Nigerian High Commission responds to basketball player, Olumide Oyedeji | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 4 December 2013

Nigerian High Commission responds to basketball player, Olumide Oyedeji

Last week, ex-NBA player and current team captain of the Nigerian Basketball team, Olumide Oyedeji, went on a Twitter rant about not getting any support from the Nigerian High Commission for his charity basketball clinic for kids in London. (If you missed it, read HERE). 

The guy he accused of telling him to go to another country's embassy for support, Mr T.G Adeniyi  has released a statement telling his own side of the story. He claims that Olumide still wrote to them seeking support after his twitter rants. Interesting. Lol. See his statement after the cut...

My attention has just been drawn to the above stated story and I feel it is only tidy and proper to put the distorted story in its true picture for posterity. Mr. Oyedeji had first visited my office in company of his staff and we exchanged pleasantries. He introduced while he was in my office the idea of his Foundation to me. I saluted and congratulated him for his laurels as a professional basketballer and I assured him of our Mission's support. We exchanged complementary cards I similarly advised him on the procedure to follow for him to pay courtesy call on the High Commissioner. He thanked me and excited by his towering height I requested for a photograph with him and he graciously agreed for a pose. Before he left my office that day I told him of the High Commissioner's crowded programme since the beginning of November, to wit; Commonwealth Summit in Colombo, Srilanka , Mr President's visit and the Assembly of International Maritime Organization etc. He thereafter took leave of my office.
A few days afterwards, He called and I told him his excellency was still attending the IMO meeting and will only available as from 2nd December. But in Mr Oyedeji's wisdom he decided to come to the office and I spoke with him after he had spoken with the Head of Chancery. I repeated to him that the High commissioner was still engaged at the IMO at that was on the 28th of November. He explained to me his effort in the past year to make his presentation to HC. I replied that I was not aware of his initial move to which he told me he was then talking to a different person. I assured him that with a little more patience everything will be fine. Surprisingly , he changed the pitch of his tone and stated he wanted his Foundation to be launched at the Mission without further delay and indeed that was the reason why he came impromptu. At that point I advised him to consider during the launching in our Embassy in the country of his residence as he had told me during our first meeting that he was not a regular resident in the U.K since time was of essence. He paused and hanged his phone. 

You may wish to note that Mr Oyedeji has again written to the Mission after posting his story to Twitter seeking audience after the attempted cheap and unnecessary blackmail. I decided to send this mail upon receipt of his letter. I will not make any analysis of his act but I request that this correspondence be published as you have treated his.
Thank You,
TG Adeniyi


  1. wow,anyway i hpe tins wrkout fine.i love bball,hpe to c d clinic up n goin

    1. I might as well go to the high commissioner in london and ask them fund for the childrens christmas party in london. Ndi ara.

  2. Clearly a minor misunderstanding,

  3. Biko,how does this reduce the price of white Maggi in Kenyatta market???
    *yawns*......onto the next one

    1. Lol! Little brain....u really do not know waht to write

  4. Help the nigga and stop disturbing us with una sme-sme.

  5. Although the use of English on this article might be correct, it was hard and close to impossible to understand.

    1. @English teacher. Well,that's only because your level of English comprehension is not yet at par with writings in the article. You will get it in a few years time. Keep up the good work!

    2. @12:35, what does that have to do with the article? Even the English speaking counrries don't make much hassle over gaffes as much less a third world country with 3 main languages, thousands of other dialects. Have you taken the time to learn the three main languages of your own ciuntry before advertising and brandishing yourself with someone else's language. Im sure you're ashamed of yourself and where you come from, your best attempt to distance yourself from this root is by clenching on to something different while putting others down to make yourself feel good. If that's your route, fine, but next time, do us all a favor and keep it to yourself.

    3. The use of English is so poor, no proper use of punctuation marks, adjectives used are mostly unnecessary. I advised him to consider 'during'...

  6. You see how there are Always two side to the story ...........Beside he doesnt live in UK , so why disturb the Nigerian embassy in UK

  7. xmas shoppin on my mind......

  8. please i dont care what you say... to me the dude has my support,its not as if y'll would even support him in the first place!!!awon oniranu oshi

  9. Is it really necessarry to use all those adjectives and complex words

  10. Who is telling the truth now.
    But I don't trust twitter warriors coz they're always quick to claim their account was hacked.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

  11. Onye ka aga-aju?

    1. E concern me? Shaving my pubic hair.....bushy now

  12. Let's see what pple would have to say now...... After making noise in d last update. Smh

  13. I agree with Anon 12:35, the words were all clustered up, it would probably make a little more sense on second reading. It helps when simple grammatical structure is implemented-saves time (my opinion).

    1. That's true. But,then again,keep in mind, the kind of place where the official who wrote the letter works. They are not allowed to get 'sloppy' when writing an official letter.( An luxury you can indulge in)

  14. Clinic has taken place already. The issue wasn't that the resources wasn't there for it to happen, he had support from the British government amongst others, it is that the Nigerian government should be proud of it and support as well. The SA's response is the reason why our house is so disorganised. Unbelievably, he admitted to not knowing of a process that had been in motion for months. How sad is that? The Nigerian high commission is clearly run like other sectors in Nigeria, no delegation of duties, I guess to make corruption easier.

    Linda should have pointed out the many incompetencies in the SA's response. Put your house in order, NHC, this is a damn shame

    1. D great novelist! Or typist? Yes typist. U get time

  15. Who I believe? I believe the ex-basketball player.

  16. i dont think both are saying the truth. i know that something is missing for real

  17. I believe d basketballer,he's a man with a good heart and a pure soul..for Making life easier for the youths out dere without a dime from anyone,all he asked for was just support,the uk government gave dere support,why wud d nigerian government not do d same?its a shame!!!

  18. Uploading a pic of urself on social media is called Selfie. Now, what do we call uploading ur problems on social media? What do we also call uploading ur estate on social media. Cos left to me, I'm sick and tired of pple, Nigerians in particular, displaying therir mmaturity on social media ... This is a minor issue that cud be settled even without a third party! Sior!

  19. Empirically written but am afraid am still looking for the bottomline...

  20. MY PEOPLE I DONT UNDERSTAND OOOO........."A few days afterwards, He called and I told him his excellency was still attending the IMO meeting and will only available as from 2nd December. But in Mr Oyedeji's wisdom he decided to come to the officE". ok so he received the mr oyebanji and at the end of the paragraph, said mr oyebanji paused and hung up........wetin make we believe? abi una no notice the crikun crankun....

    1. Ah bin thnk say na only me notice am oh. D dude at d HC cant even lie. D guy is a learner. Guess he was neva an ART student

  21. *Linda. Going by the attitutes of Nigerian officials to fraustrate us citizens, I chose not believe the high commission man.

  22. The english used is 'diplomatic english' and it is appropriate for correspondence. If he wants support his agenda should be thoroughly scrutinised.

  23. Liar! Liar! Pants on fire! Get a life fool. U wanna save face after the fact. I am sure its the mail service at the embassy or the network service too abi my pple wetin we wan see talk for all this foolishness. Join Oshio's train give the guy 2 mil and a job at the embassy #laffsandrunsaway. Onos

  24. Both of you have good intentions,,so whatever the difference is please settle it amicably in a gentle man manner...

  25. It is good he told his side of the story.

  26. Show us the pix you took with the B-ball player as proof. Also, i would like to ask that evidence to detach yourself from the ex-B-ball player's aligations.

  27. the story was also carried on and that was where the High Commission got contacted so I hear.

  28. Anytime any one has a squabble, they get on tweet and rant... it is getting old. Bros Olumide Oyedeji don dey old... stop all this childish behavior!

  29. I believe the basketballer. His story is more rational. The high commissioner's story is very long winded and tiring and also very unbelievable. According to him, the basketball guy was on the phone one minute, snapping pictures with him the next, making difficult demands and getting angry later.... Bla bla bla, all thru this, the commissioner was patient, rational and calm.??
    Abeg Mr commissioner, let us hear word! Put your house in order and support viable Nigerian causes.


  31. This Oyedeji guy dey smart. He wanted awareness for his event, spoke like a cool guy with SA and even allow pictures with him, return a day before his event and demand support pretending not to know the schedule of HC and then rant endlessly on twitter and everyone start bashing our own embassy. Then made another turn around and send a letter to the embassy again. How is fooling who here?

  32. All this so called celebry think everyone must kiss their ass anytime. You enter your embassy and demand support for an event that will ultimately help you reduce the amount of tax you pay British govt. Turn around and trash Nigerian HC and staff.
    Who do you think you are? Jump down from London bridge if that will make you happy.

  33. Michael Jackson spend more that all what Olumide has on children yet he abuse them. They are all full of tricks. Watch this guy very well, there is more to all this.

  34. Modupe at: Dec 4, 2013 at 9:42 PM.
    Well said. What has he gain with all his rants. Are we sure there is not more to his ranting. The SA took pics with you and you went back and rant like that? Man up pls. Maturity is everything.

  35. Where the pictures them snap together??? And the twists...


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