2 Nigerian students face deportation from Canada for working at Walmart | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 1 October 2012

2 Nigerian students face deportation from Canada for working at Walmart

Siting inside a church, University of Regina students Victoria Ordu and Ihuoma Amadi start as a prairie wind rattles the front door.

Ordu glances over, eyes wary, before flicking toward the window at the back of the church she now calls home.

Sunshine streams through the glass, but that's the only taste of the outside world the two girls have been able to get since June 19, when they opted to seek sanctuary in the church.

The fear of being found by the Canada Border Services Agency and deported back home to Nigeria hangs over their heads - all because they worked for two weeks at Walmart.

They have spent each day hoping Canadian Federal Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney - the only one who can change their fate - will grant them pardon.

The daily stress of it has, they say, been "hell."

U of R President Vianne Timmons has visited them at the church and the school has contacted the federal government, throwing its support behind the students' plea to stay in Canada and complete their education.

Amadi and Ordu have also written letters to Kenney, but no one has had a response.

And so, they wait.

"This is a small mistake we made, and now everything is at risk," Ordu says, clasping her shaking hands in her lap.

"It doesn't make any sense. They're looking for us like we've killed someone. We're just students at university ... but it's like we're running away and living in fear every day."

As part of their visas, international students like Ordu - who is studying theatre arts - and Amadi - international studies - are able to work on campus.

Both in Canada on full scholarships paid for by their government, Ordu and Amadi went to Service Canada and got their Social Insurance Numbers when they arrived in 2010, ending up working at the university.

Last year, Amadi found a parttime job at Walmart and Ordu at an agency that does demonstrations at the store.

Both were under the misapprehension their SINs allowed them to work outside U of R. Ordu quit after two weeks, as soon as she found out that wasn't the case.

Amadi discovered her mistake during her second week on the job - and was led away from her till in handcuffs by two CBSA agents.

"They led me through the store, in front of everyone, and all the customers were looking at me like 'What have you done?'" she recalls, looking at the floor.

"I just felt so embarrassed."

Kay Adebogun is a Regina immigration consultant who has taken on their case pro bono.

"Why go to that level of force?" he says.

"Why parade her out of there like she's a criminal?"

Barb Pollock, U of R spokeswoman, says while the school respects the fact laws have to be upheld, it is trying to advocate for a reconsideration of the girls' case.

"We think that the penalty, perhaps, is a bit severe for the crime," she says.

"Albeit that laws have been contravened, in light of what they have done to contravene the law, we would like them to have an opportunity to complete their education with us ... (and) we think it is a harsh penalty to be deported."

Pollock says the university has written to Kenney but is yet to receive an indication when it might receive a decision from the minister.

Both students say they admitted their mistake right away, but think the CBSA's decision to deport them - which went to an admissibility hearing - is an over-reaction.

"It's a huge deal to finish school, come back (to Nigeria) and help the country," Amadi says.

"Now to think we lose three years of our lives because of a small mistake? If there was a fine, a warning, that would be more reasonable. I just wish they could look at this from a human point of view."

Pollock agrees the case demonstrates how important it is for international students to understand Canadian laws.

"We have to make sure our students really understand what it means to come here and go to school - what the opportunities are and, at the same time, what the limits are," she says.

"The fact something may not have been clear, you can be assured we're making that very clear with our incoming students now."

Adebogun would like to see a reversal in the decision to deport Ordu and Amadi, but he also thinks there are bigger issues at play with how the two were treated.

Of particular concern, he says, is the fact both students were asked by CBSA workers for names of other Nigerian students who were working and even if they knew anybody in a gang.

"They agree they did something wrong, but they should have a second chance," Adebogun says.

CBSA could not provide a comment on Tuesday but is expected to provide information on the case today.

Source: The Regina Leader Post


  1. Hmmm...... Nawa ooo

    1. See yoruba man dey try help out o, but igbos go forever dey wan yarn dust about them. Nonsense and ingredients.

    2. What has tribalism got 2 do wiv all dis now? Its nt a most 2 comment!

    3. I'm so ashamed of you @anon 10:49pm that tribal comment shows you're not very smart at all

    4. The idiot is suffering from poverty mentality

    5. @Anonymous 10:49, which school did u go 2? Seriously its high time God start punishing people 4 speaking wrong English "ingredients" God 4 Bid *spits

  2. I don't think these girls are being entirely honest. As an international student in America, during your orientation they let you know that you can't work outside campus. But does this stop people from working off campus? NO! Many people work off campus and while some get away with it, others don't. I've lived here for 7yrs and as the years have gone by, I have witnessed one friend or the other get deported back home. You do the crime, you face the consequences. It's sad but its the honest truth

    1. Pls tell them! They are not been truthful @ all. I hav a frnds here that can't work cos they are international students. And whn de want extra pay they do extra hrs.

  3. I do not think you had to publish their face or this story yet.. ....

  4. Omg,i know victoria. We were classmates in secondary school in ph. Oh lord

  5. everyone thinks immigration laws outside nigeria are easy. they are not. people get away with it but if your papa's second wife jazz work well. you might regret every travelling out. i wish these girls the best. deportation is a huge price to pay for 2weeks of work

  6. Very silly of them..its stated very clearly..those on STUDENT VISAS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO WORK ..enuff students from all over get deported for disregarding this rule..still hope they are given a second chance being only 2 weeks..and it better be 2 weeks 4 their sakes!!

    1. Shut ur trap u senseless swine. Y won't ur name be staight from d hips wen u think with ur hips. Horrible bitch. Its a huge price n dey need to be pardoned. They didn't kill,neither did dey carry drugs so what? At least its still fair here in yankee in as much as it not legal buh then again they shuld be forgiven.

      Note: straight from d hips abi wateva if u going reply me pls do so with ur brain.... Stupid child

  7. Linda e don bizzle.Goodluck wife don kick bucket Oo...Ma uncle juzz received a call 4rm Abuja concerning the news.Oya find out & make u knack us story.

    1. MsT: OMG, :( this can't be true! I pray its not true o. Jeezz!



  9. na wa oo come 9ja na tins dey

  10. Hope that the will be fine..


  11. dats nt fair they shld temper justice wif mercy ,racial discrmination my swt sis d lord is ur strength

  12. Since when Linda we are in Canada and this news has been around for a very long time. But anyways keep up the good work.

  13. Fuckin rasicts.poor children.

  14. They are meant seek permission from their university...i believe deporting them is an extreme punishment...!!!

  15. I thought international students in Canada could work off campus, or is it only in the summer? I guess everyone makes mistakes but international students should really check these things. The guidelines for staying in the country are usually outlined on the study permit paper and in a place like Saskatchewan that isn't exactly filled with international students, I'm not surprised that the employers didn't ask if they were international students, although they should have. I pray they are granted clemency. It sounds like an honest mistake.

  16. I hate the way these articles are being written with so much pity for these girls and I strongly believe these girls knew exactly what they were doing when they got the job. You have to be really unintelligent to not see the note that says clearly on your study permit that you cannot work off campus and you can only work on campus for 20 hours. However, I do believe they should not be deported just yet, they should be allowed to complete their studies and then get deported.

    1. U re jst a nuisance 4 saying dis. If it was u or ur child, would u say dis. Asshole. Even if its a crime to work, is d crime out of dis world? Av dey killed or stolen? Working to mk ends meet is better dan u who sleeps arnd 4 money

    2. Idiot like u. Chatting rubbish like ur father has a school abroad. Useless kid. If dey finish their studies n dey don't get deported pls u can like to deport them.... Heartless bastard.... Mchewww

  17. Right!!. So they had been in Canada for 3years and did not their Visa restrictions abi.. Or it was a matter of "others are doing it and going scot-free". When you go to a foreign country abide by their laws or face consequences for breaking them.

  18. Their story is quite heart-attending, I pray dey're allowed to stay and complete their studies. And dey shouldn't for any reason feel inferior,they're loved and cherished here.
    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

  19. Poor girls.. Thank God they weren't caught doing an illegal bizness like "prostitution" or smtin. God iz ur strength ma sista's.

  20. @str8FrmDaHips...u are obviously still in yyour village..hwo said those on student visas are not allowed to work? immigration laws differs for each person in each province depending on the circumstances surrounding your entry..

    1. Ma dear don't ansa her. Its obvious she's neva been anywhr b4.... N reasons y she shuldnt be answered is cos she thinks with her hips.

  21. Oyinbos have stringent rules for a reason..there's no flaunting of the rules that would not eventually get punished..a lot of foreigners bring that attitude from their home countries where they think..they could pay their way or blatantly flaunt the law as being petty..this is such a consequence!!

  22. If that was a put down..major fail..see my profile pic..that's where I live..but rather be in a village in my fatherland...no shame@all
    Now..back 2 de lecture@hand..villager or not..what I wrote reflects on the punishment being meted out..if not it wouldn't be on LIB..

    1. Shut up dumb kid am sure u can't leave whr u r. U can't come home. Don't worry the day dey catch u this same linda will put ur pic up n some of us will.....

  23. Seen this on Bella and Sahara like 2 weeks ago..leave Linda out of it..Google again..phew..i tire

  24. Oh btw government sponsored students on full scholarship. Like how many people do hear about this said scholarship and the selection process?. What they do is select their folks put them on scholarship. If you are on full scholarship as said and still hustling for a job outside the 20 hours you get on campus, isn't that greed? May God intervene I don't pray you get deported. Amen!

  25. this is not d time and circumstance for these LIBers to start showing off abt their knowledge of internatinal laws and wat not bcos they r residents over there.... Focus on d matter @ hand and wish these girls well... Like one sensible LIBer wrote "@least they were not caught doin drugs or prostituting"...
    As for d commenter that wrote abt mrs Jonathan... E don rilly bizzle if na true o. Linda pls find out wats up wif d president's wife o. #finally finally, God has d final say

  26. Nigerians, just because they come from a lawless nation ,they think they can break the law someplace else, welcome to civilization, i say throw them on the next flight. let it be a deterrent to other lawless nigerian

    1. Who is this he/she goat! Oloriburuku

    2. U re so callous o. U must be a witch. Or rather, u re so bitter cos you've never travelled b4. U re so inhuman.

  27. Bt dey should ve used Deir brains na! Americans nd Canadians set Deir rules straight. Dey don't tk such likely like Nigerians. D rules r to be adhered.


  28. May God help them

  29. God will see u thru....... Amen

  30. Stupid people are dose comenting dat dey shud deport dem, how many nigerians who dnt use "dagbo" fake doc. to work.

  31. I'm sure they knew the implications of working off campus without proper permit or documentation and they still decided to take the risk. Oh well! There is a consequence for every risk we take.

  32. I did my masters at the University of Saskatoon same province as U of R. The rule is that as an international student you have certain number of hours you can work outside the school and this depends on your grade I think about 70% average or so. You also apply for work visa and get approval from your department I am sure these girls are aware of the rules, however lots of students work extra hour especially during summer and get a way with it as long as their working visa is still valid. Sincerely these girls are been humiliated for this mistake they made, it shouldn't be to this extent. I wish them well, and pray they pardon them

  33. dont wori my sisters since it has come to light like this they will pardon you IJN

  34. Like seriously !!!!you girls have been in Sask since 2010 and you dont know the rules ...#smdh

    What I knw (as a former student) is that after a semester of sch and your results are out then you can now apply for the off campus work permit(OCWP) and must be on a minimum of 2.5 CGPA/GPA (as at 2009) dont know if the rules have changed.

    Well its a lesson for others

    NB: Pls my Naija ppl UK is not the best place to study now oo cos after them collect your money finish no post-grad work permit (to get some work experience in your field of study)and most grads I knw sef no get correct jobs ooo all na hustle

  35. I seriously hate the way their faces were made known like this sha. As far as i'm concerned it myt hv been an honest mistake as the university said they Lapsed in educating their foreign students on the strict policy if I read correctly. I don't know about you guys but I wish nigerian students can have this kind of opportunity of working and schooling. Ph yea they actually can but they'd rather rather prostitute. Protest it if u may but I dare say that 70% of nigerian university female students are prostitutes as seen in the way they'd rather have a married man than work and it's not like they use the money to good use they just use it to buy some fake Brazilian hair and that rubber slippers and dress like nicki minaj who sadly is their role model. These girls could hv been doing something worse abeg make the Canadian warefa temper justice with mercy na.

  36. There really was no use to parade them like criminals. I wish them the best of luck


  37. Annon 10:49 am. U r such a bigoted, Tribal mental midget! U r saying that their lawyer is a Yorubaman helping ibos and u have forgotten that Linda has used her blog to help many Yorubas who need financiAl help due to sickness and again d bloq u r spewing this rubbish on is run by an igbo girl.
    Let me tell u something fool,when u live abroad,u see a diversity of races that interact with each other with an open mind! Close minded bigots like u r Happily confined in ur dingy hole! Stay there aNd shut up, dummy!

  38. they should have know or don't they understand English anymore. There are some things that should not be taken for granted and this is one of them. The rules are there plain and simple and u can either obey it or break it. They chose to break it and they are entirely at fault. Well, i hope they are granted pardon..

  39. they should have known. Pleading ignorance is just as stupid as it gets. Everyone knows u can't work. Now they're in a fix. I hope they Are pardoned anyway

    1. Dis idiot shut up we've read ur rubbish already animal. So wen u knew u will eventually say 'I hope they are pardoned anyway' den y da hell did u go speaking horrible english. Ur english ehen its as ugly as u look. At the long run pple break laws buh can be pardoned wen its not a thick crime. This can't be compared with drugs n murder so what?! Idiat

  40. make them come house na shooooo! whats the biggie ni? life is just as fucked up outside.

  41. Greedy girls. Instead of facing their studies...they were too greedy buying lace wigs and bleaching creams. Frankly thy deserve deportation.

  42. really sad..i feel for them.May God help them out and come out tops in thier endeavours

  43. nothing Mega!, Nigerians got u back jare babes, u girls should stop looking like ur world hav ended believe me it just began studying abroad r not. u didnt steal ,kill, or even prostitute u were only trying 2wrk nd put food on ur table even as a student which is not easy at all. Bad as the country is we r surviving, u will be better off here, home is were u will make it. na me talk am via my TECKNO

  44. October 1, 2012 8:01 PM, What is racist about this one? There are immigration rules. Follow them or get the hell out. As an international student in Canada you can work off campus as long as it's not beyond 20 hours a week and you have an off campus work permit. And that's actually easy to get as long as you follow the proper application process. Why does the writer make it seem like what they did was not a crime, whether or not it was deliberate? They think it's Nigeria where you can bend rules anyhow. It's fairly easy to get these things done in Canada legitimately but understand that if you bend one rule and you get caught THEY WILL MESS YOU UP. Shikena.

  45. @Anon 7:32 PM, please you have not misyarned in any way.

    But let's be objective here. This is so typical of us Nigerians. People do something WRONG THAT THEY ARE CLEARLY AWARE OF and then we start praying for them not to face the consequence of the crime committed just because the claim not knowing. Well, I didn't know stealing a pc of meat was bad but my mum still beat me silly when I was like 6 yrs old. I don't mean to sound harsh, but even me wey no nefa go abroad to study know full well that you cannot work outside the school if you have a student visa in Canada and the USA. I think they knew what they were doing but still wanted to push their luck.

  46. thank u for this truth anon 7.10pm

  47. Third world people will soon turn their host countries to unlivable, lawless societies like where they came because of argument in favor of impunity like this. People were caught flouting laid down laws and people are here talking of "innocent mistakes". Gradually, "innocent mistakes" will extend to bigger crimes and very soon, Canada will turn to Nigeria or Bangladesh where no one can be held accountable for any infractions.

  48. 7:10, you're exactly right. They lost me when they said they were under the mistaken impression that the SIN was permission to work. LIARS. It says right there on the card that you can't work.
    Deport them, jor. You go all the way to study theater arts? Shouldn't you go to Onitsha or Idumota and enter Nollywood? Abeg, DEPORT!

    1. Lmao. Y d anger now? Oh ok I see it becos u wr deported so u looking for partners. Don't worry they won't join u God will speak to the officers n they will be released. Winch. Keeping wishing pple bad n u will see how miserable ur useless life will end up.

  49. Please don't pull the race card. It does happen to Brits and any others who flout the law.
    My question is: how were they found out? Girls, look at your friends. Someone snitched on you. Onye ma mmadu ne bu mmadu.
    They should also deport all these people doing illegal marriage.

  50. I pity these little girls. Immigration lawyers in Canada, please help them from their hide out.

  51. Lindsay Schultz-Taylor2 October 2012 at 21:54

    I feel no ounce of remorse for these girls. As a Canadian Nigerian I find it really hard to believe that these girls did not know they had work restrictions. When I was a student in college I worked part time for the international student department in my school and work restriction was something hammered on and talked about so many times during international student orientation, but some students will not listen. Multipple emails are usually sent during the semester to international students about work restrictions but people think they can just go against the law. You are in your third year and claiming you didn’t know about the restictions. There are laws and restrictions and you are supposed to follow them, this is not Nigeria where everything and anything goes. Some students will go work off campus get into trouble and claim they didn’t know about the restriction. It’s pretty sad but that’s the way it works in Canada.

    1. Lwkm bloody liar claiming canadian. Stupid villager becos ur neighbour has told u how everythng is u now want to start claiming canada hear...

  52. There are rules, laws, and order here in Canada; if you follow the rules you will not have any problem. If you choose to be lawless and break the law then you face the consequences. If you want to be lawless go back to Nigeria where everything and anything goes, where you can run the red light and kill multiple people and get away with it or bribe someone. There are penalties and accountability here, each person is accountable for their actions. These young ladies were not supposed to be working off campus, they could have worked on campus and gotten paid $11 – $20 per hour but chose to be greedy and break the law. Now they are giving some flimsy lies that they didn’t know about the rules. It’s clearly written on your permit card and discussed so many times during orientation but some Nigerians just love to break the law and then lie they didn’t know about it. Please it doesn’t work that way in Canada. There are some genuine Nigerians here working their tail off in college and you have these two young girls breaking the law and tainting the image of the few Nigerians that are genuinely obeying the law. Just to let you know these girls were working illegally and it’s a crime and there are penalties for that. There were Nigerians like this when I was in college they go work off campus and when they get caught they lie about not knowing the rules, there were some good ones too. We don’t need people like this that break the law as they wish, they taint the image of the few good Nigerians here. If you like to break the law and do as you wish please sit your butt in Nigeria and don’t come to Canada and destroy the image of the genuine Nigerians here. I can’t feel any sympathy or remorse for anyone that breaks the law. We also can’t be bending the rules for anybody, bending rules here and there causes lawlessness. The rules apply to everybody regardless of where you come from. If you were Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, e.t.c –you will face the same penalty, so it’s not because you are Nigerian. Obey the rules of the land and you will have no problem, break the rules and you will face full penalty and consequences.

  53. brainless twits posting as @anons..guilty conscience did I mention specifcally 9jas??..
    said people that flaunted the rules!!

    Curse me all you want if you ever have the chance to travel cos its so obvious you haven't..come to Europe/North America and pull that shit u do in 9ja..and see if ur azz doesn't get fried!!

    Do you have an idea of the no of 9jas in prisons as far flung as Brazil..indonesia..UK..US..China..Thailand..Malay..SA..just to name a few..

    Still insist hope its 2 weeks for their sakes cos I know oyinbos cold nature if they go thru the records and find they lying..there's no turning back!!..

    From Onome..Luba..Maxi..my turn now abi??..villain of the week

    1. Shut up this idoit haha. R u mad or u trying to be mad? Is it that u don't have sense or uve decided not to use ur brain. Kai I feel for ur parents o. So how do u know dey won't go bk r u God? Abi aren't this same oyinbos human? Or y u talking like a fool. Have u been abroad b4 n if u r opportuned to is ur father the head of immigration in canada abi what d fuck gives u d confidence that u won't go bk. I won't blame u sha as u don shit ur brain so u allowed to chat rubbish.... Fool!

  54. Lindsay Schultz-Taylor3 October 2012 at 15:00

    @ Anonymous said...

    "October 3, 2012 2:22 PM"
    It's paining you so much. I was born in Canada to Nigerian Parents and I have lived here all my life. You are so used to being lawless that's why you talk the way you do. This is not Nigeria, if you want to act stupid and break the laws please sit your ass in Nigeria where you can kill someone in broad day light and get away it. We have rules and laws here and everyone is responsible for their actions. If you break the rules you face the consequences. My parents raised me well so there is no way I can feel bad for these young ladies. You either follow the law or you get lost.

    1. Lmao. E ka bo ooo (welcome) liar liar. I don't have any reason to blv u r a canadian cos u talk like a useless village grl who was taught to say all this. Don't worry don't worry dear ur dreams will come true one day....

  55. @ Anonymous said...

    "October 3, 2012 2:18 PM"

    Sorry to bust your bubble I have lived in Canada for 15yrs and I have never been deported. I have always been ethical and obeyed every immigration law. I am presently a Lawyer and I can feel pity or sorry for these girls. I have seen to many of their kinds when I was in college. There is nothing harsh about the laws and rules. Laws, rules and regulations are made to be followed. If you want to break rules as you please do yourself and everyone a favor stay in Nigeria. If you are going to come to Canada and bring that stupid lawless attitude ( break the rules as you please and claim you didn't know them) you have going on in Nigeria, don't expect me to feel sorry or be praying for you when the repercussions are rendered. This is one of the reasons Nigeria is a third world country. Anything and everything goes there. This is how things work here in Canada, USA, UK, and other developed countries and if you can keep up with it stay in Nigeria.

    1. Yo shut up! Am an american citizen n also a nigerian citizens cos of ma parents. Presently doing ma MBA in liberty university and working buh still have human feelings for these grls. Shit happens n they need to be pardon

  56. @ Anonymous said...

    "October 3, 2012 2:30 PM"
    I have lived in Canada for 15 yrs and I have also visited 35 other countries. It's sad that you can't compose a paragraph without using unnecessary abbreviations and foul languages. Please next time write like someone that actually went to high school and graduated.

    You know the law and then break the law -- for some reason you expect me to sympathize with them. Nigerians have the habit of trying to play fast and loose games with immigration laws in other countries, then claim they didn't know the law. I didn't just go to Law School just for nothing. If I saw you breaking the law especially when you know what it states I will make sure you face the maximum consequences. Why break the law in the first place if you know deportation is the repercussion. We can't just be
    bending rules here and there.

  57. @ Lindsay Schultz-Taylor and Lee Min Jung..
    Comeon.. no one is perfect, i mean evryone knws d ladies were aware of the rules but choose to try out some unlawful iish.. but for christ sake dats y we r humans. i mean.. i drive in d UK without a licence n i knw d penalties, n if i get caught ofcourse facing d penalties wldnt be evil.
    we always wanna push our lucks in somethngs "meaningful or crazy" but wat i dnt knw cos i hv never been to canada b4 is...... is deporting the penalty for this crime??? cos if it is, then i think 9igeria needs to put up some stringent LAW too for foreigner's to 50 it up.
    dats if we can even get a handful of em' here cos truth is y study in canada or UK if u can hv same standard in 9igeria. But the question is can we????
    it all f**king falls bak to our govt fellow 9igerians it all does SMH...

  58. Lindsay Schultz-Taylor3 October 2012 at 18:13

    @ Anonymous said...
    "October 3, 2012 4:20 PM "

    You know what I have absolutely no need to lie. I am glad I was born, raised and live in a civilized and developed country (Canada). I am glad I live in a country where there are rules, regulations, laws and consequences when you break them. I like the fact that people cannot just run the red light or stop sign, kill someone, without proper consequences. This is not Nigeria, you can't bribe your way out of a crime you knowingly committed.I am a very proud Canadian born and I would not trade it for anything. If it hurts and pains you so much go plunge yourself in the Ocean. I don't need to be explaining to you where I come from.

    @ Anonymous said...
    "October 3, 2012 4:24 PM"

    You make me laugh. You are currently getting your MBA degree and you can't type in proper English. Didn't you learn anything studying for your SAT, ACT or GMAT English. When you have learnt how to type in proper English then we can have a conversation and please stop embarrassing yourself.

    1. Lwkm. U r a liar jor. What eva I might have typed wuld have been a typo that if its wrong. Then again am not claiming a language that isn't mine on like u forming canadian(oniro oshi) Yes am an american citizen ma parents filed for me. Presently doing ma MBA in liberty uni n ma major is international business. Was proudly born in 9ja n brought up in 9ja n know the culture n have human feelings. Its just a pity ur parents brought u up this way buh am I suppose to blame pple living in the village?! No don't think so. Like I said wen u r opportuned to at least go to lagos n know ow d city is like then holla.... Stupid child

  59. Lindsay Schultz-Taylor4 October 2012 at 18:04

    @ Anonymous "October 4, 2012 6:32 AM"

    I don't remember Ontario, Canada being a village, Lagos,Nigeria maybe.Please go plunge yourself in the ocean if you are still bitter about me born and raised in Canada.I will always be proud to be a Canadian. I have human feelings but not for people that knowingly break the law. You are claiming it was a typo wow. You instead of "U", Ever instead of "eva", My instead "ma". The list goes on and on.Liberty University should be ashamed of the product they have for an MBA Student. PROUD CANADIAN

  60. Linda taylor and Anonymous why wash your dirty linens for the whole world to see, you're both claiming stuffs we really dont care about, are you both blind to see that everyone has left the comments to the both of you since you've both decided to make it personal...I can actually guess you both stay in nigeria or in canada under your parents since you've both chosen to act like children that you are...well i dont blame you @ all, the body choses to grow but not your minds... Even with all your International Education, a UNILAG graduate will never act this way.what a pity...

  61. Many nations r tryin to show d international community how strictly they stick 2 thr constitutn, rules n regulatns but our leaderz r here looting n embezling public funds n doin little or nofin bout d law of d land…I just pray the canadian gov’t/people reconsider diz our 2 Nigerian ladies, 4 them to finish thr schoolin thr.

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