Man accused of raping his own daughters and granddaughter | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 21 March 2013

Man accused of raping his own daughters and granddaughter

Culled from Punch
A seven-year-old girl (name withheld and face blurred), has accused her 49-year-old father of rape. The girl said her father, Sylvester Ehijele, had on numerous occasions had sex with her, adding that he used to promise to buy her goodies and toys before the actions. Photo:
She said he usually had sex with her on a daily basis whenever her mother was not home.
She said, “Whenever my mum is not at home, he grabs me, forces his hand over my mouth and then inserts his penis into my private part. He promises to buy me a car, cake and biscuit but he doesn’t buy anything for me.
“He also threatens to use a knife to gouge my eyes out anytime I threaten to report to my mother.”
Sylvester’s wife, Margaret, told PUNCH Metro that he (Ehijele) also raped their 23-year-old daughter when she was much younger and recently, he raped their one-year-old granddaughter that lives with them.

She said, “I am a caterer. In 2006 I went to Abuja for a catering job where I spent five days. But at about 1am, my first daughter, who was about 17-years-old at the time, called me on the phone crying that her father raped her that night.

“When I returned, I confronted him but he beat me up and he continued to molest our daughter and each time I confronted him, it earned me a beating. I had no choice but to leave him when I got fed up with seeing him molesting our daughter and later sleeping with me. I took my six children and we relocated.”

She said in 2011, Sylvester’s family settled their  differences and urged the couple to reconcile for the sake of the children.

She said her husband swore never to touch any of his daughters again and she reluctantly returned to her husband’s house.

Margaret said she was however disappointed to find out that less than a year after moving in with her husband, he went back to his old ways.

She said, “We reconciled in May 2011 and I really thought he had changed but in August last year, I caught him in a compromising situation with our seven-year-old daughter. I called her out and she told me how her father had constantly been abusing her.

“Again, I confronted him and he beat me up. I had to pick my daughter and ran to his brother’s house, where I stayed for three days before I went back home.”

Mrs. Ehijele said she continued to cope with her husband’s ways until he finally raped their 15-month-old granddaughter.

She said, “Because my oldest daughter works, we decided to put her daughter baby at a day care in Ejigbo. I have always been the only one that brings her back at 6pm everyday from the day care. But on that particular day, my husband went to the day care and after an altercation with the teacher, he took the baby home.

“He took the baby home and hours later the baby was crying profusely. When I got home, the baby was still crying and I wondered what was wrong. When I finally took off her diapers so I could bathe her, I noticed she was bleeding in her private part. When I raised the alarm, my husband was unnerved. That was when I suspected him.

“I rushed down to the Ejigbo Police Station and reported the matter.”
Margaret said she had been married to the suspect for over 23 years and lamented that he had had carnal knowledge of all their daughters.

“I have two daughters, four sons and a granddaughter. Sadly, my husband has raped all of the females,” she said.
The Police Public Relations Officer, Ngozi Braide, said the suspect would soon be charged to court on charges of defilement.

“The suspect is in the habit of sleeping with his daughters and now his granddaughter. We have the doctor’s report which shows that the girls have been defiled,” she said.
A copy of medical report issued by the Isolo General Hospital reads in part that, “The vaginal hymens of the girls are no longer intact.”
Sylvester however denied the allegation, adding that it was his wife that poisoned his daughters’ minds against him.

He said his wife left him initially because he had refused to pay her dowry.

He said, “If I was the one that raped them, let me die. My wife and I were separated for four years and it was because her family said I hadn’t paid her bride price. After we reconciled, she told my daughters to tell lies against me in order to disgrace me.

“Even my oldest daughter confessed to my family that I never raped her and that it was my wife that told her to lie.”

When quizzed about the medical report, Sylvester said it was not authentic.


  1. this idiot of a fellow's dick needs to be chopped off. raping a baby on diapers. are u kidding me? like what the hell???
    OMG! dear Jesus, hurry up with your second coming

  2. When you read things like this, you can't help but agree that this world is to its near end... Smh! Animals in human skin.

    1. March 2013 at 22:15

      Hmmmmm al I can say is Jesus it is time, we re waiting. Such a man's dick shld be cut on each sides nd acid inserted in al d cuts. Son of d devil dtz wat he is no doubt d devil has xchanged his horn wid some beings its jst dat we cnt see it. I'm so so bitter

  3. and then again i blame the stupid wife. u are married to a beast that keeps abusing ur daughters and grand daughter and u still return to him? mariage is not by force abeg. what is this?

    1. My thots exactly. I stopped readin where she said she went back to diseased skunk when family reconciled dem. I mean, how culd she hav gon back to him aftr raping her dotas? How many times is too much in a situation like dat b4 a take action? Na wah o!

  4. In Nigeria we still don't understand that pedophiles are almost 100% repeat offenders who continue to abuse children (openly or in secret) despite being caught several times. That's why in Europe such people have to sign Sex Offender Register for life!!! Mother should have taken the daughters out of the house after the FIRST offence. Such a shame.

  5. teeeeeeeeeeeeeeEeee21 March 2013 at 16:21

    Pedophile!!!!! Pedophile!!!! Mothers beware!!! Dey re everywhere. NOONE is to b trusted with ur kids(boys and girls)!! Wicked man!.... He shd b castrated and killed softly.

  6. mental illness is written all over him. Sometimes it does not show on the face but this man is mentally sick. He should be confined to aro ASAP. I can't even insult him as I want to. How evil....

  7. The wife to some extent is to be blamed,why not report the animal to the appropriate authority. each time he beats u for confronting him and u never thought it wise to report him to people that will deal with him.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

    1. U r right, the woman should be imprisoned for not protecting those innocent kids.. why go back for the sake of marriage and children!!! I just don't understand some people...

    2. Dnt say to some extent, the woman shuld be blamed totally. At first when she did not knw,it was not her fault but as soon as she knew and still went bk there, the fault became hers 100%. Some Women divorce their husbands for just cheating with another woman when he begins to rape their babies then the man is asking to be killed. As for me, i will divorce my husband a million times before i let any of my babies down once.

  8. but his grandugter test shows smthing went wrong

  9. Wonders shall never end, what a useless world, a man having sex with his daughters... i believe he needs serious prayers and deliverance. May God have mercy on him

  10. let this world just end so we can have peace.

  11. He is an animal mistaken for a man and should be condemned to death. He deserves it. Rubbish!!!

  12. Some parents are so wicked, even to their own child. that man should be castrated. GINA

  13. Omg,this is barbaric

  14. pervert alert!!! he should be locked away for life

  15. Dis is jst too much to take in,sorry madam bt i don't bliv u. No woman in her ryt senses ll jst fold her arms n watch her husband sleep with her children in turns n even beat her up without telling anyone? Y hadn't she reported any sooner?is bin on for yrs accordin to her. There is more to dis story mbok,still wondering...

    1. I agree with u Possh.too much to take in indeed.I totally blame d woman "if" her clames are completly true. God help us

    2. My don't say that! Sometimes is the stigma and shame...I know two ladies their father sleep with them.. I use to think it was hear-say until a close person to these ladies comfirmed it. In fact the person mentioned that one of ladies father used to threat her and monitors & warns her not to give her pussy to any has messed these ladies life and psychologically...God knows how it had been going on!..We pray we don't ecounter such in our homes #Amen *ada nnewi*

  16. Sorry to say but this woman is a VERY idiot. She failed her daughters and is equally as guilty. God forbid bad thing

  17. **still in shock***can someone wake m up or am i still dreaming? OMG what is dis world turning into? pls dis man should rot in jail.

    1. Seriously??? A fifteen month old baby? *crying* when there are prostitutes parading up and down. This man is a beast! ***sherryl***

  18. I have words to describe the mother of this kids! Her irresponsibily is overwhelming!

    1. She wants to be called a married woman becos many nigerians are so myopic that they have only unkind words for the single or divorced woman despite the reason for her marital status

    2. I'm telling u, she had to wait for all ha daughters to b raped before reporting d incident? Wat a mother. SMH

    3. I SWEAR!I feel like strangling her,wat a waste!give birth2children she can't protect,dey shud jail her too!n 4d man,ur punishment isn't evn here.u shall reap wat u sow,if ur wickedness n take u2d extent of a child nt up2 2yrs!

  19. This is the zenith of wickedness. May they fry his balls and feed them to him for supper as he rots in jail!!!

  20. Shame on this man...abomination, he's not even sorry.

  21. I have no words to describe the mother of these kids. Her irresponsibility is overwhelming!

  22. dis man should be castrated slowly with a very hot knife freshly removed from d fire then left to bleed to death.he's worse than an animal...

  23. Infact I'm short of words. Dot knw where 2 start. Tears jst rolling off 4rm my eyes.

  24. The mother should be charged along with him as an accomplice.

  25. i wonder y rape has become a daily thing in d world today? maybe dis man is using it for ritual or maybe he is under a spell. i cannot fathom it. what a wicked world.

  26. Oh God! What a wicked world. How can a wife be so dumb as to forgive the first act? Such men don't change, they only rot in hail! God will judge him

  27. I wonder why she came back to him in the first place; and as for the stupid family members who told her to return to her husband for the sake of the children..Which children? the ones he defiled?? and let me ask, what were the sons doing all the time that their father defiled their sisters?? May God purnish this sick man. May he suffer for his sick deeds

  28. .... this man should be killed and also his so call stupid wife should be killed too.... how can a man rape ur daughter and you still went back to him untiln he rape ur 1yr grand daughter... God will neva forgive her becos she hasnt played her role as a true moda.....mshewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  29. A serial child rapist. Obviously he is sick and not fit to live among people. He should put to death to save him from his devils.

  30. God have mercy.....the man in question suppose to be stone to death or probably hang him.

  31. Bizzare!...don't knw whose side to climb on. Av seen a mother who poisoned her children's heart against their father likewise av seen a father who defiled her daughter. I wouldn't judge the father nor the mother. Dieu seul sait( only God knows).

  32. If this is true, then that man needs to be castrated. in fact, let them cut off his d**k....What a shame!

    1. Ol no b d same tin?

    2. Cut of his dick? You are too nice! Squeeze out his scrotum and fry it for him to eat, take his dick cook it and put it between bread and give him as a hotdog to eat because that is what he is a low life motherfucker dog!

  33. The guy is obviously cursed.But what the heck is wrong with the mother

  34. What a beastly act!!!! This man certainly has been cursed by someone. Only prayers can break it!

  35. wonders will neva end, dis stupid nd hrtless man should be hanged

  36. how dare you allow this happen to your 2 daughters and your grandchild. you knew all the while he is a monster and you stayed long enough to give him the opportunity to effect his monstrousity on your kids.

    May God forgive you

    As for this man, only God can judge you.

  37. Its so sad, Nigerians need to stand together and fight rape, I'm reading this as a South African but most importantly an African and I think issues like these should be made priorities by every day people, let's stand together and fight

  38. Omg,this man is a complete beast.I blame the stupid woman too,aha after raping ur teenage daughter,u still went back to him,what for???why are u a mother in the first place if u can't protect your kids esp 'the girl child.its sad!

    1. She ws seperated frm him for 4yrs n had to go back for d childrens sake!! Belief me dis happens all d time n thy still have to go back for d 'children's '' sake n if she refuses eventually she'l be blamed for denying d kids d privilege of being in a "comlpete" home. Pple dn't really care wat u go thru in a marriage,all thy belief woman shuld do is suffer n smile,it's a man's whole afterall. Trust me I knw wat I'm talking about cos I'v been dir.

    2. The woman just wanted to remain a "married woman" becos in 9ja being single or divorced makes a lady useless in the eyes of many narrowminded people. Its as if getting married is getting to heaven and she chose that instead of loving her kids. Odiegwu really

  39. Where are people like that dumb female senator who was trying to push the bill against "indecent dressing"??!! Much tougher penalties need to be enforced against animals like this! Instead they are spending time in energy drinks. Uselessness!

  40. i blame the woman, he raped your 17yr old daughter and you let him in again, WTH! NOW HE RAPED A 15YR old baby, what a pedophile

  41. The man is cursed and his wife is pitiful!! How can he do that to your girls and yet leave them at his mercy that's the height of irresponsibility

  42. This is d highest level of wickedness. 15-month-old baby?????? Na so d tin bin dey do am? The woman shdn't have gone back. Once a rapist,always a rapist!!!!!!

  43. God, God, God, where are you? Please, if these allegations are true, help ensure justice is meted out to this man!

    As for that woman, she needs to be whipped. Why do we keep quiet at these things? S it had to take the rape of her grand-daughter for her to report the man? And she kept returning to this man?

    Nigerians at home, I beg you. Don't keep quiet over this matter. Please.

    1. Am angry with d woman seriously!

    2. Na so na. She wan be "Mrs". If she no marry even people on this blog will call her "old cargo" and if divorced ha, na "ashi****". Let's change our attitude and support women. She was so afraid she let abuse span 3 generations!!!

    3. Whatever happened to gold old "tusa tusa" rat poison? That's how smart women who are tired of any kind of abuse dispose of a sorry excuse for a husband (as in no joke o that's how women gladly become widows at least its better than being divorced especially when the man has been a devil)

  44. This story sef, how can one man rape his daughters and wait for his wife to return and also sleep with her, if this story is true then his penis should be cut off and hung around his neck or take him to a pastor for deliverance

  45. What kind of a mother does that??...nd fr wah she said the reason she left wz bcos her husband then slept with her too so in other words if he was sleepin only with the daughter t...this is jst unbelievable...lemme see hw dey blame d government fr dis one

  46. Linda am glad you posted this. Rape seem to be happening every 3minnuts and no one seem to care. I've had to handle and counsel a lot of rape victims in secondary schools and the stories are heart wrecking. More than 80% of rape happens in the home. I just started a blog that addresses Sexual assault and domestic violence. Linda, biko post my comment o. Thanks.

  47. God have mercy!!!

  48. Its impossible for a grown up man to sleep with a 15 months old girl without having the girl killed...the story is somehow confusing...

  49. Dt man is a bastard n he will surely rot in hell even d so called wife isn't a good mother.

  50. The woman is crazy!!!

  51. Instead of our house of representatives and senate to modify existing laws to put such monsters away for life( mother included) they are busy asking for increase in allowance and immunity for themselves. We are in big trouble people.

  52. he's a pedophile simple! There are so much more out there... I pray the good Lord will change his ways.

  53. I saw something similar few days back nd I was discussing wt a friend nd I told him dt such men shd be skinned alive or tied to a moving vehicle! Wondering what's usually on dr mind dt leads dm to such act or d pleasure dy derive from it? And d woman self is not worthy to be a mother! Chai! Mothers nd intending mothers please trust no man wt ur girls...ds men are desperate *sadface*

  54. I hate reading such stories,but I blame the woman for taking this long to expose him!
    He is demon possessed cos no normal person should have such feelings for his child.

  55. It's time we had a sex offenders register in this country. People like these would be put on and they will not be employed! Or better still let the penalty for this be cutting off the penis, fingers, tongues, toes and any appendage which they may use to carry out their detestable evil acts! Let animals like these be ostracized forever. They are not fit to live among humans! Ugh!

  56. Jesus christ have mercy. This man must be stupid for this his senseless statement. This is ridiculous, for God's sake his wife said everything from A to Z even up to the little girl in the house. Can u imagine the bastard swear say make him die if na true, u can not fool us with that stupid swear. I pray the father of that little girl kill u self before police come, useless man na die u must die o. Ur wife no sweet u fuck again, na ur own children and ur grandchild sweet u pass. May u suffer unknown sickness till u die a disgraceful death.

  57. Yeye mother, she kept going back so that she will be called mrs or if married women are coming out she will join them. How can you go back to the sort of man? Dt defiles his on children? Sleeps with mother and daughters and you think he will change just like that. This is just too sad . They should pour acid on that his useless dick that hasno self control.y won't he grand sleep with his mother? Mad man. Yes,d bible says forgive which we should do but sometimes don't forget that which should be remembered and be on reord lest you find yourself in a mess.

  58. When I read storoes like dis I begin to shake. D tout of it alone mks me sick. Gosh. Raped till he raped 15months old baby dts d height of it. Dt man nids serious deliverance. I cry for dis generation. D end tym is here

  59. i strongly believe this man is cursed and the wife so senseless and wicked to have kept quiet this long......and as for the stupid family members that begged this woman to go bk to the beast,they re all heartless n callous....cos if this was an outsider who raped their own daughters,they will show no mercy.....shame to this man and his entire household,nonsense..he should go n try it abroad na, foolish man

  60. what a useless life.this man is worst than a beast,how can a right thinking man thought of sleeping with his own sister let alone de daughter and there no pastor's dat lives around dat area dat will deliver dis beast?God av mercy on dis world.Advocate.

  61. this is unbelievable I Cudnt close my mouth while reading dis story. If this is tru d man shud b made to rot in jail while d woman shud b given 24 strokes of d cain for putting up wit such evil. D man is a demon d woman is a fool. Dats my opinion .

  62. Wonders dey say never ends, I also blame d mother of d girls, what has she been doing after she heard of d first rape incidence? She had to wait for all her female children nd even grandchild to be baptized by dis demon b4 she knew what to do...what a shame!

  63. The mother is responsible for everything that has happened to these girls. How can you reconcile for the sake of the children when it is for the sake of the children that you should run away???? Foolish woman!!!

  64. Oh dear me! Evil man! In other news, u haters on ds blog wana frustrate prince jobless but it ain't right! D guy just airs his views and I don't think it's anyone's fucked up business so cut d guy some slack! And for pple saying he tried praising himself under d guise of anon, dts untrue cos his acc was truly hacked! I can testify to dat. Fuck off haters! Bunch of mediocre. Y'All gat nothing on Pj! Bow down bitches!!!

    1. @Pj,what's d difference btw u and this paedophile?Nothing cos u both've sick n twisted minds

  65. Mayb he didnt have alot of it when he was young.. Maturd guys pls try havin s*x at least once a week so you wuldnt b lyk that man... Dem incest

  66. dat man nids deliverance he is nt his real self

  67. The mother is as guilty as the beast Sexual predator> he should be charged for sexual abuse of a minor, aggravated rape of a minor, and any associated crimes. As for the worthless person who calls herself a mother she needs to be be charged as an accomplice to all his crimes as well as for failure to protect a minor. Bloody imbeciles

  68. Oh my God, I am still in shock. If this is true, the mother of the girls must also be sick. What is there to protect in her marriage? So she decided to let her girls suffer & go through such traumas just to keep her face as a married woman? This is so sad.

  69. Dis is so sad!!!!! How can u sleep wit ur own children? And I blame d woman 4 ever going back 2 him. She is suppose 2 protect her kids instead she led dem back 2 d beast. LORD have mercy

  70. There should be a law for all those rapist whoever is caught should be hang especially if found guilty,indeed we have a mercyful GOD.*WFT*

  71. This is ridiculous, am amazed. Surely, we have reach the end time.

  72. This man is an EVIL MONSTER!...God will surely punish him!!

    GOD will punish him and I pray that the innocent kids will overcome this abuse and a better life going forward IJN!!!

  73. I blame the mother,so she is self-employed. What did she need the bastard for (he was so good in bed or what). Am sure she was the one who provided for the family. She should equally be given some years to serve in jail. My heart bleeds-its all the woman's fault.

  74. You are looking for the DEVIL?....take a look at this evil monster! HE IS THE DEVIL HIMSELF!!!

  75. Terrible!!!! Too bad and that woman...she's a disgrace to motherhood. In d name of marriage, wat rubbish.

  76. the story is so lame,it needs crutches...

  77. Wonders shall never end!!!!

  78. He's jst a cursed fellow,simple and short

  79. Wats happening in dis world? Wat kind of devlish act is dis? D woman is d most irresponsible of all women. Ow can u know ur idiotic husband is sleeping wif ur daughter n didn't report him 2 d police? She had 2 wait 4 him2 rape a 15mths old b4 taking action! She should b punished along wif him.

  80. God will punish that man

  81. D wife deserves 2 be locked in a mental institution. As 4 d man, I'm dumbfounded. He needs both spiritual,physical nd medical treatment b4 severe punishment

  82. Nawao ihe na eme

  83. This can't be true jeeeeezzzzzz

  84. I blame d woman,how can she be aware of his previous acts n still remain in d same house with ? That means she supported her huhhsband

  85. wicked wicked man, husband and father. all of u are saying she should have spoken the police or others would have done anything to help the kids..pleeaaseee..when they found out he had raped the 15mth old daughter there and then he should have been thrown in dnt the drs have the rape kit, where they can lift DNA and crosscheck..

    u can surely tell that man is lying..through his a$$..God protect us in this wicked world..kai..

    the mother too shouldnt have gone back...haba..the father is just heartless and didnt her brother know...why didnt he give the man super beating...

    watch this man will walk scot free..cuz our society isnt ready to handle rapists like this man...majority dont see this as an issue...very very very sad

    left to me the man needs life imprisonment and be place in a psych ward..

  86. Dis man is a pervert,he should b shot dead.

  87. The man accured d curse of incest to his stupid self,so incest is in his blood & he can't stop it wit normal eye...Thou I blame his wife,but 'maybe'she couldn't take care of d six children alone dat she had 2go back 2him but still I commend her for finally exposing d idiot cos some stupid women would've died in silence in d name of hidding shame... Above all let's all be @ alert cos end time is here!.....Besio

  88. am nt suprised@all coz its no new tin.i also know a family dat d fada doz sam to d children dey ar still livn togeda.human beins ar nw animals no shame@all.its only God dat will punish all diz men coz human beins cannt giv dem wat dey deserve.innocent generations will com n pay for d sins of d fadaz wat a shame.

  89. i hv neva comentd on dis blog sori to say,dis woman is a big disgrace to womanhood nd modahood.u gave him liberty to do it.cos u didnt report him earlier.nd nw dat lil childs lyf wil b in jeopardy.women its tym 4 u to speak out nd nt alow dese men silence u wit threats and beatings

  90. The wife is to be blame.she was been stupid

  91. I blame the wife for everything . How can you go back to the beast you call a husband. Once beaten twice shy they say. This is where Nigerian women go wrong. All in the name she doesn't want to leave her hubby of 23 yrs she ruined her daughter and grand daughter' s life. A man who could do this to his daughters is a threat to his environment and deserves punishment of the highest order. He deserves to live in a ZOO....God

  92. the mother is a bastard and sgud be presecute..hw can u go bk 2 a man dt raped ur children

  93. What is happening? Z it d end time

  94. Dis is 2 much 4 me 2 bear.

  95. Before you judge the wife....

    Back in mid-eighties I had a friend in Shomolu who confided in me that her dad regularly slept with her and her 3 other sisters. Their mum was given a serious beating and sometimes a cutlass was involved, whenever she dared to challenge their father.

    Why did he do it? Who knows. Could he think the gals were not his? Not really.. they all looked like him.

    It seems to be a norm in some areas of Nigeria, just like allowing a guest to sleep with one's wife is a norm in Benue, and a show of high regard of the guest.

  96. He should be shot dead and so should she. What kind of a mother,or a woman stays with a person who she knows has violated her 17 year old daughter? Stays and only leaves after SHE got tired of him molesting her first girl. Goes back 'reluctantly' she claims, realises he is still doing the same thing,now with her 7(!) year old and STILL stays,while he continues to rape the child! And only when he rapes the baby,which was par for the course,cries and runs to the police? She is EQUALLY as guilty. May God forgive them both.SMH!!!

  97. And she(the culprit's wife) put up with this incestuous beast for all these years? Hmmmm Madam I hail u. You have just given a whole new meaning to the word STUPIDITY.

  98. I blame d mum for allowing her daughters to go all thru dis,she shld av protected her children and grandchild since she knew she was married to a beast she shldnt av gone back.Now the children are scarred for life. The man is definately crazy.God help us

  99. Na wa for waec!
    Pls hw do I upload my pix on dis blog,bin tryin to do dat for somtime all to no avail

  100. I blame the wife.

  101. Women please let's be responsible and look after, protect and nurture our children. The heart of man is desperately wicked. God help us

  102. Strange things will never cease to happen.. This is beyond serious and that man,will suffer for the rest of his miserable life...

  103. Apart frm the fact d@ d man is a beast,sori to say,d woman is mentally derailed!hw cn u forgive ur husbnd 4raping ur kids?!!!! Even mad women stil av their common numb 6 to protect her kids frm any danger.

  104. Unfortunately this is the ugly face of "Our Culture" the wife left him and the family reconciled them knowing what they know about this useless man. The other day lawmakers passed a law on rape and I hope there is a death sentence provision for situations of child rape.

  105. I just find this hard to believe, how will your husband defile your daughters and you will go back to him? well if it true and he defile my daughter ,God forbid it was me, i will surely go back to him and sedate him then squeeze out his testicles, blend it and put it in a syringe and put it in his veins... Bastard pervert...i was molested i know how it feel, am still haunted by the thought.

  106. Women need to start being responsible. How could she live with having her kids in the same house with the man that had previously raped them,husband or not.
    There is never any reason to justify raping someone. But we should know that it will always happen.
    The Minister of Health should institute some sort of Sexual assault Crisis Centre/Line and the awareness should be made to the general public especially minors.
    Do we even have Child rights in Nigeria?
    Does the government even know things like this happen?
    Its baffling.

  107. This is serious! Wot a mess. D woman is d most stupid person living on planet earth. She deserved to be punish alongside her husband. Wot d hell was she thinking when she agreed to go back to dt her beast called "husband's" house? Dt he wld change? Ah!!! What a shame.

  108. The man is a beast and should be locked up for men in prison to rape him too. But my anger is towards the woman. His so called wife. How could she had gone back???? And be his wife still, have sex with the man that rapes his kids.. The woman should be jailed too there is more to this story abeg. Mj

  109. OMG OMG omg omg omg omg Very embarrassing

  110. Wonder what's gonna be left of Nigerians come 3015.

    1. U r Prince Jobless (yes we know its u hiding in plain sight)

  111. He is obviously deranged. Sleeping with a 15-months old baby speak volumes of insanity than just satisfaction of sexual desire. Moreso, the woman is retarded.

  112. The wife is a very foolish woman cos she has allow this sick man to have his ways wit her daughters,they need to check the sons too

    1. My thoughts exactly! The boys should be. Checked too o! And what sort of useless bastard woman iss the bastard useless woman sef? I won't be surprised if she's also "doing" their boys! Lot and family!

  113. End time dasall!!!cursed man foolish woman...

  114. He is not fit to be in the society, He should be hanged or given life sentence..

  115. So sad! The man is obviously sick and therefore needs medical help. What in the name of Heaven! Marraige is not by force o! Please pack and go! I'm sure the man is a lay about. Please women know who you get married to. Its always better to be single than 2 have a horrible marriage. Be wise! Abuse do happen everyday but its sad that there are no strong domestic violence laws to protect such victims.
    I weep for my country!
    The one that loves all.

  116. Eeeeeew OMG!ma eyez r soakd wif tears!infact righhh nw am jaz speechles!Y on earth wil U̶̲̥̅̊ as a woman refuse 2 take actn on d 1st tym U̶̲̥̅̊ cauth him abusn ur dauter$nt until he did it 2 ur 15mnth g.dauter.plzzzzzzz 4 al I care,d@ man shud b castr8ted ASAP cuz hiz jaz a BEAST!

  117. God iz jst 2 kind nd mild 4 ma likin jawe.he iz d only wan dat can place judgement on diz beast

  118. Woah!!! Wot's becoming of this world tho *sad*

  119. This is not normal. the man needs serious deliverance cos I think he is under a curse. The wife is a very foolish and careless woman. I jst hope the man's sons don't follow his footsteps. Linda post my comment abeg, I no fit shout

  120. Pls kill his stupid wife!!! Some idiot u call a husbands rapes ur daughters and you knw it yet stay with him? May thunder fire you! I dnt knw if you ever gave birth to these daughters! Imagine! And genuine pple ar earnestly praying to God to have children, God gave you and you allow a useless man ruin them, may their virginal bloods hunt ur lif. It will never be well with you stupid woman! U for wait mk ur 1 yr old grand daughter carry belle enter guiness book of records na, FOOL

  121. Education is key, this is the extent of ignorance, family values without morals and suppression of women who cannot speak out for fear of rejection. Such women like her should be given the support she needs.

  122. WHAT A BIG FOOL!!!

  123. Let's look at the whole thing this way:

    1. The children may be adopted or gotten from other men. This therefore makes it possible for the man to have sexual desire for them unlike when it involves his real children.
    2. The man must have caught his wife having sex with one of theor boys or another man thereby threatening to expose her thereby ignoring what the man did to their daughter
    3. The man having being caught in the past by the wife must have bribed his way out of it. But maybe this time around the mother (who is the daughter)of the girl abused refusing to agree to be bribed

    Based on these facts outlined I must say that the man is not as guilty as he is supposed to have being assumed to be, because he was encouraged and indulged by his wife who happens to be the main culprit of this crime. I rest my case.

    - the devils advocate

    1. I tell u,she's worse dan him 2me!as a woman,I wonder d where I would find d selfcontrol not 2murder dis man d 1st tym I catch him with my daughter.not 2tlk of doin it repeatedly.he wud b history by now :|

    2. GO TO HELL and stay there loser! U and the man fit be serial rapists sef of ur own dauts and those of others

    3. Come ogbeni what stupid devils advocate is that??? Any man who has a hard on 4 a minor needs 2 have his head examined talkless of goin thru wit d act by rapin d child moreso his kids! That's wrong on every level. Even devil himself has no defense 4 such a man so just stfu

  124. His own daughters!!! What is this world turning into? God have mercy.

  125. Dat woman is a fool,big 1. Rapes ur daughter n u make amends! Amend kini. U shld v left him in d begining. I suspect ur sons too oo. D apple does not fall far from d tree. Just sayin...

  126. Ooppss!!! WTF!!!? What manner of a man will do these grievous act!!!? Jesus!!!

  127. The mother is to blame. How can u still stay with a man who rapes his child. Now this sick man has raped mother and daughter. I can't kill a rat oh but give me a gun n I would end d life of this miserable retarded bastard. Heard ds news since yesterday and I had a sleepless night.

  128. This man is insane..and the annoying thing is that he will go scot free.
    Join the fight for safe foodandwater in Nigeria

  129. This man is insane,

  130. Things are really happening this is not the first time Ǻ♍ hearing of such stories I know a man that impregnated his daughter on two different occasion the when the girl gave birth to 1st child he took the child away till today nobody knew ђã†̥ he did to that baby on the second occasion the small girl had to go to the village where she had the baby and that baby is still leaving till today, while all these were happening the wife of the man dare not open her mouth to say anything or she would receive the beating of her life and to avoid the beatings she kept mute. even after everything he was not remorseful he's just there being a nuisance to his family and blaming people for his woes in life. Cursed people

  131. This man is insane

  132. Nigerian mentality of staying in a marriage even though it is a useless one. The woman should also be arrested!! So o? If her grand-daughter had not been molested,she would still have remained with this mental man?? Senseless woman!!!

  133. The wife is a big fool. Stupid woman with no self esteem. You would pay for what happened to these kids. As for d man ur reward awaits u in the bottomless pit of hell.

  134. He needs to be locked up and the key thrown away. The neighbors need to check their children too. he is probably abusing a boat load of people.


  135. Evil...but then, our fight is not flesh n blood. People that do strange things are obviously possessed. But how do u help someone who doesn't want to be helped? God please heal these children and restore the in ur peace. Help the wife too and let Your light shine in their family in Jesus name.

    Sad story indeed. Linda biko post my comment o. I pray that God will keep evil far from our homes in Jesus name.

    Pls don't forget to visit It's your Christian blog. Let's put God's Word first everyday.

  136. The wife should be stoned to death!!!!! WTF.

  137. for Gods sake how can you ever imagine sleeping with a child of just months much evil can he commit again?

  138. @devil advocate, ur comments tell me u are also a pervert or one in the making! How can you make such stupid comments? are u trying to cliam ignorance that incest isnt ravaging our society? That is the greatest sin that is killing us now! and it is thriving because idiots like you keep telling the victims and their mothers to forgive and let go! Nonesense!

  139. I just wish i can see d wife now. I will kill her b4 killing d he-goat.

  140. I just wish i can see d wife now. I will kill her b4 killing d he-goat. #DoingItTheOld-TestamentWay#

  141. 90 percent of so called incest in families are not really incest, but a case of a husband having a carnal knowledge of his wifes child from another man, may be in order to punish the woman and the man responsible for the impregnating the woman. Not that I'm supporting the rape of a minor, but I feel that the women involved should be mostly held responsible for bringing such calamity in their homes in the first place by sleeping with men that are not their husbands.
    I tell you it is very very impossible for a man or a woman to have sex with his or her own blood no matter how mentally ill he or she is.

    -devils advocate

  142. The woman is very foolish,dey should jail her too! She left him to continue raping her daughters cos he beats her anytime she confronts him? What's d sense in dat? She's a bastard! Nd a regard like her husband.

  143. I blame the mother
    If he raped ur daughters b4, why allow a reconciliation process?

  144. This is like what happened to Joyce Meyer (famous american female preacher). The world is really really coming to an end. Repent you all for the Kingdom of God is at hand

  145. devils advocate you truly are a dullard of the highest degree and obviously a child molester to boot, you have NO IDEA of what you are talking about and have plucked useless statistics from your inbred,rancid mind. PLEASE crawl back into the gutter you dragged your carcass from and rrd= roll,roast and die there. IMBECILE!!!

  146. Mr Sylvester Ehijele is IGBO. I am not surprised at all. When the means to kidnap people for rituals or to be shipping Igbo(indian hemp) all over world is not there anymore due to old age, next is defiling your children and grandchildren as senile insanity sets in.

  147. Stupid man. The man is a devil. He is guilty, wats there 2 argue about. So how com the lil baby is bleeding and the medical report. Som of u are saying if its true. Don\'t worry, he will soon com and use dat his Satanic, demonic uncontrollable rod on u, by then, u won\'t know when u wil scream its TRUEEEEEE. Una dey read truth, som of una stil dey say if na true. 4getting dat dis endtime, anytin is possible. Mtchewww

  148. nigga for real?how the fuck you gon rape your own kids?atleast rape your neighbors kids or som'n even tho thats still wrong tf?abeg somebody hang this thirsty ass mo'fucker to death!and his grandchild too??oh my GOODDDD!

  149. Rape now earns you a life imprisonment in Nigeria but this man need the death penalty. And what is that mother doing!!!! 23yrs he was raping ur children and u went back to him!!! Is she crazy, no amount of pleading and begging will change my mind about wanting to kill u d first time I found out!!!!!
    Poor children, now there will be psychologically scared for the rest of their lives. 3 generations!! This is just wrong!!!

  150. This is sickening!! We must take a stand against such evil in our socitey! Support the VOW foundation. It is a non-profit organisation that deals with abuse of women in Africa. @vowfoundation

  151. Wow... I'm speechless. The man and the woman don't deserve to be parents. I am damn tired of our people enabling bullshit time and time again! The family members that kept encouraging to go back repeatedly have sinned against God. I'm so angry right now. Women, if your man is abusive to you or your children especially, physical or sexual abuse- tell him to go kick rocks, pack your bags and leave! That's a no go zone after that, ruin his life and make him pay. I'm a feminist by choice!!

  152. Rapist should be castrated and sent to rot in jail. How can a man with blood running in his veins rape his daughters n a grand daughter in diapers. God have mercy on your children.

  153. WOW!!!! I would have said such an individual has the most abnormal libido ever but it seems he is definitely cursed. As for raping the 18-month old girl, am a bit confused how that is possible because his thin-ga-ling would be too big for her. #justsaying

  154. This is for all of you women who will keep eating shit so as to stay in a man's house all in the name of marriage. MARRIAGE IS NOT A DO OR DIE AFFAIR. Pls get that straight. Under this circumstance and some others, you should just pack ur things and leave with your children,atleast the girls. If you are being battered in a marriage, pls leave b4 the man kills you. What use are you to ur children and family when you are dead? See the way people abused and insulted Aishat for leaving her husbands. She is the one wearing the shoes and she alone knows where it is pinching her.
    I really do hope that the baby is okay..... As for the devil incarnate,God will judge you.

  155. From their names,i have a feeling that they are from the south-south or south-east,i am from the west.
    I also know that the women from that tribe will do anything to protect their marriages.they shed blood in the name of marriage.But this is too much to handle.
    Where i come from,during the marriage ceremony,we are told to give our husbands slow poisons if he gets to this point.
    That is exactly what this woman should have done.
    Reading it alone,scares me.I am imagining how he could have done this to his kids even d infant....JISOX.

  156. the guy is cursed obviously. he need to be dead. What a father

  157. And Madam u stayed wit him while he was doing all dat? U dint kill him? Na wa o.I know I don't hav d rite to take a life cos I can't give one buh dis man doesn't deserve d gift of life. Rubbish Frog.

  158. If he really did dis, then he shld be shot wit Bazooka. Bastard. Ur own daugs and ur 15mnths old g.daug. U no be human being @ all. Sum peeps sha was jes born to go 2 hell. Die and go 2 hell and be wit ur luk alike. Monster

  159. Gracious God! WTF>>>>>Lord have mercy

  160. Thunder go fire dat man 100x....wht a man, 15monthz baby????? #smh #crying!! m speechless...

  161. The man needs to be shot! And madam wife u r d biggest idiot hv ever seen in my life! When u came om and u confronted him, he beat u up u sat down? Wat happened to going to d police. Fool mumu. Linda I take God beg u e get
    d kind news wey u dey post wey dey boil blood o

  162. Oh LORD! How can? I've got tears in my eyes cos I can imagine wat those poor babies went tru! It hurts so much cos even me thats an adult when my hormone level drops sex with my husband is... It won't even happen cos it hurts... Talk less of kids who have had no period and no sensation in the vaginal area no form of lubrication nothing with all dat friction the trauma it will cause dose poor kids.
    I think they sentence him to death by hanging! Put a rope on his willy and hang him like that. Or cut off his fingers one after the other then his tongue then his eyes plucked out and den put him close to fire not inside the fire but close to it everyday for one hour so he can feel real pain. Cos he's not human
    He's a very heartless man.

  163. dj lagbaja abj 0806923112423 March 2013 at 04:55

    Linda pls get me the he goat, let me break tooth pick inside his 3310 so that it won't have network again, then I will now rub red pepper on his 2 pure water before inserting boiling ring inside his anus, & also use hot groundnut oil to lacerate his my oga @ d top. Very useless animalistic castrated buffoon, born in kokopionko, don't ask me where is kokopionko cause me sef no no


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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