"A nation of perverts and paedophiles" - Femi Fani Kayode | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 20 July 2013

"A nation of perverts and paedophiles" - Femi Fani Kayode

The Nigerian Senate includes some of the brightest minds in our country many of whom are friends of mine and most of whom have been in active politics for many years. They have my respect. However what transpired in the Senate chamber a few days ago was a great cause for concern for not just me but millions of Nigerians from all over the world. How an innocent and seemingly uninteresting, uninspiring and unimportant debate about when and at what age a Nigerian citizen could legitimately and lawfully renounce his or her citizenship turned into a referendum on paedophilia and child marriage I dont know. Yet sadly that is precisely what happened and ever since then the nation has been on fire. 
Senator (ex-Governor) Ahmed Sani, the Yerima Bakura and the Apostle of political sharia in Nigeria finally got his way and the futile attempt by a small number of good, noble and honourable Senators to amend the existing law on marriage and properly define the age of a female that is eligible to marry was thwarted by the pro-paedophilia, pro-child rape and pro-child marriage group within the Senate. Sadly our distinguished Senators eventually bowed to the will of Yerima and his friends and agreed to remain silent about the age that young girls can get married in Nigeria. What this means is that girls that are as young as 9 years old can continue to be lawfully bedded and married in our country providing they are deemed as being ''physically developed enough'' to do so by their suitors, their prospective husbands and their parents. That is the law and that is the sordid level that we as a people and as a nation have degenerated to over the years.
I weep for Nigeria and, perhaps more appropiately, I weep for the Nigerian girl child. I weep because it is obvious to me that the Yerima's of this world wish to turn our country into a giant Bangkok to which millions of sexual deviants flock from all over the world to ''enjoy'' our ''tourist attractions'' and ''have a taste'' of our young and beloved children. Worst still they wish to use religion to defend and justify it.  Yet we have no choice but to live with this new reality and to accept it as it is. After all, our representatives in the sacred halls of the Senate were not sensitive enough or ''man enough'' to shoot down the whole thing, to stand firmly against the unholy agenda and to say boldly and firmly that ''come what may'' our children must be protected from sexual deviants and reprobates.

And since the Senate, in its infinate wisdom, has now bought into and openly endorsed the "Paedophile Charter" which essentially makes it lawful and constitutional for very young girls to get married and to have sex at a very young age it is my firm view that we have now become a nation of perverts and paedophiles. The Senate had a chance to clear the air and amend the law but, out of nothing but sentiment and an inexplicable eagerness to compromise with that which is clearly evil, they threw that chance away and sacrificed our most sacred values to Yerima and his gang. Worst still they did it with a smile on their faces. Every Nigerian should bow his or her head in shame because instead of crushing the head of the lustful beast that seeks to fornicate with our children, to steal their virtues and to destroy their future what the Senate did the other day was to compromise with and cater for the filthy appetites and godless fantasies of a bunch of child molestors and sexual predators. It is sordid. It is ungodly. It is evil. And it is unforgiveable.

Surely we ought to be seeking to protect our children and not seeking to bed them. Yet it appears that not everyone shares our outrage and collective sense of shame. One Uche Ezechukwu made the following contribution which went viral on the social media networks and which I think speaks volumes. He wrote-

"Those who are railing against 'paedophile' senators, like Yerima Bakura, must be told that a muslim can’t go wrong while imitating the examples of the Apostle of Allah himself and the founder of his religion, in the same way a christian cannot be criticized for following the examples of Jesus Christ. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) married Aisha at the age of six and consummated the marriage when she was nine. So, why are we judging muslims by our own standards?"

I am appauled by these words. The truth is that I have never heard such a self-serving and specious arguement in defence of the philosophies and beliefs of the Ayatollah of Bakura, Senator Ahmed Sani, the practising paedophile who married and bedded a 12 year old Egyptian girl, as this one. Ahmed Sani himself could not have argued it better. Yet I think that it is an utter shame. And this is more so because the individual that is putting the arguement is supposedly a christian. The Old Testament of the Holy Bible prescribes ''stoning'' for adultry but that does not mean that christian countries, or indeed secular states like Nigeria, should stone adulterers.

Neither does it mean that we should preserve the institution of slavery or crucify petty thieves simply because the Holy Bible endorsed both practices in the Old Testament. We must accept the fact that the interpretation of biblical and koranic provisions are evolutionary and are ever changing. Jesus Himself said ''laws are made for man and not man for laws''. The suggestion that paedophilia has any place in any modern and decent society simply because it was once practised in the distant past is not only a despicable arguement but it also does not make any sense. After all cannibalism and child and human sacrifice were once widely practised and were held as being perfectly acceptable throughout the world as well but that does not mean that we should practice any of those terrible vices today.

The young man, Uche Ezechukwu, who appears to be defending child rape in the name of islam, should either let someone lay with and ''marry'' his own 6 or 9 year old daughter or he should seal his lips forever and stop trying to defend the indefensible. His assertions, and I daresay those of Senator Ahmed Sani and anyone that shares their primitive views, are not only utterly immoral and reprehensible but they are also intellectually dishonest. I say this because the truth is that there is NO muslim country in the world that has adopted the "paedophile charter" where 6 or 9 year olds can marry and be bedded except for Saudi Arabia, Iran and Yemen.

Every other muslim country in the world, including Turkey, Indonesia, Pakistan, Malaysia, Egypt, Jordan, Senegal, the Sudan, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine, United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh, Qatar, Bahrain, Dagestan, Albania, Bosnia, Somalia, Algeria, Libya, Mali, Azerbejhan,
Niger, Turkestan, Chechnya and Syria have specifically banned child marriage, paedophilia and child rape in their various constitutions and laws and some have declared it ''repugnant'', ''unacceptable'' and ''unislamic''. Are these people not muslims too? As a matte if fact are they not better muslims than those that insist on sleeping with or marrying underage girls in the name of islam?

Like christianity and judaism, islam is a noble, pure, honourable and ancient faith that seeks to protect the weakest and most vulnerable in society, including children. No-one should use the misinterpretation of its provisions to try to justify or rationalise what is essentially depraved, shameful, disgusting and barbaric behaviour and the most sordid and filthy expression of sexual deviance and perversion. Even animals do not marry or bed their own infants. The bitter truth is that paedophiles have no place in any civilised society.

I am constrained to say that in the light of their "yes" vote to child marriage and their green light to paedophilia, every single member of the Nigerian Senate that voted with Yerima on that day and that supported his filthy agenda should bow their heads in utter shame and they should be compelled to offer their own infant and under age daughters to strangers for marriage. I repeat, they have turned us into a nation of perverts and paedophiles and I say a pox on all their houses. I reserve my commendations and respect only for those Senators that opposed and voted against Yerima's protestations and agenda and that stood for that which was right even though they could not muster enough votes to have their way. My word to this brave and righteous few is simple and clear- keep the struggle alive and continue to resist the evil that resides amongst us all. You are the only thing that stands between our children and the practising paedophiles in our midst who seek to ravage and bed them even before they have entered their teens.


  1. Spot on FFK! You couldn't have said it any better, worthy of an epistle! Nigeria is just taking 2 steps backwards every second. Only God can save us, because those we call leaders are our biggest problem!

    1. It is appaling what evil people commit and hide under the umbrella of religion. Islam is a good religion when practiced sincerely, but then it provides much avenue for misinterpretation and selfish reasonings. God alone will help us in this country because the evil these men are commiting today will live after every Nigerian one way or another.

    2. Can our sleeping president veto this bill? What can be donr soon to save these children from immediately having their lives destroyed by these perverted old men. Where are the great honorable women radicals in that country? Why are they suddendly quiet??? Who is going to be the voice for these girls? For ones why is the fat dame not doing positive for once? Shame on ALL the people who call themselves mothers in that country if they don't RISE UP!!!

    3. Best ever from FFK.

    4. alamin mohammed20 July 2013 at 16:27

      Girls Of 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Are Not Wives But Are Prostitudes Parading In Hotels; They Are Street Hawkers Parading The Streets @ Nights; They Are Sweet 16 As Such Can Have Sex Anytime They Are In Need; They Can Have 5Boy Friends Yet They Are Not Wives. @ 13,14 15, They Are Disvirgined On Valentine Day, In Primary Schools Toilets, @ The Back Yard @ Dinner Parties, Yet They Are Not Wives. They Are House Girls Selling Sex To The Gate Men, Maddams' Sons Husbands Yet They Are Not Wives, While My Culture Religion Say Yes To Their Marriage, Some Say No To Their Marriage But Yes To Their Prostitution. The Law In The 1999 Constitution Is Vividly Clear On This: In Terms Of Marriage We Are Obliged 2 Follow OurReligious Guides.

    5. Nigeria which way all the top women in nigeria. Where are they our celeb how far under age girls will be dieying in silence wat type of law is dis a nation full of evil leaders. All of them have five under age girls as house wife. Some of them there children age and their wife is the same God must surely judge them he is a perfect judge

    6. God will judge all of them, peace has eluded their family and their generation.

      Their evil plans will not suceed in Jesus Name. Amen

    7. I am sure ifycynthia or whatever she calls herself has been beded by one of tese men from age 0 month. Don't blame her, lace wig and brazillian hair is of more importance to her.
      God save your soul girl.

    8. @alanin mohammed, what exactly is ur point? D fact dat some of diz things happen doesn't make dem ryt? They r highly condemnable and punishable under d law. Or shld we bcos people get robbed everyday legalise robbery?
      Dis is one of d reasons y I still strongly believe dat Nigeria shld split into North and South cos we don't reason alike. Even d bible says "two cannot walk 2geda unless dey agree".
      Becos of dem our country is already being regarded as a terrorist nation in d international community now dey want to add peadophilia to it again!

    9. Spot on! Although I am sure that person called Uche Ezechukwu is a muslin northerner hiding under the "convenient" Igbo name. Islam doesn't exist in Igbo land and Igbo people don't even know the details of Islamic practices not to talk of defending them. Everything about this law is barbaric and 100% against Igbo tradition and our Christian faith!

  2. duchess of purity20 July 2013 at 04:35

    I couldn't read the whole gist, but those old men should know that the young ones are tired of their bulshit and we will do something about them all in a couple of months through prayer God will intervene, old men are molesting young girls, a man of 50 is sugar daddy to a girl of 14, and your trying to make it legal???? God is watching.

    1. Story too long ehhh!

    2. Mothers I can see u people have notin to say if u think all ur daughters are of age ok no prb rember ur ground children it must get to you one way or the order they can travel but it will locate them one day

    3. Mothers get ready to be given ur daughters hand in marriage at the age of 5 a man of 50or60 can now ask their hand in marriage in Nigerian our women leaders which way

    4. My people perish for a lack of knowledge..

  3. If they like let them marry the girls and start sleeping with them from inside their mothers womb. My own is this: don't we have more important things to deal with already in this country?

    1. Ifycynthetic or what ever u call yourself what is more important than the safety of our children who are the future of this country? Apparently you don't have any kids and are incapable of comprehending the gravity of the situation. I advise you to shut up and let people continue to think u r stupid instead of opening ur mouth and removing all doubt.

    2. That means you agree with adolescent like your neice,sister or cousins being married cause if not this is a big deal and u should be ashamed of yourself for posting this

    3. Gosh, what kind of empty-headed statement is this? And you're even a woman? How can you say the plight of thousands of innocent and helpless young girls isn't important? What if it was your under-aged daughter or sister that someone wanted to marry and have sex with? And you even put your face next to this comment? You should hang your head in shame!

    4. So dis isn't important as well??? I hope ul be grateful to God when ur a man comes for ur daughter @ age 5?

    5. So dis isn't important as well??? I hope ul be grateful to God when ur a man comes for ur daughter @ age 5?

    6. Ifycynthetic fool u consider this less important. U re a COMPLETE waste to womanhood.

    7. You are a big fool for saying this @ifycynthetic what's more important than giving your 9year old out for marriage?if you don't have anything to say I suggest you shut the hell up!

    8. Another dumb Nigerian!!!

    9. "Don't we have more important things to deal with in this country?" What a foolish question?! So in your world protecting the virtue of underage girls from monstrous perverts is not important? How would you feel if you were married off at 9 years old to some old horny hag? Think before you write please.

      Dee dee

    10. Like wearing backless clothes? Idiot

    11. What is more important u Tw*t?

    12. Not another folish Nigerian. Please cover ur face in shame Ify

    13. You are a disgrace for making such a comment

    14. U are a very stupid gal!pple like u were disvirgined from dere modas womb!goat in human form,a shame 2 humanhood stupid gal so annoying

  4. #GBAM. Dear Linda, U have d word. as for d paedophile senators, dey r FOOLS, HORNY BASTARDS, PATHETICALLY CONDEMNED RETARDS and IDIOTS.

  5. I used to be try to be fair and not judge that religion but the things they are allowed to get away with is disgusting and heartbreaking. Gosh wishing that religion cud be scrapped away from the surface of the earth. It has brought Nig nothing but heartbreaks. Weeping for our children, God help us.

  6. #True dat# wonder wat this country is turning to. Smh

  7. I'm sick n tired of being sick n tired of weepin for dis nation......does so called senators shld however set d pace wif dia own kids!gbam!!!

    1. U sed it all ! Sick and tired of being sick and tired

  8. Well said sir....it is a total shame and disgrace on the prestigious house of assembly to pass into law such a barbaric and shameful act....it is a pity we have not yet been able to take this country away from the claws of these cattle rearers who call themselves hausa.....A nation in shambles.......SAINT

  9. What is this?I fear for my children and children's children.its sad to know that my girl child is not safe in her own country just because one shameless,selfish,wicked,heartless man desire and enjoy stucking his fat,ugly Dick into an innocent girl child.

  10. Having carefully perused the aforesaid paedophilia iss. I am of the opinion that the sentators dat supported Yerima'z occultic view have lost their minds N conscience N as such do not deserve any respect from memberz of d public.Paedophilia N underagemarriage has no place in any modern and decent society N is there4 repugnant 2 natural justice,equity N good conscience.With all due respect 2 d islam world.

  11. Hmmmmmmmmm..............Nigeria suppose separate, the North isn't suppose 2 be part of Nigeria in the first place dy'® the problem we're having in this country, they're so backward #sMh

  12. The man that raped a 9yr old to death if he has a good lawyer can actually win the case thanks to this sickening law.(To all the bigots outthere pls note that I did not include the tribe of the sex offender, you can learn from this)

  13. What an outrage. It is regrettably lugubrious. A savage, barbaric and repugnant charter to be promulgated at this age and time. God help us in this country because this level of moral decadence is an evil wind dat blows ill to everybody.

  14. Duh! wha'ever *yawn*
    its too long and life is way too short for me to be reading this epistle.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

    1. It will definitely become a short write up when a man as old as your father sexually violates your 9 yr old daughter.
      I wonder how long we all will continue with this 'I don't care attitude'.
      If you dip one finger in palm oil be ready to have it also on your other fingers.

    2. U so dumb. At ur age u cannot read

    3. @bonario, I've finally figured you out, you've got sawdust for brains, u hv a short attention span, unable to comprehend when need n u hv stupidity complex, when dem suppose hear u u no go tok, #wereyoflife

  15. Sad truth! Linda, evn if na 50shades trilogy we dey jack..
    ~D great anonymous!

  16. Sad truth! Linda, evn if na 50shades trilogy we dey jack..
    ~D great anonymous!

  17. Honestly this màtter isn't a joke. I wokeup thinking about it. Christian what has gone wrong? Why are we so silent in d face of evil? What happened to the Spirit of God poured into mankind? Have we hindered His works due to our hardheartedness and lukewarm state? I pray for the wisdom and resources to protect as many children as I can from this disaster.


  18. Try it wiv my daughter! They wuld kill.. #Fools


  20. All that one wey dey dey talk na story.till I catch anybody near my 14yrs sister,I will deal wit d person.#CHILDNOTBRIDE my ass.I rest my case.


  22. nigeria is a mulitireligious country.
    she is not an islamic country.
    if d muslim prohet married 6yrold aisha wat is dat by WHO standard? PAEDOPHILE
    must we put islamic religion into nigerian laws?
    dey keep producing d viles of our society in d name of islam n allah...from bokoharam to child rapist.

  23. Mr Kayode ur write up is excellent and am in line with u but I only disagree with u when u said "our senate includes one of the brightest minds in the coutry",to me they are all fools and the big fool of them all is David Mark,no matter how some of the tried to avert the babarick and shameful act if it something that will benefit them the leaders always hv a way to avert it and seek way for further interaction,opioning pulling and lobbying,our politicians are fools and disgrace from Rivers to Yola,from Ekiti to Akwa Ibom,from Kogi to Delta,all over to the center. May God save us and may we try all times to vote men and women of sound intellect and good morals

  24. Crying as am reading dis write up! What can we do to stop dis monsters from ravaging our children? I swear to God! Anyone who tries to do dat to my innocent daug. I will definitely poison d bagger! Oluwu oba o save ur own.

  25. Am so speechless. Please can this world just come to an end?. These senators will all rot in hell.

  26. The foolish ppl who passed dis to law wld have dia kids school abroad ooh... smh but dey wld defy other ppl kids....smh...!

  27. Every pervert caught in Nigeria now has legal backing somewhat. As they can now say they deemed their victim physically developed. Take the case of the 9 year old who was raped to death recently,her 20 year old attacker said she gave consent. I was baffled at the thought of a 9 year old having consensual sex. Another was a picture that went viral some months back, it was a shocking shot of an older male with his erect penis in the mouth of a little girl who couldn't have been a day above 2 years. I wept and cursed and fumed and gave up, I apparently wasn't going to get a chance to kill him.
    Gone are the days when you could comfortably leave your daughter playing in your compound under the watchful eyes of a and dash to the market. These days I cringe when I see a male relative carrying his niece or nephew on his knees. It's gotten to the point where I can trust no uncle,nephew,male cousin and horrible of me but brother too around a female child. Too many stories, too many incidents and one would almost pray not to have a child with the XY chromosome.
    You can't send her to school without going paranoid, you can't leave her outside playing like a child is meant to,you can't let her have sleepovers,the church isn't even safe any more so there goes children's choir practice. Nigeria has indeed become a nation that not only lets child molesters get away free but we've also let them walk proudly amongst us.

    1. Paranoia!I don't care.father,brother,uncle,family frend,ol r suspects in ds generation

  28. FYI Uche Ezechukwu literally means the Mind of the King God, what am I trying to say? Well that name is a pseudonym made up by a perverted ........ (Let me leave that blank) because the Igbo nation is virtually Christian, so if one threw his support against this absurd law, it would seem alright. Believe me, no Christian would put the abbreviation (SAW) after the name of the Prophet Moh'd, he wouldn't know to do that; at least according to me. This is just another way perverted .......... Want to use to watermark what has been a great day of SHAME for the most populous black nation in the world. This is not voting for a 6 year single tenure or for the launch of N 5000 notes, this is an agreement to defile kids as young as 1 month old because her poor, illiterate parents deem her fit for marriage! God save this nation from the misgivings and mismanagement of our leaders.

    1. I agree with u. I didn't even know u had to put saw after his name. Just hearing that for the first time. Misguided bigots.

  29. Honestly I dnt knw wat the world is turning into... Most senators on the list are from the north! They would never give out their own child at such age. Does this mean boys as well although it seems the girl child is the one truly affected. This sadly means the young man is cross river who slept with the young 9 year old could go free. SMH this country is truly a mirage it seizes to exist on true foundation. So sad as if as a nation we dnt have enough to deal with

  30. Aaaahhhhh.....God of today is patient and long suffering...well articulated piece

  31. May that law affect the sons and daughters of those who passed it. Useless beasts that run our nation.

  32. Nigeria is not an islamic state yet these goons keep imposing their evil desire on all of us.Yerima and buhari are the biggest threat to the unity of this country my eye is on them

  33. Well said and am indeed proud of you for what you said, please help fight this barbarism, not only through words but for the people who can't defend themselves, for thousands of women n men who have been molested and ripped of their childhood or dignity, children who are innocent both male and female in respect of their religion. #justice

  34. For once, I agree with FFK. He has spoken with great wisdom and has expressed that which is my mind. Have the Senators forgotten that they are Fathers and Mothers? Is their job not to protect their Children? How could the women sit through that decision? I bow my head in shame at our leaders.

  35. I honestly never thought that a day would come where I will wholeheartedly agree with Mr Kayode, but i'm glad that there are people speaking up against this insanity. I just need to know a few things are there women in the senate, are there child right groups in Nigeria, and lastly why are people not emotional on this issue as they were on the issue of gay marriage? We need more voices to speak up and defend our children because according to the law it's open season for underage defenseless children in the hands of perverts.

  36. I had to take my time and read this... Femi Kayode, may your days be long and fruitful for standing up for the girl child. You've won my RESPECT sir!!!

  37. Fani kayode, u have said it all.

  38. They are obviously cursed, what man in his right senses would sleep and father a child with a child young enough to be his grand-daughter... I hope we all realise that there is a life after now, where we would give account of our deeds

  39. Very shameful act indeed.
    To think that those goons in the Senate would turn a blind eye to issues of corruption while being so eager to allow Yerima and his gang have their selfish way is utterly repugnant! I'm so disappointed in David Mark for even allowing this to happen.
    The Nigerian Nation needs to be careful else this monster called Islam would consume us.

  40. If our Laws will not help me seek redress then I take the laws in my hands and deal with who ever defile my 6/9yrs old.

  41. Well written,concise and factual.
    What more can I possibly say?
    You know what's funny?these same Northern senators are mostly homosexual,they got all pissed off when the anti-homosexuality law was passed. They don't want to be deprived of their twin sexual desires;gay sex and under-age sex.
    So,they use their ever subtle religion to back up their ungodly desires.

    1. You're my brother (assuming you're a guy) from another womb. Well said Mich, well said. Haha...they indeed use their evil deranged religion to back up despicable and unholy desires. Thank you for making my day with your comment. And thanks to FFK. I for one see Uche's comment as an eye opener into the degenerate religion of Islam. I don't see it as a statement in support. It depends on your interpretation. If he didn't make that comment I'd have never known that even SAW married a little child. Isn't that just appalling and sickening? And goes to show you the mind of the people who support the bill; its a deranged mind. A mind that promotes evil. The mind of the leader of Islam

  42. Only Jah knows wat our world is turning into

  43. My God!
    Well,since perversion and sleeping with lil girls is about getting leagalised,to the point a christian is supporting it with a bitter but true argument.
    I will just get me some beautiful guns,hide in ma closet
    Any mofo that tries this BS on my growing girl children,i blow their fucking brains out!!dats my own pound of flesh I will take!#straight face#
    hopeless country ruled by evil men.

  44. No comments on issues that actually affect our lives as Nigerians!!?? Shame. We deserve the leaders and government we have, especially when we can only be engaged by trivial and banal banter, but remain silent on issues that affect each and every one of our sisters and daughters...

  45. You see why Obama didnt come to Nigeria?

  46. Good talk. I can't believe this is happening in Nigeri and like he said, can those people offer their underage girls for marriage? This issue really has to be looked into.

  47. well said by Fani,what are we waiting for?please check the hash tag #CHILDNOTBRIDE on twitter for details of the petition signing center in your state.God bless you as come out and fight for the girl child

  48. U spoke well! We ar praying, ds is truly endtime. Our God is not asleep

  49. Where there no females in the senate?. How could they have sat down and watched a degradation of womanhood. Nigerians, you have voted in the worst in our society into the senate. Fani Kayode mentioned that he has some respectable senators, I dare say there was none present on that day where darkness was welcomed to subdue light. It is increasingly difficult to say one is a proud Nigerian........,,, at times like this, I miss the military regime

  50. Thank u Mr Fani Kayode,for the very first time I am concurring with u 100%,unlike your political views on GEJ.as for Yerima and co woe unto u that seeks to continue ravaging teenage girls in the name of religion..Debased men,filty Senators , morally bankrupt and corrupt Fathers.God will judge u all unto condemnation.Shame on you Senators.shame on Nigeria,till the day we change this impunity...Nnanna Nzewi(greatnnaa@yahoo.com)

  51. This is a shame! A sin against humanity. How can educated and exposed men in this time and age stoop so low! Yet we have more pressing issues to address in this country. We are doomed . Am ashamed to be associated wih this. I weep for this nation. Leaders with no vision, cursed! Where are our mother????

  52. Thank u Mr Fani Kayode,for the very first time I am concurring with u 100%,unlike your political views on GEJ.as for Yerima and co woe unto u that seeks to continue ravaging teenage girls in the name of religion..Debased men,filty Senators , morally bankrupt and corrupt Fathers.God will judge u all unto condemnation.Shame on you Senators.shame on Nigeria,till the day we change this impunity...Nnanna Nzewi(greatnnaa@yahoo.com)

  53. Ohhhh, I weep for my nation!

  54. Well said sir...the Lord will indeed see us through it all...And for Yerima and his co-horts the Lord's wrath will fall on them so heavily IJN AMENd

  55. such a babaric law mschwww

  56. Well said, but that piece long ooooo!! Nothing to say than "I weep for Nigeria". Shikenan!!!

  57. This is evil.Females are no slaves,we are civilised for goodness sake! Anyways thumb up to the senetors voted against dt.

  58. SICK F*#KS..God help the innocent kids/us in this sick country..& punish the SICK lot.

  59. First time this man is talking sense.

  60. I swear this people are fools! Asin in this 21st century when other countries are kicking against it? Seriously? The yerima man needs to die by hanging pls! Old fool

  61. This is simply the truth but in asmuch as wat u av said is true, I would like to ask u a question, where were u wen Yerima married the 13 year old Egyptian Mr FFK? Where u not minister den? What did u do or say then?

    1. Fool, I dnt think so, knw ur facts idiot, abajo ti o fi oruku e si be, afofun gbe mu.....

  62. Well said.... This religion called islam. Hasn't it brought мσяє harm dan good! May God see us thru.

    1. Dis question isn't meant to cause any controversy buh jus α food for thought. Imagine Đ many innocent lives dat wuld stil be alive today, Đ innocent children whose lives were cut short by dose claimin to be islam jihadist. Wat has been Đ gain of Đis religion, other dan makin Đ world мσяє insecure. I shake ma head A̶̲̥̅̊η∂ pray dat one day God wil surely save us from the evil men of dis world. Amen.

  63. HmmmmM. Left to heartless parent who ll give out his child 4 such marriage

  64. Between under age marriage and gay right I wonder which is the greater evil, somehow I think by this singular act by the senate on this issue, then gay right should also be considered. Mind u am not gay. Why would we do something right even oppose the so called super powers only to spoil it by our selfish interest. Ha Nigeria, it is well

  65. I wonder whr this country is heading to..hmmm

  66. U ve said it all, gbam. Thumbs up sir.

  67. Well said, Linda, Well said. Karma is a bitch and for every six or nine year old that has to give up their childhood thanks to their evil bill, a punishment 10 times greater awaits them.

    1. Some six year old can't even differentiate their right from left let alone what their private part is, useless yerima and company.

  68. Well said my learned colleague:I weep for the innocent children

  69. Obviously MonEy must havE chAnged hands, its pointless trying 2 decipher what must Av been going thRu d heads of ds senators. Ds is just sad!

  70. I wonder whr this country is heading to..hmmm

  71. Mtchewwww! I weep cuz our fathers that are supposed 2 take care of us & defend us r still d ones freely giving us up for rape. They make us regret being citizens of dis gr8 country. i weep for us.

  72. Nigeria I weep!!why will a grown ass man wanta marry a 6 or 9yrs old kid..d tot is disgusting!yerima and all d senators dt voted for this evil are disgusting.anywayz its still d parents dt will decide

  73. Thank you fani kayode for once in ur life. In this day and age. devil will punish them. mschewww even that edo senator and the labour party senator. Your grandchildren will pay for this watch and see.

  74. Well said sir. But what is the way foward? This law is wrong n justifying it by islam is being bias xcept they specifically stipulate that its only applicable to muslim females,even @ that its wrong!wrong!wrong!

  75. Linda go easy with ur anger ma dear nnem Oº°˚˚˚° maka ndi boko Oº°˚˚˚°. Plz guys make una no vex for me but this is how i see it. That law is not bad as far as am concern, now our parents will now decide when their daughter gets married. †ђξ senator that married a 13 yrs old did not go with army to egypt,i want to believe that †ђξ senator and d guls family most have had a mutual agreement befor that marriage toke place. Personally i don't blame †ђξ senator nor †ђξ gul, i blame †ђξ parents of †ђξ gul they я †ђξ most stupidest group that has ever walked †ђξ surface of †ђξ earth.

    1. Plz if u dnt av anytin 2,say Shut Up.

    2. Lollz i don't want to care who u я i Jйʃ† made my point ok if u don't like it then go to hell

  76. All the senators that voted for child marriage in our dear country 'Nigeria' are nothing but a bundle shame and disgrace to the entire citizen of this country. Shiiiioooo

  77. yerima the king of paedophiles

  78. Dear Linda, thank you for posting Mr Kayode's piece, i'd have missed it otherwise. I am in absolute agreement with his statement and it is a shame that inthis day and age grown ass men and women still hide behind religion to perpetuate evil, and our country seems to applaud and uplift such miscreants. I congratulate Mr kayode for his courage in speaking the minds of many who do not have the forum or opportunity to voice their opinions and challenge the evil that seems to be pervading our society. Well done!
    Pls post my comment it's my first time ever commenting on your site. FYI, I enjoy your site particularly on days when I need to get away for a few seconds from my own life....I'm not depressed o.

  79. Stivin nwaekwe20 July 2013 at 08:39

    We'll Insist That Our Daughters Be Sent To School And Not To Infant Marriages.

    Education is the bedrock of every society, and the education of the girl child is as important as that of her male counterpart.

    We therefore are surprised that Nigeria's Senate didn't consider making it mandatory for every girl child below 18 to be in school. Instead, they gave a legislative seal of approval for the marriage of underage girls. That means even a 5 year old toddler could be married off by her parents.

    Nigerians of all tribes and religions have rejected this, and therefore undertake to stand against the state-sanctioned abuse of the girl child.

    We will save the girl child. She's a #‎ChildNotBride .

  80. Dear Linda, thank you for posting Mr Kayode's piece, i'd have missed it otherwise. I am in absolute agreement with his statement and it is a shame that in this day and age learned, exposed, experienced men (and women) hide behind religion to perpetuate evil, and our country still continues to applaud and celebrate such miscreants. I congratulate Mr kayode for his courage in speaking the minds of many who do not have the forum or opportunity to voice their opinions and challenge the evil that seems to be pervading our society. if you read this blog Mr Kayode, Well done to you and thank you!
    Pls post my comment if for nothing else but because it's my first time ever commenting on your site. FYI, I enjoy your site very much, particularly on days when I need to get away for a few seconds from my own life....I'm not depressed o.

  81. God bless u so good sir

  82. I have always maintained that Nigeria is a BIG JOKE! We have men and women who are supposed to be highly intelligent and upholders of our laws, the country pays them outrageously, and yet all they do is to fight and squabble like touts, break every breakable law and get away with it, and then use their positions to enact selfishly motivated laws that do not have the interest of Nigerians at heart! Bigots and fools who have no sense or concience!

    It is a pity that these animals were voted in by the same people they are undermining.... but the saddest part of it all is that when they come out for reelection, the same people will vote them again!

    I am so full of bile for these things that right now, I am seriously praying for the military to come back. All this has gone to show that we are not fit for democracy. In sec. school I learnt that democracy is govt. of the people, for the people and by the people... WHAT WE HAVE IS NOT EVEN NEARLY DEMOCRACY!!!

  83. They are all BASTARDS!

  84. #ChildNotBride20 July 2013 at 09:10

    Well Mr Kayode I disagree with ur. Comment saying most of our Senator's are of a bright mind. People that are enlightened do not make such irrational and babaric decisions. The tot that dey could give this paedophiles freedom 2 molest a girl or 9yrs or lower depending on how she matures tells us that we have come to that stage that if we do not move fast we will be regreting dis law 4 years to come. They sick d general public needs to protest against these. "Atiku said that he does not give his daughters away in marriage until after there university degrees r gotten so Mr Uche it ain't a muslim thing. We ain't a muslim country so dey should take dere law and shove it up their ass cause we don't want.. I will go with what Mr Kayode said give ur daughter of 6 away in marriage 2 a stranger let's see if U̶̲̥̅̊ can do it .

  85. The northern Part of Nigeria will become like afganistan, where girls and woman have no rights.

    Did you hear the story from Bibi Aisha the girl without nose - read her story - she have to marry with 12 years, she run away because a dog had a better life than she had with her husband. She stay 6 month in a womans home in Afganistan, when the family of her husband told her that they will forget that she run away, they take her home and than they bringher out of the house in the mountains and cut her nose and hear ears and let her in the maontains. Read her story. She is now in America and they make her a new nose.

    It is a shame and the northern part of nigferia will become a second afganistan.

    Woman of Nigeria please let the people outside your country know about this law, and now Nigeria will become the country where this Child-molester can travel because they can make it legaly there, and i know there will be many men who will sell there little girls to this child-molester because they see only the money they get.

    In Nigeria is all about money and that will be soon the next big business and the law is on there side.

  86. Drz notn i can say 2 d senators cos d truth is even if u finish ur spittle on dis issue,dey'l never change it if dy dnt want 2,my candid advice 2 every parent is 2 give ur daughter sex educatn as early as age 5,my moder taught me dat nd it has worked so far,let d kids knw dis tins so dat wen 'uncle' starts touchn dm unnecesarily,dy'l report 2 deir parents.Parents,do not shy away 4rm it becos if u dnt teach them abt sexual harrasmnt at home nd at a tender age,they'l learn outside d hard way nd by then,it'l be too late...#just saying#

  87. Nigeria is a failed state in all ramification. There is no contest to that fact.

  88. I think interpretation is missing here what the bill states is dat any child married should be define as a woman. Now the child act states the age for every girl to get married which is 18. To me the interpretation of the bill is to protect those who are already married to teens it is not abolishing the the child's act but mere clarifying it. It did not categorically state that 18years should b replaced. Well everyone has there interpretation

    1. You are a fool, bastard, you have no brains.

  89. Oluwatoyin Aladejana-Olagbaju20 July 2013 at 10:18

    In The words of Benjamin Disraeli: The Youth Of A NATION Are the TRUSTEES Of POSTERITY." We MUST DEEND Our CHILDREN'S CHASTITY AT ALL COST! Any PLEASURE That VIOLATES The SACRED RIGHTS Of ANOTHER Is ILLICIT PLEASURE... Don't I wish many more Parents and Adults would take the Morally Courageous Highway that Chief Femi Fani-Kayode has taken in order to Crush this SICK & SHAMEFUL, Potential Epidemic Completely. Linda, lots and lots of us go to your blog regularly for updates... I am sure your input concerning this important issue, will go a long way in raising our awareness as Nigerians/Africans and also serve as a firm deterrent to the perpetrators of ths disdainful bill.


  91. If you've ever said "go and marry" to/ about any female then you might as well have voted for this disgusting, sexist law. The idea that a woman is incomplete without a husband and offspring 100% advocates the now legal consensus that the objectification of the female is socially acceptable. We are all responsible. No one condones cannibalism so it will never be passed as law even though it has been known to happen. Signing petitions and forwarded campaign BBMs from the safety of our own lives will not and cannot change anything. Real change starts from within. Look in the mirror and see the Yerima in you staring back. Ready to rethink your thinking? Good.

  92. God punish all of them. I wish one useless pedophile will go and ask for those senator's daughters hands in marriage or better still, rape and molest d life out of them. May they know no peace. That Edo central senator, I'm sure u are very proud of yourself. May ur wife and children and generations to come suffer for this decision you've made and may u die a miserable death. As for the Northern senators, that violent religion of yours that u uphold will consume you. Keep perpetuating evil and keep hiding under Islam. The end will tell.

  93. It goes to show that they are in a world of their own. How does this issue positively affect the senatorial district they represent let alone the nation. This is just outrageous.

  94. Iv read this blog and a few of the comments here, some say they blame the parents,but the truth is a child has No power over her parents, It is for the law to protect girls under this condition. Another thing is the main reason why I tink underage marriage is possible is because of poverty and ignorance.the senators who marry children would never give up their own child at such age because.their daughters are probably In sophisticated schools. While they try to use money to buy girls from their parents under the cloak of religion.

  95. @Mich

    You are a bastard! And a fool! Rather than for you to see the hypocrisy that they would defend paedophilia and revoke homosexuality, you have equated it to them all being homosexuals who want to marry little girls. You are very stupid. It's people like you that are the reason such a thing is happening in our country. How do you juxtapose the two evils?

    You are a dumb as nuts.

  96. Marc Francis of Chelsea20 July 2013 at 11:33

    LMAO! So we homosexuals will spend 14 years in jail but the old farts raping little girls get to put a ring on it? Land of fools.

  97. That's what we get when we leave running d country in the hands of cattle rearers, illiterate thugs and psychologically depraved individuals

  98. I personally feel all dis is born out of selfishness n sexual craving amongs dis visionless set of people who r small minded too, anoda view is boko haram reload judgment awaits them all on dis

  99. Check her books not her boobs #childnotbride#

  100. That's what we get when we leave running d country in the hands of cattle rearers, illiterate thugs and psychologically depraved individuals.. Am home schooling my future female kids or rather transporting them to ghana once they are born! Look @my daughter more than once, u get shotdown!! Believe me! Its self defense(Stand your ground thing)!! Where the heck are these USA people sef!! Where are our Human Rights Activist all over the World?? #pleaseHelpNigeriaLeadersMakeTheRightDecision!! Well,I heard USA don't include themselves in affairs that don't add 1dollar to their Economy anymore.God please Lead our Leaders right!!

  101. Again it is shameful that such an embarrassing and obnoxious matter is up for national discuss when more salient issues like education, unemployment and terrorism are left unattended to. Responsibility therefore lies now with parents to properly educate and protect their children particularly females regardless of any evil legislation. God save Nigeria, so must we.

  102. Those men are talking none sense with confidence.

  103. Just waiting for the day the north will go there own! The north is a big problem to Nigeria!

  104. Chai chineke....wen we r hia thinking of how 2 make naija a better place diz senators are finking az if deir brains are under deir pants....God....help us o...deir children are in oversees studying nd dey want 2 defile oda people's children...cchai....dat meanz rapists go increase b4 diz little galz get 2 17 dat minz dey wld be out of hand...God na ur hand we dey...o....linda post ma comment o

  105. Chai chineke....wen we r hia thinking of how 2 make naija a better place diz senators are finking az if deir brains are under deir pants....God....help us o...deir children are in oversees studying nd dey want 2 defile oda people's children...cchai....dat meanz rapists go increase b4 diz little galz get 2 17 dat minz dey wld be out of hand...God na ur hand we dey...o....linda post ma comment o

  106. 108 duly voted senators & 35 people won d vote...where were the other senators?They have decided 2 be absent as we are used to empty chammbers...Absent to do personal businesses while the country is on fire only to receive alarming credit alerts into their accounts every quater for doing nothing.Do U blame the 35 who voted & won???They have calculated,lobbied & indeed got their way since their colleagues who should have defended the people have wandered away like Sheeps without shepherds......

  107. This is unacceptable, I really thank Femi Fani Kayode for his write up above but we will still need people like hinm to do more, organise a peacefull rally to make these criminals reverse that decission or better still make d rest of the world to hear dis rubbish. This edo state senator and d rest of his collegues re disgrace to nigeria as a whole and they re not fit to be called a senator

  108. I am so disappointed in dis, how will the rest of the world see us? Please Femi Fani Kayode help us do more and organise a peacefull rally to see how we can reverse this urgly dicission that was taken buy those monsters we call senators

  109. For me I think is time we approach these useless senators when we meet them back home, after they must have finished making such stupid laws. The should as well allow gay marriage na. Smh

  110. These men are just useless. Their brains, being ruled by their dicks! While they are at it, they need to start building more VVF disease centers.

  111. OMG I feel so sick ,God where is ur face do something.

  112. God! we d youths have to something, how do we get across to bodies that can help us like united nations/ we the youths have to do something, dis peverts, old stupid islamic idiots, wanna turn this country into their dirty religion. we r not muslims, we dont wnt to be. take ur horrible religion and go and form ur own country. leave us alone in nigeria 4 goodness sake. blood thirsty animals.peodaphiles oshi. im so angry. linda post my comment o!

  113. @faithonahgold20 July 2013 at 14:04

    We parent should prevent this by not givin out our girls in marriage if they are nt 18yrs

  114. But that is what he is. He does it in hiding, yes FFK.

  115. Bro shut up nd cover ur throat.....ur point smells!!

  116. well don sir, look at all of them called senators wat do u expect malam to do na foos them be may God punish them that support this rubbish

  117. Though I know Gods power supersedes every other power and eni ti olorun ko le mu ko I ti'da. But saying God should come and save us is not d best in dis case ( even for d children of Isreal, they had to fight n probably call on God to come n intervein). All we do in Nigeria is to sit down n keep saying God wil save us. For everything our Govt does, God will save, Nigerian needs to wake up n fight for their right not only when d price of petroleum is being increased b4 we knw we have a prob @ hand, for every unacceptable acts of d govt we need to say to dem NO. For lack of "good road", lack of electricity (despite their un ending promises of increasing d wattage instead of which we had our PHCN bill increase with no power supply), for every embezzlement Nigerian NEEDs to say no.
    God, imaging d bill dey passed. An underage? A girl dat has not even started having her period ( se idi agba lo ye ki a ti ba imi?) And dis same set of ppl could not successfully amend d full constitution but d 1 for their stupid/foolish/selfish n senseless interest dey can thwart their way tru n amend easily. Take a look @ d so called sharia man dat moved d motion, such a ugly lookin creature, a total definition of BH. Ugly lookin Ape #GODPUNISHTHEMALL!!!!! Haaaaaa wat a religion>=)

  118. God forbid, even if this was pre homo erectus era, never

  119. Ugonwa Onwuneme20 July 2013 at 18:49

    @ify cynthetic, arevu for real! What can be more problematic that's having our daughters raped in the womb in the name of marriage? Even if Nigeria has other problems this is the height of depravity and I find it very offensive the casual way you dismissed the issue considering that you are even a woman! What a shame!

  120. You are blessed linda....if I were boko that is the exact person I will kill...what a fool

  121. I have said it time without number,Northerners are the reason Nigeria is going backward,take example of all the developments on the other regions,you will see it clear that North and her agents have sworn never to move forward....am not surprise at so called senator yerima,he has done it before and he has gotten it stamped good by the senate...I pity those young girls at the north...

  122. Though I know Gods power supersedes every other power and eni ti olorun ko le mu ko I ti'da. But saying God should come and save us is not d best in dis case ( even for d children of Isreal, they had to fight n probably call on God to come n intervein). All we do in Nigeria is to sit down n keep saying God wil save us. For everything our Govt does, God will save, Nigerian needs to wake up n fight for their right not only when d price of petroleum is being increased b4 we knw we have a prob @ hand, for every unacceptable acts of d govt we need to say to dem NO. For lack of "good road", lack of electricity (despite their un ending promises of increasing d wattage instead of which we had our PHCN bill increase with no power supply), for every embezzlement Nigerian NEEDs to say no.
    God, imaging d bill dey passed. An underage? A girl dat has not even started having her period ( se idi agba lo ye ki a ti ba imi?) And dis same set of ppl could not successfully amend d full constitution but d 1 for their stupid/foolish/selfish n senseless interest dey can thwart their way tru n amend easily. Take a look @ d so called sharia man dat moved d motion, such a ugly lookin creature, a total definition of BH. Ugly lookin Ape #GODPUNISHTHEMALL!!!!! Haaaaaa wat a religion>=)

  123. Those senators that voted yes should just die already......long dry Hisssssssssssssssssss

  124. Can u imagine a repply I saw on bbm.....


    ''Nigeria has many uncountable problems and none of them is early marriage. As a matter of fact early marriage the solution to about half of our problems. For those who wonder if I can give my daughter(s) out in marriage at the age of 9 or 13, I tell you most honestly, I can give her out at the age of 6 if I want to and its not your business.

    This is because I am a Muslim and I follow the example of the best of mankind, Muhammad ﺻَﻠَّﻰ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪُ ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻪِ ﻭَﺳَﻠَّﻢَ .

    In Islam, marriage is not only about sex, it is about family and helping one another in achieving their goals, which is the attainment of Paradise.
    In Islam, a girl can be given out in marriage as early as 6 years old, but consummation of the marriage can only be done when the girl becomes physically mature and she gives her consent to it because unlike English law, it is not permissible for a man to rape his wife in Shari'ah Law.
    So what can anybody tell me?

    ~ I live in a city where young girls at the age of 12 have already became serial fornicators and cannot count the number of man they've had sex with.

    ~ I live in a City where primary school children disvirgin themselves behind toilets on Valentine day.

    ~ I live in a city where young girls flood the street at night looking for men that would give them N500 to have sex with them.

    ~ I live in a city where parents send their daughters out overseas to prostitute and send dollars down.

    ~ I live in a City where Government officials pick undergraduates from University car parks with Coastal Buses to wild sex parties.

    ~ I live in a city where abortion is so common that even a Chemist shore owner can perform abortion with just N2,500.

    These are your daughters, and this should worry you and not Yerima's private matters. So ask me again why I support early marriage and I will slap the Jinn out of your head''.

    - Senator Ahmad Sani Yarima

  125. I wake up and cry betterly for my beloved country .,ruled by beast who on incision present themselves as brother..,are this senators human beings..,i guess they are not..,Animals don't even think in their direction..,hmm.,may God deliver us..,

  126. I’m writing this piece with so much grievance and discontent, I am a Muslim and I have been practicing the Islamic faith from my childhood. In as much as I cherish my religion, I honestly don’t like some of those who will practice this religion together. On the 24th June2013, just two (2) days to my birthday, I denounced myself a Muslim and after just thirty-five minutes, I had to take the ritual bath to be a Muslim again. What lead to my decision to denounce myself as a Muslim?
    I was watching a video on YouTube where I saw some so called Muslim brothers (I seize to see them as Muslims anyway) behead a Reverend father, I wept heavily while I took the courage to complete the Video. I wept because of two things: One is the so called perpetrators where shouting (ALLAHU AKBAR) ALLAH is the greatest while they performed this devilish act and the second was that I sighted a child(presumed below 7years) in their means watching them behead the poor Man. After I watched this video, I thought to myself I will continue to practice Islam but I will never call myself a Muslim because I don’t want to bear the same name with these heartless and devilish people who use the word Muslims to perpetrate ungodly acts. After I denounced myself and called my cleric to inform him of my decision, then he enlightened me more on why I cannot practice Islam and say am not a Muslim, then I changed my mind and took it upon myself to enlighten people the best way I can.What drove me crazy this week was the legalization of underage marriage in Nigeria by the Nigerian Senate. The most annoying issue of this is the fact that the senators are misinterpreting the Quran to suit their sex urge, in as much as I agree that a girl could get married according to Islamic teachings after her third (not too sure may be third or fourth) menstrual experience, there are also conditions that should be met.
    The Nigerian senate does not have any right to pass such a bill in a state that is not an Islamic state;only in an Islamic state can such a law be passed. So my question is what determines an Islamic State, a state can be called an Islamic State if she meets three conditions.First of those conditions is that in an Islamic state, everyone must have shelter irrespective of whether they have a job or they have money or not. Secondly, the government of an Islamic state must feed everyone who does not have the capability to do so and lastly the government in an Islamic state must clothe everyone. Now my question is which of the aforementioned conditions does Nigeria meet?If people cannot have a three square meal, adequate clothing and appropriate housing then such a bill should not have been passed in the first place and even if they pass such bill to satisfy their self-seeking interest, Islam should be exempted from the debate.Islam is a noble, pure, honorable and ancient faith that seeks to protect the weakest and most vulnerable in the society,including children. Our useless and selfish senators should not use the misinterpretation of the Quran to justify or rationalize what is essentially decadent,reprehensible, sordid and barbaric.People should stop misinterpreting the Quran and Hadith to suit their venal interest;the Quran is a manual of life which must be followed with the conditions not ignored. Jihad is another issue that bothers me but I won’t be saying anything on this today, as I am taking a class to study more about Jihad and promote peace(Anyone who kills a fellow should also be killed , I found this in the Quran),but today is not a day for Jihad but to for our injudicious, shameless and outrageous senators.

  127. i have 2 lovely daughters...one 5 ..the other two...I am not muslim and NO-ONE can touch them without going through me first....but this right here is just BullShit!

  128. Honestly Nigeria is not one Country. Some sections of the so called Country are not just ready to grow. Unfortunately, we over pamper them and allow them to get away with many things. If not for that, this Yerima and the likes would be refer to as a senator in my country? Na waa o. Morally corrupt souls. Very Backward Geo.

  129. i pronounce instant judgement on yerima all the evil men with him

  130. come 2015,we will still vote in these rapist.

  131. i've long given up on d nigerian dream, itz just a lost cause, we cnt even figure if we are a secular state or a religious 1, if we were secular dis issue wont b brought up,mark my words we all will soon find ourselves under the sharia law why? Because we christians ar 2 spineless 2 do anything about it, limbs will be chopped off,heads lopped,people stoned,culture suppressd,pedophilia rulin the day,in d name of religion, i nid nt go on the picture is quite clear, the northerners want 2 turn our beloved nation in2 a theocracy like Iran,heres my message, 2 the soft heartd cameroun,togo is nt far kuz itz not goin to happen in this nation without a fight,

  132. alamin mohammed are u not a fool. may your daughters not be raped in the name of islam. oshi

  133. Are these perverts invariably saying a young girl can be married even b4 she knws d difference btw a man
    A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ a woman...religion aside,morally,it doesnt make any sense...♓Φw can a man of 60 b making luv †̥♥ a 10 year old girl who doesnt even knw ̶̷̩̥̊͡ǎ̜̣̍t he's doing....our young girls are in serious danger

  134. Am not a nigerian but My wife is...you are all goddamn stupid am sorry to say,this suckers you call your ledader Take all your money for themselves and yet pass a crazy law right not under Your nose but on top of your heads and yet all you can do is talk? I have been to nigeria before and I love the people but you all are really blinded,even the literates cant fucking see.when the topic was about same sex marriage this same retards were just shouting like uncivilized fools about it and yet they practice it the most I tell you! because I have been to abuja and I know what I saw. All you people do is run to another mans land to hide,the fear of death scares you all and yet you are already sentencing your children to death,if you people open your eyes and let aside the fear and fight for your rights other country will join you to fight,a man cant just pass a crazy law in europe we will fucking hunt him down,shit that country is yours it doesn't belong to the retards in abuja...why won't we foreigners think less of nigerians when you can't even fight for yourself in your own country and you come to my country and expect me to give you a goddamn job? Open your eyes people your land is blessed you are meant to be the riches! A stupid white man like me will Come to your country,tell you lies,use you like slaves and yet you'll let a follow african like you do thesame...shame!

  135. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,at 13 a gurl is still a little baby that needs a diaper change by her mom.Buh is this something that this guys should be concerned about? is this even a topic at all? is this the issue we are confronted with over there?their minds are so filthy, to think this are the guys running our nation,how do we expect to move forward.Any senator that votes in support of such will suffer a rotten dick.

  136. i pray everyday for God to mk wy for i and my family to leave ds country,i fear for my children.we r governed by crazies n dr is none to save us,i curse dos cultist hiding under religion,u will never know peace for any young girl you defile,it must bring troubl to u,GOD will judge u all

  137. Straight and point-blank. The man couldn't have said it any better. Way to go! @ "...pro-paedophilia, pro-child rape, pro-child marriage group within the senate."


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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