Policemen tortured, shot me within Lagos police HQ – Mechanic | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 14 November 2012

Policemen tortured, shot me within Lagos police HQ – Mechanic

A 30-year-old mechanic, Oladele Adebanjo, has accused the policemen attached to the Special Anti-Robbery Squad of the Lagos State Police Command of torturing and shooting him while he was in detention.

Adebanjo said he spent seven days in the SARS custody at the police command headquarters in Ikeja, over false allegations that he stole a commercial bus.

 He said, “In August 2011, I took a Mazda bus model E2000 on a hire purchase agreement of N1.8m which was meant to be paid in N30,000 monthly instalments from a businessman, Olatunji Adeyemi.
“Though there were slight defaults in payment which arose from mechanical faults and a major accident sometimes in February 2012, I carried Adeyemi along and discharged my obligations accordingly and paid N910, 000 by September 14, 2012 before the bus was stolen.”

He said the bus was stolen at the residence of the driver he employed to drive it in Ikorodu area of the state and reported the matter at the Sagamu Road Police Division.

He added that Adeyemi got furious about the incident and reported at the Oworo Police Division that he stole the bus so as to evade the payment of the outstanding money.

He said, “On October 22, after about six weeks of  unsuccessful search for the bus, I and the driver reported back to the Oworo Police Division as I was instructed to do but surprisingly the IPO in charge of the matter said my case had been transferred to SARS.”

He said a policeman from SARS came for them at the Oworo station, got them handcuffed and drove them to the command headquarters in Ikeja where they were received by Taofeek Olokede at the SARS.
He said, “As soon as we got there, Olokede asked for Adebanjo and as soon as I identified myself, he gave me a dirty slap. He immediately moved me to a room where he stripped me leaving only my pants on.

“He tied my hands and hung me to a metal pipe fitted to a wall. He also put stone into a container and used a chain to hang it on my neck. He beat me intermittently in the process and this lasted for about an hour before he removed it.
“The driver and four other persons arrested for another alleged incident suffered similar fate and two of them gave up the ghost after intense torture in the process. When I refused to make an incriminating statement that I stole the bus, he brought out a pistol from his holster and shot me at the leg.”

Adebanjo said the bullet pierced through his leg, adding that Olokede thereafter ordered his men to move him to the cell.
Adebanjo, who recalled that he was tortured between 9 and 10pm, said he lost so much blood in the process.
He said on October 23, he was taken to Shomolu General Hospital where Olokede’s men lied to the doctors that he was an armed robber shot while trying to escape. He said he was given some first aid and moved back to the cell.

Adebanjo said while in detention, neither his parents nor his lawyer was allowed to see him.
He said, “A family friend who happened to be a senior police officer in Abuja who learnt about my ordeal sent words to his colleague in Lagos who intervened and I was subsequently released on October 29. The O/C SARS and the Commissioner of Police later got wind of the development.
“Apart from the gunshot injury which damaged my bones, my shoulders got broken.  I was discharged at the hospital on Monday. In fact they have temporarily incapacitated me.”
His father, Allison, said he had spent over N400,000 on Adebanjo’s health, adding that the policemen who treated his son in such a brutal manner needed to be brought to book.
“What the SARS policemen did was jungle justice and all those involved should not get away with. If we had not sought help from a senior police officer who blew the lid open, maybe my son would have been killed by now,” he said.

When our correspondent contacted Adeyemi on the telephone on Tuesday, he admitted reporting the case at the the Oworo Police Division and SARS.

“I wonder why they shot him too because I only reported to them that he stole my bus and that he had initially been defaulting in terms of payment of the hire purchase agreement,” he said.

The Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, Ngozi Braide, in a text message to our correspondent said she had not been briefed on the incident. However, she said the command would not condone such extrajudicial acts from its officers and men.

“I am not aware of this matter but I will get in touch with the CP (Umar Manko) since you said it has been reported to him. But, I know that if our men had engaged in any extra-judicial act during their course of duty, the command will never condone it,” she said.

Culled from Punch


  1. May God help us all and touch the hearts of our leaders to do something about all these calamities.

  2. Ngozi braide is an overpaid muppet. Maybe she needs to go undercover at night and see the realities of what these streets are like after dark and how the "goons" in her charge murder at will

  3. stuff like this would never happen in develop countries or other developing countries that value and understand the significance of human rights... you are innocent until proven guilty... SMH @ the way Nigeria is going o...

  4. In d north we've Boko haram,and in Lagos Police haram. Its high time dis ugly trend is nipped in d bud.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

  5. Is this woman ever aware of anytin? Na wa

  6. If you have a policeman as a relative, Sorry!

    1. I know Several but they r educated&senior officers I'm marrying one next year. These heart wrentching stories kill my spirit at time coz those I know are cool people&good christians. I can't figure out how humans r mean to fellow humans

  7. Police officers going rogue...

  8. This ngozi woman is claiming ignorance for everything that has been happeming, maybe when the police people tortures or kills her family member she will know how it feels. Mtschew!!

  9. the Nigerian Police Force scare me... ALOT.

  10. thats why am always scared of naija police...they r only knwn to be crooks

  11. I wonder ween u will b aware,madamm PRO

  12. So much injustice done under d sun! Lord ve mercy!

  13. Ngozi Braide, if u are not fit for this task,kindly resign.please.If not thunder will strike u and every member of your family! kai,warris all dis injustice now.so so sad news everyday yet u always hear or know nothing about it. I think i had better cancelled my xmas trip to naija fast. I cherish my life and dat of my fam!


  15. Hmmmm, its just a pity that these sort of treatment goes on regularly in police stations. Before i relocated to Europe, i worked as a lawyer for 7 years and i can say authoritatively that these goes on in police stations. Even at SARS, they kill people extra judicially regularly. It is so unfortunate. The Adeyemi guy is also guily becos he instigated the police against the guy, default of payment is a civil matter which he ought to take to the courts and not the police. My advice to the Adebanjo guy is to sue the police for the enforcement of ur fundamental rights under the fundamental rights enforcement procedure rules and i am sure u will get justice. As for the police officers, God dey o.

  16. Naija police need orientation,i love to hate d profession.

  17. The Nigerian Police Foes.My opinion.No insults please.

  18. Have you ever noticed that no Police Spokes person will ever admit to knowing anything about this kind of incident? Beta still,they know but don't have full details.The most useless institution av ever seen.

  19. New prayer point...may Τ̲̅ђƎ good lord deliver us from Τ̲̅ђƎ hands of nigerian police

  20. Smh.. This is why I always never want anything to do with the Nigerian Police and me. Is it that they inject them with something or what? Why are they the same all over the federation?

  21. I feel sorry for the guy but in defense of SARS they actually get results when it comes to armed robbers the police officer that shot the mechanic went to far he should never have got to SARS in the first place because the crime was not armed robbery but theft, unfortunately the kind of tratment dished out at sars is the kind of language armed robbers in nigeria understand. I don't condone it but if you fall victim to this deadly men of the underworld they show no mercy. At sars its common knowledge that they have a way of testing suspects hands to determine if they have ever fired a gun before and if u test positive thats when they put u through that type of torture
    described by the mechanic so u can give them info on your gang members e.t.c so an eye for an eye is what I say.......

  22. what a crazy Nigeria police do we have? I have no doubt in my mind that this story is true and my sincerely prayer is that if truly that this man is innocent of this crime may God almighty pay back all the police men who have inflicted injury willing on him and may they too have a reason to have an experience that will remind them of this evil act and finally may they fall into a problem that will incapacitate them for life and confess their wickedness that were meanted to innocent being

  23. Dear Linda, I grew up in Enugu. We had two police officers with the nicknames okpontu and sharp sharp. thay went about killing people for no just cause. Today i live in lagos and i have a friend that his father recently retired from the police force. I kept telling him about the ills of the force till the day he experienced it first hand. Recently i had cause to visit a police station on a matter, i told the DPO a very shocking truth,


    He tried to justify his presence and i quickly made him to understand that all laws, all despotic governments and all governments as a whole, derive its legitimacy from a citizen populace that are willing to support it via taxes, in other words, they are the servants, am the master.
    he couldnt believe his ears. i calmly walked out

  24. It is terrible what our police force is. They are very good in beating suspects to incriminate themselves. Those responsible should be brought to justice, in my opinion they should be stripe of their position. If they are not collecting bribe on the highway they are been involved in elicit dealings.

  25. This ngozi spokesperson sef!!

  26. The Nigerian Police Force badly needs to be revamped; and murderers like this weeded out.

  27. Linda count it:

    UKPABIO BROTHERS= Killed by the police
    YOUNG GROOM = killed by the police
    OKADA RIDER = killed by the police
    THE BANKER = almost killed by the police
    THE MECHANIC = nearly killed by the police


  28. Police are d thievies they go around at night stealing and killing ppl


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