Mary Mary's Tina Campbell opens up about her husband's infidelity | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 31 May 2013

Mary Mary's Tina Campbell opens up about her husband's infidelity

If you've ever been cheated on by your spouse, then maybe you should read this. Tina Campbell, the other half of gospel group Mary Mary opened up to Ebony magazine June issue about infidelity in her marriage; how her husband of 13 years had an affair for two years; how she first wanted to harm him and divorce him, then learning to forgive and working things out.

Tina on discovering her husband was having an affair:
“Once I became aware [of the affair], I initially wanted to kill my husband…I was considering adjusting the will, the living trust and all that kind of stuff. I did physically try to stab him. Several times…I never got to the point of physical harm, not really, but my words…My words hurt. ” 
A few days after the online publication, Tina posted a message to her fans on her website asking for prayers. See it after the cut...

Hi fans and friends. It’s Tina. I hope all of you are well and I thank you for all the love and support you’ve shown my sister and I over the years.
Well, I'm actually writing you on behalf of my husband Teddy and I. I’m assuming that many of you have seen or heard about our article in Ebony that discussed the challenges of overcoming infidelity in our marriage. Well since the article, the challenges have worsened. My hope turned into hopelessness & despair and I became unwilling to forgive and fight, until God showed me myself.
My husband’s struggle, was with sexual immorality BUT I have struggled with anger, rage, unforgiveness, pride, just to name a few, for over 2 decades. The devil wanted to use strongholds that took hold of our lives in our childhood, to remain and destroy us as adults. So now instead of being mad at each other we’re mad at the devil and we’re ready to fight.
Today we began a 30 day fast (May 24th-June 22nd) for complete deliverance & restoration. If u are able to, please fast and/or pray daily that God would answer our prayers and give us a deeper love & commitment to him and to each other. We believe he still works miracles and he can give us the greatest marriage we could have ever imagined. We can pray alone BUT your prayers will certainly help.
Some Scriptures To Target Your Prayer
2 Chronicles 7:14
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
James 5:16
“Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.”
Thanks in advance. Talk to you in 30 days.
Tina and Teddy got married in 2000 and have four children together. 


  1. Her husband can gerriiiitttt!!!!!!!!

    Kenyan babe

  2. First to comment ......

  3. when both parties are willing to work things out, there is no need for divorce. when one person is stupid though hmmmm

  4. Peace is restored to ur family in Jesus name...n mine too.

  5. This is the reason why men will always cheat, because women keep forgiving them.
    I dated two women I considered marrying, one who would find out about my cheating and forgive me, and another who I knew would leave me if she ever found out, guess which one I married, of cos the forgiving one, so I'm eating my cake and having it

    1. Lucky you. You married the foolish one.

    2. Hehehehe!!!

    3. Exactly my thoughts.

    4. Ur very stupid and u obviously married d foolish and desperate one! Change ur ways. No woman wnts bullshit frm her man! And ur even proud 2 say it. SMH!! May amadioha bend ur dick

    5. I earnestly hope and pray your wife sees this!
      Karma's a bitch and u've been screwing wif her!
      Be careful lest you fall!

    6. AIDS is REAL annoying mofo...... been a woman and a wife I feel like locking up that thing u have another for 3years.... But I don't blame u,na person wey u marry I blame.....Mtsheww....Oloriburuku Okunrin..Anoufia...Dog, Goat....Tufiaka

    7. U r just a big anuofia, am sure d lady u married does nt ve tym on her side dats y she is alwayz 4giving u.when is nt dat u are d only whale in d ocean.linda publish it oh!girls r nt smiling

    8. U must b a very foolish man n God will def punish u...u r,so proud n happy to b cheating on a ghud woman...wat do u feel like...i knw u dnt hv d fear of God or conscience watsoeva dats y ur filled with d devils work .I pity ur wife n pray u will regret ur actions one day for been bad to a ghud woman..u men dnt like d ghud ones sha...Linda post mi comments mbok

  6. Men wil always cheat!always

    1. Not all men dear, I'm a man with exception examine ya life b4 Gods anger come on u.

  7. God does miracle and relates with us his children in different ways. Has she considered if God wants her to move away from this man? Does she know this could be the message? I doubt fasting and praying would heal a throbbing penis.

    1. Would God really suggest to her to leave her husband? Wouldn't you think that God will always act according to His word? Am I wrong to consider that since God instructs us to forgive one another that this should also count? I believe she's doing the right thing. The only caveat is the hope that the husband is truly repentant.

    2. Oh take several seats! You unbeliever!! *rme*

    3. Marriage is a scared union.
      God cannot 'want' her to move away from her husband.
      Even as children of God, when we stubbornly refuse to adhere to His voice and marry His perfect will for us cos that's not what we want for ourself, He still grants us HIS permissive will.
      HE MIGHT let us go thru a lil trial and all but wud always see us thru.
      Please do not take GOD to be man!

  8. Replies
    1. Prince Charming which kain picture be dis na? Are you now into porn? Or should I say "are you now into the conspicous display of incediary and chromatic erotic visuals?"

    2. U just finished me wt laughter

    3. I don't know why Linda allowed such in her blog, I used to think she previews before publishing

    4. I don't know why Linda allowed him. I thought she previews before posting

  9. Too long,reading it seemed a chore.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

    1. Of cos,I don't expect a daft brain such as urs to b able to comprehend such.

  10. Chai! Dis woman mst b of nigerian origin,Godbless her home

  11. God will definitely see them thru,they took the best route nd he'll surely see them thru it!

  12. It can happen t any body. Visit for gist on uniben

  13. †̥ђε̲̣̣̣̥ Lord Jesus Į̸̸̨§ helping and has helped Y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊,ƒό̲̣̣̣̥r̲̅ all Į̸̸̨§ well,we ® praying ƒό̲̣̣̣̥r̲̅ ˚°ºU̶̲̥̅̊º°˚,ℓ̊ also W̶̲̥̅iL̶̲̥̅L̶̲̥̅ prayer ƒό̲̣̣̣̥r̲̅ Tina Campbell

    1. Dis 1 obviously just started usin a  dis year. Grow up.

    2. Dis 1 obviously just started usin a  dis year. Grow up.

  14. Wow! Really impressed that there are still Americans that think in this manner, whereas many of them would have long packed their bags and baggages and found the way to the door. GOD BE PRAISED! Go Lin, love you for publishing this.

  15. Sowyy, Can't fast, but ♏αy d Lord answer Y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊r Prayers..Sis in d Lord..Bless U

  16. This is whati call being made a blessing to others!!!!

  17. Wow! I am really impressed that an American in this age and time is reasoning like this when people even men of GOD and christains alike would long have packed their bag and baggages and found the way to the door. GOD BE PRAISED! Go Lin, thanks for publishing this awesome story.

  18. way to go gang, thumbs up!

  19. May God answer their prayers and deliver them in Jesus name, amen.

  20. Both of them are heros!.. De woman who unburdened her soul and de man who did not mind de publicity and emotional stigma it may cause!.. May God heal ur union and restore ur love.. Amen!

  21. Christianity by faith! God plz I need d same forginess.

  22. Wow!!! This is a lesson that we should all learn from.
    To be honest, very few ladies can do this. May God give us our SPOUSES o.

  23. I just love tina,shes blunt,if u watch deir reality show,you will know,she is a great singer,the best of mary mary,i pray everytin goes well with her,i like and appreciate d fact she forgave her husband,american women divorce easily,it shows how Christianly she is,i pray God heal her wound

  24. May God help us to work on our imperfection.. There's no perfect creature... That's why we need to be tolerant in every relationship

  25. It is only those who have been affected that know the true meaning of hurt relating to infidelity. I went through such once and forgave my husband; the second time I literally prayed that he died, because he felt entitled to cheat because we were going through stuff. It is well my sister, the Lord will heall your home. Anger is one emotion a Christian cannot afford: it blinds us &erodes all channels of communication. Don't give up on yourslves. GGod will lift you above yourself and heal your hearts & home IJN

  26. It takes a woman that knows God to fight like this,the bible says in all things take it to God in prayer,let us learn from this

  27. who will fast n pray for u wey dey enjoy about ur issue..waka pass abeg plenty things dey to fast n pray abt

  28. Not sure what to make of this. He shouldn't have cheated - period! Its the same devil that is now confusing this woman

  29. nothing like forgivness.its pure and the best

  30. This is terrible and lovely on the part the lady was reconciliation. Infidelity in marriage at times in hard to bid bye and forgive your partner especially if you have been so faithful with all the challenges. Is right to pray and fast about it and may God change things for better. Your hubby must be committed at heart not to get to those evil and bad ways and watch out for signals that transmit and translate to such wrong habit.

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  31. Ohhh Tina i luv ur courage ,i will pray for you * crying* Mennnnn we cant do without them

  32. Thank God for his mercies. Marriage may seem challenging but God always sees us through. I have come to realise that once we see our marriage the way God sees marriage (valuable,precious and loved) then who are we to say our marriage is struglling or challenging when God says its valuable. Its high time we confess and speak Gods words over our marriage.

  33. Well I hope he used protection and dude looks like a player. Hope the fasting period brings them the desired results.

  34. My prayers are with her because I've been there, the anger, rage and unforgiveness doesn't just go away no matter how hard you try! Prayers are indeed need.

  35. WOW!a virtuous woman indeed!

  36. Hmmm.....just discovered that my husband of 5yrs slept with my immediate senior sis abt 18months b4 we got married whilst i was in nysc sis nw born-again&restituting claims he got her drunk.....i've never wanted to kill someone so much.God pls heal me &help me to 4give them...worst of all,my hubby is still denying it&calling me a fool.

    1. Well, since it wwus like 1 and a half yrs b4 ur marriage,I guess its forgivble. But get to d bottom of it to know who's liein between both of em.

    2. Well, since it wwus like 1 and a half yrs b4 ur marriage,I guess its forgivble. But get to d bottom of it to know who's liein between both of em.

  37. That's one strong woman! I admire her strenght and willingness to work it out. I will pray and fast with you Mary. God bless you for trying to work it out and believing God! Ladies,....please learn from her. Goodluck.

  38. I dont understand why she is broadcasting this... woman shut up PLS!!

    1. Pls FUCK OFF!! U shuld pray 4 her and not dis! Insensitive twat!

  39. Infidelity in marriage is such a difficult thing to handle but forgiveness is a great virtue.

    Find out questions you should ask yourself before venturing into marriage

  40. Dis is wat couples who are faced wit challenges in deir marriage shld do (seekin d face of God 4 restoratn) n nt tinkin of divorce as d only option.

  41. hes a prayer answering father,he will hear and heal ur marriage.

  42. Oh!!! How luvly! The power of a praying wife

  43. WoW!
    She is soooo Godly
    God rekindle ur union together and with him.

  44. I'm really touched by this,and I pray God answers your prayers and restores your marriage.

  45. Awww, i'll certainly say a word of prayer for them. A lesson for proud naija women...

  46. The good Lord will see u guys through this trying period.

  47. Hmmm cute couple,God will restore Ʊя̲̅ marriage Joy Amennnnnnnn

  48. Am speechless...huh?...even Tina of MaryMary?...God have mercy on mankind

    1. Men r dogs, dey can cheat on a virtuous wwoman,or halle berry dat wus considered d most beautiful woman in d world,or heidi klum dat wus d best supermodel @ a tym,so forgerrit. No 1 is immune.

  49. Infidelity in marriage is a very difficult and trying moment in a marriage,that is where d place of forgiveness,time and love come in.time heals all wound and love covers a multitude of sins

  50. Linda, after having 5 children with me, that's when you will discover that I am having an affair. I go see where you won vex go. After 5 children, I go see who won marry you again. Hehehe!

    1. Who says a woman needs to get married again after a divorce? There r lots of loaded, older men out there for companionship. That may just be her chance to enjoy the best things of life n wipe away all the past hustles. Btw thats why i v said just 2kids for me. Easier to walk away with two than five

  51. Cheating kills the heart. I was busy keeping myself intact for a boyfriend who we were planning marriage. months to the marriage i learnt he had been cheating on me. not with one two but three girls. some of them he told me about and i advised him and we even prayed about it yet he slept with at least two of them behind my heart was broken. need i say more. cheating kills the spirit. I dont know what trust is again i tell you.

  52. Wow!!!! So rare, very rare, absolutely rare.....that's why u will win Tina! Its well with your home and mine too....cheers

  53. Deep. God will strengthen you both

  54. linda this story is realy touching.i pray that the Good lord answer them.

  55. Na wa oo... Tinz are happening...

  56. Hmmmn, come 9ja come see m en who cheat and want their wives to feel grateful for being married. Even some families just shrug it off as if its nothing. Sister, God help you ....forgiveness that the grace of God.

  57. God will see u through my dear sister.

  58. Its so painful when some1 you love and trust so much betrays u and sleeps with someone else.. I've had the same challenge in my marriage but by the grace of God we are working on it.. My husband is a wonderful, loving man.. I just feel the distance and not being together for over a year made him do things he wldnt think of ordinarily.. We are praying, fasting and working on our issues as a couple because the pain I feel in my heart can't be described...

  59. Look @ pple who r willing to make things work. I'm greatly inspired

  60. I pray for God's grace for you two

  61. great for her to be so open. you don't want to know the number of pastors and church leaders wives that go through worse but are afraid to come out...

  62. Wish u best as u seek God's face

  63. Waooooo learnt a lot,this is the real xample of christain family!!

  64. Now that is an example of a christian...we are not perfect we are forgiven.

  65. When a man cheats, you count your loses, dump his silly ass n move on.everyone is entitled to a happy life, why be the one sitting home crying everyday while the man is eating his cake n having it. If u r in the developed world, take him to the cleaners. Once any partner cheats, the marriage is over. Wonder when women will ever learn.many women are better off single than being stuck in stupid marriages.

  66. This is a serious food for thought. May God heal your marriage.

  67. @Odobo Grace.Please I want you for keeps. Are you on twitter?

  68. I have given love a chance in my life. However if it backfires on me, i am prepared to find happiness in whatever form again and it most certainly wont be for love the next time around.

  69. Arrant nonsense. Wud he hv 4given u if it were the other way around? you can't just forgive him just like that, u hv to teach the he goat a lesson. Deal with him jooooor.

  70. Please remember that this is a cheating husband, not a violent wife beater. If you will not divorce a wife beatr, you might as well just write your obituary. My friend is currently in hospital with a dislocated jaw. She is not talking to me because i notified her family about the torture she has been enduring for 8 months since their wedding, i may have lost a friend, but i defintitely saved a life. Be warned

  71. These women sef, they go too far and take small issues so personal. After 10 years, you're not happy for him that he's still got his game on. So other women in other parts whose husbands choose to marry 4-5 women should go manic and pieces their husbands. You even go as far as Stigmatizing your husband with the Sexual Immorality tag. You without sin carry leg waka leave the man, naa. But you can't because his koko belongs to you and you'd rather cut it than let another woman have it, shey? Just tell us you need and excuse to loose weight because your competition is thinner... Who wan follow you starve 30 days? We follow chop Koko, 13 years?

    Yeye melodrama


    Mr. No Wahala

    1. You must be a really big foooooooool to have posted this message.....just because others do it doesn't make it right!Go to ur village and get one omo alata to marry,cos with this kinda self respecting,educated/working class babe will look ur way...nonsense talk frm an empty barrel...pscheeeeeeeeeeeew!!

  72. Some broken hearts NEVER mend.

    'Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken'.

  73. Africans and sentiments.Sooooo men will always cheat and women should take infidelity as a normal thing*Smh

  74. @ anon 11:34pm, if ur husband or wife did that to u, u can go ahead to teach him/her uncountable lessons but for 4 ds family, they av taken d right step nd I pray it works out 4 them in JESUS name

  75. Ladies be warned! I am a heart breaker.

  76. i wish them victory in Jesus name!

  77. Over 1million boooooooossssssaaaaa!!!!! For the almighty God as the BIGGER Oga @ the top ,1/2million booooossssaaa!!! For sis campbel, I join you in this prayers and fasting, for taking this step in today America, and not packing you bags. First, the victory is yours for your harth desire in Jesus name , I say AMEN. Thanks so much LINDER for this kind of post , not just all those half neked wanabe fairmost girls claiming to be sexy on photo shots, peace!!

  78. Well can't say abt d whole tin sha! Since dis dayz both men n women cheat as well so let's stop pointing the fingaz @ men alone

  79. This marriage is gradually coming to an end.

  80. Some men are just a waste. Their sorry ass should be castrated after such shameful acts. SOn of a guN!

  81. Annoymous May 31, 2013 at 9:26 PM
    Don't be a learner, if the bastard is cheating on you even before marriage. This is a case of trouble the sleep person one go wake oh! Save urself jare...Nonsense and ingredient

  82. i actually wept wen reading this cos it's strange that in this age and in an environment like that...such people still exists

  83. linda this is the best story i'v read on your blog...Tina's home is already blessed cos she's got the right christian altitude
    We need more of wives like her in our generation.

  84. What of politicians that cheats on their wife like tommorow no dey. The wives are aware and still married. It takes patience.

  85. I wish them well.

  86. How do hoes Feel when stories like these are published? *** just asking ****

  87. I saw worse than this in my marriage and God interveined. That God will do it for you.

  88. People should stop saying Halle Berry is the most beautiful woman in the woman. Complete nonsense! There are girls in my area who are far more beautiful than her.

  89. Yes, men will always be men, that is just the way it is. Some things never change, even Rev Jesse Jackson had a love child.

  90. Linda, you can't afford to lose your mojo. This story is so old!

  91. Peace is restored to ur family by His Grace.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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