Comedian Ali Baba lends support to Anti-gay law: Read his Tweets | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 16 January 2014

Comedian Ali Baba lends support to Anti-gay law: Read his Tweets

Celebrities aren't saying much openly about the anti-gay bill. And sincerely I don't blame them. If you're against it, then it means you're gay, if you're for it, then you're a bigot...but I guess comedian Ali Baba doesn't care what people think of him. He's shared his strong opinions on the new law. And fortunately or unfortunately he's speaking for 95% of Nigerians. See more Tweets after the cut...



  1. Absolute respect for you sir.

    1. Point of correction, he's speaking for himself not Nigerians. Stop adding your thought to newss pls. Referring to Linda

    2. I hope your sons turnout gay,then what will you do,beat them,pray for the,take them for deliverance etc.then force them to marry girls that they don't like andin the end they have a miserable life full of frustration and unhappiness

    3. People get divorced on a daily basis and the bible talks about divorce many time forbidding it,infact the bible talks about divorce more times than show you GOD was more worried about straight people than Gay people. Its the truth

    4. On day all this hateful words will come back and hurt you people,when you child finds out he's gay and hangs him self in his bedroom then you will know

    5. On day all this hateful words will come back and hurt you people,when you child finds out he's gay and hangs him self in his bedroom then you will know

    6. Many gay People have killed themselves because of all this hateful wickedness in can somebody rather die than be who they are.its not fair if my son was gay I will love him and advice him and get him out of this country.


      I note with interest the recent outbursts, Protests, arguments for and against on the assent into Law, the Same-Sex Prohibition Act by GEJ.

      While a section of the civil societies had termed GEJ's action hypocritical and made lame attempt to equate Homosexualism to the ineptitude and brazen corruption in the GEJ-Led polity, I dare say Homosexualism does not stand at par in any way. My take on the state of the Nation has always been,the leadership of Nigeria is a reflection of us as a people and the larger society..The irresponsible fathers and irate mothers who are raising dysfunctional children all contribute in much greater measure to the present state of the nation.

      Now to the subject, Homosexualism simply negates the order of God and Nature. It's alien to every known African culture except for few who indulge in Occultic practices. Sodomy has been known to be a long time tenet of Satanic Worship. Why should it then be forced down our throats in the guise of Liberalism.

      It further amazes me to find the Christian Community turn analytical and philosophical when subjects that challenges the core of our faith gets controversial in the public domain. Children of Darkness Stay vocal and deploy all resources to force down their gospel on us.

      Ain't interested in the arguments but this I know, '' if an animal who has a less-functional brain, would not mate with the same sex, What happened to Humans, made in God's Likeness? Till date I've not come across the over 1000 amphibious species that exhibits homosexual traits , as claimed by LGBT Activist, in any Biology, Anatomy, Genetic or Physiological book.

      The signing of the bill is in order with our Culture as a people and our Faith.The practice must not be given any form of encouragement in the Nigerian Community..................TOLUcCI


  2. Don't mind them.
    They abolished our traditional institutions replacing them with warrant chiefs,but they still chant "long live the Queen"
    They told us Sango,Amadioha,Obatala etc are evil gave us their bible now they turn around tp disagreee with what is written in the book they gave us.
    They are always reluctant to grant us financial aids,but quick to send us packs of condoms.
    #we can't be fooled forever.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

    1. NO! We can't be!

    2. Bonario jst makes sooooo much sense all d tym.u took dat ryt outta my mouth #thumbsup#

    3. Word!Bona I feel u!Jah bless!

    4. I am officially a fan of Bonario for this comment, this is the most sensible thing you have said on this blog ever..:)

    5. God bless u BONAIRO this "Oyinbos" are sick i dont even know why they keep interfering in our private issues, why didn't they interfere in the boko haram issue like this?

  3. This is best i've heard concerning the anti-gay bill

    1. I like the 12th and 14th tweets.The so called apostles of the pro gay rights wants to achieve cheap popularity abroad.

    2. Thank you sir, God bless you for

  4. Lmao @ bounty reducing unemployment and Mr & Mrs weddings

  5. Well said Ali Baba.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Bounty on gay peeps hahaha. I dont mind being a bounty hunter as part tym job. I got suspects to deliver for cash reward abeg

  8. Woow!!! Nice 1 baba hm self. I so hate gays and Lesbians arrrrrghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!.its xstalavista.

  9. Ali baba is right in a way.. we shoukdnt see black in this country and call it white... lets call a spade a spade.. anti_gay law is right on point....

    Lols @5k per gay.

  10. Wonder when Linda Ikeji would tell us her views about the gay law and stop telling us about other people's views.

    Linda Ikeji, what's your view on the Nigerian Anit-Gay Law?

  11. Two men loving each other does not stop me from getting my wife does not bother me and it should not bother you.nigerians have stupid mentality

    1. U really are stupid. I hope when ur wife gives birth nd dat son of urs brings home another man to marry it still won't bother u. U totally forget tomorrow.

    2. U really are stupid. I hope when ur wife gives birth nd dat son of urs brings home another man to marry it still won't bother u. U totally forget tomorrow.

    3. It will bother you when ur children are initiated into d evil act,and also bother u wen ur generations seize from dem to have children.'go into the world and multiply.'says d lord.

    4. And u @Anon 11;05AM have an intelligent mentality? U re a bloody retard. Bloody gay, pass my front n c if u won't end up in kirikiri maximum, bloody fool! If u can't stand d heat, leave Naija. After all ur counterparts dn full embassy, moron.

    5. As in eh, Nigerian are so blind... matters that will improve the country are never discussed, irrelevant issues like being gay or not is our president and pple of Nigerians concern, that's why the country will never grow, backwards always

    6. You open your mouth to say "Nigerians have stupid mentality" and yet wen we win the nations cup you'd be proud to call urself one of us. Please where lies your mind?

    7. Shut up,u're d one that has stupid mentality,u shuld hve been aborted because u're a disgrace to mankind!

    8. Capital Fool!

    9. Until your son tells you he has a boyfriend.......

    10. Capital Fool!

    11. So is your father. So we should encourage our unborn children to get comfortable with abnormalities like they have in the western world? Anyone is free to be whoever they like. But then you cannot destroy the institution of marriage by polluting it with the carefree views of the western world. Everyone can't be completely mad. So go fuck your opinion world..we like it this way in our country. If u want to contribute to it in other ways

    12. Shut up animal!! Ur comment will be posted after 2015 elections! Fool

  12. Nice one Ali baba.whr r da stellas? d omotolas? Dat were so quik 2spik against child marriage n asuu strike! We nid mor of dem nw

  13. the west should also legalize terrorism and allow terrorists to practice their trade, banning them is an infringement on their fundamental right......hahahahahahaha, foolish people always forcing us to follow their ways.

    1. Why are you so foolish and stupid.two people doing their business in their home is vexing you why.when last did you have an orgasm.many nigerians have never had an orgasm before I can tell. All this hateful comment is proof

  14. nice one. but still dont tink they should be locked up. its only God that can judge them

  15. my God made them MALE and FEMALE, period......

  16. Big Thumbs up to Ali Baba, people who dont let critics stop em from airing their opinion. If u wana say something... SAY IT! without minding whose ox is gored.

  17. How does two men loving each other stop you from getting your wife pregnant and having kids.99 percent of nigerians are stupid

    1. You are very stupid...Faggot!!!! If your parents were gay would u be here saying this? Born-Fool!!!!!!

    2. Leave us like dat thank u mumu.

    3. U'r d stupid one,Gay oshi.let dem catch u 1st.#cocksucker#.if ur father had bin gay,u wuldnt b ere commenting.

    4. And u re far more stupid than d .99percent. Ewu gambia.

    5. Your father that gave birth to you is even more stupid than ur whore mother fukcin imbecile. Let me catch u doing gay and devil will welcome you earlier than he expected you fool.

    6. Your mother is stupid,ur father is stupid infact ur entire generation is Stupid that's if u are not gay,cos u won't have any generation after u,stupid faggot!

    7. Your father that gave birth to you is even more stupid than ur whore mother fukcin imbecile. Let me catch u doing gay and devil will welcome you earlier than he expected you fool.

    8. @anonymous biko tell them O.what two adults do in their home its their business.I'm still going to get my wife pregnant,have kids are not for everyone let me remind you.

    9. And luckily for us my friend you and your silly views belong in that 99% percentile you just vividly described.....ode oshi no go mount your gay partner you dey here dey yarn dust.

  18. Ricky martins is a full gay man and he has two biological adorable twin anybody who says gays can't have children is a liar,he didn't marry a woman by the way.nigerians use your sense

    1. He didn't marry a woman? How did he come about d 2 adorable boys then? He stole dem, kidnapped them or he gave birth to them himself? Face reality bloody faggot, d parry is over. Its either u re straight or bend, if u re straight u re free 2 live in Naija, but if ur ass bend go one side u better seek assylum fast b4 d long arm of d law clamps on u. See ur mouth like Nigerians use ur sense! Mind u we re using our sense in ds matter, we refuse 2 use our assholes.

    2. D biggest fool eva. Who begot the twins for him?

    3. U senseless idiot,how did he get d twin boys?is it not a woman that brought them to dis world,all gays are condemed to hell fire!including you

    4. How many Nigerians have heard about surrogacy and can afford it? How many Nigerians can afford assisted conception?like he said,he has the right to express himself .Argue and go your say is not conclusive.

    5. How would u feel if u had two fathers and no mother?

    6. Oh God,where were u when God was sharing sense,did his sperm alone form d two boys,dont just be typing things,if ur brain can't handle issues of this magnitude,pls don't comment.its nt good for your generation

    7. So his gay partner gave birth to his kids right? You are a brainwashed retard

  19. God bless Alibaba

  20. Just because somebody supports gays that doesn't make the person gay or bi.beyonce,nelson mandela,even kanye west support gay peeps are they gay themselves.nigerians and their mentality,you people are afraid of what you don't know.

    1. Shut up n park well. SAY NO TO HOMOSEXUALITY.

    2. U̶̲̥̅̊ shuld be locked up as. An animal, your bible tells you to support gay abi? Oloshi! Useless beast! Follow beyounce S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ she can lead U̶̲̥̅̊ to hell bcos dats where you belong. Idiot! Fool

  21. I wonder ooo.... There r loads of stuffs to be done in naija, buy oga jona does d not so irrevalent ones

  22. Jodie foster is a lesbian and she has two sons.expalin she never married a man by the way.nigerians are so angry with their lives

    1. Imagine rejoicing when a fellow human who has done u no wrong is being sent to prison for falling in love with his or her own gender. Don't dream it, be it. Love who you wanna love, its something that is given, not taken.

    2. Oh shut d fuck up,u lack intellectual coordination n mental efficacy.its her sperm that formed d two sons abi,y did she use a man's sperm if she wants nothing to do with men.Pls think before you talk,it makes u sound intelligent

    3. U again abi? Show urself if u will not rot in jail.even animals have male and female

  23. Tnx 4 dis ali baba!a beg 9gerian r. going thru a lot already.I want 2 feels safe wif same sex.

  24. This capital maturity speaking! I'm strongly behind u Alibaba

  25. when sane people talk,u just know they are sane.ruggedman,tosin bucknor and their likes can renounce their citizenship,at least dats der right.

    1. You're an idiot @imoudu,people have a right to their opinion.the government is distracting you people.they steal millions and come here to london to spend it. Example james ibori.where ois the bill for corruption.

  26. Everybody is saying if a man is allowed to marry a man very soon a man would want to marry a dog or cow,let me ask you can a dog or cow sign a marriage licence,answer talk without sense

    1. Idiot, who are u asking that nonsense? Ask ur pathetic self d question n get answers from ur pathetic brain.

    2. Hahaha, help me ask these people with only 1+1 brain, no wonder algebra and small science dey hard Nigerians. Kai, what about those wey no wan marry, even though dey like the opposite sex? Catholic priest should also go to jail, they do not reproduce children; therefore they are not doing the will of God.

    3. Hahaha, help me ask these people with only 1+1 brain, no wonder algebra and small science dey hard Nigerians. Kai, what about those wey no wan marry, even though dey like the opposite sex? Catholic priest should also go to jail, they do not reproduce children; therefore they are not doing the will of God.

  27. @AliBaba, thank you very much, leaving all these beautiful women created by God for a fellow man is very disgusting, despicable and horrible sin in the sight of God. to me death sentence will be appropriate, bcos when u have cancer in any parts of your body, it is better you remove that part quick, quick to avoid spread.

  28. lol the funny thing about this is, if goodluck signed the bill for gay rights instead of against nigerians will have his head but now people are complaining and say so what about corruption. Before he signed it nobody took to social media to rant about corruption so why now?

  29. My own is dt anybody that does nt like d law should relocate like tosyn buckno. We will nt miss them afterall they r nt d breadwinners of all 9gerians.

  30. Heaven will destroy them all. I don't mind stoning one if I see gay. Tear them into pieces. No wonder death is roaring around because of too much of sins. Rain of death will rain on all gays and lesbians in the name of God. He will destroy their generations witj cancer.

    1. Ur a fool! And God will destroy u and ur poverty generations to come! I'm not gay n I'm not in support or against dem but pple like u are supposed to be killed or used for rituals cos of ur way of thinking. I'm quite sure ur a bastard wit no good family upbringing or else u won't come here n type wat u just did.. Are u God? Do u even know God cos if u did u wouldn't judge with d crap u just did... U need help... May God visit death upon u!

    2. Death is roaring around and yet you want to commit it by tearing a person apart???? You rae confused

  31. Say it let dem hear, Ndi iheoma na asa afor,u must collect the bride price of ur daughters nigeria is against it,am with u hundred percent .

    1. Who says a man cannot pay a fellow mans bride price? Let d papa agree first. Gay Ppl are rich o! Ask Elton John.

  32. Heavens will give them no room in Nigeria.

  33. Ignorant man. Africans are now custodians of the religion white man gave you. Laughable. Nigeria has really shown the world how ignorant its population and leaders are & quite frankly I now see why section of the society are turning on the population. You have each section protecting alien religion.

    You don't agree with how people choose to live their lives you decide to kill & persecute them for it. With the millions in poverty & out of school its a thankful thing if you all stopped producing to try & get into other people's country. I think USA and western countries should stop taking in pregnancies to be born in their countries & accept the gays you dont want to come & live there instead. the ignorance is painful. Suddenly all claim Christianity in a nation where one cant find a virgin. Hypocrites. Kill each other then the world will be watching your savagery. Not that you have any name to protect the world thinks Nigeria is bottom already.

    1. Stupid u,y are u hiding ur identity thought u are proud of been a gay make it open,what have u family got to say about ur life devils angel be it christen or muslim where in they book can u find it bEen good for a man to marry a man here u are talking about christianity.

    2. If u like let Nigeria be 12 feet under, na u sabi. Homosexuality cannot work here, Dat new world order will not work here, take it or leave it, Ewu gambia. Put ur picture na, se u de use anonymous, if u ain't scared wit ur sharp tongue, put ur pix n details here. Idiot.

    3. Na waaa o,

      Thank God u aren't in power,people like u will approve not only that man should marry man,but old marrying infants,brothers marrying sisters,son marrying mother and humans marrying animals.

      And Yes,it only starts this way,the act is unGodly,stupid,how do u reproduce if u don't follow God's Order? Or u will legalise baby factories too?

      There is no end to what can happen in this world 1s this is allowed.

      U know Nigerians always over do things abi,believe me,if this is allowed,don't leave ur children out to play again

    4. Thank you my brother/ sister. I wish Nigerians, Christians and Muslims will understand that a country is not ruled by religion, it is ruled by Constitution, not everyone is a Christain now or Muslim, they might become. But d hate coming out of d hearts of d so called Christians?? Kai, Na d same hell fire go burn una o. That Jesus that said; ''he who is without sin should cast d first stone'' Is he still d same one we worship or another? one?.. Not everyone is straight or Gay, so d issue of '' what if everyone was gay from d beginning, will there be a population?'' Does not apply in a logical Religion blind free mind.

    5. 14 years in prison is not a death sentence one is killing anyone, you will just be locked up :)

  34. Well said, these gay people should have a rethink.

  35. True talk...may God bless u ali baba and protect u and ur family in jesus name

  36. Say it let dem hear, Ndi iheoma na asa afor,u must collect the bride price of ur daughters nigeria is against it,am with u hundred percent he who said the law is not good is one of them either male or female final.

  37. Mk I go c my galfriend. Which one be gay,


  38. our community and for all who are in need. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healingpresence.
    Checkout Pic/video Of Woman Fighting Her Daughter Dirty and Nake'd In Public

  39. Ali-Baba on point jare.

  40. I am a christain and same sex thingy is against the word of God. But then so is Adultery, fornication and telling lies, so if we are giving 14 yrs to gay people how many are we giving to adulteres, fornicators and liars. What's my point? Remove the speck in your own eyes so that you will see well to remove the one in your neighbours eyes. Thank you.

    1. Very well put!!!@11:24am...

    2. Abi? True, pots calling kettles black. Sex na sex, except inside marriage.

  41. Don't talk like a fool ali baba, a gay man can't not stop you from fucking ur wife and having children.they are not hurting you,all they want is not to be killed or imprisoned for something they have no control over.let god be the judge

    1. Ali Baba just showed us that his brain is simply elementary. What an insult to our intelligence.

  42. It's all fun and games until you discover your son or daughter is gay. See all the hate spewed, Jesus christ. Fear will not even allow me comment with my real name. You are telling pple to come out so dat they will be killed. I am highly disappointed. Retweeting nonsense. No confident straight man will have time in matters that concern GAY this and GAY that. hAVE SEVERAL SEATS SIR.

    1. Just like my Mama, Papa and friends don't know. My mama or papa may be on Facebook and twitter cursing gays, but their lovely Daughter likes girls, she plans to kill her husband. Haha.. U Ppl have no idea the kind of evil living a lie breeds.

  43. Alibaba has said it all, those who are gay should find somewhere else to practice, Nigeria is out of bound, we have our culture and we must protect it

  44. Hmmmm. Just passing by

  45. Thanks o Mr Ali,

    And to all those Idiots and so called useless stars supporting the Gays,u need to think twice,All Ali said is true,

    God is not man that he will make mistakes,it is unGodly for a man to dig into a fellow man's behind or a Woman suck a fellow woman's "Toto",

    My believe,is that for a guy,if she doesn't bleed monthly or can not give birth,u don't have any business sticking ur thing in it!

    For ladies,if it doesn't stand/erect,release sperm and doesn't have facial hair,u haven't any business with it!

    Have ever seen a male Dog doing a Male Dog b4?or a Gorilla,Lion,Horse doing 1 of same sex with b4?

    So why do we keep say "MAN" that GOD created in HIS image are wired differently?

    Like Evander Holyfield said,its a Medical condition,they need fixing,either by Medical solutions or by Prayers,

    The US,UK and other worlds can not tell us what to do,if really there is freedom in this world,I want to have children and I want to see my children's children,I want to continue GOD's Order.

  46. Every one has a right to opinion. I respect his. Where you draw the line between been opinionated and being plain childish is when you are retweeting comments supporting 'bounty hunting' and '5000 per gay' where they mean pointing out who is gay for cheap financial gains and in the words of one of his retweeting 'to reduce unemployment'.

    That speaks huge volumes of your life choices and how you deal with issues. Does that even make sense to you? Celebrities like wise us need to watch what we say or in this case, retweet or favorite.

    Construct and express your opinions logically, but limit your hate. The God or gods you claim to worship also do not preach sheer hate. So why be the moral judge?

    Alibaba needs to be grow up.

    1. Phaeton, u are the one that needs growing up. I think u are gay and needs Gods deliverance. People like you pollute the land and cause famine to ravage the earth. See ur priest or imam asap.

  47. What are you ignorants saying ricky martins is gay and he has two biological twin boys that are so cute So what are you saying.sharrap there

  48. Anonymous 11.07 am, you are the stupid one. May them gays rape you to death there, idiot.....mtchew

    1. Exactly my point..Hmmm..if your parents were one none of u would be here readiing this.. we have enactment against bestialilty.. protecting aniimals but we cnt protect humanity! Whether they remain in their closet.. get married..make babies its all for d good of humanity.. protect humanity from going into extinction.what makes us feel we can milk life dry for d sake of oir selfish desires.
      Life doesnt owe us anything but we owe it alot. Whats homosexuality to life? Itsnt giviing life but dryiing it.
      We cant say becos we r all too informed we do watever we please. Soon we would be ok with peadophilia..masochism..rape bestiality. Are they not human selfish unnatural sexual orientation? If i choose to tie..axe u to bleed before i can be happy and get sexualgratification. Would ujudge me? Iif i chooose to marry animal.. would u believe its ok. If one has sexual joy in torturing and killing others ..would u protect such right too? We cnt accept anything and everything ind sake of human right. And allowing this would open d floodgate of more unnatuural.sexual orientation to fight their suppose right too.

  49. Alibaba thank you jor my man, @der kobo kobo events abroad, hahahahahahahaha mi o le rerin. Don't mind then white mudaf**kers, colonial rule is over, they can't dictate for us any more, they no nothing anyways. If people like kola boof wants to die, let her die, we won't settle 4 anytin gay here in Naija. What is bad is bad, no form of intelligence will anyone one use to turn bad to good. @kellys I second ur opinion jare, 5k each n we will flush all of them out b4 2015. Strange attraction, bone to bone, tufiakwaaaaa.

  50. heheheh alibaba is really a joker love Ur points...this law is really taking effect, police raided an hotel at my area and arrested 3 guys who re gay in fact gay prostitutes!! when asked y into it, they said gay ism pays well,many ppl are into it not because they feel it,they see it as another avenue to escape poverty

  51. No mind then jari.. But everyvody's openion counts!!

    ¤¤MR Comment Waiting For Approval¤¤

  52. All ypu people quoting the bible,the bible alson says if you get raped you should marry your rapist. Explain.and just because somebody supports gays that doesn't men they are gay.obama support gays is he gay. Stupid nigerians.I hope your kids will turn out to be gay.then I want to know whay you will do

  53. the good thing about all these gay nonsense is that it will come to pass. naija & africa are not yet ready to accept freedom of expression, but in the future our children will look back and say our daddies and mummies were just a bunch of retards same way you #Alibaba and many other look at we the gay ones. we never asked to be married or the right to be recognized. our legislators in their overzealous and busybody nature thot it right to enact a law that even God only warned man about. being Gay is a choice and we choose to remain that way.

    let God be my judge and that of other gay people out there. Not you alibaba, GEJ, Mark, Tambuwal or any self righteous nigerian.

    Linda, i rest my case.

  54. Nonsense! I ve nothing much to say but these tweets are absolute bunkum! Prince emeka obi

  55. What do a gay sperm says to another gay sperm?... "there r no eggs to ferterlise, only shit...
    how does a gay's dick taste like? taste of shit...

    A gay was tired of hiding who he is n decided to tell his mother bout his sexual preference while the mom was in the kitchen cooking...
    Gay:mom I am gay
    (there was no reply from the mother...)the guy wanted to b sure the mother heard him n so decided to speak again...
    Gay: mom I am gay.
    The mother took a cooking spoon and smashed his head.
    Mother: don't ever complain bout my cooking again.

  56. Respect to u Ali Baba. U r d man!!! Dont mind d likes of Stella Dimokokus dat has now claimed confused. Wen its time for dem to shut up, dey will begin to form fearless. Where d hell is Stella Damascus?

  57. The world didn't end when 3 million jews (God's people) where being killed by hilter,so now two men want to love each other the world would end.nigerians are ignorant and plain stupid,insult me all you want but I'm not gay my uncle is and I love him the way he is. Deuces

  58. You are right master keep it up boos

  59. Beyonce said if I like it I should be able to put a ring on it in support of gays so now beyonce is gay abi. Useless nigerians.just because celebs support gay rights that doesn't mean they are gay

  60. So what do you want gay men to do they should rush and marry and a woman and live a life of depression and hate and unhappiness.then on their death bed they will regret their entire life.think about it

  61. not everybody needs to give birth. gay couples should also be allowed to adopt. it might actually help the destitute orphans. Honestly I need this gay right ish to be legalised, I don't want to be married to a down low man. This is how you Nigerians will persecute someone and one gay individual will marry your daughter. LET EVERYBODY LIVE THEIR TRUTH. IT DOESN'T HARM YOU

  62. Only in nigeria stupid bills are passed
    First it was child not bride issue now its d anti gay shit
    Speak up nigeria before your brother or sister is being killed unjustly!

  63. With all the beautiful, voluptuous babes around I go come talk say na one idiot guy I dey crush on. This is madness of an unquantifiable proportion. I love gals...

  64. Everybody can't be gay.some people are straight and some are gay that's just one of nature's wonder,just like men having nipples its totally useless but we have it.nature's wonders.

  65. Nigerians and self the bible allows a married man to be sleeping with 4 women and the bible allows our youth to fornicate abi or does the bible support our leaders raping our economy......theres no use taking the high moral ground my does two consenting men nacking themselves affect the price of fuel..all these our leaders that are not gay have failed us..they steal our money and use it to maintain women...maybe we even need a gay president there are only two types of people, good people and bad people..It is the height of intellectual deficiency to think legalising homosexuality will make the whole Nigeria gay not with the amount of ukwu we have..Your sexual preferences have nothing to do with ur ability to coexist with other people. Some men even beg thier babes for anal sex but they will cry anti-gay...Nigerians ehn!!!!

  66. Well said! But I guess we are all entitles to our opininon! Just becos u believe in God or heaven and hell doesn't mean ur friend should... I am not in support or against dem cos I strongly believe dat its a personal choice so long I am not being harrassed by dem! Arresting n jailing gays for 14yrs or even 1 day is totally wrong whether we like it or not! Since wen did making a personal choice become a crime? Being gay has nothing to do wit people not involved in d act! It is more of a "mind ur business" issue... Nigeria has more issues on deir hands dan all dis crap dey talking about... The only judge in dis sexual preference issue is God and dat is d only person we should please and not Man! Need I remind u all casting stones dat wen rapture occurs, Mr Gay, Mr thief, Mrs fornicator, Master liar will all burn in d same hell cos dat same bible states dat all sins are equal before GOD!

  67. No light for 3 weeks and its gay bill that is more important to nigerian government. My refrigirator hasn't senn light for 3 week my gen can't carry fridge and its gay bill that they are passing.nigerians are easily fooled by useless politicians

  68. End time tins, it is written in d holy bible.

  69. God bless u Ali Baba. talk don finish.

  70. Real men don't care about gay dudes,more girls for me.

  71. so funny me and my friends were talking about this subject b4 the new year,the whole anti-gat law fing is wrong thou,i aint saying they shud accept it either,its a sensitive subject and they cant deny ppl their rights,i think d best way wud have been just not to pass any bill,so either way its acceptable or not acceptable,we have better issues in 9j than anti-gay law afterall ppl can marry under age,thats far more worse than anti-gay law,we need to be talking child rights,women rights,dats just my opinion

  72. Slavery is the most immoral wicked thing in the world and The bible supports slavery exodus 21:2-6,exodus 21:7-11,ephesians 6:5,1 timothy 6:1-2 and it can go on and on.the same way you people are using the bible to persecute gays that's the same way the white use it to enslave blacks.


  74. Ali Baba on point

  75. I think this is the greatest misconception people have..For thier information gay people have kids to some up to 4 all this if every is gay the world would end is just crap...#Iaintgaythough#

  76. this matter sef... So much hypocrisy in this land.

    Make I waka pass oh

  77. Nigerians are the worst pretenders! @alibaba, shame on you! With your level of exposure I expected more from does being gay affect the level of development? People are born this way, and they have no power whatsoever over their genetic makeup! U have no idea the pain and depression these people go through ! I wonder when Nigerians will grow up! U can force love, u love who you love! Gay or straight! Most of the peeps speaking against it! Are deeply involved! Even alibaba himself!Nigerians mind your fucking business!

  78. Ali baba, thank you very much. Gays desecrate the land. It was gays that destroyed Sodom n Gomorrah. Its a sin, immoral and completely UNAFRICAN!!!. The prison term is TOO lenient.

  79. So arresting innocent men will help light for 2 weeks my food stuff in the freezer has spoiled,I have been warming and warming food till it turns tasteless and you people are busy passing an unimportant bill.nigerians can't u see the government is trying to distract you people.

  80. @Anon 11:07 I feel nothing but pity 4 u did u ever wonder if ur father also went after a man like him u will never be in exixtence 2day..........Nigerians need 2 stop enslaving demselves 2 colonial rule after we gained our independence a long time ago.

  81. Ellen degeneres is a perfect example of gay and I'm not hurting anyone,she make me happy on an daily,so why would you want to put her in prison she donate a lot of money to charity unlike your nigerian government who steals.nigerians are so ignorant

  82. Anybody who support gays faggot 2 practice their rubbish, anybody who gays shud not b jailed needs DIVINE PUNCH rm Almighty God. Sin is sin as robbers r jailed so gay men/women shud b jailed!

  83. To all dose 'fools' shouting Ricky Martins did his fellow man actually gave birth 2 dose kids?? Let's try nd apply common sense here nd stop talking people who ave dead brains.

  84. The law has been signed and there is nothing they can do abt it, If you dnt like it take a walk...

  85. @Anon 11:07 I feel nothing but pity 4 u did u ever wonder if ur father also went after a man like him u will never be in exixtence 2day..........Nigerians need 2 stop enslaving demselves 2 colonial rule after we gained our independence a long time ago.

  86. A gay man was forced to marry a girl by his parents last week.imagine what kind of life he and the girl would have.I hope all you ladies marry a gay man that will have sex with you once in 10 years.amen to that

  87. Alibaba u are right on point joor and I respect u 4 ur sincerity, unlike all dos pretencious so-called celebrities antagonising d move, make dem park well joor. Lol@bounty4gayhunters

  88. I'm totally and vividly in support of my Oga at the topmost top. Ali Baba na true talk ooo.. wetin be gay rights? gay rights ko... gay lefts ni..

    And about the 5k dat guy proposed, make dem do dat kind tins ooo.. I go sharperly go male hostel go charter those guys ni. lolzzz


  89. Anybody who support gays faggot 2 practice their rubbish, anybody who says gays shud not b jailed needs DIVINE PUNCH rm Almighty God. Sin is sin as robbers r jailed so gay men/women shud b jailed! *vv*

  90. Anybody who support gays faggot 2 practice their rubbish, anybody who says gays shud not b jailed needs DIVINE PUNCH rm Almighty God. Sin is sin as robbers r jailed so gay men/women shud b jailed! *vv*

  91. This will be an embarrashment to this nation in the next 50 years who wants to bet.imprisoning people because of their sexual orientation.look at america slavery is an embarrashment to then,enslaving people because of the colour of their skin.nigeria is now lik uganda thank you jonathan

  92. My guess is, gay guys would enjoy getting jailed cos its gonna b a haven of men for them. I bet they'll enjoy dropping d soap, LOL

  93. Well, the man has never been accused of being the sharpest tool in the box. So go figure.

  94. Ali baba if ur reading dis I beg u to just shut up! Yes we are all entitled to our opinions but y are u drinking panadol on other pple's headaches? Nigerians are just stupod hypocrites, u hungry nigerians are busy killing ursleves n barking at dat useless law while d lawmakers demselves are fucking gay! B4 I support dis law pls dey shud arrest Mike Adenuga, Babaginda, Atiku ( I know a guy who has been fucking Atiku for years, I can swear to dat cos I know 100%) and all d other useless lawmakers! Politicians are getting rich on ur heads and u hunger striken citizens are busy rejoicing instead of using ur heads! As for Alibaba, adultery n fornications are not sins abi? Cos I know som1 dat u are fucking steady outside ur marriage so better shut up or I'll put up names n destroy ur marriage, feeling like a righteous man *hiss*

  95. Nigerians are complete can you support dog fights.go to the internet and see the pics of the dogs who do the fighting.horrific. Oyinbo people are human and dogs even have rights

  96. Sorry who is this guy again? Oh a comedian. Lol. When did we start taking jokers seriously. Only in Nigeria. Mr Baba you really have jokes

  97. Why do people talk like fools.oyinbo people are worried for nigerians cause many people would die because of this bill.

  98. Gayism is more of a religious issue than it is unlawful, and if we are fighting for christ and according to the bible, you don't bring lost souls to God by imprisoning them, please there should be a law prohibiting prostitution too, all those old politicians leaving their wives at home to pay for sex should be jailed too, cos doing that sents people to hell just like being gay... That I'll puke seeing a man kiss a man, doesn't mean I have the right to judge them, its their business as long as I did not catch them doing it in my apartment or on my bed, my point is, it is not the govts duty to show ppl how to make heaven, gayism shouldn't be allowed but arresting them isn't right, that's not a criminal act, some of them could die in prison not because they killed someone or stole, but because the devil got into them and twisted their ideology about life, they need deliverance not arrest.

  99. Alibaba u are right on point joor and I respect u 4 ur sincerity, unlike all dos pretencious so-called celebrities antagonising d move, make dem park well joor. Lol@bounty4gayhunters

  100. Kudos Ali, who says legalizing guy won't prevent a real and sound couple from getting married, if this continue, very soon lesbianism will be legalized and getting a good couple would be a problem, when will this white pple leave Africa esp Nigeria to survive jt asking that was a good move taken by his excellency kudos

  101. I have never seen a nigerian man who is gay talk more of two gay men who want to marry in why all this distraction from real issues like security and electricity and corruption

  102. ...His tweeter handle Pls!! From today.Ali Baba I become your addarnt follower. And I pray God to bless you and your family the more.with more events, more money. Thank you Sir for this wonderful Bold voice of yours that you have lent to this Nation and to the people of GOD etc.I respect you Sir.Inshort I lack words.

  103. I just lost respect for Ali Baba and his dumb followers. U judge ur brothers by standards in the Bible which the White man brought to ur country yet u say they should mind their Bizness when it concerns gay rights. Are u even thinking straight at all? I'm a happily married woman but God forbid that I judge my fellow Nigerians for who they are. I won't play God in anyone's life so I suggest u go back to the Bible where God is Love and Jesus said let he who has no sin be the first to cast the first stone. Wake up Nigerians!

  104. All you guys who says they hate gays all the time are gay themselves deep down,a real man has no problem with a guy if he's gay.

  105. ...His tweeter handle Pls!! From today.Ali Baba I become your addarnt follower. And I pray God to bless you and your family the more.with more events, more money. Thank you Sir for this wonderful Bold voice of yours that you have lent to this Nation and to the people of GOD etc.I respect you Sir.Inshort I lack words.

  106. Let he who is without sin be the first to cast stone!

  107. And Phoenix 100likes for your comment, he doesn't even sound christ-like, cos christ won't even cast a first stone let alone imprison a sinner, so if you don't like something or cos its immoral which we all agree, you support the government to kill them, your boss might be gay, and when he's gone to prison for 14 yrs ur job is gone.

  108. Well, the man has never been accused of being the sharpest tool in the box. So go figure.

  109. Our culture have created so many unhappy peeps in ds country n yet we kip adding to d list.Nigeria is filled wt bitter,frustrated pple who hide under d cover of wat society demands. Rlly sad!

  110. Gayism is more of a religious issue than it is unlawful, and if we are fighting for christ and according to the bible, you don't bring lost souls to God by imprisoning them, please there should be a law prohibiting prostitution too, all those old politicians leaving their wives at home to pay for sex should be jailed too, cos doing that sents people to hell just like being gay... That I'll puke seeing a man kiss a man, doesn't mean I have the right to judge them, its their business as long as I did not catch them doing it in my apartment or on my bed, my point is, it is not the govts duty to show ppl how to make heaven, gayism shouldn't be allowed but arresting them isn't right, that's not a criminal act, some of them could die in prison not because they killed someone or stole, but because the devil got into them and twisted their ideology about life, they need deliverance not arrest.

  111. Good one o. I believe he should also air the topic on Ali baba seriously

  112. I support the anti-gay bill.No GAYS in Nigeria.No.NO.NO.They should be jailed and sent for deliverance cos they are demon possessed

  113. Nobody is born gay,it is a sickness that can be corrected with rather right opposite sex. Is in their brain. I support the law 100%,it gives me shivers to even think one of my loved ones will come out and say he or she is gay. God forbid. Let America allow polygamy ,it is a big crime in their country but they forget is two consenting adults.

  114. if their fada nd mama be gay nd lesbian,them no go born them..thanks Ali baba for condemning them.

  115. Well said!
    For once we have a celebraty coming out to say the truth, not like those that want fame and show by force.Ali baba great.

  116. Phaeton Phoenix,,, bless U... Alibaba sure did cross d line... All dose re-tweets re childish talks.. Am an Alibaba fan, bu somtims, d dude talks b4 he tinks.. Who is anyone to judge anoda??? "Gay" people dnt hve diffrent room in hell. all u fornicators, thieves,haters,shall go to dat same hell... Is Alibaba sinless?? Abi una tink say na only gay people dey for hell?? Mumu insensitive people... Dese people hve succesfully driven all ur attention frm CRIOS matas at hand.. Som of u re unemployed graduates, no go find work,dey dere dey look for gay to get 5k.. Idiots!!!!

  117. Well.. Said.. Even The Gays Are Proud to Have a Father and a Mother.. In as much that its every child's right to Life, Education etc. Its also a Child's Right to A Father and a Mother... Not 2 Fathers or 2 Mothers.. That's Highly Unfair and Unhealthy For Any Child To Comprehend

  118. That was a nice one.

  119. If no be ignorance dey worry ali mama na mumurity dey disturb em brain!mumu ali mama no be body is forcing you or your daughters to turn gay!bet all EU And other concerned civilized world is asking for gay people to be given the right they deserve.before this issh came up...shit happen!girls has been licking their pussy and guys sucking and hazing each others ass!who be you wey go tell other people how to live their lives.Me wan even do the thing go and die!!!!!!!!!

  120. Nigerians think that by putting gays in jail, they will have a better standing before God. On the contrary, your sins are multiplied because of your hypocrisy.

  121. Gay people can still have children. They artificially inseminate or bring children from heterosexual unions into their relationships. By the way, everyone doesn't want children. Some marry for companionship alone. A study released this week revealed that the happiest couples are childless.

  122. Nigeria no 1 comedian abeg tell them make den hear(I don't knw wot dis world is turning into)may God deliever us.

  123. Ali baba na real man, Evander holyfield- real man,T.b josua- real man,even me - real man! Linda? Well, well, another day! Again Ali name man ooo! Get liver talk sense/true haba!

  124. But come to think about it....With does girls in lagos with nice titties and i go con say i my follow men i want God forbid.Patapata i go use condom.Haba

  125. This is just a big joke!makes no sense and no point! Bloody hypocrites

  126. Congratulations Nigeria! Our problems have finally been solved. We can now have more babies to attend all the beautiful schools wasting in our dear nation. Remember how long we have been seeking for a lasting solution to our dwindling population? How we were held down by corrupt governance because we didn't have enough children and people to fight for our justice? Now, it will be a thing of the past. Roads will be fixed. Lights will never cease. Because our Dearest nation has found the answer to all the issues bedeviling us. We've found the answer -send the gays to Jail, and voila! All our problems are solved. Yea, let them all rot in jail so we can progress as a nation. More pussies will now get banged. Our dicks can now rise because all those bastard same sex people that were holding them down are now locked down. Rejoice all ye women. Rejoice! Thine boyfriends shall now come to thee and you may now fix your wedding dates. Congratulations Nigeria! Our problems have finally been solved.


  127. the bounty part was hilarious but it's very true and i support ali baba to the fullest... gay my butt... us/uk should please mind their business


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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