Former RCCG pastor berates Adeboye for welcoming politicians in to their annual Holy Ghost congress | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 23 December 2012

Former RCCG pastor berates Adeboye for welcoming politicians in to their annual Holy Ghost congress

A former pastor of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Bankole Solomon, has criticized the General Overseer of the church, Pastor E A Adeboye, for allowing politicians i.e President Jonathan, into their annual RCCG Holy Ghost congress and turning it into a political congress.

According to a statement released by Bankole who said he left the church as pastor in 2010 but still worships there, the church programme has now turned to a 'supermarket where charlatans and political opportunists come shopping. He questioned why President Jonathan should be allowed to stand on their 'Once sacred alter' and speak deceitfully and indirectly campaign for 2015 during a spiritual gathering

Read Bankole Solomon's full statement after the cut...

"I know this post will attract a sharp condemnation because I worship in RCCG and I was once a pastor before I resigned voluntarily because of rights violations in the name of religion. I resigned in December 2010 but I am still worshiping there as an ordinary member. So, whatever I have here is without prejudice.

"Holy ghost congress of our great church is now a political congress where all shades of corrupt leaders will mount our altar to fool Nigerians on what they will do.

"Holy Ghost congress is now a supermarket where all kinds of people like charlatans and political opportunist come shopping turning God to father Christmas to give them end of the year bonus.
"Jonathan was even there turning our once sacred altar to political podium talking deceitfully and indirectly campaigning for 2015. My question is this? On what ground was president Jonathan allowed to speak to people. Is he a pastor? Because the gathering is purely a spiritual gathering and event.

"I've been a pastor in Redeemed for the past 10 years and I've not got any opportunity to sit on dat altar not to talk of holding mic. If because Jonathan is a President and he is recognized, it means some are more equal than others.

"Immediately I left camp on Saturday morning, I looked at the camp very well because I know that would be the last time I will set my foot to that Eagle Square called Redeemed camp."


  1. It is God alone dat knws his true followers.

    1. Pastor bankole should read his bible well,he should read about what God said about leaders of the nation and what we shud do towards them, and for his info the church is not for the saint rather for the sinners (th lost sheeps), if the 'corrupt' politicians comes to church! We shud be happy that they r a bit nearer to their salvation

    2. Anon 3:39 pls shut up! Pastor Bankole is right and very right for ur info although, we all knw Pastor E.A Adeboye and respect him as to being a good religious father bt d thing here is; Jonathan shouldn't av gotten on d alter to decieve people cos him being given such an opportunity in such a place is enough for the citizens to believe his bullshit and want to reconsider him by2015.. But I trust Nigerians na, una no go fall my hand na cos he's just a blood liar I.e JONA!!

    3. Happy Yoruba bunny23 December 2012 at 19:14

      E ma tan ara yin
      Truth s bitter
      But d man has said it

    4. Continue to fool yourselves! The truth is bitter but whether you like it or not Pastor Bankole is speaking the truth! Religion & politics are like like oil & water they don't mix!

    5. One question: when Adeboye gave honour to whom its due(GEJ) how was he supposed to knw a campaign was goin'a be lunched??? GEJ is a politician, that's all he knows how to say... So, y'all "Christians" stop judging! Shit happens! Bankole should look me in d eye and tell me he's never made a mistake before! He's jst a bitter ex-pastor! May GoD have mercy on "Christians" especially in Nigeria. Amen!

    6. I doubt that pastor Bankole knows what the Biblee says about Leaders he is either blinded by jealousy or he has forgtten his Bible. And by d way, what makes him he can stand in judgement ? May God help us to be in true servants in His vineyard.

  2. I could not agree more with this man's post, although Adeboye is a man of God and should welcome all i don't see why Jonathan should be given the podium to address the congregation. He came for holy ghost service and it shouldn't be more than that. All this things the current administration do it for publicity stunt and photo op. It is complete madness what is happening in that country and we have absolutely NO morals any more, thieves, fraudster, killers still call the name of God and pray that their business prosper. Jonathan needs to fucking take a seat, if he knows his hands are tied and he has some kind of high power in the country giving him orders he should bloody resign.

    1. My thots exactly! Adeboye can't stop him 4m coming,but he shd just worship like any other person and not address d congregation.

    2. I could not agree more! Well said!!

    3. U ar stating trash. When ur dubious & devilish politicians were bn featured in d Redeemed camp prg, where were u? Nw GEJ, who's by far worthier & beta dan dem, hs gon there u now hv d guts to state gibberish simply bcos he's nt frm ur tribe. Gd for nothing fellows with their senseless & bigotic reasoning!

  3. God bless this Pastor Bankole that's all I have to say.

  4. D bible says"he who is without sin should cast d 1st stone"also,God is not looking 4 d saved,hez waiting 2 save dos who r lost,its d altar of God and if anyone dares 2 query jonathan,let God himself do so....let us be wary of the way we talk about our spiritual leaders,whether we like it or not,dey carry d annointing of the most high God and david was favored in d sight of God cos he chose not to kill saul despite aving d chance to do so...

    1. This issue is not about saving infact it is about enalaving U and I, ifbwe want to get the same result the western world are get then we must be ready to do what they did

  5. Well personally I am tired of all these men of God.may God fight for himself

  6. Its your opinion and I totally respect it. Kind of agree with you though on the main issue.I can only imagine the way pple will attack you with their comments. God knows best.

  7. Nnah Mehn!D pastor just bear my mind for the issue. Tanks!

  8. Never speak against a man of God, and then, GEJ is the president of Nigeria, even God says respect should be given to leaders so what's wrong in GEJ been allowed to talk? This Pastor is just seeking attention abeg!

    1. My thots exactly

    2. Not as much as u. U d real attention seeker!!!

    3. Abeg go n sit down

    4. Not as much as u. U d real attention seeker!!!

    5. Nice one...he is looking for serious attention.....

  9. Thou shall not judge,as president he is the leader of d country and can address his fellow citizen wherever and whenever,if u dont feel comfortable with it,pls take a walk am sure no one will miss ur absence!

  10. I totally agree with Pastor Bankole. The Holy Ghost congress should be just that,a congregation of people worshiping and praying to God not an avenue to address the country or indirectly campaign for elections. At the end of the day only God knows who serves him.

  11. Mr guesswho, i hail o, i really linda posted this thing by 2:44 and already read the story and compiled your own lengthy comment all by 2:53. Its impressive

  12. 1 Peter 2: 13-17 reads "...13 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. 15 For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. 16 Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves. 17 Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor."
    He is the President of Nigeria! It's not like he was ordained a pastor! Whether or not you like it, for now he is God's elect as the president of our country if not he wont be our president. Until God decides to remove him from that position, he deserves to be respected. 1 Timothy 2:1-2, Romans 13:1

    1. Anon 3:18, i ve just got one question for u- Is a president now an ordained preacher? He can come for d programme alright but climbing on d podium and campaigning for 2015 has gone beyond.

    2. And where In ur bible must u be a pastor before u can climb the podium. Learner

    3. When did the president campaign for the next election at the RCCG camp ?
      Stop selling lies!

    4. Anon 6pm u are right! He shouldn't even speak at all... Highest Pa Adeboye should have done is annonce his presence or welcome GEJ as first time worshipper! *Floetry In Motion*

    5. Anon 6pm, what sort of stupid question is dat? Ur question is really unintelligent...

    6. From colonial mentality to spiritual slavery in the name of the lord plc called pastorpreneur. Nobody is against adeboye but look into your bible, the role of the levites that is the priest is sacred. Altars are not just podiums . He shouldn't have allowed GEJ on it. He can sit in the congregation. Rggc should take a cue from MFM, deeper life etc and stop embroiling the church in controversies always.

  13. Oly God can Judge,
    Remeba: touch nt ma anoited n do ma prophetz no harm,
    so lock Up n Pray 4 betadayz.

  14. Yes....though d house of God is open to all... But d sacred altar is for d spiritual fathers alone.... Pa Adeboye make mistake on this for sure... Pastor bankola pls do not stop coming to holy ghost camp cos of dat... This is d devils work in process.

  15. You are definitely not a pastor as the word of God is clear on those who are in authority and the role of the Church.
    RCCG is a non political and pastor bankole is justk
    Looking for excuses to justify his position .

  16. Hmm, oya over to you religious zealots..Pulling out my lawn chair sipping on my Egg Nog jeje ;-)


    1. Its shut up nt shot up! Nah gun u wan shoot?

    2. N to tink he wrote every in Capitals. Guy u don dey Mad??? Abeg nxt time use normal letters o

    3. Happy Yoruba bunny23 December 2012 at 19:15

      Hope u'll not be shot on ur senseless lips
      Olodo osi

    4. N to tink he wrote every in Capitals. Guy u don dey Mad??? Abeg nxt time use normal letters o

    5. Shut ur poverty stricken mouth!

    6. When d
      Good book say my people perish because dey lack knowledge, it was people like you DAT it was referring to. the moment the world is the moral yardstick for christainity thhen it is over. What is wrong is wrong regardless of who is involved

  18. Fools like this guy do not know the Bible. 1 timothy 2:1-4 is quite clear. And who told him he is equal to President Jonathan. The Bible is quite clear that Presidents and Kings are to be given due honor. Ecclesiastes 10:20 warns against having an evil thought against a King. If God struck every immoral and corrupt person, I wonder if this goat will be alive. Let him raise his hands if he has never made a personal call from his office phone or checked his private email from his work computer or during working hours. That is corruption. I do not like Jonathan but I do not need to like him to respect the Office he occupies.

  19. may GOD 4give them

  20. Adeboye has DONE NOTHING dont expect that man to chase the president away or beta him somwer in d back. He is The President of the country, whether good or Bad. Adeboye is one man that fears the LORD. He has welcomed all to the Congress to seek GOD's face..He has welcomed ALL(both good and Bad) to worship. lets rememba the Bible says come just as you are..The man has no power in his hands to chase ANYONE away..your prayers are not heard by him they are heard by GOD. That Pastor should know what being a pastor is really about. You have to try to be holy in as much as it kills have to. ADEBOYE IS A TRUE EXAMPLE MY PEOPLE. HE IS!

  21. This is the problem with christianity now, pastors now allow corrupt and people with questionable characters into their flocks just because of the love for money and power. This is not applicable to only pastor adeboye.

  22. This man don vex gaan ni o! Seriously, pastor Adeboye cant stop anyone from coming to the congress and Jonathan being the president, deserves to address the people. Though i dont know the content of his speech, he should not have brought in politics at all.

    1. Why Should he?! Na PDP national convention? What adeboye should have done is anounce GEJ presence as first timer... BTW hope GEJ didn't use style to, come buy Pa Adeboye conscience like he did with ortisjafor? *Ada Nnewi*

  23. Another TACTIC to bring ADEBOYE down again..First it was with the JETS they voluntarily gave and bought him which he dint even find Compulsory to own, and now THIS. IT wont work...the Devil is trying in so many ways..SO MANY...and obviously he has taken over the minds of pipl commenting rubbish..Cant You all REASON? ITS JUST SAD! Pastor Bankole, Go back and read the bible. Practice wat u preach.

  24. Jonathan cannot run for election again in 2015 so what is this man talking about? It is a church, everyone is welcome, whether, prostitutes, armed robbers, kidnappers, talkless of a president, as for the president speaking on the podium, there is nothing wrong with that, he is the number 1 citizen of this country and should not be judged by a pastor or anyone else because of his actions or in-actions, allow God to be the judge of every human being. The only thing a good pastor can do is tell him to seek the face of God and stop being corrupt and ruining this country. It is easy for pastor Bankole to criticize because right now in the church he is a nobody. When you become G.O we shall see if you won't do worse!

  25. methinks Mr Bankole Solomon is just seeking for attention! Do not let the wrath of God fall upon you! "Touch not My anointed and do My Prophet no harm!"

  26. Wat a sinking country dat only God can deliever us.

  27. If you like come camp again, if you like no come again, you are just frustrated...

  28. I agree with the You pastor Bankole..But lets say this, did his speech stop the event from being SPIRIT filled? Adeboye still went straigh into the word and it became an atmosphere of real worship like the other Congresses.

  29. Oja oyingbo, ko mo pe enikan ko wa º°˚

  30. Please don't judge me. In chrisbrown's boice

  31. Honestly am a redeemer myself, but i was totally disgusted when GEJ went to camp and all dat drama happened. Common even though he's our president, am sure more than half of the population hate him. And he can seek all kinds of spiritual endorsements, only an improvement in the affairs of this nation will save him come 2015

    1. You can only hate him cos he is not frm ur tribe. Simple!

  32. All I can say is that Nigeria will never know freedom and justice as long as our leaders in every sector refuse to draw a clear and definite line between right and wrong.

  33. Shouldn't the politicians be allowed to worship God too, for all I know God didn't die for the saints but the sinners. If you were the president and you ere asked to come to the alter would you refuse????? courtesy only demands that he be recognised so where else would he have stood.

  34. Well said pastor bankole. God bless you. Truth well said.

    1. U ar most likely referring to one of ur village gods dat u can pocket or place unda ur bed.

  35. My dears, the bible says we should recognize those in authority in our different societies.There's nowhere in the book where conditions are provided under which this law should be broken....remember all the corrupt kings in Israel still had rights to the temple even when the prophets in charge could not stand their guts. They are are head, no matter their deeds or misdeeds. Adeboye only followed the instructions of the book by which he is inspired.

  36. He is d president of Nigeria and he is suppose to be welcomed and recognised in a special way, dat is why he is d number one man, its done everywhere, even in America, u sound so bitter, u av always wanted to leave d church, u are just using dis as an excuse....if men were God...

  37. Pastor *whatever ur name is*, u are just a looser!!! Ur not even a pastor! Ur just bitter. Better ask God for forgiveness. Whether u like it or not, Jonathan is the president and the only thing we can do is 2 support him with prayers. @not being able 2 mount dat stage since uv been a pastor, well, ur annointing no reach ni! Its not by d number of years oga, wake up!!!

  38. Paster Bankole, I see pride and jealousy in you and that's why you might no go far in life. Just look at your staement about not being allowed to sit nor hold mic.
    Humble yourself and be patient and God will promte you otherwise, you will keep demoting yourself as you are doing already-resigning from God's work(if indeed, He called you in the first place)
    Good luck.

  39. The camp is a spiritual gathering, sure bt its not opened for only saints. Jesus said he came not for saints bt for sinners too. How are we sure dis so called pastor solomon is a saint too. Just say d truth dt u stopped being a Pastor cos u've nt gotten any opportunity 2 stand on dt altar or even touch d mic. We all knw Jonathan is nt ruling d country well bt dt does nt mean he shldnt be respected as a president in church. Jonathan is nt d 1st president 2 come 2 d camp,Obasanjo has bin there b4. Why re u jst speaking up nw? I didn't expect dis pastor 2 stay till saturday, u shld ve left immediately u saw jonathan on d altar.

  40. Pastor indeed! Why the bitter tone in this piece? Did u notice how the "our once sacred altar" came out? He resigned because of rights violation? He was never allowed on the altar for his 10 yrs pastoral tenure? And he looked back because that's the last time he would set his feet on the Camp ground?
    Someone needs to talk to God for renewal and revival!

  41. Bakole pray for forgiveness, Jonathan is D president of dis country, besides I watchd a prog where Baba laid his hands on Jona, he worships dere often dan U knw, Let God judge his own, U sound Bitter. Am not a member bt b careful D kind of dust U raise againt Gods prophets,. Peace

  42. Wot is GEJ speakin abt on d pupit? He wnts 2 contest 4 d presidency again nxt yr? Holy Ghost fire wil strike him nd his masters thr in abuja. GEJ its beta u leav aso block or aso rock den b dealt wif or a family member b killed again. It sims d@ he's broda's death didnt knock his head, he stil nids mor family members 2 4lo his broda.

    1. Let's c btwn u and gej who will survive 2015.

  43. Jesus allowed the tax collectors to eat with him.

  44. This is very true.

  45. I do not agree with Pastor Bankole. The house of God is not for the " righteous" . It is open for all sinners , so called righteous . During Jesus time, he preached to sinners,tax collectors prostitutes etc. That is the problems with Christains we are quick to judge other people. Are you going to the Holy Ghost convention just for the preacher or to worship God. Although I am dismayed about the situation in Nigeria and the people in power , we still have obey our leaders like instructed in the Bible. Leave the conversion to God . If Pastor Bankole can recall Saul was a great preseuctor of the early church that later became the great evangelist Paul. We should leave the conversion to God. In my opinion , why we are not effective as Christains as agent of change in the world;is that we are always trying to remove the splinter in the next person's eye why we forget the log in our own eye. When they brought the lady caught in adultery to Jesus , He told them he who has no sin should cast the first stone. That means sin is sin according to God's word. Lets each and everyone of us try to walk out our salvation with fear and trembling with that we can affect our generation and society . Salom.

  46. I do not agree with Pastor Bankole. The house of God is not for the " righteous" . It is open for all sinners , so called righteous . During Jesus time, he preached to sinners,tax collectors prostitutes etc. That is the problems with Christains we are quick to judge other people. Are you going to the Holy Ghost convention just for the preacher or to worship God. Although I am dismayed about the situation in Nigeria and the people in power , we still have obey our leaders like instructed in the Bible. Leave the conversion to God . If Pastor Bankole can recall Saul was a great preseuctor of the early church that later became the great evangelist Paul. We should leave the conversion to God. In my opinion , why we are not effective as Christains as agent of change in the world;is that we are always trying to remove the splinter in the next person's eye why we forget the log in our own eye. When they brought the lady caught in adultery to Jesus , He told them he who has no sin should cast the first stone. That means sin is sin according to God's word. Lets each and everyone of us try to walk out our salvation with fear and trembling with that we can affect our generation and society . Salom.

  47. Goodluck is not 1st 2 go there nw

  48. Hmmn! It's such a great concern the romance between our spiritual leaders and politicians. Also, the jamboree of private jets owned by spiritual leaders, and fat bank accounts at the detriment of their members, are morally worrisome. God have mercy!

    1. Abi oooo Mr Adenuga , it was obasanjo , @ one time , Daniel , Tinubu , Fashola , and their lots yet our daddy Adeboye cannot tell them the truth by First of January 2013 you'd see them @ Lagos house conducting new year service. Yet these people are chopping our money , mismanaging government , and we say we have religious leaders naaaaaa waaaa.

    2. Did any one ask you to have a slim pocket?

  49. The evil that all these self-acclaimed men of god are doing is killing the country. They are business men and not pastors.

    On that day, Jonathan should have called and told the truth about how people ave been suffering since he got to hat place. Rather, Adeboye like Oritsejafor treated him to a royal welcome because of the money he knows Jonathan will vie him after the show of shame.

    Shame on Jona, shame on Adeboye and of course the church. Shame on all of them.

    1. Be mindful of ur words dear...d bible says "be quick to listen,but be slow to judge"

    2. Pls Mr anon watch wat u say. U hv no right to shame a man of God, n ur president. Do not let D̸̸̮̮̃ anger of God visit u. Adeboye is Gods servant. Leave it 4 God to judge. B careful with ur tongue. I Warn u, b careful.

    3. How dare you tell me to be careful to judge....fool! Fucking hypocrite and religious zealot. You are one of the bloody mofos killing this country.

    4. Ur ppl havin bn dying b4 jona came to power. U better go find who is killing ur ppl. Shame on u!

  50. Get it LIB readers we r tlkin abt President of a country, He must b treted wif sm respect. Am not jonna's fan o#Justsaying# IYA

  51. Absolutely spot on.

  52. Pastor Bankole needs to be asked what exactly he is bittered about. Thousands of pastors are there jst like u were and theyre still doing well. A president shld not be given chance to talk because he is a demon abi? was that what Jesus did when he was here? God forgive u

  53. Pst solomon, hope u're not baiyesed. Any ways, God knws His true worshipers!!!

  54. Pastor bankole has said it!!

  55. what nonsense is he saying... dont want to be biased bt the president of a nation comes for a religious programme to be prayed for and u are saying that he cant give a speech so tell me if Barack Obama should come...he shouldnt give a speech also..Shut the hell up..Mr. Bankole...u resigned nd nw u are holding bitter grudges against the church if not u will focuse on solely receive ur blessings from God nd not the appearance of GoodLuck Jonathan.

    1. Gej has been to my church(catholic) and he was'nt given mic to make speech but his presence was recognised *Floetry In motion*

  56. My pple, God wants everyone of us to come to repentance; He is a loving father dat does not cast anyone away. Jonathan might have failed nigerians but we should leave him for God to deal with. As for Pastor Adeboye, he has done nothing wrong by allowing the prez to speak so dont utter a word against the anointed man of God.

  57. Hmmmm! Hallowed be thy Name, thy Kingdom Come! Pls come Oh Lord!!! *Confused*

  58. The church is a big failure in Nigeria.With the number of churches we have i truly still wonder why we have so much evil walking the streets of our country.The prosperity teaching are at what cost?
    Our bad roads and fuel scarcity is somebody,s breakthrough and a possibility of being the pastors friend and a front row seat at the next service.Has any pastor asked his/her member how the next rent would be paid if you only get paid monthly yet pay yearly.
    Do the pastors tell the politicians that leadership is about service? Why don,t Adeboye make the handlers of Jonathan that the church is a place of worship and should remain so instead of the media show and worship is to God alone.

  59. I will advice you to check what realy happened to pastor solomon during Is time as a pastor. Pastor S is not God that he should raise such comment about a man of God "Pastor Adeboye". Don't forget President Jonathan is the No. 1 citizen of this great country he. Deserve a lot of respect though I don't realy like him but we just have to hounor is presence. Coach...

  60. its very simple GEJ offering must very bulging you know and thts why enoch adeboye gave him opportunity to launder himself.

  61. I became quite confused when pple started clapping 4 jonathan during his speech,i thought i was at a political rally with non-Nigerians that're not aware of d goings-on in this country.All i can advise is that this kingdom-seeking is a personal struggle and one can't rely on any man #NuffSaid

    1. Dats the brainwashing now!
      Just give a nig politician esp d mic for two minutes,many of those castigating d president esp will start singing a new song!...all they need is their voice!
      Pure brainwash!mayb dey acquire it as a political training!!

  62. Evn Jesus himself ate wit tax collectors n mingled wit d scribes n pharisees so wat we sayin here?

  63. hmmmmmm..... there is a little sense in this but .... Bankole please relax ooo...

  64. hmmmmmm..... there is a little sense in this but .... Bankole please relax ooo...

  65. This guy that claims to be a pastor,is a callous person nd doesn't ve d holy spirit, u said u were once a pastor but u are not anymore??! Ve u not read in ur bible that anyone that puts his hand on the plough and looks back isn't fit for Gods kingdom!. Are u now saying the church is meant for only the upright ? Whom did Jesus come for ? Isn't it the sinners? If we don't allow politicians into the church because we tag em as sinners, then we may as well not allow a lot of other people, because no one knows who is truly serving God, only God himself, and about u claiming that u haven't set foot on the altar, u don't ve any business there, if u did u would ve and about never going to camp anymore, its ur loss because ur mission there is to meet with God not any politician or criticise Baba, so if u decide not to go anymore, goodluck to you.

  66. Gbam! Nicely written. I worship at RCCG too so i know wat am saying

  67. This Bakole is really right. Wen will nigeria stop all these. Why will aa whole Adegboye allow himself too be used by this failure call GEJ. God is watching Ooº°˚ ˚°ºo.
    Lemme go sip •̸Ϟγ̲̣̣̥ tea joor!!

  68. God bless you. Bankole made solid points

  69. Don't see anything wrong with let a president of a country say a few words at a spiritual gathering. This pastor bankole is just an embittered former employee, he should tell us d real reason he left the church and stop raising dust.

  70. He might be right, he might have his point, but I'm sorry he hasn't handled this like a wise man. Its not everything ur head thinks dt ur mouth must say. And if u just must speak, as a strong member of dt church he shldnt hv come public to wash woteva dirty linens he believes there are in d eyes of d world. U never set ur feet at RCCG camp...whose loss is it? Sir, people who visit d camp go there to seek their God and not to notice who came or didn't.

  71. The pastor's comments are completely wrong. For one God is even more generous than father xmas 'in that while we were yet sinner christ died for us'. Two, the bible admonishes us to respect and pray for our leaders and Jesus gave 'unto ceaser what is ceaser's'. Three,the podium is for EVERYBODY who has something to say, i.e testimonies and that is what the president did. Pastor, if you have issues within your family, you dont sort it out on the pages of newspaper.

  72. So very true Sir.God Bless you.If everyone was like you,Nigeria would be a better Country/Society.

  73. God bless Pastor Bankole plenty plenty....

    1. The Almighty God chooses whom to bless.

  74. The pastor's comments are completely wrong. For one God is even more generous than father xmas 'in that while we were yet sinner christ died for us'. Two, the bible admonishes us to respect and pray for our leaders and Jesus gave 'unto ceaser what is ceaser's'. Three,the podium is for EVERYBODY who has something to say, i.e testimonies and that is what the president did. Pastor, if you have issues within your family, you dont sort it out on the pages of newspaper.

  75. I hate dis bank ole of a man....hater like u

    1. Hate is a strong word for a Christian.

    2. U Hate him, yet u call him Hater. Dat makes d 2 of U. N to think u dis beautiful... Better have a change of heart angel. Try 2 tink as good as u look. Merry xmass

  76. If you know you dont want God's wrath on your head i advise you stop talking about things relating to men of God. Leave it all in God's hand. Remember ' touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm'.Dont curse yourselves.

  77. MOGs of nowadays!
    Where are the Elijahs' of God?

  78. 1. Let he that is with no sin cast the first stone or in this case "critique"
    2. What do u want G.O to do? Tell Goodluck "get out from here you sinner"?
    3. He is a man of God, even if the unholiest person shld come into the house of God, you have no choice than to welcome him. No judgement, nor condemnation. Your assignment is to pray for pple not send them out of the church.
    Mr. Bankole your argument is void of common sense.

  79. Permit me to say something, Goodluck being granted the privilege to speak on the altar does not qualify him as a man of God.Even the bible stated that give unto ceasar what belongs to ceasar. I believe it was a rare privilege for Goodluck n not his right. Pastor Bankole pls learn to overlook the errors of men of God, they are humans just like you & I. God Bless You

  80. Very well said Mr Bankole Solomon.

  81. Wow... In d bible, if a sinner dare comes near d Ark of d covernant without cleansing, its instant death no questions, even heard of d guy dat tried to hold d Ark frm fallin and died instantly... Y do we lik rubbishin d alter of d most high God? HE might b quiet now but I knw it won't be for long... God bless u Pastor Bankole... God will fight his battles let's watch him, as its said, awamaridi ni ise oluwa

    1. That's in d old testament when the yoke of the law ruled. We r in the time of grace by the blood of jesus. Even a thief came to the truth at the cross. Btw I an catholic not pentecostal and adeboye should not be crucified. I am only unhappy that the presidents adc shut his eyes at the event. Unprofessional! owerri

    2. Pls b4 u come here to type crap, do ur resaerch properly.

    3. Dat was in d old testament my ur bible well cos wen christ came we no longer live under d law but under grace and dat gave us free access to God..if not,u for still dey make atonement any time u sin!

  82. As d hospital is for sick, so is church for sinners,after all our Lord Jesus Christ came for sinners,my dear ex pastor,if u said dat u won't worship there again it means that u never for one day since u have been there make that place ur home, plz answer dis question yaself : can U leave ya home and ran away just because an unworthy personality come visiting?

  83. As d hospital is for sick, so is church for sinners,after all our Lord Jesus Christ came for sinners,my dear ex pastor,if u said dat u won't worship there again it means that u never for one day since u have been there make that place ur home, plz answer dis question yaself : can U leave ya home and ran away just because an unworthy personality come visiting?

  84. Even Jesus dinned with sinners. Every leader is put there by God and the fact he made it to camp means he knows where his help is from.So was he to tell him don't come to church. Christ dint come for the saved maybe he should read his bible more......

  85. Of course you aren't "equal" to the president of the country...let's be mere mortals fly airforce1 abi will they import a car into a country cos beyonce is coming?
    This man hasn't made any sense joo...even if they are all evil,why should a man of God turn them back?the same bible says we should give those in authority respect so pleeeease!shove it

  86. Dear Bankole, did you just say you resigned as a pastor??? does that mean God did not call you in the first place? Please read Luke 9:62 and retrace your steps, I know we are all called to minister to God in several ways but please do the needful.
    I see nothing wrong in what the man of God did by allowing mr president mount the podium neither do I think he should be crucified for that. Jonathan is a Christian, you probably would have called for pastor Adeboye's head if GEJ was a Muslim! For me it's just a way of honoring someone like GEJ and nothing more, if Nigerians want to vote for him come 2015, then good luck !
    I am not a fan of GEJ, not a member of PDP nor attend Redeemed but I please don't castigate pastor Adeboye for allowing him talk at the convention, Nigerians are wise and I know God wants the best for us as Nigerians.

  87. Indirect political campaign in a religious gathering? Nigerians should beware of the desperate actions of our foolish leaders. Men of God!!! Where are your conscience?

  88. If this man had a church and a councillor goes there,he will make the councillor preach! Jonathan may be anything but he is still President,give him that respect! About not going to camp again,I doubt if that will be noticed!

  89. I can't b'liv dat a pastor cud say all of these. Roms 13:1-4 says we shud obey d governmental authority (i don't fink d platform matters since it is in d bible). Besides, if d president had worshiped in dis pastor's parish b4 he resigned, he wud hav used his suit 2 clean d seat for d president. Pastor my advice is dat u shud not b bitter b'cos u failed in ministry n had to resign.

  90. Its high time d truth be told!

  91. Adeboye cannot turn Jonathan away from the house of God regardless of his corruption or sins. However Jonathan should not be addressing the crowd if he did as indeed it negates the bible verse saying we are one in Christ so no one should be higher than anyone. We are all equal in Christ.

  92. i thought as much...God bless the pastor for his keen observation

  93. Linda is high time u stopped putting on post abt pastors,seriously u need to watch it before God gets seriously angry wit u, if u lik don't post my comment it's just an advice

  94. Fake Pastor Bankole is only jealous,simple.m:e shouldnt even be a Pastor,so Adeboye should drive Jonathan away? God said bring everyone close,he is the president,and its even a great thing for him to speak and say his mind,that place and way God can hear him and direct him well, Bankole is opnly jealous

  95. Bankole for the fact that you even resigned showsa you are a bad pastor..abeg park well.we dont need people like you,so if i were a prostitute God forbid,you wont allow me in,CHurch is for everyone,and for christ,s sake he is a President

  96. In order for Nigeria to move forward,there needs to be seperation of religion & state. Sure GEJ is free to worship wherever he so chooses & with whomever, what the writer is saying is a religious platform should not be used for political advancement.
    The pastor has only shared his opinion, but Nigerians in our usual over religious fashion fail to open their eyes. My ppl have eyes but see not

    1. You are indeed in a deep slumber. Awake before it is too late.


  98. i really need to know why Adeboye did this//////// remember Elijah? he feared no one... what nonsense to allow a corrupt leader speak on the altar of God. will david do this?

    1. U sound more corrupt dan d man u ar accusing. Shio!

  99. Truth is bitter,Bankole was RIGHT.That speech was a campaign speech.When shall we stop worshipping Humans n turn to God.Well said.QED

  100. Yeah the bible says "touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm" but it never said do not question there characters and ways.
    Its interesting when people quote bible in support of a point at the same time some quote the same bilble against it.
    There is nothing wrong if the president is invited to the church but its a perfect opportunity for Pastor Adeboye to preach and confront mr president about present state of things in Nigeria.

  101. Mr Bankole, if u have a personal issue with RCCG that made u resign ur position as a pastor, I tink it's best u sort it out privately rather than judge people. If Jesus could dine with sinners, who are u to condemn anyone from being received in church.

  102. IT doesn't matter lying politicians 419 pastors & slaves fool....every one of you is looking for something to steal & will use any weapon in there disposal...... A country that has been hijacked by deceitful politicians and 419 preachers cannot offer anything else. It is sad that despite our professed intelligence as a people, we still remain the most gullible. It is baffling that some sly and half-baked pastors would continue to fool millions and some idiots, like this one called mogaz, would continue to jubilate in the freewill of idiotic payment of tithes. It is just the plain truth that pastors like Oyedepo, Adeboye, Kumuyi etc all have no place in our moral or spiritual development as a people. Dr Ekeke, please continue with your message. The truth must be said, no matter how painful. Those who would listen would listen. Let the remaining fools rot in their ignorance. A word is enough for the wise! Millions of Nigerian Christians are now stupid, ignorant and absolutely stupid. Only the pastors and bishops are getting wealthy in these churches except the politicians that steal public finds and 419 ners. Some of the pastors now have private jets, and chains of businesses in Nigeria and abroad, while most of these ignorant followers are wretched in material things and in thinking. Religion has truly become the opium of the masses. What a course! There is no doubt that that the Nigerian Pentecostal Church and certain bishops in the fold are emulating and borrowing from the rich American Church and her superstar pastors, bishops and televangelists like Pastor Benny Hinn, Bishop TD Jakes, Dr. Creflo Dollar, Bishop Eddie Long, Bishop Dale Bronner, Pastor Joel Osten, Pastor Joyce Myer, Pastor Paula White, and Pastor Darlene Bishop etc. These imitators and imposters refused
    to understand that United States is a rich and capitalist country. The American Church organizations are big businesses and they have learned to tap into the wealth and prosperity of the nation without depending on the meager tithes and offerings from their members. Today, the streets of major cities in Nigeria are littered with all kinds of Churches promising healing, wealth, prosperity and happiness and yet Nigeria and vast majority of its citizens are among the poorest people in the world.

  103. My own is a question, where is the Bible of Adeboye, his pastors and his members? If they read about people like Elijah, Elisha, Ezikael,Jeremiah, John the Baptist and Paul. Adeboye should tell us how he had rebuked GEJ and the sins he told the President to repent from. Our Pastors are speaking for the rich now not like the Bible Pastors and Prophets who were defending the maases. He needs to repent and apologize the Nigerians for allowing such in a so called "Holy ground"

  104. This man is just hurt because he is no longer a pastor in the church. The church is not made for the righteous, healthy or upright but for the sick, dirty, sinners etc so that they may be transformed. The jew who claimed to be righteous b4 God was condemned while the sinner who admitted his bad ways was blessed. Let's be careful for this type of people who wants to fight God's battle misdirecting the public because of personal issues.


  106. It is well. According to KarlMarx Religion is an Opium of the masses. I just pray God Almighty opens our eyes clearly *sad*

  107. I don't see anything wrong here. While Jesus was alive He dined with Sinners. Moreover, how do you win sinners to God if you avoid them.

  108. pls post my comment linda.d bible says obey they dat ve rule over u.

  109. whatever you say about any person just remember God and that one day will be your turn

  110. Pls we should all fear God

  111. Somene once told me that, people shouldn't judge men of God for not standing up for people or join civil organiztions like tunde bakare because political isues are diFfernt from spiritaul isues, my point is if men of God can't fight for the citizens then I don't see why they should make rooms for this politicians to compaign, I think choosing to be diplomatic is the best any man of God can go do, truth be told we all shouldn't ignore the fact that quite a number of people will vote for jonathan just because he came to canpaign tru the man of God and we should know that he didn't come simply to worship come, he came for his selfish interest (but that btwn him n God).... Who says the church can't stop the president from addressing the people, the church can choose to acknowledge his presence but not give him the podium. Let's try not to be too rigtheous...

  112. Ok so i will only agree with one thing, JEG should not have been allowed on the alter...and even if, he should have not have been given the opportunity to address political campaign issues! Come on people, no one says the man should be disrespected or not acknowledged and what not! JUST DON'T MIX POLITICS WITH RELIGION! SIMPLES!

  113. My own is that Linda should stop posting stuffs about men of God whereas giving people the atmosphere to talk men of God down,it wrong and God is not happy with you..if u like don't post this Na u sabi..ode like you..

  114. My own is that Linda should stop posting stuffs about men of God whereas giving people the atmosphere to talk men of God down,it wrong and God is not happy with you..if u like don't post this Na u sabi..ode like you..

  115. Pls read Romans, from beginning to D̸̸̮̮̃ end, n hear ђã† D̸̸̮̮̃ bible says about Grace. Pastor Bankole, it is not of him that willeth or of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy. Pst lv it 4 God to jugde for he is a just God, rather concentrate on D̸̸̮̮̃ salvation of ur soul, becos that's D̸̸̮̮̃ most important thin in life. Strive to make heaven, n live a righteous life on earth. This earth is not our home, so don't look @ D̸̸̮̮̃ thins dat happen here. God bless u sir.

  116. men of god indeed, who is fooling who? Didnt akingbola bought jet for adeboye wit stolen money? I saw him adeboye in uyo 4th night ago wit akpabio men of god my ass dinning wit criminals

  117. very soon they ll ask their followers to sow seed wit their first salary of d year for mirracles witout asking if they hv paid their house rent. Men of god my ass

  118. Adeboye cannot drive anybody frm d congress but y is GEJ allowed to on d alter? Anyway, i dont know d doctrine of de Redeem but in my church, dey can only respect nd recognise pple by giving d first row in d congregatn nd only d anoited ar allowd on d alter. Moreso, i dont kno d content of GEJ‘s speech.

  119. the 2012 holy ghost congress was one of the best experience i have had since i started coming to camp because i heard from God.... pastor Adeboye no doubt is a man of God. when GEJ came to talk at first i was pissed because i knew he would misuse this opportunity to ask God for mercy to campaign i always consult the bible so when i did i saw that when kings wanted help they looked for men of God to pray for them GeJ COMING TO CAMP is not bad at all it only shows us that he atleast fears God how many of our leaders attend the holy ghost congress he even asked God for forgiveness that he had backslided pls people dont judge because opnly God knows his own...

  120. Adeboye cannot drive anybody frm d congress but y is GEJ allowed to on d alter? Anyway, i dont know d doctrine of de Redeem but in my church, dey can only respect nd recognise pple by giving d first row in d congregatn nd only d anoited ar allowd on d alter. Moreso, i dont kno d content of GEJ‘s speech.

  121. Hmm touch not my anointed nd do my prophet no harm!if dis was obama d gist might av bin different!if d pastor bankole was d G.O of RCCG GEJ wld av bin ordained a pastor on dat same day.

  122. Adeboye cannot drive anybody frm d congress but y is GEJ allowed to on d alter? Anyway, i dont know d doctrine of de Redeem but in my church, dey can only respect nd recognise pple by giving d first row in d congregatn nd only d anoited ar allowd on d alter. Moreso, i dont kno d content of GEJ‘s speech.

  123. This man is obviously vexing cos he was never given the opportunity to go near dat altar. Daddy Adeboye is the general overseer, he has the right to allow whoever he is directed by God to climb the altar. What's ur own headache? As for the name-calling, remember the bible says "Judge not, that ye be not judged?"

  124. "Linda is high time u stopped putting on post abt pastors,seriously u need to watch it before God gets seriously angry wit u, if u lik don't post my comment it's just an advice"
    I second dis post. Linda, If you're a christian u'll knw d part of scriptures dat says "touch not my annointed and do my prophet NO HARM!" Harm here includes bodily harm, physical harm, social harm, image harm, name it! TO BE FORE WARNED. . .

  125. I am highly disappointed in this pastor. Some of his words are malicious. But who are we to Judge especially wen it is about men of God I wud rather leave dem to God. Linda post my comment cos dis is my first time.

  126. Fools... Ur president is in a christian gathering and u r complainin. Wud u b happy if he was seen in a gathering of devils and ritualists? Always see tins from God's perspective don't b carnal

  127. Some of you here are getting it wrong about Bankole's View. His point is that no body(but pastor) has been allowed to stand on the holy poduim but GEJ was given that previlege and to add salt on injury, GEJ speech was that of PDP campaign... (While the congregation gave him ovation) *sumbody pikin*

  128. like every other Nigerian, Mr Bankole is entitled to have an opinion. now for the fact he was also once ordained in the same church as a pastor wherein he served for 10years or so, means he ought to have some level of anointing from God. i believe a church like RCCG wont just ordain anybody as a pastor.until we start filtering and taking in the main fact from what people have to say, we wont go far as humans...):

  129. But seriously what are all dis people typing .... No one is condemning Goodluck or pastor Adeboye but can we all talk about the part where Jonathan went on d alter to campaign for 2015*rolling my sexy big eyes* Haba!choi! Kei! That's really sumhow now *smh*

  130. My sentiments exactly,I wasnt there at the convention but was forced to watch the show over nd over again on the news.If that was not indirect campaign then tell me what is? Yes,the president is free to worship anywhere he choses but the church should not be turned to his campaign ground.

  131. So I have to go change my name now bcos of u bankole solomon, am tired of changing names nah but I don't like dumb fucks sharing a name with me cos on judgment day God might get pissed bcos of one solomon and send the rest solomon to hell. Banko abeg try to shut nah ok for our name sake

  132. that is what hapun last december the next thing we see in january is subsidin what should we be expectin next yr oooooo.

  133. Naijadeltapikin... @bankole who wrote that post, let me just βε̲̣̣̣̥ honest with U̶̲̥̅̊ if U̶̲̥̅̊ really want Τ̅☺ serve God don't look @ any human being serve God from U̶̲̥̅̊я heart cos if U̶̲̥̅̊ look @ human being Ǻ♍ telling U̶̲̥̅̊ will never serve God S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ the best Ȋ̊§ U̶̲̥̅̊я focus on U̶̲̥̅̊я GoD, study your bible α̲̅πϑ let your christian relationship βε̲̣̣̣̥ between Ɣøu α̲̅πϑ God.

  134. This ℓ̊s some hipocritical shit!! ℓ̊'m sure this fool would have left the the sermon Ƒσя the program Ƒσя GEJ to deliever if he was ιη Pastor Adeboye's shoes... Crazy fellow seeking publicity. ℓ̊'m sure very very soon, linda would blog that this He-goat now has his own ministry... Thunder rape you!

  135. RELIGION is a MAJOR cause of poverty and under-development in Nigeria.

    Jonathan as PRESIDENT has done nothing to deserve my respect. A leader should always be held responsible for his governments failure.

    VP's house is been built for N16b. Anenih (a well known thief) is now NPA chairman. Oil sector reform is stagnant. Aviation and FCT ministry is filled with empty brains. No project to create employment. Nigeria now imports petroleum products from Niger, PHCN is epileptic amongst others.

    No disrespect to Pastor Adeboye but i'll expect our religious leaders to fight for the masses by ignoring corrupt politicians. That would have sent a huge message of change to them.

    We are sooo on our own as things be. God help us!!

  136. Religious Zombies.. left, right, left right!! That is how Oyakhilome did birthday with known looters (OBJ & Uduaghan) and everyone say its ok because Jesus dined with thieves (FYI your pastor is no Jesus). Can't you see what our churches are turning into? Religion is now politics in Nigeria. Pastors shaking hands and collecting favours from politicians and business people in exchange for prayers. Oyedapo was BFF with Cecelia Ibru and collected tax exemptions from OBJ. Only God knows what’s his getting from Goodluck now. I have lost respect for most Nigerian pastor. They keeping telling their follows “pray, pray, pray" while they laugh all the way to the bank. Its sad that many Nigerians are so blind to see the truth or are too timid the speak to truth

  137. God bless you Pastor Bankole. show me your friend and I will tell you who you are. My dear Pastor, i salute your courage for standing tall and speak the truth no matter how bitter.

  138. Religious Zombies.. left, right, left right!! That is how Oyakhilome did birthday with known looters (OBJ & Uduaghan) and everyone say its ok because Jesus dined with thieves (FYI your pastor is no Jesus). Can't you see what our churches are turning into? Religion is now politics in Nigeria. Pastors shaking hands and collecting favours from politicians and business people in exchange for prayers. Oyedapo was BFF with Cecelia Ibru and collected tax exemptions from OBJ. Only God knows what’s his getting from Goodluck now. I have lost respect for most Nigerian pastor. They keeping telling their follows “pray, pray, pray" while they laugh all the way to the bank. Its sad that many Nigerians are so blind to see the truth or are too timid to speak the truth

  139. Leave the man alone he is a Pharisee not a publican

  140. Leave the man alone he is a Pharisee not a publican


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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