Video: Explosive confrontation between Piers Morgan & the guy that wants him deported | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 8 January 2013

Video: Explosive confrontation between Piers Morgan & the guy that wants him deported

See the part 2 of the interview/confrontation after the cut...


  1. looooli first to commment sha.....anty linda post am oooo

    1. You're very stupid and childish.

    2. So u r 1st hw much was credited to ur acc?????linda stop posting all dis I'm 1st to comment n u dnt say nytin abt d post....

  2. If they deport u from a place am sure thy didn't deport u from this life so no whaala

    1. Mr Alex Jones acted like a typical nigerian-violent & aggressive

  3. LOOOOL!! Saw this earlier today.. This Alex Jones is one mad white man. Lmfao @ How many Chimpanzees can dance with whatever he said there.

    1. ....Can dance on a head of a pin lmaooooooo d man is not well hahahahahaha

  4. Piers Morgan just invited the guy, so d guy could look stupid and d dude fell 4 dat, he is just saying gibberish, he doesn't have a good argument to substantiate his claims.

  5. i dont even know how piersv stayed professional! this guy is tooo intense!

  6. Cocaine is a hell of a drug!!

  7. Alex Jones of He's like the number one conspiracy theorist. He didn't take his meds last night (when the show was aired live.) He has 50 guns i read. Sad nutcase.

  8. Replies
    1. I can run down this psyco with a knief.I don't need a Gun! Pple that can protect their families dnt run their mouth like tap.I'm sure piers will regret bringing him to the show.

  9. Kpele piers,simply hilarious,wonder wetin b piers intention to bring gun fanatic to a talk show lols

  10. Piers all d way! For the sake of other dudes like Freddy E pls n pls d guns should be taken away! Its heart. Breaking d way d young girls of "big rich texas" buy guns n v dem bedazzled like some piece of jewelry. Hell no!

  11. Well as an American i agree with Alex that Guns dont kill people ,People kill people . Linda is always posting how people died of stab wounds in the UK . Crime is crime and death is death no matter what weapon was used . The world including Piers need to back off Americas 2nd Amendment rights.

    1. Stfu Americana. Who cares if yu r American or not. If yu dn't ve anything 2 say just maintain yur piece Dumbass American.

    2. Knives can't be used for mass killings, all piers ļş saying ļş that there is no need for normal civilians to have assualt weapons, its totally unecessary.

  12. Gibberish, jargon, stupid. That's his last name. Alex almost unleash violence on Pierce. This guy needs to see a Medic

  13. Alex has to be on something ,like do you have to yell to get your point across.

  14. Hey - Americans got the right bear arms as given by the constitution. It's there in the constitution for a reason. Alex wasn't the author of the constitution. So let's get that straight. There's a lot of fuel with what he's saying. We shouldn't just dismiss it as conspiracy. Just use common sense.

    I digress - a lot of people are blind. Especially, we in Africa. Why is it that progress never comes our way huh? You think Pres. Goodluck can fix power? You think Nigeria will get 24/7 electricity? Tell me, where are the economic fundamentals to support that? If Nigeria were to have 24/7 power today - do you think you can afford it? Seriously, a country with a minimum wage of N18,000.00 and college graduates (those lucky to have a job) making about N50,000.00 to N100,000.00 for entry level position - do you think you can really afford 24/7 power? Or will you keep on having NEPA official to re-wire so that only your light bulb is on the grid and the rest is tapping current from another side? What will be the monthly cost of such power availability? Do you think that from the tiny $60 billion dollar a year (with a population that will surpass 200 million by 2050 - it is) in oil revenue that Nigeria as a country makes that there will be enough money to subsidize power just like PMS and Agriculture?

    I watched an interview of a Harvard professor few weeks ago (forgot his name) and he said something interesting - he said that the developed nations (i.e. the West and co) should stop lying to the developing nation that they will get developed because they aint.

    What is development? What is the catalyst for development? "Energy" my friend. Without energy there's no development. Without energy there's no civilization.

    FYI - U.S.A is the 3rd largest oil producer (NOT reserves) in the world with over 9 million barrels per day. Saudi Arabia and Russia are number 1 and 2 respectively. Now, America consumes 100% of it's oil production (exports not a single drop), buys up over 60% of Saudi's, Canada's, Nigeria's, Kuwait's etc. to fuel it's economy. That's what a developed nation looks like.

    On the other hand, Nigeria produces 2.5 million per day and exports 85% of it! How can you be a developed nation when you're exporting all your energy to already developed nations? Where will you get the energy to become developed? And you can be rest assured that the West won't let us get access to Nuclear energy - you see the headache Ahmadinejad of Iran is having trying to get his country access to it.

    There's a reason the rest of the world will be in poverty. It's all about total world domination by the west. Go back to history and see for yourself.

    Anyone who doesn't believe such and calls it "conspiracy" is just like saying "God" or "Satan" is conspiracy!

    So, everyone in America hold on to your guns. Never let any government take away your guns! Never! The day Americans give up their guns is the day they've given up liberty.

  15. oh boy! i applaud piers for being so calm and making alex jones loook like a total mad man. americans should be ashamed to call alex one of theirs. idiot

  16. piers asked a vital question and that is why do people need semi automatics? the type of firearms used in war. you can defend yourself with a normal gun but when someone has a weapon dat one shot can kill 20 people at once, then there is a problem

  17. Imagine that redneck of a guy with a gun *shivers*. Why did have to Pierce bring such a crude and untamed person into the studio? I guess it's the freedom of speech tingy. Diary of a mad white man, staring Alex Jones.SMH

  18. That is one angry man. Piers wanted him to look stupid and he fell for it.

  19. And Piers made it seem like "so America this is the fool that wants me deported" lol. I have never seen someone so stupidly unintelligent as this guy on live TV- reciting his theories and unwilling to tackle questions.

  20. Na wa oh .....this guy is vexed

  21. this man will just shoot Piers with his gun, he's just crazy.

  22. ok.. the dude has a point but the way he is presenting it makes him look uneducated.. beside piers is entitled to his opinion.. he isnt a government person so he cant influence d decision.. so y ask for his deportation because he expressed his opinion..

  23. this guy will just shoot Piers with his gun, he's just so crazy.

  24. This guy is a confirmed nutcase, lwkmd, his phony british accent killed me!!hehehehe...kpele Piers Morgan

  25. Wow ..wit word of mouths like dis who needs a gun...

  26. Anon 4:01 "mr american", knives can not kill 26 pple at ago. There are so many mad pple out there and american law let them have guns, which aid their quest for evil. Imagin d anger in this jones guy, and he has a gun.

  27. Morgan is nt goin anywhere, american does nt hav d balls 2 pull dis off..

  28. Wow ..wit word of mouths like dis who needs a gun...

  29. Ds alex is deranged..

  30. Its cause of pple lik dis Alex dt guns shld b banned cos he luks lik hu cn go around shooting sporadically.....he jst mad a fool of himsef tho!!!!

  31. America remains land for all! Never seen an interview like this before, well done to Piers for not losing it on Alex. I am so glad at Piers Morgan for not trying to interrupt Alex's "Show the world how mad I am in shortest possible time" world record attempt. Hilarious! I support Piers all the way! #TeamArsenal also do.

  32. This is simply hilarious, its fun to watch Piers get the other side of the stick for a change he always invites people and never lets them talk, rotflol, buh dis Jones tho is one hell of a republican. I get his point, guns dont kill people, people do

  33. This is simply hilarious, its fun to watch Piers get the other side of the stick for a change he always invites people and never lets them talk, rotflol, buh dis Jones tho is one hell of a republican. I get his point, guns dont kill people, people do

  34. This is simply hilarious, its fun to watch Piers get the other side of the stick for a change he always invites people and never lets them talk, rotflol, buh dis Jones tho is one hell of a republican. I get his point, guns dont kill people, people do

  35. if the dude had a gun, he would have shot piers morgan a long time ago...hahahahah

  36. Anon 4:01am, can u compare the amount of people dat die frm gun shot to d amt of people dat r stabbed, its outrageous and if d guy who killed dos kids at sandy elementary sch used knife most of d kids won't die or b4 he attacks atleast 10kids they would have overpowered him

  37. There are lots of dumbo's on this site. Objective reasoning killed at the feet of ignorance, high level illiteracy and lack of exposure. All you keyboard warriors with no substance are here displaying extreme mental depreciation.
    Alex is busy educating and informing your minds and the best you vile peeps with no future in sight (apart from swagging, becoming entertainers and making money fast mentality) are calling him a nut cracker and a gun totting red neck.
    Voilent criminality has rose 3x the normal index in the UK once guns where banned. Moa Toa killed over 80 million Chinese opposition once gun where banned in China. Given that history repeats itself, no right thinking person believes in giving up arms. Statistically 100% of murderers drink water, does it mean water should be banned Out-rightly???? Asking you keyboard warriors.
    Poverty has left its physical form and robbed a lot of you keyboard warriors from thinking intellectually. Keep swagging, pouting and 'HATING (aka expressing high level ignorance)' and lets see how far you go.
    Alex Jones is a hero and should be applauded for his deep level of research. Go to and and widen your horizon. Ignorant thinking has got to stop. Alex pulls in at least 17 million peeps per radio broadcast as opposed to Piers Morgan 70.000.
    People there is a war on your mind, learn to read in order to get emancipated.

  38. Thumbs up to Piers for bringing his critic/the guy dat created his deportation petition live om his show.really enjoyed d interview esp wen d douchebag was speaking in british accent.

  39. OMG! Lmao! The part he tried the accent had me.

  40. i swear some people (e.g. charlie) on this blog are really stupid,which one is first to comment????? the jones guy was just making noise and trying to cover up the fact that he didn't have anything sensible to say by shouting and being aggressive. Piers did a good work keeping his cool

  41. It's kinda like asking Yoruba ppl to forego Ifa worship. The heavens would fall. I bet you know some highly religious, church ordained Yoruba ppl who still keep all sorts of pendants, charms and stuff in their bedrooms. It's their custom and a fall-back option.

    The American Frontiers were conquered due to every home owner having several guns to ward tresspassers off with. Like the Yoruba, the custom has been passed from generation to generation.

    The Yoruba have learned not to invoke curses on every Sule, Lamidi and Ajanaku that offends them. The Americans should cultivate self-restraint also!

  42. Wooow! see insanity!

    Kudos to Piers for staying so cool and professional! I know he had achieved his goal!
    That Alex dude is on something! He even went personal on Morgan!!
    See who want make them deport person, he needs to be evaluated.

    Na wah ooo.

    I wonder what will happen if we all go around with guns *Smug smile*

  43. Piers Morgan depicted d highest level of professionalism , I'd punch Alex Jones in d face and be forever satisfied...

  44. chinonso from west london9 January 2013 at 10:32

    As a british pier is a good journalist but the question here is will gun control stop crime? Or mass murder. The guy is full of Shiite hundred % pointless, he didn't even get his fact right Switzerland has low physical crime but more drug addicts just like every other EU. Harshtag ur tweet #guncontrol if you believe is the solution world wide gun control/ knife. Dont stab either hug pls

  45. The 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution is clear as to the for the right to bear arms.It is important to note that it references "the militia", and the time-frame the law was enacted should be put in perspective(newly independent America had just emerged from a civil war).There is no excuse for a civilian to own a semi-automatic weapon. Gun control laws will soon be passed because the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary will set the tone. I should know. I'm a lawyer, and American .

  46. Frankly guns,should remain cos u guys will actually face tyranny when it goes away.
    Yes, God protects, but wisdom is profitable to direct. Let guns remain.
    And yes Piers should be deported or can as well go back to where he feels save (where guns are banned).
    You don't come to my house and tell me i should not use electric fence... crap

  47. Impressed by Piers's composure...the dude is such a blabber mouth...ready for attack...This wasn't a debate it was just a man pouring out crammed statistics..

  48. ... and piers Morgan proved a mentally unstable man wanted him deported

  49. Americans are so big headed. When will they ever learn? This AlexJones of a man is such a douchh!!!!

  50. Americans are so big headed. When will they ever learn? This AlexJones of a man is such a douchh!!!!

  51. LMAO!!! This guy is such a jackass!

  52. He said he has over 50 guns and he uses them to prtect his family. My question is, do u need 50 guns to protect? He's obviously a gun fanatic.

  53. This Alex Jones guy is a confirmed nutcase! I'm surprised he didn't pull a gun out on Piers Morgan. This guns don't kill people argument is really daft. The fact is guns can do more damage to more people in a minute than other weapons such as knives, rods etc. Even if America does not totally ban guns for private citizens, they need stricter gun control laws so that guns don't get into the hands of crazy psycho nutcases.

  54. Can any local station do what piers did? for thought...

  55. This Alex Jones dude is just barking out crammed statistics...Not addressing the real issue..shocked Piers is this composed

  56. Pierce rules...see calmness naa!!!THE GREMLIN SAYS

  57. Alex is a Joneser! A pathetic case of an interviewee becoming the interviewer. A man without control is like a city dats without walls, VULNERABLE!!!

  58. I have always heard crazy Nigerian xenophobes say crap like "Ghana must go", "omo Igbo should go back to their east", etc. I am surprised to see a crazy American one on national tv.

  59. Ds Alex is such a fool.

  60. Ds Alex is such a fool.

  61. Alex is such an intelligent man. He has a point! It is not the guns and knives, it is the people. We have many psychos and poorly brought up kids around us. Lack or moral values! The government, the church and the schools have failed us!

    However, deporting Piers wouldn't bring solutions to our problems. It is just a medium to raise awareness!

  62. it only takes a patient guy like piers to withstand that guy....gosh!!!!!!!

  63. Doggy @8:58

    You live in the US right? I hope your wife or kids are murdered in cold blood in the next mass shooting. Then you'll understand how cheap talk it. Mumu!

  64. He has over 50guns huh? And sleeps well at night, cos he can protect his family! That part, I like! But trust me, if people didn't have access to guns, there'd be less mass murders... This Alex is something else sha...

  65. Typically, it's nearly impossible to get a word in edgewise with Piers but this Jones chap made him seem like extremely sedate! Geez! If the term "garbage spewing sicko" was in the dictionary, there'd be a photo on Mr. Jones right beside it...loud, ignorant lout that he is.

  66. I so respect piers for keeping his calm I can't guarantee I would do that. Thumbs up man

  67. This man musta been out of breath after the interview sorry confrontation, lol.! 35 to 11000? Now that's a huge difference. If these guns are relinquished, there'd be less crimes and less mass murders, its just common sense!....TC

  68. Bush caused 911 ...isn't that treason.

  69. i think most people here did not spend the time to listen to this man, he might have been ranting and shouting, but that doesn't take away from his wisdom. 1. he mentioned the pharmaceutical companies and the antidepressants that makes people do crazy things. if you are not crazy in the head why will you kill 10s of children, whether with a gun or knife is besides the point. thats not to say Piers doesnt have a point by saying maybe if we take away the number 1 killing instrument maybe the killing will stop. i think pple will just find other ways of killing just as demonstrated in uk, where gun death reduced to just 35 but crime rate increase exponentially. this is because taking the guns from everyone has left some people unable to protect themselves. i think both men are on the same side. Alex wants to be able to protect himself by shooting any criminal, Piers wants to take the gun outta the criminals hand. so what to do?

  70. This fruit cake is a real nut job and should be sent to the nearest asylum.
    It is a good thing he came out, now we can see the crazies behind the gun lobby NRA

  71. hmmmmmm, i love USA for the freedom, of speech!

    i survived paedophilia!

  72. Piers Morgan is a total douchebag!! The other day he was calling a guest on his show stupid on this same gun issue i think. How can you sink that low as a journalist and get so personal.
    In this interview, the only thing I see is a guest aggressively presenting very valid facts and logic in order to prevent douchebag Piers from detracting from his point.
    Alex is right in my opinon, guns don't kill people, people do. Moreso their right to defend themselves is protected by their constitution so there you go. Go suck on a lemon Piers!!!

  73. Piers should thank God that the guy wasn't armed with one of the 50 guns he has, otherwise Piers would have been deported to a place far away from London!

  74. @Okorodudu.. Your comparison here is baseless and just plain ignorant. The motives of your comment is very questionable. While Ifa is of Yoruba custom, dont make it seem like Every Yoruba person goes about doing charms. I am Yoruba and i have never seen or used charms in my life,so do my parents. Each and every tribe in Nigeria have their own kind of Native customs, the Ibos have theirs(Amadiorha), so do the Edos, and so on and so forth. For you to single out one group of people and label them pendant wearing charmers shows how Tribalistic in nature you are as a being. SHAME ON YOU!!

  75. @ Charles you bloody retard. Seems you have it hard with simple understanding. Mental depreciation coupled with years of extreme low self esteem has impeded your reasoning. In your opinion object reasoning is foreign to Nigeria #init. Do yourself a favour and pick up a book, all isn't lost yet.

  76. The WH has responded "Let’s not let arguments over the Constitution’s Second Amendment violate the spirit of its First." End of discussion!

  77. Doggy or whatever you call yourself, everyone is entittled to their opinion (including you) but when trying to make a piont, try to use less insultive words (thats a glaring way to show ones ignorance).

  78. Many stupid people taking sides with piers. No wonder Nigeria is where she is today. Why are you on piers' side? if i may ask. sure most answers will be because is a regular face on TV and a CNN anchor. Rubbish. He is nothing but an outsider who shouldn't dictate and criticize the american constitution on national TV. Alex made good points, he got piers clueless. backing his argument with FBI statistics threw Piers off balance. Piers should be deported.

    Please ignore Alex's rants and uproar, and listen carefully to the points he raised to buttress why guns shouldn't be taken away

  79. @Doggy

    So without reading Alex Jones your brain is too weak to decipher what goes on around the world? Keep swallowing the trash on his website, moron! He gets rich why you sit there drooling.

  80. @Charles aka the keyboard warrior, go read a book and get informed. Life is too short to remain ignorant.
    @Anon 10:34 I am really sorry for imposing my views on others, believe me that really isn't my intention, but Children like Charles needs to be straightened out.

  81. I laugh! The material I read in a year, your lazy ass hasn't read it in your entire miserable lifetime. I know you're scared about guns being taken away so crooks like you don't lose your means of survival. Arrogant asshole!

  82. Boko Haram kills more with bombs than with guns. Are guns not outlawed in Nigeria. The Norway mass murderer killed over 70 people, many of them with bombs made from fertilizer. Is bombs making legal in Norway? Piers Morgan simply met a very determined guy who was ready to defend himself this time around. Why did he run to America from UK?


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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