Uganda President refuses to sign anti-gay bill into law | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 17 January 2014

Uganda President refuses to sign anti-gay bill into law

President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda has refused to sign into law an anti-gay bill passed by the country's parliament, which is aimed at imprisoning not just homosexuals, but people who talk about it without condemning the lifestyle. The President in a letter to the Country's parliament speaker said homosexuals are 'abnormal' but could be 'rescued' by improving the economy.
"Even with legislation, they will simply go underground and continue practicing homosexuality or lesbianism for mercenary reasons. You cannot call an abnormality an alternative orientation. It could be that the Western societies, on account of random breeding, have generated many abnormal people." President Museveni said
In December 2013, the Ugandan parliament passed its anti-gay bill going against  the President's advice and now seeks his assent. The President had initially advised that the homosexuality situation in the country be studied deeply and carefully before any laws against the practice be enacted.

The Ugandan anti-gay bill seeks to make all form of homosexual activities a criminal offense to be punishable under law. Homosexuals can get as much as a life term imprisonment punishment. Also anyone who knows a homosexual and doesn't report such to police authorities would also face some sanctions if found wanting.


  1. Replies
    1. No one has no right to fight for God. Live and let live. Anyone can choose to live their lives the way they want. Why would clueless nigerians impose how to live your life on you. I'm 100% against the stupid anti gay law in nigeria. You liber dogs can come out to start attacking me, I don't care. I know some dumb skulls would start calling me gay. I don't care. God gave me a life not nigeria govt so dont tell me how to live it. Trash

    2. Finally.... well said.

    3. Badii of Toronto how are you sure you don't have a closeted homosexual in family or you son to be will not be one. These people are born this way they did not choice it well but judging from your name here on this blog you're clearly uninformed

    4. @anonymus 5:06. Go read what Badoo wrote again. He never said moving against gay. Read well before you comment.
      @badoo, you are making sense

    5. Well said, Jonathan was so quick to sign smh, finally a president with sense

    6. This is my first post on LIB (after years of silent monitoring), Because someone just made a valid point without caring whose donkey is gored!

      I DETEST pretense!!

      When you state your stand on any issue like this, does that make you a gay?

      Empathy is what real good-natured people should have for others...

      Stop all these hypocrisy and stand for what is right!

      Being insensitive to others is and will continue to be the bane of our nation. Check out your leaders! How many of them are sensitive to your need as a nation? Insensitivity deafens them to the people's pleas and cries of woes! That same insensitivity propels them to steadily cart away the nation's wealth into personal individual purses! And here are the masses also expressing insensitivity to each other. That's terrible!

      You don't need to be a gay to empathize with them: All you need to be is a Human being to understand them as humans and leave them with their choices!

      If it pains you so much, then you pray for them!

      There's so much pain already in the world let's not increase them with careless words!

      Life is beautiful!

    7. Whatever happened to our FHR. Agree with ya totally. If a Dude craves his fellow Man's Anus and d other party conscents, wth, free dem. Let him be, @ least it aint yours. Same apply to chicks.

    8. Badoo u r the most senseless human being I have ever come across how dear u call God's name into this matter. If u believe that God created man then u should also know y u r created by God stupid. And all those gay will be like ueah u r on point buh the truth is that u r stupid. Gay is evil and its not from God. If u really want to know God's plans for ur life then go read the bible.

    9. @anonymous 12:04. Who are you to fight for God.

  2. Replies
    1. The problem is that most Nigerians have very low IQs and religious sheepishness has only made it worse. Gays say that they're born that way, but we can't prove otherwise because we're not gay. We just have to respect their opinions and human rights to do whatever they want with THEIR BODIES. Personally i find it disgusting but that's me. As long as they're not trying to turn me gay, it's their business. Govt may choose not to recognize gay marriage but don't harass and jail them.

      What Nigerians need is a prosperous country where the nation's resources are put to good use and everybody lives a meaningful and dignified life. Nigerians should channel all these anti-gay energies towards that. $10b is missing in NNPC but all that my countrymen and women care about is anti-gay bill.

      By the way, is it coincident that Jonathan signed this bill just at the time his party is in shambles and members are defecting in droves? Does he need to shore up his approval ratings? Think about that!

    2. You are really sensible. I believe that so long as they do not come near me, fine. They should do whatever they want without anybody sentencing them to jail. Nobody jails you guys when you sleep with your girlfriends, but check your bible and you'll see that it's wrong to sleep with a woman until you're married to her. I seriously believe they should not be jailed for loving who they want to love.

  3. He is being cautious,lest he lose the stipend the West gives them in the name of economic aid.SMH.

    1. So says the fool

    2. If you say so, that's wisdom.

    3. You're the best Igor., I agree with you...I pity all the people saying people should be left with their choices...Evil is Evil, u cannot paint it to look good, no matter d baptismal name u give to it Homosexuality is Abominable and ungodly and unclean. Keep on trying to prove to people that you're not gay but u support and stand for them,by the time every growing child, youth and adult will be screwing same sex, I'm so sure many of you all will start saying let's pray 4 dis world, d world is coming to an end and all dose wonders shall never end comments,u better stand for the truth from the onset so that even the air u breathe will stand 4 u and ur generations. The Ugandan President has refused to hit d nail on d head but he gat a point there by saying that gays are abnormal and need help..the best help that can be offered to them is prayers and making them knw that they're doing wrong..patting them on their backs is no help but further destruction..Of course when Goodluck signed that bill, he knew that some people would practice it secretly, d law is there to sound it to d ears of those who wanna legalise it and corrupt young minds nd glowing futures that it is not acceptable and u will be punished for being caught..its a check my dears, let's better embrace it, its 4 our good. Bear it all in mind that one evil breeds another. There are so many perverse practices apart 4rm homosexualism going on the western world like Bestalism,Necrophilia/thanatophilia, etc..they'll just be introducing dem one after d oda, if u accept one evil be ready to accept all..its better u stand against one and stand against all..The person who said you have no right to fight 4 God, u are right but I hope u apply it in all issue and not only on d evils u accommodate. If an armed robber has decieded to rob and kill people to make a living, u knw dt by ur comment, u do not have d right to arrest d person and sentence d person to prison..Do not become a wonderful orator dt knws quotes or bible passages dt speaks against judging odas when it comes to d evils u torelate....that well said, I meant no insult in all wt I said but anyone who still thinks d best way to disprove my point is by raining insults, u can as well charge me to court, of course u knw nt inany Nigerian court...peace..

    4. You're the best Igor., I agree with you...I pity all the people saying people should be left with their choices...Evil is Evil, u cannot paint it to look good, no matter d baptismal name u give to it Homosexuality is Abominable and ungodly and unclean. Keep on trying to prove to people that you're not gay but u support and stand for them,by the time every growing child, youth and adult will be screwing same sex, I'm so sure many of you all will start saying let's pray 4 dis world, d world is coming to an end and all dose wonders shall never end comments,u better stand for the truth from the onset so that even the air u breathe will stand 4 u and ur generations. The Ugandan President has refused to hit d nail on d head but he gat a point there by saying that gays are abnormal and need help..the best help that can be offered to them is prayers and making them knw that they're doing wrong..patting them on their backs is no help but further destruction..Of course when Goodluck signed that bill, he knew that some people would practice it secretly, d law is there to sound it to d ears of those who wanna legalise it and corrupt young minds nd glowing futures that it is not acceptable and u will be punished for being caught..its a check my dears, let's better embrace it, its 4 our good. Bear it all in mind that one evil breeds another. There are so many perverse practices apart 4rm homosexualism going on the western world like Bestalism,Necrophilia/thanatophilia, etc..they'll just be introducing dem one after d oda, if u accept one evil be ready to accept all..its better u stand against one and stand against all..The person who said you have no right to fight 4 God, u are right but I hope u apply it in all issue and not only on d evils u accommodate. If an armed robber has decieded to rob and kill people to make a living, u knw dt by ur comment, u do not have d right to arrest d person and sentence d person to prison..Do not become a wonderful orator dt knws quotes or bible passages dt speaks against judging odas when it comes to d evils u torelate....that well said, I meant no insult in all wt I said but anyone who still thinks d best way to disprove my point is by raining insults, u can as well charge me to court, of course u knw nt inany Nigerian court...peace..

    5. @anon 4:25, u r d bigger fool + gays where not born that way, they learn it just as u do other bad habits. Research by Dr. Evelyn Hooker. And, for those who say it's a free world, a free world is characterized with chaos n disorder, is that what we want?

  4. So what he is saying is that he kind off Agreed to anti-gay

  5. Dear Mr president,bring d solution to homosexualism 2d table nd I'll duff ma cap 4u.Until den,witout mincin words I blv u'r either Gay or a coward!

    1. Your stupidity knows no bounds. That is why you guys never grow. You think every wrong deserves flogging. For example, if a child is acting up, you think flogging the child constantly will fix it? No, you may have to understand why the child is acting up, maybe there's an underlying reason behind it, maybe there's alternative method to get the child to act right, do some more research before you come to a resolution. Something your stupid president didnt do and here you are advocating that a reasonable president seeking to understand EFFECTIVE method to deal with the situation, must be gay or a coward. You bonita are the coward, the bigot, you are afraid of something you dont understand and your stupidity doesn't allow you to get your head out of your ass to gain an understanding. Stiff punishment will not work, only new ways of hiding their activities will be sought, so what has the law accomplished then? Nothing!!! Imprisonment of innocent people, while the real gays& lesbians are actively enjoying their relationship, though now in secrecy because of stupid people like you. I would have called you ignorant, but this has passed ignorance, not in this century, this is mere foolishness displayed in all its grandeur and glory. Maybe, now Nigeria will see the influx of "undercover brothers", the keeping it on the "down-low" folks. Your pops and friends and maybe brothers, uncles, aunts could be gay and you don't even know it. Thats what this law is breeding-Secrecy to the detriment of a society in strong need of progress.

    2. My dear bonita bislam, r u sure u aint d coward here?? He doesn't even knw u exist talkmore of giving a damn about u duffn ur smelly cap for him. Don't be surprized if ur bf or bro is gay. Yes being gay is bad but do u throw d baby alongside with d bathing water?? All dey need from us Is love n support.

    3. Always dumb with her comments...thinking with your ass ...Smh

    4. What's so dumb abt her comment, it's either he is dumb or a coward, if y'all want to be pointing fingers and insulting people then show ur selves, I bliv u both are cowards as well if u can allow some gay person get married then y can't Bonita say her mind? What is wrong is wrong there are no advantages to being gay but there are a whole lot of disadvantages, if u can't give a solid reason y some should be gay and b allowed to rub it in our faces then I'll let it rest but if u r saying they should look into reasons people r gay then I guess y'all just wanna have a laff. Am not trying to b judgemental here but y shud homosexuality b accepted by everybody? Your judgemental asses would not be here if every1 was gay. We are not to judge but God gave to sense to be able to differentiate wrong from right dats y today my friends thieves, robbers, murders, scammers r judged. What is wrong is wrong lets call a spade a spade if some1 says he stopped being gay 7 years ago dat means this thing is just a bad habit and can b curbed or r certain people born gay? My belief is d a girl just wants a good orgasm dats why she is a lesbian and guys dat have low self esteem come together and do illicit stuff just cos they r not bold Enuff to ask a girl to take of her panties. If this isn't it then explain some1 pls.

    5. You just lack the understanding of what the president is implying here.. Well,some people are born without intelligence, and you won't be the last Bonita applebum.

    6. Did Bonita read this post at all? The bill isn't only jailing gay pple but also ppe that talk about it without condemning it?

      So I'm not gay and I really don't give a damn about what gay pple decide to do with their live and THAT makes me a criminal?

      I'm scared o...

    7. I'll say just one thing, sin is sin, hell is hell, there's no hotter part or cooler part, pre marital sex is a sin, yet most of us unmarried folks aren't virgin so he who hath no sin should cast the first stone, as for me myself n I, I don't support the anti gay laws....

  6. Ahn ahn, why nah? he should sign it jare

  7. Linda, no matter how u try to make a case for homosexuals, ur agenda will never work in Nigeria in jesus name, I know more revelations will still come to us about u gay movement people

  8. Whatever rocks their boat.
    over here we see the criminalization of gay activities as laudable and we are very fine with it.
    If Uganda decides to join South Africa so be it. remember its 14years with different flavours to choose from either:
    Otukpo etc

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

    1. Den I guess masturbators like u mr bonario shud b stoned to death. Show love to d gays, don't b mean.

    2. Through talk about masturbation. What is the difference between feeling your d#ck yourself for s#xual pleasure and having another guy do it for you to derive same pleasure? Bunch of hypocrits.
      As for the ladies that are opening their wide mouths to condemn, I pity you when you'l catch your husbands sleeping with his driver since he is now forced to live in pretense and lies which you'll only be a part of

    3. U cracked me up wt d "different flvours dat come wt it"

    4. Y r u guys even complaining am sure d gays r happy abt this coz dey'll have a plethora of partners to choose from, a lot of orgies and crazy shit like that, they'll b having a blast and we are all worried. Mtscheeeew


    1. Im all in support of this anti-corruption bill. More anti-fucking sm1 else's husband for money. More anti- sleeping with sm1 thats not your wife bill. More anti-fucking underage girls bills. More anti-begging linda for money when you have your own job. More anti-divorce bill (god hates dovorcing for allvyou jesus folks out there). More anti-bribery bill. 99% of commenters here are guilty of one of more of these corrupt practices. Life imprisonment is what I advocate for. Lets see if the tune will be the same? Hypocrites & religious bigots are what a whole lotta Nigerians are these days.

  10. Maybe all gays in Nigeria should all go and nationalize in Uganda

    Your comment will be visible after approval

  11. Its official uganda is better than nigeria

  12. Do you know how many people have died in uganda because of this gay bill.

  13. smart move... y will u imprison sum1 4 life cos of dier orientation??? does dat even mke sense ???wat rubbish !!

    1. Baba you're a certified gay

    2. no be only Orientation,Orientation my foot. its demon possession and they need help. Never you ever condemn any armed robber, rapist, money launder, harlot or husband snatcher, etc or even suggest any punishment 4 dem cos all too na orientation,mtcheeeeew! smh ..Evil is evil..

    3. no be only Orientation,Orientation my foot. its demon possession and they need help. Never you ever condemn any armed robber, rapist, money launder, harlot or husband snatcher, etc or even suggest any punishment 4 dem cos all too na orientation,mtcheeeeew! smh ..Evil is evil..

    4. Dear Jennifer I truly hope u r without sin for u to cm condemn ppl here

  14. Good for me, people that pays tax should have their human right.

  15. Now I want you foolish nigerians to tell me if God will destroy uganda with fire and brimstone because they didn't pass this violent bill.

    1. And u d wise one I want u to tell us if uganda will become american even in 70 yrs to come.


  16. I have been waiting for you linda ikeji,I knew you will post something gay again today.well thank God the president has some sense.

  17. How can they be rescued with good economy? Mr president,sign that bill before i'll start considering u as gay.

    1. If u consider him as gay so what...bladdy bigot may all ur sons be gay

  18. Good for him, people that pays tax should have their human right.

    1. Thieves, robbers, rapists and sorts of evil perpatrators should also have their human rights abi.....#BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor..

    2. Thieves, robbers, rapists and sorts of evil perpatrators should also have their human rights abi.....#BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor..

  19. That is a leader using his head to think and not been pressurized.

    I will not cease to enlighten you hypocrites on the dangers of this law.
    Have you ever tot of the fact that these gay dudes after being sent to prison
    becomes sexually abused by other inmates upon knowing their reason for being in there.

    Ordinarily same sex is prevalent in prisons and Nigeria is no exception, dont ask me why.
    The outcome is more perversed people being injected into the society upon their
    release from prison let alone the rate at which sexually transmitted diseases will begin to multiply
    cos i tell you no protection in prison, its always forceful.

    Think Nigerians,,,, THINK!!!!!!.........#SeunLondon

    1. Seun,
      Sadly 80% won't agree with your reasoning. It is sad in this 21st century our dear country still has a lot to learn. How can imprisonment even change someone's sexual orientation?. Am those who are not even gays face imprisonment. This our government dey think so?
      Haba, the sad thing is that it's the poor masses that will suffer. No public officer will ever be caught.
      Even though most of them are guilty of the same act. And they know their self. Being gay is scientific.

    2. I'm sure its d same science that tells you you evolved from plants nd micro-organisms nd that there's no God..don't swallow every garbage u come across..

  20. Now this is what you call a NON HYPOCRITICAL WISE LEADER!!!! President. Jonathan and all the big church heads that pressurized him into signing this bill. Take note! People will still hide and do it! So you people are making hate and crime increase in this country!! I'm amazed! This same owners and heads of big churches collect a huge chunk of the stolen money and develop their churches and lifestyles but yet spiritually blackmailed the president into sligning a bill that prosecutes human beings that are no threat to our economy, security or growth!!! Nigerian leaders! I spit on all of you and your hypocrisy! I just hope and pray that The Lord allows their children and relatives to be the first targets of this bill. Make casala burst!!! Who is fooling who!??!! The senate is crawling and infested with bleeding homosexuals buying houses for boys left right and center abroad! And na them sign this bill! Smh!!!! Big men and leaders have sent their homosexual children abroad to prevent shame, yet they support this bill! God is too merciful on Nigerians! HYPOCRITES! ! See president wey we all vote! Making more and more enemies!!! Walahi If this man wins 2015 we might as wake up idiamin from the dead and elect him leader! Utter trash! nigeria!!!! Tweeehhhhh!!!!!!!

  21. Thank the lord Jesus. So some people have sense in africa. Some unnecessary deaths have occurred because of this anti bill.

  22. Enough of all this anyone can live his or her life the way they want it **Still fuck gay people

  23. Thank u Mr President God bless u.

  24. Linda, considering the mentality of nigerians towards even d most tender of gestures such as hug and etc, you will agree that goodluck ebele jonathan did not think b4 acting.. anyhw sha,

  25. In such as what he said is true- with regards to gays going underground to continue....that is not enough reason why he shouldn't sign it. He is just blabbing.

  26. Abeg this president get sense!!!!!!!!

  27. I'm sure many foolish nigerians would be very unhappy,EAT YOUR HEART OUT. Jailing someone because they are gay is like jailing someone because they are fat,or too tall or have blue eyes.

    1. If that is your yard stick of comparism then u have no point..I would be very polite not to call u a liar, so I tell u dt wt u said is a fat lie and not a right base of comparism...

    2. If that is your yard stick of comparism then u have no point..I would be very polite not to call u a liar, so I tell u dt wt u said is a fat lie and not a right base of comparism...

  28. Embarrassed to be nigerian,so ugandans have more sense than us. Our president is a dunce.

  29. The right-ish response to a wrong-headed bill.

    In recent days, the biggest issue that I have had pertains to Nigerian youth. I worry that religious fundamentalism has destroyed an entire generation of Nigerians who are used to swallowing (without thinking or questioning) what their pastors and imams tell them.

    As a result, they can no longer reason for themselves. You put evidence before them and they instinctively reject it. Rather, they allude to the tired 'Adam and Steve' quip, or they equate homosexuality to paedophilia, bestiality and kleptomania. Their brains can not absorb the fact that two consenting adults should be able to achieve sexual gratification in whichever way they please.

    As far as I am concerned, this inability to think has had one grave consequences: a loss of empathy. You go and see a play/ movie and our young people burst into nervous laughter at a time when they should be moved to tears. Their misplaced sense of morality (which excuses stealing, lying, adultery and exam malpractices) will not let them put themselves in the shoes of a gay person or try to understand the phenomenon. That would be too hard, too painful, too much work.

  30. Sensible man
    ~D great anonymous!

  31. Thank God,now they can focus on other issues like poverty and the HIV prevention. Their president is a wise leader.

  32. GEJ has started a battle with United nations and the entire western world.HE WOULD LOSE.

    1. Gbam!that is my concern,I do not support gays,is unhealthy and unnatural,and God is against it,but for God sakes GEJ does he reason at all or our lawmakers?the bill is a sensitive issue,that was not even necessary hence our society do not accept it,but oga presido do not realize that the UN and other international agency and the western world will decide to withdraw aids and other benefits we enjoy,my president and this lawmakers they are really not thinking,is a pity,na the ordinary man go suffer,come 2015,let's vote wisely else,they fit push us inside gutter o!

    2. So what!!!! Let him lose....

  33. Oga Sofri Sofri oooo..

    @LIBR waitoooo, do gay's FINGER themself???

    ¤¤MR Comment Waiting For Approval¤¤

    1. Waddya fink d 1st step to Anal.s*x is? *wink*

  34. The Useless Ugandan President is afraid that the West will stop giving his country aid.

  35. At least their president is thinking about their economy.what is GEJ thinking about.smh

  36. Dear uganda's president,please gay people are not abnormal.they are probably more normal than many fools in this nigerian government and nigeria in general

  37. I don't understand what is 'abnormal' about gay peeps.

  38. See Gobe... I knw abt am no dey there,lol

  39. Linda, when did Seun Kuti, that small boy that started smoking weed at early age now become role model and authority to comment on social issues, now I know social media is a twisted avenue to influence right thinking people

  40. Sensible leader, thinkng ahead απϑ tinkering on solution. Criminalising gays won't solve †Ð½Îµ menace but getting ² †Ð½Îµ root σƒ der stupidity.

  41. All this anti- gay bill matter is the least of africa's worries.have you ever seen a man in nigeria wanting to marry another man.I have never.the HIV and poverty rate in africa is increasing yearly.

  42. Wel, one cnt rily expect him †̥☺ act lyk our GEJ...If he's sure dat its d best tin †̥☺ do 4 his pple, den so b it

  43. No Condition is permanent

  44. I know many nigerians are not happy.they don't like good things.

    1. So homosexualism is good?....Sincerely go and seek Gods face..

  45. Som dat says dat dey hate gays r gays in disguise. If nt y ma pastor frnd go allow me to jerk off his dick while he pretended to b asleep? Hypocrites n liars!

  46. Nigeria would now be the most hated country in africa. thank God

  47. Lol @ even d people who talk abt it witout condemning it!

  48. I don't think any reasonable person will support such a devilish act.

  49. Wow! And I thought Naija was bad. Condemning people to life imprisonment? Condemning people to jail for fighting for others? What happened to free speech? Look at yourself well Nigeria. This is where we are on the fast track to. It is one thing to be against gay marriage and even hate gayism. But to condemn and persecute people to jail is taking your hate a step too far. I learned about the civil rights movement when I schooled in America and we are not that far off from the track it took. Of everybody to copy, it's Uganda and Cameroon? Tear eye o!

  50. shame on you linda with all these gay things.

    1. No, shame on you! Just because you're not directly affected doesnt make it any less of a controversial and important issue to talk about.

  51. Common sense is not common,here is a leader that has priorties.God help us with these clowns running Nigeria into the ground

  52. Since u started postin tinz bout dis anti_gay bil,havnt commented on it but after I saw dis one I dimed it fit to write that both our already signed bill and d uganda pending bill is rilly unfair..aint supporting the act itself but even the bible made us to understand that jesus hates sin but loves sinners bcos he knows that they r capable of bcoming better pipo,apart from that, every word in that same bible,every commandment is wrapped around d word "love"...hating and treating this pipo like trash is rily not d way forward, who r u self to condemn dem, all dose that come here causing and typing hateful tinz against dis pipo,who do u tink u r?..I mean seriously even the bible says our righteousness is like a filty rag to HIM..meaning we r all not worthy but his grace is wot is keeping us love,practise wot u christains bliev in oooooooooooooo

    1. Some Nigerians, I think they go to church to keep the seats warm and give tithes. Anything their leader says is of no significance, so if they dont hear, they can't practice what they don't hear. What you just said will make any reasonable person to think, but not these Nigerians. They are a waste of space including gou GEJ and your selfish. Backwards minded religious bigoted teachers ill advising you. No, im not gay, I have no inclination towards it. But Nigerians are so corrupt in everything, both moral and ethics, to find them here casting votes and hateful speech on morals and ethics issues is just disgusting, distasteful, hypocritical. Half of them will go home and bribe a cop, beg for money with no intention of returning it, steal where they didnt sow, lust over someone else's wife or husband, fuck their girlfriend, yes, thats a sin too- ever heard of fornication? Yes, that you all. Yet, you come here and open your disgusting pits to crticize someone else on something you're just as guilty of on all fronts. Hypocrites! That heaven you're all thinking you're going, you guys need to start reevaluating whether you will make it there.

  53. At least this one has sense small

  54. Now that is a thinking president...

  55. Ridiculous law. So if I know a homosexual or have better things to talk about in Uganda like poverty and corruption of the officials rather than homosexuality, then I go to jail. All in a bid to distract from the real issues in Uganda. Too much air time on this.

  56. E don bizzle 4 dis gay pple!

  57. Lols... Bet he doesn't want to offend the Americans and the British. How can he say something is abnormal and it can be rescued by improving the economy... Wetin carry homo enter Economy now #foreignaid abi....

  58. For their pocket,mayb his cuzin is gay,lol

  59. Just like thieves are also abnormal and can be rescued by fixing the economy. Lol

  60. Nothing do you......there's enough issue on #Ground for now than wasting your time thinking of #Gay......

  61. But his a homo sexual himself why should he sign such a bill.

    Kenyan babe

  62. Good one Mr President!!! Let Nigeria be the only stupid country that approve that stupid bill, good move, I applaud you!!

  63. If dey reli care somuch abt pple making heaven dey should make fornication,unwanted pregnancy, stealing, extortion punishable by death ... Nigeria n d world myt b ÇŽ̜̍ beta place ! Registerd bastard n uncivilized being! Hw can 2adult sexual preference b ur business to d extent of judging n killing dem! Argggh! hell fire go full!

  64. See? It has started happening. Life in imprisonment and pple who don't report them i.e family and friend abi? SMH

  65. How can a Gay sign a law to his own detriment! Even when He gat d power to decide*

  66. Omo this gay thing no go quick finish oo

    Hehehehehe oga sign the bill make dem arrest you join cause I watched a documentry that even pastors in uganda are gays!! Ptffffffff imagine catching u bf cheating on u with a guy Lord help us.

    This white people and their madness, back in the days of our fore-fathers we didn't have diseases such as cancer Aid's and all the deadly shits up and down.they came with their white jesus shit and bible corrupted our minds,even the christainity now is causing wahala up and down not to talk of islam with their they open their stupid mind to still fools us that good talk more about divorce than homosexuality in the bible,isn't it that same bible that says God condem sodom and gomora? Africans be wise let's leave this white folks with their right here right there shit

    Signing out

  67. This is the best way to treat this kind of issues. And not Kill and burn approach.... Jona take note.... National assembly oya... re-visit the bill again.

  68. Now this is a sensible leader!!

  69. I mean dis is annoying, let dem liv dis gay ppl alone, in asmuch as idnt lik d practice, idnt lik d punish$ents given to dem either,pls lkets b realistic here, som1 in ur family cud b gay,so how wil u feel wen dat person is punished? Dis gay tin is a psychological tin, they need help and not punishment, am a woman nd married n somtims I cud even tink of smooching a woman's boobs bt amnot gay, do u knw hw mani ppl are fighting their feelings? Pls its not nice,lots of ppl are fighting their sexuality,u wnt understand cos urnt in their shoes,its. Only evil ppl dat wud say tgay ppl shd b killed or punished,pls if u cnt help dem liv dem to God,urnt in a position to question dem,face ur life

  70. Now this is a man with a lot of common sense.

  71. Dere president na gay nw,in oda news ASUP stil dey strike

  72. Na wa ooooo, dis dere own law pass our own ooooo.

  73. Smart dude...

  74. Now this is what you call a statment from a PRESIDENT! Nigeria hasn't taken a strong stance against rapists and peadophiles, yet rush to take a stance against homosextuals??? Jonanthan Puhleeze!

  75. better sign am o or heeeeehn ok na i dey wait for u sha THAT AKWA IBOM BOY

  76. Human rights has been bastardised by some people on earth,its better we put a stop to it before it is too late,we should not wait until we Nigerians start having sex with animals and we say its human right,the western word are quick to condemn anti-gay bcos they want things to be done their way,they even have pet graves and spend millions of dollars on such pet why humans are hungry,where is the human right there,so disgusting,some say anti-gay is religious,they are lower than animals in thinking because even animals both domestic and wild don't have sex with same sex,yet we humans that are known as higher animals want to stoop so low and degrade themselves to a state lower than a lower animal,you should know your right from wrong,those interested in such act should leave and dwell in such countries that practice it,its devlish in nature.their parents should have aborted them in the first place.

    1. You uninformed fool...homosexuality has being found in animals...dogs is your u think a man who pays his taxes shld be jailed for his sexuality while d politician rob us and go free...I think religion shld be illegal its robbing minds of the ability to think....the same bible has so many other ridiculous laws ...I dont think most nigerians hv actually read d Bible...some things in it are down right ridiculous

  77. gay is not abnormal!its a lifystyle.i like boys and i do them.instead of fighting poverty africans are busy chasing shadows outta religion maddness.they are alota beddable boys in mess around or no law boys do have sex and its fun.

  78. Fear of western countries ..They will cut their aids and his country will suffer it..i feel sorry for some of African countries who can not stand for themselves..

  79. *Barr to be* Ryan17 January 2014 at 14:42

    So many tinz this year. Yet to unfold. Watchout!

  80. life term imprisonment?????????? why are these gays getting so much attention sef? Click here to see how you can earn REAL Cash Online Here In Naija

  81. Nice 1 frm d president!!!! Gay is evil dat I kw 4 sure but who r we to judge nd condem our fellow human beings let's live God to Fight his Battle Himself

  82. OMG!!! I love diz president!! U don't jst give out law like dat in a country as if it were a classroom of pupils. I am a sociologist & I am sooo pissed @ d way GEJ handled this anti gay issue. Nigeria is d least country to expect dis from! He jst passed out dat bill lyk an illitrate! No sociological or psycological proof of it realy being an issue in Nigeria!
    This is a country dat pple hardly talk about it in d open or on d media even tho its being practised. & all of a sudden I hear of an anti gay bill law or wat eva bullshit it is!
    Saddest part is, more inocent pple will suffer 4 dis. Becuz its all gonna b based on assumptions. "Omo d way dose 2guys/girls close I don dey suspect dem o". And d next tin u hear is dey are GAY & doin 14 yrz in jail. Nw pple hav to be kiaful wiv d way dey show brotherly & sisterly luv 2each oda. Can't hug a frend & tell him/her l luv u in public cuz it myt end up in 14yrz imprisonment! & in a vry corrupt country like diz, a new tactics of settin up pple!
    I SMH in disgrace & disappiontment! Hw person love affair take add to crime in d society? Does it generate boko haram or corruptions? And den we say we are "democratic"? Shior! If I waz gay I'd leave diz corrupt & unfocused country!


  83. This year bad market for gay #bright bravo#

  84. He's one of them!!!

  85. Nigeria can be a fail state, if the gay bill is not review, gays are the most hard working people on earth, in any successful businesses one or two gay dude is there, if they are not happy God above turn things around. As in now prime time entertainment on Raypower FM is playing a gay songs in support of gay and lesbian right. The government dare not trade on their right.

  86. He knows the backlash he would face from the international society if that bill went into law. It's even harsher than Nigeria's law. Hilary Obiorah

  87. Its so funny.. ppl will blame the church and christians for this.. Since the bill was passed, we have heard about witch hunts in the north, floggings for past gay offences et al... But the atheist and agnosist world would rather call the christians out as the genesis of all this..

    The persecution of the Christians will start not from the muslims but from God's own country.. the home that was created by christians who were fleeing persecution.

    The persecution starts from the mind, creating hate for core christian beliefs.. creating doubt in the minds of christians by making them feel lazy to read the word and then making them shy and afraid of proclaiming the truth

    The Bible has its take on homosexualism, however all sinners will be destroyed, but just like the prostitute of Jesus' days who held on to him for salvation.. There is salvation for any sinner out there

  88. LOL so after all the noise we are the only idiots in Africa that have officially made it look like flogging or imprisoning people will "cure their gayness."

  89. I see a situation where the west withdraws their aid/ modern day slavery on Nigeria. Then everyone thinks properly and we become self sufficient. Good move GEJ. Come to think of it, who is gay here?



  91. @ badoo of toron ajegunle,d earlier u realise dat d same God u claim gave u life hates homosexuality and lesbianism wit passion,d beta for u.Remeber what d angels said to doz men of sodom wen they looked for men to sleep wit.buaaaaaaaaaaaaa,york@ homos and lesbeees they both need serious help oooooo.

  92. in as much as we hate what dey do..lets leave them to be free and allow God to be their judge.

  93. Foolish man, he wants to be another Mandela. Forgive and forget, accommodate the most foolish things and pronto, white liberals will erect your statute in London. Nonsense! The parliament should override him sharp sharp.

  94. Oya let us start arresting mad people.... It is the same thing

  95. ooooh lol, I see here suddenly some of you are changing mouth abi? Whats the difference between 14 and life? If Nigeria also put you people up for life imprisonment for knowing someone gay and failing to report it, I bet many of you here would not be saying half the things u have been making noise about.


  96. All of you that support that wicked law will lose, if not here, in another realm.

  97. Its official uganda is better than nigeria.

  98. There is know reason behind wht dey are doing, life is a choice, so is wht dey like doing. Any body caught in d act wi b punish.nonsense ppl, fools. How can a reasonable person love his fellow man or woman. God wi punish dem. I like wht d presido did, God wi bless him IJN.

  99. It nevr ends does it...Gay this gay that....I asked my wife to prepare egusi soup for me..she prepares it and brings it...and then I say no I don't want egusi I want okro soup...abeg who's bizness is it?? How does it affect any1?? Is it not my stomach???leave gays alone gonna say this once to u homophobic bastards...God created adam and eve abi?? its man to woman any oda tin is what happens to those born deaf,blind,lame,leprose or with one abnormality or the oda..why hasn't a bill been passed to condem them to death?? Afterall wen God created Adam n eve they were never blind noer deaf....the bible is misterious in a way we don't undErstand...if I have sex with a guy I don't see how that increases or decreases the country's economy..we have beta issues to talk abt...I read Ali baba's tweet...Ali baba just know u have a place in hell cos u can't tell me u were a virgin till marriage....Again Bonario I dnt knw why u are against gays wen u are a full Blown GAY.i can smell it all over u..we say being Gay is not African abi??? Is fixing brazillian hair african?? Riding cars or even making use of technological facilities is it african?? Even the english we are speaking is it african...the whitÉs owns with it..if u don't like it go back to ur village...wear fig in a mud house and keep eating roasted yam and oil..that's hw a typical african should be...if u think the whites have corrupted u don't enjoy their inventions...I rest my case....I am not saying being gay is saying we hav lots of things to worry abt than what to pple do in the comfort of their homes.«Kelvin«25ffcbfa... Linda please I beg post my comment..thanks and God bless

  100. Cameron promised to cut off all aid to them if they go along with it. The truth is Uganda needs more aid than Nigeria so the man is not a coward. It is just common sense so that he will not have to eat his words like Jonathan likes doing.

  101. see people we r trying to copy. According to the anti gay guy on CNN, more than 90% Nigerians are against child marriage, what has the president with fish brain done? misplaced priority.

  102. All the homosexuals & lesbians that are here blaspheming & mocking God, repent & save ur soul while U can, if not na satan go use broken bottle do una homo for hellfire ooo!!!

  103. He is afraid of loosing Uganda's meal ticket fro Obama.

  104. Africa my africa. You r dead and what is remaining is who will bury you, Africa. All d evil in d world is found in d land, GENOCIDE, CORRUPTION, WITCHCRAFT, POVERTY and OTHERS. The only Thing we Pride ourselves is about our RICH CULTURAL History that has now being Eroded. How in Africa will a Ruler ( we don't have leaders except Mandela) would refuse to Sign into law anti gay bill brought to him by Parliament?

  105. My comment.. All of Una wey no support/feel the law is wrong, should take it to street of state Government house and protest just like wat the United states/some countries gay/les did rather than sitting at the comfort zone of were ever you are writing on social media which have little or no effect...

  106. That's such a bullshit law, I am straight like a ruler but would never rat on a guy or chic because of their prefrence. What if you wrongly accuse the person. Did u see him or her doing the act and are you not meant to obey a person's privacy. I think these people are not enlightened or rather educated enough to be law makers. Bunch of grediloquent osieous negricent mendicants

  107. That's such a bullshit law, I am straight like a ruler but would never rat on a guy or chic because of their prefrence. What if you wrongly accuse the person. Did u see him or her doing the act and are you not meant to obey a person's privacy. I think these people are not enlightened or rather educated enough to be law makers. Bunch of grediloquent osieous negricent mendicants

  108. this issue of do not judge is rily posing serious threat to our society!homosexuality is evi,just like a criminal n all sort of crimes re evil so it is!if u like be badoo or what,u said its dia life to leave,a criminal n a prostitute is doin d trade d societal influence of do not judge pushed them to,so lets leave them to leave their life too!rubbish!!!go to wiaever u like n practise yr sodomy d president says it cant happen in naija!respect d law or rot in jail!

  109. The man needs the aids from US. Plus u all saying they will still practice it, it's not right to steal, but people still hide and still. But if u are caught? Complete am for house.

  110. Badoo of toronto first and second to comment.thumbs up.u try well well.meanwhile who are those olodo's dat don't read @ all or don't read properly b4 dey start spitting rubish?they disgust me and make dis blog boring and irritating.learn to read and copmment in line with whoever's views and not going of point.toronto badoo and ebenezer una doe jare well said.any one calls me faaggot and I go pray for him her her.(Note:my prayer dey catch oh)mtcshwwwwwww

  111. Because of wide and sometimes, opposing divergent views on religion, l usually don't bring it into my arguments except d issue is totally on religion. For the same reason, l will not react to weda kicking against same-sex is fighting for God or not.

    Having said this, l wanna point out a few things that l undastand informed d passage of d Anti Same-sex law.

    1. Same-sex is immoral: one of d very functions of law is to protect public morality. D law does not condemn same-sex in its entirety (because of human right), it only prohibits public show of it. Quote me dat d moment straight pipl begin to flaunt sex publicly, or adultery or fornication becomes a matter of public concern, d law will step in to protect d sanctity of d society.

    2. Same-sex is unnatural: Obviously, d idea dat people can b born gay is d height of misinformation. Social/Medical scientists have come to show dat same-sex is a 'learned' behaviour and can be "un-learnt". D gay person picks up d behaviour eida frm an sexual abuse, emotional trauma, peer (media/internet) relations, or orientation. In most cases, d individual grows up wit dis abnormality, making it apparently normal. Social behaviour is not hereditary nor natural. Social behaviour is a product entirely of nuture, not nature. If a man is an armed robber, dia are 90% chances that his son (whom he'd nuture in armed robbery) will grow up to become one. The son will so train his own son and so the chain continues. Howeva, it doesn't mak dem natural armed robbers nor armed robbery to run in their genes.

    3. D law was passed to discourage same-sex: The NASS n GEJ understand that these unfortunate socially abnormal need help and have some rights, yet there is need to discourage those who r thinking of being gays or to wake up those who have been indifferent abt same-sex. The potential minority gays need to know that they will not be allowed to insult the majority straight people with their disabled, abnormal and unfortunate behaviour, orientation or woteva that suits ur dictionary. So, d law is not only a deterrence but also a call on parents to be very careful about their children upbringing.

    3. Same-sex is not cultural: Nowhere hav l heard in any myth, legend, or true history of any Nigerian tribe, ethnic group, language, culture or tradition that any of d ancestors or gods was gay or had its symptoms.
    Note: if ur tribe has any gay ancestors or history, pls give me details, I'd like to research it.

    4. GEJ just had to sign it:
    I'm sure that most people who rain curses on GEJ do not understand the working of our system of govt. Well, d law has been passed by the National Assembly (Goodluck did not sponsor it). GEJ only signed it into law afta it had completed all d processes at d national assembly. And if he didn't sign it? Well, after one month, d bill becomes a law without his assent (signature). So, even if he refused, d law would still come. Hence, if at all u wanna rain abuses, share it with the national assembly, GEJ and d majority of Nigerians who support the law.

    5. Lastly, and very importantly too, a major purpose of law is to achieve an equilibrum or to strike a balance btwn divergent views among the people it governs, usually going with d popular majority voice: Same-sex is condemned by a vast majority of Nigerians, it is only democratic and proper that the president GEJ signed a law representing the views and wishes of the majority of its citizens. Dissenting voice compared with d consenting voice is like a drop of water in an ocean (it won't even be seen, let alone heard nor felt).

    That l have expressed these views above does not mean the Nigerian govt has been impeccable or that l agree with it on most oda issues, so don't bring corruption et all now. Howeva, when d govt gets it right, it deserves a thumb-up.

    @Ogochukwu Jennifer, l lik d reasoning and reactions in ur first comment on this issue.

  112. Can this badoo of Toronto just post a reasonable comment for once? Mtcheeeeew. Gay idiot

  113. Educated President. The problem with Nigerians and homosexuals is because we do not understand why some people turned gay.
    Make research on child psychology and development. Our preseident is dumb.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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