Dear Nigerian men; what is it about gay men that scare y'all? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 24 August 2013

Dear Nigerian men; what is it about gay men that scare y'all?

A proudly gay Nigerian man wants to know why so many of you Nigerian men are soo homophobic. Hehe. He sent me a mail and begged me to share it. See it below...
Have you men ever solemnly considered what it is about homosexuals that scare you? I use the word homosexuals to refer to both lesbians and gays, but I’ll tell you this, I am really interested in talking about homophobia as it concerns gay men, because for some reason that is beyond me, we never seem to be angry or threatened by lesbians. In fact I have heard one too many times how exciting the thought of two women doing it could be, but however connected the case of lesbian - acceptance is to homophobia against men, I won’t be addressing it here.
So, what is it about two men getting hot and heavy with each other that seem to terrify y’all? This is not the time to whip out your Holy books at me, keep them aside for a second, will you?

Do you really imagine that you have a sense of propriety when you openly declare your hate for the gays? No, really why do we hate the gays? Is it some deeper issue that I have yet to understand or a mere case of hypocrisy?

I just want a sensible reason why I should take a piss on the rights of individuals who feel love and/or
attraction for each other; I have not found it yet. So if you can give me one, please do, however, no religious based arguments, chances are that you’ve broken most of the rules yourself. I mean, you’re not Jesus, the perfect son of God. In anticipation of the event that no one can come up with a logical reason for homophobia, I’ll advise that you channel your contempt for the gays to contempt for our thieving leaders; the man/woman who (sexually) abused your sister, brother, wife, mother;
Boko Haram; ignorance; hypocrisy, and the many other gazillion things that mess up Nigeria.

Proudly Gay Nigerian Man


  1. Yuck... Dunno y I prefer to see two girls dan two guys... Its romantic seeing two girls kiss buh so absurd seeing to two guys k... Puck#

    1. I must agree that we exhibit some sort of double standards towards gay men when compared to the way we place lesbians, as for now, I would only say maybe its that way because naturally the femininity is more appealing, on to the moral or religious aspect, homosexuality is just so wrong on all levels and there are no two ways about that, period!

    2. It's because of people like this that the rate of single ladies are on the increase.

    3. It's because of men like this that the rate of single ladies are on the increase.

    4. It's because of people like this that the rate of single ladies are on the increase.

    5. Exactly what he's asking. that's just wrong, to think one is cool and the other is absurd!

  2. God said 'Adam and Eve', not 'Adam and Steve'


    1. Lets us even leave the Bible aside? Have you seen a male hen climb another male hen or monkey male climb another monkey male or a male dog climb another male dog.. These are primitive animals who don't have brain like us humans ohh! So I don't get ur point at all about being gay cos if you lack brain like animals, it's still absurd cos animals(male) don't even do their males...
      If your father was gay, would you ever be born?

  3. Mehn!dis is some serious shit but if it makes the happy than am happy for them.

  4. I pity you brother because you know what the bible says and yet you are still committing this ungodly act, may God in heaven forgive you all cos you guys will burn in hell!!!!!. Man sleeping with his fellow man your soul is already taken, you are living but not living.

  5. Foolish people,coming out to say this bullshipt,what happens to all the girls in the world?

  6. Mr gay n proud, no! I will not leave my bible @ aside. Coz guess neither r u Jesus. Bein gay is unnatural. Even d primates dnt do it. Its vile. Plus dre's a high risk of anal sphicter dysfxn, std plus d dreaded hiv. Nd u guys r more promiscous dan a brokazz whore. Just sayin...D Curious1

  7. OH-EM-GEEE...I can't wait to read the comments...hehe...guys oya!

  8. Because if his father was gay he wouldn't have been born.

  9. Mr gay n proud, no! I will not leave my bible @ aside. Coz guess neither r u Jesus. Bein gay is unnatural. Even d primates dnt do it. Its vile. Plus dre's a high risk of anal sphicter dysfxn, std plus d dreaded hiv. Nd u guys r more promiscous dan a brokazz whore. Just sayin...D Curious1

  10. i wonder if u av also stopped and asked urself wat fascinates u abt a man like u, is it those strong ass or muscular chest. I dont think homosexuals will ever be accepted , cos there is also no logical reason why it should be accepted. It upsets d balance of nature itself. Just like the popular saying, its romeo and juliet, not ''ROMEO and ROMEO'' or JULIET and JULIET.

    1. abi ohh! So so illogical.. Animals who lack brain like us humans don't even do it...
      It is now humans that God gave brain and soul like him that is now doing devil get power over some people ohh..

  11. 1st to comment....yaay!

  12. Biko he should goan take a seat.. I have nothing against anybody's sexuality buh seriously this na Naija.. Darling we are Africans and no matter the level of westernisation we attain, our culture will still frown on it.. C'mon, deep down you know its the truth.. Its your choice though.. All the best..

  13. 1st to comment....yaay!

  14. I'm wondering why a man will decides to do his fellow man when we have numerous gals around. This is End time sign for sure.

    1. When gurls full over town with gigantic mammalry glands and succulent jugs, kegs, twins, boobs and distablising curves and ass begging for attention... Gays are sick in d head abeg...

  15. First and foremost if u were so proud of yourself why not put ur real name and pics? The question is always are u gay or strait? Meaning u people know u r not strait/normal! Where did u hear that God wiped out a whole city for stealing or killing? But he did for ds reason! All dat said I don't think I should waste more time to dignify u with more points, when the demon of sodomy leaves u then we can talk more. Until then remember jesus loves the sinner and hates the sin

  16. hehehehe the way men are declaring their gayness of recent is quite scary,even those av always considered role models.
    who am I to judge even Guiness said there is a drop of grAYtness in every

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

    1. Nigga please. U desperation for a punch line sickens me. I love u by the way.

  17. You r a bastard ur dad should have wore a condom dat goes 4 all gays/lesbians ....damn fool linda don't u ever give sum crap a chance the society is messed up already @ we agreed on sumtin like d boko & d rest , but stopping reprodution dat can lead to the non existence of human race plus many orda factors dat I can't waste my straight head on hell yeah the female private part is sweet God gave us 4 a reason so the male can poke in & out..Men u need Jesus ...I Am C

  18. Nice one T! Wat the fuck u all be hating gays for??? Every body has a rite to love whom so eva dey wanna love... u all homophobes should take a chill pill and take several seats... Or better still *Catch fire! that means go to hell!!!

  19. homosexuality is just unreasonable..... I have tried to understand why fags! Are fags! And i just dont get it...... Just imagine if ur grand dad was a fag! Would you be??

  20. @Stupid question ever asked

  21. My reason is that some people have sex to reproduce while gays have sex for fun. If all of us are gays, who will remain to give birth to gays?

    Another reason, I think is just an innate awareness of the way things should be. What you call homophobia is not learned, it isn't thought, people just behave that way, so its like asking me why people are afraid of spiders or a cockroach when it cant hurt them. The reaction is inborn.

  22. My take in this matter is that,since God ddnt create Adam n Steve buh he created Adam n Eve.
    Ddnt knw y I should kiss a guy like me,wit dick like mine.dats devilish.
    I tink its satanic,dats y I love Rushians n Jamaicans dey don't take shit.
    I tink we shldnt let d fag tin prevail bcos its d Devils work. *DropsMic*

  23. Dunno y dey r scared or hate gay men! I'm not scared nor do I hate dem...I rada marry a rich gay dude dan a poor straight guy...

  24. Our body is naturally strong so I wonder wat you guys enjoy, in feeling a strong body, and also I believe pampers will soon become expensive in the market if we allow you guys continue doing rubbish, because if few years time, all ur ass will be open, can't hold any shit any more, so you will all result to pampers, that will make us pay more on pampers, because the demand will definitely be higher than supply... That's wat is called inflation... I have said my own

  25. Our body is naturally strong so I wonder wat you guys enjoy, in feeling a strong body, and also I believe pampers will soon become expensive in the market if we allow you guys continue doing rubbish, because if few years time, all ur ass will be open, can't hold any shit any more, so you will all result to pampers, that will make us pay more on pampers, because the demand will definitely be higher than supply... That's wat is called inflation... I have said my own

  26. As long as ure nt hurting anyone and you're with a consenting adult, you're fine.
    The only issue is that; the sight alone of guys kissing is unpleasant, talkless of other PDAs(to many)





  29. I don't hate gay men, in fact I have a gay friend and we get along just fine. I only wish y'all will just get you 'gaydar' right. Plus you gotta know, it takes a lot of getting used to, it's not something you'd expect one to understand. Remember people hate what they don't understand, y'all should create some sort of gay awareness or gay parade. A lot of gay people are not proud of who they are and hide in the closet, so... Be proud not by mouth, be proud.

  30. My. Brother u a fool stop deciving ur self,u shud b ashmed 2 even talk about dis kind of stupid tin here,even male animals don't even ve gayz talkless of u dat sees urself as a human

  31. the primary purpoes of sex beside the fun part! is for procration..... So why would an adult stick is ''boy'' in a dudes butt???..... I just dont get it????

  32. Wat kind of human says Dis ***sad mood** 4 u

  33. Thank you we don't want to add the evil of sodomy to it, where ever you got it from take it back there men don't have sex with men around here, and pls don't pass the homophobic joint we aint smoking it bitch.

  34. This guy is just agent of darkness looking for who to go down to hell with. May God have mercy upon ur soul. D sin dat cause God to destroy sodom and gomorah

  35. Ok bro ok* u want us to say we love u? Here then, I love u dear gay broda T, ure proud of ur status yet ur name remains T... U for put the full name na and ur contact join* ill love to send u gifts to show I love u!!!!!!! Mtshew* gay oshi

  36. Personally, I find it distasteful talking about what others get up to in the bedroom. It is personal. I become suspicious when people make comments about other people's sexuality. It beats my imagination why people get so caught up in how others have sex. Like spying on someone taking a dump, it's just perverted . People dat use words like I hate homos, should realise dat hate is a powerful emotion next to love. To me it illuminates a burning hidden passion to engage in the act. So please stop hiding behind your hate and get the fuck out of the closet.

    1. Big fool. See u cowgirl. Don't decieve yourself, if u love them so much wait until u have four kids male and female and then after training them in school for years they come back and say they are all gay.all your sons,then u go know say what happens in the closer is truly your business. I mean evevn as kids when u want to take a dump,an adult must be at hand to make sure u poop right and in the right hole....yeah...mum makes surebu target the toilet well.

  37. This man makes some sense. Let's leave them alone and concentrate on more important stuff. No need for so much hatref! Afterall, they re pple.

  38. bbm pin 2349105324 August 2013 at 23:45

    Well bible defines it as evil. Humans defines it as taboo. I define it as insane. We have lots of single ladies, short, fat, slim, tall, ugly, cute, sexy, muscle, black, white etc who are still single. And they are so good sexually and otherwise. So why so same sex come in contacts. Remember what God did to a city in the Bible. That same God is still alive. Those who have ears, let them hear. Engr Emy

  39. Get a life coward,talk your name 1st na make dem hunt u,14 years no dey fear you abi?

  40. My gay. What makes straight men homophobic about you gays is you emasculate manhood & there's nothing hot about 2 men getting it on. It's totally disgusting.

  41. Mr gay man, d frighten tin abt gay guys is dt 'ordinarily dey lack common sense' wch means they ve brain deficiency dis is y they use d term "straight" for 'normal Human Being'

  42. My take in this matter is that,since God ddnt create Adam n Steve buh he created Adam n Eve.
    Ddnt knw y I should kiss a guy like me,wit dick like mine.dats devilish.
    I tink its satanic,dats y I love Rushians n Jamaicans dey don't take shit.
    I tin

  43. This is one serious oloriburuku.the thot of it alone is so disgusting..

  44. Elasticity of the anus na. Opposites attract. Ying and yang not ying and ying.

  45. D tot itsef is disgusting
    Muscle+muscle=muscle n more sweat ..*yuck n unimaginable**nightmares
    Galz+galz=not biblical buh sexy,@lst u c 2 fragile babes bin all soft n touchy **stil gross doh buh imaginable**
    Nt lyk ppl hate it,we jst don't c it ryt.."Lyk wth?
    Its lyk kissing ur own ass...*ayanma*
    No criticism k,
    U jst mk ppl criticize u
    Wat a question doh

  46. D tot itsef is disgusting
    Muscle+muscle=muscle n more sweat ..*yuck n unimaginable**nightmares
    Galz+galz=not biblical buh sexy,@lst u c 2 fragile babes bin all soft n touchy **stil gross doh buh imaginable**
    Nt lyk ppl hate it,we jst don't c it ryt.."Lyk wth?
    Its lyk kissing ur own ass...*ayanma*
    No criticism k,
    U jst mk ppl criticize u
    Wat a question doh


  47. Simply put... U gay men see every straight guy (inc married ones) as an exciting challenge to try turn around. So to prevent that, they just avoid ur assess mehn!! I dont hv anything against gay men but yall need to respect that a man is straight. My hubby is very open and friendly until the day he got friendly with a f*ing gay guy, we invite him into our home, i mk him feel welcomed etc. He turns around to try turn my husband gay and wud come tell me all sorts of lies abt him so he and i wud be fighting alot and he cud use tht opportunity but we were d wrong couple. My husband and i realised wht he was tryna do and he got the beating of his life from my hubby. Now my husband cant stand the name gay and u wudnt blame him!! Messed up bunch of men. I say this... The ASS is strictly exist only, u cnt try to change gravity!! Hisses

  48. Mr Gays sorry o. The act disgust me and I am yet to know the reason. I think the thought of two muscular beings trying to form sexy is my annoyance.two bones trying to role strong waists . Haha hahahaha

  49. *in Nicki Minaj's voice* It all comes down to this...

  50. Am not against one being gay bt some pple r scared cos its Disgusting! Yansh n dick? Eww! Even ladies dat do it from anus r irriting to me! Cos I don see d action b4 n my pple not a good sight cos I fucked d whole action for them! But I don't mind watching sha!

  51. Dude, no matter what the situation in our country may be, but that doesn't justify your CHOICE, because it is decaded. Remember it was your CHOICE to engage in such disgusting act. The CHOICE I 've made, to detest such act is mine. You have no right to ask for my opinion. I together with all others who are straight ha
    te it and would always do. Why not sit again and reconsider your options? why such act ?

    Remember the system of govt. in our country is DEMOCRACY so as long as straight people outnumber fags, then we won't allow such! Never! if really you want a life like that, then lay low or go elsewhere.

    Aunty Linda pls allow him to read this.

  52. We don't flip our holy book aside not for a second of our life. Mr adodi okurin if you are truelly pround of you sick act why don't you publish you name. See you have to realise that homosexuality is a direct attack on the family which is the bed rock of the society, all this people promoting it are working for the agenda of the devil worshippers for a new world order, attack the society and morality. We for naija no go ever accept am shame on you, call your father name and I,m sure his not proud of you.

  53. prince d preacher24 August 2013 at 23:51

    i hv no hatred 4 you but pity. Hw can d anus meant 4 excretion is wat u use for sex. As in hu is d wife among two men. Of course i am not suportin lez.

  54. God punish the useless gay guy that sent the message to you and may God forgive you Linda I don't just want cuss at you but please do not ever post anything of this sort agin


  55. Really? mehn human beings make me laff because they are trying by all means to forget they did not create themselves and hav been crated in the image and likeness of God who has written down the rightr way we are to live and be happy which people choose to ignore and complain the world is full of so much evil as they want to keep a blind eye that such things open the door to satan to ones life. the problem with gay and lesbians is God himself said it is not good and no one in this world is wiser than God no matter the education or wealth or social status one acquires u can never be wiser than God. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and still speaks in the new testament that it is unacceptable so please stop looking for excuses. if anyone is looking for where God is not present hell fire is a place for the dammed where the presence of God is absent. we cannot use God to get what we want and throw his instructions at his face and think all is well. so please the origin of not accepting homosexuality all COMES FROM GOD HIMSELF WHO HAS A BONE TO PICK WITH THE ISSUE CAN FACE HIM BY THEMSELVES. Am tired of people trying to pretend they don't know the truth.

  56. Seriously what is the point of this. Who told him Nigerian men HATE gay people? Ridiculous generalisation. Kindly leave Nigerian men alone.

  57. Linda am disgusted u cld post this on ur blog. So if sm1 tell u 2 jump u will jump, did he put a knife on ur throat? You are encouraging this abomination by posting this. Linda let ur blog be a weapon in God's hands not the opposite. Thanks

  58. i read comments on linda but i never post. today i post.

    i'd rather die than let another man stick his sausage in my netherlands.

    Neither would i want to stick my sausage in another man.

    its disgusting but as long as u guys keep it under whatever yall want. just dont bring it near us str8 men or woe betide

  59. Gibberish n Balderdash.. If u like no post like uv bin doin linda

  60. Nothing but only fulfilling the prophecy.

  61. Idiot r u really dt jobless Oga t

  62. If u knw u're proud of being gay den make ursef known.fool!may God 4give u nd ur partners in crime

  63. I don't call it fear, I find it strange. From an Evolutionary perspective it makes no sense, making it more strange. If we were all gay we would all be extinct. The fact that a man think it is okay to ignore that natural biological urge to sleep with a woman is strange to a straight man.

  64. 1. I don't want to ever wear pampers. 2. I prefer being sexually admired by a lady not a fellow man. 3. I can't stand d thought of hanging out wit a guy who wants to bed me, my mama taught me better than that. Dis dude should should tell us where he would currently be if his dad was bedding another man and his mum was messing wit another woman. Guy,I no wan insult u oo, no make me Vex.

  65. True tho, there are more important things to act on than gay niggas. Unleash your anger somewhere else, somewhere that it's needed. E.g. The thieves that call themselves our leaders.

  66. My brother pls wrong is wrong!!! If it were right ur asshole wldnt need surgery from time 2 time if u dnt mind living in damnation in the hereafter which is fast approaching na u knw even animals who no get mans interlect no get gay anytin na wah 4 u O

  67. Jail dey smell for your head....just. Try declare your real name and address...

  68. Anyone who is attracted to his gender needs a psychiatrist and psychologist for therapy.Opposite cells or polls or gender attracts.what is in him that you don't have.There are things which the male can do,that the female can't and vice verse. Who will be the wife or the husband.#Mind you too much of everything is bad#

  69. homosexualism is not scary buh its disgusting,pple who indulge into such act are abnormal,they need their cerebellum properly checked.

  70. Until your father is being raped, then you'll know

  71. Do he-goats go after he-goats? Do lions go after lions? Even monkeys are not homosexual.
    Are humans not higher than these animals?
    Yahya Jammeh, the Gambian president, needs to see this mail.

  72. Mr Tee the Gaylord. I can only speak for myself, i am homophobic because i am just wired that way. Just the way you are wired(abnormally) to find another man attractive, up to the extent of having sexual desire for him, that is the same way i am wired to feel disgusted at the thought of 2 men being with each other. Until u gays can come up with a reasonable explanation as to why you are sexually attracted to your fellow guys with muscular biceps and triceps, strong chest, leg hair and chest hair, strong bones, anus etc and not a sexy looking firm round boobs, hips, soft round ass, soft smooth skin, that sweet vjay of a woman, then you will not get the answer u are looking for here, atleast not from me.

  73. U are an IDIOT for asking dat question, may ur soul rot in hell. FOOL

  74. This write up is as senseless in itself as being gay.

  75. Nigerian men are hypocrates, a lot of them are down low men. The way they hold hands, hug and touch each, then call it brothely love sickens me. Then they go around trying to show machismo to the ladies, men get a grip. Before you ignorant assholes start calling me gay, i am not but a woman who has spied nigerian men in this situations.

  76. Do he-goats go after he-goats? Do lions go after lions? Even monkeys are not homosexual.
    Are humans not higher than these animals?
    Yahya Jammeh, the Gambian president, needs to see this mail.

  77. Mtscheew..dis guy shld go and fry his balls.....2 muscular tinz coming 2geda..eeeewwww..u nid deliverance cuz dis gay spirit is alwedi spreadin like a virus..More females 4 we straight boiz tho :D

  78. Biko nwanna sharrap dia...its not terrifying.its jst disgusting,irritating,appalling and senseless...I can stand lesbians(nt dat I support dem) bt faggots shudnt b spared.when u ppl go abt claiming 'I'm a man'..u tink is to end up dis low as to fuckn ur fellow's ass hole?yeye tin wen dey cos dia r oda issues in nigeria,we shud ignore/encourage ur animalistic sexual urge.rubbish.wonder y God hasn't visited us wt tsunami,hurricane n d rest bah?u want Him to send dem to us nw.bloody faggot....nkesi#

  79. Animals have sex with there opposite gender,why haven't they turned to there own gender,yet we call ourselves higher animals and you expect them not to be scared,come on is high time you thought about your life and self

  80. Hian oooo,no comment

  81. One reason: for the fact the u fuck thru the anus is disgusting !!! Any sex thru anal is unnatural biko

  82. For a starter, nobody hates you but hates d act of being gay...just a bad habit you have α̲̅πϑ when you talk about "having hots for and two women doing each other α̲̅πϑ enjoying ℓ̊τ̅",i realised its only for pleasure sake..nothing more...for the sake of your soul, better change your orientation...btw, Ђδω many times have you seen two male goats doing ℓ̊τ̅? Oniranu, onisekuse okunrin!

  83. Well 2 me I tink 2 men having sex is like 2 iron hitting demselves nd wat happens it brings out it scary

  84. Mr. Gay man, its jst disgusting and irritating to see two grown men with muscular biceps and triceps kissing and smooching... I cnt deal! The thought of them inserting eachother's *winkies* aka penis into one another's penis is unthinkable...d most ewwwwwy is d fact that when they grow old, their anus muscles will be loose and they'll be leeking... Yuck!!!
    The anus was made for pooing or farting, not for anything else! Also, I see homosexuality as a ploy to wipe out humanity. If everybody starts being gay or lesbian, who'll birth d kids? Smh....
    I never talk abt this cos its part of d prophesy of the endtime and the scriptures cannot be broken.

  85. Does it feel right,sticking your dick into the poo hole of another man?..if you can answer that,then go on being ur jolly selves.

  86. Its like jaming 2 rocks 2geda,no special place 2 touch gosh y wuld u even do such.everywhr is hard so wats d fun.mehnnnn

  87. And the thought of being ganged rape by a bunch of muscular hairy gay men sends shivers down the spine of young innocent straight boy. That is the real reason why it cannot be tolerated, y'all better be doing your act behind closed doors when u are here in Nigeria. This shit should never be okay. For man to fuck another man in the ass, its not even healthy, Gosh!!.. I cannot even have anal sex with a woman not to talk of men doing men in the ass and kissing, YUCK!!..


  89. What scares me about you all Gays are that you are too slippery with you words trying to make it look good and i sincerely wants to make Heaven.

    I haven't seen a dog have a crush on same sex, until then, i wish not to discuss further about the topic.


  90. Ok na,world is comin 2 an end.okbye

  91. Dude it is unnatural. Yes there r a lot of "unnatural" n morally unacceptable things we do but we cud let em slide cause they r appealing n freaky in a nice way. Bt a bruva on a bruva?! Nigga pls. Funny thing for me personally though is I have no problem watsoeva wiv gay Caucasians. None at all. I feel comfortable wit d knowledge sef. But a negro! Noooooo. It irks me coz I think it's not a black-man thing. Wen a black man gets involved in homo relations it is usually voodoo related (prolly my myopic thot bt dat is how I see it).
    Recently though a friend made me undrstnd dat it is really not u pplz choice to be gay; y'all r wired dat way physiologically. I get that bt I still cnt stand it. I jst hv EMPATHY fer y'all.

  92. If you are soo proud why didn't you put your full name...???

  93. Hmmmmm, shit leaking assholes are at it again! The stench of shit from ur pampers wearing asshole is unbearable! Pls get a life! Maggot infested asshole of a faggot!

  94. Reason I hate gay men? They tend to prey on young innocent boys.Changing and damaging their lifes forever.Also they wanna force themselves on you,mostly they rape guy caught stranded in a corner.I gotta protect my girl child,now I also gotta protect my young boy from predators like you.

  95. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm kip looking 4 foolish ansa oo.

  96. My goodness i kant 4 once believe dz.Miss linlin,am i the first to comment?*dancin etigh*God u r wondaful.Mbok linda they shd leav them alne,wat is it?ds s a free world.some peopl shaaa in dz dreadlock country cal nigeria,they wont mind dia businez n face dia psnal prblmz,let them pursue gay men.nonsense.Post my comment o.*DARREL TOM*

  97. †̥ђιƨ dude gat guts...imagine.his stupidity has no bounds

  98. Being gay is one of d "gazillon things dat mess up"..d world.

  99. Linda, no need for all that. Please just identify this gay so he can face the justice and spend his 14 years in prison. Thank you.

  100. Well I rilly feel ur pain,cos I'm a lesbian too nd I cnt show wat I feel cos I dnt wanna b criticized.

  101. That's a nice question.frankly I can't judge others for their preferences but you can't say accept like lebians and hate gays.if you are against it then be against both and vice versa

  102. May God help us.Amen

  103. I'm sorry but my only reason is religious.. No scratch that I'm not sorry it is. However I don't hate you. No, I love you. Actually I love you so much that I don't want you to go hell and burn to ashes for making the wrongest of choices( that doesn't mean if you are a straight dude or girl who lies,steals and fornicates, you won't go to the same hell o. In God's eyes sin na sin)
    I love you so much that I don't want you to miss out on a relationship with an awesome God because trust me, you can't be gay and proud of it and in the same vein say you love/know the lord..ko possible!
    I love you so much I want you to experience the thrill of romancing a woman and making love to her.
    I love you so much we want you to glow with the satisfaction of being able to make a woman that you love happy not just in bed but out of it.
    I love you so much that I hate it when you think you were born this way or you are right to love your fellow man/woman. Dude/girl , don't let lady gaga fool you, you weren't born this way. It is not right and will never be but hey I am not condemning you, I just want you to understand that Christ can help you change all you need do is ask.
    I love you so much that I hate what you do with your joy sticks, time, hearts and brain because it is a misguided drive!

    Disclaimer: when I say woman I mean wife, I do not encourage or support pre marital sex!

  104. Y did u not write ur name and put ur pics if really u r proudly gay. Ewu! May God forgive u and open ur sense of reason cos d devil has bought ur heart.

  105. if u want me to give u d full list of gay men in politics,entertainment,in the businez world,i wl do that 4 u.Abeggi,wats it?they shd leav them alne plz.Linda post dz o.#DARREL TOM#

  106. "Two men, getting hot and heavy with each other *runs to puke*" Why you use "T"? You for arrange ur full name and pictures too, if you won't be jailed. Bloody fool. Fucking bird. Gays... Faggots... As disgusting as Maggots!

  107. if I doubted it before, now I am convinceid. Linda, you are officially being paid by the gay lobby. At least come clean so people recognize information they are being fed.

  108. If homosexuals was a good thing,den one particular gender should av been created. 2)If homosexuals could reproduce den I can agree with u. See my dear gays/lesbians u should first think of dis before u make up u mind to love ur opposite sex****** IF UR PARENTZ were homosexuals will u be alive to call ur selves homesexuals??? Don't be greed to reproduce cos u were reproduce from two different gender (male nd female). A word is enough 4 de wise!!!*****GOLDEN aka ODIUKO NA MBA 1

  109. Dnt ve anytin 2 say oo,I'm as confused as u r cos I'm facing same problem.just b strong.

  110. Great post. Honestly without the religious mantra" I don't get it.
    We only have this life, do whatever or whomever makes u happy. YOLO

  111. I watched a gay porn sometime last year.......the sight of both of them bounding each other still hunts me

  112. I'm nt a lesbian bt I've slept wit a gal b/4 just 2 try it out nd it was fun.rilly enjoyed it.hoping 2 do it still love d dick more.hehehehehe

  113. ......Linda, you sure say the celeb wey send u this e-mail no be gay? because if he`s not gay, he wont be asking that question when the answer is VIVIDLY CLEAR.


  115. Hlp me ask dem a gal I feel safe wif a gay guy dan a str8 guyz r best frdz nd dey r vry carin.I can free go naked infront of a gay guy wifout d fear of anyfin.naija shuld jst let dem b so I wil kw who is who,coz of hidin dia tru identities dey wil get married nd d marriage is a hurts d more wen a lady marriz a guy dat dont feel her or fuck her rit.freedom to gay pple plz,if una like mak una curse me bt I dnt care.#case close#

  116. what is wrong is two ways about it. God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve

  117. As for me, they simply irritate me, especially the gay guys that act like a lady, they simply look possessed.

  118. I am not gay but this post makes me so happy. I have always and continue to maintain that gays refer to both men and women, but the hypocrites that we are will always criticise the males, while lesbianism thrives exponentially in our social circles.

    If i may borrow the words of tuface, nobody holy pass. We all still fornicate, cheat, lie, steal, rape, what makes us any better in the eyes of God?

    Instead if condemning them, have we tried to understand what or why an individual is attracted to the same sex? I hear some lesbians say a woman knows how to touch another woman and what parts will arouse the other so If you masturbate and understand your body does that make you gay? Is it psychological? Was in brought on by traumatic experiences of such nature? So many unanswered questions that need to be address before we burn them at the stakes.

  119. generally speaking, i think women feel more comfortable with gay guys then men do. i think its because woman feel safe around them and men feel as if their asses might get attacked at any

  120. To be honest a lot of men are "afraid" of gay men because they fear the attraction they may have to them regardless of the fact that they may not be gay themselves.. However, my personal opinion; all this hatred towards homosexuals is dumb. Its a sin, yes, but don't we all sin? before you remove the speck of wood in ur bros eye, you might want to take a look at the rod in yours. whats the point of hating? they are in hell cus they are gay, you are also in hell cus of the hatred you have. at the end of the day no be the same hell fire una dey? mscheew free them jor. linda please post

  121. funny but true.. My only problem is that I don't want to loose my husband. But if ure a guy n ure banging 2 chicks(lesbians or bisexuals..wateva) @ same time...den don't fuckin say a fuckin word. About gay men.cos ure a fuckin gay! Yes I said it!.... In as much as d gay thing is not rite... D way ppl treat em is wowza... Fuckin leper ewwin @ sum1 wit malaria. Ndi ala #okbye# oyaslapmeifucan#

  122. Me i reject the spirit of homo for me and my family and my children to come BY FIRE IN JESUS NAME>>>>>AMEN

  123. Come on, what a question, is it normal to get fucked from where shit passes? Its not created that way, look at animals, they dont do that so why do we insist on practising something that`s unnatural?

  124. PUS*Y is the greatest sexual tool gift God gave to mankind

  125. I don't even care about gay people.. I love and respect people equally...its their business...everyman for himself..if they like they should fuck buffalos...each man would receive his judgement on the last day...

  126. You need a brain test! i am not surprise though. #lastdays

  127. just the simple thought of a man banging a man makes my skin crawl, haba, why? how can some1 wanna have sex with the ass?

  128. wtf.linda i tink u should have better newz for how thr asuu strike is going.this gay thing is irritating.eeewwhh

  129. Itz's disgusting, and irritating and sooo not right! Linda post my comment o!

  130. We're ignorant pple in Nigerian peeriod!!!!!

  131. Linda this post won't make any change..I swear if any gay tells me he loves me ever again..I won't mind reporting him 2 d authorities...remember u cud do a lot of meaningful tins with ur life in 14yrs dnt spend it in kiri kiri #smh

  132. Hmmmmmm some people sha

  133. Dear Linda,

    I beg,wetin no suppose scare man pikin there?is it the thot of a felloe man putting a 9" rod into ur behind or the thot of u kissing on a man that has goatie like u or sucking on a guy with muscles and has voice as deep as urs?

    Is nacking a man from his ass hole not supposed to be painful or is the imagination of sucking a fellow man and him puring spam all over ur face supposed to be actractive?

    I beg,I beg,I beg,doning a fellow guy aint sexy at all,Gay guys mostly have unattended child issues that they need to sort out,I wunt lie to u "GAY MEN" there is nothing as sweet and as wonderful as "Nacking" a P*** the sweetest,at least Linda can testify to that! (Wink,wink)

    My believe is that,if it doesn't menstrate,it doesn't have a womb and can't give birth,if it doesn't get wet,if it doesn't have boobies,and it doesn't have 3 holes down there?

    Then u aren't allowed to stick ur "Manhood" into it,God doesn't like it,that was 1 of the reasons HE wiped Sodome and Gomora,our culture also doesn't in any way support it,it is also against nature,have u see an male goat nacking a male goat b4 or a male Lion nacking a fellow male lion abi na male Bear u don see dey nack fellow male bear?

    If u haven't,they why should men that are supposed to be of higher value the 1s messing up?make we even no. Talk of the diferrent pains,risk,STI and all that are attached to it!

    Man Nacking Man is not good o!

  134. Are you supposed to be proudly gay in nigeria?! Na wa o

  135. If your daddy was Gay you wouldn't be here Bro!!

  136. Darn!!! I can't believe this shii!!!

    It's disgusting!!! Y don't you have attractions for females???



  137. I tell u, the gay thing is a spirit and we seriously need to pray against it spreading like a wild-fire. i was just telling my friend the other day that, already, the overall population of a man to a woman is not balanced so woman are struggling to find husbands, now men are doing each other which farther shortens the population of a man available for a woman even more.
    I tell is defiantly getting to the end of time where the Bible says eight women will be fighting for one man.
    To me, that gay thing is simply wrong; its the ass thing i cant get over.

  138. lesbians tend to just play with each other and any penetration they do involves dildos (even straight woman have dilodo`s tucked away somewhere in der room)BUT Gays are banging out each other from the ass? whats all that about?

  139. lesbians tend to just play with each other and any penetration they do involves dildos (even straight woman have dilodo`s tucked away somewhere in der room)BUT Gays are banging out each other from the ass? whats all that about?

  140. If u're proudly gay, y didn't u sign ur name?

  141. seeing nothing wrong in been a gay, I hope u gays will see nothing wrong when ur child brings home a pig or goat as his/her wife/hubby! Its sickening n revulsion!

  142. This guy dat wrote dis thing his mad,he is talking rubbish

  143. Bloody idiot! Shut up dat gutter u call a mouth. Mumu!shame unto u

  144. I hate em! Y? Its against the laws of nature! You don't see a shark fly like a bird because that is not what is designed to do! You cannot force a magnet to attract itself to a similar pole (+ +) not possible. How can a man see have a naked man and woman(also naked) and feel attracted to the man!? Mr Gay Man mind yourself o! I punch people like u in the face.

  145. You go T...I am behind you all the way...From another proudly gay man...

  146. It's true, two girls doing it is considered normal, why is the two men doing it causing a lot f controversy...I am not gay, but I noticed this and the issue should better be addressed.

    Martins onwochei

  147. May God almighty forgive you and touch all u gays and lesbians souls for repentance before its too late.

  148. Seening no wrong in been a gay, I hope u gays wil see nothing wrong if ur child brings home a goat or pig as his/her wife/hubby! Its sickening n revulsive!

  149. Gay is evil! Boko haram is better than gay! Gay need to be kill! They deserve death!

  150. seeing nothing wrong in been a gay, I hope u gays will see nothing wrong when ur child brings home a pig or goat as his/her wife/hubby! Its sickening n revulsion!

  151. Gay is worst act on earth! Infact boko haram is beta dan gay by just lukin at d picture u post dere it provoke me more! What make u to see sexy women God created 4 us and follow your fellow ugly man? Oh!! My God!!! Nigeria need to make this evil called gay death penalty offense.they need to be kill.Gay is unnature,unhuman,ritualists,evil,ugly,aborminable,atrosity,unearthly and is evil they deserve death

  152. Gay is worst act on earth! Infact boko haram is beta dan gay by just lukin at d picture u post dere it provoke me more! What make u to see sexy women God created 4 us and follow your fellow ugly man? Oh!! My God!!! Nigeria need to make this evil called gay death penalty offense.they need to be kill.Gay is unnature,unhuman,ritualists,evil,ugly,aborminable,atrosity,unearthly and is evil they deserve death

  153. I am not gay, I detest the the imagination of digging a fellow guy's butt where faeces comes out (ishh), however, I have no beef with what anyone decides to do in the confines of their home. I mean these people are adults and reserve the rights to live the way they want, what consensual adults do shouldn't be our knots to grind. I reckon that some of these critics should do some research about homosexuals and you will realize that most of them are born that way, just like we were born straight/heterosexuals. Most people say its against the bible abi Qur'an but them dey fornicate and commit adultery, now that's what its called hypocrisy okay. Personally, I don't think I can keep a friend who is gay, make man no go hypnotized me and dig my nyash one day, I no wan dey wear pampers biko. But lets let them be anyways. Lets Live and Let Life.

  154. @ August 25, 2013 at 12:56 AM u are an ignorant fool. Yes gay is bad, but how can u say book haram is better than gay. u dey craze. make bomb fire ur family let me see if u will survive the loose of not seeing them forever. some nigerians need to speak with sense, we cannot progress if we have people like these.

    Mr Proud gay, na ur life mehn no one cares, but all we know dont spread ur gayism to our kids unborn. stay within ur community abeg.

  155. they fucking don't scare me i just do not approve homosexuality. Be it man or woman being a fag is wrong wrong wrong

  156. From these comments I see nigerians can NOT come up with a CLEAR, CONCISE, LOGICAL Argument. Sad.

    The guy asked a simple question, all of you are going off tangent

  157. Dear Proud Gay Nigerian Man, I know that many people don't share this sentiment but I would like to apologize to you on behalf of heterosexual Nigerian men. Even though I don't think of myself as homophobic and I have never consciously disparaged any gay person, I realize now that there is a lot more that I could have done to encourage tolerance and propagate love instead of hate when people around me (friends and acquaintances alike) made spiteful and insensitive remarks about homosexuality without caring about its effect on those that had chosen to keep their sexuality hidden (knowing the consequences of being openly gay in a society like ours). That being said, I will try to address your question. Even though a lot of people say that it is against our culture or against biblical teachings, these are just some reasons for something they don't fully understand and which was in place before they ever picked up a bible or learned about culture (which funny enough isn't actually African culture but remnants of European and East Asian cultures that were transferred through missionaries and explorers). The main reason that Nigerian men are homophobic is that it is what they learned and how we have been socialized. This is all part of learned behaviour. We grew up under an atmosphere which thought of, and accepted only heterosexuality as "normal". Anything else was termed an aberration. Our parents and elders didn't understand homosexuality and rather than seek to understand, they classified it as deviant. Religion and culture were just tools that we used to try to justify and explain what we thought of as wrong. When you add this to the relatively low prevalence of homosexuality in most populations (estimates are about 5% of people), then you understand why it was relatively low risk for people to adopt this position. Most people that have a close family member or friend who is gay (and hence have had to take the time to understand and tolerate) will tell you that there is nothing abnormal about them. Children growing up don't instinctively abhor people with same-sex attractions. It is from society that they learn that they should. When you add all these to the fact that sexuality and sexual expression is the big open secret in our society, the taboo subject that parents don't want to discuss with their kids, that everybody wants to pretend doesn't exist but everybody is secretly doing (both ind outside marriage); and also some archaic concept about masculinity and what it means to be a "man", it starts to become clearer where most of the homophobia is coming from.

  158. Sorry, forgot to add- apologies for the long post but it is not an issue that is easily addressed without going into some detail.

  159. The worst act on earth is ignorance. The practice of ignorance should be punishable by sterilisation. This will hopefully prevent the flawed genes of idiosyncrasy from spreading onto the next generation. I pray for ignorance to be extinct in the near future I trust that in the event that idiot survives the sterilisation ,there will be a vaccine to cure it. I hate ignorant people they are fucking dead weight. Linda your blog is full of them , you need to fumigate.

  160. smh, most of u dat shout I hate gayz r d one doing it.begging 4 der holes 2 fck....awon ashi ereeee.....oloriburuku set of pple..

  161. Anon@1229. That is the truth of the matter. Wetin concern people with another person yansh. Abi u really want your yansh to be poked.

  162. since you asked for comments you will receive mine, its straight and exactly how I feel about faggots. yes I am homophobic and I'm a british-Nigerian currently living in the UK and I still don't buy into the warped Govt policy of supporting and encouraging faggots. I'm proud that my people in Nigeria are standing strong despite threats from the UK & USA Govts, homosexuality is not accepted in our culture or tradition and certainly not in our religions, especially not in christianity and of course you know that already but want us to turn a blind eye to it. homosexuality is a very abnormal relationship even when it is exhibited by animals(referred to as isogamy), it is only found in the lower forms of animals and its considered abnormal/rarer (e.g. in algae.yeast, chlamydomonas) The right order is male & female, that's why our sexual organs compliment each other, that's why opposite poles attract and like poles repel. Reproduction takes place naturally only between a man and a woman, if the world turns gay then the current human race won't last another 120 years, hence we can say that homosexuality in itself is a danger to human existence. When I hear faggots say they were born gay, that's the biggest lie from the pit of hell, that's like a paedophile saying he was born that way, both are abnormal sexual preferences, it's a lifestyle choice. I can go on and on, I am homophobic I won't lie, and in the UK they've tried to make those of us who are homophobic feel like we are the ones with the problem, it all stems from weak leadership and a silent war for acceptance and legitimacy by faggots. Leave Nigeria alone and take your demons with you.

  163. In as much as I wud ℓ♥√ to 2mine ma biz concerning another'sexuality,bt it morally very wrong for a guy 2f**** a guy n likewise d babes too.Christianity condems it n so does Islam.I don't know if there is another religion that welcomes it openly. Its total insanity,dooms day life style. Its a pity that people like Mr T allows themselves to be use by d devil. Homosexuilty is a bad habit that devlops over time.Just the other bad haits,its can be stoped.No one was born gay.I suggest d likes of mr T shd seek tharpy.

  164. I personally don't give a rats ass what people do behind close doors. I certainly do not have the time or hate resources to waste on irrelevant issues such as this. It is God dat will judge not you fools with your little minds

  165. Na wa o! So if you do not like the act how come you can describe it in details, abi you enjoy watching the porn and are fantasising about it. There is no such thing as half a fag. If you get turned on by the thought of it then you are Gay and no amount of extreme hate will cure you just embrace it and stop deceiving your self, because you are not deceiving anyone else, especially your sexually frustrated girlfriend.

  166. How can u say we should forget the Bible??? U have insulted us Christians... Yes we all sin but we strive towards perfection, the Holy Bible is supposed to be our standard as Christians... It is stated there clearly alongside other sins we commit but then sit down & think of the global & health-related implication of wot ur doing & then u'll realise that ur pitifully wrong.... Y'all just feel guilty about the crime...
    no one is a better crtic of U dan Urself... If ur conscience is pricking U abt it, u can still save urself...
    For those of U trying 2 act all westernized & matured, saying we should leave dem alone & dat we have better issues in d country... Let's fold our hands & Wait till a gay guy rapes ur little son tomorrow or a lesbian daughter deny U d joy of grand-children den u'll know we shld start helping dem out
    Think of d health-implication of men & young boyz wearing papers... Cancer is begining 2 have a cure but HIV/AIDS??? No & it'll never cos I feel its God's punishment to man.... Researchers all over the world aren't even coming close to discovery for the cure... All we hear is hw 2 slow down d virus but 2 kill it like oda virus??? Never... Y do U fink its like dat?
    D air pollution alone & hazard its causing in some countries should put us back into our moral shoes
    Dem Politians will pay for stealing from us... 1day there'll b a revolution... We'll demand accountability from our leaders & we'll get it
    Lastly... Dearest T... Don't let the devil win u over... Fight to d end... A Priest once said Marriage scares the devil, its a threat to him... Wot do u think makes u think u have a right to be gay???.... Just like everyoda sin... Its d devil in U...
    Try this: Reject dat devil in U & call on d blood of Jesus Christ 4 healing (if ur a christain) den watch ur life... Do it sincerely, & u'll turn back tomorrow to b a testimony against gay-/lesbian- hood
    #pls read & think abt dis#
    Just saying
    Pls Linda Post this comment cos every1 will benefit & am a 1st time commentator

  167. Look at you idiots. The Bible also says that premarital sex is forbidden yet how many fo you still seek the pleasures of the flesh from your UNMARRIED lovers. Sin is Sin. You cannot pick and choose what to obey.

  168. Look at you idiots. The Bible also says that premarital sex is forbidden yet how many fo you still seek the pleasures of the flesh from your UNMARRIED lovers. Sin is Sin. You cannot pick and choose what to obey.

  169. E be like say una don dey get mouth these day abi? Believe me am going to be on your cases, gay too dey get mouth, na only your name I need for naija, then you go turn to SUYA, mean wet in God send me come do be day, so watch it all guys out there!

  170. Biko 1st ask God why he decided to destroy Sodom nd Gomorrah... Nonsense na Devil posses u

  171. Biko 1st ask God why he decided to destroy Sodom nd Gomorrah... Nonsense na Devil posses u



    1 Corinthians 6:9-11
    New International Version (NIV)
    9 Or DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT WRONGDOERS WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD? DO NOT BE DECEIVED: NEITHER THE SEXUALLY IMMORAL nor idolaters nor adulterers NOR MEN WHO HAVE SEX WITH MEN[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
    John 6:37 All those the Father gives me will come to me, and WHOEVER COMES TO ME I WILL NEVER DRIVE AWAY.


    Leviticus 20:13 IF A MAN ALSO LIE WITH MANKIND, AS HE LIETH WITH A WOMAN, BOTH OF THEM HAVE COMMITTED AN ABOMINATION: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

    1 Corinthians 6:9-11
    New International Version (NIV)
    9 Or DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT WRONGDOERS WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD? DO NOT BE DECEIVED: NEITHER THE SEXUALLY IMMORAL nor idolaters nor adulterers NOR MEN WHO HAVE SEX WITH MEN[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
    John 6:37 All those the Father gives me will come to me, and WHOEVER COMES TO ME I WILL NEVER DRIVE AWAY.


  174. what is soo amusing to me is are sooo quick to claim the superior sex and be put on such a high pedestal ...but you forget those that are put on high pedestals, alot is required of them and this is not an exception ,a lot is expected of a man that the idea of you being gay will definitely be hard for people to accept ...and that is why it erks alot of people.
    just like women leave with the ego and the mentality that we are the inferior sex.( WE CANT MAKE THAT EQUAL)
    gay men you gatss live with being the inferior homosexual sex (WE ALSO CANT MAKE THIS EQUAL ) if that makes sense OJORO CANCEL OJORO

  175. im not a homophobic person ..i have alot of openly gay friends...but at the same time im a christian soo when it comes to details about the act my friends respect me enough to keep me out of it...
    but im not sure if im a christians im supposed to be in support

  176. T has forgotten that a lot of Nigerian men were molested by closeted gay men. I went to an all boys high sch and a SS1 dude attempted that ish with me when I was in JS1. Omo I ran from that devil and threatened his life. After that he tried to constantly punish me. So yes I have my reservations when it comes to gay men but since I live where I've gotten to know a few. They don't bug me.
    P.S.: question to affeminate gay men - can't U be gay and still act manly? I've never understood the overly flambouyant homos (not meant to be derougutory). LoL

  177. The guy just wants to read your comments so he would know if he can still remain in the closets....homo is wrong all the same, may God have mercy for our sins. Amen.

  178. Its a medical condition and u can get help. I also think dere's an evil spirit behind it all. Personally, i fear for all dem poor ladies dat wud end up married to all dis gay men,dats torture & poor str8 guys who r @ risk of being gang raped. Choi! Olorun Maje! *running to pray*

  179. Firstly, its completely against the course of nature. Even animals dont do this. A He-goat will never go for a He-goat...never.
    You wouldnt have been in existence if your father fell in love with the aboki on your wat the fuck...Forgive my french but its really shocking that pep try to justify this foolishness.
    The problem with man is that he always tries to justified every wrong act even the most forbidden act ever. This is the Adamic nature of man. Even when Eve ate the fruit in the Bible after being commanded not the eat it...she had a reason to justifiy her eating it ( it was the devil..smh)...instead accepting the wrong and begging for forgiveness.
    At the rate we are going we will soon be men don decide to marry how will pregnancy and childbirth come about????? Okkkkkk I guess science has a solution...mumu pep...continue to wallow in inquity and ignorance called westernizaton,science etc...

    One day be one day...

  180. Homosexuality should not be accepted in our society just becos the obama and western world have suddenly embrace it over night.we must respect our culture as a people and our society recognize God as the supreme but never the less i am against physical assault or hate on gays, they must not be treated as lesser human being neither must we take the laws into our hands if we caught any. government should setup councelling centers for them. finally, i there should not be gender discrimination, the law attracts same punishment to lesbianism and homosexuality, therefore both should be viewed and treated as the same.God condemn both and these pple should seek help.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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