Singer Jodie lends support to Nigeria's anti-gay bill | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 14 January 2014

Singer Jodie lends support to Nigeria's anti-gay bill

Some celebs have publicly expressed their opinion against the recently passed anti-gay bill, here's one who is in support of it. Kuchi Kuchi singer, Jodie took to FB this afternoon to share her opinion.


  1. I support her. its gonna affect the upcoming generation

    1. Nobody wishes to be gay.every body hates gays so why would you want to be gay.nigerians and their foolishness

    2. Then U support the most asinine statement of the year so far. I'm sorry but this is such an unintelligent statement on every level. And if everyone "decided" to be gay, however improbable that is, at least it was their choice to make. Free will people. Homosexuals will do what they've always done in our society. The practice or lifestyle did not need to be criminalized.

  2. Stupid talk. Is anyone forced into gayness? Valid, sensible,opinions not BS talk.

  3. Whoze kids wud dey adopt am thinkn animals

  4. I don follow support am for my facebook page o

  5. Thank you verymuch dear.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

  6. Abi oo, I wonder too

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  7. Ur right, my dear

  8. Thats a True African Woman Talking!! 3 gbosa for you jari....

  9. If everyone in 1852 decided to be GAy.. there will be no one in the world today as Gay people cannot reproduce naturally..

  10. I support her ! same sex relationship os against the law of nature!, those who think otherwisd are just slaves of the western world!

    1. U hit d nail on d head wit ur comment. Lots of us hv become slaves of d western world 4d second time. Gay is wrong n wrong it remains weda Obama or Angelina jolie supports it. D bible condemns it n dts my stand as well!

  11. What is she even saying?? Abeg someone should explain....what happened in 1842 biko nu

    1. U re such a dumbass!!lyk seriously u re asking wat happened in 1842??..Evabliss

  12. Very true! This gay thing is very stupid and devilish! If you are not gay and you support gays then you are bound for hell too! Because the bible says you shouldn't aid your neighbour to sin... Enough said!

  13. God bless you Jodie...

  14. Perfect, i love that!
    babe u are so on point

  15. Nw here is one sensible celebrity I admire.Reasonable post

  16. comment.....

  17. I wonder oooo....any idiot caught in the act should be sentenced 2firing squard subsection 205

  18. My dear the truth is dat its not possible for everyone to be gay. She shuld increase her IQ b4 typing rubbish. *on a lighter mood** it definitely would have reduced the population to what we have today.

    1. I believe you should increase your RAM before commenting shit

  19. Thanks Jodie, well said!

    I don't get Nigerian celebrities that like to do 'follow, follow' with the West. You only need to live in the West to see the moral decline and decadence to know that messing with the fundamental principles of human existence is wrong.
    Plus the same celebrities that show their support for gay rights, did not say anything about the bill regarding under age marriage for girls in Nigeria (abusing young girls in this manner is fundamentally wrong).

    Naija celebrities, stop being stupid and agreeing with the morally incorrect West. State opinions that are not West-led and be leaders for others to follow.

    I used to admire Nigerians because they were unaffected by the status quo and spoke for what was right. It seems today that every Tom, Dick and Harry wants to be seen, heard and accepted. Talking about gay rights, when they haven't even solved fundamental human rights, such as homeless children, people with disabilities etc. mtschew.

  20. How I love her Kuchi Kuchi song, I always sing it for my 2months old baby and she loves it too

  21. Girl you are on point. Some people don't just think #antigay

  22. Yes oo, keep saying NO to Homosexuality and YES to Straightility

  23. Go girl, we are on the same page. Love you Jodie.

    1. Here's what our nations govt is doing. Amidst all d political economic nd social problems dey past this bill to turn citizens focus. They have learnt from d Americans lets not forget what's important. D celebrities that spoke abt this cldnt come out nd speak amidst all our other crisis o, it's gay ppl shit.

  24. Well said jare, dis gay thing is getting too much attention. Dis is hw it kept goin in USA until d govt had to consider making it legal, let's not allow such a sinful thing into our midst. We have too much problems already in dis country,let's nt add dis to it.

  25. My dear don't mind. Dey shud rant its a passed already dere rantin won't chanqe it.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I wonder. How do they want us to explain to our children that uncle is married to uncle? What benefit has it brought to society? The jail term may be a bit much but we can't support gay rights in Nigeria.

  28. Yeah she still reasons properly. It shows she has a good up bringing. What is a man looking for in another man's anus biko nu?? It is purely the work of devil

    1. Baring her mind black and white

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  29. My dear tell them o. Those dat are against it should have there head examined

  30. That's right cuz these guys are criminals hence they should be treated as one. If their parents where Gay would they have being alive to fight for gay rights and stuff? phew... these guys suck

  31. Who cares if celebs are against it or not, if their fathers had married their fellow men, whr wu they (celebs) come frm? From the tree?

  32. I am not judging oooo. But as a Christian it is my business to let you all know that what is good is good and what is bad is bad ,there is no other names for it. No good will come out of having a relationship wt same Sex. Most of all u get are diseases, frustration nd shame. My opinion. Uk.kofo.

    1. My dear, nt every1 is a xtian...sme pipo re muslims, sme re jews nd sme dnt evn blv God exist! So dnt mke it a religious thingy... if a man choses to straff anoda man's anus den dats deir business nd d government's. Evry1 shud ve his or her own sexual preferences so longs he isn't doin wivout d oda persn's consent..its like choosing who u wana be wiv nd ur gettn arrested for it like its illegal to luv dat persn...I mean, we ve gr8ter prblms in naija nt gays..its so crazy nd absurd!

    2. AnonymousJanuary 14, 2014 at 7:32 PM. Befor u reply any comment make sure to read properly.

  33. Evn u Jodie. So supporting immorality n whoredom wil help us. Well, tnk God in dat year, evrybody in naija dis not do as u said.

    1. Babes..r u sure u can read properly,, ahhh..pls read again nd this time, try to make the right meaning out of it

    2. How did u make it through school? Its a pity.

    3. Lol... Som pple read bt understand differently...lollllllll...

  34. Now we have somebody with brains talking. Thank you for this simple analogy. I wonder if I would be born if my parents decided to be gay in 1842. Now here I am because in 1842 my grand parents frowned at the idea of gay in fact they would kill you at the thought or mention of it. If Africa is going to be the savior of the world as proposed by some intellectuals then the western world should let us make our decision and frowned at the things we feel are bad in our society.

  35. Every body want to use anti gay to shine. As if is d main problems we have in d country rubish(meemee).

  36. madam jodie we dont use "talkless" any more. u can say not to talk of.thank me now

  37. She is indeed an African woman not dat ugly attention seeker...hian

  38. Foolish people. Blind copycats! This bloggers' tender affiliation for gay rights is becoming irritating. Cnn isn't gonna give you an award for it soon though

  39. God bless Jodie real good for this. One sensible artiste not forming I must belong.

    I looooove you Jodie. In fact, words can express how this gladdens my heart.

  40. Ur on point Kuchi Kuchi baby. "Waiting concern me"

  41. Kuchi! Kuchi! Crooner I love your spirit.

  42. Thank you joo. Omo oko ini o "you the true daughter of your father". Am proud of you!

  43. If same sex v been in existence since dat year, will u ursef be in existence not to talk of singing/ I tink someone is paying dis so called celebrities to support

    1. Mumu,read again before you type nonsense,she's against and not in support

  44. Very Intelligent of her...People says stuffs and don't think about the aftermaths...she is Right and any intelligent mind would understand that!!!

    I totally support the Anti-gay rule...Very Soon, Bestiality (the practice of having sex with Animals) would be accepted in the West and they would 'force us' to accept such practice...It has a name with a meaning already...very soon, it would be accepted in western countries and the clarion call for its practice would be called...

    Must we copy everything???

    1. Bestiality is actually legal in some countries...(I think a few states in d u.s too).I saw it while reading some 'amazing facts' on twitter

  45. Now that the anti gay law is pass our single ladies "HEART" have come back life.

  46. Who's dis Low life Ugly Ogre Illiterate Nobody Bitch ass Mo-fuckin singer sayin...evry1 can't b str8 and evry1 can't b Gay! So dat r Gay shud live thir Life n full Freedom n Liberty to b Loved!! She shud plz STFU Village Servant calld Jodie

    1. Did u even read before commenting or you just want to be noticed. Pls take time and re- read and this time wt meaning before you write trash..

  47. its al abt choice. Jodie abeg just release 1 album nd bliv me e go sale cuz we(i) luv ppl lyk u dat thinks clearly even wen d sun z very hot.


  49. all hail d queen. atleast there is still one sane person in Nigeria.

  50. Even if she wants to support it, her logic is deeply flawed because NOT EVERYONE IS GAY. The fact that being gay is not illegal in America has not made every American gay has it? So what is the logic behind saying if everyone was gay...?

  51. I completely agree with you

  52. 1842 mentality in 2014

  53. That rapper that was supporting Richard Branson is just daft, y didn't he marry his fellow man

  54. God made the arse hole for a reason, to poo, that's all

  55. Personally, I dont think criminalising gayism is d way forward esp wen Nigeria isnt a religious is a country for crying out loud.
    That bein said...if we as a country so wish to criminalize be it ( I am assumin dis was voted for at the assembly n all due processes followed before it was moved to d presidential table).
    Wat I have a problem with is wen western countries wants to dictate wat is good or bad for us esp wen d very measure of good n bad were set against der own background of morals. Cos no matter aw much we push or castigate dem, dey wl nt legalise polygamy (its nt in der culture) and dey av redefined marriage based on their own vote at their house of lords (tho d world isnt in suport of dis)....dey want to take all of our identity frm us...its so bad to have tribal marks (I hate dis either) but its ok for der own children to av tattoos n very ridiculous piercings...they ridicule our villagers who barely av enof clothes to cover demselves up..tag dem archaic. .bt der own celebrities go about almost stark naked and its called civilisation. ..oh pls I av had enof of all des western influence n dem thinkn dey r God.
    The day we can influence wat d westerners do in der own country either with demselves or to us, is d day I wl welcome der opinion on anything dt affects me...
    Until den...#okbye

  56. Some people seriously need to seek God deeply, i don't want to believe that most of these people have never picked up their bible to study what God's word says (thats if they are christians). What is all this????!!!!!!!

  57. Nigerians are such follow-follows, we copy Americans,Europeans, other peoples way of speech but when it comes to the main copy cat proper that i would love to see our people emulate,for where? Suddenly we are all blinkered,i'm talking the Arab revolution against tyranny and dictatorship that started with the Egyptians,where are my brave big mouth nija men? whosai,akiko. e dey for mouth.

  58. USA and co shud die and go to hell with their opinion. We don't need it. We are sovereign state like they are, so they shud allow us to govern ourselves anyway we deem right. As for the devils advocates who are supporting gay or wanting to be gay they can relocate to western world where it is welcome. It so bit my imagination how people live in fool's paradise in the name of civilisation. Zionzukki.

  59. I really don't understand the fuss about the bill that was passed into law..truth be told I still get agitated when I hear of a lady falling in love with a fellow lady or guy to guy, the guys own is even so disgusting...av u ever seen a guy walking or talking like a lady? Goosh I feel puking when there are so many ladies out there looking husband and this guys have decided to marry themselves.....God will judge u

  60. SO ALLOWING gay unions equals to forcing everyone to be gay? What school did this twat go to? Better concentrate on being a good singer.

  61. With all the fine chics with fine arses in Naija, some say na man them wan follow. Ah, hausa man say ba wahala. Less competition. Their papa no teach them well no be my fault

  62. Well, that's her own opinion. But the truth is, you don't decide to be gay. Homosexuality is a result of hormonal imbalance. It's not like gays decided to become gays. What kind of poor logic is this? "Imagine if, in 1842 (whatever that year could stand for) EVERYONE decided to be gay....and their children, and their children's children, etc. Then, I wonder if human beings would still EXIST talkless of fighting for gay rights.". Everyone can't be gay. There'll always be heterosexual, bisexual and homosexual people.

    1. Hormonal imbalance which can be corrected medically like any other anomaly. Remember we will all give account of our life to our creator

  63. And do you honestly think Same sex was not in existence in 1842?
    Common. Get real.
    We got more important things to focus on in Nigeria than this.. Gay people are not even asking to be married..


  64. Jodie or whatever you call yourself, you are just ignorant and stupid. You are on here ranting rubbish when all you are wearing are being manufactured/designed by gay people. To show your stupidity the more you are even using social media which was created and managed by majorly gay people in Silicon Valley CA. Nigerians supporting this anti-gay law should be banned from entering into the UK, USA and Canada. Jodie, I am sure the next time you try to enter one of these countries you would have yourself to blame because everyone has equal rights whether gay, bi, straight, transgender or even the corrupt Nigerians wide spread in your poverty driven/ religious indoctrinated country. Nigerians y'all need help shame!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Emmy collins welcome to d best blog, bloody faggot I pity u 14years is waiting 4 u

  65. Dumbass critics,she was just speaking hypothetically. She said wat if everyone decided to b gay, she didn't categorically state dat everyone is. All u gays on d downlow, Gej don fall Una hand.

  66. To solve dis problem, open ur bible to Romans 1:20-28

  67. Well first off no one decides to be gay, secondly, gays have been in existence before ur great grand father was born. And lastly, am not a breeding I don't know who's counting how many engines am dropping! All that being said. Even with the presence of gays, the world has increased its population by a whooping 1billion. There are also surrogate mothers and sperm donors. And nigeria clearly needs some sort of population control! Hell some people toss their babies in the canal now!. The world is diverse and that's why its balanced. I love pussy. I can't stand a masculine body robbing against mine (I can only tolerate it) I don't don't hate men. Infact they make great friends! I jus happen to look at gurls the same way a straigh guy looks at a gurl he's crushing on. Its who I am. Yall don't understand it n that's ok. Cuz then again, when have nigerians understood anything. Atleast we've stopped killing twins kids... we jus marry them off now! shameless nation, daft citizens!(Some)

  68. Exactly... Dey dn,t wanna marry.. 9ja isn,t ready 2 c d gays get married xo weda Jonathan signed or unsigned, dat wnt stp d inkreasing no of les n gays in Nigeria. Some married men r bisexual, some married women r bisexual, xo wah diff does dat mk?... D gays n les will kontinue 2 hyd in deir kloset n d no will kp inkreasing. U jes signed rubbish kos bisexual, lrs n gay has kum 2 stay in 9ja... Though m nt a les buh i think ppl shld think of deir own path 2 heaven b4 u hlp odas mk heaven. Aw kan a thief kum here n say homosexuality isn,t gud... Yes it,s nt gud buh is stealing gud??. Gosh... Lord, let my path b gudt b4 u. Amen.

  69. And I Love that... She's Right!

  70. I support Jodie 100%, i really tink been gay shud B classified as an abnormal mental condition nt illness cos its nt normal in anyway 4 peeps of same sex 2 B attracted 2 each other.....

  71. Jodie... U are a tru african and a true naija girl... Keep representing... God bless u

  72. You know I love you for this insight. if their parents would have been Gays they will be here. Leave those devil agents the blood of Jesus will destroy them.

  73. She is ever so and let live. Simples!!!!

  74. She is ever so and let live. Simples!!!!

  75. Dear Jodie. I am heterosexual even if there were no men left on earth I would never opt for homosexuality. Please get educated. Halt your ignorance. To each his own. Homosexuality is not contagious, it is not an option. They say they were born that way. You can't just decide to be homosexual al of a sudden.i know people pretend to be heterosexual . They end up marrying people like you hiding in your closet and creeping out to have unprotected sex with other men, come back to you and infect you. Wouldn't you rather they mix with there kind. To each his own stop interfering with others before karma visits you.

  76. Tell them oo my Sister not even in this country that abuse of things is wud become contagious overnight and evn straight people wud become gay.

  77. Pussy 4 life. -Allen

  78. Dos in support of say ''PUSSY'' & dos against say ''ANUS''. Pussy have it! -Allen

  79. Pussy 4 life. -Allen

  80. o girl if you don't have anything to say then shut up. Criminalising people for sexual preferences is not the answer but a step backward. Anyone disadvantage as a result of race, sex or gender is still experiencing discrimination. Remember not long ago it was people like you who were and still discriminated against in many part of the world. Discrimination has no place in a civilized society. Although it is debateable whether one could refer to Nigeria as a civilized country with decisions such as this. Corruption, Boko Haram , lack of adequate roads and joblessness for the youths, I would say are pressing issues with GEZ should have tackled by now

  81. Totally agree wiv her

  82. Jodie what you just did is a celebrity no-no! You never take a side, just so long as you don't agree with the government.

  83. May God bless you the the midst of insane people, a sane person would be called insane.

  84. Joddie you ugly lesbian shut up

  85. God bless you jara but every soon I will say my own opinion.

  86. Bitch dnt even knw hw to speak good english....its "talk more of" nt talkless of.

  87. What an idiot any man who marries this one will have children with low IQ

  88. As for Obama who supports the gay movement, I pray his children end up being gay and his wife also becomes gay. Did the bible and quran not clearly spell out the sort of abomination such an act is? So why are people now calling it modernity? The promise made by satan that he'll lay in wait at every nook and cranny to lure man away from the godly path is true and very much alive. Die a sinner and you shall be denied by the devil on that very day! Double wahala......

  89. Another one hit wonder talking shit!!! Just listen to that childish and ignorant ass assessment, Being gay is not by choice. We are who we are!!!! Once again Nigeria getting left behind because of Bigots and Hypocrites, Nigerians are so full of shit!!! Smh

  90. Another one hit wonder talking shit!!! Just listen to that childish and ignorant ass assessment, Being gay is not by choice. We are who we are!!!! Once again Nigeria getting left behind because of Bigots and Hypocrites, Nigerians are so full of shit!!! Smh

  91. lolllll, a bill passed by mr president and the whole country is so happy about it. here is the thing you people don't get,homosexuality has been in existence before now in this country and this people are not asking the president to make it legal for them to get married and its a simple fact, those who want to can fly out and come back to this country and still continue with it. Sexuality of an adult is not something the public should debate on, and if you want to go all righteous, check 1 cor 6:9-10 you will see that even drunkards, thieves, etc are all part of sin even leviticus 18 says it all.
    If we truly want to claim a holy and righteous country then let equal punishment be given to all offenders because someone that stole 8m is as guilty as someone fucking another man's ass. The federal government knows Nigerians can easily been carried away with little things and this is the best meal that can serve to keep us talking for months so that they can continue their planned evil for this year. I am just 17 going 18 but trust me i don't judge people by their sexuality i look personality, these people are adults and whatever they do, its between them and let the consequences be on them.... How e take affect u???????????

  92. God bless u jodie

  93. Something about the human race is that it must survive through space and time.Nigeria population was about 35000000 people before the civil war,despite the extensive death rate in the war,we multiplied almost four times.While some die,some will live,while some are gay,some will be straight.

  94. Jodie ur just a fool with no career..... who is forcing u.... its an individual decision anyways..... who wants ur skanky body.

  95. Nne u have said it said. Tell them.

  96. Thank God a celebrity with brains still exist....just imagine if OBJ was a fagurt ass leader....lmfao

  97. hmmmmmmm. Gayism God 4bid bad tin oooo. What sort of nonsense is dat by d way. Na 2 beg em oo

  98. madam Jodie go and sing. NOT EVERYONE IS OR WILL OR IS BEING FORCED TO BE GAY. There will always be ppl like u. U can like to sing a anoda song, leave gay matter.

  99. thank you JODIE,its a sad thing and terrible situation, in a generation seeing this UNHOLY ACT.

  100. Leave dus stupid mumu, linda dey fuck up.dis 1sef na celeb? shey na gay dey worry us abi oda economic probs.dats y her song no kuku move after d rubbish wey she sing.idiot.see hin ngbeke face......

  101. linda are you pro gay or anti gay?

  102. Interesting train of thoughts...

  103. Congratulations Nigeria! Our problems have finally been solved. We can now have more babies to attend all the beautiful schools wasting in our dear nation. Remember how long we have been seeking for a lasting solution to our dwindling population? How we were held down by corrupt governance because we didn't have enough children and people to fight for our justice? Now, it will be a thing of the past. Roads will be fixed. Lights will never cease. Because our Dearest nation has found the answer to all the issues bedeviling us. We've found the answer -send the gays to Jail, and voila! All our problems are solved. Yea, let them all rot in jail so we can progress as a nation. More pussies will now get banged. Our dicks can now rise because all those bastard same sex people that were holding them down are now locked down. Rejoice all ye women. Rejoice! Thine boyfriends shall now come to thee and you may now fix your wedding dates. Congratulations Nigeria! Our problems have finally been solved.



Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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