Dear LIB readers; How do you cancel a wedding you've already paid for? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 12 November 2013

Dear LIB readers; How do you cancel a wedding you've already paid for?

From a male LIB reader
I'm not asking if I should cancel my wedding because that has been decided I am only asking how do you go about canceling it and letting invited guests know that this wedding will no longer hold. My ex-fiancee's friends have already paid for the aso-ebi, the wedding invitation has been printed, the hall for the reception booked but there will be no wedding. My wedding was supposed to hold this December but I'd rather commit suicide than marry this woman. I won't go into details about what she did but understand that no man cancels his wedding except it's serious. My parents have been informed about the new development but her parents are yet to be informed. She has refused to tell them, insisting that I do it since I canceled the wedding. But her parents are the least of my worries. How do I tell excited family members, friends and colleagues that this wedding will no longer hold? Where do I start?


  1. Same way you invited them for the wedding!

  2. Wow. You have to call most of them. Especiallly family members

  3. Wedding is just for a day but marriage is forever. You don't have to go into details with family and friends re why you are cancelling the wedding. A message is enough to all the people invited that the wedding has been cancelled. It's your life and it's your decision. The earlier you send the message, the better because Dec is just around the corner. You just have to compromise on the money spent already...

  4. tell them the wedding hasbeen postpones full stop

  5. Marriage is a lifetime tin,its nobdy's biz hw u go abt it.Tell d gurl's parents ,her frnds nd ur frnds nd odas wil hear d news.There is no hurry in life

  6. Get on twitter. Evrybori does it. Buh seriosly guy,u jux ve to skelewu to the tune of ur own music oo.. No easy way to go abt it except to in4m evry1. Txt msgs,emails n personal face to face package.. Kpele ehn,olorun a se eyi to ma bae kale.

  7. Hummm how can we give advice when we don't even knw the main reason you canceling the wedding so your question is undone rice someone can not eat

  8. Sorry for the pain. Everything happens for a reason.
    1stly, have a sit down with important family members (dads, moms, siblings) and explain why u can't go ahead. Apologise and ask for a compromise on bills. Return what u can.

    2ndly, send out a mass text/mails to the invited guests. Be ready for back-talk. Pple will talk so much shxt about you.

    3rdly, call caterers, halls, vendors. Ask for a refund. U will lose some money tho.

    4th, lay low for a while. Ignore gossip. U might wanna even fade for a bit, reason being u don't wanna be around ur scorned woman. If she's pissed, she will mess u up.

    All the best.

  9. This is really sad! You just have to brave up and let them know that u can't go ahead again stating all the convincing reasons with evidences to her family otherwise they may not forgive u and place a curse on u. All ur friends and colleagues will just have to be notified that it's no longer happening and u don't have to go into details with them. I wish u all the best in future. Having said that, I know ur mind is made up but try to forgive her whatever she may have done to u.

  10. Go to a near by radio station and make the annoucement. Men are just too wicked.

  11. Tell them the same way you invited them. Thank God for "amebos", they'll do the rest. It's your life, you owe no one an apology.

    You can negotiate with the owners of the hall you booked....they should refund.

  12. Well, since you have told her that you are cancelling it, telling your friends and all the people you have invited shouldn't be a problem. a broken engagement is better than a broken marriage.
    Wish you all the best.

  13. Don't...might as well have the party (reception) if it is all paid for and cant be returned or cancelled.

  14. Quite unfortunate u've to cancel your wedding.
    as for how to go about breaking the news,bruh the earlier the better no need postponing it since u claim the reason is quite weighty,as for how to reach friends,foe,well or bad wishers don't worrt coz bad news spreads faster than a wild fire.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

  15. Mtchewwwwww if God can forgive u y can't u 4give her.pls stop asking STUPID question go and finish wat u ve started.

  16. Your reason can never pass you found out she was doing one of the biggest politicians in naija or she fucked several of them to maintain her big girl status. Just send out an email hun and travel out for a bit until the buzz dies down and if you can't travel just face your work sorely

  17. Tell them mp wedding but tell us Watin happen. Sad experience beos

  18. omo its simple.....just call dem nd tell dem , the earlier the better . as for the aso-ebi it will just turn to norma clothes

  19. Dude I can almost bet you found out she was a runz girl. Well reality is, about 70% of naija babes did runz at one point or the other. Pls forgive her. A lot of Lagos big boys are sharing or shared their babes with their grandfathers(men way richer than them)... so pls forgive and live on

  20. Ur story mr poster is not complete, if u say what happened ppl wld knw hw to relate with u

  21. You said she told you to tell her parents? so that means she is not even affected by this big embarassment? na wa o. What happened? pls spill na

  22. U just have 2 open up nd tell dem d reason u re cancelling d wedding. #shikena#

  23. "My wedding was supposed to hold this December but I'd rather commit suicide than marry this woman"

    LMAO!!! Sorry no vex but that had me laughing. Serious matter oh

  24. Wat made u cancel d weddin in d first place? Firts 2 comment *dancing skelewu*

  25. u sound so mean.forgive her if u Hv d life of Christ in you.U neva knw if its forces dat r fighting you spiritually dat made her do Wat she did.Forgive her,since God is willing to forgive all ur shiiiit.pray dat God changes her.

  26. Let it hold and pretend as if nothing is wrong... Then after the wedding, u take ur decision! Don't bring disgrace to urself and ur parents.

  27. Put your head under your legs nd shout it out 2dem#rubbish....your dnt knw hw 2tell them but you knw hw 2cancel a wedding

  28. I got something to tell you ..... And I have decided not to get married. We are sorry for any inconvenience this might cause you, but this is it is. Plain and simple. Worse comes to worst, you reimburse them the aso-ebi money.

  29. Honestly, this would make sense ONLY if you give us the details of why you're calling it off this late.
    Or else, u just sound like a MEAN, WICKED, HEARTLESS(am putting it mildly) fellow who nobody's precious daughter should NEVER come across in life!

  30. Send bulk sms informing your invited guests of the new development, also apologize for any inconvenience, switch off your phone because you need space away, if possible leave the country!!!

  31. Hmmmm,biko I hope ur ex fiancee is not dis particular chikala am to do ashoebi for dis December.Nawa o,dis one na complete dent!!!!

  32. Send bulk sms informing your invited guests of the new development, also apologize for any inconvenience, switch off your phone because you need space away, if possible leave the country!!!

  33. tell everyone that it has been called for...the last thing u want is to go and stage a wedding..ud just tell them and if possible refund their money..LOL or just plead with them that it's circumstances beyond your control

  34. Go to ur fb page and announce it #shikena# tank me later. But bia! Weytin happen gan?

  35. question!! I too dnt knw oo. Just 4ollow d new system na; anonounce it on twitter. Justsayingooo

  36. Anyhw yaga yaga na

  37. cancelling a wedding is not just something u just say to people and expect them to succumb to it, the fact is just that u need to look for an alternative in which u can use in convincing them but as for me ,i will pay them a visit with two or one of my family members and tell them the wedding is cancelled due to the untold details and live. The family might feel the pain at the moment but it wont be forever.

  38. Wow sorry oh. I guess u have a list of the ppl u in invited, just tell them it's been cancelled! No biggie! A friend also cancelled her wedding last Xmas and she just sent us a msg on bob that the wedding has been cancelled! Ppl will talk but life goes on

  39. Haaaaa, mhen jes don't show up dat day oo

  40. This is so should have let us know your reason of canceling the wedding so that we will tell you how you will approoach them.this one pass me biko.

  41. Please that shouldn't be a problem... Just send them bulk Sms and inform them... send Broadcast too... if you don't have their mobile let them figure it out by themselves... just make sure you tell her parent formally... Best of Luck dear...

  42. Post it on your facebook page.... that will surely do the job for you. thank me later

  43. if y cannot tell them that the wedding is off y did you then call it just tell them if its wat you want.shikina

  44. As far as you had the courage to cancel the wedding, you should be able to tell invitees wedding's been canceled.........simply put up nicely worded test message to them. That's my suggestion.

  45. LoL... Ajuju!
    ~D great anonymous!

  46. Turn it to a love feast...invite me sha.

  47. The same way you came to LIB to inform us, tell everybody else. Be sha sure that this is what you truly want, because a high percentage of men threaten to cancel plans just before the wedding day

  48. Seriously, this is I think since the decision is made up in ur mind, face it...let ur family knw abt it nd ur friends, afta then, if u buoyant enough, go for a holiday abroad or an unknwon destination, to pass away time...sometimes, let people say whateva dey like afta dat, dat a story if u wanna talk abt it...

  49. OMALICHA HAS SPOKEN!12 November 2013 at 15:50

    hello male reader!a bulk sms will do the job for you just send a text to invited guest saying that u are sorry the wedding has been postponed, the new date will be communicated soon. dats all! but i think u should let us know here on LIB what she did. OMALICHA SAID SO!

  50. Seriously this is serious, a bulk sms can do the magic and u can state it as a change of date due to some reasons but the new date will be communicted to them.

  51. Hmmm...if its dt serious..den u just ave to d family of d girl d reason for cancelling d wedding...print anoda "weding cancelling card" nd distribute to dos u v invited...

  52. Linda, i want to be like u when i grow up. Pls is it possible

  53. i cancelled my wedding two days b4 the day. trust me t ws nt easy bt at least am married now to the same guy. i wont go into details as to y i cancelled it bt i will tell u how i did it. i sent out sms, bbm to my guests telling them the wedding has been cancelled till further notice. i tld them i understand they wld be worried for me bt they shld do me a favour by not calling me. then i switched off my phone. shikena. God help u

  54. Hmmm I wonder wat she did

  55. If you are certain your reasons are sound and her 'sin' is unforgivable, then you should be bold with your decision- Call a mini family meeting, tell them your reason and your consequent decision. Do friends a bc/mail about your decision_ they have just added to their ankara collection so no big deal with the Aso ebi. Get your money back from the places you deposited or at least the much you can get back. Perception is all in life. There is no trad binding on any grown man! Be sure she can't be forgiven once again.

  56. Simply tell them the facts and stand by your decision. No other way to death other than dying!


  58. Lucky u....u beta go rite ahead n cancel....wish I had cancelled mine wen I had d chance......buh wl be gettin divorced....*happy me*

  59. Hmmmmm! I dont wish this on any woman o. But since you have decided to cancel it i guess the best way is to send a bulk sms to friends and believe me all your invited guest will be informed of the cancellation.

    Wow!! Still shocked though!

  60. Guy, thal one difficult o... You can start by letting her parents know. Most importantly pray! Pray!! and pray!!!

  61. Now I am worried abt my frd who is suppose to get married come dec sha ohhh???bros u knw look well b4 u engage d babe ni???its ur cross carry it alone nd leave Linda out of dis ohhhh

  62. we need deeeeeetttttsss!!!!

  63. Just do what you have to do, the truth will eventually come out. Might as well kill the suspense and get it over with.
    But I have a serious question please. What do you do if you ask a girl to marry you and she says to you that she needs time to think about it?
    Do you patiently wait, or forget about the whole thing?

  64. It's either of 3 ways. 1. Go to a radio station pref Radio Lagos 2. Tell your folks 3. Tell the person you feel is the amebo of the family. And be prepared to loose 70% of your deposits.

  65. Thats very sad, Just travel Out of the country or Just dissapear into thin Air.

  66. If u have their numbers on ur cell phn,type wedding cancelled send to all n let her do same. Case closed

  67. Start by calling them one after the other. All the same, goodluck in your endeavours.

  68. U start the same way u decided to end the wedding. Considering what she said that u tell her parents urself means that she feels no remorse what so ever so she dosent worth it. All u have to do is to go to any of ur social networks which u posted" getn married" on nd change it. Then when u start receiving fone calls u will explain better.planning a wedding is a big deal but endn it is worse . So good luck with that .*CHIZZY*

  69. Bless u bro! I feel u and can understnd. Anyways, d same way u sent d invitation cards nd all should b d way u cancel! Post it everywhere! God bless! Its well

  70. If you have the numbers of the invited guest, u can send a bulk sms to them. or if you have the cash, u can publish it on newspaper, u can even broadcast it via tv or radio stations

  71. Oh dear, sorry oh
    I would enlist the help of a close family member to tell everyone, ask that they respect your privacy and give you some space for now.
    You can explain later.
    Because, trust me, you will get 1001 phone calls from people trying to talk you out of it.

  72. Book a flight for a two week holiday, or if u can't afford to leave the country, go to ur village for to weeks lol. Send a group text/email informing ur friends of the development preferably from the airport or motor park before us switch off ur phone.

    It's better you cancel the wedding now that end up in the divorce courts after having kids etc. Goodluck

  73. Call your extended family, best buddies, important guests & break the news to them, Send an e-mail to those whose e-mail that you have ( good for friends) & a bulk sms to those whose numbers you have (come & chop group)

  74. why u come here come de tell us.
    go annouce for radio naaa....

  75. Loool... #1st to comment. Uu xplain to dem yy uu want to cncl it. I'm sure dey wuld understnd.

  76. shior!!!! jamb question *ONYXGODWIN *

  77. Its easy to cancel d wedding but you can't tell your friends. Please free us

  78. Tell us wat she did na, pls, my amebo ears are itiching me already.

  79. Ooooh dis is serious linda u know go kill us with news for a guy 2 post dis there is sometin wrong somewere

  80. start by payin Linda to blog it!!!!!maybe mention some detals

  81. My guy, na only you know wetin your eyes see. Contact a considerable number of the invited guests who are your close friends and family. Meet them privately or have them converge (depending on which one works better), then do them the honours of explaining to them why you reached this point of irreconcilable differences with your ex.

    1. Exceptional advice anonymous 4:10. Take the above step, be a man, there is nothing unusual about d decision U̶̲̥̅̊ have made cos U̶̲̥̅̊ alone knw whatz gud for U̶̲̥̅̊. And pls add the last honour of calling few of ur wife's family member in d small meeting also.

  82. Just go ahead and tell them...word travels fast also, so you might be saved the trouble of telling each person you've invited.

  83. Woah, dis is a serious matter o... big Gobe!!!

  84. see matter ,this one strong oh,i await my fellow lib reader.i dey chop my guguru ati ekpa

  85. Dude since you aint giving no details I don't know what to tell ya??you know what??the same way you invited them you cancel it same way..#DIZZY

  86. Wow.u sound pained!she must ve hurt u real bad!oh well,u can sms pple (bulk sms) n tell them.pple will ask questions,but u ve to be subtle n not paint a bad pic of ur ex fiancee.dts wat an adult wld calls n sms will do.then a subtle reason y it won't hold too.

  87. Until u say the reason, u re so rude to say dat her parents re the least ur worries.

  88. This same tin happened to my cousin..the weddin was ment 2 hold march bt it was cancelled a month b4..after payin 4 aso ebi nd everytin...guy u call dem nd tell dem ni o..deres no oda way to do it

  89. Ok! So, I just can't help but comment on that cake. Reminds me of the Egyptians and the Red sea.

  90. Its just very easy, man****Allow d ball to kip rolling****preparations shuld continue till d scheduled day*****wen every1 is sitted for d wedding proper,,,,just climb d stage and say"WE ALLOWED YOU ALL TO BE HERE TODAY inorder to WITNESS D OFFICIAL CANCELLATION OF DIS WEDDING!!!!!! BUT DESPYT DIS,,, ENTERTAIN URSELVES!! Eat as much as you can***DANCE! DANCE!! DANCE!!!....VOTE OF THANKS

  91. Simply call 'em up and tell 'em.

    You dont have to give reasons man. Its your decision, if they dont respect it, they dont respect you. Except you are 18.

  92. Simply call 'em up and tell 'em.

    You dont have to give reasons man. Its your decision, if they dont respect it, they dont respect you. Except you are 18.

  93. Tell family and friends reason individually it's well bro

  94. SIMPLEEEEEEEE DUDEEEE!!!! just dont show up well at least it worked for me. linlin post me comment.

  95. You can do like I did, sit everyone concerned down and tell them point blank. Explain the situation and let them understand you can no longer go ahead with the marriage for your own happiness and that of ALL of them, unless they wanna come and separate fights every night #Linda post o! First to comment. Yay

  96. Choi!!!! This gobe tie wrapper o *walking away very quickly with nyash shaking vigorously*

  97. Employ a lawyer to do it for you.

  98. How to tell them right. The wedding is over

  99. A silly question deserves a silly response.. i guess d best answer 2 dis question shld be "the same way you fucked ur way in getting the plans started at the first place, that same way, you shld fuck your way out of d relationship".. I pity some ladies these days who are fucking their way to d top.. dont think bcos u have cunt, u can do whtever u choose with it.. not to worry, we are all watching you guys.. d result wont flash now until about 10yrs.. though enugu state first lady's result flashed too soon.. I remain that Ibo boi from d South

  100. Its painful, just send bulk sms

    1. Dis-invite dem wit anoda dis-invitation card, if dere's anytn lyk dat, lol

    2. LMAO @ bulk sms..he cn evn start wit a bbm BC

    3. Hehehe....hilarious comment....bulk sms kwa?! Hian!!!

  101. Lol,go on air,newspapers,social media etc.

  102. Don't think about it just do it. just tell them.

  103. Ur story is incomplete,what did she do?

  104. Talk abt what happens to unfortunate hoes! Maybe she tried breaking up someones home? Warreva!

  105. you dont owe them any sure you'd be ashamed to even explain..just tell them the wedding isnt happening anymore and you are sorry about any inconveniences caused...but try to meet them face to face cos over the phone or email may indicate non-chalance

  106. Hmmh odikwa very serious.

  107. Well it a serious issue but if the reason for it are concrete and evident, then u just have to find a medium to tell invited guests it cancelled either by call, text or whatever a cancelled wedding is better than a broken marriage.

  108. Sms would do...n u owe nobody an explantion.

  109. Don't tell them why. Don't even say it's been canceled. Simply send messages that the wedding has been postponed. Your only problem is people who have paid. For asoebi. I'm curious though. How did you get to this stage without knowing or accepting her for who she is(devil or not) but then again better jilted than divorced. Between any other girl will look at you with glasses before deciding to marry.

  110. Just do it. They will understand and will be happy for you sef. Many wished they had the guts to do what you did so be bold! JUST DO IT!

  111. WOW! That is huge for you to say. Since you have your mind all made up, i think its best you just let them know. Its better to call it quits now than get married and regret.

  112. Inform the invitees the same way you invited them, you don't have to go into details. You can say the wedding has been put off due to unforeseen reasons. Cancel all bookings. You might have to take some loses since you might not get the full refund. Then take out a radio/TV announcement informing people that due to developments in the family the marriage had to be postponed.

  113. Just call ur close relatives so dat they wil tell u how best to disclose dat 2 ur guest

  114. Bulk sms z d way. Den visit elderly fam members n colleagues n xplain. And try as best as u can nt to go into details. All d best

  115. my guy its better to be single than living in a prison called marriage for you to come to this decision I know is not a small thing. just send bulk sms and talk to some close family members about it

  116. my guy its better to be single than living in a prison called marriage for you to come to this decision I know is not a small thing. just send bulk sms and talk to some close family members about it

  117. Bulk sms will do

  118. this happened to a friend of mine once. Just send emails, SMS and bb broadcasts saying these simple words: "We regret to inform you that the wedding will no longer hold as planned. All inconveniences are highly regretted". Then go incommunicado for the next 1 week and do not try to explain to everyone. When the dust settles, you move on. Thank me later. :)

  119. its better to be single than living in a prison called marriage. just send bulk sms and contact some few close family members

  120. wow, you really sound pained. Guess the money you spent isn't the most important loss right now, but you have to make a move... call your closest buddies friends, then send a bulk sms, explaining that the wedding was cancelled for very good reasons, you are not obliged to state the reasons though. allow her to deal with her family. this must really be painful and embarrassing. The sooner you get it done, the better for you. kpele o


  122. Do it the same way you sent the wedding invitation. don't say it has been cancelled, just say it has been postponed till further notice due to some personal family matters, that shld do it!

    God will direct you aright, ask him for wisdom

  123. Rubbish guy. U no sabi de babe all dis time??

  124. its better to be single than living in a prison called marriage.
    for you to come to this conclusion I know what ur eyes must have seen. just call up a few close family members and explain things to them and also send bulk sms to everyone.

  125. Anon 2:46 dis z a srz issue!! Tell evry1 u gave d card to dat it has been cancelled. Wen u see dem or u cn jx call dem. Nd if she doesn't wnt to tell her parents leave her nd leave dem too. On dat day let dem dress up and come

  126. My dear,its better u stop d wedding than breakin up after gettin married.bulk sms will do for ur friends n d rest,ur famiiy shouldn't be a problem.A broken relationship is better than a broken marriage,simple

  127. Kill yourself....yea! Dat way d wedding will stop automatically. Very simple

  128. U dnt want to go into details huh? Now how do we advice u wen we dnt evn know why u cancelled d wedding. Who we go ask? Maybe u wan leave her 4 anoda...sorry I cnt advice u cus I smell rat hia

  129. U can't explain to everyone, so jst send bulk SmS, and leave d rest for ppels, bad news fly preety fast,u'll b surprised hw far d news goes. Take hrt Oº°˚˚, and i really hope u r nt Over reacting plz, take tym ans b sure

  130. Why didn't he tell us the gist behind the drama *Kisses teeth*

  131. when pastor ask you"will you marry this man or woman for better for worse till death do you apart?"You will say yes.when your spouse cheat on you you will divorce him/her.when he is broke you run away.Why did you accept the oat in the first place?

  132. Padi if she cheated, pls find a way to go ahead with the wedding. D marriage will b her punishment. If its worse than that, inform your own invited guests about d change nd leave her to do wateva with her family n friends. (Wateva u do, dnt paint her blacker dan she alredy luks, the truth will find its way out later).

  133. U dnt need to say a word, as dat cake dey divided already, send am like dat to all invited guests. De'll undastand. U de cancel wedding. Ok naa! Cari ur burden and dnt boda us hia....

  134. Bulk SMS wuld do!

  135. ...I know that my comments will appear by fire by force one day on this blog...I'm now embarking on 90 days Linda, abeg post my comments from now on o.

  136. Tell them before they start asking you embarrassing questions.

  137. Send another iv stating it been pros pone till further notice.

  138. Send another iv stating it been pros pone till further notice.

  139. Make una look into dis matter oh! E fit be dis man wey find trouble if nt why is he scared to tell pipo! Abeg go cari ur dirty singlet where u hang am.

  140. Send Sms.Dear family and friends,its with heavy heart we inform you that our wedding slated for Dec...will no longer be holding due to reasons best known to us. We are sorry for d inconveniences this wuld av cost u. X nd X. All d best.

  141. go on air and announce it, Linda how fa na

  142. Shuooo! Fb, TV, SMS, word of mouth. E no difficult nah

  143. Thats how linda ikeji will cancel her wedding too. watch me

  144. First thing first, start sending cryptic messages on twitter, instagram, and other social networking sites. Delete her pix, and detach completely from her, in such a way as to arouse suspicion and worry from her family & friends.
    The next is to inform your pastor, bishop, priest, reverend father etc of the situation. Get your mind prepared against them talking you out of the idea.
    Thirdly, call an international press conference: tell the whole world your predicament, and your reasons for calling off the wedding.
    Finally, distribute the souvenirs, but ensure they are labelled "Thank you for your understanding".

  145. nawao...
    gist us wetin happen na
    so wat did she do

  146. Unfortunately you just have to do it, its not yet binding till you are married. Even if it means telling friends and family, its your life that is involved here, your friends and family wont live your marital life.Its YOU.

    Secondly whats so grievous that you are cancelling the wedding? I wish you went in-depth though.

  147. Bulk sms wil do for distant frds, buh a visit to d important 1s will do

  148. I used to be like many of the whiners here on LIB, “Oh I'm so in love with this babe but she's treating me badly, what do I do? what do I do?”. That was a long time ago and now I am wise and believe me I learnt from the school of hard knocks, this women dealt with me mercilessly until I actually sat down to analyze them and their ways and figured out the language they speak. If you think maintaining a woman is about excess love, showing affection, kindness, forgiveness, religion and all that bullsh*t, you're dead wrong, treat a woman too good, she will find an excuse to leave ( “I was once dumped by a chick who later told her friend, I was 'too nice'.”). But they will stay with an “omo rapala” that mistreats them day after day after day.
    Even fellowship girls are still tempted by young men of the world and leave their fellow fellowship brothers to look for bad boys to convert. They are never satisfied with a squeaky clean good man. To them every guy that is too good is a nuisance. Even the ones that are married have only calmed down and become good in order to trap a husband that offers them security or at least a husband that has managed to figure out their buttons. Be wise, young men, be wise.
    Maintaining women of all shapes ages and sizes is all about control and remaining in control. The moment you lose control, you lose yourself and a woman will ride you till the very end. Some people say all sorts of rubbish, “Oh my woman is not like that, she's different”, all that one na story, Eve betrayed Adam, Delilah betrayed Samson, so who on earth is your woman that she won't act like those that came before her?
    Follow on twitter @wisper2raw


  150. Bro mine, its disheartening after all the preparations and expectations. Get ur family involved, twitter, facebook and BBM. Once done u are good to go. As for the girl's family abeg leave them jare let them hear from outsiders.

  151. But wetin the babe do abeg? Anyway better to run now than after

  152. Tell them it has been postponed to another date. Then when the supposed dat draws nearer u tell them it has been cancelled.

  153. no need. when they go to the venue and see no wedding they will go back to their houses. just travel out of the state a week to the wedding and come back in 2 weeks time

  154. Guy, I strongly hope this reason to call off your marriage is worth it afterall. I want to assume you have known her for quite a bit. If you cannot forgive her now, then there is a chance you may never be a forgiving husband. No pun intended, but you probably have some check up to do. I'm a guy too and have been married for nearly 7 years...
    On the other hand, best you "run" now if you cannot cope with it after December... In that case, be bold enough to nicely spread the news of the cancellation ASAP. Very few people deserve to know the true details... All the best, Dude!

  155. The man tell dem, let everybody know in time dat no more wedding on dat day, if you tell one person believe me ten person would here, take hearth.

  156. Send a bulk SMS.

  157. Wat did she do? pls tell us ;D

  158. Whatever you used to invite them (mail, text, email, social media, word of mouth...) you can use to un-invite them. It won't be easy but you need to do it if your mind's been made up. Good luck.

  159. Now this is something that has happened in my family. My sister called off her wedding a month before it took place. Venue and all vendors etc had been paid. Invites had been printed. It was a shocker to us when it happened but she insisted. She called up as many people as possible and sent text messages to a few,with the vendors some returned part, full and some did not return at all depending on their company policy. Some vendors also agreed to hold the payment until she was willing to use their services again. Marriage ain't a bed of roses. I will advise anyone to cancel even if it is one day to the wedding. You are vowing to spend eternity with someone so make sure it is the right person. God give you the strength to go through this.

  160. Heard this sort of story before and what they did was just hold the reception which was already paid for for homeless people.

  161. say the truth and put the devil to shame,oro oniwuwo ka fi obe buuu.

  162. Now this is something that has happened in my family. My sister called off her wedding a month before it took place. Venue and all vendors etc had been paid. Invites had been printed. It was a shocker to us when it happened but she insisted. She called up as many people as possible and sent text messages to a few,with the vendors some returned part, full and some did not return at all depending on their company policy. Some vendors also agreed to hold the payment until she was willing to use their services again. Marriage ain't a bed of roses. I will advise anyone to cancel even if it is one day to the wedding. You are vowing to spend eternity with someone so make sure it is the right person. God give you the strength to go through this.

  163. U must be a very wicked and insensitive man not to care about your parents in-law's feelings. U owe them an explanation and it is very brash for u to say 'their feeling are d least of your worries'. Figure out how u want to break d news to them and everyone uv invited. U can google it...shiorrr

  164. Twalleh for you, Ikwerre boy. Best answer

  165. How can her parents be the least of your worries.... You sound so arrogant are her parents you mates... Be a man and go with your parents to inform her parents properly

  166. Fb...twitter...instagram(u can put dt cake linda used), bulk sms....etc sori oh bros God will give u a better lady..itis well..

  167. Tell some1 û know that talks a lot, that person will đø the rest of the job 4 û, such tin spread easily

  168. Twalleh for you, Ikwerre boy. Best answer

  169. A lot of times, vendors will give a refund (even if it's partial) as long as you let them know in advance.

    - Contact your vendors and let them know of the change. Start off asking for a full refund so you might at least settle on a partial refund as a compromise.

    - The same people you sent invitations to, you should also send cancellation. Avoid calling (you don't want people being nosy and asking questions). Send an email, send a mail to their house addy, send a text message.

    - Communicate to your boys. If you did asoebi for them, you can offer to refund them and collect back asoebi(only if you have the funds to cover).

    - If the girl is delusional, you should remain respectful and inform her parents. Perhaps have a meeting with you, her, your parents and her parents. Let everything be said there so everyone can move on.

    Good luck and kudos to you for making a tough decision to avoid a lifetime of problems.

  170. U just have to write a letter apologising to d invited guest, make sure u copy as many letters as d IV u sent out.

  171. I think it is better now than going ahead and making her see the hell after wedding. Pray and call a meeting to inform them. It is well.

  172. I've attended one that was canceled.
    We got to the church as we were told the service was already over.
    So everyone went to the reception. We just ate/drank and there was music. No bride/groom or families.

    Since it was already paid for, they just decided not to waste the food/drinks.

  173. My Dear.! its better to break a 100yrs old engagement than a day old wedding...just do a bulk sms, meet close pals one-on-one and call others! You just have to do it.....thankGod your eyes were opend early enof to see d incompatabilities!

  174. You have to tel the brides parents. Since you went to meet them to ask for permission to marry their daughter.
    Il advise u go with ur parents.

  175. Guy na bulk sms tinz ooh no stress ursef...

  176. First foresee all the possible consequences, tongue lashing and bashing, prepare how to cushion it all. Corporately explain to your bosses and colleagues in office, religiously preach to church members and the likes, culturally brief family members, friends and well-wishers as tradition may require and then politically suspend and disperse every other elements as demanded

  177. Mr Man what happened nnaa?

  178. Call family frnds and close associates and tell beta to stop it rather dan to go ahead wt it cos wedding is nt patchable.

  179. This will seem stupid but share letters just like u sent out IVs. Take heart

  180. It shows courtesy and respect to inform her parents. You can send a bulk SMS, but a very polite SMS. But you also have to call some important personalities..

  181. It shows courtesy and respect to inform her parents. You can send a bulk SMS, but a very polite SMS. But you also have to call some important personalities..

  182. Dude, are you not the one getting married to her and calling off the wedding, please man up and tell her parents about the develop, they deserve that respect of getting to know from you. For you to even say her parents are the least of your troubles even makes you sound so somehow(lack words to describe you). I don't know if how pissed you are or what she did but man, you've got to take a while and think, at least you still have sometime from now till december.

  183. Wats d big deal there........afta all God hasn't join u̶̲̥̅̊ guys 2geda

  184. It's another mans issue or she has gone to tie his name under one tree and light candle on top

  185. Commit the suicide...
    Just joking ooo
    The bulk sms is the best option. Thats what my guy used and he then switched off his phone for a while and gradually attended to all the calls later.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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