47 year old grandma wants cosmetic surgery to make her look older | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 27 July 2013

47 year old grandma wants cosmetic surgery to make her look older

This woman is the mother of former Channel O VJ Nonhle Thema's baby daddy, Arthur Bolton. Grandmother Anne Bolton wants to have cosmetics surgery to make her look older because at 47 years old, she hasn't seen any sign of aging; no wrinkles, no greying hair, no sagging etc.

UK Daily Mail  reports:
The mother-of-four says she is constantly being mistaken for a woman half her age, and says looking like a 20-year-old is actually ruining her life - and now she's thinking about having cosmetic surgery to make herself look older. Anne says that her youthful looks have ruined a marriage and two long-term relationships, as younger men constantly chat her up
You think she looks way younger than her age? Continue to read her story...

She also believes jealous friends have abandoned her because she makes them look older.
Her eldest son, who has recently become a father, hates being seen with her after being mistaken for her boyfriend.
Now size eight Anne fears her youthful looks will mean a lifetime of loneliness because she only ever gets chatted up by toyboys she has nothing in common with.

She says: 'Everyone wants to look younger but I'm not joking or exaggerating when I say looking young is ruining my life. I would do anything for a few wrinkles to look my age.
'Why I have none is a mystery to me but the older I get, the bigger the problem becomes for me. I need someone to invent the reverse of Botox because I'm desperate to look older.'
Anne married her first husband at the age of 24, but within a few years they were bickering over her looks.
She said: 'I was in my late twenties but my husband noticed much younger men looking at me and he started to get jealous.
'I wasn't interested, but as the years passed I remained looking the same age and he looked older, which led to even more rows.
'We were the same age but he hated people thinking he'd married a younger woman so I did my best to dress older.'

Anne's son Arthur Bolton with TV personality Nonhle Thema and their son.

Eventually it drove them apart. And despite having two sons together - Arthur, now 25, and 19-year-old Kevin - they got divorced when Anne, who also does some work as a TV extra, was 32.
Four years later, she embarked on a long-term relationship with her second partner, who worked for the Royal Mail.

He was just two years older than Anne who, at 36, was often taken for a twenty-something.
She says: 'At first he loved it and complimented me on my appearance. He said he was proud to be with me.
'But soon the looks from younger guys triggered arguments. But what could I do about it?'
The couple had two sons - Joshua, now 13, and seven-year-old Jacob - yet even being a busy mother-of-four took no toll on Anne's looks.
She reveals: 'When he was 42 I still looked 22. People didn't believe I had four children.
'He hated people asking if he was my dad or brother. I could see the way things were going again.
I would have changed it if I could, only there is no operation to make you look older.'
After five years together, the couple split up and Anne feared she would never find love again.

She says: 'I was only chatted up by young guys. At first it was flattering but then it got boring.
'They want to talk about cars and nightclubs but I needed something more. There's no way I would date someone the same age as my son. Toyboys do not interest me at all.'
Eventually, aged 42, Anne met a 32-year-old.
He was mature enough for her yet, she hoped, young enough not to be concerned over her looks. But she soon faced exactly the same problems.
She said: 'People would stare at us as if we shouldn’t be together. He even got called a dirty old man. Nobody would believe I was a decade older than him and men would approach me to chat me up when I was with him because they thought he couldn't possibly be my partner.
'It became a nightmare. I was even accused of being a gold-digger because it looked like I was with a much older man. It was driving us both mad. It led to rows. It was like history repeating itself.'

Earlier this year, after five years together, they split up. Anne revealed: 'Once again I found myself alone. I was heartbroken that my life was being so badly affected by the way I looked.'
She has since struggled to meet any men her own age but has no shortage of offers from men 20 years younger.
She says 'People think that must be great but I am a grown woman with four sons. I don't want to date a kid. I want a real man, but men my age don't want to date me because it makes them look like perverts. I feel caught in a trap and I don’t know what to do.'
It's not just her love life that has suffered because of her youthful appearance. Anne used to enjoy shopping trips with eldest son Arthur, but he got fed up of his mum being mistaken for his girlfriend - making it impossible for him to meet anyone either.
Anne says: 'Girls just assumed he was taken. He found it embarrassing to have to explain to them I was his mother.
'I couldn’t believe that me looking young was stopping both me and my son from meeting anyone.'
Friendships have also been wrecked by jealousy over her looks. She says: 'As they started to look older and I just looked younger, my friends saw me as a threat to them.
'Their husbands would tell me how young I looked and it annoyed them so they stopped inviting me out. It wasn't my fault but what could I do?
'Women my own age think standing next to me makes them look old. I can see them looking me up and down - I've even been called a bitch.
'So I have to hang around with much younger women. They are good fun but deep down we're not into the same things. Some are younger than my son but what choice do I have?
'Because of the way I look I don’t feel I fit in anywhere - with young people, or those my own age. I bring out the bitchy side in women so I'm scared to try to make new friends.'
Anne, who uses just soap and water and Palmer's face cream, has even started examining her face in the mirror in the hope of finding a wrinkle.

She admits: 'Most women dread them while I am desperate to find just one. But my face and body are totally smooth.
'I’ve lost count of the times people have asked me if I could bottle my secret and sell it - I'd be a millionaire if I could.'


  1. Make she come live for 9ja, she go old by force.

  2. Bitch pulease!u look ur damn age!

  3. Na Wash! Who told her she looks younger. I'm 47 too and I even look younger than her.

  4. Be proud of urself. Becos wat u have is scarce to find.if it were to be in my country, u would have been a celebrity. Wetin people dey find u dey complain.....i dont blame be after GOD those u love on earth have desserted u...its well

  5. Wow! She no sabi anything o. What ppl are looking for and wasting huge amount of money on is wat she doesn't need. SMH for her.

  6. Hnmm........ Ibeg mk We exchange oh..n by the way ur Mr right will come granny, a man DT will appreciate u n ur Stature.........cos i seriously wish to b Lk U when am 47........ Keep It up........... Bt i beg dey dress lk granny i.e lk a matured lady n nt lk sm high school girls.... Linda good morning

  7. Is it just me or what? This woman looks like a 55 year old trying to still look young or go with the trend, look at her face, I wouldn't wanna use the word "ugly". The only thing that makes her look in touch with her age is her slim physique, other than that, her face still looks very old despite all the make up. You don't need surgery to look older pls, you already look like a 55 year old.

  8. Linda i see that you are still on American time...this woman worwor o. lol.

  9. Her problem isn't the wrinkles. Dress your age gramma! She dresses like a teenager

  10. Madam hmmmmmmm I hear u! The Bible says in everything give thanks,apperciate God guddness in ur life and forget wat pple say or. Look @ you(we only live life once)

  11. She no serious jare. *first to comment*

  12. Nyc looks pls dnt change anytin Anne
    I jes wish I could look lyk dis wen am 47

  13. looool.........is dis a joke, this woman looks 40 to me tho.

  14. Come to Abuja. Date a Nigerian. Sugar daddies are now a normal thing in our own place and now the men are bored with teenage girls and girls in their 20s they want children. I have no doubt you will find a suitable match

  15. 1. she sounds dumb as fuck
    2. i believe she won't do it, even if they tell her it's possible. she's only seeking attention.
    3. she's ugly
    4. is that craw craw on her skin?
    5. bye

  16. Everyone has issue they are faced with in life. I feel for her

  17. The Curious Case of Benjamin Burton Part 1,2,3 &4.

  18. Hope she knows reversing the age is a more difficult job.Have u seen Nollywood Mistakes. ?

  19. Madam I will advice you to just give thanks to God and forget all this friendship nonsense. Your size and shape is what some women will travel up to 80 miles to see if they can resize their shape, and you are here saying a different thing. For once people should learn how to say God I THANK YOU

  20. Wow! I ve same problem,I ‎​​A̶̲̥̅♏ 27 but look 17 o

  21. I can only imagine your pain and frustration. I came across a mother of four who was slim and wanted to add weight so that people would treat her with more respect. I adviced her against that. Now I understand better.

  22. Who's deceiving you? Pls save the money to reconstruct ur face instead. SMH

  23. i wil like my mother to be more younger than anne

  24. She is deluding herself...even I can see the wrinkles and she certainly looks her age. She just dresses like she borrowing a 16 year old's clothes. Dress your age woman, you'll probably look it then. Kmt

  25. She shud add weight jo,n stop going bck n forth(hmmm bt i'm sre she has tried dis)lolol,adding weight wud av bin d best bet!i really feel 4her

  26. All u nd 2 do is b urslf.

  27. Abeg!! this one doesn't have issues in life again. coming to complain about looking too young instead of her to embrace her blessing of youthful looks. when other are doing surgery to get the shit that she claims to have. kmtttt!
    btw she doesnt even look that young tbh. if she is desperately looking for body work to do she should do something about the spots on her skin.

  28. She looks her age... 47..probably yearning for some attention...this makes no sense

  29. Foolish woman.......dey there dey fool yourself...Nike Oshinowo looks younger than you...several women Who Ǎ̜̣̍я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ older than you look younger than you α̲̅πϑ you Ǎ̜̣̍я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ giving urself false hope that you look younger?Mtsheeeeewwww

  30. Start by dressing your age.

  31. She is a bloody narcissist!If she wants to look older,she'll dress it! Besides,her mirror must be broken for her to think her face looks young! Pfff!.....Mogul's back

  32. Nna enhe! How this one take concern me na? Na bcos u neva see suffer, come naija, u go age by force. Wen u siddon for hold up, queue for bank, hustle inside market, do school runs, dey run from kidnapper n armed robbers, the list goes on and on. So madam if u want to age fast, pls take the next flight to Nigeria.

  33. She should start by dressing her age. She doesn't look all that young, all she needs is grace and more appropriate clothes.

  34. She looks advanced to me oh,like early 40's tho..cos even tho she's slim,her skin looks tough like old ashewo.

  35. She should start wearing clothes appropriate for her age. She is trying so hard to be 20

  36. who is decieving this old mama. she looks her age joh. just dresses silly. haba mana! if that's how guys are chatting this mama up then young gals are slacking oh

  37. She should start wearing clothes appropriate for her age. She is trying so hard to be 20

  38. She looks her age....old mama. Go and sit down jare and take care of your grand kids.Dress your age too.mtcheeew*rollingeyes* ugle old woman

  39. Ahh mummy, u already look old ma...na the converse dey deceive u...

  40. Different strokes for different people. She's not looking too young for her age as she claimed. She shud thank God for her looks and focus on more serious issues. She might end up looking like a monster if she attempts any cosmetic surgery that'll make her older.

  41. U look old jor *rolls eyes*

  42. Madam! Please dress your age and you might just be addressed accordingly

  43. First to comment........jeez wow so no matter what ... Man just wants more

  44. First to comment........jeez wow so no matter what ... Man just wants more

  45. Ds is really funny,2 mi she doesn't luk 20 or 30 she is jt ohk 4 her age she has a grt bodi bt nt beautiful enuf.so stop complaining and gv tnxs 2 God 4 gving u dt kind of luk

  46. Na wa ohh.....men wld always want smthing no matter what dey ve

  47. I'm confused......is a weave supposed to go grey???

  48. She should try dressing her age...how about that for an advise

  49. If she starts dressing up apropriately, maybe she won't be fooling hersef

  50. lmfaooo! mehn, i dont think she looks so young, she just has a good body...its so funny, how 1 person's prayer is another woman's problem...LIFE!

  51. Try dressing your age for staters!

  52. linda biko post my comment now..haba!

  53. Eeyahhhhh. Short of words

  54. Abeg na lie jor, she looks very old to me......see her face.......

  55. U dress like a 20 year old too,what do u expect?

  56. This woman is disillusioned. Who says she looks 20? She may look young but not dat young Abeg.

  57. Na lie. The grand mama dey show for ur face but ur body try sha.

  58. As soon as this brawd shuts up! She needs to throw away those out-of-date clothes that look like she's in the year 2003,her midriff is showing,that silver dress is painted on her,nothing against the elderly wearing trendy clothes but this is embarrassing..You're attracting young jerks cause you dress like a hooker GranGran!she needs to shut up right now

  59. Her look is not a problem but a blessing. She has just 2 problems; at her age she dresses underage even like a teen,that's a big fashion error. No 2 problem she lives her life by ppl's comment.......hmmmmmmmm

  60. haha..der is nothin i wont hear...u go soon die as ure doin d sugery...try dressin more lyk an older woman instead of lookin for sugery ur face is already gettin old ure d one dressin lyk a teen...

  61. D maths dsnt add up to me, if shez 47nw n she got married at 24, dt mins ha oldest son shudnt b more dan 23 and nt 25.......unless she had kids before ha marriage.

  62. Pls this woman is looking for publicity. She looks her age very well,look at her face n hand. Just that she got a nice bod but still look her age. How old is halle berry again?! And lots of them too. Please woman,take a sit

  63. I thinks it's a blessing to look younger and it's your curse too to accept the pains... keep rocking mama.

  64. She doesnt look 22 ph.hus deceiving her.she looks old .all dese her stories na wash!

  65. Hmmmn orisirisi,what won't one see or hear......I personally don't see anything partcularly young about this woman. asides her small body, she has an old face, an agbalagba face, like the yoruba's would say....so I think she is just okay for her age, why bother about wrinkles and all? Smh

  66. Whr z d 'young' woman's pic. Becos it can't be this woman!!!! Good body, yes!!! No wrinkles, yes!!! But she does NOT look young!!!!!!!!!!!! MSCHEW

  67. She's a fool..is this the way women of her age dress with short tops..why won't only young men chat her up..attention seeker oshi..she even looks old to me

  68. She should come to naija, she will find men her age that look older than her and sugar daddies sef.

  69. Guess all the men she had been with all suffered from the same ailment :)INFERIORITY COMPLEX,...I still find this story weird and strange sha

  70. She doesn't look like she's in her 20's. She looks to be in her late thirties. Madam, at 47 u're still wearing bum shots and tight jeans...how will pple nt mistake u for a younger, available girl! Dress ur age cos surgery is nt the ans.

  71. As far as I'm concerned she very well looks her age. She may have a skiny body, but I have met Nigerian women who look younger at her age!

  72. Why wunt young men come after you when you are dressing like a young girl.Stop dressing like a young girl dress like a matured woman I bet u matured men will come after you

  73. Attention seeker, with this ur face???? No try am o!!!

  74. Abeg! Make she go gum body for chair! What's she. Talking about! She dresses like a teen, what does she expect? She looks like some1 in her 40s not 20s abeg.

  75. A little over-exagerated. She looks young for her age but not so young. Maybe she should dress her age more often and leave all d skimpy tops she's wearing for sometime.

  76. Hmmn! Maam u dnt luk young to me u jst skinny and luks smart. And I think u ar aging gradually unknowingly to u.

  77. Her story is boring!

  78. She is deceiving herself. She looks old already, look at her legs and chicks - old mama youngie mtschew. Abeg Linda bring better gist and leave this granny dt is looking for popularity.

  79. She is not looking too young 4 a 37 yrs old woman rather she dressed 2 young 4 her age.

  80. Everything that has an advantage has a disadvantage. Looking older than your age has its advantages and disadvantages as well. Let her just accept her youthful looks in good faith. Age is not how you look but how you feel.

  81. She is deceiving herself. She looks old already, look at her legs and chicks - old mama youngie mtschew. Abeg Linda bring better gist and leave this granny dt is looking for popularity.

  82. Woman,the white man is coming for you. They will want to find out why u haven't aged. Question will be, do u want to be a guinea pig?

  83. She looks exactly her age,she is just not dressing her age....*rolling eyes*

  84. Madam come to a remote village in Naija, go to d farm everyday, cook wit firewood and I assure u u'll look 88yrs old in jst 2weeks

  85. Hmmm...just lıke my case...am 28 years,married but still lookıng lıke 18years...smooth and beautiful....love it

  86. Abeggy everybody wan b celeb. Wr is dis one comin from again? C dis SA woman dat is lookn olda dan my grandma . Abi na bcos u slim ni? Is it dat her husband is dead n she's lookn for a politician? Abeg go sitdown ur time don pass na only underage girls dey marry senators

  87. Pretty woman,u don't look younger than ur age u gave birth very early

  88. I don't know why she thinks she looks so young.....all I see is the way she dresses below her age,kinda inappropriate....Mz N

  89. May God forgive this woman. Some people are trying to look young, she has it good and wants something else....SMH

  90. I comment my reserve!

  91. When d surgery is finally done, then she wud realise looking younger is beta than luking older than her chronological age because inspite of the worse she probably wud face mentally and psychologically, she would yet again face the stress of its maintenance and its fee. So my verdict is be yourself

  92. When d surgery is finally done, then she wud realise looking younger is beta than luking older than her chronological age because inspite of the worse she probably wud face mentally and psychologically, she would yet again face the stress of its maintenance and its fee. So my verdict is be yourself

  93. Abeg e. Dis pple go dey Yarn Opata. U dey wear Bum shorts up and down and u dey find ur mate. Hian

  94. When d surgery is finally done, then she wud realise looking younger is beta than luking older than her chronological age because inspite of the worse she probably wud face mentally and psychologically, she would yet again face the stress of its maintenance and its fee. So my verdict is be yourself

  95. Wot people are looking for millions to get,here you are complaining....hmmmm,eni lori oni fila.

  96. Biko this woman should go and rest, as a matter if fact she looks older than her age abi what's d fuss...eleyi Toh ti gbo bi ile Galilee yi....mshew.

  97. Wonders shall neva end,u look younger problem,u look older same thing,u gv birth wen u were so young nice1

  98. When I was 25 people said I was 18...now am 31 nd people say am 23..I have a child and people keep asking if she's my kid sister...yes I feel what she's going through...boys am far older than come after me nd it's not cool..and some people am older than would call say am disrespectful that they are not my mate...

  99. Madam abeg dress properly lyk an African woman n c if u will nt look 67 truly she has an old face n a very tin body. We have plenty of our Nigerian celebs who r her age n r lookn younger n beta even though we no they r nt tellin dia actual age

  100. P.s she should work on her dressing...she dresses like a teenager mbok..

  101. P.s she should work on her dressing...she dresses like a teenager mbok..

  102. Linda u never post my comments. So post dis 1. She should thank God for what she has n stop complianing. Plus dress ur age and ppl won't mistake you dat much. To me, u don't have a problem

  103. Lool! Very funny, she's acting it already

  104. Irony of life.
    She looks like one in her mid-thirties to me,though.

  105. She no serious,who deceived her that she looks young? M mom is 50 & looks way hotter& younger than her.no be by wearing all stars ooo.smh

  106. Wonders shall neva cease,@Anne pls! Be proud ☺f̶̲̥̅̊ whom God has made you 2 be $ live U̶̲̥̅̊я life.

  107. Its your body and your dressing.. Not your FACE! So don't get a cosmetic surgery.. Start dressing like a 47 year old ma'am..

  108. Its your body and your dressing.. Not your FACE! So don't get a cosmetic surgery.. Start dressing like a 47 year old ma'am..

  109. she is not dressing her age now...good body by the way,pls dont alter it

  110. #coolstory

  111. Dis woman dey wish say she looks young..lol if I hear! Dis Giripa woman wey dey try to dey dress funky so she can look young. Abeg spare us.....plenty women who looks much younger than their ages... Anywais enjoy ur look and don't let any1 pull u down...nice stature but not a nice face and pls stop dressing like that,it aint good for ur health.lol

  112. She doesn't look that young, she only dresses young

  113. Well,u dont know wt u ave until u lose it. I pray u find dat comestic surgery nd ur face is damaged den lets see if u won't b even more bothered.t To me u dont even look so young,u r just petite.so make we'd hear word nd stop looking for fame all Ova d place.

  114. She doesn't need surgery. She just needs to be more age appropriate in her dressing. 15mins of fame over.

  115. Hmmm na wa. Strange story. Why doesn't she try dressing in a more mature n classy way. That would make her look closer to her age.

  116. Ds woman looks 50 to me oo linda if u ask me.na she dey lie to hersef.look at her hands lookin aged.na pancake she used cover up dat face too.let her wear matured clothings and not all ds seconday school gal cloths.den she won't need any surgery and stop foolin hersef

  117. She looks old joo nd whatsup with her knuckles??? She is tryin 2 hard gan,she is tryin 2 dress young nd she is not getting it right atall

  118. Reagina shld take a cue frm her wat a cute grandma!!!

  119. I would love to have her kinda body, mine is jux d opposite...

  120. She looks fifty to me......

  121. She no need surgery, make she just dress the part! Otan! I fall into the same class.pple think am 22!

  122. y in a hurry? aftaral, she luks olda dan her age.

  123. She is actually crazy and looks old to me "old mama youngie" dressing like a kid

  124. She looks old already nah

  125. Plz eye dey pain dis woman ni? Lady u OLD!!!!! Ehn madam come 2 9ja n wear bubu nack som gele on top ya head n stop wearing dem jeans competing wif ur daughter in law U'll look old stop looking 4 fame n giving us rubbish story biko! Linda onto the next 1 plz!!!!!!!

  126. Storyville ! Sorry to disapoint u granma.... U look older Dan ur age. €BangaSoup$

  127. Like seriously!..she looks even 48.wat is she complaining abt.she doesnt need any surgery.al she haz 2 do is 2 change d way she dresses.(coz she aint dressin lyk a grandma d@ she is).believe me wen i say its ha dressing d@ itz attractn d attention 2 ha...


  129. Eyah....so sad. I feel for her

  130. What's wrong with this one most of those hot nigerian actresses are in their forties my mom is fifty one and she is finer. God compensated you with a good body with your ugly face.stop deceiving yourelf you don't look younger

  131. Na wa o. But getting a wrinkle will not solve d issue. U just haven't met wit the right persons yet. Plus u need to dress older. Not wearing shoes and clothes meant for a 20 years old

  132. If she want to look her age then she needs to dreSs her age.

  133. Don't deceive yourself,love.ur body might not show it but ur face does.u look every inch ur age so leave it out plzz

  134. When forever young turns forever lonely

  135. Woman, appreciate d gift of God in You. As for me, I wanna be 4eva young. I even want my mum to look much younger. Or maybe ur so desperate to ve a man in ur life? A moda of 4 matured men? Woman, go n rest, a lot of women that got married wished to be single, a lot lost their husbands and they Neva wished to remarry again, ur of age, go and rest n stop complaining.

  136. She looks old to me o...

  137. Mtscchewwww... People they find fOod to chop this one dey come yan okpata. Abegi where's my bread and coke

  138. lerus hear biko. cosmetic surgery indeed!

  139. Please come n be my friend... I love this kinda woman,I'm just 23! And I also love Men n Not Boys!

  140. Human beings are insatiable.

    Those who look old do all sorts to look young, and here is someone looking half her age worrying on how to look old,


    Make una no confuse God o!

  141. Stop putting on those skimpy dresses on. Dress like a woman and a mother. If u don't want people to complain. Wen u put on boop shorts wot do u expect? Young admires. I wanna look younger.

  142. Hiannn
    Onye nkea osi na ogini?
    Abeg park well aunty
    U look just ur age madam
    Stop whinning biko.
    Ur 5mins is up
    Time to go.

  143. Attention seeking old cargo.. u want to look older but in skimpies, jeans and make-ups? Trash!

  144. Who wil look dis woman nd say she is on her 20's, dat person eye nd brain no correct. We call dis type of women "OLD MAMA YOUNGY

  145. Madam Bolton, I will say you have d body of someone in her twenties, but facially u don't look that young! Facially u look ur age. I will advice that u drop all this teen clothes you wear, n go for clothes ur age. U don't have to have any surgery to make u older! All u need do is dress ur age n hang out @places where u av people of ur age. As for your son, he is funny o, so because he wants to hold on 2 relationships he has to severe his relationship with you cos pple usually conclude that u re his girlfriend, not knowing you re d mum? Such a pity! If u re Nigerian n stay here in Naija, ds would be ur selling point, cos alotta naija mamas will love 2 hav ur body evn @60yrs. I wish u all d best mam....remember, dress ur age, dat shld do for now.

  146. She would probably look her age if she stops dressing like a teenager

  147. You are so full of 'S'! How about you stop dressing the way I did at 18 and start dressing your age. Being a size 8 and looking young is one thing, but dressing like a teenager is another.

    On another note, if men constantly leave you, maybe you need to look deeper than assuming it's about just your looks. It's a given that men are simple, but women in general tend to hear what they want. So maybe when the next guy says things that may end your relationship, listen to ALL of what he's saying and don't just hear looks and shut down.

  148. When she's dressing like a 12 year old, how won't they look at her in such light.....

  149. Linda u expect make i read ds long article shay?.....U mumu Much


  150. She's silly. She should go and sleep. She's dressed like a 12 year old. Why won't young guys chat her up? Meanwhile, that her face doesn't look like that of a twenty year old tho. I mean, she ain't no Benjamin Button, but she does look old, somewhat.

  151. Rili amazed, she shudnt go for surgery, dats d way God created ha.....

  152. Good for her but maybe she shld start dressing her age!!! That might help!!!

  153. Come to naija, our senators are looking for young women. Just that you don't look 13 but I'm sure you'll fit in.

  154. well she shud try reduce ha intake of fresh fruits n veggie(watermelon n apple) n den quit d 7 glass of water a day i betcha d wrinkle wud com quickly cos dis tinz help ur skin 2 fyt wrinkles u dnt knw hw much u petting dat skin of urs n palmers is a gud range of products 4 black peeps

    N:B: eating 2many good fruits is no different frm gettin a botox

  155. Hmmm,madam facially u look ur age sha oo.. B urself and enjoy ur" youthful look" joor cos haters ll always leave! **Chineseprincess**

  156. Yea she luks young doh.......bur before anytin she shuld start dressing 4 her age nt dressing like a young lady

  157. publicity stunt , she should not fool herself she most surely looks her age or even older

  158. publicity stunt , she should not fool herself she most surely looks her age or even older

  159. FOH! delusional old heifer look 67.

  160. She looks old already jare

  161. Height of joblessness ; Actually just seeking cheap publicity ; If indeed she wanted to look older , she would have been dressing the part(not like a teen)-in order words, she is saying one thing while her body language is saying another . Reading between the lines , she is actually putting herself out there to be admired/noticed !!!

  162. #Smh# madam abeg dress ur age first. Haba,hw cn u wear dat show tommy n nt expect 2 attract little boys 2 u. Honestly u hv a nice body 4 ur age bt ur face don old, look am well, u go c wetin I dey talk. Jst try 2 dress ur age n u ll c u re nolonger as young as u re sounding. Bia! Linda respect urself n post my comment oooo cos u nvr tel me wetin I do u #angrylook#

  163. Mayb anne should change the way she dresses.... Looling younger than ur age is a blessing

  164. What a foolish idea u're conjuring 4 urself just cos of what others think of u.Lady, embrace what nature has given u, which is: "young Forever look" n try 2 See how u can convert it 2 something that can help others improve their lives. U just have 2 make a new discovery about d meaning of life n existence n then let ur discovery give u a new outlook on life b4 u make ur next move.

    Plastic surgery 2 look older, I'll advice u is just a path 2 self destruction

  165. Pls who is deceiving this woman? who told her her skin is smooth? smh

  166. Mayb anne should change the way she dresses.... Looking younger than ur age is a blessing

  167. She's living in fool's paradise with her bleached patchy skin. Nothing gorgeous about her looks jare...

  168. erm, no offence but this woman has been deceived, hell, she looks older than my mother... i don't think d problem is how she looks, probably how she dresses. they say "dress how u want to be addressed"

  169. Like seriouly?
    Nne nne u look old just dress d part...mtcheewww.


  170. Ayaaah wat a pity person wey get head no get cap & person wey get cap no get head dat is aw mighty aw God can be my dear grandma I will advice u leave urself d way God as created u if dos ur ex asnt stayed wit u 4eva its simply means dey arnt meant 4 u & I pray God will definately give u a man dat will luv & appreciate u d way u ar so dnt do anytin tin nasty 2 urself all in d name of getting older ur perfect d way u ar

  171. She doesn't look younger than her age. She jux looks fit. Cosmetic surgery wud be a Silly Mistake

  172. There is no deceit like self deceit

  173. Nothing from me its Jйʃ† funny

  174. Make we notice u abi?

  175. Linda o. Dis lady is jus deceiving herself coz she looks old......tho nt dat bad its like dat 4 sm pple.dey r old age wise buh young physically...she's shld b thankful wuh does she wanna look like queen elizabeth.mtcheeew.dis lady jus nids attention and she got it

  176. One Woman's Trash is another Woman's Treasure.

  177. Hmmm! She's eatn healthy diet, nice clothes n rubbn who knows, y won't she look dat way, my dear come to naija for 3months and stay in one of our ghettos, hehehe no one will recognise u. Jst thnk God n move on.

  178. Just remain focused in finding the ryte man and the man shud luv u for who u are.Pple must talk so let dem say

  179. u really do not look young, u just need to start dressing your age cos all these photos portray u as a juvenile.

  180. Irony!
    ~D great anonymous!

  181. Ann am sorrry oooo. Buh u luk very 2 mi ,is jst ur body that is small ur face luks ur age ma.

  182. What some woman will spend millions on surgery upon surgery just to look younger, is what this woman is trying to stop having. If it was possible to port, she would have just ported to. One very old look and let so many woman port to her own body

  183. Granny!!!how did lookin younger ruin you???just curious........she talks hopelessly why or she's not serious#1st 2 comment.......Yes snow go fall

  184. Diweri Benibile27 July 2013 at 10:00

    My dear don't let dat be a problem jare,wish to be like u wen I get 2 ur age.cause I want to be forever young

  185. All you need to do is go for 'how do I look' show...y won't small boys chat u up??...I mean look at how u dress!... U just want to make mouth thats all...and my dear...you don't look half your age at all...try dressing your age woman.

  186. LMAO!!!! I'm so embarrassed for this woman. Does she know that she looks like a 60 yr old trying to dress like a 14 yr old????

  187. Abeg enjoy ur looks jor.... Dis is wot most celebs r spend much money to battle. Here u r complaining. All dez r just lame excuses. I still don't see any reason y pple shuld hate u 4 ur looks. I guess u like to mingle wit wrong set of jealous ass holes. Find ur type and u'll begin to enjoy life. Finding ur type doesn't mean pple wit ur kinda looks. But pple wit gud heart

  188. Nope, my mother is 54 and she looks more younger than her. She looks gd for her age though.

  189. her face looks old

  190. She has a great body yes but her face definitely looks 40+, abi the madam no just fine. Its one or the other.

  191. She looks her age who is she deceiving, jst her body looks trim

  192. even if did not know/see her age, i would have said that she is in her 40`s so she is not looking all that young.....she just looks good for her age

  193. She looks her age joor bUt why is she dressing like a 14 yrs old gal? Hmmmmm the story no make sense at all to me.

  194. One word for this woman ......DELUDED!!!! ... Someone get her a ladder to climb down from the flying horse she's on. Yes you've aged well, and yes you MIGHT have (take note of "might") the body of some 20-something year olds... But if I met you,I wouldn't think hey she's 22, first haing that comes to mind is, "she"s aged well" ..which ist a bad thing, so STOP with the delusion already..pfttt... Ure doing ur own head in ....

  195. if you look at her eyes.....she looks way older than 47.....hehehe

  196. hot looking lady but she does not look young for her age


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