"I have been suffering menstrual pains since age 13' - Nike Oshinowo opens up about her battle with Endometriosis | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 26 March 2013

"I have been suffering menstrual pains since age 13' - Nike Oshinowo opens up about her battle with Endometriosis

Endometriosis is painful disorder in which the tissue that lines the uterus grows outside of the uterus and on other organs. Endometriosis can cause pain, internal scar tissue and fertility problems and former beauty queen Nike Oshinowo has been battling with it for over 33 years. Nike explains:
"I have lived with Endometriosis since the age of 13. I went to boarding school in England  when I was 7. I went to prep school. It was during the first few days in secondary school that I began my periods. They called the ambulance and I was hospitalized for 10 days because the pain wouldn't stop. The pain was so intense I passed out. I thought I was going to die.
Living with Endometriosis is a challenge. When you see your doctor, your doctor tries to treat the symptoms and assumes the pain revolves around your menstrual circle. But this is not so. The pain affects every single aspect of your life. I have never had an examination without my period. There are so many things I have never done without my period. When I am happy, my period comes. When I'm depressed, my period is there. I learned to just cope with it. 
She explains more about the disease. See it after the cut...

Until I turned 40, Nigerians didn't know I suffered from Endometriosis. I granted an interview then and people understood why I never drank alcohol and why I was into healthy living. At last, it was understood why if I come to your party, by 8pm I had to go home to take my pain killers because when you live with Endometriosis, you live with pain. I have a library in my home about pain.

I talk about this pain now so that mothers, when their young daughters are starting their period for the first time and it is traumatic, they should go to the hospital and have it checked out.

Mine was left so late in life in spite of the fact that I grew up in England. I have had so many surgeries I have lost count. I remember when Michael Jackson died and they talked about a drug he had been taking. I exclaimed oh yes I have taken that drug. You try everything to make the pain go away, so all I know is that I don't want a child of mine to suffer Endometriosis. The only way to make sure of that is to educate as many as I can.

One ignorant doctor told me once to try to have a baby, because once you have a baby the pain would go away. I thought to myself if I had a gun, I would have shot that doctor and I would have been locked and there would have been no one to give me pain killers. The reason for that relief is that when you are pregnant, you don't have periods and a long gap of not menstruating actually abates the symptoms of Endometriosis.

Women with Endometriosis do not want to have sex because it is painful. So you do not want to have intercourse once and it is painful, you will not want to go there. It is not something you are going to look forward to. You are either bleeding or you do not want. So, on the average, my friend's period is 5 days, mine, if I'm lucky lasts 7-10 days and if I'm super duper lucky, lasts less than 7 days. If you look at a girl's circle, 26-27 days, remove the days she's been menstruating and remove the days she doesn't want, when she had premenstrual tension. When every part of you is sore, on those days you are not going to want and even on the remaining 5 or so days that you are OK, you are not going to want to have intercourse it is going to be painful. You just don't want to, so you cannot have a proper relationship with men.

Endometriosis is a disease. You are not supposed to have endometrial tissue in your abdomen. Surgery removes it. But the moment you menstruate, the pain comes back. My understanding is that I have a uterus, every woman does. Something lines it. Just like when you want to bake, you line your pan with baking paper. That baking paper or lining is the endometrial tissues. But mine isn't just confined to my uterus. It's in my fallopian tube, it's every where. Everywhere this tissue is, when you menstruate, that tissue will be doing the same thing. and you feel pain everywhere. Anywhere that tissue is, it behaves as if it is the uterus. The purpose of menstruating is to shed the lining and come out. I know someone who has endometrial tissue in her gut. Even in the brain. When you menstruate, it also menstruates and you feel pain there.

I am almost 47 and I am looking forward to menopause. People like us look forward to it because it give us a breather. I have finally learned how to cope with the pain, how to live with it and how to manage it. It takes up a huge amount of my time and life...

It's a very very long interview, but I will stop here. I'm dizzy from typing...:-)


  1. Madam Nike, i too suffered menstrual pain since i was same 13, then once my period comes, i start rolling on the flooor clutching my stomach, i get cranky and angry, i fell restless and sick. then i would take lipton without milk or sugar, hard core lipton, it would help but i would still dread my next period.
    i grew up, got married, had my first kid and like a miracle, when my menstruation resumed, no pain. childbirth took it all away.

    *drop mic*

  2. Bullying; now a lot you readers love bullying people and most especially me. This type of bullying is called 'cyber bullying'. For illiterates here; bullying is the act of using force or intimidating someone to get your view(s) across.

    Now I'm sure some people are asking themselves why I'm bringing this up - well I'm doing this to educate people who think this is an act of being a god by using force so as to get respected.

    Now there are three basic types of bullying which are: emotional, physical and verba abuse.
    You can destroy someone through bullying; that person (if he/she can't stand it any longer or the victim has a weak heart) might end up committing suicide or he/she can even commit multiple murders.

    Calling someone names, ridiculing someone in school on the internet can lead to high depression. You don't go about calling people gay when they are not or insulting the person's heritage. The victim can be depressed for years or even lose it and harm their attackers physically.

    Take for instance; Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold (subject to school bullying). For those of you who don't know them, please google.

    I'm not in any way pleading for you guys to stop insulting or bullying me on the internet (no, no, no). I'm only educating people and trying to save a life out there. Bullying won't make you a macho-man or woman. It'd only reduce you to nothing bigger than an ant.

    These names I'm about listing killed themselves cause of bullying. Some people can't just stand this act especially when people accuse them wrongly about their sexuality. Here are their names; please feel free to google:

    Ryan Halligen,
    Phoebe Prince, Dawn-Marie Wesley,
    Kelly Yeomans, Jessica Haffer,
    Hamed Nastoh and April Himes.

    Save a life. I'm stronger than these names here so nothing can happen to me or my confidence. I love it when you even take your time to analyze me with insultive words.

    Be educated; ignorance kills!

  3. So saddening! What an agonizing life she has endured all this while. Menopause should just be a cool off for her indeed.









  5. Ooops...47?
    She looks like shez abt 52 and all!
    I bn finking shez post-menopausal!!!
    Billie jean

    1. Dear Billie Jean, why do I have a feeling you are going through some crises cos that's the only explanation of your lame comments. Yea I couldn't help but notice. This lady, whoever she is has obviously been through a lot, the least you could have done was to throw in a sympathetic comment instead of this lame reference to her age. Please loosen up Nigerians! I'm beginning to feel you guys are filled with hate over there.



    3. I bet ur mum wasn't looking this good at 47..jux kip ur mouth shut and don't insult an innocent woman.

    4. Renouned idiot!foolLlllllll

    5. You are a big fool. Just thank God for your life…

    6. SeriousLy? She looks 52, mehn!! You are Really bitter

    7. U r just an ode, so dis one looks 52? Let's c ur pix

    8. Anon 6:13 ur the biggest fool there is. And I bet nobody in ur entire generation looks this healthy and young at 47. Fucking retard. Sorry for ur generation. Whoever the fuck that you are. Pervert

    9. Eeeeyyaaaahh!!!
      Like she's tryn to let d general public knw why her marriage wit Dr Soleye did not work o. Chai.
      Buh gurl, like seriously ?? And u went straight ahead n married him, knowing fully well he's already married. What pain is much more greater than wen a woman sees another (strange) woman packed into her matrimonial home wit her hubby ? Tell me a pain that's lesser than dat, then I will tell u d full meaning of endometrial tissue.
      You assisted in pushing another woman out of her matrimonial home, which u later occupied wit her hubby, until nemesis caught up wit u. now u ar here lecturing *mothers* n d entire world what endometriosis is all about. *longest hisssssss*
      Nike u aint see pains.
      U can't hoodwink pple into believing ur half done fud, they can't buy ur pity and ur cock n bull story.
      Karma is a bitch... Deal wiv it.

  6. Dats soo painful

  7. Eeyah pele! It is well!

    1. Linda! Lmao,you are feeling dizzy from typing. You made me forget what I was going to comment

  8. This is the most candid thing I have heard this woman say!

    I lived in San Francisco for 14 yrs and took my wife to Stanford Hosp (they offer the best fertility treatment in the world) for several years.

    Endometriosis is a spoiler for women that have them. Laser is a touted cure but unfortunately, not for all women. The thing simply grows back.

    It's like their innards are covered by the layer that lines the womb (imagine a face fully covered with hair!).

    When they menstruate, anywhere the lining is becomes involved and twitches/spasms, causing a high degree of pain.

    Sorry oh, Madam Lola and all other sufferers of this abnormality.

  9. Replies
    1. Olu-omo-of-d-source26 March 2013 at 20:28

      It's deep,she's so misunderstood...if it is God's wish for u to've kids,you will;just keep within His reach and it shall happen ma

  10. I had a friend that had this in secondary, she vomits and passes out and hospitalised every mth, I pitied her then. She was told if she had children it will be better, she's been married for 12 yrs now without kids

  11. dont understand, is she trying too say she is single now with no kids at the age of 47 or something??? bcox she sounds like someone who is still feeling that pains which means she's got no kids...May God See You True,but i advice you get pregnant too stop that pain bcox you've suffered from that pain enough....

    1. Don't u think she would love to get pregnant and have children if she could? It takes a miracle for people with that condition to get pregnant.

    2. Are u deaf or blind or both? Dnt u read d part where she said being pregnant wunt change anything. Nd yes, she isn't a mother

    3. I'm not d type to call ppl names and all but u shld read d whole article b4 u comment, o.k dear? :)

    4. U are the biggest goat ever! Someone dat lives with pains and cnt have kids u are still advicing her to get pregnant to stop the pain?did u go 2 sch at all?guess that's why u can't read ode!

    5. Endometriosis is associated with infertility.

  12. OMG!! Are words are so deep and touching. My God!feel terrible about it. Hope that's not the reason why her hubby left her? She's wanderful woman and has a beauty from within. May God heal her IJN.

    1. I gbadun ur typing!.. *are words*ko awards ni!..

    2. I gbadun ur typing!.. *are words*ko awards ni!..

  13. Short of words. All i can say is Lord am grateful. I look forward to seeing my period every month since am single becos its a blessing and a sign that babies are waiting to come out of it and call me mommy. The lord is your healer,now i see why Dr couldn't cope.. pele its well

  14. Aunty Nike, I think u have a thing for the limelight, anything to get a little attention. We are not all illiterates you know? And some of us are doctors, some of us suffer this same illness. It's painful yes, but it shouldnt stop u from having kids or intercourse, and with the number of men you've been with, are we rili to believe you don't have a healthy sex life? Pls endometriosis is not synonymous with constant severe pain. U should have had kids aunty, at least they would have been one constant source of joy and love in between the men and the scandals.

  15. OMG! New found respect for this Lady. I get cramps sometimes,makes me wish I was a guy. Can't imagine what she goes thru.

  16. I applaud her for discussing this issue that affects for many- especially in our society where people like to hide things. However, I think it is ignorant of her to say that Endometriosis keeps suffererer from having normal relationships and normal lives. The disease affects many women in different ways and I know of people have it, who have gone on to have normal lives, normal sexual relationships and children. It is not a death sentence. Her statements while seeming to shed light on the disease, might instead backfire and cause a stigamtization of its sufferers, just based on the way it is presented.

  17. Oh my lord! That's just sad...I can't even imagine wat she goes thru.

  18. I used to think I was the only one that menstrated for more than 7days. Also I used to have serious pains but all dat stopped when I started giving birth

  19. Awww rili feel 4 u mam

  20. Nic1 Linda, Nike Oshinowo it's well...rep http://www.naijanewsmag.com

  21. I'm really sorry to hear Nike! It can't be an easy condition to live with. However, let's be candid Nike, this condition hasn't prevented you from having relationships with high-society and wealthy men (nothing wrong with that provided you're not hurting anyone) but ALSO breaking marital homes e.g Dr.Soleye's marriage to Dr.Funmi Soleye. You've had numerous relationships and I imagine you must be sleeping with them otherwise how have you been able to acquire ALL that wealth you possess? Hmmm. This condition might have prevented some women from having a healthy sex life and relationships with men but clearly this does not apply to you!

    P.s- I think you're extremely beautiful!!

  22. Damn... That's a painful life.. Sorry ma'am

  23. Wow I feel so sad for her :(

  24. Women Palaver.

  25. Oral contraceptive pills will gv u pseudopregnancy...

  26. I wish she didn't have to cope with dis. But I really would nikky to have just one kid. Check out abimboladebayo.blogspot.com

  27. sucks for her. feminine issues are the worst. i'm glad she's not letting society determine her worth. #girlpower

  28. People are really going through stuff!!!! May God continue to heal all who are sick!! In Jesus name,amen.

  29. I had a friend back in high sch, that had similar symptoms, she wud act like she was seeing evil spirits&all, like d whole sch use to know when she was on her period, in fact it use to b scary, cos we were in d same house, we use to pity her so much, But she's happily married now& she a lawyer with adorable kids!!!

  30. *sigh
    It is well.

    Mine is also always so painful & i ave to take painkillers just for the 1st day. Afterwards it goes away.


  31. *sigh
    It is well.

    Mine's also always painful buh after a couple of painkillers it goes away.


  32. So touching. It is well dear

  33. I use to have menstrual pain when I was in secondary school, it was so severe I use to throw up , pass out and stuff , my mom even once thought I was pregnant! Lol.... If mine was minor which have stop now since I had my beautiful babies.......Am married yeah, I am! Don't want libers throwing their teeth at me, Holy people! I can't imagine what she going through! Sorry ma. Nothing Jesus can not do! Pray and believe

  34. Na wa o!how do a human being live like this in constant pain,and I thought my period was bad having pains a day in 3/4days,damn am lucky!madam nike I will sure spread the word,cos I'm sure they're people who don't have access to this write up who sufer these exact disease and think its normal.......thanks for the info


  35. hmmm.... its a thing of so much joy for me that someone out their really understands this pain as a matter of fact am in that pain as we speak, i'm loooking forward to having kids cuz that was the advice the doc gave me too, i'm usually all sore like 2 days before the blood comes out, i dont wanna be around anyone believe, like she said i've learnt to live with pain is only God that can heal i've used all kinds of drugs but it gets more painful like the drugs is the cause of the pain... God help me thru till the man comes and babies... sigh

  36. Nawa ooooo sad story... Thank God am a dude ooooooo being a woman cud be complicated.... Pray for her

  37. My sister GOd will heal you.you are blessed.

  38. BILLIE JEAN! ARE YOU BLIND? THIS LADY LOOK 52 TO YOU? Mumu. Why don't you post your picture with your age and let us judge you.

  39. It is well with you aunty Nike God can heal you

  40. @ oluwatosin ....Dr has plenty kids so that was not the reason for the breakup

  41. she looks really good for someone in her 40s but this is so painful though

  42. It is well with you in Jesus name Amen!

  43. *sadface* really feel sorry 4 her.have read her interview abt dis some yrs back. She is looking younger than her age. I think bcos she takes good care of herself & she doesn't do alcohol, just like Charle Boy.God will keep sustaining U.

  44. Nike I hav heard dis your story b4 but den you said u had dysmenorrhea it was on dat genevive magazine dat u where on the cover of wen you turned 40yrs.u guys can go and check it out now you are saying it is endymotressis or watever u call it. U are saying all this rubbish bc you are trying to make excuses for why u neva had a child but u no alll dis your story is not true . Don't try to give us reasons we don't care. But u wil regret dis your decision wen u are 70 and hav no one to take care of you den you will see dat alll these diamonds you spent ur youth acquiring wil do u no good and give u no comfort. Bye

  45. I have neva written any comment here b4,bt readin dis mkes me feel bad nt jst 4 her bt 4 those in ha situatn.Many of us dnt undastnd wat it means wen sm1 say he/she is in Pain...
    I pray we dnt,it tke lyf out of dem...D Lord is ur healer
    I ave a questn...."Is it normal 4 a lady's breast to produce milk wen she's nt pregnant or breast feedin?"

  46. Pls visit a fertility centre if u have endometrosis its a major cause of infertility in women , and if uve been tryin to conceive for years I'd recommend nordica fertility centre, 106/108 norman williams s/w ikoyi , it worked for me now I've my cute lil twins a bot

  47. Nike did I not here u in the past say vividly dat you don't want to hav a child now u are giving reason odiegwu

  48. The pain will stop after child birth

  49. Hmmm dis is srios.God help u oh.let her jst get pregnant na nd give birth even if na one..its indeed very painful.or rada she shud adopt

  50. Hi Nike, I feel your pain and pray to God to have mercy and heal you. There's nothing God cannot do. Be healed!

  51. Chai, God be with you Nike. I feel really sorry about this.

  52. Hmmmm!! Dis was news even before the good Doc came around. And he knew all about it!! Dis bitch is looking for sympathy afta wrecking Doc's home and bank account!! Ashewo lasan lasan!!...Tripple A to da M!!!

  53. The good Lord heal you

    And Libers stop d hates....

    I know you all will come here wt ur holier than thou attitudes and Rant nosenc

    Thats y u will for ever remain Anonymous.

  54. Can't you copy and paste? Tying ke?

  55. wow.. loads of knowledge acquired here. at some point i was lost at what she meant by 'i/you dont want to...' till the past part when she was referring to sex.

    Great article though. :)

  56. So Touchin...Buh I Hav A Fwend D@ Iz A Healer,He'My Father Tew,Wif Him Thr's No Impossibilty,He Iz D Gr8 Physician.Doctorz Only Try Thr Best Buh He Alone Performs Operation,Wif Him Menopause isn't Menostop..Hiz Name Iz JESUS!!!He Shal Visit U̶̲̥̅̊ n Turn Ur Shame 2 Glory...

  57. May God heal her miraculously for the remaining 3yrs before menopause.I totally understand what she is going thru,this one worst pass the woman with the issue of blood o

  58. Yea... Its always painful mehn,I use to av dis high sch mother den.. When are period comes mehn she starts Rolln on the floor in tears I use to pity her den cos. D whole sch knws it her periods and she leaves sch for str8 5days.... (۳º̩̩́_º̩̩̀)Û³ ...it is well with you, small pain we get sef na war talkless of abdnormal 1s.

  59. dat explains why she became a lover of Women. Eeyah

  60. Lord I'm forever grateful for my life,I'm truly sorry for all those times I've complain n not being grateful for who I am...I'm speechless Miss Nike God is ur strength..

  61. Biko don't lie and say u don't drink alcohol bc I rember vividly seeing u at a polo event and you were drinking a glass of champegin so biko don't tell us dat lie now abeg

  62. I really pity those wt dat abnormality,cause Years back I experience d same thing bt d moment i started giving birth d pain reduced drastically

  63. Aunty Nike, I am sorry I have always judged you before now...but I read this and it touched me because I know what you are going through. I hope I will be able to meet you some day.

  64. I actually startd eXPerincin mine from 14 yrs, I vomit, pass out and get hospitalized durin my periods. But @ 23 I had my first child, I didn't go. Tru any labour pains and wen my periods came d whole tin stopped. Am 30 now havnt experienced anytin like pain again. I tink child bearing works

  65. Had it too but stopped after I gave birth. So painful I feel her,it spoils your whole week everything but thank God it stopped bless you dear ur healed

  66. Linda u beTter post my coment, dunno wots up wit u

  67. May u find your soul partner, Amen!

  68. Is that why she stole another woman's husband , she wants people to feel sorry for her, when she is spending money and destroying homes is she in pain then, Endometris ko, dr Soleye Mumu ni!

  69. Ouch! Sounds extremely painful. Thank God 4 ma own o. Till d tin come sef i no go sabi. Dis is an eye opener 4 women. I've learnt a lot.

  70. Am so sad 2 hear dat women go thru diz kind of pain.May God help you from diz pain and put smile on ur face again.Dele Ovation

  71. Omg! Dis is soooooooo terrible but God can do a miracle if she belives. Thank u Lord for a sound health condition.

  72. D lord is ur strenght.

  73. This is really touching. May God heal you. It is well with you.

  74. eyah so sorry about that. May God help you and give you the courage to cope with your present situation.

  75. I DONT CARE!!! NEXT!!!

  76. Pathetic, yet very educative. An eye opener indeed. Thank you Lord for all your mercies. Thank you Linda for the info. God bless you.

  77. I'm sorry to say but Handsome'z "N" Pweetiez, YOU ARE VERY DENSE! You obviously have a problem reading comprehension. I don't know why people feel the need to talk out of their ass! *hiss*

  78. I advise you try Acupunture / Chinese Herbs

  79. Well,I feel if dy get pregnant d pain will stop but d issue is if dy can take in.Pele,no mata what,I will always empathise wt any woman wt such issue.Cos d joy ofevery woman is 2 ave at least a baby.AMMY

  80. Eeya and Nigerians judge this woman up n down! What a pity! Sorry Madam Nike. I wish u good health. Mr Handsome n whatever, u want make she shoot u abi? Lol at no1 to give her painkillers in jail...o ma she o! When painkillers r ur best friend in life n u don't sit on ur ass n watch life pass u by, she still made something out of herself! I'm proud of this woman. Go Nike! Woooohooo!

  81. I am also a living withness to that,have been sufferin menstral pain for as long as i can remember,and during the time frame of my period is like hell to me,is there no hope for pple like us??since its just in few cases that women with menstral pain who hav children are relifed from it.and does this realy affect child birth in future?what measures should be taken to reduce or prevent infertility risk in future??please i need answers to my question as am also lookin forward to motherhood some day!!thankyou.

  82. Oh dear! NO ONE TRULY HAS IT ALL! The rich also cry! It's a good thing she's managed it over the years. Bless ur heart Nike...

  83. I have been there and I still go through it every month. The pain cannot be compared to anything. The same thing an ignorant gynacologist told me to make babies and the pain would cease.

  84. In lyf neva envy any1 no mata Who he or she is or wat u feel dey ve got cos u dnt knw wat dey r goin thru unless dey tell u.dis myt jst b 1 of her many probs.

  85. I hope you are saving for OLD age because all those men you are milking now will soon disappear , with all this young girls everywhere. I say so because i don't know what you really do for a living apart from dating big men. I wish you well all the same.

  86. Feel so sowi 4 her,nike pls tell it 2 God,there's nothing too difficult 4 God 2 handle

  87. We ve heard this story over and over again, pls tell it to the birds jo. Next!

  88. May d LORD heal her totally n JESUS nme...its soo sad.women go tru a lot ooo

  89. Am so with nike on this!


  90. Like the saying goes, only does who were the shoes knows where it hurts. U just Neva knw wat people are going through or have gone through.it is well

  91. Awwwww..so sad, God is ur strength..

  92. Oh em jee! I can't even begin 2 imagine d kinda pain dis woman feels. And ere I am alwais complainin bout my menstrual cramp wich only last a day while sum1 else has bin goin thru pain all her lyf. My advice 2 u Madam Nike is 2 hold on 2 God & be steadfast in prayer cos only him can giv total healing. It is well wif u.

  93. Endowat evr; is dat d medical term for whn 1 exchanges their womb in d spirit world 4 material gains? Mtchw!

  94. When people don't no shit about you,they judge....a lot of people hv judged and cursed this woman..be4 she got married and wen she got divorced....we don't even need to know people's problems be4 we shut out mouths....just don't judge people becos u tink dey don't live their lives the way you want them to....we need an enlightenment program in dis 9ja...there are one million illness in dis world and we Nigerian's hv no ideal abt

  95. I just thank God for good health,women go through a lot ,It is well Nike.I can imagine wat u r going tru by reading this story of urs.*sigh*

  96. It's so touching,but I knw there's a healer. Christ can only if u'll let him

  97. ooh I feel so sad. May God heal her

  98. May God heal Her

  99. Dats so .....I don't envy u @ all...let me count my blessings ooo,I tank God 4 my lyf,ever since I started menstrating. I don't knw wat menstrual pain is... Pele,God is ur strength..

  100. Sad story indeed...always remember, if ur earthly doctor can't help u. Jesus our heavenly doctor can heal anything..absolutely anything.
    Easter is around...celebrate Jesus, He is alive you know.

    Pls visit www.thebanquethall.blogspot.com It's a Christian blog..we can blog about Jesus too you know :)

  101. Oh WOW!...and we be here judging the lady for being unable to keep her men? we never really know the things people go through unless they tell. We should never judge others or speak about their lives..So sorry Nicks.

  102. She said this same thing about 6years ago is this her sympathy joker?I feel for her anyway i have menstrual cramps and it knocks me down for some days but am sure not like this. Ekpele ooo

  103. wow! God am indeed very grateful. Maybe thats why she got married to a doctor in the first place.

  104. I also hv very painful menstruation 2.dey kip tellin ♍Ƹ I nid to hv kids early enuf.plus d doc sayz am nt ovulatin properly.nike,God knws best.I feel U̶̲̥̅̊ shuld try havin a baby though!jst sayin.it is well oh jare

  105. Feel sorry for her. Must be very painful.


  106. Thanks 4 educating me and lot of other ladies,mothers and daughters to know wat really gives prolong mentersal pains.thanks aunt Nike

  107. People undergo a lot of pains everyday, we shld learn how to love each other and stop cursing and criticising, nobody knows what d others are going thru in their lives, may God heal u permanently cos with God all things are possible..

  108. I went tru all dat and worst,bt thank God after child delivery it went down to what ordinary paracetamol can take care of.den my prayer was fruit of womb once married. And God answered. before then life was hell. Low social life, missed exams.miserable whenever abt to c my period,hospital appointments any yet none worked. Don't wish even my enemy such.virginal child delivery is the only remember.

  109. Now I'm scared, cus since last year my menstration has bn somtin else, d pain I go thru every month is unbearable, I cnt sit down, cnt do anytin, my stomach wil be so strong and painful if touched, I loose weight and apetit and d same time. I went 2 d hospital and dey carried out a text on me twice and scan as well bt they found notin bt now I'm scared, really scared.

  110. Yeah this is a very painful occurrence with women. I pray it will be easier for her when menopause starts.

  111. its well,i pray for healings for u

  112. Pray it out sister, you need a deliverance and you will be free from it, you have suffered so much about the disease, there is nothing God can not do:-)

  113. She has disclosed these info b4 na. Long ago sef I think when she did her 40th birthday. its a pity that anyone has to go thru that kind of pain.
    I guess that is part of what affected her marriage.
    Na wa o.
    Aisan ti ko gbogun ki Olorun ma fi se wa

  114. One rily doesn't knw wt pple hide bhind their radiant smiles. I feel so sorry 4 her. 33 yrs! Omg. Modupe temi o!

  115. A life of pain....
    May God forgive me for all the times I've whined and complained about what I couldn't get...

  116. during my teens i suffered period pain.i used to vomit a lot.as soon as i have children,the pain disappeared.now i'm 39,i'm starting having pain again during my period.i don't know why.but less pain

  117. In other words that's why she didn't have a child of her own. I remember an interview way back in d papers when she talked about this and she said and I quote "i feel so much pain during my period what would child birth feel like?" So its also true that Atiku took her from behind...hmmm...hmmm...hmmm. Even with all this pain you still use am snatch person husband,abeg go rest jor.

  118. *Crying* Have same disorder, but I don't feel pains. Mine is pathetic cos am always bleeding non stop . Doctors have carried out procedure, stopped for a while n its back again.I don't have normal relationship. Right now am trusting GOD for healing. Ene

  119. Wooh Nike, I'm impressed, u look a lot younger than ur age and u definitely get pretier with age. Thanks for sharing this

  120. who are those ignorant people saying she should get pregnant, duh did you not read that, that the baby making process is painful. Abi you are being intentionally stupid? abi you think if she could get a normal cycle, she wont grab it. pack well

  121. I feel like weeping for her, such awful thing. God will heal u madam

  122. So sorry, I can only imagine,God will heal you there is nothing impossible for him to resolve.

  123. God will heal u in Jesus name AmenM

  124. Sowi lady Nike, its a pity. Thanks God u did not say u regret being a woman. Very educative atleast if folks read this dey will stop forcing children to early marriage cos the pain can be controlled.

  125. na so. endometriosis na today? people have been suffering from painful periods and endometriosis since the beginning of time, and they go on to have kids. even if she was interested in kids, why not adopt? she's going to 50. abeg enjoy ur life oh, because if you have a child or adopt, you will not care for them, so it's better you don't even become a mother. useless woman.

  126. God is Great.
    Such a beautiful woman battling with such.
    Baba God, i'm grateful.

  127. She really is taking care of her self to even look this young.Discomfort aides one's ageing process.This seem like the biblical woman with the issue of blood.God can heal you,talk to him about this,he made you as such he can fix any problem.U are healed.

  128. She really is taking care of her self to even look this young.Discomfort aides one's ageing process.This seem like the biblical woman with the issue of blood.God can heal you,talk to him about this,he made you as such he can fix any problem.U are healed.

  129. Awwwww... That's so unfortunate o, sorry pls dear, may God heal u and all dos suffering from one form of ailment or the other, Amen.

  130. lol this woman. I sympathize with her sha but i like how she stylishly famzed "england". That piece of info that her period started when she was in an english prep school was unnecessary.

  131. Nike Oshinowo is 49 I know her... why is she cutting her age????

  132. There is nothing God cannot do!even though you have had several surgeries and been to the best doctors in the world,just trust God and cry out to Him.He will heal you completely.I am a living witness that GOD is the greatest healer.no matter the name the doctors call the disease,Master Jesus will heal u only if u believe that He can heal u.He healed the woman with the issue of blood,He healed the blind,He healed the leper and even rose the dead.there is nothing too hard for GOD to do.with God all things are possible.it is well with u in Jesus name,Amen.

  133. I hv it too and its hell,nike I feel ur pain! *sighs*

  134. Like she said its a disease and my sister suffers from it
    Surgery upon surgery and the thing keeps growing back
    I pray God grants you strength and also I pray you have a fantastic support system cause that's what gets you through those painful days
    God bless

  135. Sorry Madame,Focus on the things u have and reasons u shld be happy.May God b with u

  136. i was diagonsed 4yrs ago. The pains can be so humiliating. Every exam was accompained with horrible pains. Goin out nd flexin durin a period or ovulation is not even an option. Some days i dont even go to work as i wont even be able to stand straight. It's really not a gud thin to experience. The pain killers prescribed helps a little to relieve it. It can cause infertility in some women, so some pple do ve to live wit it till menopause comes. Yes, it can make sex painful on some occassions. Pple can be so ignorant, thinkin it's cos one's a virgin it happens.

    1. Maybe you should consider taking those contraceptives that stop womens periods all together. That may be difficult if u are trying to have kids but if ur young and unmarried, u could give it a try.

  137. is dt d reason she doesn't want 2 have babies?

  138. I deeply sympathize with her. She is a very courgeous lady. She have won my respect. I guess you can never judge a book by it's cover. God bless you Nike.

  139. Wow. I now understand why she never botherd to really stay with any man& d'reason y she kindof married the doctor. Nike u can still adopt children, as for d'pain im so sorry about it. U always look happy&all but no 1 tryly knows d'pain she goes tru.
    1st time im commenting on Linda's'blog

  140. Wow!nike is a really strong woman,I don't knw y pple r quick to judge her cos of her age,do pple knw what wuld hv gone thru wen she was younger?or hw she wuld hv been depressed,mood swings!obviously no man wuld want to stay with her,yet she goes around looking good!kudos to her,dirs nothg impossible 4 God to do,his d healer nd d miracle worker!May God change her story nd heal her! S A.

  141. I'm short of words. Madam where ever Ÿ̲̣̣̣̥O̲̣̣̥Ï…̲̣̥ are right now, just believe God has healed u. I know what she's passing thru cos I've experienced it, but I'm healed of it. There is nothing God can not do. Talk to him. He listens.

  142. I can relate to what Nike is saying, I guess some women are lucky and some unlucky.
    I suffered from endometriosis from a young age and at 28yrs had a laproscopic keyhole surgery in England, it was the best thing ever! And now I'm pain free.
    Wish you well Nike.

  143. Nike because you have come up openly on this challenge. I pray that my God that is an expert in reversing the irrevertable has reversed your case and all those in similar condition NOW in Jesus name. You shall testify.

  144. OMG...so touching. I ll advice u don't give up now cos there is power in miracle...give ur life to christ n Get close to the word of God for divine wisdom n power.

  145. With all that pain u can stil cause a man to abandon his family.so what were u doing there since u werent avn intercourse

    1. No mind am, na lie she dey lie!

  146. Only ladies, dat passed through dsame fate; can tell where she is cumin 4rm!!! had it wen I was young.. Sad hmmm

  147. Bullocks. For someone who cannot have a proper relationship with men your score is very high o. Also having children actually relieves the pain to almost nothing, so leave the doctor alone. He knows what he's saying. I am speaking fron first hand experience.

    1. She's not telln d truth, ogboni tnz

  148. A lot of women suffer in silence and people are very quick to judge when a woman doesn't get pregnant after she has settled down. The pain she is trying to describe is actually almost indescribable because it stays with you no matter what you do. Its more intense everytime you jump, hit a bump or pothole on the road, laugh too hard, have hiccups etc(the list is endless). The women who suffer from this are just like you, a lot have better/healthier lifestyles and they didn't 'do' anything to deserve it.

  149. Hmm,I felt ya pains dear,reading d message u script brks my hrt cos ya shedding tears in form of a message. Pls I advice u get pregnant. Wen u av a child no mata how painful d pains may b,trning arund 2 c ya child will alwayz put a smile in ya face n give u HOPE dat all is not lost. Pls.

  150. My Sis has it and it is a horrible thing that I wouldn't wish on anyone. It is so horrible see her in such pain. She has seen countless doctors and tried all d medication but still the pain. The things some women have to go through on a regular basis is horrible, may God heal all women out there with the horrible sickness starting from my sister. Amen

  151. So sorry Ma, May The Almighty GOD heal you miraculously, like HE healed the woman with the issue of Blood, In JESUS Mighty Name, Amen.

  152. Menstrual circle??? Linda seriously? RME. Pls its cycle not circle

  153. I suffer from the same condition, the pain is excruciating. I ve had surgery 2wice and still no soln. Trying 4 a baby 4 d past 2years and it has'nt happening. I still have faith that God will heal me. It takes the Grace of God to ve a Man dt stands by u thru dis pain, and i thank God i ve one.

  154. Hmm sad,anywz it is well

  155. I feel her pains, could imagine what she's going through.
    Although she was granted an interview a couple of years back n she narrated d same endo story, I still ve d mag, cus reading it, was painful to me as well.
    Anyways, I wud advise you to adopt a child, whether male or female, at least u nid a human company, nobody is an Islander. Unless u desire to live alone without human fellowship. That's if u cud deduce what I mean here.
    I didn't mean any insult to U o. Na simple advise I give o.

  156. Shior! Go and beg d evil people u sold ur womb to, to return it. But u may not want that; u obviously prefer to possess worldly tinz. Endometriosis my foot! Be fooln una self

  157. Jr one strong woman hun. U go thru all Dese n still have d strength to carry on as if everything is ok wiv ur world. U will be fine. Its well.

  158. bless her,omg i can imagine i have always had period pain since i was 11,now i am 26 approaching 27 and guess what i didn't have period pain this month i felt like i won 2MILLION POUNDS lottery.

  159. Turn to God ma and he wil heal u cos dats its he is caapable of doing. Don't loose hope trust God he will heal u

  160. Awwww God is ur strength Nike

  161. Spiritual problems with medical symptoms

  162. So touching.I normally experience menstral pain..bt it isn't as chronic as hers...its well sis..wif God nuin is impossible.even wen its medically disapproved.........

  163. My high school friend had this.very painful.

  164. Omggggg..... *tears in my eyes* this is such a painful piece... She jus poured out her heart... God will heal her..... So sad! U never really know what anyone is passing true.... Mayb dr sholeye got tired of the "she doznt like sex tingy" I feel so bad I take many things for granted rather than being thankful, smh @myself... I jus feel so bad that someone has to "learn" to live with pain!! Omg..... God be with you... *sigh*

  165. U sure say no be anal sex wit ATI*U?

  166. Its a horrible experience.

  167. I sympathise with you Aunty Nike, I just have a regular period pain and I'm not the best person to be around. Pls don't be upset about doctor's suggestion that having a baby would stop your agony. I know for a fact that it's possible your pain would stop when you start having kids. My sister in-law also suffered it bad, every month she takes injection and get's drunk , she is now married with two beautiful kids, and she has never had that traumatic pain again.

  168. Anon9:40, u r a bloody bastard nd a big fool. Look at ur face nd cheeks like somebody going thru something worse than here's. Idiot. No human feeling nd how's day supposed to be ur business?

  169. Wow! Av always thought dt one day dis pain wil disappear.I av a similar story ,I started my period at 13 although I'm just 27,av bn to several hospital wot dy keep telling me is wen I start giving birth,lyk she av said,a7- 10s day menstrual period.it is well wit us ooo (amen)

  170. May the healing hands of God touch you wherever you are IJN, Amen. No 1 deserves to be in so much pain.

  171. This is not just a serious problem but a shameful one, no one truly understands the pain the individual involved goes through. I have had this same problem and every scan I went for made me cry. The thought that you might not have kids like every other woman is so painful, the main problem is if you tell your boyfriend or fiance will he understand or just walk out.

    I have prayed seriously and I am trusting the Almighty God for my healing. He is my ready help in the time of trouble.

    Nike you are so strong to come out and educate people about this silent disease that a lot of people do not know exist.I will advise you to trust God and commit it to him. He can heal you of this disease even before menopause.

  172. This is not just a serious problem but a shameful one, no one truly understands the pain the individual involved goes through. I have had this same problem and every scan I went for made me cry. The thought that you might not have kids like every other woman is so painful, the main problem is if you tell your boyfriend or fiance will he understand or just walk out.

    I have prayed seriously and I am trusting the Almighty God for my healing. He is my ready help in the time of trouble.

    Nike you are so strong to come out and educate people about this silent disease that a lot of people do not know exist.I will advise you to trust God and commit it to him. He can heal you of this disease even before menopause.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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