Tee Mac Iseli apologises for comment on Bishop Oyedepo | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday 9 October 2012

Tee Mac Iseli apologises for comment on Bishop Oyedepo

Two days ago, former PMAN president, Tee Mac Iseli, called Bishop Oyedepo 'a typical money grabbing (tax free) fraud on Facebook. (If you missed it, read it HERE)

Well, he has apologized for the comment. See the rest of it after the cut...



Immaculate said...


Anonymous said...

He inteligently expoosed him more, Tee mac, there is no need to apologise, you said the truth, God Bless you.

Anonymous said...

I sincerly believe, your apology is not nessecary because you were only saying the truth albeit it sounded a bit antagonistic but it was 'true'.

Anonymous said...

What he's sayin his true oyedep deoesnt do anything at list that I know off how an he own 4 priate jeyts I mean mhen its unfortunate. When jesus in the bibe saw his church being used for trading he scattered the whole place but canna land ottis being used 4 dat exctly god help us

Anonymous said...

Well I am a graduate of covenant uni. While there, lots of atdnts didn't rili hav 9ce fings 2say bout the Chancellor. I hav always said God knows his servants and onlyy Him wil judge

thugnificent said...

piece of shit eating his own vomit, smh.

Unknown said...

Mr Tee Mac, I love Ur First statement about that maan called Oyedepo. And i Love this second Insult More... Sir U owe Them no Apology. The Truth They Is Bitter. They Should Deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Mac T or whatever your name is, what have you done for the poor in your life? I pity your life. Do you know how many orpans Bishop Oyedepo has sent to University from Primary school, you will be afraid if you were told. Are aware how much he gives to charity every year? Are you aware he has an orphanage? I pity your naivety!!

Anonymous said...

Gbam! Back-hand slap apology, but he surely hit the nail right on the end with the comparison with the 2 men of God and their approach to spending the congregation's money

Picasso said...

Well d deed has been done,bt since he has apologized,no probs.Tho he is right!

Anonymous said...


still yawnin oooooooh!!
Next gist pls...


Anonymous said...

Hmmm,don't knw what to say cos wtout sentiments,Bishop Oyedepo shldnt own dat much even though d money comes as appreciation to God's work. If only he can help d needy in a lil way. Slikky

Anonymous said...

He needs not apologise.He spoke the truth. Oyedepo and co are just that - THIEVES!!!
But come oh, why is he and his partner targeting pastors? Guest he knows that they worship material things more than they do God.
Again kudos to the pastor that had the sense to refuse. We know none of these idiotic pastors use their jets for relief
Have you heard Oyedepo sent any of his jets to rescue flood victims? Or the displaced or people killed by Boko haram? Instead the IDIOT claims that God told him Boko Haram will be finished a few months ago
Why make a mockery of God?
Stupid fake gods of men!

jennietobbie said...

honesty. I'm glad he stood his ground

AJ said...

Pls what have you Tee Mac and the other 'rich pastor' haters done for the poor in this country?

I did not comment on the other post bcos I am tired of defending pastors to a bunch of people who have their hearts blinded by the devil.

Even if Bishop Oyedepo gives money to all the poor, they will still remain poor because poverty is of the mind. Even Jesus himself couldnt help all the poor in his time because they received him not!

Many Nigerians are beggars..always looking for who to give to you...that's why majority are still backward. Instead of you to use your brain and hands...mscheeuw!

Poverty and sickness is A CHOICE! God is accessible to anyone who wants Him and He will not force Himself on you. Instead of you to listen to these pastors closely and do what the bible says so that you will be rich too, you are yapping rubbish everywhere...Tee Mac even went as low as Facebook! (Immature and classless!)

Anyway, you (and the rest of them) are not a factor! You keep hating while He keeps getting bigger! Ironically, People who are big enough to matter, dont mind because they know that their prosperity is not in anybody's hands.

That apology is not enough!

Anonymous said...

Dis is medicine after death, where does d so called man of God gets the money to give to congregation as transport fare. does he have money making machine in his house? Go and give ur life to Christ and ask God for forgiveness.

Anonymous said...

Dis man understands english o. Unto say pastor buy jet abi e no buy, see grammer. It is well.@list u tlk ur mind; oda pipl wey wan tlk am no chop d kain bottle wey u chop. #rideonsir.

Unknown said...

Tee Mac a honest but hurtful comments to Oyedepo. You have made your point Good. Cheers.

Unknown said...

God knows best.

Anonymous said...

You said the truth, so why apologise? Nigerians, can't stickvtocwhat you say.

Anonymous said...

This man is confused. Dropping names and all. Who cares if your partner sold the Air Force One to the American Government. 2-faced piece of shit. You insult someone and yet you apologise,didn't you know the person you insulted would také offense when you posted such rubbish on your facebook page? Chicken livered man like you, you can't even say something and také a stand on it. Now you are blaming bloggers, when you were ranting on a social network what did you expect? If you didn't want whatever you said to get to Oyedepo and his voltrons you should have said it in the comfort of your home. Celebrity my ass...hiss

Dhayour OLorunWa said...

Why he com dey dribble like ronadiho like this...my friend would say..if I were to be in a position to say it I would say you are a fool.....lol

Jungle Justice said...

Some1 once told me "anything that comes before a BUT is inconsequential"e.g :U r a sweet n kind boy BUT I can't go out with u!" U see how d "sweet n kind" loses value? In my opinion d above tweet by Tee Mac is not a "sincere apology" merely a failed attempt to justify his earlier statement. How can u start a "sincere apology" by reiterating your opinion which people found offensive then in dsame apology compare d actions of another pastor, whose conduct he obviously commends, with Bishop Oyedepo's? How apologetic of u! Personally I think it has more swag to hold high ur opinion, however ofensive it may be, than to speak 4rm both sides of ur mouth wen it's obvious u still hold dat opinion. It makes dat opinion appear malicious.

Hrm paul Ojeih said...

Linda tee mac is a big fool i am so disappointed in the mulatto idiot so he had the guts to rubbish oyedepo and now he is back eating his vomit he is an idiot oyedepo should sue him for character assassination and slander c am dey yapp dey rant rubbish about oyedepo tee mac ur a punk u gat no balls.

slimzyose said...

lol @ 'sincere apology'...u hve made ur point(which is d truth,a bitter pill 2 swallow),no nid 4 one unnecessary apology.

Kanyinulia said...

His very stupid sef! Why abuse bloggers? Was it not his own comments? Big HEAD

Anonymous said...

He doesn't need to apologise, he stated the obvious!


Hehehehe Lindiway dis is not apology nau, this one is polite cum constructive criticism. Anyway there once lived a Mother Theresa of Calcuta who sold her car gift to help the poor.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

This is a true gentleman!!!.

Anonymous said...

This isn't apology per say,lol, he's still pointing fingers.. I know a man of God of who does good by helping people but Bishop Oyedepo isn't one, if u find my true statement hurtful then sorry..... That's what I can deduce from the apology.

Anonymous said...

I know that man of God too Tee Mac. Must be Prophet TB Joshua, i am yet to see another man of God so generous and so down to earth.

Amaka said...

Why is he apologizing? Stand by your comments, sir. Gosh.

Tochyke said...

But Linda the man i correct! Pastors in this country should lead by example. why are they living the same life style with unbelievers? Please Linda Ikeji post my comment o

Anonymous said...

Nigerians are angry and we are channelling our anger in the wrong direction, they start calling any successful person names when you don't know how they got there. Channel your anger at the govt not your fellow Nigerians making it legitimately

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Tactically written. Tee Mac should be a politician. Apologising and yet going back in a cyclical style. I love your guts sir. But hope you are also not amongst the 'band wagons' of " I can Talk, but it doesn't apply to me".

galore said...

aabeg go siddon ur somwhere joorr........Well....Glad u said Ur Mind....U no keep am secret like yoruba pple dey do....Now,,,It is NOTED........The ministry is Moving already,,,the gate of hell shall nt prevail

Anonymous said...

well he has spoken about the man of God he knows that feeds people but he doesnt know this man of God enough to judge him...Winners had biin doing charity work as way back as 1990's...my family and I are beneficiaries of such charity work. I remember when winners was still in Raji Oba they gave out foods and clothes for the congregations thta needs it. Infact right now I know someone that is a student of one of winners universities that is fully sponsored...ont judge if you dont know. Winners do charity works a lot...Mr Tee mac should just apologies and forget the rest. Moreover charity is not meant for only pastors. How many charitable works has he done himself? e se gann...Linda na u be the jobless blogger oo! LOL!..proudlyslim

Anonymous said...

My dear T-mac u owe no one an apology except the most high God! Ask hím 2 4give u, dats All my dear! U r blessed IJN.

BLOGLORD said...

I love this guy's diplomacy. he apologised, yes! but he stil continues hitting the nail at the very head. buaahahahhahhaaa

Lola said...

Was he dozing when he put that comment on fb or what?

Anonymous said...

why apologize for saying the truth.stand by your words man.

Warri Girl said...

HahahhahahaThe media has attacked the guy, that's why he is trying to change his mouth.

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry, who is this guy exactly?

Anonymous said...


Papilesh said...

It was an honest opinion and some of us appreciate it from someone like you( a celebrity).....some of us also agree with you....but whatever makes their congregation feel good, let them keep at it.....its their money not ours.....

Morlard said...

WOW, WOW AND JUST WOW!, So this clearly means he cant use a plane to help the poor but can use it for leisure... thumps up pastor, you try well well...

Sadiku Olatunji said...

Thanks Mr Mac atleast u still made ur point and stand on the truth.May God help us all...

Anonymous said...

Medicine after death. U don talk am be say u don talk. Apologies accepted though.

Anonymous said...

Why is he apolozing!! It is true. Bishop Oyedepo is a fraudster. Look at his congregation and then look at him. Upon all the shouting and praying, all the people that go to his church are still paupers!! Dashing their hard earned money to this fool!! Abeg, talk another thing jor!

- Menakaya's Baby.

Anonymous said...

Oga Tee Mac, stop blowing hot and cold jor. U might jst help in d change - Sparxx

Anonymous said...

You see why people should not be so quick to jump and criticism people. Nigerians are so quick to cry out with hatred and jealousy. Patience is a virtue. Silence is an even greater virtue. Linda if you like no post my comment. You are also guilty.

Oyakhilome said...

I was just hoping the title was wrong and thank God it was. Linda made it look like he is regretting the fb comment he made. Weldone tee mac, you still stand by your convictions.

NEnyeAD said...

I love this man. He made his point while apologising.

Anonymous said...

u did nt offend anybody u just said what u saw cos d bible says u should say d truth and d truth shall set u free dnt feel guilty maybe cos of d blame and insult frm his menbers cos even d devil hv friends and menbers too so my dear d important ting is that u hv said what u saw so he who hv ear let him hear God bless u.

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm.......I feel you Tee Mac! But God is to judge. He might give someone a gift and a calling but the person might go astray and do as they please.

God will judge us all. I feel that you can never ever give enough! You have to give more. I can understand one aircraft but four?!...I don't gerrit! But who am I to judge or call him names. God is watching him.

On the last day, God will ask him what he did with all the gifts and talents he gave him and he will ask us all....I just pray no of us hears 'I do not know you, you worker of iniquity!' Cos no be by Pastor or Bishop title and its certainly not in the amount of planes you buy.

We will continue paying our tithes and offerings to our churches like the sons of Eli,some ministers, pastor and bishops can continue to squander it, their reward is from God but we must not stop, it is a commandment..

I feel you so many people are suffering that having four jets doesnt make sense to me but then again.....who knows? Only God

Anonymous said...

Abeg just because someone is a man of God or Pastor does not mean they should live in penury. Some of these things they have are through gifts people give them. What would be the gain if one calls oneself a Christian and cannot even enjoy blessings from God. Of course they should help the poor and get involved in charity work but not at their own expense abi them be Jesus wey die for us?

The bad thing is when these men of God overdo it by buying 10 planes, overindulging in frivoloties of life and just doing aseju. I believe this bishop is one of such unless he is using all those things to glorify God which I doubt. Also, why must the school fees be sooo high. I digress sha.

The thing is all these pastors cannot solve the problems of the world. Aimoye poor and sick among us that will continue to be here even when these pastors are gone. They are not Jesus Christ and can only do what is in their capacity. The problem with them is when they are more than capable and dont help the masses as much as they can and they are still extorting them. God knows who is serving Him in truth and in spirit.

And all these judge not and touch not...abeg if you are a true born again Christian then you are annointed by God. Nobody has 2 heads. Even God said test all spirits. God will even judge you for being stupid and gillible and not knowing the word of God.

Ziba! said...

Good for you Tee Mac. A true gentleman knows when to say sorry to someone who's offended. Though I still think he has said a lot for pastors of our time to think about...

baby cute said...

Tee mac seems desperate about painting papa bad!! enuf said joor! go n make ur own money too, u need not to hate, all i see in u is jealousy, being a pastor doesnt mean u must be poor, he gives to the poor, i am very sure of dat, so go n sit down n pray to God to get rich stop hating pples wealth! he is supernaturally blessed u cant compare!!!

baby cute said...

Teemac it is ok, y r u dis desperate?

Anonymous said...

He does not need to apologise for his thoughts. Last time I checked, it was a free country and he can express his thoughts based on the facts which he clearly was aware of.

Anonymous said...

Tee Mac,so because u tried selling to one pastor and he didnt buy it but another pastor finally bought it,dats d reason y u came out and started talking anyhow?

What exactly is d real issue? Were u hoping nobody will buy the aircraft from your so called partner so u can actually laugh at him.. This sounds more life beef to me.. U dey beef your partner and u come extend am to the person wey buy am...smh

Jay O said...

Such sarcasm! Again I ask someone tell me what this clown has done lately!

Unknown said...

lol doesnt sound like an apology he explained reasons y he said dat......

Anonymous said...

He doesn't nid to apologize! Or was he liein about him(bishop oyedepo)! Aduntos!

Joseph Ebong said...

well said. for your pure sporting enjoyment. check out this blog. purely sport.

Anonymous said...

This man is just a fool! Why dont you let God be d judge! I trust papa, he'll totally ignore dis idiot.

Ada Owerri 1 said...

I wldnt really call that an apology. If anything, he was indirectly stressing his point. The "apology" at the tail end is merely a formality and reeks of sarcasm

Ada Owerri 1 said...

I wldnt really call that an apology. If anything, he was indirectly stressing his point. The "apology" at the tail end is merely a formality and reeks of sarcasm

Ada Owerri 1 said...

I wldnt really call that an apology. If anything, he was indirectly stressing his point. The "apology" at the tail end is merely a formality and reeks of sarcasm

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the Prophet he is referring to that rejected the cargo plane offer is Prophet T.B Joshua. My question is, if he believes so strongly that men of God should not own planes, why does he keep going to them, offering to sell them planes??

Anonymous said...

Please read the initial line behind TeeMac and his partner's mail. They wanted to sell a plane to Oyedepo, he said he can't have a personal plane, that the plane he would buy would be done for charity, just like you sell a plane to me without me opening an invitation to buy one cos you believe i can pay. TeeMac dids himself. oyedepo is right to turn him down, not cos you know i am a pastor means that you will sell something to me for a cause which is attributed to me.

Anonymous said...

Alot of smart comments here bt a few dumb ass still persisted. No doubt what Tee mac said will offend some people but that is the plain truth. I respect his courage and dogmatism to say the truth without fear of what ignorant and naive people might say. I DRINK TO THAT!!!!!

Adebola said...

There is no reason for take back what you said it is the truth Mr Mac T.
To all these Pastor loving idiots that think spending church money to buy planes or to accept them as gifts is justified need to have their head checked
A true man of God will not do that !!! think of how many poor and dying people the money could could save!!!

Anonymous said...

Jumoke Oke
Where you not the person who wrote the comment on the previous post about how the pope has no jet? Abeg don't use useless comparisons next time. The pope heads a whole country. That is way more than a jet. Have you seen the bullet prof glass cage he rides around in? It's one of a kind and no other religious head uses it. Please the Roman Catholic pope is not an example of humility. Stick to Jesus.

baby cute said...

linda u dint post my comment y?i will keep saying dat Tee mac is just trying to seek mercy at the faces of pple by painting Bishop black!! being a pastor doesnt mean u shd be poor, its really not ur bizness if he buys 10millions jets, igo n work hard n get some money, stop talking ill of pple,anyways i know dat Bishop does a lot for charity, m very certain of the ones he does, enuf of the blackmails Tee mac!

baby cute said...

linda u dint post my comment y?i will keep saying dat Tee mac is just trying to seek mercy at the faces of pple by painting Bishop black!! being a pastor doesnt mean u shd be poor, its really not ur bizness if he buys 10millions jets, igo n work hard n get some money, stop talking ill of pple,anyways i know dat Bishop does a lot for charity, m very certain of the ones he does, enuf of the blackmails Tee mac!

Anonymous said...

Given the fact that Tmac has business transactions with Oyedepo, I was surprised at his outburst. While his opinion is valid, I wonder what this would do to his business interest.

goodie said...

Personalities differs,,d bishop didnt collect wot u offered but anoda myt..so let it be D congregation r not complainin

Anonymous said...

Afi Lindiway na.

baby cute said...

this is the 5th time m posting dese linda!!!linda u dint post my comment y?i will keep saying dat Tee mac is just trying to seek mercy at the faces of pple by painting Bishop black!! being a pastor doesnt mean u shd be poor, its really not ur bizness if he buys 10millions jets, igo n work hard n get some money, stop talking ill of pple,anyways i know dat Bishop does a lot for charity, m very certain of the ones he does, enuf of the blackmails Tee mac!

Buks said...

Ah ah ah Tee Mac just used style to rub it in . That is the bane of Nigerian pastors you see them flying all over the place, the one wey no get airplane will by force himself into first class or business class section , pompous stuffed pigs all of them like this God we are serving cannot answer prayers if only we trust him totally , believe in him and walk according to his ways .
Who do you blame except lazy Nigerians who cannot pray to their maker , left to me ehhh unna go die of hunger abi no bi this my God wey dey answer prayer . Pls stop giving these demi gods power , my poor gardener leaves yaba every Sunday to go to sango ota from 6.am just to listen to one man cunning them yet he is where he is .
Does oyedepo know him ? For where ?
Every first Friday of the Month the whole of Lagos - Ibadan is blocked from one church activity or the other now I hear Muslims are doing Night vigil , Yet this country is in the same state , corruption , bribery , stealing , killings all over the place , yet we complain about Jonathan's government when we ourselves are rotten as the churches and mosques are not changing us aaaabeg make unna siddon for dorti , men of God indeed.

baby cute said...

r u also part of the critics linda? dis is the 6th time m commenting and u havent posted my comment y?i will keep saying dat Tee mac is just trying to seek mercy at the faces of pple by painting Bishop black!! being a pastor doesnt mean u shd be poor, its really not ur bizness if he buys 10millions jets, igo n work hard n get some money, stop talking ill of pple,anyways i know dat Bishop does a lot for charity, m very certain of the ones he does, enuf of the blackmails Tee mac!

Anonymous said...

you go fear fear.nways, we need Love commandos in Nigeria for parents that forcefully choose partners for their children.Lib readers need to read this article, i got the site while i was reading comments as usual.

Nonya said...

He is not apologising for what he said. He only apologised for the way he said it. At least that's what I think. No need to apologise Mr Tee Mac. You were right.

Anonymous said...

Best comment so far......Moh'd

Anonymous said...

I do not really buy this issue of the apology. I am fully convinced that if Nigerian Government TAX INVESTIGATORS read and followed up on LIB, Nigeria's Tax Revenues would probably rise by 50% or more!

Unknown said...

Jayde abeg keep quiet jare. Hw can poverty nd sickness b a mater of choice???? And wats wrong in pastors hitting d facebook? Mttttchh.

Anonymous said...

See u were reading btwn d lines..

Anonymous said...

You really are a demon, menekaya's ( the devil) child

Anonymous said...

If u work hard to make ends meet, u wouldn't wait for one pastor to come and give you money. I knw personallyn ppl from less priviledged homes dat ve "decided" not to be poor and it's working for them. Let this rich people be abeg! Make ur own money!!!

Anonymous said...

The 2nd pastor he's talkin abt is TB Joshua

CKN said...

I am happy Tee Mac didn't say i misquoted him..but lets look at the issues he raised passionately..He sent me a lengthy email today which i won't make public..I have told him what i feel about his attack on bloggers..His statements were voluntary not forced out of him..God bless..CKN

Anonymous said...

Not everybody gives to charity and come on air to let the whole world know what they are giving. In your own little way i want to believe you have done something for charity,if not you better remove the sawdust in your eyes before removing the plank from some else's eyes. As for talking about men of God, you where not there when God call them. So be very careful. We are all accountable to God for our personal deeds.

Anonymous said...

I agree with tmac, it's one thing for a person 2 have a jet its a oda for one individual to have 4... Wot exactly does he need 4 jets for!! We live in a country where millions r hungry. The cost of maintaining 4 jets can renovate several schools + provide books n computers, imagine wot the cost of the jets can do

Anonymous said...

at Tee Mac...i wonder who made you chief judge. i don't care if you offered to sell a flying coffin to a pastor in the former and he refused. Bishop Oyedepo is a man of excellence and by his fruit we know this. Quit criticizing and go sell all you have including yourself to feed the poor. I haven't heard about any accomplishment of helping the poor on your part, so clear the log from your eye before u criticize my pastor. I can't wait for God to judge you just like you have judged a man that you know from a distance. Please get a hobby since u struggle so hard to stay relevant, Baba Ode! b


Hmmmmmmmm,his choice of words tho.... Plus did U̶̲̥̅̊ guys notice he didn't take back what he said about the Bishop?he only said he was sorry!!! Issalrai

Unknown said...

Like I said earlier, if any person claims he is a genuine pastor or priest, he should take example from Jesus Christ who was not materialistic. I am not saying a pastor should not live well but all this unnecessary display of wealth and opulence will not exist if they are actually using Church money for charity. Do u know how many Nigerians are in need of capital to start a genuine business? Do u know how many are dying because their families cannot afford basic healthcare? So if Oyedepo is really investing church money in all this, believe u me, he wouldnt own a jet. He doesnt need one!

Anonymous said...

linda i wish you would just open a web page and have everyone redirected. i say this because u need to add new features like ''thumb up or down'' to some comments. ''u deserve slap'' to others. it becomes frustrating when people post rubbish and they do not get the appropriate reply. is tee mac on twitter so i can follow him?

Anonymous said...

how come not one person out of the many people he has helped with their education have said anything here or they don't read LIB? Only cluessless church members defending him here?


This is not to be on any bodies defends because human mind is different with Gods own way. At time our so called born again Christians always believe that they know God but instead deceiving their selves. Although the bible already made it clear that many will rise with Jesus name while the true once among them can only be recognize by their fruits and not by self righteousness.

So for those who may be interested in knowing the exact truth about what TEC Mac is try to affirm and the very pastor he is referring should watch the below link on YouTube so that you can understand him more better. And remember by their fruit you shall know them (Matthew 7:16). Now watch.



This is not to be on any bodies defends because human mind is different with Gods own way. At time our so called born again Christians always believe that they know God but instead deceiving their selves. Although the bible already made it clear that many will rise with Jesus name while the true once among them can only be recognize by their fruits and not by self righteousness.

So for those who may be interested in knowing the exact truth about what Tee Mac is try to affirm and the very pastor he is referring should watch the below link on YouTube so that you can understand him more better. And remember by their fruit you shall know them (Matthew 7:16). Now watch.


Anonymous said...

That was a polite insult and at the same time He is saying the truth. Infact e is too polite by apologising. these pastors must go fly a kit.

Anonymous said...

Sharrap!!!if he stil has moni 2 pay a private jet,he hasnt done anifin,common if he wants 2 b worldly no1 wud mind buh he shudnt b claimin he is a man of God....dats blasphemy,hypocrisy en outright embezzlement.Yes!!! 4 cryin out loud wia does he get d'moni 2 buy al d xpensive tins he buys..d church of course.he is a freakn theif,pple re dyin of hunger en he is buyin a freakin jet....

makz said...

Pls what αяє u saying or writing. Go back to school. Wrong spellings I pardon but what u αяє saying makes no sense.

Jungle Justice said...

LMAO!!! Sweeriii take am easy naaa! We have read ur 20th comment sef! LÓLLL!

Anonymous said...

Tee Mac is not a fool. He is a wise man. He knows what could happen. He does not want the Bishop to curse him or bring him down spiritually. Tee Mac, I doff my hat oo. That man can do and undo. He did not become a man of god by eating peanuts.

Anonymous said...

Ogboni man telling man of God how to use his money, people pay offering, mind u that he write books and made his own money apart from the offering, so this man i hav never hear this name before in my life, he has money and he is not a pastor and cannot even support football with his money neither build school even if is class of 50 children, now he is condemning, somebody, wht have u done for Nigerian, as none pastor, Ogboni man, he is not happy that Bishop is rich, he thought that is only devil worshipers that can always be rich


Yes, my brother the YouTube video completely says it all indeed. You can as well look into another of the link for more confirmations of what a true Christian examplinary life should be look like. I wonder what some people are taking God for, when a pastor acquire Car worth of (12,000,000 Million Naira) they will be singing praises and more of Gods glory to his ego, and Jets all over the places they put it that he is practicing what he preaches as well as God is doing great things for him.

But, one person among all use to spends 100 millions of naira in changing people’s lives on monthly basis both local and international. Yet, they label his name as FAKE and proclaiming that his name should not be mention for anything good that he is a scammer whose interest is to be scamming people’s money. Very, very I said unto you on this day whether you like it or not, we should have to know that we are not worshiping our so called men of gods or to be carrying churches on our head as if they are the things that will save us on the last day. Your church does not matter to God. One can worship in any living church according to TB Joshua because a name of church is just a symbol and that what matters to God is your righteousness in his holy name.

Just watch this video if you believe that facing the reality is what that will save your soul to God and not men of God.


Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate that at your age, you cannot control your emotions. I do not know the point you intend to score but I can clearly inform you that you have touched a wrong person. You would have taken time to know where he is coming from. It is obvious from your submission that you don't even know Bishop David Oyedepo. He has paid his dues and he doesn't have to make noise to make news. Learn not to touch the annointed ones because you can't stand the consequences. Repent Now and give your life to Jesus!

Amen and Amen said...

@IGWAHIGWAH I have watched the YouTube link and have seen the pastor TMac meant that carries bags of rice. Indeed, that man is a true servant of the most high despite all the critics through the enemies of truth that has been condemning this man over the years. But yet we couldn’t get one atom of truth in their spurious lives.

Okubo said...

My thots exactly. Well said. God bless you.

Onix said...

For God's sake, wat is wrong wit everybody? Someone is visionary enough to command one of the largest followership in the world, has two universities and other businesses and you expect that person to be poor? Pls u guys should dream big and make ur lives better and stop beefing people who hav worked hard to make their money ooo.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Some of us should read the bible clearly before we start to say things we shouldn't. Firstly, Jesus christ clearly deliberately lived a poor life here on earth so we might be rich, so there is nothing wrong with a rich pastor. Next, I have always had issues with charity work that is deliberately aired to gain attention remember bible says do not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing. There are a lot of well meaning Nigerians who give to charity or run NGOs that are affecting their environs that we do not know of. It doesn't mean they aren't doing anything. I know someone who lived with Oyedepo back in the days, he's doing very well now. He says it was a typical pastors house-different people from different backgrounds living there and being raised there. Thirdly, bible clearly says on the matter of tithing, tithe is the pastors money, his wage. So if a pastor has a 100 people who earn 1million naira a month... Do the calculation. Whether u believe it or not Living Faith has some very rich members and they make upto 40-45%. You don't xpect that man to be poor, xcluding his group of schools and two universities. I agree that he may not be modest with his lifestyle but its his life. There are some pastors that may be richer than him and do not own one private jet. So the jets or no jets, I personally will call 4 deliverance for him if he weren't rich. One more thing, pls try and read 2kings 2:23-24. Elisha was actually bald, but 42 children went down. That something is true doesn't necessarily mean we ought to judge when it involves men of God. God has a way of treating their mess. Read also 2 samuel 1:1-16 remember Saul was David's No 1 enemy at the time. I don't attend winners chapel, just airing my views.

Cindy said...

Sincerely only God knows who's serving him but what he wrote here as apology is what I ve been thinking since the first day I heard abt the plane issue. Pple r really suffering,I heard in Church on sunday that a mother cld nt afford to pay '4k' as her childs schl fees,pple need help and no man of God shd build earthly treasures cos no matter ow much they teach prosperity they still teach that this earth is not our home so y the excesses?

Anonymous said...

Linda post my comment o

eXcEsS3cOdE said...

I seen nigerian r so spiritual dat even wen tHEir pastors do wronG THEy ruSH to DEfEND them. Now wit d nuMBER OF chuRCH WE haVE IN niGERIA shuld we b poOR. Wen my N10 offering can't get me in My ChuRCH UNIversity. The chuRCHES abroad send in donatioNS to Africa to Aid differents crises when will chuRCHEs in Nigeria starts building school for d poor, or help government . We all hold each responsiblities. The ChuRCHes rather want to out do each other in Populatn,popularities with airlines,university branches. Who made them Men Of God.. Am no saint bt we need to change these mentality in churches.. GOD helP NAIja.

Excess3code #Computer Guru said...

I seen nigerian r so spiritual dat even wen tHEir pastors do wronG THEy ruSH to DEfEND them. Now wit d nuMBER OF chuRCH WE haVE IN niGERIA shuld we b poOR. Wen my N10 offering can't get me in My ChuRCH UNIversity. The chuRCHES abroad send in donatioNS to Africa to Aid differents crises when will chuRCHEs in Nigeria starts building school for d poor, or help government . We all hold each responsiblities. The ChuRCHes rather want to out do each other in Populatn,popularities with airlines,university branches. Who made them Men Of God.. Am no saint bt we need to change these mentality in churches.. GOD helP NAIja.

lynnpope$ said...

Maybe u missed the point here. It was not an apology but just additional insult so ppl like me who missed d first insult can catch d repeat.
I do agree with him by the way

Anonymous said...

he sells stones to these men of God for construction purposes, he and his partner sells or as he put it approach a man of God to sell airplanes to him... now he is criticizing them.... maybe the business is getting soar recently, who knows. that's why he is complaining now....

friends, allow God to deal with His messengers/leaders.. let's be wise in how we speak of God's servants.
i am reminded of Aaron and Mariam..{numbers 12:1-16} they were punished not because what the said was not right, they were punished by God in that they spoke against his servant, Moses. let's leave the judgement for God, while we remain committed to who we have believed..

Anonymous said...

U r very stupid,is it only church he has?

Anonymous said...

U 2 shut up,am a graduate of covenant uni n I wil tel u d@ d man of God is doin is wrk well,is it only church he has,he wrks 4 his moni?did ur father go n beg 4 moni n wasn't helpd,we shld really mind d way we tlk abt men of God,only God knws who is rily serving him.linda u dint post my last comment o,if u lyk no post dis 1.

Anonymous said...

I guess that covenant graduate parents will be disappointed when they read her/his comment.Really is now rili, students is now atdnts .What a pity.

Anonymous said...

Na wa o! Bad belle people. Shame to bad people.
why is he selling planes and not food items since he knows people are hungry
Tee Mac is just bitter. He should have offered the cargo plane for charity free of charge. "Has been" like him

Anonymous said...

Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm that is all. All is well.

Anonymous said...

I like that he reaffirmed his views on the topic, while tendering his apology.Only God knows his true servants and only him will judge when the time comes.people carry the title "man of God" around along with a false sense of entitlement. So what are others?men of satan? Thats why I do not donate my hard earned money to anyone or church, instead i donate in kind to the needy in the church.

Anonymous said...

People with poverty ridden mentality. Go create a job for yourselves and stop allowing poverty to twist your brain to Hate affluence. Oyedepo has never Called for any donations neither has he ever levied any of his members. The only word I have for haters like you people is aim for the top cause the bottom is too crowded and u can't get there by condemning those who got there by hard work.oonce you change your mentality about abundance then u 're ready for the flight

Anonymous said...

Thank you Tee MAc for putting it even better. I can't wrap my head around it. I can't, except his money is made from his private business, funds from his congregation should be sent with care.

Anonymous said...

I am upset he is apologizing for offending the Pastor (I refuse to call them men of God cause I haven't seen his name in the book) It's like come day of judgement there will be one line for the masses and a separate line for the Pastors. The pastor doesn't need 4 or 3 planes when some of the worshipers in his churches are living below the poverty line.
It's my opinion and last time I checked we are living in the free world.

Anonymous said...

Abeg Oga Tee Mac dnt b vexed o.MTN will soon give me my airplane dat they parked in their office.Help me find buyer abeg & tell dat υя broda too.commission dey ooo.contact linda for further details.thnx.BlackMary!

Dammy said...

One thing we shld get straight is dat God knows all....hello u can't tell me dat cos he's a pastor he shld live in poverty *HELL NO*...one thing God promised us is PROSPERITY so if i were u i will stop hating n ask God 2 show me d way.....

The sage said...

He actually stood his ground dear. Read the piece again. The apology there was just him being polite.

The sage said...

Your idiocy is unbelievable.

The sage said...

You have a problem cutie, get it fixed!

Ak said...

...so tee mac can sell planes but men of God shld not buy... dat makes him d god of God... Shame on u sir! poverty is not an entitlement.

FIDELIS said...


Anonymous said...

Bishop David Oyedepo

Affiliation: Living Faith World Outreach Ministry, aka Winners Chapel

Estimated net worth: $150 million

David Oyedepo is Nigeria’s wealthiest preacher. Ever since he founded the Living Faith World Outreach Ministry in 1981, it has grown to become one of Africa’s largest congregations. The Faith Tabernacle, where he hosts three services every Sunday, is Africa’s largest worship center, with a seating capacity of 50,000. Oyedepo owns four private jets and homes in London and the United States. He also owns Dominion Publishing House, a thriving publishing company that publishes all his books (which are often centered on prosperity). He founded and owns Covenant University, one of Nigeria’s leading tertiary institutions, and Faith Academy, an elite high school.

Anonymous said...

Jesus said Many would come in my name on the last day....he warned us to watch out for those who come in his name to decieve and confuse you...did you think Jesus was talking abt some one screaming am Jesus...watch and listen,...many have already come in his name. Its for you to be watchful...T-mac i feel, you spoke the truth were others rather keep mute..Things are not right in Christainity right now...with all the men of God we have in Nigeria ..look at all the bad things happening, why are thier prayers not working, why are we suffering so much and more every day..things are not right, only if most of them are not of God or think they are but are not..me am on my own..its me and my God, i can teach my self to know God, i really dont need no ones help...I know my God and he knows me enough as much as he knows all the pastors and he loves us equally and bless us equally..

Anonymous said...

did i see Tee Mac say he has seen pastors carry ......., this gay child, come to the public and tell us you are gay na, 14 years await you. The guy is jus feeling pissed Bishop Oyedepo didnt buy his friend's jet when he approached him.

And for everyone, if you don't like your pastor's lifestyle, change your church. And if you are hating on a pastor who isn't your pastor, its like you swallowing poison and expecting that person to die.

Its one God we serve, lets serve him in spirit and in truth

Anonymous said...

NaZzy charles,u r a big FOOL.... Read ur bible

Anonymous said...

Its painful he won't sue

RUna SP said...

so that they know how to play together. I'd hate to give credit to Westbrook for having a system built so much for him, because that implicitly takes away from Leonard, who is the best player on a team built for everyone.

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I don't mean to pick on Westbrook; I respect him a ton for how hard he works. But the triple-double thing is overrated. He leads the NBA in defensive rebounds off free throws by a wide margin -- 76 compared to the guy in second, with 59.

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