Is the new Nigerian law promoting paedophilia? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 18 July 2013

Is the new Nigerian law promoting paedophilia?

Here's how it happened. The Nigerian senate on Tuesday July 16th pegged the official marriage age in Nigeria as 18 years when they amended the constitution. Then Former Zamfara Governor, now Senator, Sani Yerima, who married a 13 year old Egyptian girl in 2010, opposed the age restrictions saying it was anti-islam. For some reason the Senate agreed with him and made an about turn.

The Senate has now deleted the age specification from the new constitution, leaving marriage age for women open. They stated that 'a woman is deemed to be “full of age” once she is married irrespective of the age she did so.'

So basically, this new law allows the marriage of under aged girls. What's your thoughts on this?


  1. Seriously this Nigerian lawmakers and leaders get me exasperated over and over, its really frustrating, you go after consenting adults and give them 14 years imprisonment yet you give our female children freely to pedophiles! Lucky am not God cos I wouldn't waste time wiping them off the face of the earth cos they are totally useless

    1. God bless u,U ve said it all

    2. I guess the world is indeed coming to an end

    3. Annoying set of people. I fear the future of dis con3..tmrw y'all are free to continue frm wia river house stop cos dah is the best u guys can do

    4. God bless that fellow, ᶥᵗˢ because †ђξ fool i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ now α senator that's why they Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ supporting him....

    5. So if a 9 year old is forcefully married, the constitution wil say she's full of age, right? These senators are wicked.

    6. Na wa oo
      anyways for your fashion updates visit

    7. God bless you well re on point...dey re very lucky dat I'm not God.....#set of stupid people

    8. Instead of tackling serious issues in the country, this is what our so called lawmakers are sitting for. Mcheeeww

  2. This is insane I hope our human rights activist are going to stand up against this nonsense what kind of a country is this for Christ sake. Gosh the law is sick nothing to protect us women n all they bother about is Brazilian hair n clothes some idiots are promoting rape n all sought of madness we need to stand up against this madness and the sad part of this is the masses will always suffer. So some dude rapes a girl n claims in court he wants to marry her that's why he had sex with her n she's probably 8 years old come on that's so not cool#justiceforwomen#

    1. We will fight against it! You can be part of it by signing a petition to the legislator representing your constituency. An uneducated mother stands a greater risk of domestic violence, rape and diseases like HIV/AIDS,VVF etc. We can't accept this.

  3. My thought is that love is pain whether under age or over age!Stay away from it.

    1. Am not suprised u re forensic brain.

    2. Hehehehehe seriously forensic brain

    3. When people are discussing important issues dis forensic man wud be talkin shit.grow up

  4. Replies
    1. Get lost idiot

    2. Mkaysays: may God 4giv u,smh

    3. Lanre! Dis is Mark btw! I've always know you're a fool! And a pedophile

  5. So na bcos of one mumu senator dem do about turn, abeg our government na nonsence, mumu people abegiii


    1. Right said. Amen, God punish dem all starting fron that useless old fool, david mark

  7. Completely stupid!this just shows that our constitution does not promote rule of law and law supremacy. The law was affected by one randy man(Yerima)who commited a classic case of "child abuse". That young child has lost her childhood as it is and for heaven's sake,when will people learn that female children who start having sex at such an early stage are prone to having vaginal issues and reproductive complications as their organs were not fully developed! The sooner we fight these misdemeanours,the better for us. Linda please post this,thanks.

  8. Dix is rili wrng,if a gal isint allowed to vote up until she turns 18,y den shld she get married before den,daammm Nigeria!! Diz Muslims rili nid to b cut off

    1. THANK YOU!!!!! A 13 year old is NOT ok to vote but become a married women and mother? SAD!

  9. no be mouth protest from both men and women in nigeria who care about their daughters and sisters .anybody can now marry and sleep with a girl child from you family and get away with it because there is nothing the law can do about it.

  10. the nigerian senators are not serious at all. instead of working on how the country will move foward they are busy trying to cover up their nefarious acts of marrying small girls

  11. Replies
    1. Do γφυ have sense @ all?? I guess γφυ Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ among those "uncles" that chases and rapes toddlers...Ɣ☺U̶̲̥̅̊R end i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ imminent...

    2. Idiot fool rapist pedophile .you can't tink wit ur brain.olodo.

    3. Hahahahahahaaahahahahah,can't stop laffn @nydraps am 99.9% sure u misunderstood him! i think from my point of view he's happy at d previous comments! Bt if na pedophile Thunder Fire am den! #Islam_i_hail_thee!

  12. This Is Madness! 9ja they just literally promoting child abuse

  13. Our Senators led by Senator David Mark are bunch of disappointed double tongue felons. tomorrow they will have a guy idiot on the house who will oppose the gay law and they cannot be able to stand their ground and make a categorical statement for the progress of the nation. it is a shame on them. I hope their daughters will all marry at 9.

  14. May God protect my future daughters from stupid men who will not mind their age! And may God also give my future sons wisdom to marry women who have truly come of age #NoPaedophile

  15. Useful Citizen18 July 2013 at 16:41

    Could some cultists start using there guns wisely? We nid to start gunning dis niggas! Lyk WTF?

    1. Men!!!!!!!!!!!! U got me cracking up. But that's a real fact though. But the sad part is that these dudes are underdogs for these senators

    2. Yea bro, nid to axe some bastards out ☀̤̣̈̇f †ђξ face ☀̤̣̈̇f †ђξ earth...

  16. Apparently, the Nigerian child doesn't have a fundamental human right. I guess very soon stupid parents will sell their daughters to the highest bidder. #IweepforNigeria

  17. This is rubbish,d new law will bring about child abuse nw even kids of 10-15 will be force into gettn married,we need God intervention.

  18. This is rubbish,d new law will bring about child abuse nw even kids of 10-15 will be force into gettn married,we need God intervention.

  19. As much as that sugests paedophilia, we should not overlook the fact that the constitution to a large extent stems from culture. There also has to be some level of concent before a girl is married off.

  20. please i am happy to drop all to march against this, any one else interested , let us stop this YERIMA LAW MUST GO


  22. The new law is anti- Christianity. So are they now turning it to a religious issue? We must all say NO. Get involved. Some 13 year old girls haven't even started menstruating. Ah law makers fear God

  23. Bastards cause it suits their penis so why d hell should the ban same sex marriage bunch of hypocrites

  24. What do you expect when you elect thoughtless people to make laws for you!

  25. Linda am going to send this to channels it needs to be debated on. Because our constitution shld not be under religion or tradition!!! Nigeria is a circular state and so no body's religion shld decide the way things shld be.
    You will see now o! Stupid cursed men will capitalize on this now to ruin the life of little girls. So now when anyone is caught with an under age he will say "I wan marry am" =)) laffing but annoying

    1. Thank you!!! U just hit the nail on the head. However they think Nigerians are stupid and act by what a fool says is anti-Islam from a state he made backwards

  26. They have left the door open for paedophiles all over the world. With any luck, their daughters ONLY will be the victims!

    Nigerian citizens, International Human Rights and Civil Liberties organizations, please STAND THE HELL UP FOR THE NIGERIAN FEMALE CHILD!

  27. I am completely outraged on what they are on about.

    Marriage is for matured people not children.

    Divorce is already escalating amongst adults. Have they forgotten young girls die during delivery? Fact that you have to mature bother mind and body to engage in it.

    Complete idiots!!!!

  28. Hnmm ........ I just wish one of dia under Age daughter wld b impregnated n d guy responsible wld wnt to marry her too ; so maybe dey will know wht they did is a complete diasaster.

  29. paedophiles and perverts hiding under the cloak of religion!

  30. paedophiles and perverts hiding under the cloak of religion!

  31. Shame on Nigeria,when the imbeciles are there making d law.disgusting people

  32. Trash!!! Dats my opinion! Hw can a normal human in his ryt senses approve of such LAW!!! SMH 4 my nation Nigeria

  33. Haha.. this is the problem i have about double faced Nigerians....
    You want to sentence Gay people to prison or death if you have your way...

    But you feel at ease that a minor, infant, child, etc.. should marry a man old enough to be her great grandad.

    No to Gays. but Yes to fucking paedophiles eh?

  34. Na waa for dese lawmakers in Nigeria. Y do dey wanna steal nd deprive d female child of her chilhood, making her woman b4 she evn undastands wat being a girl is. Now more girls Ԅ vulnerable to d wiles of dese evil men. D so called man who married dat young wld also av female children but ll neva allow her to b married of @ dat age but went ahead to spoil d girl's life bcos her parents Ԅ not recognised. I just commit my unborn children into God's hands cos I fear to think wat dis country is turnin to.

  35. If their religion allows them marry a child at any age no problem but I think the law should state a reasonable and safe age for the husbands to start having sex with them. I'm imagining an old man trying to experiment how far he can go on an 8yr old girl because well the law doesn't say he can't. Obviously that means forcing himself on her. I lost my virginity at 21 and the whole process freaked me out even though I knew what I was getting into, not to talk of being 13 or less. The parents too na wa for them

  36. Its too too bad the way things are going on in this country.may GOD bless nigeria and give our leaders a wise and good understanding to lead us well,Amen.

  37. Soon dey'll be advocating 4 anoda B.S law!!!! All dem lawmakers shud be lined up & shot in ascending order!!!!! Fucking retards! Making life more difficult 4 us gals/women! Rendering us impotent b4 d law..... A law dat doesn't protect dia woman folks should be aborted as a stupid law!! #justsaying

  38. Hopefully the military will return soon and wipe these idiots out.

  39. So which means u can marry a girl of 5years and take her home then have sex with her???? The men who practice this and law makers are all sick and they will all die an untimely death. Very soon they would ok RAPE. I hate this country. Mj

  40. The senator has a point. They can't allow islamic religion in d country and den put up laws dat disallows their religion. It'll be better if d rule was ammended n christian girls be suitable for marriage from 18. Any mother that doesn't want to give their child out to a paedophile shuld switch over to christianity. #MyOpinion

    1. You have a point

    2. your kidding right???? the Nigerian constitution isn't made on any freaking religion or tribe. the law over rules any law from any religion if it goes against human rights..... my dear, what is wrong is wrong, islam or not. ok then, since we accommodating islam laws, lets also adhere to what Christians wants; lets get rid of all idol worshippers (traditional worshippers) and muslims..... you cannot bend the rule to suit a freaking religion. we are not operating under sharia law. and btw, we are getting there, now they've legalised under age marriage, very soon they would start talking about little girls not going to school. open your eyes!!!!! there is no excuse to this stupid law....*that girl

  41. Someone_Special18 July 2013 at 17:20

    This is because they are trying to "islamize" the country. This law means there is nothing like underage sex and this will them full right to take advantage of children without any guilt.
    Where are the "so-called" women organisations in this? This law must be reversed.

  42. Yerima is sick. Ideally in a sane country,he shud be in a mental institution but in a country like nigeria, he is a senator.

  43. Is it only about marriage? So, that pastor who slept with a 15 year old girl did no wrong in the eyes of the law as long as she consented. Are we ok in this country?S.H.A.M.E.

    1. Did the pastor did the right thing by sleeping wt 15yr old? are u mad,can u give out ur daughter of 13 year old to marry a man of 50,hypocrites

    2. "Do" not "Did".....berra go back to school..

  44. Our religion permits us to marry a girl of any age. Sure say no be bif dey worry una wey dey oppose early marriage?

    1. Olodo.beef? A little girl puts ha trust in you and all you can do is to take advantage of ha?.instead of us to be thinking of how to educate the girl child , ur talking of beef? Have you hed of vvf before? No you are to dumb to bend down to are the problem of dis country

    2. Daz sickness talking in u! Wat religion is dt? So u cn marry a 2yr old? Ode oshi! Well as long as its d muslims dt are marrying and marrying yawa...make una kip ur hands off d christain babies....let dem grow first!

    3. Idiot.lida if you don't post my comment,eh

  45. Dis northerna are sick perverts what is wrong wit dis country u sent two grown ups to jail because they want to b together yet u aproved such sick law dat allows child abused. God come down and wipe dis sick people off d face of d earth.

  46. Dis is really sick! Other countries r movin 4ward n we've just set ourselves back a thousand yrs just cos sm fool has decided 2 use religion 2 cover up his pedophilia. Hw can d age of attaining majority b 18 or 21 in all cases except in d most important (marriage or sexual liasons). Dats just wrong on so many levels. So accordin 2 dis law a 5yr old can b given out in marriage! Dats disgustingly sick!!!! N these fuckers put up a law jailin 2 consenting ADULTS engaging in "gay" sex. We hv issues in dis country oh! We r being ruled by pigs!

  47. This is rily appalling & disgusting. I laugh... Wot a shame... Getting married 2 babies.Hmmmmmm! Instead of dese so called leaders 2 look into disturbing issues affecting our nation,such as boko haram,kidnapping,ASUU Strike etc, wot dey re interested in is abomination tins such as getting married 2 babies,legalising gay marriages etc. LORD HAVE MERCY ON US.

  48. The Thailand of Africa. Only a matter of time before the sex tourists pour in looking to legitimize their sick perversions by marrying your children.

  49. Lame dweebs(both the rulers and the ruled)....if we are as hurt as we claim to be,let's stage a protest.
    These days everyone is an activist on social media,whatever happened to storming the streets and exercising our rights and freedom to protest?
    Won't be long before these self-centered fucktards who call thesmselves leaders run this nation to the ground.

  50. if they come near my daughters i go tear them you into piece Bastards Ashawos

  51. I dn't knw what to say, bcus d constitution will not go anywhere. Nigeria senators dn't knw what to do n the house of Respe is only strong wan it comes to President Goodluck matter....

  52. Linda if u dont post this comment you are in support of this.

    ISLAM!!! Why are all muslims the same. I supposed this was accepted because of the majority of Muslims in that house. I feel ashamed for my country.

    How can any reasonable person in his right senses in this 21th century do something like this. And later I'd hear one fool say Islam is a religion of peace.

    Well this is what I have to say. Islam does not promote peace, it hates women, it sees women as second class citizens (or much worse), and all we have are a bounce of confused bigots turning their so called religion into an eye irritant.

    And please if I may ask, since when did chriatians not matter in this country. Very soon they will say all women in Nigeria should wear that stupid rubbish they wear on their heads and these pot-bellied bastards will assent to it.

    In as much as I am concerned they should not generalize this obnoxious law. It should remain applicable to those that still want to tie themselves to this joke called Islam.

    Just take a good look at all the nations were we have Muslims, there can never be peace. Its either they are bombing children, or killing women, or killing christians. They can never seem to get anything right. Now Nigeria is at the verge of joining this madness.

    I am ready for all those pedophiles on this blog to reply me and state to the contrary on what I have said. If you what facts I will give it to u. Look at malala from Pakistan ( the girl shot in the head by extrimists on her way from school), look nsiri ali from somalia (who was a girl forced into marriage by her father on this same basis, she ran away and later became a parliamentarian in the Netherlands). I can go on and on.

    Shame to all those who voted in support of this.

    Linda if u don't post this comment you lack respect for your gender. The only way to stop this is to speak out and we are doing so. So don't stop me.

    1. @ patalex, God bless γφυ ♍Ɣ dear, let God strike †ђξ mouth ☀̤̣̈̇f any idiot that will insult γφυ....

    2. God purnish both of you. Ignorant fools. Get ur facts straight,this is not allowed in islam. Its not a religious thng, this is about nigeria and her selfish lawmakers. I'm not even a muslim but I am educated. The rights of a womman under islam is far better than any given to a woman in the whole world, they are truly first class citizens in their own world, do some research, u r too intelligent for lame points like this. And oh! God will strike ur mouth 1st. MtscheWww. Ewu namibia

    3. @palatex, I dnt mean to curse or oppose you,but if I may ask why are we only social media activists, what has happen to street protests, and where are the civil liberty organisations and the pro-women's rights organisations? Words alone will not change anything about the said devilish law,if we only bark on social medias and don't move a foot abt it we're hypocrites so let the msg go round, both on BBM,facebook,twitter etc, well meaning nigerians should stand on their feet against this recent law, cause if you ask me it's coming straight from the pit of hell.

  53. Dis is not accepted in islam,dis ppl are seriuosly insane.

    1. Are u sure u are a muslim??stupid fool!!!dis is wot u pple do so shut the hell up!!

  54. The senate just empowered the predators, it's very shameful

  55. Hw can We Nigerianz grow wen Dey change constitution cos of a stupid senator.if itz abt same sex they will sey 14yrz,this wea it al startz frm.look d rate of gays nd lesb u wil kw itz d muslimz that do it dis muslim senatorz dia kidz dont get married @†ђA̶̲̥̅† age oooo.SATAN wil punish dem al.linda post ma comment o

  56. Dis is madness

  57. This is wrong plain n simple. Every country in the world has an age for accountability which is usually 18. But with this law it means a child is no longer a child. Even Saudi Arabia has age barriers. No no no.
    Something has to be done our female children are in trouble. Lord help us.

  58. Just shameful

  59. Ds s total rubbish. Wat kind of useless,stupid n nonsense law is ds? Ds nigerian leaders r turning in2 smth else.. Jesus christ

  60. You dey mind all this old fools.young girls and people wives no do for them again,na small children be there fancy now?na God go deal with them accordingly.

  61. Its just nonesense bunch of usless people since wen do we use islam as d yard stick for our country's constitution? Really some people shuld be animals. How can they eventhink of such rubbish

  62. This is the height of it!!! Nigeria has lost her way cos of blind government. Only God can save this country of mine. I can't wait to have all the power and resourses i need to stand, speak and defend women!!!

  63. Since Nigeria is not an islamic country, the rule of 13 years maturity for marriage should not apply!

  64. Dis is insanity!! Come to fink of it. Just becos of a senator wrong doing d law was changed to suit him?? Is d house or law nt meant to put pple in order? Is it meant to cause more harm than good? Y wasn't he corrected? He is a leader and by so be an example to others.. and d law wasn't supposed to be changed to suit anyone rather to put us on check. Dat yerima guy is suppose to cover is face in shame cos he actually committed a crime.dat is Child abuse for christ sake!. Meaning child abuse is d new kool,Omg! Wat is nigeria turning into? Can't bliv dis! Post ma comments.*angry much*

  65. Dis northern people want to spoil this country because of their ignorance they misinterpreted Quran all the time, don't know why we are still together,I think it would be better if we divide and all dos female senators sat down there doing nothing,we seriously need God's help!

  66. Anon4:33,y are u so dum'dz z no religoius issues

  67. I do not see any need for the amendment of the constitution anymore since it will be half-and-half. What did the women in the National Assembly do?

  68. Ok! So, the female members just sat down watching! Women empowerment????!!!!!

  69. Omg!!!! This is pure madness!!!!!!! This is evil. Period. This will only Create room for CHILD abuse and all sorts of health issues related with CHILD pregnancy. This is NOT the gat-damn middle east where the women are worth less than slaves. Damn, this is heart breaking :(

  70. Obviously, Senator Yerima is sick in the head and those Senators that supported his motion or 'sit on the fence' on this issue are equally as sick as he is. This isn't just right. So, I can marry my neighbour, Iya Basira's new born baby girl and defile her, even that I know she will die, and the law will cant find me quilty simply because marriage age of women is open. God punish those law makers for Abuja.

  71. Mkaysays: dis is sick perverted and abnormal,so u mean dis senators sat down and decided d@ stealing a childs childhood is ok? Irrespective of dier nationality or religion, peodophilia is disgusting and shameful and diz useless senators has just givin perverts just cause to indulge in dis wicked acts. Smh

  72. But when two consenting ADULTS want to marry you give them 14 years? Shows nigeria's priority and they have the guts to call one sin and not the other?

  73. As Nigerians we accept any and everything thrown at us that's why our leaders only make laws that favor them and their immediate families when they assume leadership positions.

  74. The painful thing here is wid d current Nig population,many ppl are suffering.Over populatn/Rural urban migratn is bastardizing us.Yet,the ogas at the top has stored our money in their refridgerator.
    I tot they've made ''rigid laws" against homosexuals,ritualists or boko ppl..àwòn oloriburuku oshii

  75. This is the reason y they don't want their female children or any female for that matter to be enlightened!They r telling us all to take up arms cos any man who wants to marry my underage daughter will v to prove to me dat his skull is stronger dan lead.....and I'l get away wiv it too...we'l find a way to justify a crazed mother pumpin a bastard full of lead......
    Randy bastards tinkn wiv their boneless muscles only!!!May God protect all women#really sad,seriously!

  76. You wey de say "Whuz ur bizness?", don't try it in southern nigeria or they will beat the devil out of you. Mugu

  77. this is rubbish!...under aged marriage which will eventually lead to early sex can cause serious complications and can even cause cervical might even cause human papiloma virus...mehn this is child abuse..

  78. Nigerian lawmakers are glorified AGBEROS! Very shameful and sad!


  80. This is wrong.

  81. Its none of M̶̲̥̅̊y dem sabi! D only tin wey I knw b say none of mi relatives wil marry an under_aged!

  82. When u hav a dysfunctional youth, u'd end up wit a dysfunctional leadership.

    When u allow greed, tribalism, brodahud, religion, sentiments, indifference, corruption, mediocrity, etc as opposed to meritocracy, competence, honour, diligence, probity, etc, to determine d tides of political participation and election....d effects will not only dislodge ur primary political entitlement, but will also invade ur culture, values and self-identity.

    As bad as it is, l must say, I'm not surprised. Wen u carefully check d pedigree of d human beings dat occupy d national hallow chambers, u'd simply down-step ur expectations so dat such issues such as dis will no longer shock u. If u check out d way n manner d current PIB is bein rubbised with unnecessary amendments, d damagd FOI, constitutional amendments, etc....u'd undastand d angle I'm comin from....l will not b surprised if dia comes an Act 2moro specifying wen to speak, how many words, to who and on wot occassion.

  83. Ewwww... These guys are sick, with their sick brains. How can they think of having sex with a 13yr old kid

  84. Are you kidding me?? Please someone should confirm this!!!

  85. I keep praying for a better Nigeria,but some wolves just sit there in total darkness and make incongruent laws basically with their insect brains! Do they have any idea what this is gon' do to young girls?! We gon' have a lot of VVF cases in d country considering d fact that so many of the soon-to-be married girls are under aged! I'm pretty sure I have an idea of 'why' they had to make this decision....just so they don't incite trouble! I mean,what harm could befall this country that hasn't already? What's the worst that could actually happen?! Are we moving forward or backward?! God have mercy!

  86. Omg! I can't believe what I just read! So because of one senator d whole young gairls I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ Nigeria should suffer? Women should rise up against this injustice on us all. 18yrs should b added as d right age for marriage under 18 should be under aged. Pls Linda use Ʊя̲̅ blog 2 help girls/women on this. Thanks

  87. Dese ppl need to be sentenced to death by hanging, bcos dis is just in humane or is it unawareness of the dangers involved? I wonder! It is well with Nigeria!

  88. Talk about the hypocracy in this country, first a homosexual is sentenced to 14years in prison, yet a sick perverted pedophile is allowed to marry a child. Wow nigerian "we hail thee", full of sexual deviants. Don't worry the end shall tell, what goes up must surely come down.

  89. There's nothing bad here even though it might seem so. The law allowing women to expose their breast in public in the USA (can't remember the state) is more absurd than this if you think it is

  90. It's absolutely non-sense. The fact that the known paedophilic Senator that goes by the name Yerima can mesmerise our senators and force them to rescind a decision they had already taken goes to show that many of them are ignorant and are not representing anybody but themselves only. This is a senator that ought to be in jail by now if he was in the United States or some country that protect the rights of their citizens. And now, he is being a judge in his own cause. What a shameless country we are in? With Jonathan at the top more wonders are yet to come.


  91. @ Patalex...... l undastand ur grieviance and ur hunger to mak a change by ur voice. However, do undastand dat woteva religion u choose to subscribe to is entirely a choic dat has to b respected.

    Let me now sound a caveat dat I'm a Christian, a stunch Catholic at dat. But if u hav indeed, bn meticulous enof to check compare d Qu'ran and d Bible, u'd realise dat it will appear d only better stand we hav as christians is Jesus Christ in his Ministry of d New Testament. Most of d quran seems to b lik d Old Testament, wia "an eye is paid 4 by anoda eye". But dia is no real emphasis on dis.

    Further, my research on Islam reveals dat, just lik Christianity, it is not so much dat d religion advocates violence, it is much dat several of its adherents do not undastand it. For eg, d average undastandin of a Nigerian muslim abt Jihad is not d Quranic meanin thereto. Dia is nowhere in d Quran dat 17virgins are promised to warriors of jihad. No, not at all. Un4tunately, jst as many pastors giv dia own meanin or interpretation of d bible jst to further dia materialistic and quest for fam n power ambitions, so have oda islamic leaders n adherents done same in islam for political, religious and financial concerns.

    But den, we will not condemn Christianity simply cos som of its followers are ritualists, fake pastors, adulterers, armd robbers, bad leaders, fornicators, etc. Similarly, we will not condemn islam cos of d dysfunctional understandin of its adherents. D only bigger problem there is dat muslim children are indoctrinated into dis dysfunctional thought.

    Dia4, l think our challenge is wit d adherents n followers, not d religion itself. My humble appeal dia4 is dat, in d interest of tolerance, maturity and understanding, address d issues properly. If not, ur attempt at makin a case for Women Rights and against Paedophilia may simply toe a line of Anti-Islamic arguments, which l knw u did not intend. Thank U 4 reading.

    ....F.C. Nozua writes....

  92. this guys called lawmakers are bunch of bastards.....

  93. because one of the senator have already married to 13yrs girl and they tried to stop it, the man as wise as he is called them anti Muslim all of them now accept foolish those Christian senators, but is hard to put law against looting of our country money, useless people, so right now if any mad man dis virgin a girl of 10yrs now, and it come out to cost problem he will now say that he will marry her, according to the country law no body will challenge the person, chaii we don finish here, this man no dey shame at all, let wait and see very soon the law of if u fail for somebody's wife and u want to marry her, u will go ahead and carry the woman

  94. Child abuse! UNICEF shd help!
    ~D great anonymous!

  95. Did they get there through our votes? Answer=No!

  96. Did they get there through our votes? Answer=No!

  97. Haba!!'s wrong now.anyways,there's an obvious reason for this.

  98. Absolutely sad.

  99. sum elders re jst z child abuse

  100. What kind of law is this. God will save our children

  101. naija senators ar all mad people

  102. Nigeria is an Islamic state whether we like it or not. Any law that is against the tenets of any religion that has enough law makers in the national assembly should not be passed.

    More Christians should run for office and propose laws that preserves their faith.

  103. please Nigerian let the hole world know what happen in your country because this is against human rights.

    please start a campain with

    Please start there the world will know and the president will have much problems because this law is against girls the next law that they want is that they say every muslim woman must be circumsized.

    That is the only way that this law gets known all over the world.

    please don't wait start it

  104. The state assemblies should decided state by state what marriage age should be. Let the abokis keep on marrying 9 year old children becuase its islamic.

  105. We're screwed in this country. #Pray for Nigeria

  106. Bunch of clueless, shameless irresponsible people sit together to pass a law.

    What a shame.

  107. I can't believe that instead of penalizing that man for his paedophilia our 'legislature' not only permits it but legalizes it WITHIN OUR CONSTITUTION! We need to take back this country from the farm animals running it. Ridiculous!

  108. It is not against Islam you illiterate monster! Nowhere in the Koran did Mohammed say people should marry babies. On top of that the Nigerian legal system does not recognize the rape of wives. So in essence, this new Constitution is turning a blind eye and passively permitting children to be forced into marriages they are neither physically able to manage to be raped by their husbands for the rest of their lives or until he tires of them and divorces them for an even younger baby. This is pathetic.

  109. i wonder if we have reasonable pple in that senate. I weep for our country Nigeria bcos we lack law-makers. I pray that God will deliver us from the hands of this lawless pple call senators.

  110. these pricks and their so called ceremonial prsdnt are on their way to legalizing gay marriage in dis country.

  111. Hiding behind religion to perpetrate evil! Yerima is a pervert and a paedophile simple and short! Nigeria backward ever forward never! Brings to mind 'the future impossible tense' gibe

  112. This is african!!!marry an infant ur saint paul!have sex with someone you go to jail!!!Nigeria is a lawless nation...NAsS members are bunch of noisy dogs!!this low can only work in the northern part of 9ja!! Will any one sue me if I don't give out my kid to one old dog of a man??Why can't u guys take same bold step u took in criminalizing same sex???shame on u dogs!! Islam u've turn humans to dog!!ur an epidemic to humanity!

  113. question is will any of the law makers allow their daughters to marry at 13or lower. they need to address that issue.s

  114. I guess it's left for our parents to dictate when their daughter gets married.

  115. When I say Nigeria is the worst country to live as a female, people laugh at me. Okay!

  116. Aunty Linda, you asked what our thoughts are without sharing your own thoughts. So you want make we finish them for you or make our mouth put us for trouble abi... Lol.
    Well, seriously this doesn't suprise me. I keep telling people it's just a matter of time before same sex marriage is passed into law. "A chameleon might change it's skin into different colors but it will still remain an Animal"

  117. i think they all need prayers.

  118. PERVERTS is what they all are!!!

  119. For those of you using the word Paedophilia: #dictionary definition#, Abnormal sexual attraction to children.
    The Senate deliberated on the marriageable age of girls for any age even under 18, NOT ABNORMAL SEXUAL ATTRACTION TO CHILDREN. Don't get it twisted. As usual our fingers itch to comment and we soothe them too quickly on our keyboards without thinking. Deliberate on this:
    1) The women in the Senate are more than 30, none of them have protested against the bill. What will you now call them, selfish sluts? Is Tinubu's wife not one of them?
    2) The Christians talking about this, ask yourselves: how old was the Virgin Mary when she got married to Joseph? How old was The Virgin Mary when she gave birth to Our Lord Jesus Christ? 18? Are you sure? Historical Tradition puts her age at below 16 when she had Jesus Christ. Go do your research on that.
    In our culture we know very well that when it comes to marriage there is a level of discretion and acceptance by families and immediate society, no matter the ages of the couples. A relationship is tolerated only when it is consummated in a legally accepted union. Ask your parents about their family history and y'all be shocked to know that most of your grand/great grand parents married even at the age of 9 years! Paedophillia is a crime anywhere in the world, but PLEEEEEAAAASSEE, the Senate didn't sanction that. Get your facts right.

  120. despit all d rubish dey say or do parents hav a biger role 2 play on dis cos dey wil decide wen der daughters wil mary' cos u cnt force sombdy 2 marraig witout d parents concentin 2 it

  121. despit all d rubish dey say or do parents hav a biger role 2 play on dis cos dey wil decide wen der daughters wil mary' cos u cnt force sombdy 2 marraig witout d parents concentin 2 it

  122. Thank u God,I can sleesp with dat 13 yr old girl in my area,and nothing will happen.So all una parent watch out.No case!!

  123. Nigeria leaders are retard

  124. wetin all dos yeye female senators dey do there?I said it and will say it,Nigeria is Sick!!

  125. smh for Nigeria,so it has reach dis stage eh?? may God hlp Nigeria

  126. In supporting this bill I refer to the total collapse of sexual dignity in our schools. The young people therein ar continously engaging in sex without being married.This bill will curb tat

  127. Nature gave women short period of fertility. By 45 a woman cannot except by miracle conceive. Nature it is that is saying women should marry early,not men. Look around you,fertility clinics everywhere bcos some unknowledgeable people are marrying women way above menopause. For the Africans the essence of marriage is child bearing,love or no love ,that is why we reject homosexualism

  128. just because of one man they all left the right thing for selfish reasons

  129. Ewooooo!!!!!!!!!! Men of God where una dey oooooo. God still answers prayers abi PASTORS please table this mata. Prophet TB Joshua your visons and prayers let us see the impact. Right standing islamic clerics don't be blinded by material things!!!! Traditionalists Ogun, Sango, Amadioha please strike these pple. NIGERIA IS ONE OF THE MOST RELIGIOUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD!!! What is happening. Afterall GOD is still alive like the days of Elijah

  130. If that's the case then they shld also legalize rituals cause idol worshippers religion permits it too.

  131. What do you expect from a bunch of DOUCHE BAGS called Nigerian law makers! As long as Naija has a bunch like these making decisions like this then Naija is in some deep CACA!!

  132. Nigeria's involvement with Islam will kill her...the Islamic faith as espoused by its followers is incompatible with sanity and living right. Time Nigeria showed the Northerners the door or continue to stew in the mess their confused religion throws up from time to time. Shame on the Senators for this betrayal.

  133. Next they ll say it's legal for a father to marry daughters if they want to. Foolish boko haram pple,dont know where to throw their bombs. These lawmakers should be blown off.

  134. Next it ll b legal to rape a child on d street. May God help us all

  135. So why isn't same sex marraige allowed?....hypocrites!

  136. The legislature is a joke. This country will never work if there is so separation of the church and state and by church I mean religion in general.

  137. Is this is in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child?

  138. Obviously,everyone here thinks the only laws obtainable in Nigeria are anytime the assembly makes laws,it's the constitution.issorai.....
    Constitution is only an enabling law for all other laws to exist.
    However,in my opinion,forgetting the fact that Yerima is the one that objected,I don't really see why the age should be 18.does it mean a 16 or 17 yr old cant decide to get married?how many of your parents married at 20 or 25.many married at 18 but does that invalidate the marriage?
    What should have been done is to make it a thing of consent and make the consent of like under 16 an invalid consent because saying its 18,those northerners aren't going to obey those laws anyway and how many will be caught.people don't give no damn about the law anyway,so they should make laws in tune with the society.....
    In a way,they are right.

  139. This is the height of wickdness and irritation by the senate!..if gay marriages merit 14 yrs, pedophiles merit life time in jail...Confused men (senators) that should promote girl-child education.. "Tufiawka" Nigerian senate!...Some perverts arguing blindly in favour says its better and could prevent extra-marital affairs and teenage girls sexual excapades outside wedlock. Then i wondered the genetic make-up of the brain of these individuals bringing up such irrelevant and shallow comparison, i do not have an ioata of doubt the negative quality of brain is below a day old chick#disgusting

  140. West and east don't roll like that...Na hausa dey marry girl from birth! He prolly threatened them with boko haram sh!t.

  141. this is so sad, this is not evn about muslims anymore because they all agreed to it. what kind of country is this, who are these miscreants runnning our country. we youths need to do something, we cant sit back and watch these people do this to us. we need more poeple like fashola. we need to talk to united nations, imf, bodies that can help us. enough is enough! when will we move forward in this country? its so sad.

  142. who are our human rights activists in this country?

  143. Am totally disappointed by our, becos of a so called useless senator dat marrried a thirteen year old gal, dats y they cant make amend, wat do a thirteen year old gal knw, she dont even know her right n left...this is just end time.... ouch!!!

    God punish all our evil leaders that dont want the betterment of this nation...My dear Lord visit them with your wrath.

  144. They painful part of dis is dat we Nigerians including myself can give a thousand comments disapproving this act buh to put to action na wahala.Iwont be surprised when we would all 4get dis tin it will only be swept under the still wondering d day Nigerians would back off d wall we being pushed to.#God bless Nigeria.#kane

  145. Abeg make we 4get no be muslim mata its our matter let's face d music they re playing to us and stop hiding under religion its high time we stand up 4 our right I wonder where all dis human rights organization re sef me don tire oo!where re d youths in dis country u being kicked outta school dey re not debatin dat na sexual matter we see say na one chance we dey pls let's back off d wall haba#God bless Nigeria#kane

  146. The thing that pains me most is dat all our youths don 4low money waka go sef 4get sey na living in bondage we dey,girls selling themselves message to all dose that kill them fellow better human being u hear dis one say.people no get work na to sleep with 2 year old pikin remain yet they eat our MONEY!!!!Pls na try eliminate dis ones small na.#God bless Nigeria#kane lol

  147. Under 18 year olds are not mature enough to decide who rules d country and what happens to their bodies too. And to make it worse the constitution can't protect them either! How vulnerable can vulnerable children be before the leaders can do something. Well,if they can't then I am going to do anything n everything within my power to protect my nephews and nieces from themselves and the moronic Nigerian constitution.

  148. Guyz what did you really expect from a bunch of homophobes.

    The same people that think it is fair to stop two consenting adults from being together now think its okay for a man of almost 60 years of age to "marry" a 13 year old.

    They have just legalized Paedophilia folks!

    Ignorance breeds stupidity.

  149. What has a secular state got to do with Islamism. Its a pity we don't have representatives. Always too busy with constitutional projects and budget allocations than real core legislative duties.

    U may want to visit my blog:

  150. Islam is turning nigeria into another tin so I can have s3x with a 6 year old child all in the name of islam this is barbaric .use their level of fanaticism why did he not give out his daughter when they were 12 years old.he knows that this will only apply to the poor.this are some of the things ojukwu saw when he wanted division same sex (stupidity)not better dan this ...I hope d God we serve is watching dem all in flat screen

  151. May their daughters all get married at 10. In Jesus name. That was an opportunity for the Lady-senators to cause commotion in the house but they sat and watched these men put the girl-child in such a mess.

  152. dis is crazyyyyy

  153. yeah yeah,now raping underaged girls is now official.

  154. so does this animalistic and degrading to women and Nigeria rule apply to only muslims? or its for everybody? I want to fully understand this.... so any tom, dick or musa can wake up one morning, and open his rotten mouth and say na person baby e wan marray? hahahahahaha....I laugh at Nigeria, I cant cry, God forbid badt thing, cant waste my tears on this spit of a country we call our mother land. Rich men in Nigeria are finding ways to get their disgusting secrets out in the open. Tell me, why would any man or person want to marry a child? we say at 20 self...sometimes 22, a girl is not matured mentally for marriage, they now say, oh but for Allah, a baby still sucking breast is definitely ready for marriage. Nigeria is not an Islamic country, our laws are meant to over ride any other law that threatens the human right, well I guess not anymore. I laugh at Nigeria. God can never judge me the same way he would judge these people lie can never happen... *spits* Nigeria, I am ashamed to come from you..*waste of earth space, resources and oxygen.... *that girl.

  155. May their daughters all get married at 10.

  156. OMG! I said smtim ago on dis blog dat when dis hypocrise finish wit gay marriage bill next 'll be dis dreaded monster we ve nw. Onestly I got confused 4rom dis pipl's double stadard. U dnt take alchool until u r 18, u dnt driv until 18, u dnt watch porn matrials or ve sex until u r 18 u dnt vote until 18, as dey say, bt dey suport any idiot who can come n pay ur daughter's bride price while u r breastfeedin ha what a shame.Yerima n Mark I op u pipl stil ve daughters or grand-daughters dat stil unda d age of 5 hapily giv dem out in marriage so dat we can folow suit.

  157. this is very bad, child abuse

  158. Seriously dis is babaric, may God av mercy, d parent of dat girl shld b cursed, cus dey ve jeopardise d girls future, deprived her of her teen life. Nd d gov in ques shld checked mentally cus i donno wat he can see dat girl as dan a sex whore.

  159. Austin [AY-n-OH]19 July 2013 at 09:58

    Of course it is promoting paedophilia. And for ppl to nhide behind religion is just unfortunate.


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