What to do in case of rape - From Project Alert | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 30 April 2013

What to do in case of rape - From Project Alert

Recently, Project Alert, a non-governmental women's rights organization, has been getting calls from people all over Nigeria reporting rape and asking them what to do. The organization decided to write an article that can guide people on what they can do in case of rape. See the article below...
“My friend just got raped by her tutorial coach, what do we do?”
“I was raped by my neighbour, I told my mother but she refused to believe me. What do I do?”
“My daughter was raped so I shaved her hair and beat her up so that it won’t repeat itself and no rapist will be attracted to her”
These reports are just less than 1% of the cases we have to deal with everyday on issues concerning rape. From our experience we have realized that many people are still ignorant about what to do in a rape situation. People say there is a rape epidemic in Nigeria but the reality is that rape has always lived with us since time immemorial; we are only witnessing an increase in the reporting of rape cases. 
Most families like to keep it covered up and let abusers go free which has resulted to more rape by the same abuser. How can you explain a case of a Father who raped all his daughters and went on to rape his 15month old granddaughter? If such a man was apprehended when he committed the first act, his other daughters, granddaughter and other undisclosed girls would not have fallen victim. 
When it happens in our neighbourhoods the response people give are usually “if na me eh, person go die this night, if na me eh, I go cut his thing, if na my sister eh, the thing wey I go do, I never know am.” Before you think we made this up, this was the exact response we got when a 10 year old was raped in her neighbourhood. All hands are on deck to end this menace, more victims are summoning courage to speak up but it is not enough. If every Nigerian knows what to do in case of rape, we would have less rape incidence, less unwanted pregnancies and a decrease in the number of people with HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI).
It’s normal to see people reading this who would say, “Tufiakwa! God Forbid! It is not my portion! Back to Sender!” no one ever wishes for rape but in case it happens around you this is what you should do:
·         Emotional Support: Victims must realize and be reassured that the rape was not their fault. Give a listening ear to the victim and don’t blame them, punish them or accuse them of lying.
·         Preserve The Evidence: Do not shower, wash the clothes and underwear, brush your teeth, drink anything, eat, wash your hands, douche or urinate until after you have had a medical examination. Doing any of the above will destroy evidence (things that your attacker may have left behind, such as fibers, hairs, saliva or semen). Save all of the clothing you were wearing at the time of the assault. Place each item of clothing in a separate paper bag. Do not use plastic bags because the heat in them may destroy your evidence like semen. Do not clean or disturb anything in the area where the assault occurred. This will be hard because victims want to shower and feel refreshed but it will help you get justice.

·         Get Medical Examination: this is very important and must be done in a Government hospital. Only government hospital reports are admissible in court. Victim must be given access to Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) to prevent HIV infection and this should be taken within 48 hours and is available at every government hospital. Morning after Emergency Contraceptive can be prescribed to greatly decrease the chance of pregnancy. Take a change of clothes to the hospital because they will need to keep the clothes and underwear worn during the assault for evidence.

·         Report to the Nearest Police Station: Reporting to the police is crucial in the quest to get justice and keep the abuser behind bars. Every time we lock up a rapist, we're preventing him or her from committing another attack. It's the most effective tool that exists to prevent future rapes. Victims should go to the police in the company of a trusted family member or friend. 

·         Get professional counselling for the victim. Counselling is the first step to recovery and victims need that to heal and transition successfully. Victims of rape are more likely to suffer depression, low self esteem, guilt, sleep disorders, insecurity etc.

Over to you guys, share your comments, suggestions, advice or questions with us below.
Project Alert is a non-governmental human rights organization established in 1999 to protect and promote the rights of women and young girls in the society, especially their rights to live free from all forms of violence against them. Our areas of intervention are Research and Documentation (R&D), Human Rights Education (HRE) and Support Services Program (SSP) which includes legal aid, temporary shelter services for abused women, counselling, and skills acquisition training. www.projectalertnig.org follow us on twitter @Projectalertvaw and connect with us on Facebook: Project Alert on violence against women.


  1. Good!

    Last to comment. Yah!

  2. That's a good move , am proud follow instanigeria on Instagram for latest pictures about. Nigerian celebrities

  3. We need more initiatives like dis and govt's participation in the way of unflinching support. So dt dem randy he-goats we hv in our midst can sheathe their swords. Take a look at what is hapnon in india.

    Comment Signed, Sealed and Delivered by DatShapIboBoy

  4. Nice Idea


  5. My sister use to work there. They are doing a great job no be lie. Hope victims will be bold enough to come out so all those evil doers can rot in jail

  6. very good initiative.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

  7. this rape tin in nija s getn serious.God save us ooooo

  8. I like the part where this was written "Every time we lock up a rapist, we're preventing him or her from committing another attack."
    Kuakuakuakua. I laff!

    Good programme anyway

  9. I pray the Evidence part works in Nigeria coz it's high time.

  10. Seriously d issue of rape nid 2 bi stopped in our country,even dis rapist I dnt c wat dey gain in rapin atleast deir is no money involve even if their were 2 bi money involve dey shuld put their sister in dat victim shoez nd c wat it feelz 2 bi rape.

  11. This article is really good. I'll give you a 'thumbs up' for this one.
    The only thing I don't quite agree with is the 'preserve the evidence' part. For what? forensic investigation? in this country? A country where fingerprints can hardly be traced, is now semen they'll trace. Is alright. well done sha. #d

  12. It's easier said than done,most victims prefer 2 kp it within themselves because of d fear of being stimatised.

  13. Thank u project alert but I don't think dis is for women alone, men r raped too(meemee).

  14. Jungle justice on any caught rapist they deserve to DIE....


  15. Good one but I think d medical report should be given free of charge at the hospital. I was once at a government hospital were a victim came for treatment and medical report, she was told to pay 5,000 for it which they don't have and the case was left to die like that.

  16. this is a great article, but is the nigerian government up to this? with all our corruption and indifference to things

  17. u must be mad

  18. mmmh! I have a question:Can u(a guy) be raped by just one gal...


  19. Interesting and good information!!! Linda post my comment.

  20. We need God help in our country,my suggestion is that let every woman put on cloth that will cover there nakedness,i want to tell every body that in 70&80 you can not see a ladies under wear on the road but now we see more than under wear if every body can caution her self,what even surprise is that many parent baying this bad cloth for there children, pls ladies stop exposing your self

    1. As Obama said, rape is rape madam.

    2. misskay says so!1 May 2013 at 06:04

      Ure a rapist! So d babies and young galsa being raped are showing off deir nakedness 2 anuofia, oloriburuku think before u talk. Insensitive idiot!!!!

    3. You are a big fool! What were you wearing before colonization and westernization? Ode! Dressing has nothing to do with rape. A large percentage of rape victims were not dressed indecently. Babies and children are even the most affected these days.

  21. Our country shall be well again! Nice one!

  22. Miss Jade said...
    Linda dis ur pix be like say d person dey enjoy am o. hahaha

  23. u must be mad

  24. Thank you very much for your effort to put on this write up, may God continue to increase your wisdom and knowledge. But there is one thing you forgot to include, this is the mode of dressing and the kind of friend(guy) they keep, and occasions they find themselves.

  25. Best post ever. Thank God for this organisation. I have a daughter who's 2 now. I protect her like mother hawk. These cases are just too much.

  26. Steps noted...
    There is an astounding increase in rape cases and general abuse on the female folks,I wonder,'What in the world,is going on..?

  27. Rape is the most heinous crime ever!

  28. Is this NGO,available to follow up rape cases,like providing DNA testing,to bring culprits to book?
    These cases wud merely die off at the police station,with no justice for the victims

    1. Yes, Project Alert is always there to follow up on cases and make sure the culprits are brought to book. Since we started in 1999 we have never lost a case in court.

  29. Weldone 4 dis advice n teaching. GOD ll protect his people .

  30. Your suggestions are right Linda. We need to educate our people on a medium that is accessible to them. I mean talk to people in low levels. Your suggestions here is for only people that are able to access web. Seminars, TV, radio, health centers, schools, churches can be a medium to educate the public on this issue. And again we need a workable law against rape.

  31. *****PRINCE PAUL*****30 April 2013 at 15:37

    all diz text book for hu 2 rid? pls nxt topic wit lesser handout

    1. You are a rapist,I pity all d young girls around you. Your type will rape a day old baby as well as a 90yr old woman.

  32. What about a sitaution when a boy is rape?

  33. Linda ok I am angry at this people now, do they think its easy to come out and say I have been raped.they should find a way of addressing parents and guardians first on the issue.I remember when I was rape at the age of 15,my fear was not been raped but how to tell who I was staying was the problem and when I managed to tell I was called a slut and said that afterall why did I go to the house and I should be quiet about it.this is 15yrs after the rape I still dream about that day and still looking for the guy to kill.my own option is this I think as a child if I had prepare sex education, I would have been able to come out and talk about it with my parents cos we would have crossed the issue of sex.

  34. Wonderful, absolutely wonderful article! I have been greatly encouraged by your work, and I hope more and more people get to speak out when attacked or know of someone who has been attacked.

    I hope by this article, the public will be sympathetic to victims of rape, and realise that no one ever asks to be raped especially little kids. Making excuses for a rapist is suicidal,he/she may turn round and rape your daughter/son. Report such animals to the relevant authorities.

    I also want to encourage ProjectAlert to work with the Judiciary to enforce the laws regarding rape. Its a huge discouragement when rapists, especially paedophiles are sentenced to less than 10 years imprisonment or given a fine of a paltry amount.

    Kudos all the same, and may God continue to bless you as you help the helpless.

  35. Beautiful Piece.
    A real commendable initiative.
    The Victim Should also go for regular check ups and HIV tests afterwards.

  36. Nice one but d issue here is dat Naija aint equipped as d whites.keep d evidence?wat ll dey do wit Ȋ̝̊̅†.few hospitals do DNA testing here in naija.how wud dey find d person.d major thing I agree with dem on is d emergency contraceptives and PEP.the so called govt hospitals are not equipped for the investigations and also the police.most times the police even blame u for d rape.God help us

    1. The reason victims need evidence is because that is the only way they can prove the rape and get justice

  37. I love this post. Yes we Nigerians r fond of living in cloud kuku lands rejecting every bad and believing we are too special to be stung, when even Christ said we will go through trials and tribulations. Let's realise as the post says...that these things happen. Its best to educate yourself than be in a limbo n not know what steps to take should such happen.


  38. Thanks a lot for this reminder. Its sooo scary but its real.

  39. Nice one,although some tips may not apply to Nigeria as I doubt that we av a forensic team to work on clues from the crime scene. Nonetheless,I think its info that should be passed.zurielle's opinion

  40. Goldie's memory lives on. Good one from Project Alert. Thumbs up.

  41. And after preserving evidence does the State have DNA facilities? MtCheeew

  42. GO TO THE NEAREST BABALAWO N PLACE A CURSE ON THE RAPIST. Mothers nid 2 wake up 2 deir responsiblity always correct ur kids frm deir young age n if u can train ur kids don't hav dem n say God will take care of dem o, we kow fathers r not always available.

  43. I think government should increase d punishment of rapist. Either life imprisonment or 35yrs imprisonment with add labour. Arise, court!!!!

    1. 'Add labour'? I'm done!

    2. 'Add labour'? I'm done!

    3. Yea u saw that too"add labour"lmsao

  44. Its so surprising how there isn't a single comment on here but we find time for d the mundane things ... Smh. I wonder tho, how easy would it be for a rape victim to not take a shower, after such a traumatic experience. God help us

    1. Stop the self righteous preach jare, fool! Like you don't know it takes Linda a while to post comments?

  45. AMAZON,


    God bless you

  46. Hmmn, we really must all act to curb this menace in our society, being comforted at least that the sinister vice of "same-sex union" being celebrated in the decadent west(and the likes of Obama) has not and will NOT ever take root here. Amen.

  47. I was raped 2yrs ago by some thieves and I did the hiv test in a private hosp buh ddnt get any treatment,jst an injection +drugs dt I think to stop pregnancy.tho dey were later caught n dey tested neg 4 HIV buh I still live wt d trauma.All guys disgust me,no relationship works 4me.I'm gettin over it though,cnt jst hlp myself no matter how hard I try.Rapists don't deserve to live.I hate remembering this :(

    1. With God all things are possible my sister, allow HIM to heal ur heart.... Cheers

    2. I'm so sorry...God is your strength

  48. you all talk and write shit but promote that which fuels the lusts and desires of these beasts[rapists].
    I am talking about all the nudity practiced by women these days. There is a thing called teasing and back in them days you go to strip clubs and such and pay money to be teased. But now it is all free show!! Watch an average music video or walk down the street and you'll wonder if it is porn that is showing. All lewdness and shit in the open.
    I am not trying to justify rape and I hate it with a passion{ two ladies friends were rape victims] but I feel we as people should do our own bit to stem the tide.
    Rape begins in the mind; a guy sees Rihanna naked on LIB or TV and then starts thinking shit and the househelp or another hapless girl passes by ...GBAM!!!! e don happen. The poor girl pays for Rihannas tease. Let us try and censor what is shown in the media and maybe these freaks will have less shit to fuel their demonic thinking.
    Lets be all be responsible for those that cannot defend themselves.

    1. This comment is sooo ignorant.....how old r u again? *SMH*, U need enlightment. *I rest my case*

  49. Rapists shuld get a life sentence or the capital punishment! Evil souls! Tanx 4 d tips

  50. perfect tin 2 do...gud work

  51. I will try to trick the person into thinking i have been wanting to get laid anyway or that i have been secretly admiring them or any thing freakish will throw him off guard.

    the least you want to do is try to resist, knowing all the odds are against you.

    i will probably kiss and caress them excitedly while planning my exit route. once i identify the exit route, off i go!

    if they locked the door or something, i will probably do more to convince them i am totally enjoying it and then pause and ask for condom or something they have to open the door to go get...zoom! that was me baby! gone!

  52. The article writer really made good and enligthening points. In the other hand, ladies should be advised of the type of dresses they wear. An adage says, you shall be addressed the way you dress. You can hardly find a well dressed lady being raped. Also, those ladies that always play hanky-panky on men should be warned. Lastly, convicted rapist are supposed to be treated like murderers and given capital punishment

    1. misskay says so!1 May 2013 at 06:10

      U shall be convicted soon 4 rapin a 3yr old gal dat diddnt dress properly great fool!!!

  53. oh please enough with blaming women's dressing. We were all going around naked as Africans before the white man gave us clothes and yet the men then could control themselves. It is the responsibility of a real man to have self control. All rapists are weaklings and monsters and they will surely get the reward for their labour which is hell fire!!!

  54. It all sounds good on paper, but all these really available in Nigeria? Especially the hospital check, PEP et al. Pretty impressed

  55. What a remarkable ideas and achievement in bringing down repism...on the side of women,I think they need to take correction on how they dress in public..not all men could control his sexual arose(libido) and the penalty against repism should be made more stiffer so as to the discourage them from such act...more platform should be created to get this information to the grassroots levels ...

  56. This is good.i just hope the police will do their jobs well.

  57. Reporting to the police and preserving evidence has never helped any1 in nigeria. We don't have forensics, and the police will only make things worse. Imagine leaking out the name of the victm, and even newspapers/blogs releasing names and pics of the victims. All these add to the stigma. Nigeria just ain't ready - for anything. Vision 2020 looking like the movie "oblivion" is gonna catch up with us. God help us all.

  58. Anoynmous @ 2.38pm and 5.56PM. People with your mindset are the problem! Didn't our ancestors used to work around naked before the white man came? Do you know tht women in burqas get raped? Please before you start screaming figment of my imagination. google "egypt, algeria rape'. It will so surprise you.

    By that statement not only do you demean women and reduce them to their vaginas who must be covered and protected at all times, you also reduce men to nothing more that brainless ox who, heaven's forbid, should they see a naked stomach, Chineke! They will lose all their senses and must FUCK her by force!

    I can tell you first hand that dressing has nothing to do with it. I was sexually abused at the age of four at church wearing a blue mummy tie-my-belt dress by a church worker. I know you are one of those people in your twisted mind who think that I somehow caused it or I should have know better. Fuckery of life.

    For everyone else, I don't think that the epidemic of rape has been increasing per se, I think that the creation of the world wide web, increasing access to the internet and more awareness has been encouraging more people to come forward. It has to do with more girls dressing in a more western manner because you demean Africans by saying that our men cannot control themselves when they see a 'skimpily dressed' woman pass by her! Yes that is what you are saying.

    But I always forget that this is Nigeria where the absurd is normal. Didn't some poor cow just get arrested by the police for the murder of a "24-year old teenager"?


  59. Wat a abt a kunfu academy, whre females are trained,S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ dey can fite back ɑ̤̥̈̊πϑ at least get help b4 d idiot culd go any further!I prefer d self defence o!and Ladies dress d way ƔơƲ want τ̅☺ be addressed!!!


  61. rapists will rot in the hottest part of hell..and that idiot talking about dressing, people like u r the reason this country is getting worse....

    the thing is...rape is about power and control..it's more than someone dressing in a particular way...
    men, control yourself.your mother goes around the house with just bra and wrapper on her waist, u don't rape her..single don't gimme that b.s.

    afterall, the African society was decent when women used time walk around with just strips of clothes around their breasts....and crotch.

  62. @Solly. Same sex marriage and rape....two completely different things. One involves two consenting adults however sinful, the other doesn't. Please stick to the issue at hand.

    Great initiative by project alert!!

  63. Okay whats that post about
    you cutting your daugthers hair and beating her...
    i understand why you had to cut her hair?
    but why beat her she didn't invite them to have sex
    she was fucking raped

    I'm pissed !!!!!!!!!!

  64. In my opinion, RAPE is the worst form of a man's inhumanity to a woman.
    A man who rapes a woman has obviously lost is ego and self-worth. A popular Naija proverb says that "There Are Many Fishes In The River." So, why should a sane, mentally sound, cognitively awake cum intellectually alert man rape a woman??? If for any reason best known to her she refuses to succumb to your implicit and explicit advances then it means that there was a mistake cum fundamental error in your Seduction techniques cum tactics. Why not "free" her and improve your "DON JUAN" Skills?
    Even if a female friend that you have been eyeing or "Chyking" for a while comes to your house/room to visit you and for one reason or the other decides to spend the night... If in the course of spending the night in your room and even if you both sleep on the same bed... You "Jarunpa", roll on her, or attempt to make love to her and she refuses your passive and active advances about 3 times on the maximum, then you LET HER BE!
    A Honourable Man Will Never Rape a Woman!!!
    You could punish her by not giving her breakfast if she spents the night at your place and doesn't "Give You" and even not give her Transport Fare when she is leaving. Not giving her T. Fare would really pain her especially if you had promised to give her on the hope that she would "Give You" if she spent the night.
    When she leaves, you delete all her pictures and numbers and forget about her for life.

    Case Closed!!! #LoBaTaN



    @uddinjoseph uddinjoseph.blogspot.com
    facebook.com/joddin #joddin

  65. Thank you project alert. As a gynaecologist in training, I've been priviledged (not) to handle rape cases. It hurts that we are seriously handicapped in this country. The most we can do is prove that there was indeed penetration, evidence of force/assault and that ejaculation took place (presence of spermatozoa) in the victim's genitals. Like previous comments have pointed out, we can't prove who the perpetrator is. We lack forensic kits and DNA tests. Having said that, there's still a place for early reporting in the hospital to collect this inadequate evidence and to prevent pregnancy and infections.
    Another challenge is some government hospitals ask for a police accompaniement before attending to rape victims. That delays treatment and some victims do not bother coming back.
    Many at times too, these cases do not get to court. I've attended to at least 4 cases and only once did the police ask for a comprehensive report to tender to the court as evidence. We were not invited to court subsequently to give evidence.
    I'd like to ask project alert, do you have branches nationwide? I'd like to refer subsequent cases I see to you. I believe that would assist in seeking redress.
    Also, I'm sure you do a lot of advocacy. Could you work with Hon Abike Dabiri to advocate for improved access to forensic and DNA testing? The nigerian government can make these available at subsidised rates. Thank you Ngozi.
    NB: sorry libers for the epistle

  66. Nice one Anon 8:48. I'm sure 99% of indecently dressed girls have never been raped. How about the innocent house maid, the sales girl, the girl hawking to help her poor widowed mother, the daughters and granddaughter, how about me( I was 10yrs old)....were we indecently dressed? Please let's stop the blame. The only person to be blamed here, it the evil beast of a rapist. Men should learn to have self control. I'm 24yrs, a graduate,and I earn fat salary....yet I can't love or trust a man. I can't even allow a man touch me. Linda thanks for taking your time to put up this article. God bless you real good.

  67. I was raped wen I was young by a neigbour, d truth is dat most victims r scared of coming out bcos of victimization, preserving d evidence is difficult especially if u dnt want pple to knw wat happened. On d issue of dressing,hv u noticed dat majority of d victims r young and ignorant.

  68. Nice post with great details. Thanks for sharing this great info.

    emergency alert software


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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