Michelle Obama covers April issue of Vogue magazine | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 14 March 2013

Michelle Obama covers April issue of Vogue magazine

This is her second Vogue magazine cover. Classy and elegant. See more photos after the cut...

Read the Vogue interview HERE


  1. Toned arms. How can we get rid of these bothersome "christian mother" arms? Even after dieting nothing

  2. Linda i really don't want 2 comment right now.reason being that i don't want 2 say 1 thing now and my oga @ d top will say anoda thing...that's all!

    1. You are a stupid person. A bloody idiot. Must you comment.

  3. Ha first to comment. Linda this is one classy first Lady! Maybe our political elite can take a leaf from her!

    1. You sure need a bed in LUTH...
      Take a leaf from what exactly?

  4. First to comment. Yipppie!!!
    lovely fotos btw. First lady u look great.
    Amanda R

    1. Will you please shut up and stop saying first to commEnt, its lame and you aRe neVer the first to comment btw

  5. Nice interior.... She looks good oo bur just imagine her a commoner... Like a middle class; lol!! Yeah; u're veryyy correct, she will look more like a hag and verry "wogly"... #okbyeee

  6. she luks lik a moulding somtymz..i guess its d pictures. lik she luks lik a very gud work of art dat luks just lik her...

  7. I love her dress sense,wanted to say something about her smile*coughs* but I don't want my oga at the top to say another thing ehen dats all.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

  8. Fierce!!! Wish to see her in reality next time I come to the US. Stunning!

    1. I just dey laff U

    2. U brag!its a turn off!tssssk

  9. cute couple....

  10. Wow that's nyc 1st to comment yeepy

  11. Is this White House or the RED House? #justASKING

    1. U r very ugly, with ur teeth like roasted isi ewu

  12. Wow, beaut meets brain. BGR- Black Girls Rock.

  13. Choi.......see where Obama elbow dey! #wink

  14. She is a cute lady...

  15. Madam at the top has added another feather to her cap. She is now Michelle Obama Kardashian

  16. I luv prominent ppl wit prominent vission lik dis ppl,yes I mean u!! Michelle, obama & linda. lolz.

  17. Don't like this hairstyle on her. it actually made her look like a chimp in the first pic esp with those strands of hair shooting out by the sides. She should go back to her old style or look for a better one instead.

    1. Its pretty clear you've got issues with your eyes+ you oga on top is holding your brain!

    2. Shut up jo!

  18. This what First lady should look like.{African Leaders First ladies}please take not,always wearing heavy native like you going to a party.

    1. Its our traditional wear, you self hating nincompoop.
      As African women, why won't they dress like Africans?

  19. Her body is wow! Checck out those tonned arms. Me no like the hair tho

  20. This how First Lady should look like,African leaders first ladies...please take not

  21. Bigger Boy, Branco Bama.Nothing beats Class and intelligence.
    Just the way I'd like to be with my wife. Fit,trim,and classy.

  22. Photoshop baje.

  23. Love this woman

  24. Love them!

  25. LINDABIGGESTFAN14 March 2013 at 20:37

    Am sooo luvin them...xoxo

  26. Jessica Nnamani14 March 2013 at 20:37

    Amaze-balls!!! Lovely First Lady. Muah!

  27. hot woman, please send this to patience!!

  28. Na dat second and third pix caught my eyes.....see interior of dat room mehn....dats beautiful. Oh! I sight u too Mr and Mrs first citizen. Lovely!

  29. Absolutely stunning and elegant!


  30. The amount of photoshop editing on this picture...

    ... IS TOO DAMN HIGH!!!!!

  31. beautiful couple

  32. Michelle don turn to model now oh'

  33. she looks cute, elegant and geogeous.

  34. Bt I absolutely hate dis her new hair she wears des dais ohh# jst sayin sha# chica

  35. I hav loads of respect 4 dis lady.

  36. Come! Why does she look sooo much like Tina Turner on the cover?. . .


  37. Very Cute & graceful.

  38. Best white house couple ever.

  39. I don't like the dress she's wearing dou,ts ugly and dull!

  40. Exqiusite!!! Lovely couple

  41. But Vogue mag is partial Ooº°˚˚°º,can't Patience Jona cover next edition on Ђơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ω she Ɣ GEJ depress Nigeria? #coverface. Carry go jare Michelle.

    1. For ur church mind, if she does somefin worthwhile of cos she might get to cover the front page, but her IQ is damn too low.

  42. Dear Linda,

    I don't know how to reach you so I,ll just post my note here and hope you read it and post it too
    I'm the wife to the man who sent you the message "I can't stand my wife..."
    My husband is a tall dark and handsome man. God fearing, loving father and very giving. We dated for 4yrs before we married. We were both struggling but we were in love and very happy with each other. Marriage to him was like a blessing because it was like God opened floodgates of blessings on us and let it rain non stop. I was happy, he was too.
    3 years into the marriage, I saw messages from 2 different girls on his phone while I was transferring pictures. Lets be clear, I saw explicit pictures from two unknown girls first and then decided to go through his phone while at it. (I never ever go through his phone) My heart stopped, then broke. I couldn't believe what msgs transpired between my husband and these girls.i kept this inside me and cried and prayed for wisdom to deal with the situation. So I confronted him after a week and he knelt before me, cried, apologised , promised me on his dead mother's grave that it would never happen again. But it did. Twice. At least That i I know of. We dealt with it together, I forgave him again. I actually saw changes in him after that last time, and we were happy again.
    Last year, I made a huge mistake, that I feel terrible about till date. I had sex with my colleague in south Africa when we were there for a conference. My guilt made my husband know something was wrong, because i couldnt hold his hands during morningprYers. i cried all the time and went all out of my way to please him. One day, he went through my phone and saw messagess between the guy and I about how I feel bad and if or when I should tell my husband . My husband asked me about it, I confessed, and I have been paying for this for the past 9months.
    I have apologized, I resigned from my workplace , i apologise everyday but I can't get my husband back. I never thought it would be easy, but i didn't see this kind of irritation and hatred coming from him.
    This is an open letter, please honey, forgive me, I love you too much to remain in my sin. Think about how i stood by you and never gave upon us. Lets start slowly, I promise not to rush you, only if you promise to give our love a chance again. I can't forgive myself until you forgive me.

    1. Oh so swit.
      Wonda wats wrug wit dat man
      d wife clearly wnts him bak nd stil luvs him
      husband b a man nd stop putin ur wife through al dis
      she hs apologised to u even on a social platform
      watelse do u wnt
      remeba dis is for beta or worse

    2. Oh dear! I do not know who you are but I can't even control my tears here. I promise to join you in prayers cos I can sense your sincerity of heart. Though my own relationship ended due to countless occasions of infidelity (6 kids from 6 different women), yet I never hated him but continue to pray that God convicts his heart and change him.
      The heart of the king ( your husband) is in God's hand, He will turn it to your favour in Jesus' Name. God never jokes with families.
      Keep on praying and believing.

    3. Wow!just wow!he has to forgive u!he jst has to!I cld feel ur sincerity from this write up.but I want u to pray n be strong.I pray ds passes too.I feel terrible,but it is well!

    4. Girl u made the worst mistake of ur life! Quitting your job for a man with no forgiving spirit?If at all he gives u a chance he is gonna make u pay by denying u money.Better try nd get ur job back.By the way who has he being shagging for the 9mnths he is keeping malice with u? From his history I can tell he is a chronic cheat

    5. Lmaoooo

    6. He has no choice but to forgive u, u did forgive him twice. People make mistakes, that's why we r imperfect humans. You can't kill yourself, yoi habe to ask God for forgiveness and then forgive yourself. If at the end of the day the marriage fails then you will have a clear conscience and the strength to move on. Remember grief kills or can lead to serious bad side effects. You have kids and you need to be alive to take care of them. May God help you. Take care.

    7. Hmmm! Nigerian men need to learn to forgive their wives! My dear keep praying to God n apologetic to ur hubby...all d best!

    8. You both deserve each other! The fact that you guys are spilling your personal issues online is very stupid! Attention seekers....go have several sits jor! Mtcheww

    9. Hey yaa, dear husband of desperate wife, pls forgive her and stop being selfish. She is sorry, do you want her to die first before you can forgive?but woman, why did you resign?

    10. Dear me...i just had to comment. Mr man if u don't forgive ds lady den I would come sweep her off her feet to a place u would never set ur wicked, selfish, hate filled eyes on her. U must be a very heartless man to put her thru all ds hurt just cos she did wot u hv been doing all along! Dear lady, if he doesn't change his attitude towards u after all ds den I advise u leave him. U will find love again, stop hurting urself my princess.

    11. OMG!!..I read ds letter and I wz actually crying.

      Wonder how many ladies wld bother begging a cheat in this manner.

      Dude!!Ur wife is a rare gem,lose her at ur own peril.

    12. that is so not fair.. you forgive this man twice (and more that we do not know of) and he cant even forgive u once. to make matters worse, u resigned ur job, your security in case this man messes up in the future, no backup plan of financial security. u better go and get another job. very foolish.. i wont pray for a foolish woman like you but then ..i think ill forgive your foolishness and change my mind and pray... at least one good forgiveness deserves another. that needs to be told to your chronic cheating husband

    13. Mister bitter husband, it's about time you let go of your anger and resentment and forgive your wife and rebuild your home. Your wife clearly adores you and even describes you as a God-fearing man. Is the bitterness you're still harbouring an attribute that God will be proud of? How many times has Christ forgiven you in your lifetime? How many times did your darling wife forgive you for EXACTLY the same sin that you now punish her for? Yes, you are allowed to be hurt and angry (just as she was) and there is no excuse for her cheating neither is there any for yours. I know you still care for her and I know you still want to save your marriage otherwise you wouldn't have brought your case here. I am praying for you both but you need to release yourself from the bondage of bitterness before God can take over. It will be well with you.

      And to Madam, you now know the destructive power of sin. I am on my knees praying for you and your family. The Lord will hear and will restore your home and bring back the laughter you once knew. He is faithful. But please don't forget that you're the vessel of honour in your home, so no more playing with fire. God abhors adultery!

      Mr & Mrs, I am praying for you and your marriage. May God bless and keep you.

  43. This is between you and I please. That open letter is a desperate attempt to get my marriage and husband back. My husband reads ur blog. Since he never speaks to me, kindly help post it. I know he will read it. GOD BLESS YOU

    1. Forgive her already will you!!!!!!!! She didn't even cheat to get back at you. She just fell into one temptation. Think of the fact that God has forgiven her and you haven't. If anything happens to her today, my dear "irritated husband", you WILL never forgive yourself. Forgive her and move on. Seek the face of the Lord while you're at it. Madam work at your marriage and also get yourself another job pls, you can sit around wallowing in self-pity. It's even worse when you're jobless and all you're tryna do is please someone who doesn't want to even see you alive. May God see you both through this...Amen.

  44. She looks like someone that forces her husband to lick her asss..………..,,

    1. A stupid nigerian!wat nonsense?n pls don't say its a joke!its a stupid stupid stupid silly dirty nonsense joke!nonsense human being!

  45. mrs obama is just ever younger than other 1st ladies

  46. She looks like someone that forces her husband to lick her asss..………..,,

  47. I call them perfect couple.check my blog spot at: http//stephanie8dotcom.wordpress.com/ linda last but not the list warning, post my comment.

  48. Linda, you hit the nail on the head. This black woman is purely elegant and classiest, lol

  49. So lovely......

  50. To the husband who Cant Stand his wife. if you cheated and now she has cheated, what is The bad deal? Both of you are now even. Now U know how it feels firsthand. Nonsense double Standard.

  51. @anon 10:17,Hmmmmm woman, I know wat u did was wrong ooo but plz let's face facts if ur "so called husband" can't forgive u after quitting ur job,apologising then he should go and use ur kitchen knife to chuke himself and die!!! Bloody cheat dat can't forgive.... Hainnnnnn and he even have the gods to say "I can't stand,touch my wife" wen he's infact the one dat is irritating... Linda don't mind me ooo I just de vex for the man

  52. Girls take note, no boobs, cleavage, thighs or excessive legs shown here..you dont have to be naked to get to the cover of vogue. Have some respect.Peace.

  53. @ The "I can't stand my wife.." husband & wife copule; please you guys should go settle una marriage wahala at home oh...instead of bringing it to the market square, and bombarding us with all of the dirty little secret of you guys sexcapades!!
    We don give una our advice finish...so make una go talk to each at home or to pastor or some family members...and settle or break up whichever one will make everybody happy....marriage nor be by force!!
    Goodluck to una marriage or marriage-less lfie!!!

    1. http://visitors2cash.com/ref.php?refId=7498215 March 2013 at 16:37

      Shharrrrap bitter soul. Dtz y a lot of ppl die in silent in our nation bcz d have no 1 to  too or no 1 too listen to dem. Anuofia like u, may u neva knw sadness or else u wil hav no 1 to cryy tooo.

    2. http://visitors2cash.com/ref.php?refId=7498215 March 2013 at 16:43

      Shharrrrap bitter soul. Dtz y a lot of ppl die in silent in our nation bcz d have no 1 to  too or no 1 too listen to dem. Anuofia like u, may u neva knw sadness or else u wil hav no 1 to cryy tooo.

  54. Anon 10:17 awwww, he will come through just continue to pray endlessly. The lord will surely be your strength during this trying period just keep your word and never relent on how much you are willing to make it work. plus, be patient sometimes things like this take time.
    finally, you both should take your marriage seriously after reconciling cause I'm sure that will happen. Do not let the sins of the flesh have a part on what so many people would give an arm for... Cheers!!!

  55. Some of these bloggers are quite disgusting. She is an embodiment of class and beauty. The orobo's reading this should join the 4:30 am club.

    I have signed up myself. See you on the other side of slim

  56. May God get you your home back @ the Mrs...I feel your pain..very much.
    Beautiful couple@ the obamas..everytime they do something great,antichrist pops up in my head sha..don't mean to insinuate or be rude. It is well!

  57. Beautiful woman!!! Her body shape is my target this year!!!

  58. Which is d old style? Cos she has had dis bangs on longer dan i can remembr

  59. Lovely couple, so simply but elegant and classy.

  60. As for the couple with martial issues the husband should have a forgiving spirit because that is one of the key ingredient of a happy martial life. Going to the lenght of bring the issue on a social blog wouldn't have been necessary, the husband should realise that the is an saying that goes these way the devil u know is better than the angel u do not know, it also too great love on the wife part to have forgiven him we he walked that part first. I know it's definitely not easy but he must let go his pride and ego.

  61. beautiful couple they make a match

  62. they stood it all even though the whites marriages dont last. big ups to the Obama's

  63. @ Anonymous 10.17a.m, your letter just brought me to tears. Since your husband reads this blog, I want to appeal to him to forgive you. To err is human and to forgive is divine.

    Please forgive her. I can feel her sincerity coming through. Your wife is actually a good woman. If you know the number of married women that cheat these days and carry their secrets to the grave, you'll be amazed. For her to be so troubled in spirit as to confess,you should know that she has a conscience.

    We know she shouldn't have cheated in the first place but it has happened. Let it go. No one needs to tell you that it will never happen again. She can see what it has led to.

    Please forgive her. Let it go.

  64. My prayer everyday is having waited waited this long make i marry better POWERFUL man like Obama.......AMENNNNNNNNN SOMEBORI

  65. @Irritated Husband, what else do you want your wife to do? supposing she didn't confessed to you, what will you have done?for her to go so low to tell you the wrong she has done is enough for you to forgive her,after all she has forgiven you too countless times of the infidelity role you play in your marriage,we all make mistake at one point in our life, must we die because of that.
    Woman your husband is not God, you have done what is required of you by confessing your sin before God, husband and the people and am sure God has forgiven you, please move on with your life if all effort to reconcile with your husband fails, i'm sure he will come looking for you someday because your sincerity in this time and age is very rear!
    Wait a minute,will he have kill you supposing he caught you red handed? wickedness, sins he himself has committed times without numbers.Get out of your guilt and move on with your life, get a new job and start all over again and keep men at arm's length. So so sorry for the pain you've gone through.

  66. Yes, am the husband...you people should respect my decision.It's not by force that I must get back to her.Forgiving her is not really the problem but the person she cheated with..
    How could she sleep with my friend and business partner in South Africa?In short, you people should not get me started,....am over with her already.Is she had cheated with a stranger, it's a different, but with somebody that I know.....that is what is killing me.

    1. Angry bystander15 March 2013 at 16:26

      Angry hubby, go hang urself already, rubbish. When u did urs, with stranger or not, u still hurted her. Pls leave d marriage so she can find a better man than ur sorry, silly, selfish and bad mouthed ass. Am soo pissed, cos she is begging, Anuofia! That woman shld rethink her stay with u o cos u sound unforgiving and immature, bringing ur life to social media, means u cant handle ur home. Refusing to forgive and ur cheating past n even present means u r not a good christian. In short, what did she see in u? U created that vacuum that made her cheat, get that in2 ur thick skull n go get take a seat in a refuse dump joor!

    2. http://visitors2cash.com/ref.php?refId=7498215 March 2013 at 16:42

      Oloshi, ur a goat for pretendin to be sm1 ur not. Jobless ram. Pls go nd find a life cz u jst want ppl on d blog to stat insulltin d man dat his stoopin low to reply comments on d blog for No jst Cause. U did dis coz ur nt close to being a man tlk mor of being a father so u definitely hav no idea wat dis couple re goin tru.

    3. Dude go fuck yourself or fucking move on already damn it!!! She is been begging and suffering for 9 months over what you have done to her over and again. Loose her and your life would be totally fucked!!! Bloody mean ass!!!

  67. @angry husband: shut up and stop making light of a woman's situation. fool. If u dont have anything to say, just watch your screen and allow intelligent people make use of the cyber space. ODE AYIRI!!!

  68. Ode get started now, who do ‎​Ʊ want to get started with? Are ‎​Ʊ God? Answer me, Are ‎​Ʊ God, we ∂E̶̲̥̅̊Y̶̲̥̅̊ beg God sef and he ∂E̶̲̥̅̊Y̶̲̥̅̊ forgive us ow much more a mere mortal that can jst give up the ghost at any fcu..in time ane end up going to hellfire with ur stubborn Unforgiving heart. So what exactly will be ur gain? Abeg Go siddon somewhere jo.

  69. Angry husband,I knw it hurts but you just have to let it go,for God sake,your friend wasn't true to you as well,my advise to u is to take your wife back,she belongs to you and no one else,put ur frd to shame and be ur wife bcos ur frd wants ur wife, would you honestly let him get her,see dear husband the devil you know is better than the angel you don't know, for heaven sake you took vows for better for worst and all that, this is the worst so you just have to get past it okay,bcos u dnt knw what the next woman u meet holds for u,sorry to say if u were been man enough or cared abt her feelings she wouldn't have loose her guards,she has feelings too,she is human just like you,if u did that wit her frd will she stay mad @ you for dis long?I honestly don't knw u too but I just wished and hope u would let God into your lives,bcos I tink God is all you need right now, this is actually my first comment in this blog,all I do is read and laugh so pls just take tins easy and stay wif your wife @ her worst she needs you please

  70. @ bloody foolish angry husband...dude shut the fuck up or fucking move on damn it!!! She is apologizing and suffering for 9 months over what you have done to her over and again, yet you being a fucking retard! Loose her and your life would be totally fucked!!! Bloody mean cheating asshole!!!

  71. Dear Angry husband, you are justified in your anger and your bitterness is expected. Your wife has done a terrible thing. She not only cheated but she has also humiliated you. I feel your rage. But I dare say that you should forgive her. Yes, she doesn't deserve it but how many times have we been deserving of God's forgiveness yet He keeps forgiving us? Please, give your marriage another chance. Both you and your wife are in obvious pain and suffering while the devil (the destroyer of marriages) is having a field day laughing at you two. My dear, she has erred and so did you in the past. But one thing that should reassure you is that she now knows how destructive adultery can be. At least you have the guarantee that it won't happen again. I am certain that you still care about your marriage otherwise you won't be here discussing with strangers like me. Remember that God says that He hates divorce. I am praying for you to find the grace and strength to forgive your wife. I will keep on praying for you two until you have a change of heart. And I will keep writing you everyday until you allow God's grace to enable you forgive your wife. God bless you dear. It is well with you.

  72. "Lady that is having problems with her husband"

    Your husband saw something special about you when he chose you over all those women. Don't lose that factor just because you feel guilty. know that god has forgiven you already. The act was just the pinnacle of all the thoughts you have been having since you caught his infidelity. If you don't want his weakness to destroy you, forgive him for the past and present wrongs, go get your job back and be the woman he was proud to call a wife. Some people don't know when they stray away from their partners. and he can't change overnight so just be strong. I think seeing you manage this side of his personality will give him more respect for you. if he truly loves you, he will shape up, if he can't he will be honest with you. You must remain strong. Marriage reveals the true character of people as time passes. Can you deal with him if it takes decades to change or is it too much for you to handle. Please do some soul-searching, because feeling guilty and worrying are wasted emotions and corrosive to your psyche. Takecare dear.

  73. @Husband yes she cheated with someone you know, yes we should respect your decision but at the core end cheating is cheating. Let's say we want to play maths, your numerous cheating with strangers is equal to her cheating with someone you know. How are you not sure it was your actions which weakened her resolve and your business partner preyed on. I bet your business partner is privy to some of the illicit affairs you have had.

    Marriage is for better or for worse. It hurts I get it but its time to put your hurt and pride behind you and let it go. She is ready to try and fix it try with her....start afresh. The "worse" in marriage isn't limited to financial difficulties and illness, it also encompasses challenges like this. You owe it to God and the witnesses at your marriage to stick with her through the worse....you owe it to your future to be the better man because you aren't blameless as well. If I could meet you and try and reason with you, I will. I DON'T know your famil and I barely ever comment on LIB but I do know this what is broken can be fixed.....what has been lost can be found.

    Please sir, let it go. Step by step and your marriage would be healed. I DON'T expect you two to plunge right in and have what you had during the honeymoon but this is a storm, weather it TOGETHER and I promise you the foundation of your marriage would be set in rocks (so long as the infidelity stops).


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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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