Dear LIB readers: Should I marry a man who sexually abused me? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 16 January 2013

Dear LIB readers: Should I marry a man who sexually abused me?

From a LIB reader
Dear Linda, I really need advice from your readers. I have fallen in love with a guy who sexually abused me when I was young and he's asking me to marry him now. He has apologized for what he did to me but I still haven't forgotten. What do I do?


  1. get ready!
    he will abuse ur kids,ur nephews,ur nieces and househelps.
    u are cursed!!
    gen gen!!!

  2. If u really love him as u said and u're sure he's really sorry 4 what he has done to u in d past, i will advice u marry him

  3. This is super story

  4. 4 u 2 fall in L♥√ع wit him means u hv 4gotten

  5. the decision is yours to make. Have you really forgiven him? are you affected psychologically by he abuse? do you think you can live/cope with him and not react negatively towrds him in future?
    hmnnn...u really need to examine yourself sincerely, if you think you can go ahead with him, oh well.

    but the guy on the other hand seriously needs to be flogged. only God knows how many others he abused. #hiss#

  6. My dear, you need to cut that relationship ASAP!! Its for your own good to leave while you can before its too late. Yes, forgive him and move on from him!! There are so many guys out there and I know you will find him. Trust God

  7. Sorry,he won't change,he's an animal(shikena)

  8. is free world hence he has tested d cunt b4.i tink he likes d taste.

  9. hmnnn! all these LIB readers case is worse than the main stories linda puts up here. the other one can't bleat like a goat to please her man. this one, of all the men in the world, its the very one that abused her sexually that she saw to marry. tomorrow, you all would line up under anonymous and throw insults if it were to be someone else in your shoe.

  10. Let me be honest with you. I don't think you need our advice. For the fact that you allowed yourself to fall in love with him means you didn't care about what he did to you in the past. So go ahead then. Just weigh ur decisions carefully before you do.
    Have you guys seen Yvonne Nelson's baby photo HERE? This lady is naturally cute

  11. He will go ahead to abuse ur daughter or ur maid in d future. Paedophile in d house.

  12. Do you mean rape or what? That could hold bad memories though. The details are really sketchy here to make a good analysis though. But people deserve a second chance, if you love him and he does too then the past can be put where it belongs, in the past!

  13. The only thing dat I believe its constant nature in dis life is change.
    And one potent medicine which has proved more efficacious than time to heal all wounds is TRUE LOVE,with sincerety of purpose.
    If u truely love him and believe he's a changed person and deserves a benefit of doubt,my dear say yes before another person does.lolz

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

  14. Forgive and forget! go ahead and marry him if u need to. Plus u can abuse him sexually afterwards if it would make u feel better.

  15. Its proven that pain is love, lol.what he did was wrong but.... Maybe he meant good though.

  16. Run away as fast as you can.

  17. Don't marry him because he is a monster

  18. He will sexually abuse your daughters! Shikena!

  19. Why d fuck will u even fall in love with smone that has abused u sexually in d past.

  20. First, I think you should forgive him. Then i think you should go get some counseling on that atrocious act, and lastly, you have to come to terms that what he did was atrocious. When you've done all these things, then you will know what to do. *note when I say "you", I mean you, as in just you. Good luck. Oh, one more thing, if you have to ask this question, you already know the answer, follow your gut instinct. Trust your instincts girl!!

  21. If you can live with d fact he abused you @ tender age is ur choice. I advice think twice becos dis a life time issue!

  22. If you can live with d fact he abused you @ tender age is ur choice. I advice you think twice becos dis is a life time issue!

  23. guy dis girl fine shaa

  24. guy dis girl fine shaa

  25. First of all, you were fully aware of d fact dat he molested u and u haven't 4gotten yet u went ahead to fall in luv. Now u're asking if u should marry him or not. My dear u have answered ur own question.Let us move on to oda things abeg....NEXT!

  26. This is SOOOO similar to Stockholm syndrome.

  27. He is a sex offender, if u had reported him he would still be in jail or be an ex convict

  28. one word....RUN! i really dont think its a good way to start a marriage


  30. Marry am na, by the time he carry ur toto blow whistle u go cme bck to ur senses.. Once a pervert always a pervert!!

  31. Once an abuser, always an abuser! Shikena! Which kain yeye fall in love be that? If u live in a sane country and got him reported then, would he be asking to marry u now? Until u have kids for him and he starts abusing them? And your neighbour's kids??!! Pls girl, get ur dirty love some recommended glasses or surgery, if its that blind!

  32. Like seriously are you alright?don't even think of it..he abused you and believe me he will still do it again..sometimes you have to ignore your feelings and use your head..he's an animal,you deserve the best..

  33. Like seriously. Is dat a question. Sum1 abused u sexually how d hell did u fall in love with him??? I don't think it's wrong. I think it's WRONG. I get he's a "changed man" n all dat. But stay away 4rm him.

  34. Forgive him and marry him...,dats only if u see the act of repentance in him and love too.

  35. Wat kind of stupid question is dese dummie watever u want bee-yiatch remember its yo life......if u can't 4get wat he did in d past,y shld u tink of spendin ur future with him??ode!*hiss*...Next plss

  36. Grant his apology naun since u said u r in luv 2

  37. Obviously he is manipulating you. Sexual predators do not just change and he'll probably do the same to your daughters and all other young girls that may come into your home e.g some poor house maid. Please stay away from him and advice him to go for counseling. he needs to address whatever it is that made him sexually abuse someone in the 1st place!

  38. Obviously he is manipulating you. Sexual predators do not just change and he'll probably do the same to your daughters and all other young girls that may come into your home e.g some poor house maid. Please stay away from him and advice him to go for counseling. he needs to address whatever it is that made him sexually abuse someone in the 1st place!

  39. Forgive him but flee cos theres no probaility he wont do that again even to your own child or relatives or neighbours and then eternal disgrace and shame. Has he really dealt with that thing cos its a spirit.

  40. Please do not marry him
    Joor o

    The person inside a person can come out any me dats who he is..I won't be surprised if u later find out he does nt really love he is just proposing to clear his concience.

  41. U ve fallen in love with him means u ve forgiven him so YES u can

  42. My question 2 u is do u want 2 marry him? My dear u alone can advise ur self bcus marriage is a life tym tin, my contribution is listen 2 ur heart n do only wot it tells u 2 do.

  43. Well i guess you already answered it yourself. He is a changed man and would like to marry you. I advice that you forgive him and let go of your past. And move on. He's strong to still want to be around you. You're stronger because you have loved him still. I suggest you move on and forgive him completely. Afterall, if you marry someone else, you might feel worse or indifferent. You hurt may still be there. It is hard. And a case of sexual abuse is harder. The easiest thing to say is "DON'T EVEN DARE" but then for the love of God, a word called forgiveness exists. You can read this poem I wrote of forgiveness. To err is human

    May God guide you as you choose wisely.

  44. Don't, Simple as. But I've realised people will end up doing what they want regardless. My advice is you should not but if u feel you love him to consider then pray about it.

  45. Marry him na.wetin dey dia?

  46. chioma immaculata16 January 2013 at 23:44

    The trauma alone won't let you enjoy the marriage. Animalistic nature of men have degrees. He did it to you once,he I'll do it to ur younger sister or maid.

  47. It shows dat u stil hv affection 4 him though u myt feel cheated u can stil 4gv him bt pls very canny abt it....

  48. I wonder who these people are. Who are you people that can't take decisions concerning your own lives? You come to total strangers who can never understand what you are feeling. Do you take the most common advice at the end of the day, apply it and damn the consequences?

    Search yourself and take your decision. Its your life.

  49. Do you love him or not?? There's no big deal in marrying someone who abused you as long as you aren't related.

  50. u b goat. U r alredy inlv n u r lukn 4 advice. Shebingo. Ewu.

  51. First study his behavior, d kind of frnds he move it, and if he has realised his mistake and have d fear of God in him

  52. You are even lucky you're not related to him.. I was sexually abused by my mum's younger brother at the age of 7. I'm almost 36 now and I'm still kinda affected by the whole stuff. If you have feelings for him, then go ahead.. Linda, why don't you always post my comments na???

  53. If he sexually abused џσΰ then and џσΰ have nt forgiven him why did џσΰ even allow ȋڪ get to this extent of a marriage proposal?
    The answer ȋڪ NO dnt marry him

  54. And he shall continue to abuse you sexually -------- ode just what are you still looking for there again , wetin you forget ? A man debased you and you my dear are still thinking of going back to him If not why asking again .

  55. ...well to me, I thnk him being arnd u will easy off d memory of the past. Thngs shld be fine...all u need is to forgive him nd start a wonderful life togethr...dont get stalled with thngs from your past wch has now come to correct itsef.

  56. You have not 4gotten n U̶̲̥̅̊ want 2 marry him,do U̶̲̥̅̊ evn love him or how do you intend 2 live wit wa 4 ur questn

  57. Since he has apologized n u love him,u can go ahead n marry him,he might have change 4 change is d constant thg in life,1st 2 comment*winks*,Madam Linda post my comment oooo

  58. RUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN for your dear life! kids are not safe around him, even your children wont be safe around him.

  59. Lindiway,dis girl wey u use for d topic fine ooo.well my dear,if u can live with it,den marry him.its obvious u have feelings for him.but as for someone like me,I don't think I'd be able to marry him cos if he could do dat wen I was young,he cud continue to do dat to younger girls in d future cos he has a peverted mind. So look b4 u leap.

    Pretty tricky

  60. Question la hot! Tye help to 131... On a serious note,I tink it depends on u,cn u handle him touching u?,a lot of mental n emotional strength is involved here n I'm pretty sure u haven't gotten closure on dis issue yet n I'll advice u leave d guy alone,dere are many oda pple out dere,u nid a psychologist,bt if u cn handle seeing dis man n spendin d rest of ur lyf with sum1 who has d potential 2 rape abi na sexually abuse hehehe...

  61. U can if u are too desperate to wait for the right guy,its a paedophile u Want to marry!!.....he will do it again and again to pple around u cos a leopard can never change its stripes!!

  62. Firstly u need to pray to God to help u forgive Him, & if u realy love him after u have truely forgive then u can only have fulfilled LOVE life with him

  63. Stimes it may b caused by peer pressure, drunkness or naivity so if u are sure that he has really changed and you love him, you can go ahead and marry him. There is nobody that cant change

  64. Dats a hard one cos †ђξ memories ll always b dere.

  65. something is wrong with you, this man violated you, how can u marry him.

  66. He'd abuse ur daughter..! SJ

  67. That na question? Pls marry him and when he starts abusing your children, u cry to Linda again. Iskanchi

  68. Follow ur heart, he may hav repented 4rm his evil ways...

  69. Babe am so sorry that you went through that from a one sexually abused woman to another. Whether he is sorry or not is irrelevant how do you feel? I hope you are not having some sort of attachment to your abuser which is very common, He violated you and now wants to come into your life. You will never forgive him if you marry him every time you are intimate you will remember the abuse run away from him. Get counseling, talk to someone you trust but stay away from him Best of love am rooting for you.

  70. Actually feel this decision is suppose to be a personal thing but since you have decided to involve libers, it's fine.I think it's not a bad idea getting married to him coz we all have our past. If what you feel for him is real love, y not? go girl!


  71. Actually feel this decision is suppose to be a personal thing but since you have decided to involve libers, it's fine.I think it's not a bad idea getting married to him coz we all have our past. If what you feel for him is real love, y not? go girl!


  72. Anty, you have not forgiven him and you're still considering marrying him? are you a learner?

  73. Are you sure he sexually abused you? Cos u sound like u enjoyed it then. What do u mean by "I've fallen in love with a guy who sexually abused me when I was young". Seriously? That's like saying "I've fallen in love with a paedophile who raped me when I was young". Sweetheart u're about to get married to a paedophile, & pls don't run to LIB when he rapes your neighbour's 9yr old daughter.

    Young women of these days prefer to trade their class, worth & respect for material things, & its not even funny!!!

  74. He abused you when he had no right to. He'll rape you every single day of your life when he gets conjugal rights. You were abused, have you healed?? You're busy contemplating marrying your abuser. Is your brain on reverse??? Or do you just have an empty hollow skull???

  75. Abuse his heart to jare,nonesense man. He wants to destroy your life completely o tell you

  76. U must be a fool to want to marry such person...ode, dey der dey ask stupid question.....if he can do dat to u wen u wer young,den I can imagine wat he ll do to u nw dat u r older....#justsaying....beta wise up

  77. If you have forgiven him, that is fine but it is hard to re-establish trust on a long-term to a former sex-predator, it would take God to convince you to believe that he would love and value you as his wife on a long-term besides ,in most cases the answer should be no , don't marry him.

  78. Make a decision u would b happy with and not be full of regrets or had I know later,If u love him then I dnt see anything wrong but please b sure he means every bit of his word 2wards staying with u for d rest of his life.Also pray so u can forget abt how he abused u when u were tender,cos I case u guys marry that issue of remembrance is likely 2 b a challenge.God would direct u.

  79. Its a no-go area girl........Give urself brain & run 4 ƱƦ lyf!!!

  80. 2 me oo,i tink forgiveness is a forwar,try and 4give and 4get since he has realise his mistake::give a chance 2 proof his worth.

  81. Is that a real question or do you have some kind of syndrome (stockholm syndrome)? Get some therapy. What are you still doing there?

  82. Are you sure you've fallen in love?

  83. Common sense run he is still a monster I can imagine how u feel

  84. Marry him so that e can finish wat e started!*sarcasm*

  85. Am sorry but I think she's confused....he sexually abused u, uv fallen in love but u avent forgotten??? What the? A serious case of a confused person... I rest my wa o!

  86. Ugh...! Honey yeah follow u heart girl. He loves u and surely will LOVE any female child you'll have plus your friends daughters and nieces too. Get out of here!! Sha go get some counseling. Smh

  87. But u have "fallen in love" innitt??? u dey find who u wan use as scapegoat???....why ask 4 opinions when it don't mean shit 2 u????... Abeg shift jOor....if u dnt want him I'm sure ther r plenty LIBers who'll gladly take him. Dey ther dey dull urself.

  88. You are mad if you do. Oprah Winfrey said if people show you who they are, believe them.!! He has shown you his true colors before. Do not complain if he shows you the rest.

  89. Marry him's thesame way he abused you when you were young that he will abuse other young girls in your neighborhood when you go to work or travel out of town.
    Old habits die hard! I don't know why some people just fail to learn... Girls sha!!! Really, what sweet words or gifts has he used to entice you to believing he has trully changed?

  90. Looks like he didn't abuse you... You had fun while it lasted! So why are you troubling us? Abeg«««!!

  91. Don't do it. You will have a grudge towards him for the rest of your life.

  92. Should you marry a man who sexually abused you?

    No! Are you crazy?

  93. I don't knw for u jare ... Are we the driver and conductor of ur life... Abegg

  94. abi u dey craz ni

  95. he will abuse your children and all the young girls in your family, u can not marry a guy with no self control

  96. Honey, if he abused you, are you sure you won't ve to stay very far from your female relatives? If he abused you,he will abuse others and except you are dobubly sure he's changed for the better and really loves you enough to control his urges Donot try to commit. Nd pray hard bout it

  97. You should run away from the bastard. Think about this.If he can abuse you, he can abuse you children.
    Do you realize that in the western world if you were to report him to the police. He will be prosecuted.
    their can never be no rational he can give to you for what he did.So my dear a pedophile is forever going to remain a pedophile.

  98. Abi u r a fool ni. U said someone sexually abused u and u r still asking if u should marry him go ahead and marry him now oponu. Some questions r u dumb

  99. It's really a tough you stil have nightmares of the incident.Was the guy under any influence when u were abused.The decision is urs but take your time and be careful.Most offenders of rape or assault are perverts,they wil do it again.

  100. You don't sound furious. If you can put up with him why not. I am sure you guys will laugh over that incident you called *sexual abuse* after the marriage.

  101. Don't marry him ,cos d truma wil kip come to u each tym u see him.

  102. You didn't "fall in love" with him! You are confused, like so many sexual abuse victims are! Please don't do something stupid with your life! You never know what he is capable of doing! He might attack another poor girl again or even worse, he could target your child when you have one with him!!!! I don't know if is too late to report him to the authorities, but please don't get involved with this monster!!!!

  103. "u'v fallen in love" & yet ur still asking silly questions?
    Maybe u'll prefer a guy with 100% perfection record past who u have "fallin in like with"!!!

  104. How manage? How do you even speak to someone who abused u sexually???? In d world we live in fallen in love means already sleeping with him, dis time with consent. No judging o! But Sweetie??, man,marry and sexual abuse are not meant to be used in the same sentence. Yeah, forgiveness we teach and preach...and people change yeah, buh what's on d inside will always come out and this time again.Sometimes common sense wins it.

  105. How manage? How do you even speak to someone who abused u sexually???? In d world we live in fallen in love means already sleeping with him, dis time with consent. No judging o! But Sweetie??, man,marry and sexual abuse are not meant to be used in the same sentence. Yeah, forgiveness we teach and preach...and people change yeah, buh what's on d inside will always come out and this time again.Sometimes common sense wins it.

  106. Don't be stupid!

  107. Of course you cannot forget a man who sexually abused you but a lot of things could have been responsible for that including you. Well, if he's really a changed man and you can live with the memories, then you might consider marrying him.
    Handling Premarital Sexual Urges

  108. Someone that sexually abuses anyone is undisciplined so he can do it to anyone at anytime

  109. Is he d only man on earth? Wen u r Sexually abused remember it can never go out of ur mind it only takes God's intervention 4 such memory 2 wipe off nd hw can u fall in lov wt such a beast. My dear d bitter 2rut is dt such union ll never last so u beta stop dt u call relationship wt him º°˚˚°ºoo, If nt such ll end up abusing u childre 2moro

  110. S̶̲̥̅̊W̶̲̥̅̊E̶̲̥̅̊E̶̲̥̅̊T̶̲̥̅̊S̶̲̥̅̊ H̶̲̥̅̊O̶̲̥̅̊N̶̲̥̅̊E̶̲̥̅̊Y̶̲̥̅̊ S̶̲̥̅̊U̶̲̥̅̊G̶̲̥̅̊A̶̲̥̅̊R̶̲̥̅̊17 January 2013 at 06:16

    Abeg linda enof ☀̤̣̈̇F all τ̲̅ђis kindergartens questions jooor Ϟ relationships!

    Ȋ̝̊†̥ makes ♍ξ sick jare.....can't βε̲̣̣̣̥ low †̥ βε̲̣̣̣̥ answering such child's questions abeg! D̶̲̥̅̊ answer †̥ D̶̲̥̅̊α† question Ȋ̊§ obvious already....S̲̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴͡ why dsturb Ŵi̶̲̅τ such? *rme*

  111. ♈ε̲̣̣̣̥s I can

  112. if u realy love him go ahead, many ladies are out dere lookin for a life partner sexually abuse or not.

  113. JƱڪτ̲̅ follow U̶̲̥̅̊я heart.since U̶̲̥̅̊ still love him much and U̶̲̥̅̊ have forgiven him.

  114. Ask God 4 mercy and pray ova it so dat u wil nt make mistake u knw marriage is 4 life time

  115. 'U have not forgotten', and u r considering marrying him; u must b sick in d brain.

  116. U̶̲̥̅̊ better run very far away frm him.

  117. 4give & 4get,live life in it's fulness. Though it's not easy, but 4giveness will help u find happiness. I'm not saying u shld marry him & I'm not saying u shld but if u totally 4give him, u'll find an inner peace within u which will lead u 2 d right man

  118. U shouldnt marry him, since u cant 4get wat he did. Jst let him knw , so he can free u...shikena

  119. (˘̯˘ ) I doubt this 1 was abused.if you were truly truly abused,my dear.the man's sight alone wud av irritated u,u wud av hated talking2him or bin around him not 2talk of give him a chance n den falling in luv wit him.and now even considering marrying him.hmmmm my dear,1ce an abuser always an abuser o,I hope no b on ur kids he wud continue.#okbye *bbmstraightface*

  120. If u truely love him then go ahead becos love concurs all tinz and mybe he does not what u to transfer dat hatred to other men

  121. Are u a learner??

  122. If u see it in him dat he had changed really,dnt jst rush into marryin him buh gv him some time to get 2 knw him more,if ur hrt is really down 4 his lv,go ahead nd marry him nd try 2 forget wot hapnd.

  123. He may sexually abuse u in marraige,so my dear tink twice.

  124. Lol.... See question! It depends on what d incident reminds you of. It was prolly good that's why you fell in love with him and also considering to marry him. I've met a lot of abused women and they are traumatized for life..... Take the "abuse" out of your question because it definitely wasn't one.

  125. Yes. Marry him n make sure u poison him. So e die slowly.

  126. The height of low self esteem n depravity if the mind...dunno how young u were,but bliv me u ll Neva b com4table wen any kid comes to stay..

  127. Chimamanda Stephens17 January 2013 at 07:12

    Tho pple change...but its risky 2 marry him bcos he might abuse ur daughter,ur baby sister or ur neighbor!!!!!!

  128. Kill him n kill urself.

  129. Seems like they are frying dodo on your head.

  130. if u luv him 4giv him and acept him

  131. Hey girl.. if you have already fallen in love with him, am sure you have forgiven him already. You have had intimate moments with him and i think the abuse issue hardly comes up. So go for it..!

  132. Lmao...he wants another taste of ur soup#but u knw wat dey say''love conquers all''

  133. Lmao...he wants another taste of ur soup#but u knw wat dey say''love conquers all''...linda post my comment o

  134. A man who could bring himself to abuse a woman sexually leaves much to be desired.

  135. MY dear first put it in prayes den let God act on ur behalf.

  136. Marry jo.... Shey u love him! If u wait u go old o..

  137. Go ahead and marry him, the devil you know is better than an angel you haven't seen.

  138. Michael Babatope17 January 2013 at 07:49

    Naturally, there nothing wrong, he his just going to continue from where he finish. I've said it before, the devil you know is better than an angel you haven't seen! So, forget the past and move ahead, marry him and pray God should correct every bad impression he might have created. Oko won lode o!

  139. U get urself confused. How can u fall in luv wit him if u haven't 4given him & enjoys his dick while being abused? U already hav an answer to ur question so go marry am b/4 he will change his mind lolz..... #FACT, de reason we fall in luv wit some1 is cuz we enjoy their company & always wanna be wit de person. #okbye

  140. Linda even u know that this post is STUPID! It has already answered itself, yet u put it up to annoy LIBers haba! D girl says shez inlove with him §o obviously she has forgiven him already... But i gotta ask,u did nt seek advice from pple wen u began fraternizing with ur molester so why now? Pls go n take several seats smwhere ______/ its ur type dt rily baffle me daily with ur sense of reasoning.

    Ms Valerie

  141. Are you in love?
    in a relationship with him?
    doe he have money?
    no other bf/fiance/suitor?
    I dont see the dilema here..
    You seek advice when you are torn, not when its clear cut. If he abused you and you got into a relationship where he could propose to you and are still not over it, you should seek counselling for the trauma/stockholm syndrom or prayer, whichever you feel most comfortable with

  142. Ur talk no get meanin abeg

  143. Are you insane? Are you a learner? If the answers to the question above is NO! Then don't marry him. The cane used 2 flog you when you were young is still close by. He'd abuse you again there's no disputing that. Men never finish na!

  144. Marry him na ! Let him molest your sisters, ur mama , ur house-girl, ur neighbours eheeen dat tym u will now understand dat such attitude runs in d blood ... There is a very hi possibility he will molest sum1 again

  145. Yes......u can still marry him provided his proposal is from the heart....'we all av sinned and come short of the glory of God' for HIS mercies. Dearie, please 4give and 4get 4ever.

    God bless you

  146. I think he wants to clear his conscience. His apology is enuf. Nwannem run away from him owerri

  147. You are asking for advice after falling in love. U better go and report him to the police to save other young girls and the save yourself future shame..

  148. Dear friend , please be careful. Don't be gullible cos this same man will do d evil act to your kids. Open your eyes, use your head. Don't be deceived by his proposal.

  149. Of course you can marry him. Every one of us did some really bad things while growing up (I did worse things myself that I am so ashamed to think about) But you have to be sure he is well matured now and no longer have abusive tendencies.

  150. Meanwhile who is the girl in the pic. She looks really nice. Linda I am seriously searching. Won't mind if you hook us up.

  151. If u can forgive him, sure u can marry him. Am sure u ve done worse finz than that.

  152. Since You love him and he has apologise then you just have to let go everything he has done to you.. That is real love::

  153. Hear yourself, you have fallen in love with him, marry him now! Wetin come be our own for there. Linda pls unto the next one jare.

  154. If he is genuinely in love with you then forget the past and marry him.

  155. He sexually abused you and you are actually CONSIDERING marrying him.... words fail me *speechless*

  156. Marry Him if u are Sincerely in love wit Him.

  157. Ok, I got my voice back now... If I were you I would throw this guy in hell and walk away smiling! He apologised and you think thats it??? If he could abuse you when you were young and defenseless, do you think he is going to change NOW??? He might not abuse you sexually anymore but physically and mentally nko? You will never get past it babe, RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!!

  158. u r very stupid 4 considering it and 4 asking that question. sumone who abused u and all the children in the compound i guess. marry him so u can be the wife of the man who fingers 8 yrs old girl am certain he will make a good father.when u see him tell him 10 shege for me.

  159. marry him and his going to sexually abuse your daughter... its not love you feel, its the feeling of acceptance and the idea of being inlove.... walk away

  160. 'Fallen in love' With d guy olredy sounds Lyk u Av 4given him.go 4 d shot if u love him n pehaps find out about his sexual lyf,mayb he doz dis more dan u may knw.if u marry him i wish u a happy married lyf n pipo chnge 2 dou.

  161. Yes, please do.

  162. Yaaaah!it is good if you can marry him and that will even make you forgive him. He might have come to his senses and realized his mistake. If you can love him, marry him. May Almighty God guide you alright.

  163. its almost impossible for you to forget such thing, but love covers multitude of sin. if you genuinely love him then go ahead....there is always a cover when necessary

  164. Are yu sure yur in luv or yur just infatuated? Its a common mistake wr these 2 traits clash. Der's a possibility dat he'll b horrible in later yrs, nd den yu rmbr wat he did 2yu. Can yu continue wit d marriage yu swore 2kip 4beta 4worse? If yur answer yes, den yu luv him. If yur considerin d possibilities of any miscomfort yu mite face nd can't cope wit, den pls pls pls, run away 4rm him..... Nd 2 ME :D

  165. I had a similar experience wen I was in secondary school,I still weep wen I remember what he did to me. Cos I was so young den,to me I can neva have anything to do with such a person again in my life,if u marry him,he will still do it again n again.they r animals

  166. Are yu sure yur in luv or yur just infatuated? Its a common mistake wr these 2 traits clash. Der's a possibility dat he'll b horrible in later yrs, nd den yu rmbr wat he did 2yu. Can yu continue wit d marriage yu swore 2kip 4beta 4worse? If yur answer yes, den yu luv him. If yur considerin d possibilities of any miscomfort yu mite face nd can't cope wit, den pls pls pls, run away 4rm him..... Nd 2 ME :D

  167. As an abused victim i wouldnt....anyone who can do that to you has no respect for you..and trust me you would suffer more when you get married as he might abuse you more whether physically or sexually or even your daughter if you have one......the fact your asking you know its need therapy to heal first before do you know if your the only one hes done that to/ know hes past yet you want to marry a opinion...TERMINATE THAT MARRIAGE, DONT GO ON WITH IT

  168. Be warned. Such men need a shrink to examine their heads and if he hasn't gotten help yet be rest assured he's gonna sexually attack your daughter too in the future. Don't say I didn't warn you

  169. If you have not forgotten it then dont go ahead.

  170. There's nofin bad in it d most important thing is Love marry him

  171. better pray very well before you attempt such .. he is an abuser an apology cannot change that . please think of your unborn kids he could very well do the same thing to your daugther in future .. abeg no put wahala for your neck oh

  172. Babe talk true its revenge on your long as u haven't forgotten,everytime he mounts you,you'll have flashes...I still do...Way to go girl..marry him and kill him slooooowly,make him beg for mercy...there are a 1001 ways to do it.

  173. Is dt even possible,I think d both of u nid to check ur mental status on d oda hand he may have changed and is seeking to right his wrong abt u being inlove dts nt right.

  174. Dont worry marry him , he will then do the same thing to tour daughter , then to your neighbours child and then a lil girl in your church, mayb ur eyes go clear by the.


  176. What a question, If i were in ur shoes, I wouldnt marry him.What even moved you to be friends with someone like that in the first place?You shouldnt dignify such a person with ur friendship in the first place.
    Theres no reason cogent enough to walk down the aisle with him.
    For him to have abused u at a young age,he would abuse a younger person as well while you are married to him.
    Sha use ur head,not let ur emotions becloud ur thinking.

  177. U still haven't forgotten but u fell in love wit him??...pls since u r already in luv wit him...jst move on nd 4get abeg!!

  178. Just be rest assured dat u might not be the only person he molested as a child. I'll strongly advice u not to, u can have a son who will inherit dat evil act from his dad( don't knw if dat's possible) but please don't do it! If he was an adult while u where a child den, he stil probably has d potentials to molest some other child even when he's a granpapa, he might molest ur grandchildren! Beware!!!

  179. Beta dnt marry him O̶̷̩̥̊͡Ooº°˚ ˚°ºo , cos he'll tranfer his paedophilia trait to U̶̲̥̅̊я kids. A̶̲̥̅̊₪D̶̲̥̅̊ ​Ђôẃ r U̶̲̥̅̊ sure he's nt abusd oda kids too D̶̲̥̅̊α̲̅τ̲̅ had placed curses d him?

  180. ℓ cant liv wit dat bt since u'v fallen in love u berra watch it to prevent mor shocks.

  181. Since you have forgiven him, try to eased it off ur mind

  182. Don't be a fool girl! He will definitely abuse another young girl.Once and pervert always a pervert

  183. You can marry him. I don't think there is anything wrong.

  184. My dear i knw is nt dat easy bt pls try N 4give N 4get,E has change 4 gud dat is Y e ask u 2 marry him,free ur mind n moving ahead.

  185. He abused you when u were young? he should be quite old now and u r in love with him... hmmm...u clearly dunno what you want; make up ur mind and move on, stop asking us

  186. please don't try it becos you are not going to forget that particular incidence. the scar will always be there and it will hinder your marital joy. secondly how are sure he has changed from his old ways? most times the return back to you becos they are facing some hard times and they might attribute it to the wrong they have done. please prayerfully follow this issue , who know he might be your real husband but don't be faster than God.

  187. If u love him marry him

  188. please don't try it becos you are not going to forget that particular incidence. the scar will always be there and it will hinder your marital joy. secondly how are u sure he has changed from his old ways? most times they return back to you becos they are facing some hard times and they might attribute it to the wrong they have done. please prayerfully follow this issue , who knows he might be your real husband but don't be faster than God.

  189. Re u just looking for comments or re u retarted/demented. Pls just find seat n nyash down

  190. Madam u av d solution 2 ur problem so pls dnt bug us

  191. For even giving it a thot u r obviously in love so a beg nor Ask us mumu question.

  192. Master woman,go n seat down

  193. Opeke 1. Pls go n av a seat

  194. my dear ,flee from the devil cos the memory will never go away.....


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