Read Chimamanda Adichie's Americanah on your mobile device | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 18 September 2013

Read Chimamanda Adichie's Americanah on your mobile device

So two months we asked the simple question “Would Nigerians Read Books on Mobile Phones?” and the answer was a debatable yes, see HERE

Based on this @farafinabooks has made available part of Chimamanda Adichie’s Americanah on Nigerian mobile phones for free! Basically if you have an android device you can download the first couple of chapters of the book at
Now if enough people download the free version of the book, @farafinabooks says they will make available the full book. 

The question is can we get 1000+ downloads of Americanah before next week? If yes, then we potentially can get farafina and other Nigeria publishers to make more books like Ameriancah available for Nigerians on mobile devices. Want to read another book? Then tell us what you would you like to read below. Stay awesome...keep reading. Okadariders Association President.


  1. Hopefully,they will meet the 1000downloads/week target.
    Wole Soyinka's "And The Man Died" is one book I wish I could download online,still can't place my fingers on the full import of that book.

    1. Mich! Niceee,I would luv 2 read dat 2 N D Secret lives of Baba Sheyi's wives

    2. We have a couple of Soyinka books we are about to upload including "death and the kings horseman" and "credo of being and nothingness" will look into and the man died.

    3. I definitely wanna read Basketmouth's. Biography "Before I write a book" they should make that available.

  2. Good move many foreign novels are available for mobile I think this first in Africa.

    1. Nope,i have things fall apart,for free

  3. First of all.this chimananda adichie cannot write shit.after reading her book"half of a yellow sun",i wasnt sure if shes an achebe wannabe or just a glorified igbo gal that wants to claim attention. For gods sake she cant write.her flow is not smooth.and she lacks d inborn ability of d typical african storyteller shes tryn too hard to copy achebe. My advice to her us simple. Build up her personal style. There can only be one achebe. And she cant copy him. Shikene

    1. You are a wicked and jealous person. She writes very well that's why she's internationnally acclaimed. Go try and write a poem atleast, let's see. Hater!

    2. Oh please shut your lousy trap, moron! Evident from your grammar construction above, you are just seeking to be controversial & relevant! Your basis for comparison is nonexistent. Must you lament on every fudging post on LIB? My friend, take the back seat!

    3. Plz stop bein jealous! It won't take u anywher!!

    4. Sharrap dia! Must u bring tribalism into this! I have read the book and Chimamanda is a talented writer. I bet you can't write to save your life!

    5. Half of a yellow sun is a book for sound minds. Adiche writes excellent novel. Its obivious u never took time 2 understand dat pls keep quiet

    6. Anuofia. Bonga fish like you.

    7. YOU ARE A VERY FOOLISH BEING FOR ThIs!! Hater oshi, mashanfani oniranu, omo rada rada mtcheww

  4. I'd love to get em on paperback but where I am at, can't find no paper back so I goTta do the internet thingy.

  5. What of blackberry phones?

    1. Blackberry phones are on hold since bbm is coming to android this week and we anticipate a migration to the more stable android devices in Nigeria. We will monitor before investing money in a bb app.

    2. Me and my nokia will not be able to read Americah online + l am not in nigeria/nigerian.:-(

  6. I will lov τ̅☺ read half of a yellow sun

  7. Farafina,well done o.after i've bought the book datz wen u guyz r making it available online for free.una don try.....

    1. The complete book is not available for free. Writers have to eat =D

  8. Thank more boredom during this strike. Others should b available as quickly as possible.....ASUU abet e don do

  9. Beast of no nation -Uzodima Iweala

    1. Great choice. Have not read it but heard its good. We will pen that down as a target.

  10. people will not comment on this now. because no be gossip. we should read more ebooks, so we can have more great books like this online.

    1. Lol...Tolu thanks for the support and comment o =D

    2. Tolu well said,God bless u..

  11. There was a country.plssssssss

    1. Noted. We actually have things fall apart coming out soon on

    2. Anything available for iPhones?

    3. That book's sooo good! Gosh! Chinua Achebe's just a writer!


  12. To download the piece of this book,one has to pay for it! How's it free?

    1. Huh? The download of the first part of the book is free. If enough people download farafinabooks will make the other parts available but you have to pay when that happens. Writers need to eat.

  13. Cool. Osayomi of Babcock will appreciate this. Time for him to feel like a god. Nice dou.

  14. Awesome development.looking forward to having 50 shades of grey on ma phone

  15. Dis is unfair...blackberry users won't get a chance 2 download abi...@get2nnamdi

  16. Urm 50 shades of gray is not nigerian! I'd love to read things fall apart again. " That boy calls u father"

  17. @anon 9:19 pm I don't know what basis ur judging chimamnda's book on, buh I no I enjoyed everybit of that book half of a yellow sun. It was like I was in a different world wen I was reading that book, even my hubby, who doesn't like novels couldn't put d book down wen he strted reading it. I think she writes well and I don't see nything wrong in her wanting to be like her uncle. Oh well it's ur opinion. I can't wait to watch d movie.

  18. Nice one. Okadabooks inspiring u? Please remember people who use bbs, we read too. This is an ofili and tunde leye's concept.

  19. Nice buh y only android device.buh if they want to reach their expectation they should some other phone device.

  20. Wow I have the hard copy and I am almost done reading it... It's a good book I think Nigerians in diaspora will learn a lot from it while those back home will also see the other sider of the western world. Race, hair and love. A beautiful book from a brilliant writer.

  21. Can i get it on my BlackBerry 10! Dunno why i always have issues downloading this stuffs, but i have a lot of foreign novels on my phone.... would really wanna have it

    1. Pls let me in on which site u download foreign novels...Tomilola

  22. There was a country by chinua achebe pleaseeeee

  23. All of you do know dat a wide variety f books ARE available online, abi? How is ds a novel idea? Dumbass hype...

  24. But i've downloaded the complete book and read for free on my tab nah! is dis a deal?

  25. I do hope Nigerians will imbibe the habbit of reading online.

  26. 1st anonymous it must be jelousy that made u critisize Amanda. Maybe u do not understand English or u have a very weak sense of humor. Cos 4 all I care Amanda is a great writer nd a carbon copy of Achebe's good story telling. I laugh wen I read her books maybe u shud read purple hibiscus. Mtchewww. Jealous.

  27. Note worthy step...right direction.

  28. can we get 1000+ downloads please??? Its high time we embraced the reading culture in this country. We are doomed without knowledge and such mental massage. To even begin with, its strange and appalling when people moan about an informative post being "too long jare". Linda download too oh!

  29. Anonymous September 18, 2013 at 9:19 PM... If you had taken time to read her books you will know she has her own style... No need to hate. Because Achebe is the first or one of the pioneers of Americanism in literature doesn't mean other African writers shouldn't. We should be happy we have a writer that is able to tell our stories in an unbiased way. Read There was a country my Chinua Achebe and compare the truthfulness of the stories, before the war, what led to the war, during the war, the siege, rapes and deaths then you will respect Chimamanda for her fairness in Half of a Yellow Sun despite the fact that she is an Igbo lady. That is what I call a balanced story. That Novel is not just a book it is a reference guide that will last forever just like Things Fall Apart.

  30. Chimamanda Adichie's half of a yellow sun

  31. Linda....I have downloaded oooooo and I have finished reading the first free part. I hope this info gets spread so more people can download and we get the full book (and possibly others) free.

    Linda pls let us know when if and when they make the full book available o

  32. Linda, let me recommend "From Friend to Fiancee" to you on okada books. Read and thank me later. lol

  33. nice i just downloaded oo. Ii actually have things fall apart also downloaded freewith an apps . really nice

  34. nice about celebs who have physical defects here

  35. Gr8 book, waiting 4 d full version. Didn't CNA copyright the book?

  36. Too late

    I'we already bought it on kindle

    good luck with more nigerian e-books. It would make me really happy

  37. We that hv bbs are not just going to throw them away cos BBM is now on android nau. So this android only ish is not realistic cos virtually everybody I knw uses a bb. PS- Okechukwu Ofili, I love

  38. Great book. Not sure i like reading on small screen though.

  39. Bb users are waiting too o...we read too

  40. Bb users are waiting too...we also read


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