14yr old girl killed & set on fire by boyfriend because he thought she was pregnant | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 17 May 2013

14yr old girl killed & set on fire by boyfriend because he thought she was pregnant

Shaniesha Forbes, 14, (pictured above) was killed by her 20 year old boyfriend who then burnt her body and dumped her remains on a beach just because he thought she was pregnant.
Below is how New York Post is reporting it:
The family of the 14-year-old Brooklyn girl who was allegedly killed by her boyfriend and dumped on a beach blasted him this morning for cowardly slaying her after he thought she was pregnant.
Police had arrested Christian Ferdinand, 20, in Maine on Tuesday, where he had fled after he allegedly suffocated Shaniesha Forbes, 14, and burnt her body before dumping the remains at Gerritsen Beach.
Shaneisha's grandmother (left) and mother (right)
"On the record, she wasn’t pregnant at all. As a 20-year-old man, that is something you could easily find out,” said her devastated cousin Kerry-Anne Thomas. “You had the courage and the balls to kill her and bring her body, and lay her on the beach. But you couldn’t go to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test to find out if it was actually true.”

Detectives yesterday drove Ferdinand back to the 63rd Precinct station house in Brooklyn, where he allegedly admitted to killing Forbes in January after coming to believe she was pregnant.

He was charged with second-degree murder, and has not been arraigned yet.

The victim’s weeping mother Sandra Price thanked the police for catching the killer, as did her grandmother Daisy Smith.

"I’m very grateful for the job that the two main detectives have done,” she said. “They did a wonderful job catching the killer and getting him for the street, and hopefully putting him away for life. That’s what I think he deserves.”

Smith said the family hadn’t been eating or sleeping since the girl’s death. “I’m so happy they caught this guy who killed my granddaughter,” she said. “There was nothing we could do, only wait…Bring him justice.”

Sources said Ferdinand suffocated the aspiring nurse — who was, in fact, not pregnant — in his apartment. He then kept her body in his home for a couple of days, sources said.

Finally, he allegedly put the corpse into a suitcase and brought it onto the beach, where he tried to get rid of it by setting it on fire.

Cops recovered the suitcase the killer used to transport Forbes’ body from his Maine hideout and also took floorboards from his former Brooklyn apartment, the sources said.

Relatives said never met Ferdinand, and was not sure how he met Forbes. Thomas speculated that they may have met through social media.

Honestly there shouldn’t have been a relationship. He was a 20-year-old man and she was a 14-year-old child,” she said. “As an adult, which he is, he should have known it was inappropriate to have any type of a relationship with a 14-year-old.”

Forbes was a student at the Academy of Young Writers in East New York.


  1. Jeez...endtime!
    Yay 1st 2 comment

    1. Ur a big fool. 1st 2 comment... Really? In a case like ds we're U̶̲̥̅̊‎​. Sud be sympathetic. I wish twas U̶̲̥̅̊‎​. Or urs dat was burnt, den maybe U̶̲̥̅̊‎​. Wudnt be 1st 2 comment afterall

    2. God please protect our children from the wicked people

    3. What is she doing with a boyfriend at 14? when they will be forming civilised. Besides there r many evil traits in some guys we should walk away from, but we begin to talk crap like "love is blind" as if the Author of love Himself is blind. He gave us wisdom too o. And her parents wuda been comfy with her sexing at that age. See how Some devils in men's bodies have been killing their babes in recent times, when we walk into relationships blindly discarding unacceptable behaviours. That doesn't lead to breakuPs now but DEATH. Let's not push everything to God, ladies use ur God given endowments to discern who is good/not good for you.


    4. God! What is a 14 year old even doing with a boyfriend.

  2. *sad* RIP cutie may God Grant Ur Soul enternal rest.

  3. SMH! Wickedness personified! May she rest in peace.

  4. What a wicked world..the world is coming to an end..R.I.P girl..

  5. He should be fried. In oil. In public.


    1. Iswear he deserve more dan dat!!

  6. Stories I hear each day *sighhhh*endtime,,how cn a 14year old b having sex??? God ohhhhh..save your children,as for that guy,to use tht useless banana sweet u abi?but cos of fear of the aftermath, u killed this gal,u wil receive your own judgement.beast!!!!.

  7. wetin concern 14 yr Old(a minor) with Boyfriend and pregnancy.....jeez. A twenty yr Old boy has the heart to kill someone to avoid the consequencies of his actions....wonders shall never end

  8. no Small children again o.... RIP gal..

  9. OMG!!!! What is d world turning into.ha!!!

  10. Rip..pretty little girl. I can't even imagine what d mom iz goin through right now. Lord have mercy

  11. God!! No be only naija e dey happen ooo...the deceased is cute sha but the guy f**kup ooo..he should have gotten a pregnancy test result before acting that weird.anyway;what has happened has already happened and their is no reversion..

  12. Madness!!! Sex @ the age of 14 oh God have mercy.
    But come to think of that the guy love to plant but hate to harvest abi?
    God punish him
    for the girl, so u don dey knack akpako?

  13. really really sad. Young talent wasted. May she RIP

  14. Na wa ooooo. @ the 1st place y wld a 14yr old be having sex. D world is coming to am end

  15. Sad news see hw beautiful †ђξ girl is with a bright future God would nt forgive dis guy o he needs instant death maybe by hanging

  16. Rest in peace

  17. Which kind devil enter d boy head. Na wa ooo. RIP 2 d lovely gurl

  18. Jizzzz..dey shuld just kill d guy !very stupid of him

  19. That's it ... What is a girl doing wit a bf at 14..... And they will call it mordernisation/civilisation...

    1. You're right! Isn't it surprising? I thought that's the time when they're supposed to be focusing on school or are we missing something here.

    2. It is thought ! Beautiful Dummy

  20. OMG!!! May her soul rest in peace! Pretty girl.

  21. Anorda cynthia story, God save our brainless girls frm dangerous boys. How can u met sm1 on social media n within weeks u r already going to his house or hanging wit him in hotels. Can't u just take time to knw him beta...

    1. Pls keep quiet if u don't have wat to say, cos u can also meet a killer in church ....so my dear its just d grace of God.

  22. This is sad, so sad. I thought taking a life was the height of sin but with humans these days its very normal.where is the fear of God? God help us all.Rest in peace cutie

  23. 14 year old too having sex..hissss...wen her mates re studying...

  24. This girl is just 14 yrs and she is having sex and keeping boyfriends. Pity.

  25. So sad RIP gal, but d monster nid 2 die

  26. Diz is very barbaric...wat a tragic end 4 such a cutie

  27. D hrt ℉ man is desperately wicked.RIP cutie.

  28. I hate it when pretty girls are murdered in cold blood. Damn why should I even give a second thought to accepting my responsibility no matter how broke I am

  29. Soooo sad! She's just a baby sef!

  30. Such a pretty girl 2 be trapped under d arms of a serial killer all in d name of a "relationship". RIP 2 d pretty young one!...#plzLindaPostMyComment#

    1. Which 1 be serial killer 4 ds matter now? Hw many pple d guy don kill? Education pple no get wisdom dem no get, knowledge far away from dem, how wnt ds world be d way it is??

  31. 14 year old!!may her soul rest in peace.so sad

  32. Simply sick...RIP to the poor little girl. The parents are equally culpable for shirking their parental responsibity and guidance. The guy should face the gallows.

  33. 14 year have a boyfriend and already having sex, hmmm end time so sad to know that this young writer life has been cut short by sheer youthful exurbirant

  34. boifrnd at 14, havin sex at such tender age.. na wa ooo Rip tho.. at least bieber get 1st luv at 13.. akata's nd funny lifestyle..

    1. Akata indeed! Same stuff happening right in front of u in naija too.

    2. Akata indeed! Same stuff happening right in front of u in naija too.

  35. He killed an animal F**L.dey should give him the meat he killed so that he can eat it.poor gul.

  36. Gone too soon,one of d danger of social media. R.I.P Angel

  37. Y all these dusgusting things?this is trully d last days.#shrugs#

    1. Yes I'm sure the jews in the holocaust thought it was the last days too.. Mcheew ewu

  38. The guy taught she was pregnant that is why he kill her,**am really confuse so @ the age of 14yrs she be having sex?this is really bad and for the guy he should be jail for life....To all the young girls outta there kindly hold on for sex it's something u still going to enjoy.may her soul RIP.

    1. Thought* bloody nigerians uugghhh

  39. What a sorry case

  40. One question; Why should a 14 year old girl be having sex in the first place? Still, Rip!

  41. Eyaaa! May her soul RIP. Killing someone u claim to love! SMH for boys n how they love

  42. Such a beautiful world that God created but all this demons and their agents as turn it to something else where people regret ever coming. O God help your children let our prayer from psalms 91 and 121 be our portion in Jesus name. Amen

  43. Damnn.... Some People are actually " Demons in human form" .

  44. Na wa o,dis life wey we dey so,na God dey save person,such a sad and tragic story,may she rest in peace ,amen.the police did a wonderful job of hunting down the so called boyfriend,wht nonsense BUT as a 14yr old,what was her business having a boyfriend?was that the most important thing to her?what was the mother doing not to have noticed or observed that her daughter had a boyfriend?what kind of upbringing did she give her daughter to warrant her having a boyfriend at such an early age,haba,what kind of home training,imgaine saying that as an adult,the guy was not suppose to have a relationship with her daughter,what kind of excuse is that,even matured men can molest little children and babies,in some cases,fathers molest their daughters,then how does she expect a 20yr old boy to see a pretty girl like her kid and look away?of course he will come chasing after her,if she had done her job properly as a mother,that small girl have no business thinking abt guys at her age talkless of having a boyfriend,na wa,dis busy mothers of nowadays,na God go save una children.

    1. Stop ranting Mr or mrs perfect. Its people like you who commit abortions or take others to do it. Coming to this blog to claim Holy.

    2. Stop ranting Mr or mrs perfect. Its people like you who commit abortions or take others to do it. Coming to this blog to claim Holy.

  45. Wat wil a 14yr old gal doin in a relationship?

  46. sad indeed,but @14,u really should be focusing on your future not boys.

  47. Eyah RIp,buh dis gal dnt look 14. •Estrano Lala•

  48. what the hell is a 14 yr old doing with a 20 yr old and from the looks of it sexually active
    serves her right

    1. U are such a pig.

    2. No matter what she did. She didn't deserve death. Even God gives another chance for pple 2change. Judge no one


    3. Only a fool wld think it serves anybody right to be murdered, with d way kids re exposed these days, d onus of responsibility shd rest on adults , not on kids who re easil excitable, pray nothin lyk this happens to ur children cos then it'd right back@ ya

  49. Parents! Parents! Parents. How many times did I call you. It is unbelievable that everyone wants to be a parent and no one wants to take responsibility of the emotional needs of the child. No one knows anything about the behavior or the associations of the child. Its a shock that a mother never know that her 14year old daughter is no longer a virgin not to talk of dating a man. For crying out loud she is just a child. The parents have failed in their responsibility.

    1. So do u plan on checking ur childs virginity regularly.

    2. Pls stop trying to sound " am perfect" the blame of the parents here cud be little cos trust children, no matter hw strict u re as a parent, they always get a way to outsmart u and there is no way u can know everytin ur children does wen u re not the all seeing God.. OR U WANA TELL ME UR PARENTS KNEW WHEN U STARTED HAVING SEX????? No mattter how u look at it, Na God dey train children ooo parents re just playing a supporting role cos wen ur teach ur children not to fornicate, u just pray they will keep.to it and more importantly pray they dnt misx wit the wrong people cos a 14 year old kid can easily be talked into sex... This may not necessarily mean the parents failed in their responsibility cud be a lapse on the child's side...

  50. Chai tnz dey happen buy why? RIP. Pretty

  51. The height of wickedness, pray 4 God's Kingdom to come, its d only solution to wickedness & wicked people

  52. wanda shall nver end.....RIP

  53. What is she doing having a boyfriend & sex @ 14? Way to young,for such life. She didn't even allow herself to grow up. Sm1 said the parents are equally culpable & I'm incline to second that notion. How can d mother explain not knowing the antics of her baby to the extent of the girl supposedly getting "pregnant". Why didn't the girl talk to her mom when she thought she had taken in? Its a lesson for women to learn, never shrink in ur duties as a mother, be ever watchful & vigilant. The days are filled with such filth that its easy for our adorables to get corrupt @ d slightest opportunity.
    That said, the killer should please be given the death sentence... Such premeditated killing. God help us all.

    1. Am happy u re a girl and saying that.. Nne pls DID UR MOTHER KNOW WEN U STARTED HAVING SEX?????

  54. At 14, the girl don dey fuck, before she go reach 35, TOTO go don finish.

  55. Poor little fine girl, now she'll never know what its like to be pregnant,or to be a mother,or to be a grandmother>>>>Cut short. #pity#

  56. What's wi the comments?? Y'all actin like it's her fault. We've all been radical at one point in our lives. She dated at 14. Boo-hoo. Is it her fault the guy was a dickhead? In the US, they get married at 18 for godssakes. Is 4 yrs not enough time to get to knw him. With the way y'all are judgin, one would think u'r saints. God.


  57. Did I hear someone say she deserved it? Hmmmm na wao! Am sure someone like u had an abortion at 12,be casting stone. The young girl had no business dating at 14 but dats not enuf reason 4 anyone to take another's life especially over a flimsy excuse as pregnancy. The world is obviously coming 2 an end!

  58. Hain this our latest generation though they r really indomie generation. I can remember then the fear of modas words "don't talk to any man if not u ll get pregnant" fear self no go allow u stand wen u hear excuse me na run u dey run... Getting home u ll check ur tummy if u r were preggy! Dats shows how innocent naïve and obiedient our gals were but now for where der eye don tear! May her soul rest in peace sha

  59. dating an under age girl seriously

    come share ur US visa experience here

  60. At 14... is it even normal to be having sex at that age?

  61. RIP! parent train ur children abt sex education

  62. A 14yr old.wat were d parents doin. Train dem oo. As 4 d 20yr old who had sex wit a minor n killd her coz of supposd preg(u nvr hear of condom). Hope u get sodomized in prison u bast@rd!repeatdly! Just sayin...D Curious1

  63. This is the result of random baby mothers, why will a mother let her child have a boyfriend at 14?.SMH May the Lord forgive her soul.RIP

  64. Yet another death caused by social media. When will people start learning from the past?

  65. Linda pls enlighten me, do u give westy control number to those that comment first? Cos I wonder why all that person is happy bout is first to comment when something as sad as this is involved!! well their society sees nothing wrong with a 14yr old dating,its realy unfortunate...

  66. Anonymous 1.56pm, you're a big fool for saying "it serves her right" Thus you will deserve all the evil that befalls you for all of your wrongdoings! Idiot, oshisco, mtchewww. RIP to the beautiful girl, you've left this cruel world for a better place.

  67. Damn! Such a pretty girl gone to soon...just 14yrs :( lot of monsters all over the place. Pedophile & murderer to boot! hope they hit him with life sentence with hard labour & no parole

  68. Linda pls enlighten me, do u give westy control number to those that comment first? Cos I wonder why all that person is happy bout is first to comment when something as sad as this is involved!! well their society sees nothing wrong with a 14yr old dating,its realy unfortunate..

  69. What is a 14yr old child doing with sexual intercourse.......I blame the parents

  70. STOP havin SEX our youth will not listen dis will have been avoided if dey didn't have sex. Abstinence is d solution to all dis may her soul rest in peace n may her family hv d fortitude to bare d lost

  71. So sad. RIP dear

  72. D girl z having sex @ d age of 14........wat iz diz world turning †☺...........as 4 d G̶̲̥̅üy , he plant but he knw wan harvest

  73. is a pity though

  74. Having sex @ age 14..........??? D G̶̲̥̅üy plant but he no wan harvest

  75. Anon 2.07 pm,u are a fool for saying such a thing,its people like you that can't correct their youngers ones when they are on the wrong part talkless of training ur kids well,I pity u,am sure u started fucking at age 2 sef,what has abortion got to do wit the topic on ground,am sure u are an abortion expert sef,all d person did was point out the fault of the mum too in what happened to her kid and u are dere vomitting rubbish,if u don't have sense to comment,close ur dirty mouth and switch off ur kpalasa fone,nonsense,na people like u na go put porn movie for children to watch,ewu.

  76. We're living in very dark days!!!

  77. Why is everyone going at the young gal for having sex at 14????!!!
    The 20 year old boy that chose to have sex with an underage girl nko?
    Why is the girl responsible?This is why that misogynistic attitude is prevalent here in 9ja. Tufia!!!!!
    Condolence to the family, RIP baby girl,let justice be served in your matter.

  78. madam linda
    why is there no graphic picture of the girls corpse
    God help jounalism in naija,we have a long way to go.

  79. What is a 14year old doing with a boyfriend biko nu? And already having sex kwa!!

  80. honestly, i dont know what to say...

    what were the parents looking at when 14year old was having sex? little or no supervision at all. crying like an idiot after she's dead.

    what business has a 14year old got with boyfriend and sex?

    and the 20 year old pedophile, sex predator, agbaya, ... couldnt find your mate to f**k ba? may you rot in prison. may you be some guy's bitch in prison.

    awon ode...Linda abeg, post my comment jere

  81. This is very serious. This man should never go unpunished because it is wickedness personified.

  82. Wonders shall never end!!! 14 years old don dey Prack??? Lord have mercy! the 'Man' must pay dearly for dis.

  83. oh God,only u we can rely on..nobodi shuns evil anymore!!what has she achievd?salvation?degree?certificate?children?how wicked can d world be?

  84. is the dude still a human or a carcases. I always said relationship at such age is just childish attraction not love. RIP beautiful

  85. y will dis guy do such an evil tin?ha!,som people mind dey 4 back o.

  86. May the mother find peace, its so painful

  87. Let's not judge here,I knw most of d pio here,were sexually active evn b4 14yrs,so pls dis is jst sometin bad dat happened.Rip baby...

  88. What a calamity 2 d family!End tym is @ hand.RIP

  89. rest in peace little sis


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