo, na wa for una ooooooo! U asked us to wear coat under hot sun, we did! U said we should speak ur language, we obediently
    dump ours! U asked us to tie a rope round our necks like goats, we obeyed! U said our ladies should wear dead people's hair instead of the natural ones God gave to
    them, they obeyed. U said we should marry just one woman in the midst of plenty damsels, we reluctantly obeyed! U said our decent gals should wear catapults
    instead of the conventional pants, they obeyed! Now u want our men to sleep with fellow men AND women with fellow women so that God would visit us like Sodom!
    Oyinbo, we say tufiakwa! If u like keep your aids &supports. As well MEANING Nigerians we say NO to GAY relationships/Marriage..

  122. B of T, its more like Nigerians really don't give a shit about gays. A jail sentence was probably too far but for the National Assembly to pass the bill am sure a lot of debates would have been done on the issue considering human rights and all. No doubts gays have always been in Nigeria, we've always had them around, many highly placed people maybe gay on the down low too but am sure many of em would have publicly supported the bill, that's obviously a sign the country is not ready for that kinda dent on its reality. Maybe one day the law will change, and the jail sentence will be removed but Nigeria will never come down to the level of accepting it like the western societies have done. Blame it on culture, religious beliefs or whatever y'all wanna call it. If una no like am, bye bye.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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