Virginity test: My pants had blood stains - Pupil | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 24 December 2012

Virginity test: My pants had blood stains - Pupil

Culled from Punch
Fourteen-year-old Esther (not real name, pictured above), one of the victims of the virginity test that was allegedly conducted on pupils of Ajuwon Senior High School, Ajuwon, Ogun State, by their principal, fears she might have lost her virginity. She spoke with Punch correspondent, Temitayo Famutimi, on Sunday. Excerpts:
Why did you choose to do the virginity test when some pupils ran away?
I did not choose to do the test. After I and other female Senior Secondary School one pupils lined up in front of her (Olufunke Aladeojobi’s) office, I fled the scene but she noticed it and sent people after us threatening to deal with us.
Why didn’t you explain to her that you were not interested in the test?
I explained to her that my parents would be mad at me if they got to know that I did such a test without their consent but she brought out a cane and threatened to beat me mercilessly.

What happened afterwards?
Our principal marched me into her office and the school’s nurse asked me to put off my pants and laid me on the bed. She wore a glove, spread my thigh and dipped a finger into my private part. The school nurse then told the principal who was beside her that I was a virgin.

What did your principal do after the nurse said you are a virgin?
The principal said I “should not open my thigh” to any boy or man. She subsequently gave me two Ogun State customised exercise books.

Did you lose blood?
Yes, I lost blood. I didn’t notice it initially. It was the next person who saw me while dressing up that told me that my pants were stained with blood. But, I can’t say if it was the blood from my menstrual period because my menstrual period just ended or the blood was as a result of the virginity test.

Did your principal know you lost blood?
She didn’t because I left the place almost immediately and she was busy attending to other pupils.

How did your parents get to know about the incident?
I washed my blood-stained pants when I got home. I didn’t initially want to tell my mum but she noticed that I was keeping to myself. When she now queried to know what was wrong with me, I explained everything to her.

Did your principal warn you against telling your parents?
No, she didn’t. But I wouldn’t know what she might do to me if she got to know that I told my parents about it because she is strict and we all fear her. That was why I felt reluctant to tell my parents.

How have you been feeling since you underwent the test?
I have been doing fine just that I’m not happy about the incident because my classmates have been looking down on me. They keep saying that we have been “disvirgined.” I feel ashamed of myself.

Are you a virgin?
Yes. I have not had sex before but with what everybody is saying I don’t know if I am still a virgin. I really wish I’m still one.


  1. If I may ask what action was been taken on the Principal for such a preposterous act? This is real bad! Smh....

  2. This is so silly..seems the nurse is even more stupid that the don't need to do a digital vagina examination to determine virginity! Just part the labia and u see the hymen,You never deep your hands in the vagina of a virgin its wrong......cheers Dr.Zee!

  3. Too bad. I hope that woman is jailed.

  4. Nigerians and their backwardness!!! If they find out one of the kids is not virgin what would they do? Kill her? This is pure foolishness!

    1. So true and moreover does it really matters. Being a virgin doesn't mean a girl is decent. I lost my virginity at 19yrs but before them i always masturbate with the thought of having my brothers friend who stayed wit us after his youth service. And eventually we did it, now he's married but once in as while i still ask him for a secret top up!

  5. My dear girl don't worry u are still one.

  6. dat principal shld be punished.she is a ritualist.

  7. Is a mater of time it will come back to normal ok don't worry about it.just keep it

  8. This is babaric! In fact ehn... The woman must be incarcerated! U seee ehn linda, I really can't blame those gals cuz the way these govt principals carry themselves ehn... U'll think they are gods. Its unthinkable... Wat she did. Wat human being in her right sense would think up not to talk of act out this. Mschewww... Mad woman!

  9. This is molestation.... The principal must pay for it n she must be dismissed frm work. Useless old wrecked witch. Am sure d principal is a lesbian. And d useless nurse isn't qualified enoguh. Foolish pple with their ingorant attitude

  10. jeez I went to read the comments on punch and some fools are really defending the barbaric act of the foolish principal, Nigeria is in serious trouble if SEXUAL ASSAULT can now be defended as good intentions. Honestly the female child isn't safe in Nigeria, even women now feel they have a right to violate a girl's body. WHAT THE HELL!

  11. A school principal sexually assaults a bunch of pupils and she s not in jail? Where s jungle justice when you direly need it?

  12. Dat principal must b dealt wit accordingly,cos wats her aim?wat bizness of hers is if her students are virgins or not?how does it affect her?,she has violated dose girls all in d name of virginity test my foot,dere must b a motive behind wat she has done. Therefore she must queried and punished.stupid and babaric woman.I feel soooo sorry for dose girls.

  13. Virginity is not defined by the presence or absence of a hymen - it is defined by having sexual intercourse or not. Get it right people. This young girl has not lost her virginity, she has lost her hymen.

  14. Kai how didn that brainless woman become a principal sef? Nigerians cud be so foolish @times,is that d only way to groom girls to become ladies of tomorrow? By dipping cursed fingers into little girls virgina,the nurse sef is d biggest goat ever,is that what dey thot her in medical sch.that principal needs to be taken to court for proper questioning

  15. Those women should be sent to the evil forest for exile; they're too local and that should fits their destiny.
    Little girl pls never mind ur pears, they're just jealous of ur cherished prestige. U'll surely be fine. OK?!!!!

    1. No be only pears, oranges nko?

  16. Really stupid. Foolishly nonsense

  17. Its her period dt came out

  18. Awwwwwwww so sorry dear.I guess d principle is up to something,cos this whole virginity test tin isn't normal.................

  19. Oga ooo......Only God knws what is Hidden.

  20. Oga ooo......Only God knws what is Hidden.

  21. I really dnt understand this madness. What is her bizness..... She should be jailed.

  22. dat woman deserves a jail sentence

  23. Let the police arrest her she deserve to be punish

  24. Na wao Linda in ds jet age u still see some barbaric act being perpetrated by some semi literate fools. U can imagine d psychological trauma dy have subjected those innocent girls to .....

  25. Merry Xmas to My Fellow LIBers. This is ur Xmas presents frm Me. Complete pin ; 2266CB6A. Lol

  26. Unnh! I wonder why a sch principal should go to that extent! It is sheer molestation, indecent assault and a case of undue influence on a child without her consent! She should have simply advised the kids to be decent and keep away from immoral acts.

    I lost my virginity at age 31 and it wasn't easy! It took days 4 my hubby to penetrate but friends who lost their virginity in their teens said it wasn't hard, just a thrust did the magic. It is possible for this girl to have lost her virginity, moreso that blood came out. It couldn't have been menstrual blood because she said she had finished menstruating and even if she was, the nurse would have noticed it before the examination. Although, she will still be tight, the first time she has sex and may experience pain cos of the tightness but the truth is she's no longer a virgin cos her hymen has been penetrated/stretched.

    It is sad. What a way to lose one's virginity! The school management should be sued and the government should take a step in combating this shameful act. She can go the office of the public defender at motorways for her case to be taken up, free of charge.

    Am really pained....soooo sad.

    Lawyer A

    1. Virgin at 31, and you think everyone believes you, lawyer talk. Im sure your man had a sexistential dissapointment!

  27. Lawlesss Nigeria na your fault oh

  28. and this principal should be locked up arrant nansense

  29. Even if d labia was parted n d hymen was seen.....der is no justification watsoeva 4 dis...I'd raze dt effin skul dwn 2 cinders if I had d wherewithal

  30. Dis na ashawo principal now wey need beta flogging for ear! She and her cohorts are very stupid and deserve severe punishment! If u trace d time wey she herself tek disvirgin u go discover say na wen she be 9yrs and na she even rape Akpan the houseboy! This matter shud b thoroughly investigated though. I tink der's much more than meets d eye! #Lysteekal#

  31. pealie pls shut up n get a life..wats wrong wit her bin a virgin at 31..bcos u r a wayward girl dsnt mean we all hv 2end up like u..u dat lost urs at 12 hv u rcvd any award 4it n am sure u r stil single oh! pathetic mumu...i lost mine at 24 2my hubby n our sex life is more than perfect..

  32. wat the hell, this is pure wickedness, she deserves to be behind bars including the stupid nurses. sorry dear...

  33. @peali, stop being jealous of the lawyer. it's so sad you lost your virginity at an early age...
    I was a Virgin at 33 yrs, until my wedding night. And my hubby is proud of me.


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