Amber Rose is really pregnant. (Photos) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 2 September 2012

Amber Rose is really pregnant. (Photos)

Amber Rose and fiance, Wiz Khalifa are expecting their first child. A glowing Amber was photographed yesterday rocking her baby happy for her! 


  1. Yayyyyyyyyyy that's my girl love you Amber Rose.

  2. Who is the father? Cos she is a slut

    1. Ha BA!!!!! Did she do it with you,stop bashing people cos u are hiding behind ur device. Be happy for Something good like this na......shikina!!!!!

    2. Why not ask your dad/brother/boyfriend? They should know since it takes a fellow slut to know one... And since u can't read the caption below the photos... Maybe since they know you're a slut too they can help u out. Dummy.

    3. Did she snatch ur bf or shez fucked ur brother???

    4. Did she snatch ur bf or shez fucked ur brother???

    5. Who is d father? Is that so hard for you to comphrend? I wonder y u are calling her a slut,atleast she get person wey go marry her..wetin u get?

  3. I love this girl but Wizkhalifa irritates the shit out of me. I hate him with passion.

    1. He doesn't like u either (˘̯˘ )

  4. She look beatiful in pregnancy. Wish dem d best of luck.

  5. Awwwww, she looks so beautiful.

  6. Good for her, it shows dt she has finally gotten over kanye. Am sure she will stop bad mouthing kim nw.

  7. Look at those witch nails. Lol
    Now that she is bringing a child into this world, its about time she change her life for the better

    1. @Alicia you hate yourself and your job I can tell. What should she change to?

    2. Wetin?! Ur bad belle sef! Can't u just congratulate her nd stop being bitter?
      I knw many mothers who love gettin their manicure done and still raise their children properly, bein a good mother has nothin to do wiv a manicure.
      Ur jst jealous cos ur nails r chipped nd have fungus!

    3. Lol...Aduntos

  8. What do you mean by she's really pregnant? So you think it was false when it was reported last week? She's not like fake Bey.

  9. Confirm!!!!!! The baby should have at least 40% of Weed in his/her Blood stream shaa !!! :D

  10. Shez gonna b so FAT.
    I luv Pregnancy.
    I want a baby boy.
    Billie jean

    1. I want multiples.....:) goodluck billie jean!

  11. am sooooo happy... Wish them well

  12. Is dz amber? Looks so different

  13. Linda y r u sooo happy for her? Itz not like u know the chic

  14. Awwwww...really cute. Happy for them!

  15. Amber baby , congratulations . Linda baby , you are next ma'am... Don't marry celeb tho , I don see vision , marry a Dr , architect or a business man .

  16. Congrats to them,wiz did what kanye couldn't abi didn't do de ni

  17. She still looks nice.Congrats to her .Dont forget to check out thanks

    1. Francis,u don leave yahoo come begin do blogging?na wa o

    2. Lmao! @ anonymous 7.45.....i tot i was d only one dat notices him no pay hin ass ni (funnny shiiiiiiit).all na hussling oo jarwe francis buh if yur supposed weekly dollz dey pay u,y blogging again?

  18. I hope that child doesn't grow up to smoke weed
    *i'm just saying*

  19. Congratz 2 em, wat else 2 say ( ˘˘̯)

  20. Eyahhh.. Dats nice. Tot she would bother about loosing her sexiness. Congrats to them

  21. Hmmmm....dats ma baby, so so happy for her

  22. a̷̷̴̐͠♏ S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴͡ S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴͡ happy fO̶̲̥̅̊Я̩̥̊ her.

  23. So happy for r cos I love r...muahh

  24. linda, why are u always promoting the birth of bastards with this your 'am happy for her' talk? abeg, lets hear jare... b

    1. I don't think you know what a bastard is

    2. Wow! I'm so blown away by your statement! Are you educated? Of course not! So bastards come from where then? Hell?, satan?!

      May God forgive you...

    3. O what do you expect amber to do wiv the "bastard" child? Kill it? Stop being a bitter idiot! She's getting married to wiz and a child, no matter the case, is a gift from God.

    4. Bastard from where to where....the pickin get papa and Amber child is a product of her marriage with her husband....

      So people can talk rubbish, why don't u shutup instead of typing rubbish. It takes a bastard to knw another

    5. You are the bastard!! You judgemental fool!! Idiot!!! How dare you insult an innocent soul? What kind of animal are you? Inbred fool

    6. Wat makes her baby a bastard, linda jst tld u d baby's father

    7. Bastards?? Pls shut it and take you holier than the pope self somewhere else.

  25. Congratz 2 dem both ope they r grateful 4 de gift of a child cos many r lukin

  26. @ Anonymous Sept 6 6:24pm..."shes not like fake bey" u must be the most stupid person ever...that in this day and age u still think Bey's pregnancy was fake??? like wth?
    U are obviously very shallow minded! The world has moved past that.

  27. I love this couple so much! Hope they last realy really long!

  28. Blood is thicker than water ... That child is a ganja farmer

  29. Umm... Anonymous September 2, 2012 7:27 PM is actually right. Why are you bashing him? A bastard is a child whose parents were not in wedlock before his birth. No more, no less.

    It seems fornicating and giving birth out of wedlock is the order of the day.

    1. Eyah nw I can see ur still a virgin. U must b a fool 4 ur comment nah ur type go give woamn belle n u go tell am say mk she go remove am....ant brain!

    2. Well if u do not like it den u dnt hv to follow d trend........
      Tlkin lyk u aint fornicated b4.
      puhleeeeeease pple stop casting stones

  30. Anon September 2, 2012 8:13 PM idiotic worshipping Bey voltron. You are sitting in your cave and worshipping her. Keep your ignorance and crass stupidity to yourself. Why not watch the videos of the fake pregnancy while you have time on your hands. Oh i forgot you still want to worship that fake woman so you will be blind forever. Oshisco.

    1. "Crass" and "stupidity" = totology. Pretty much means the same thing so stop spewing vocabs that u obviously dnt knw their meanings *rolling eyes!

  31. I'm sorry but this chick looks nothing like Amber Rose! Are you sure you have your facts right???

  32. I hope some of you who are insulting/cursing someone's unborn child is from God sha? May God forgive una and let thunder no strike the stupid fingers y'all are using to type. stupid idiots.
    Absolute no respect not even for the innocent child with ur absurd comment. mscheeeeew

  33. wow! she looks different...

  34. the child is innocent, but what the parents have done is against Godly all the haters...check ur dictionary for the meaning of bastard o...7:27 is right...dummies b

  35. Some LIB!'s READERS need to give their lives to Jesus Christ ! Calling an innocent child bastard,is uncalled for here haba.

  36. @anon 7:27.u must be a bitter fool.araa gbaakwa gi!na u n confirm it better 4 u if she aborts her baby?I'm sure u've aborted or paid for abortuons 4 abt 5tyms.or do u feel or think u are a better person dan she is?pls remove the log of wood in ur eye before u remove the speck in anothers.happie sunday bloggers

  37. who is this retired fool calling an innocent child who has a father and mother a bastard.. did u go to school at all? are u sure you were born by a human being? ur so heartless and definitely speak like an element of no commercial value. abeg park somewhere and let people with positive minds speak. This blog aint meant for u. Goat head oshi. u definitely qualify to be one of them boko haram cuz u fit kill person as u no even fear God. Mschew.

  38. So, somebody tell it now RIGHT for girls to get pregnant before marriage??? As we all know, its not lyk Amber and Wiz are poor and cant afford a d same vein, Adele too...wots reli happening in our world today?

    1. Marriage no dey last... Divorce is rampant. There, u have ur reason.

  39. Amber swts, she looks so diff, I'm happy for her and Khalifa.
    Lol @ dope baby
    And YES bey's preggy was FAKE and You know it.

  40. Your child is only a bastard if you choose to call dat child dat. Nobody's goin to name ur child 4 u. I think It's quite hurtful to call an innocent child who had nuthin to do wit his/her birth a bastard considering the derogatory tone of the word.
    Being wise is obviously not about knowing ur dictionary cover to cover.
    If all u have to say about those little gifts from God is that, then ur opinion deserves to be left in ur head.
    Dint ur mother teach u 'if u don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all' ???.....obviously not
    I dare u to open ur trash talking mouth in front on wiz to call his baby dat.....let's c if u'll live to tell d story

  41. Awww am so happy for her.she still looks cute

  42. She looks different.

    Warri Girl.

  43. @Anonymous September 2, 2012 9:52 PM

    Before God and man, I've never done what you're accusing me of. Just because your past has been stained with fornication doesn't mean everyone's like you :)

    1. LMAO... The mere fact that u replied just gives ur sorry judgemental ass away. You're a FORNICATOR. Stop judging people.

  44. @Anonymous September 2, 2012 9:50 PM

    You're talking like Weed Khalifa is some god or something. Ha! He's just a lanky tattooed no good. It seems you don't know how strong we full blooded Africans are. I can say it in his face and there's nothing he can do except call on his bodyguards like the coward he is.

    Sad sad world.

    1. Said the pathetic fool hiding behind anonymous. No one knows your sorry broke ass. HATER

  45. Gosh! I'm 17 and I'm honestly surprised at what the so-called adults are saying. Basically promoting this but if it were their fellow sisters and patriots, they'll be quick to condemn.
    I just think of what the world is turning to. Later, you'll be the same hypocrites to call us disrespectful, to judge us.
    I'll never listen to the words of any adult besides my parents. This is just a tip of the iceberg of what our society has become.

    1. Go and read your books somethings on this blog are rated r...and FYI wiz and amber are married. Nobody witnessed it but he stated it. They don't owe us the info as u can see she minds her business these days and someone came to get shots of this time

    2. No Anne...u r NOT 17. LMAOOOO... Who u think u fooling with ur holier than thou comment? FOH dummy.

    3. Don't you have your A levels to attend to? Back to your books.

  46. A bastard is a child whose birth lacks legal legitimacy— that is, one born to a woman and a man who are not legally married.

    In as much as that is the case, we must consider that the word now seems 2 be a derogatory term: it is therefore morally wrong to refer to an innocent child as a bastard.. For crying out loud, this particular child hasn't even been born!

  47. "Children are a gift from God."

    OK. Let's see if you'll be making that statement when your daughter who just started university gets pregnant. :))

    1. How do you think sef? Your comparing a woman of about 30 to a teenage girl? Women get artificially inseminated at that age to avoid missing out on motherhood. Nobody calls their children bastards, leave the couple alone abeg they didn't ask you

    2. Its 2012 not 1812... So calm down, having a child doesn't mean someone's world will end. And NO sin is greater than the other. So until you get your saint badge STFU. Thank you

  48. Linda puhleeese post my comment bey's pregnancy ws nt fake I repeat bey's pregnancy ws nt fake all dem haters shud pls go to hell congrats oo wiz nd amber I ope u hide ur baby from pple cuz dey wud soon start lookin for iz real fada stupid pple

  49. AWWW.. i love amber rose. congrats to her and wiz khalifa

  50. Wow...its so painful dat stupidity doesn't kill or else the world would have been a much better place...what kind of uneducated retard uses derogatory names on an unborn child?...oh I know,people who didn't have a proper upbringing...if ur sad cos u were born into an unfortunate family doesn't mean u shud rub it off on happy pple who don't give a rat-ass about ur existence.

  51. Did amber jst enta d university mcheeew abeg undastand wat pple re sayin b4 u put ur mouth nd linda puhluesee abeg post my ptevious comment oo it ws nt malicious in aniway b4 u give me any excuse *hisses*

  52. Pls dis is not Amber Rose

  53. That's amazing! Shouts out to Wiz Khalifa for swelling her up with that baby bump. Dude's about to be a father! That's COOL! Just make sure he doesn't smoke so much weed as his daddy, Amber. Congratulations!!!

  54. Most LIB readers are damn hypocrites!..if it were say..dencia or some other naija girl,she would have been insulted with over 200 comments..true a child is a gift from God but having one out of wedlock(which seems to be the norm these days) isn't something to go "awww so happy for them".morals have been swept into the gutters in this age!..

  55. @Zaynab. You obviously like hearing yourself talk. I made two separate comments in one, i never said her nails had anything to do with it. Now go and suck boobies and stop wining.

  56. @Anon 8.13pm u r the stupid fool for believing that bey preg was real.u ve neva heard of surrogate,pls get a life n stop believing everything u c cos many r nt real

  57. at least she decided to settle down, not like kim. But girls, if una dey enjoy, abeg remember ur kids future, make people no insult dem too much oo.

  58. The child's gona be born high lol

  59. She looks so different and FINEEEEEEEE. She's so lucky. Unlike some women I know that went from fine to worwor during pregnancy.. LOL.

    And to all these Anons that are fighting, it's more fun when you put ya names. And to those who are calling the child bastard already, I feel for your souls. Read your holy books very well - God has a way of using "mistakes" for the greatest good on earth!

  60. Ha. I love this. The truth really does hurt. Telling me to go and read my books because I told them facts. At least, I'm in school and have a future ahead of me. Who are you to tell me what to do? Remove the log in your eye before you point at my speck. Big for nothing so called adults.

    @Anonymous September 2, 2012 11:58 PM

    Just because you had no access to Internet at 17 doesn't mean I'm like you and just because you're a fornicator doesn't mean I'm like you. Bunch of Shameless idiots.

  61. Congrats to them !

  62. lmao... all these Anonymous LIB wey dey form voltron for Amber and Wiz mata! News Flash o! dey dnt kno u exist! hian! see insults on top anoda person mata! Jeez! drinking panadaol for mata way no concern una. Even d ones quoting biblical terms dey insult person! na wa o! haahaha...hypocrites!

  63. Correct girl she knows how to stamp her presence not like that stupid kim k fooling herself with Kanye at 32.

  64. According to the dictionary, a bastard is a child whose parents are not married. Shakena!

  65. Amber rocks. Wiz too


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