Court strikes out case against 'Facebook lover' accused of attempted rape | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 7 February 2013

Court strikes out case against 'Facebook lover' accused of attempted rape

A Tinubu Magistrates’ Court in Lagos on Wednesday struck out a case of attempted rape against Arthur Obiora for “want of diligent prosecution”.

Obiora, 26, was arraigned on Nov. 9, 2012, over an alleged attempt to rape one Nkiruka Akabuogu at 1004 Flats, Victoria Island, Lagos.

He faced a three-count charge of threat to life, attempted rape and causing bodily harm to 21-year-old Akabuogu. Obiora, however, pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The magistrate, Mrs A. O. Awogboro, who took over the case from Mr Martins Owunmi on Wednesday, following a reshuffle in the Lagos State Judiciary, granted a prayer of the defence to strike out the case.

Mr I. O. Fubara, the defence counsel, had asked the court to strike out the case since Nkeiruka and her family had not appeared in court since the inception of the case in November 2012.

After the arraignment, the case had been adjourned till Dec. 12, 2012 and again till Jan. 18, before it came up on Wednesday but no prosecution witness showed up.

Fabura had told the court during the last hearing that the families of Obiora and Akabuogu had “entered into discussions on how to resolve the case amicably’’.

The prosecutor, ASP Augustine Orji, told the court that the police informed Akabogu that the case was coming up on all the hearing dates.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Akabogu was initially hospitalised as a result of injuries sustained during the incident but has since been discharged.

NAN recalls that Orji, had told the court that Obiora met Akabuogu on Facebook, a social media network. He said the defendant subsequently invited her to a nightclub in Apapa on Oct. 31, 2012, after which they retired to his home at Block 10, Flat 317, 1004 Housing Estate, Victoria Island, Lagos.

Orji had said that Obiora, who claimed to be an unemployed graduate of Igbinedion University, Okada, and the Centennial College, Ontario, Canada, shut all the doors in the apartment and demanded to have sex with Akabuogu.

: “The accused tried to rape her and also threatened to kill her with a bottle of beer when she refused.
``The girl, fearing for her life, then jumped down from the third floor of the high-rise building.
``Nkiruka was discovered lying unconscious in a pool of her own blood about 30 minutes later by security men in the premises, who then reported the incident to the police.
``The police took the girl to a hospital and after she regained consciousness, obtained her statement,’’ the prosecutor said. (NAN)


  1. Really? That's interesting.

    Naija we hail thee.

  2. Replies
    1. anti 1st to comment7 February 2013 at 17:43

      Oya take agbalumo n go..silly thing

  3. Jumped off ke because of sex?? Na wa o..

    1. Hahahhahaha same fin I wondered,,,buh she could dance n wine in club lol

  4. It's a shame how rape cases die in Nigeria. It's time for Nigerian women to stand up and say.....

    1. Who says its rape??? When d gurl went clubbing wit d guy, she didn't know so many things wil be at stake. Is she a learner?

    2. Rape causes die???

    3. "Rape causes die"...Huh???

  5. That's wickness was the boy expecting her to die why didn't he even try to save her life.

    Wow all this social media love

  6. Na wah! People never still learn from this Facebook issue! Once bitten,twice shy oooh!21-year old geh for DAT matter,even parents hv a gr8 role to play in upbringing ooh! First to comment. Broad smile#. Annie!

  7. I don't trust Nigerian legal system and rape victims are not always courageous enough to appear in the courts. Men who rape women are not worthy to be called men.
    The 25-Year Old Virgin: Part 1

  8. Nonsense!!She invited him 2 her house,wat was she expecting biko??A sleep over??Mschewwwwwww

  9. Mtschewwwww,Y did she follow him 2 his house??Wat did she think was goin 2 happen?Abegi let's hear word jor

  10. I know dis sound inhumane bt I swear I don't pity her 1bit.let's even say d dude didn't try2rape her@home,wat if he had drugged her drink @d bar.had sex wit her in his car n dumped her by d rd side.dese girls don't care4deir life can u mit a guy on facebook n ur 1st meeting will b@a club,knowing u wud go home wit him.wat happened2goin2c a movie during d day or goin2av sre d family was too ashamed dat y dey didn't let her cum2d court.

    1. Exactly! cheap girls,even if it's to have. Drink in the early hours of the evenin then go bk to ya house..TF!

    2. Infact,exactly what I was abt to write!
      He should have raped her over!
      How can u just meet someone on FB,next thing u two are in club.and she wasn't even afraid of following him home all in one day!*scared Face*
      Even Cynthia's death have not taught dese gals a lesson!
      She had it coming'silly little gal!

    3. Typical malicious Nigerians. No iota of compassion. The girl gets all the blame. Exactly the reason why rapists walk with their heads high while traumatized victims hide indoors from fear and shame. Yes she may have made some poor decisions but does it give the guy right over her body to try to force himself on her??

      Rapists are just sick! No one knows if their relationship was meant to be platonic. She was stupid to trust him/go home with him but girls sleep in their platonic male friend's houses without wahala.

      Even if it wasn't platonic, if she say she no wan do, he has no right to force her. Na by force? Husbands get jailed abroad for forcing their wives when they are not in the mood..haba!

      You all will have children if you don't already, will you be happy to see a guy that tried to molest your daughter walk away freely because your daughter made the wrong choice and followed him home?

      For her to jump from that height means she did not expect the guy will ask her to sleep with him and she is a virtuous girl. How many of you fools castigating her spread your legs without hesitation?

      I pray she is completely healed inside out and this incident will be a test which will propel her to greater height. Girls don't trust unknown men!

  11. This is just disgusting. How do you strike out a case for attempted rape because the parties resolved it 'amicably'? Na wa o

  12. And this is why rapists loom in society. Everybody has a price I guess

  13. Foolish Nigerian girls they will never learn their lesson.sharing toto anyhow until it decays just like TOTO DECAY..ow sowi i meant to say TONTO DIKE

    1. Bastard, wetin come bring tonto inside this matter now?she fuck you abi she fuck ur papa or all the men in ur Lineage?better face the matter on ground and live tonto out of it.stupid idiot

  14. U met a guy on fb,a week later u went home with him after going clubbin n u don't expect him to sleep with totally against rape but she put herself in dat ugly dey'v struck out d case n d guy will eventually walk free...I dunno wat parents teach dia children dese days.

  15. Thank God she is alive, I feel sorry for the girl having jumped from a storey building and being unconscious but except something else happened that we don't know about I don't think sex became the problem between them, or else why go to a party with a guy and follow him back to his house to pass a night if you know you don't want anything sexual to happen between you two, are you a learner? Did she think they went back to the guys house for a prayer Vigil?

  16. Am not saying what d guy did was right d babe knew d implication of going home with him dat night,4 d Obiora u ve shown d world d type of person u re girls we ve to be careful relating to people we meet on social media cos u don't know who is who n what d person ve in mind God ll continue to see us thru

  17. Nkiru, continue this way and you shall surely get raped, sooner or later.

  18. Ahah!!! 1004 flat AGAIN!!! Na wa Ooooooo!!!!!

  19. Iru yin ko lan so, our wives are still in the womb, hopefully,that generation go make sense..Una wey don too jaiye wan come marry now abi..

  20. Iru yin ko lan so, our wives are still in the womb, hopefully,that generation go make sense..Una wey don too jaiye wan come marry now abi..

  21. I pray all the advice I am giving my teenage daughters is sinking into their brains. Why do people always have to learn the hard way? Following a stranger to his apartment? Anyway, some people learn from their mistakes. I hope Nkiru has grown wiser now.

  22. It's crazy the world we live in, there's always a way to try and pin the blame on a rape victim that's why these victims find it hard to talk about it. The girl in question went back home with someone she met online, was that his warranty to rape her? Like seriously?? I can't go back home with a guy to get to know him more without it looking like i want him to have sex with me??why can't guys be taught self control instead of teaching ladies to be afraid of being raped? I just can't deal.

  23. In the words of Justice Oputa, Justice is a 3 way traffic (1) For the Victim (2) for the accused (3) For the Society. D magisterate had no choice n dis case. As he explored d only avail option, due to d unwillingnes of prosecution witness including d victim.However it amazes me, hw much ignorance of the law,exhibited by Nigerians.

  24. My dear as bitter as this truth may be, self control is not common sense that is why it has to be learnt. Not going home with someone you don't on the other hand is! Have you ever tried to carry a baby that has met you for the first time... It's near impossible. People need to deal with reality not all this confusion.... Bottom line if you don't know some one well enough, be careful!

    Both families probably know that there is more to it and I believe have decided to settle it in the best way... After all no one can try to rape my daughter and I'll settle out of court. Frankly I don't have that kind of self control. I will F*@& him UP!!!!


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